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Topic:  Ch. 7-B Army
Demi Wraith
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
January 28, 2002 7:20:52 PM    View the profile of Demi Wraith 
The Dominion was still in hyperspace, its destination…Tadath.  After the Jedi trainees were dropped off on Lopen, the Dominion and the three squads onboard had gotten fresh supplies of weapons, ammo, more weapons, foodstuff, and medicine from the Imperial Center plus a couple more things also…since they knew that supplies were blocked off to Lotaith and Tadath they decided to take some heavy equipment to use; Repulsortanks, Armored Attack Tanks, Siege Vehicles, some Hovertanks, a whole bunch of Military Speeder Bikes, AT-PTs, AT-STs, a few AT-AAs just for those starfighters that get too close to the ground, and a couple of AT-ATs.     DW was sitting on a bar stool sipping a bit of Savarene Brandy.  The lounge was filled with Stormtroopers, some drinking, others drunk.  Over to the right side of his shoulder he could see that a couple of them have a Sabacc game going.  There was a loud commotion; looks like they were arguing about if Jedi was cheating by using the Force to anticipate what card will come up next.  Looks like Otto was getting very furious, he probably lost his salary for this month on one game of Sabacc.  Otto cursed at the game as he threw the cards down and started towards the bar. “So much did you lose?” DW inquired.  Otto sighed, “ About 4,000 IC’s…which is more than half my paycheck from last month.  Damn Jedi, I bet he was using the Force to cheat.”  He signaled the robo bartender over and ordered a Courascant Sunrise.  “I hope we can make it to Tadath in time to save it from complete Rebel occupation.”  DW said.  “Yeah I know, lets hope so.” Otto replied.  The robo bartender came back with Otto’s Courascant Sunrise.  “Thank you.” Otto said as he sipped his drink. DW was tired; he hadn’t slept for days now.  He had done so much the last few days, blowing a rebel starfighter factory under three hours, raiding a Jedi Academy, making reports, getting his squad to stay alive long enough to get back to Lotaith, trying to stay alive himself long enough.  Well now he had the time to catch up on his sleep, twenty hours till they reached Tadath.  DW gulped down the rest of his drink and saluted good night to Otto, he went off to his quarters and took a long snooze. ============ Many Hours Later ============ A female voice had woken him from his sleep, it was a message from the captain, she wanted all Squad leaders to meet her on the bridge.  He had slept for 18 hours,  DW let out a long yawn and stretched out his arms and legs.  Mmmm…that was some good shut eye.  The captain of the ship had just announced that they would be arriving at Tadath within two hours.  He had to get his squad and himself ready for the next upcoming battle.  DW put his Stormtrooper gear on, checked his equipment making sure that everything was in perfect order.  Once he finished his equipment check, he walked out of his quarters and got the rest of DD up and ready.  He needed to meet up with the other squad leaders and discuss their plan of attack on Tadath =========== Two Hours Later =========== All three squad leaders proceeded on the bridge.  The Dominion dropped out of hyperspace and into back into real space again.  They had finally reached Tadath…VE Army Headquarters.  There was a small Rebel fleet waiting for us, one Lancer Frigate, a couple of CC-9600s, and a squadron of starfighters. “Us navy pilots will take care of that Frigate and those escorts, you army grunts get your squad prepped and ready, once we get rid of these Rebel nuisances we’ll launch the Assault Transports onto Tadath.  Ensign, launch all TIE Droids and prepare for battle.  Good luck to you squad leaders.”  The captain saluted as he finished his last sentence. OOC: Once we land on Tadath all three squads will find our way to the Army HQ and take that back from the Rebels, once we complete that we'll take out any remaining Rebels that are left.   ----------------------- Sergeant Major Duran "Demi Wraith" Driscoll SL/SGM Demi Wraith/2SQD/1PLT/1COM/1BAT/1RGT/VEA/VE [ES:2] [EW:1]
[This message has been edited by Demi Wraith (edited January 30, 2002 8:01:59 PM)]
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
January 28, 2002 9:24:42 PM    View the profile of Warmaker 
Peacemaker was sitting in his quartier cleaning his weapons, earlier he was in the lounge, drinked a few and sit there watching the others getting drunk, but then he goes back to his quartier. On his bed lays severall parts of his Heavy Blaster Riffle, every part has PM cleaned and now he puts them all together again. The weapon is the best friend of a Stromtrooper, on the Academy they all have learned to use it and they have learned to love it. Everybody knows a good cleaned weapon can decide over Live and Death. PM rememberd an old friend of him, he knows him since the Academy, but he was to lazily with his Equipment and so it comes as it must come someday. A new Battle starts and his friend runs out off the Transporter, ready to kill, when he saw a Rebel he aimed and shoot, but nothing happened. The Riffle was in a bad shape. PM rememberd the moment when he saw his friend the look in his eyes as he knows its over, he tryed to help him, but it was to late, a shoot hit him direct in his heart, he was dead before he hit the ground. "That will not happen to me" sayed PM as he looked on his gun Equipment. Suddenly he heard a voice over the com, the Dominium had reached Tadath The Time for Revenge has come .... (Sorry, wrong nick)   ----------------------- EFM/WO2 Warmaker/Viper 3-2/WING I/mSSD Atrus/VE/VEN (=A=) (=SA=) (=JCPA=) (=SCPA=) [VC-B] You can run but you cannot hide
[This message has been edited by Warmaker (edited January 28, 2002 9:27:29 PM)]
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
January 28, 2002 9:26:07 PM    View the profile of Warmaker 
[This message has been edited by Warmaker (edited January 28, 2002 9:26:52 PM)]
Riel Fury
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
January 28, 2002 9:40:51 PM    View the profile of Riel Fury 
Dragoon pulled Kiption to the side before they went into the battlefield, and he handed him a note.  "If I don't make it, make sure that this get's to Grrl Fury in Viper squadron.  Even if I do, make sure she gets this...It says everything I've been trying to say for three months now." Kiption nodded and they headed into the shadows.  He whispered to Dragoon, "what makes you think that if you die I won't go with you?" Dragoon looked back, his piercing blue eyes almost shining in the moonlight.  "Because, you're not allowed to die without my permission.  Therefore, I order you not to die on this, or any, mission."  He continued stalking in the shadows forward, while whispering just loud enough for Kip to here what he was saying.  "Besides, I'm the impetuous one.  I'm normally the one that get's in front of the blaster fire and takes the shots.  That's just the way it is." The armor they had on made them almost blend right into the shadows.  Dragoon's hands were the only thing that told Kip where to go.  Dragoon motioned for Kip to stop.  He pulled up his sniper rifle and aimed it at a guard's head about 300 meters away, and Kip aimed at another one.  Both, almost instinctively, fired at the exact same time.  Both troops dropped to the ground, limp. "Nice shot," Kip said. "Same to you," Dragoon replied, stoically.  He looked at Kip.  He WOULD survive this, even if dragoon didn't.  Which means Grrl would finally know how he truly felt.  Well, that was one load off his chest.  The other was the rebel troops occupying the planet...
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
January 28, 2002 10:20:20 PM    View the profile of Argon Viper 
Argon Viper hit the switch for reentry, coming in exactly where he had planned to. The Lancer had been making a run on the transports issuing from the Dominion, trying to kill the troops on their way to the planet. Argon imagined the surprise of the crew as a Marauder Corvette came out of hyperspace just "above" them and opened fire with its twelve dual turbolaser cannons. Even as he did so, Fish launched in his old TIE Horror, and began showing one of CC-9600 Frigates why it was called a horror. Argon's turbolasers reduced the Lancer's shields to squat in a matter of microseconds, burying themselves deep within the engine and bridge portions of the ship. The bridge portion produced no reaction to the massive firepower brought to bear on it, but the engines acted as if they were made of napalm. A massive explosion ripped through the rear of the ship, spraying debris and what might have once been people in all directions. "Hey transports,"Argon said into the comm,"this is the guy who just saved a couple of your rear ends.  You guys gonna make it down in one piece?" "Yeh,"came the reply.  Viper couldn't place the voice,"we'll be fine as long as you can keep the CC's off of us." "Can do,"replied Viper, turning the comm back to the DK freq and driving the ship at one of the CC-9600 Frigates, which was busily hammering at the Dominion. He hoped that the Navy would finally admit he was a real pilot after this, because if it didn't, then he would have to go through all his stuff to find his old wings from the IW, the DLSF, the HOS:SO, and the EH to prove it to them and let him fly some other ships...
Argon Viper
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
January 29, 2002 12:46:23 AM    View the profile of Fallen 
Raxen grabbed his duffel bag and and re-arranged it for the fifth time in five minutes. It was an understatement. Raxen was as jumpy as a bouncing object; he needed to work it off. After a while, he decided that he could not stand it anymore. He grabed his track suit and headed towards the workout room. After pumping hard for around an hour, he went to dry up in a bathroom. Cleaning himself up, he wondered where they are now. Sure hope that he would be able to get movin' soon. Things are slow ..   OOC: Darn! Not Again ... ----------------------- WO2 Jay 'Fallen' Anduril [Army: Raxen] Aegis 3-3, Lusthawk Nine, AG Member FL/WO2 Fallen/Aegis 3-1/1/mSSD Atrus/1ESF/VE/VEN/(=A=)(=SA=)[VC]
[This message has been edited by Fallen (edited January 29, 2002 12:47:37 AM)]
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
January 29, 2002 3:43:11 PM    View the profile of Fury 
He kept hoping this was some form of nightmare and that he would wake up soon.  Fury blinked, then squeezed his eyes shut and pinched himself, then opened his eyes again. Stang. The VSD Galcura had been emptied of wounded and dead.  It had also been stripped bare of anything that could move...and a lot that couldn't.  Half a klick back through the tunnel system, a freshly dug side tunnel now served as a mess hall/lounge for those fighting in this area.  The entire enlisted men's galley had been moved to provide a means of getting meals to both fighters and refugees. Topside, Fury stood alongside most of the senior VE and FES commanders who could make it here.  With the addition of three AT-AAs, they had finally provided some air defense cover to at least part of the planet.  A courier ship from Cephany had come with whatever could be stripped from the failing planetary defenses there.  Along with that shipment came some of the prototype walkers that Imperial Center was working on selling.  So, along with enough fuel cells to keep their armor running for the next three days, they now had quick AT-RT and -ET scout walkers to provide some more mobility.  While their patrol area had stabilized with the addition of fully charged armor and anti-air defenses, the Galcura was also sacrificing hull plating to an improved defensive structure.  Like a bunch of pre-fab buildings which had sprung up early the previous day, now serving as forward area motor pools, field hospitals, and comm centers.  Other plates found themselves serving as the local highway through the muddy terrain or as fortified berms for the outer rings of defenses. Thus far the FES had taken the salvaging of their ship in good stride.  Fury would've been a little more angry in their place.  Then again, they were alive, and that had to count for something. Luck had been with them so far.  They had traded ground throughout the city for time to build up an offensive force here.  Fury looked over towards the capital and checked his datapad. Over 60% of the city and surroundings were pure rubble now.  Organized resistance had disappeared two days before, replaced by small swarming teams of hit and fade guerillas.  The enemy was methodically moving into the city, trying to find booby-traps before they lost any more troops to them.  Comm relays assured them that the VE high command was still located somewhere in the city, thus their determination to keep taking the city.  In truth, the tunnel systems had so far remained in VE hands.  The hope was that when the enemy came close, people could be moved out through the tunnels into a safer zone.  One of those zones being the base being erected around the wrecked of the fallen VSD.  In time, they would be a major target again.  For now the enemy only concentrated on keeping their territory contained. Fury could live with that as long as it bought them time to train some more volunteers into a fighting force. Some experienced troops would be nice, but until the Corps could ensure the rest of VE territory would stay in friendly hands, it was a risk they couldn't take.  Taking Tadath would allow a staging area for troops to move out from in case of need elsewhere.  The navy could ensure the enemy wouldn't move in and assault again, but it usually fell to the army to rid any infestation of invaders if some slipped through.  That took lots of weapons and bodies, more than an overloaded VSD could carry. At the moment, he had to worry about staying alive. And that meant taking the war to the enemy before they came back in force.  The FES mechs were moving to take on a regiment of light infantry.  VE repulsorcraft and artillery would take care of the defenses on either flank, hopefully allowing the walkers mow down enemy troops. If this worked, maybe they could link up with the local partisans and work on a more creative and useful plan.
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
January 29, 2002 6:42:28 PM    View the profile of Cosmic 
OOC: Ok, I'm a little confused.  My last post stated that I evacuated Tadath along with the veterans and trainees. The civillians took the evacuation shuttles and were now enter/leaving orbit of Tadath because the atmosphere was failing quickly.  My team was headed for Lopen to rendezvous with the Dominion, but now I hear that the Dominion is in orbit with Tadath now.  Anyway, I'll just post from there. -------------------------------------- Cosmic walked out of the shower and put on his brown tunic uniform.  He then walked to his little drower near his bunk and pulled out his lightsaber and clicked it onto his hilt.  He would never again leave it somewhere where he couldn't grab it within seconds. He walked into the mess hall and ordered some coffee. "So, it's some big-time fightin' now eh?" Said the man delivering his cup of coffee. Cosmic nodded. "Yep.  Ships are in combat and the troops are prepared to launch for an assault.  I'm just waiting for further orders.  As of now, the trainees are being heavily trained for combat.  They will be needed." "I hear the atmosphere is failing fast too." Said the man. Cosmic nodded. "There is only a little atmosphere left in some parts of the planet.  Most of our troops will have to wear non-atmospheric suits." The man nodded. "Anything else I can get for you, Captain?" Cosmic shook his head. "No thanks." The man nodded and left. --------------------------------- OOC: Ok, I'm waiting for more orders.
CO/SL/DJK Cosmic/Lion 1-1/mSSD Atrus/VEDJ/VE [VP][KC1]
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
January 29, 2002 10:24:03 PM    View the profile of Fallen 
Raxen stood in the main hold, with a couple of his duffel bags with him. They are nearing Tadath. Beside him stood his squadmates: Japer, Dez, Tylen and some others. He glanced at them, a thought creeping into his mind. Some of them would vanish before the battle was over. Like Jubeii. But war's like that; it's either you live or you die. That was pretty basic philosophy. Survival of the fittest. 'Ship close to Tadath orbit.' The bridge made a annoucement over the communications system. Japer perked up and motioned the IH to follow him to the waiting hold near the hangar. There they will wait til specific orders were given. Raxen shifted his blaster rifle slung on his shoulders. His trusty mate and maybe the only thing that will prevent him from being killed, other than his brains or with the help of someone else on the IH. -- OOC: Awaiting orders. Raxen --
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
January 30, 2002 9:52:52 AM    View the profile of Raziel 
    Wraith squad were now withing striking distance of their target. The building looked bare enough, but it seemed to be the hub of enemy activity. It was not soldiers were came here though. It was logistical personnel who came here every day, this was why it had been flagged as the target.     Before leaving Argon and Fish had set some serious explosives off in the western half of the city, right now thats where most of the troops were too. Busy putting fires out probably, Raziel mused.     There approach had been without much delay, only 5 guards had got in the way and they had been delt with swiftly. Raziel estimated they had another 15-20 minutes before they were discovered.     "Ok Everyone we're here." he whispered. "I want us out of here in 15 minutes, that means we get in, get the data and get out. I reckon that splitting up into small groups and heading off in roughly different directions'll give us the best chance. We should all head of east and there we'll be picked up...assuming the Scythe hasn't got into any trouble "     The two guards at the door didn't even see death coming their way. One was hit by a silenced pistol and the other had Dragoon come from behind him and slit his throat.     Raziel went to work on getting the door open as Kiption and Dragoon took the downed men into cover. Just before the door could be opened two men in the window above Raziel looked down.     Seeing a group of enemy soldiers they immediately went to action.     One of them brought his rifle up to his shoulder and shouted "Hold it" as the other drew a comlink from his pocket. Before he could get a message off however Raziel's keen ears heard a small wining sound. A millisecond later he went flying back into the building, out of site. Cloud had helped them out there Raziel realised.     Panicking the other soldier opened fire, he got off one shot before arkanian took him down.     "Sir, man down!"     Damnit, thought Raziel. He turned to see nomar lying in a pool of his own blood.     "Get him out of site," Raziel whispered. Nomar was quite dead.     He could only hope that the shots hadn't been heard.     The door slid silently open and 7 dark shadows dived into the building. Pausing only to turn out the lights Raziel followed after his men, drawing his silenced compact blaster rifle.     In seconds they had found the main ops room and set to taking out the guards. 10 men were in the room, only 4 of which were guards. In seconds 3 of them were down, but the last was proving troublesom.     He had gotten behind a fallen table and was wielding a seriously wicked looking rifle.     "Stay back!" he screamed, obviously in a state of panick     "I'll shoot you all!" he shouted, following this by letting off a barrage of shots which made the wraiths duck into cover.     "Grenade him," Epic whispered.     "No!," said Agent rather sharply. "We need this equipment.     They didn't need do anything in the end. The soldier simply carried on firing not noticing the shadow rapidly approaching his back.     "You can come out now," Raziel said, wiping his combat knife dry.     "Ok round up these men and get 'em locked up."     The squad locked all of the terminal operators up in the utuility cupbaord and merely laughed as 6 men were squad into the tiny space.     By then Raziel had already got Yillamien's slicing kit out and was at work. As he had previously found the best way to get the information was too go to the imcoming/outgoing message history.     Raziel's mouth opened in suprise as he saw the size of the operations here. Everyday messages from Tadath had been coming in. Reports of movements and orders mostly, with equipment shipments. Unfortuanelty orders weren't often dispatched from here so there were few mentioned of coming battleplans.     Still in the right hands this information could be useful, Raziel took two disks out and started the copy.     "Epic, Arkanian go upstairs and see what's going on outside. Agent, Dragoon start placong charges. Kip, goto the door and have a look around."     In ten minute they were finished. The disks were ready and the place was ready to go up in flames.     "Not good," Kiption said as he returned. Epic and arkanian echoed the same view.     "The city guard are all returning from the west, they're already near us now. maybe 30 or 40 of them heading this way." Arkanian explained.     "Ok sniper, go to the door and fire away with that repeater of yours, Everyone else with me we're going out the back door! Move!" Raziel knew they had little time to get out of the city now and back to the scythe.     As Raziel thought Sniper's firing brought alot of enemy attention. Cries of "Soldiers at the ops building!" could be heard clearly from only a hundread metres from the building.     As soon as he came back, with a smile on his face, wraiths made a run for it. Keeping to the shadows they ran hell for leather towards the east wall. Blaster fire followed them at every turn.     Raziel could hear footsteps and frantic shouting all around him now. He knew the chances of escaping and getting to the scythe were getting lower and lower.     Raziel was 200 metres from the building they had raided now, but was still knocked to the floor as Arkanian sent it sky high. Not a moment too soon, alot of enemy attention that had been on persuing the invaders had swithced to observing the explosion behind them and worrying.     Raziel took some time getting to his feet again and knew that he had lagged behind the rest of his squad. Realising that running after his squad would get him caught very quickly he slowed down, slipping into the shadows and heading towards the north wall rather than the west.     Meanwhile the rest of his squad were still making good ground towards safety.     "Wheres Raz?" Dragoon shouted.     "Shut up and Run!" Agent shouted back, although the words came hard as he was now tiring.     The squad came around another corner to be met full on by 5 unsuspecting guards. Diving for cover they all loosed off shots, within a minute the enemy squad were down, but that had been too long.     As they ran troops seemed to be chasing them from all directions, some came out from right infront of them and others from the side. The entire city knew of their presence now and were hot on their heals.     Cloud re-adjusted his aim, realising that the rest of his squad he took aim and fired. Again and again and again.     Wraiths realied that cloud was helping them out as round after round wistled through the air behind them, as soon as one officer shouted for his men to follow it seemed that Cloud would take him down. before long the nervous enemy troops stopped the persuit and dived for cover.     Finally having a chance Wraiths made the wall, quicjly scaling it and fleeing into the dark. The sounds of persuit died down as they put distance between them and the city.     They met up with cloud 5 minutes later. He was still looking down at the city below.     "Thanks cloud" Agent said, still regaining his breath.     "Yeah if you hadnt hit those officers we wouldn't have made it," Epic agreed.     "Anyways, where's Raz?" Dragoon repeated.     "He split off from you and then i lost site of him" Cloud said. "I'm still searching for him.     "Wait a minute!" Cloud shouted. "There he is north exit!"     Agent took out his binocs and followed Clouds aim, there he was. Agent laughed as the two guards at the gate were taken down by Raziel's blaster and watched as he sped from the City, un-noticed.     Razil caught up to them 10 minutes later, battered and out of breath he simply flopped to the floor.     "I'll be alright," he whispered. He laughed to himself as he got to his feet. "Let's go," he smiled. ===========================================     The scythe made all speed for Tadath away from Alola as Raziel took out the data disk and looked over it.     He was more worried about the mission though, one man was dead and the entire squad was nearly killed fleeing the city. Raziel was wandering whether he really was fit for any command position. He flicked the data disk into a pouch ready to give to Fury or whoever he could when they reached Tadath. OOC: Wraiths on their way to tadath, waiting for orders sorry to my squad for finishing that story myself, but i thought it'd be best if we just got to tadath now.
SL/1SGTRaziel/4SQD/1COMP/1BAT/1RGT/Tadath/VEA/ {EW1}
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
January 30, 2002 2:39:47 PM    View the profile of Fury 
The FES armor contigent were on track to use up three days of power supplies in four hours.  At least that was the current usage stats.  The first line of enemy fortifications fell to the guns of the UH1s and AT-ATs soon after the units moved forward. By dawn, even the VE skirmish units had gained ground despite their best attempts to not over-extend themselves. Fury was having problems even seeing the lead elements with his macrobinoculars...too far away and too much dust in the air.  Time for a closer look.  Calling over a nearby AT-ST, he boarded it and scrunched in next to the driver.  Almost every unit was under-manned - not enough trained personnel to go around other than the fully loaded FES mechs.  Strapping his datapad to the console, he powered up the weapons systems as a patrol squad moved towards the enemy.  Behind them came two companies of militia. These were basically volunteers given two days of fire-and-move training and handed a blaster.  Some even had armor.  It was a pathetic display, but it was all the army he had at the moment.  After ten minutes it was obvious the grunts were not going to keep up.  Most were stripping the enemy dead of both armor and heavier weapons, which were being distributed to the platoon, then squad, level.  Those must have been two solid days of tactical doctrine, Fury thought.  They moved in almost a focused efficiency as stormtroopers.  Then again, they were fighting for their homes too, which usually provided proper motivation to begin with.  "Leave them, they'll catch up," he told the driver.  Two klicks later it was a good thing soft, unarmored troops were not underfoot.  The enemy had begun to notice that this was not a diversion but an actual assault. Ground scans showed three scout lances closing in the get a lay of the land.  Behind them were repulsortanks and a few walkers of their own.  Hopefully there wouldn't be any of those hard-to-kill X-1 Vipers.  Fury kicked back a couple messages.  Quickly, small repulsorcraft moved forward to set up static defenses.  Soon, medium repulsortanks started laying down fire, driving off the scouts.  Ground troops started setting up repeater gun nests in case any infantry appears.  Two AT-ATs and various anti-air guns moved forward in case any of the enemy Y-Wings and Preybirds decided to join the fray.  Even with all thus, the FES spearhead marched forward. Fury looked at the driver, "It's your call.  What do you want to do sarge?"  The driver responded by rallying his walkers and they surged forward to meet the enemy. Minutes later, Fury wondered if he shouldn't have stayed back as the AT-AT rushed ahead.  Two of the new AT-RTs leaped ahead and started putting punishing fire into a line of T-1B tanks.  Just behind came a trio of AT-ST/As which began slugging it out with ancient Nen-Carvon tanks leftover from the Clone Wars or earlier.  While hard to pierce, their electronics could be easily shaken loose, thus they were great seige vehicles. On an open field battle, however, they made easy targets.  Fury sent back a message to get some crews out to recover the tanks.  Once repaired, they might be handy when trying to retake some cities. All was going well until the enemy reinforcements caught up.  Mobile artillery started separating the two sides, the VE mechs moving back out of range.  Covered by that fire came the T-3B heavy tanks with CAVs sniping anything that targeted the bigger vehicles.  Their numbers were sufficient enough to cause concern. The driver said it best.  "Damn, with a couple AT-ATs, we're meat up against those.  It'll take 3-to-1 odds to beat those things."  As the flanking AT-ETs started falling, incapable of running ahead without falling over, the rest of the walkers started moving back to cover.  A few landspeeders sped forward as the troopers inside them lanced anti-armor missiles into the enemy tanks.  It helped, enough for them to retreat at least. Hopefully they could reorganize enough to ensure the FES wasn't encircled.  All in all though, it was the first major advance of the campaign.  And that was a much needed morale builder.   ----------------------- XO/LTC Fury/VEA/TADATH/VE [SotE:HC][SotE:VEA][IOC] Company Commander Shopkeeper - Imperial Center
[This message has been edited by Fury (edited January 30, 2002 2:42:30 PM)]
Demi Wraith
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
January 30, 2002 8:52:29 PM    View the profile of Demi Wraith 
DW looked out one of the windows onboard the Assault Transport.  He was surprised to see that Marauder Corvette coming out of hyperspace, he was more surprised that the crew even had the guts to take on that Lancer Frigate.  It must be the Dread Knights, they’re the only ones to do something crazy like that.  DW made a mental note to thank Argon for his timely help. The battle was going on furiously in space.  The Marauder Corvette had just crippled the Lancer Frigate, soon it’ll be reduced to scrap metal.  The TIE Horror was flying in circles around one of the CC-9600s, it didn’t have a chance against a TIE Horror.  The Interloper-class Frigates practically over powered and outgunned the other CC-9600.  The rebel starfighters were busy with the Dominion’s TIE Droids to even get close to the Assault Transports.  Looks like it’s going to be a smooth landing from here on end. All the Assault Transports landed safely on Tadath.  The doors of the transports hissed opened, all the troops marched out.  The troops unloaded one of the transports, which were mostly filled with speeder bikes, about eight all together and a few Hovertanks  Once everything was unloaded the transports flew back to the Dominion. DW got the other squad leaders and discussed their plan.  A couple of troops will take the speeder bikes and scout the surrounding area for any large Rebel forces.  Once they finished scouting the area,  the squads will find the best way to reach the Army HQ without having to engage Rebels on the way there. OCC: New orders for Cosmic and Wraiths. Cos and Raz’s squads will land on Tadath and find a back entrance to the Army HQ.  IH, DD, and Raiders will do it the old fashion way, force their way into the HQ through superior firepower.   ----------------------- Sergeant Major Duran "Demi Wraith" Driscoll SL/SGM Demi Wraith/2SQD/1PLT/1COM/1BAT/1RGT/VEA/VE [ES:2] [EW:1]
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
January 30, 2002 9:48:53 PM    View the profile of Peacemaker 
After the Assault Transport landed, Peacemaker jumped out with the rest off the Troopers and starts to secure the Area till other Troops unloaded one off the Transports. Slowly Aimed PM the area in his secure perimeter, the Transport landed safely, but now is one of the most dangerous moments, they need time to unload theyr whole cargo. PM mad a quick look over his shoulder to see how the work is going one. "Good, the speeder bikes are unloaded" sayed PM to himself. After an other Trooper took his place, PM decided to go to DW to get the newest orders for this fight " Hey Boss, what are our Orders?" asked PM "Go and catch some Troopers for the Speeder bikes, we must first send them out to scout the area, then we go right trough to our Army HQ and shoot those damn Rebels out there" "Yeah, that sounds good, that rebels will regret the day when they Attack us" answered PM ...
Evil Clone from Warmaker
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
January 30, 2002 10:21:18 PM    View the profile of Argon Viper 
With the space battle pretty much wrapped up(Fish had been pummeling the pieces of his CC out of boredom until Argon had ordered him in), the Dread Knights flew their marauder down toward the surface. Argon pulled off a nice landing, managed to do it without crushing anything in the intensely crowded VE base. Two hours later, all the DK equipment had been unloaded and the Scythe headed back to pick up the Wraiths on autopilot. They headed off into the field before anyone could come up and ask them why their uniforms weren't spitshined. Setting up their new SAM vehicle near an enemy air force facility, they set it to automatically target and destroy anything with the wrong IFF code. They also decided to put some very primitive and nasty booby traps around it to discourage a ground assault on it. Moving into the major city, they reconned around for a little bit before coming up with a plan. They decided it would be easier to initiate if the local VE forces knew what was going on, so the local commander was quickly informed. With that done, the commander even agreed to set up a distraction during their assault, they began the long, tedious set up. Their squad support weapon, a custom, projectile weapon job, on the rooftop of a nearby building, Argon would be using it to cover Fish in the mission. Argon set explosives in the spots where enemies were likely to try to hide and on the structural supports of every building in the area except his and the targets(his for obvious reasons, the targets because it was much too heavily fortified for that, that was why Fish was going in.). Numerous traps were set for amored vehicles(remember the Hungarian revolt!!!), and the Dread Knights were ready. The time of assault was set for 1800 hours. This was going to be interesting...
Argon Viper
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
January 30, 2002 10:39:15 PM    View the profile of Cosmic 
Cosmic nodded as First Sergeant Raziel walked by. "So, you're taggin' along with us, eh Captain?"  Asked Raziel. Cosmic nodded. "Yep.  I kind of know a thing or two about infiltrating undetected.  I'll talk about some strategies I've come up with as soon as were enroute to the planet." Raziel nodded and let Cosmic get into the Trooper Transport first. Raziel sat down at the helm controls and started up the engines. "Alright. Engines online. Shields alone. Navigation is online.  Were good to go. All ready back there?" "Yes sir!" Came the reply from behind. Cosmic was beside Raziel, monitering the shield and navigation. "Were good to go." Said Cosmic. Raziel nodded and the shuttle lifted off. =============== Enroute to Planet =============== "Alright Captain. What's this strategy of yours?" Asked Raziel. Cosmic nodded and turned towards him. "The Army HQ will obviously be heavily guarded, both front and back of the facility.  I suggest we make a strange, but tactful drop on the roof." Raziel eyed Cosmic. "How would we do that?  We'd have to hover the transport over the top of the facility." Cosmic nodded. "It's risky, but it's possible." Raziel nodded. "Well, let's do it then. That'll cause less chance of us getting killed or losing soldiers.  Make it happen."
CO/SL/DJK Cosmic/Lion 1-1/mSSD Atrus/VEDJ/VE [VP][KC1]
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
January 31, 2002 3:29:40 PM    View the profile of Fury 
Well, things were getting less and less fun by the hour. Despite the quick effort of digging in, the moment the VE fortified their gains to where the enemy couldn't drive them back, the orbital shots started looking for range. Just for fun, they had stripped off the ion cannons from the Galcura and had mounted some to a barely armored AT-AT.  Fury had seen designs for an AT-IC once upon a time and had always wondered how one would look and function. The -IC was back at the VSD crash site and had a light shield protecting it.  Sensors showed an ImpStar I providing the laser fire he was ducking in a hole to get away from.  No better time than now. Reseating his helmet on his head, he commed back to Galcura HQ as they were calling it, and asked for some air defense.  The results were immediate. The AT-IC started pumped ion shots from it's cannon....three, then shields, then another two, then shields.  Fury grabbed a datapad and dialed into the telemetry scans.  Lower aft shields on the ISD flickered from the second salvo, then faded momentarily as the vessel returned fire.  The walker limped to a new area of the base, out of shield range for the moment but also out of measured fire.  The artillery commander was an Old Republic veteran, aided by full crews from the FES.  The next salvo was a sustained burst of three shots aft, four center, and two in the bow.  From either ends of the camp, two RAX-1 Concussion Missile Emplacements fired immediately after the walker did.  With ion bursts overloading their sensors, the ISD didn't see the other weapons incoming until it was too late to draw fire towards them.  Fury looked up, almost imagining the hits the ship received.  The datapad showed it however.  While not destroyed, the enemy would have to bring another vessel in if it meant to harass the VE/FES ground troops in the near future. Fury grabbed his A280 and ordered drivers and gunners to their walkers.  He was going in with the infantry on this drive.  Hopefully they could cut off the main enemy force from those taking the capital city and start working the enemy units off the map piecemeal.
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
January 31, 2002 4:29:22 PM    View the profile of Raziel 
    "We drop at night," Raziel insisted. He was certain he didn't want to make the transport too obvious a target.     "Ok if you insist but its gonna be hard flying." Cosmic grudgingly gave in.     Raziel wandered what Cosmic thought that the HQ would have for air defence?     As the sun moved around the other side of the planet the transport plunged into Tadaths light atmosphere, it hardly even slowed the transport being so weakened from the orbital bombardment.     "Suit up!" Raziel shouted. The squad started clamping down black helmets and fitting air canisters.     He didn't want anyone simply dying of exposure in him. Raziel looked about at his squad as they checked each others suites. The regulars that Cosmic had brought with him did likewise.     Everyone was suited up and ready to drop out, Raziel decided to go up to the helm to look about.     "Jesus!" Raziel said looking at the scan, he looked at the scanner read outs to see what was going on down at the HQ. 3 Apex Incisor missile launchers 3 stolen AT-AA's and they even had a KDY v-135 Spoiler ion cannon     What the hell were they thinking, of course the HQ would have air defence of the easy things to know in the war was that if an air strike could take out the enemy HQ the war woul already be won.     "Right i say we go for the stealth way in!" Raziel shouted.     "Trust in me!" Cosmic said evenly back.     "I'm sorry, all they have to do is look up and we're for it!"     "I can make it!" Cosmic growled.     "Fine you do!" Raziel shouted back.     Agent looked up inquisitively when Raziel stormed into the hold. He slammed the door behind him and stood there for a minute. Obviously distressed Raziel was unconciously unclenching and clenching his fists.     Agent then realised Raziel had reached a descision.     "Wraiths into the escape pods!"     "What?" came the general reply.     "Just do it!"     By the force raziel would still complete this mission. They were still behind enemy lines here and they could probably make it to the base and still make Demi-Wraiths furious advance easier.     "Raziel don't do this!" came a command over the speakers.     Raziel realised there was some force behind those words and had to grit his teeth to keep his feet moving.     "Eject!" he shouted.     The pod launched from the side of the moving transport and hit the ground hard. If the planet's gravity had been any higher they would have been killed. But instead the pod skipped accross the surface to a halt.     Shaken, but otherwise unhurt the Wraiths exited the pod and started setting about. They were now a distance from their target and would have to move fast to get there before DW. ===========================================     The transport glided effortlessly and silently through the air towards the HQ. Cosmic knew that it was risky, but he could make it. He was certain that with the regulars he could still complete the mission.     The transport had been specially designed so that it wouldnt be picked up on scanners. Unfortunately all the defenders had to do was look up and see the transport.     Cosmic brought the transport to a steady halt above the HQ. He already had a planned route through the air vents above the compound and down to the main ops room.     "Everyone ready?" he asked the unnerved regulars still in the hold.     Cosmic smiled. "open the doors" ===========================================     They looked up.     Cosmic sensed the motion on the ground beneth him but wasn;t sure what it was.     "Ship! Enemy ship!" came the furios crys. the bases AA defences were activated and retrained. They found that they couldnt lock onto the stealth transport so had to fire manually.     Cosmic swore as the Ion cannon took a few potshots, but the blasts went harmlessly wide.     Cosmic grabbed the controls and started the ship moving, but was knocked from the controls as a heat seeking Apex Incisor missile slammed into the sub-light thrusters.     It was fortunate indeed that cosmic had started them moving...for if they hadn't had the initial momentum they wouls simply have dropped onto the HQ roof.     Instead the ship dropped towards the surface at high speed, completely out of control. The ship had the initial speed to get a mile from the HQ but hit the ground hard...various parts exploding on contact with the surface-including the hold. ===========================================     "This is scouting party alpha 6. We've found the remains of the stealth transport.     "Rodger that, advance and capture survivors." came the reply.     The enemy squad advanced on the crashed transport...guns held up to take down any survivors. The dust was still thick from the crash.     The squad leader gulped as a lightsaber's glow appeared in the smoke not 10 feet from him.     "Fire!"     in the insuing chaos all that was heard was gun fire, a  lightsaber connecting with flesh and screams.     In the think smoke Cosmic had the clear advantage, not needing his vision. He came out of the smoke...his features twisted in rage and headed straight for the HQ building. Not one of the regulars had survived the crash. ===========================================     Raziel saw the crash from where he was, but couldnt be certain of the outcome. He hoped that somehow Cosmic's plan had worked...but the explosion had been in the air.     "move out!" he shouted. "And keep your heads down!" ooc: thought i'd add some spice and turn this into a disaster mission.   ----------------------- SL/1SGTRaziel/4SQD/1COMP/1BAT/1RGT/Tadath/VEA/ {EW1} Squad Leader - Squad4 Wraiths
[This message has been edited by Raziel (edited January 31, 2002 4:32:07 PM)]
Ramon Stonefish
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
January 31, 2002 4:30:53 PM    View the profile of Ramon Stonefish 
"Change of plan," said Fish, as he threw a sniper rifle to Argon. "What?" he said, puzzled, "I thought you were going down there to cause some damage." "I'm good," Fish replied, "but no that good. My plan is we sit up here and snipe until they get close enough either to use that big puppy you got there, or that they set off the explosives. Either way, we can probably cap a few officers while we're waiting." "Okay," said Viper, adjusting the stock on the rifle to suit his physique and settling into place. Fish did the same as they waited for the enemy to show itself.
Ramon Stonefish

"How can we say we are protectors when we are more feared than that which we defend against?!" --Lucien, the First Fallen.
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
January 31, 2002 6:15:02 PM    View the profile of Cosmic 
OOC: Nice one Raz. --------------------------- Cosmic shook his head as he looked back at the the dead trainees.  Cosmic knew that the main entrance would be heavily guarded.  He looked up a little ways and saw the small ridges in the building...He could get climb up there and use the air vent on the side of the building.  The height of the ridges was 16 feet up though.  Cosmic took a deep breath and used Force Jump.  His body hit the wall and Cosmic gripped hard.  His body started to slide down, but Cosmic held on firmly.  He stopped his body's descent and looked upwards.  The air vent wasn't too far up.  He started to climb. As soon as he got to the vent, Cosmic tried to pull the air vents vent door out, but it was stuck within the HQ's concrete wall.  He looked below him to make sure there weas nobody watching him.  He then took out his lightsaber and ignited it.  He gripped the wall with one hand while holding onto his lightsaber and cutting out the squire vent panel with his other. Before coming back to the corner where his lightsaber started, he deactivated his lightsaber and looked at the little piece of cement, holding the vent panel on.  He grabbed the vent panel and yanked hard.  The panel came off easy, and Cosmic threw the panel towards the crash site of the transport.  He then crawled into the 3 foot in diameter air vent. After several minutes of crawling, he came to a little fork in the vent, he then went left and headed for the main ops.  It was less likely to have more guards there than the main and back entrances. As soon as he was near the panel to the main ops center, he stopped.  He could hear voices of the Rebels talking amonst each other. Giving orders, receiving orders, and giving commands to the computers there. This air vent was not in deep cement, so he was able to remove the panel easy without making any noise. He quickly crawled out and hid behind a computer panel.  He looked around the room, and saw a little private room with no windows.  It was only ten feet away from him, and towards his right.  There was nobody paying attention his way, so he got up and casually walked towards the office.  He knew that if he started running, it would cause a distraction, and then he would be cought for sure. He closed the door behind him and locked it.  He then walked towards the computer consol and turned it on. Cosmic watched as the screen activated and produced it's main screen.  Cosmic typed in several commands. He used his own login to access the computer.  The computer accepted his command. "I'm in." Said Cosmic to himself in a whisper.  He then typed in several more commands.  He brought up a layout of the main ops and saw the different terminals of the room.  He found the defense weaponry systems terminal and accessed it.  He then typed in several more commands, and locked up the defense terminal.  ======================== The Corporal at the terminal looked at the screen hard.  He typed in several commands, but nothing worked. "Sir." Said the corporal, calling over his commanding officer.  "I've been locked out. Defense weapons are down. No weapons are active...were sitting ducks." The commanding officer quickly grabbed his communications radio and started issuing orders to troops to go throughout the HQ and find whoever did this.  ======================== Cosmic smiled at the screen and then started to get ready to leave.  He put a password on the computer so that nobody else could access it. He then opened the door a crack and looked out.  There were four guards in troom with blaster rifles. They were stationed at the Main Ops entrance.  Cosmic casually walked over to their location. As soon as he was within ten feet, the guards looked turned to look at him. "Who are you? I don't recognize you." Said one of the guards. "I am here with orders to relieve you of duty." Replied Cosmic. At  that instant, he quickly Force Pulled their weapons and and ignited his lightsaber. He then slashed at them, killing them all in one strike. Everyone turned to look at him. They quickly got up, alerted.  Cosmic walked towards them, his lightsaber still activated.  He stared into the commanding officers eyes with such anger and hate.  It struck terror into the heart of the officer.  His breathing started to increase.  The corporal at the defense weapons terminal was right by the commanding officer, and Cosmic was right in front of the officer.  The corporal quickly grabbed the communications device and was about to call for help, but couldn't complete the task. The corporal's head fell to the ground, and Cosmic wiped the blood off the dagger blade on the commanding officer's uniform. Cosmic then kneed the commanding officer in the ground and then sliced down, cutting him in half.  The other soldiers quickly ran for the exit.  Cosmic quickly used his Force Speed and got to the exit before anyone else did.  He quickly used his Force Speed again and started running to everyone, slicing them into pieces.  After everyone was dead, and the floor was covered in blood, Cosmic walked towards the communications terminal and opened the channel to Raziel's commlink. "First Sergeant Raziel. My mission is complete. Main Ops is now back in VE control.  I am now going to reactivate the Defense Systems and start killing some of those remaining rebels in and out of the HQ." "Very good Cosmic.  Looks like your plan worked." "I guess it did.  Cosmic out." Cosmic then walked towards the private office and opened it. He typed in the password and reactived the defense terminal. He then walked out of the office and took a deep breath...and not a single drop of blood on his brown cloak...
CO/SL/DJK Cosmic/Lion 1-1/mSSD Atrus/VEDJ/VE [VP][KC1]
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
January 31, 2002 6:24:07 PM    View the profile of Ramon Stonefish 
Fish and Viper sat on a rooftop two blocks away from VE HQ, as the radio chatter indicated that Cosmic had regained control of Ops, and reactivated the defence systems, they adjusted their position to cover the main entrance to the compound. No doubt the rebels would soon be fleeing out that way. Sure enough, there were soon a number of rebel troopers and personnel attempting to run from the turrets in the compound switched on by Cosmic. Those that made it to the main gate didn't get much farther as they sprouted holes in their heads and chests, probable cause of death - impact of a high-velocity bullet. Viper and Fish, almost in unison ejected spent magazines from their Whisper rifles, pulled new ones from the utility belt of their Storm Commando armour, and slammed them home, chambering the first round, they lay down again and began picking off those who had slipped through while they were reloading.
Ramon Stonefish

"How can we say we are protectors when we are more feared than that which we defend against?!" --Lucien, the First Fallen.
"May the sinless tester of souls hold his hawk's perch over me" -- a kenning, author unknown.
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
January 31, 2002 8:08:32 PM    View the profile of Argon Viper 
As raindrops before a storm, these lone troopers were the precursers of a massive flood of men and machinery. Putting down the sniper rifle, Argon walked over to the massive Squad Support Weapon. The behemoth device was too large for even Argon, who regularly took an E-web with him, to carry around. The magazine held about 1,000 rounds, and could use them all up in about a minute if the correct setting was used. The rounds were made of magnetized iron to work with the magnetic mass driver firing system in the beast and had a rather large core of depleted uranium. Exiting the barrel at speeds exceeding 500 meters per second, the rounds could pierce through anything short of AT-AT armor. Argon set the thing to fire approximately 60 rounds per minute, so as not to waste the highly expensive ammo when a little would do as much as a lot, and took aim at the crowd. He touched the trigger once, his sights set on a skiff that was carrying about twenty soldiers. The skiff shattered at the center point, killing all those aboard and near it with the flying shrapnel. Shifting aim before the next shot came, Argon slammed a shot into a crowd of troops, debris spilling up from the ground fast enough to kill any in the way. Then, he realized something, the fast rounds would jerk his hand around enough to slam everything in sight. He set it up to 250 rounds a minute, over 4 rounds per second, and fired again, this time, not bothering to take aim. The massive weapon leapt and jerked in his hands, and would lave thrown a human through the air. As it was, it took all his concentration and strength to keep the thing aimed in the general direction of the escaping troops. Within ten seconds, forty rounds had left the tube, spraying everywhere on the killing field, slaughtering well over three hundred before they knew what was happening. Argon and Fish, twenty meters above the field, could smell the mist of blood that had suddenly invaded the air. Fish had given up on using his sniper rifle, and was standing by with another magazine for the mammoth gun. By this time, the troops had noticed where the fire was coming from and were beginning to fire back. Argon switched on the shield generator he had installed on it, and continued the slaughter. In four minutes, the magazine, and the field, were empty. Argon ejected the spent magazine and let Fish load a new one. He then aimed at the target building, he hadn't known exactly how powerful this thing was when he had made his original plan...
Argon Viper
"History is on the move, those who cannot keep up will watch from a distance, and those who get in our way will not watch at all" - Grand Admiral Thrawn
"He who knows his enemy, needs not fear confrontation" - Sun Tzu, "The Art of War"
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"Those who run from death, win little.  Those who simply live their lives, win much" - Argon Viper
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
February 1, 2002 2:07:44 AM    View the profile of Fallen 
OOC: Did we crash down with the Wraiths in the escape pods? I'll start typing when I get an answer.
WO2 Jay 'Fallen' Anduril [Army: Raxen]
Aegis 3-3, Lusthawk Nine, AG Member
FL/WO2 Fallen/Aegis 3-1/1/mSSD Atrus/1ESF/VE/VEN/(=A=)(=SA=)[VC]

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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
February 1, 2002 3:47:07 AM    View the profile of Ramon Stonefish 
OOC: Raxen: No, you landed nicely in the field with rebel forces between you and Army HQ (which we seem to be in the process of clearing out). Meat grinder anyone?
Ramon Stonefish

"How can we say we are protectors when we are more feared than that which we defend against?!" --Lucien, the First Fallen.
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
February 1, 2002 9:36:37 AM    View the profile of Raziel 
OOC: nice one...i'd rather you hadn't finished it all in one post though
SL/1SGTRaziel/4SQD/1COMP/1BAT/1RGT/Tadath/VEA/ {EW1}
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
February 1, 2002 2:39:53 PM    View the profile of Kuroishi 
Kuroishi launched the Roayl Barkalounger as soon as he got the signal from his other self.  The trip had been short and already the fighting was ready to begin. The Fallen Angels were as prepared for the high gravity and cold as they possibly could.  Kuroishi had been sneaking the gravity higher on the various ships they had been on so as to help the Fallen Angels become accustomed to the higher gravity of his home world. Operating without the restraints that Kuroishi normally had inplace in his armor so that he wouldn't become unacustomed to the gravity of his homeworld for the first time in a long time Kuroishi knew that the NR garrison would be totally unprepaired for what was about to hit them. "Touching down now.  The garrison should have a patrol here within two minutes so set up in the best positions you can."  Kuroishi said as he set down on the private landing pad of his old residence. Kuroishi set up with his sniper rifle in the tower that normally housed the dried fruits that went into making Varneck Citrus. Checking the tempature Kuroishi waited then he saw the lift filled with a security patrol.  If Kuroishi's chrono was operating normally in two minutes the fighters in orbit and based on the ground would be unable to respond to any requests for an ariel sweep.  The fighters in orbit due to being destroyed and the fighters on the ground due to a storm front that was moving in.Varneck was netorious for storms that made it immpossible to launch fighters though a very skilled pilot could fly through and land in such storms if they were lucky. "Team one check over there.  Team two check inside.  Team three with me to the landing platform."  One of the patrolemen shouted over the growing wind. Kuroishi signaled the attack with a well placed shot into the man's chest.  He wanted this one for questioning. The rest of the patrol dived for cover under the withering firepower of the Fallen Angels.  Thier surprise was absolute and the patrol was almost already wiped out. Kuroishi took down one of the survivors and quickly lined up on the last enemy commander.  The shot was expertly placed and Kuroishi didn't even have to watch the impact to know he hit. The rest of the patrol seemed to be making a break for the lift and Kuroishi saw Hippie fire a missle into the lift and kill most of those who were left and serverly injuring those that didn't die.  Not bad for thier first engagement on this world. "This is skiff one one three eight.  We've spotted and took care of some smugglers trying to get the Varneck Citrus Factory operational again.  We took some losses but we're bringing what's left of them and thier ship in."  Kuroishi radioed to the NR garrison command on the lift's comm. "Boss are you sure about what you just did there?"  Master asked as he started disposing of the bodies. "What you want another patrol out here?  This way they'll assume that the patrol got into a wreak on thier way back to base due to the weather.  Speaking of weather as soon as we get rid of these bodies and conceal the Royal Barkalounger our next objective is to remove all weather stations in the city of Vectra."  Kuroishi replied as he joined in the clean up efforts.
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
February 1, 2002 4:16:46 PM    View the profile of Shadow 
  Shadow stood in complete silence taking in the orders from Snake and Demi Wraith. The Raiders had a difficult time ahead of themselves. They were going to sneak through the planet's tunnel systems and underground caverns all the way to HQ, taking out as many Rebels as they could along the way. They had adequate supplies and weapons but, as was the case usually, they were heavily outnumbered.     As his Platoon Leader and Squad Leader went on, it became clear the the Raiders were going to go out on a recon mission first. They had been disignated the Armor Squad by Lieutenant Colonel Fury, but apparently Sergeant Vox and Sergeant Jedi had pushed heavily to let the Raiders go out scouting this time.     So, they were to fan out around the landing site and check on enemy activity. It didn't sound too hard. The assault transports they came down in would draw Rebel attention, so the soliders had to find some cover as soon as they got all of their equipment off of the ships. Then the transports would haul tail back to the Dominion as quickly as possible.     Demi Wraith had brought along a whole plethora of walkers, speeders, mechs, and the like, but this recon mission would require speed and stealth, not tons of firepower. In the end, Snake decided that the few troopers in Raiders would spilt up in pairs and scout the area on modified STAPs. The strange-looking one-man speeders were pretty old, but the VEA had modified them with faster, much more silent engines. Besides, in case they did run into trouble, they were decently armed.     Assignments and duties then began to be rattled off. While the Raiders were off galavanting the other two squads would find somewhere to set up base and begin planning the next move. Of course, the finality of that plan depended on the Raiders' scouting, so they had to hurry up and finish their share of the work.     Shadow got paired up with Otto, which seemed to be commonplace in the past month. Obviously Snake thought that the two worked well together. Shadow didn't really mind the grouping, either, because Vox was one of the few soldiers he would actually talk to. When conversation was needed ... which wasn't very often.     Shadow uneasily moved a few switches around on his STAP and checked out his gauges. Modern machinery was still quite strange to him and this STAP was nothing at all like the Century Tank he had driven two months earlier. The controls seemed simple enough, though, after a few moments of studying them. They couldn't be too complicated if battle droids had piloted them back in the time of the Old Republic.     "You ready to get going?" Otto asked.     Shadow nodded. "I don't see why not. We lucked out with getting the East position. The sun's starting to set . . .Grizzly and D-13 are going to have it in their eyes the whole way to their position."     Otto seemed to think it over for a minute. "Yeah, but we'll have to look at it on our way home."     "Not if we take our sweet time," Shadow countered.     "Why would we want to do that, Corporal?" the other man asked.     "When we were flying down to our landing site, I noticed some activity over to the East.     Otto nodded. He knew by now that Shadow's eyes were far better than anyone else's in the platoon. "Rebels?"     Shadow smiled. "I don't think Demi Wraith or Snake would mind if we had a little fun."     "Without giving away our position, of course."     "Oh, of course, sir. Total hit and fade."     Otto laughed. "Sounds like fun to me. Let's hit it." And with that, he revved his engines and took off into the growing dusk.

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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
February 1, 2002 8:03:12 PM    View the profile of Rage 
General Mole prepared his task force hauler for landing. All crews were accounted for. His commanders nodded their approval as the massive hauler prepared to enter orbit. The cruiser desended slowly, trying not to attract attention. Four TIE Interceptors providing close escort. "Commander, land near the out region. Get as close as you can to the Galcura wreckage." The massive ship left orbit, closing in fast. Only several thousand feet from the surface, a radio frequency was heard. "Unidentified vessel. What is your Imperial designation?" said a faint message. It seemed robot, a taped message from the Vast Empire's security network. "This is the Recon Task Force of the Force Elite Soldiers" said Mole calmly. He waited for the acceptance message. "Unidentified vessel. What is your Imperial designation?" said the voice again. "Control center must have been evacuated in the assualt." said Matok to his command crew. They agreed. "Prepare the ship for landing. Continue on course." "Unidentified vessel. You are trespassing on Vast Empire military territory. State your designation or you will be shot down!" Mole grew uneasy. It was a computer controlled defense matrix. "As I stated before.. This is the Task Force Recon. we are here on the call of our armed forces on this planet." As the Hauler reached under thousand feet, military staff waved along the front of the Galcura base. 'Almost there...' thought Mole as he prepared his crew to disembark. Suddently the ship groaned and shook wildly. "Report" yelled Mole at his officers as he held on to a console for support. "Sir," an officer quickly stated, "The automated defense matrix has been activated. It seems the enemy has taken control of the local air defense command." "EMERGENCY LANDING STAT!" yelled Mole as he quickly left the command helm and entered the drop decks. "Get all crews ready to disembark for water landing! We are not going to make it to the Galcura as we had planned"   ----------------------- Lord Rage, Executive Officer (XO) |
[This message has been edited by Rage (edited February 2, 2002 1:55:04 PM)]
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
February 2, 2002 6:54:40 AM    View the profile of Bear 
Grizzly crept along behind D-13, holding his blaster nervously. D-13 was sitting on the STAP, gently moving forwards, silently. Grizzly was creeping along, shielding his eyes with one hand and holding his weapon with the other. They heard a "whoooosh!" next to them. D-13 turned his head quickly, whilst Grizzly jumped into a ditch, fumbling with his blaster. "Its nothing.. just the wind" said D-13. "Can't be too sure.." replied Grizzly, aiming his blaster over the side of the ditch. D-13 turned his head back to face the setting sun, and spoke quietly. "Better be going.. nothings going on round here.." Grizzly saw a flash of light, quite far ahead. Could have been the sun reflecting off a piece of metal.. "Sure, lets go." he said, standing back up and jumping on to the back of the STAP. They skimmed along the ground for a few minutes, Grizzly half watching the setting sun, half watching for any activity. Far, far away, in the distance, he saw another flash. "D, stop this thing.. I saw something." "What was it?" D replied, obediantly doing as Grizzly said. "A flash.. I saw one earlier.. I think theres someone watching us." Grizzly lay down on the ground and looked over to where he had seen the flash. D-13 looked as well, aiming his blaster across the open ground. "Right over there!" Grizzly almost shouted, as there was yet another flash. "I got it.." replied D-13 nervously. There was another "whooosh!", and then an explosion just in front of the pair. Grizzly dived into a ditch, D-13 just inches behind. "What the hell was THAT?!" Grizzly screamed, fumbling around with his blaster. "Don't ask me!" replied D-13, just as there was another explosion just behind them. Grizzly stuck his head up over the ditch. He caught a glimpse of the silouette of a man in the distance, then another.. then another, and another, and another.. He looked around, and realised there was at least a platoon of troops here. They were almost surrounded. D-13 grabbed Grizzly and pulled him down, just as a blaster bolt whistled over where Grizzlys head had just been. "God damn it! What are we going to do?!" "Contact Snake.. he'll know" "My com system is in the SPA.." D-13 replied, just as a massive explosion sent the SPAT into the air, and down again in a fireball. "Damnit..!" D-13 looked over the side of the ditch.. up a blaster rifle. He moved his eyes up, and up, and up, until they finally rested on a huge, burly man, wearing nothing but rags. D-13 gulped. Grizzly held a smoke grenade in his hand, gulped, and pulled the pin. Everything went black. Well, grey. And smoky. OOC: Thats my first army post.. sorry if its rubbish
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
February 2, 2002 10:26:32 AM    View the profile of Raxen 
Raxen walked out the transport and glanced around. He glanced at his watch and reckon there was some time left before they will be joining up the Dark Dragoons officially. Japer had alighted first to see Demi Wraith about the sudden change in placing. Raxen decided that since he was so bored, he might as well just barge into the conversation. As he neared, he heard, 'Well, it's all settled. Welcome to  the DD Japer. Great to have you around with us. Raxen! Heard you're joining too. Great, hopefully the DD would be able to perk up more. ' Demi Wraith grinned as Raxen joined in. 'Well, dunt worry. I've got my trusty blaster with me and some computer knowledge. Hopefully they'll help.' 'Help? They'll do more than that. This guy is totally capable of hacking into anything, absolutely anything. He'll have a mine of information for the High Council once he get his hands on a computer terminal.' Japer retorted. 'Okay, let's not get into a squabble on your first day of service in the DD. C'mon, we've got only a few hours left before we start on our mission. You guys just came in time. We were about to leave when Fury radioed us about the incoming of two irritants into the squad.' 'Hehehe ... you've got to be joking about that. We'll be your best troopers yet.' Raxen laughed as he nudged Japer. The three moved off to get introduced to the rest of the squad and they moved on to the battlefield in the next morning ...
Sergeant Revel 'Raxen' Anduril [Navy: Fallen]
Iron Horse Trooper, has an armour blasting rifle

Otto Vox
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
February 2, 2002 11:53:10 AM    View the profile of Otto Vox 
OOC: That's a good post Grizz, but, I would check on the spelling of STAP, before you blow it up and all Otto and Shadow sped off towards the possible encampment of Rebels. They each been issued individual STAP's. Though obviously the others had been issued one a pair. The newly modified engines could hardly be heard, which was a very good thing. Otto had senced a few scattered squads of Rebels, here and there, but too far to see. With the old STAP engine noises, they would've been followed by each of those squads. He and Shadow had turned towards one larger group that Otto senced, they figured that with the STAP's, it wouldn't be that hard of a job. They flew in and blasted about 3 or 4 Rebels to the ground, the others jumped to safety.   They circled the group, while Shadow blasted in a few shots with his issued Stormtrooper blaster rifle. Otto yelled to him  "Shadow, go the other way," as he pulled out his T-27A2 BlackJack Riot Supression Rifle, "I'll get 'em with this."   Shadow smiled and flew off out of range of the rifle. Otto fired at the now depleted squad of Rebels, out of the corner of his eye he saw one pulling out a comlink. Otto swung his STAP around and hopped off, pulling out his  Ryyk Kerarthorr Blades. He landed with a thud just as the Rebel began to call a SOS. Otto lunged and sliced into the man's torso. The comlink fell to the ground and  raspy static voicee came through.     "Hello? This is Commander Hugh Jazz, come in," said the voice "what do you want?." Otto picked up the comlink.   "Well hello Commander Jazz. Nice to meet you. I am SGT Vox, of the VE, and your Rebel scum will be obliterated. I will see you, and your death soon. Goodbye." Otto flicked off the comlink as Jazz yelled out. He hopped back on his STAP and fired another shot from his Riot Rifle, just to make sure that the Rebels were dead. He flew off to Shadow. They met up and sped off towards the larege group of Rebels.   "Well Shadow, we're about to have some fun with one, Commander Hugh Jazz." said Otto as he snickered at the thought of what he was gunna do to the Rebel commander.   ----------------------- Otto Vox Army: Sergeant Dark Jedi Order: Uninitiate Platoon 1 Sqaud 3: Raiders TRP/SGT Otto Vox/3SQD/1PLT/1COM/1BAT/1RGT/VEA/VE "War is war, you can only come out alive if you're good."
[This message has been edited by Otto Vox (edited February 2, 2002 12:04:56 AM)]
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