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Kuroishi's Profile Information
Callsign: Kuroishi  Send a message to Kuroishi
ComNet Rank: ComNet Member
Avatar: Kuroishi
Division(s): VE - Stormtrooper Corps
Gender: Unknown
Species: Human
Birthday: January 1
Date Joined: April 28, 2001
Last Active: January 15, 2013 at 2:35:15 AM
Number of Posts: 948
Biography: Name: Robert Lee Age: 52 Height: 6'2" Weight: 240 lbs Hair: Grey Eyes: Brown Scars: Numerous Past Expierience: Varneck Planetary Defense Force, Imperial Army, Intruder Wing Reason for joining the Empire: Kuroishi was never a bigot but he found the order that the Empire represented to be most appealing. Homeworld: Varneck Bio: Robert Lee was the son of a wealthy family. His father raised native citrus fruits that carried potent alchohol like effects but did not have the same toxicity. The situation on Varneck though meant almost everyone had a vested interest in the primary industries and commerce. With the unique blend of isolation but apt forgien trade this made most everyone on Varneck exceptionaly wealthy.
Sig banner I wish I could use
Avatar and sig banner by scientist computer graphics subdivision of Clan Wombat.
5/13/2005-My journey to the Darkside is complete

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