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Topic:  Ch. 7-B Army
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
February 25, 2002 9:34:21 PM    View the profile of Fury 
The longer this conflict got, the more he got accustomed to things that would just make him crazy months before. Currently he was leaning into an FES AT-ST, shouting orders to the Task Force commander.  Normally he would be able to merely chirp quietly into his comlink, but the scene below them made that impossible. Troops along the defensive lines were massing in the pre-dawn hours.  Arranged by squads and loaded down with weapons, blaster packs, and a dozen other items they would lose in the first five minutes, they patiently waited for the order to move forward.  Fury had forgotten how little training the militias, partisans, volunteers, and whatnot had actually learned. There was no doubt they could fight, but this would be the first major offensive move for most of them.  In all, 40,000 troops in the first wave.  The FES mechs and heavy infantry would be the shock troops.  At the first sign of a breakthrough they would move to exploit it.  Around them however was the source of the loud, uncontrolled noise.  At some point in the past few weeks, some enterprising soul had gotten like-minded individuals together and had started rounding up stray beasts.  Together they had created the Lotaith Lancers, two regiments of mounted cavalry composed of various creatures.  They had been surprisingly effective, taking out dozens of enemy companies holed up in various cities and fortifications. Fury gave up yelling to the officer, scribbled something on his datapad and showed it to the driver, who relayed it to his commander.  Upon receiving his datapad back, he knew that they at least knew what their role was today.  Closing the hatch, he moved off the walker and moved over to his command unit - basically an old speeder truck with extra armor.  The VE contribution to this battle was a hodgepodge of repulsorcraft with some ESPO 91s and modified Gladiator walkers, the kind used in sporting events.  Some of the gravsleds were loaded down with heavy weapons: mortars, ion cannons, heavy flechette guns, but were lightly armored.  Most of these vehicles would survive only by the skill of their drivers and gunners. His XO, a Capital guard captain by the name of Henlikk, was awaiting his arrival.  Apparently the itch to strike back was not just one held by the troops.  Fury took a breath, jumped in the truck and gave the nod.  The captain sent a code out on all public channels.  There was no use hiding the fact they were there - a herd of honking banthas had already spoiled that surprise. Fury popped his head up out of the speeder truck's new gun cupola.  The troops had run out of their trenches with heavy cover fire from gun pits, and some of the walkers and repulsorcraft that had already moved up to the lines.  Once they engaged the enemy, the guns fell silent, replaced by sounds of light blaster fire and the occasional repeater guns. Within moments, an excited voice came over the restricted command channel, a platoon asking for some backup.  Immediately two platoon-sized elements broke from the Lancers and headed left towards their position.  To the right, came a call for backup, not for protection, but to exploit a breach in the enemy lines.  Fury began to move his vehicles forward in that direction as three companies of ground troops moved in the same direction.  He couldn't lead what was essentially excitable rabble, but he could assist them in what they were planning to do.  The FES mechs advanced in orderly fashion, the bigger guns ranging out past the immediate fighting and targeting the most forward of the enemy artillery emplacements.  Another, larger, hole in the enemy lines was reported.  Looking at the disposition of the enemy, Fury ordered the mechs into the breach.  He himself took his units into the battle, hoping to keep the enemy's heads down long enough for his troops to overwhelm their positions. In time he had to give up on his speeder truck and pull back.  Kicking open all the portholes, his staff choking on smoke, he poked his head out and hoped it didn't get shot off.  Jumping out as the driver eased the wounded vehicle to the ground he realized where he was, at an enemy field hospital. At least it had belonged to the enemy.  He checked his chron...nearly two hours had gone by.  Quickly he assembled his team and started to get some hard numbers. At least five kilometers of advance, over 10,000 enemy prisoners being led back to the lines.  VE losses in the thousands though many of them wounded, the worst headed near to where he was.  The enemy was in full retreat to a secondary defensive line ten kilometers to the rear.  Left behind were two motor pools full of vehicles that the enemy did not have time to sabotage in their retreat.  Nearly all of them merely needed fuel cells to operate.  Apparently the enemy was that low on resources.  According to reports, there were at least 60-80 repulsortanks and various heavy tracked vehicles.  Fury gave the order to move more troops up and made an open call for those with heavy vehicle and gunnery experience.  As the ground troops, lancers, and mechs moved forward, he soon hoped to assist with some heavy armor as well.
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
February 26, 2002 12:14:36 AM    View the profile of Kuroishi 
Kuroishi looked down at the report from GUESSWORK.  Admiral Boo Wood had gotten away.  All that was left now was for Kuroishi to stike back at his enemy Jansom Colpman. Kuroishi knew he would find him in the old capital building.  Probably even expected Daishi to follow the rules of Brengak Dueling. "Master, Hippie, Argon, Tycho, time for you all to leave there is only one enemy left in Vectra city.  I must deal with him on my own.  It's personal betwenn him and me."  Kuroishi said as he began the long march to the capital building from the Fallen Angel's current position. Kuroishi knew the Fallen Angels would respect his wishes, after all they chose to follow him when they did not have to.  Kuroishi was to the point of being able to say the Fallen Angels were more then just a group of soldiers but then he had to remind himself what his so called friends had done to him in the past. Kuroishi hudled down into the mud and watched the perimeter.  The Fallen Angels had done a thourough job of eliminating any NR troops on planet with the assistance of the Varneck Planetary Defense Force. As Kuroishi expected only a skeleton force was watching the perimeter.  Easy enough for a seasoned marine like himself to sneak past. With the power out and the world approaching sunset the hallways where Kuroishi entered were filled with the gloom of twilight, the brightly colored paint now faded into gray tones. Kuroishi made his way to the grand entrance.  If he knew Jansom that was where he was going to be waiting for him there. Kuroishi entered the chamber and looked up the sweeping staircases the meet each other at the viewing balcony where all citizens could see thier goverment at work.  Right smack where the two stairs met stood another man in Varneck Marine Combat Armor. "So this is how we shall end it.  It seems fitting thaaaaaAAAAHHHH!!!!"  The other man began his monolog. "You know Jansom you always talked too much for your own good."  Kuroishi said as he popped the bolt back on his rifle. "You shot me you bastard.  What happened to the rules of Brengak Dueling you used to follow?"  Jansom replied as he watched Kuroishi march up the stairs. "Thanks to people like you they were made to mean nothing to me as so many of the things I used to beleive in.  All I have left now is a cause to fight for.  Hell I might even keep you alive."  Kuroishi retorted as he began to drag Jansom down the stairs. Kuroishi felt the blasters impacting on his armor as he left the capital building but it didn't matter they obviously didn't know how to breach the armor's weakness as Kuroishi knew. After all Kuroishi helped Jahromk turn his Hysan Combat Armor into the Varneck Marine Combat Armor.  Jahromnk could also be counted on to keep the secret. When Kuroishi got far enough away from the complex dragging a still barely concious Jansom behind him Kuroishi looked at his chrono and then into the sky. "Sweetums I need a pick up.  Operation Bring Him Back Alive is now in full effect."  Kuroishi said as he waited for the Fallen Angels to come pick him up. [Sorry but I had to finish that little subplot]
The Head Terrorist
Great Death Leader of the Fallen
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GN Daishi(2LT Kuroishi)
"Victory through terror, terror through infiltration. Redefining pain and suffering since 2000 and damn proud of it."  Fallen Angels motto.
Argon Viper
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
February 26, 2002 5:35:33 PM    View the profile of Argon Viper 
Argon was waiting as Daishi came onboard the Sweetums. "Hey boss,"he said,"what next?  Do we go help out those VE peeps?" ------------------- The DK soon found the missles they were looking for, and overwhelmed the crew within seconds, drivers and techs aren't very good soldiers... Scout took care of locating the target, and Argon took the computer while Brakiss, Maul, and Myrrdin kept watch. Before any enemy patrols could find them, Argon had a target lock. Quickly, five large warheads left the vehicle, impacting in the base. For a few seconds, they simply lay there, smoldering. But, as soldiers were beginning to come out of hiding, all five exploded into a massive fireball. The DK had to shield their eyes, and when they looked back, the base was a smoking crater. "Mission accomplished,"said Argon,"let's get back to base." [Okay, I finished off the DK part in this.  End it soon it you're going to...]
Argon Viper
"History is on the move, those who cannot keep up will watch from a distance, and those who get in our way will not watch at all" - Grand Admiral Thrawn
"He who knows his enemy, needs not fear confrontation" - Sun Tzu, "The Art of War"
"Insanity is not a mental condition, it's a way of life" - Argon Viper
"Those who run from death, win little.  Those who simply live their lives, win much" - Argon Viper
Ramon Stonefish
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
February 26, 2002 5:53:38 PM    View the profile of Ramon Stonefish 
Life was beginning to get hard for Stonefish and he was having to use all the tricks in the book to keep from being discovered. The power cells on his speeder bike had run dry about twelve hours ago, and he was hiding out in a copse of trees now. The enemy was running through the region thick and fast, moving to some backward position - obviously the VE and FES contingent was giving them enough grief now that they'd had to back off and regroup. He'd seen some fireworks a day or so ago about ten miles away, and most of the troops were heading that way. Hopefully whatever had been done was a thorn in their side. As he was watching the rebel backs disappearing amongst the rolling plains, Stonefish felt the barrel of a blaster carbine prod him in the back. "Don't move," said a voice through some kind of breathing mask. Stonefish made his hands clearly visible: with a blaster pointed at his heart from point-blank range, moving much more would be a stupid thing. His arms were grabbed and his hands roughly cuffed together behind him using a cable tie or something similar, and then the lights went out. OOC: If anyone has a reason for it to be rebel troops capturing me, write it in, otherwise I'll say that I've been captured by my own side and am happily being taken back behind my own lines at last.   ----------------------- Ramon Stonefish -----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- Version: 3.1 GCS/ED d- s:+ a-- C++++ UL P+ L++@ E---- W+@ N+ !o w--- PS PE t+ 5++ X-- R++ tv+ b+++ !DI D++ G e>++ h! r-- z- -----END GEEK CODE BLOCK-----
[This message has been edited by Ramon Stonefish (edited February 26, 2002 5:54:44 PM)]
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
February 26, 2002 9:25:38 PM    View the profile of Fallen 
Raxen went out of the room and threw all the technician's equipment on the floor, making it a mess. 'I sure need help now.' Raxen muttered grinning. Straightened his temporary uniform, Raxen headed down the corridor. Taking note of major landmarks, he scanned for a liely newbie trooper to fool. Spotting one lone trooper, he startedd to run towards the trooper and pretended to be out of breath while he explained to the surprised and annoyed trooper that he had some difficulty with his equipment. Muttering something about technician defficiency while trying to seem experienced, the trooper nodded curtly and followed Raxen back down the route Raxen had took before. As they neared where PM was standing ready, the trooper began to noticeably look around uncertainly. This had to be one of the rarely used corridors in the Base. Raxen took point of that. 'Are we near now? Where your mess?' The trooper grunted at Raxen, who nodded and hurried, which was actually to his advantage. Suddenly, a shadow moved and in a couple of seconds the trooper was knocked out and PM moved out of the shadows and dragged the unfortunate trooper into the same room where they had done some identity change a couple of minutes ago. PM slipped on hte enemy trooper uniform and patted himself on the shoulders. 'Okay, let's get movin'. They headed down the corridor and Raxen stopped by a computer terminal. He slipped a silicon datacard into the computer terminal and soon fed all the information into the 2cm by 2cm sillicon datacard. He was about the omplete his usual procedure with a virus into the systems when PM stopped him. 'What?' 'If you feed THAT thing into the main computer system, we wont be able to open the gates for the rest of our peeps in.' 'Okay. Makes sense.' Raxen gingerly removed his sillicon datacard from the computer and pocketed it in a safe place somewhere in his pants. After that, both of them headed towards the main control room ...
OC Jay 'Darc' Fallen [Army: Raxen]
Aegis 3-1, Lusthawk Nine, AG Member
NXO:A/FL/OC Fallen/Aegis 3-1/1/mSSD Atrus/1ESF/VE/VEN/(=A=)(=SA=)[VC]

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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
February 26, 2002 10:42:50 PM    View the profile of Fury 
For three hours the enemy had held the latest assault away from their walls.  Essentially the latest in the New Republic's answer to a garrison, it was quite an imposing structure.  It had taken the walkers the better part of an hour just to punch through the outer wall to give access to the power generators.  Even after that, teams of sappers had only managed to make the hole big enough to fit three vehicles as individual teams of troopers had only moved in to be felled by concentrated enemy fire.  Missions to scale the walls had been similarly repulsed.  The only plus was that this seemed to be the end of the enemy presence in the south.  The Lancers were out amongst the open prairie hunting down enemy units that hadn't made it behind the walls.  The rest of the enemy line had folded up and ran into the structure, leaving behind even more vehicles and weapons in their rush to safety. A trio of FES AT-AAs provided air cover against the complement of fighters that the pre-fab structure had contained.  This had been reduced to some sturdy Planetary Fighters and two ancient C-73 Trackers, which was still better than what the Corps could put in the air.  One by one, though these had fallen and the remaining craft were making moves to head back to the north, where the enemy still had a chance. Fury took a bit of a meaty sandwich, provided earlier by a partisan team moving from the south - a gift from a shattered but loyal village.  That done, he ducked down into his command repulsortank and gave the order to move out. Thirteen repulsortanks of various strength moved forward, followed by nine of the heavy T3-Bs the enemy was fond of using.  This particular vehicle became highly unstable the closer they got to the breach in the walls.  The driver, sweating and cursing, kept the vehicle from slamming into the ground as heavy bolts from the enemy defense batteries slammed into the armor, making the vehicle lurch like a ship in bad seas.  Despite what anyone said about energy weapons, it got hot in the tank as they recieved upwards of thirty of them an ion shot that took out their comm system and made everyone's hair stand on end.  Fury spelled the gunner as he was thrown from his seat by a particularly violent hit.  Already, six of the tanks were reporting severe damage and were trying to withdraw.  One other had refused to answer.  Then again, his tank couldn't answer add to the chatter either so he hoped for the best. Then the thunderous blasts stopped, replaced by what sounded like high-pitched rain.  They had gotten under the guns and only small arms fire remained.  Dangerous in it's own right as it could precisely hit weak points left by the heavy turbolasers and blaster cannon, but an improvement all the same. Turning the corner into the shattered permacrete of the wall, the "rain" picked up...and so did Fury's choice of targets.  Behind a hastily constructed wall of crates and various rubble, the enemy took aim at the repulsortanks.  Repeated hits from ion rifles began to dim the lights.  One of the crewman grabbed an extinguisher to put out a small electrical fire near the driver, who was trying to find a way through the barricade.  Lurching to one side, the tank slide towards a barrier, the driver barely keeping the vehicle upright.  Judging by the ringing in his ears, that was either a high explosive or another tank.  It proved to be the latter.  As it tried to take aim for a killing blow, a VE-commanded T3-B gave it a shot in the "sweet spot" that Imperial gunner's training gave to it's armor forces.  A quick FES crash course in gunnery had apparently paid off.  As two of the heavy tanks started neutralizing fire, two repulsortanks and the other heavies, concentrated fire on a  generator station. The resulting burst crackled through the air.  Along the walls, the local defense cannons went silent, cut off from the power which fed their weapons and aimed their emplacements.  It did not take long for either side to respond. VE troops ran up the killing field and into the hole, quickly overwhelming the enemy holding the barricades.  A few more enemy vehicles moved in, but not in enough mass to do more than slow the torrent.  Within moments, enemy troops began to lay down their weapons.  Blasts echoed from inside the command buildings as troops chased after the enemy.  Even those who attempted to surrender were given no quarter.  Fury moved to stop the troops, then stopped. These were not regulars.  Most of these beings were avenging the loss of family, friends, home, and livelihood.  Their safety had been taken from them, a safety he and the rest of the armed forces had failed to provide.  He would take no part in this butchering, but he would not prevent his troops from carrying it out. OOC:  Okay, south region is secure.  Sounds like the Dread Knights have taken out one of the enemy flanks.  Let's wrap up the city fighting (which we'll likely join up with) and whatever is to the northeast and northwest of the city.
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
February 27, 2002 10:43:58 AM    View the profile of Raziel 
OOC: what are the other squads (Raiders, DD) doing atm? i want to organise a final pitched battle to free the north
SL/1SGTRaziel/4SQD/1COMP/1BAT/1RGT/Tadath/VEA/ {EW1}
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
February 27, 2002 8:56:04 PM    View the profile of Argon Viper 
Argon's squad was relaxing at the base when Fish was brought back. To his extreme embarrasment(and the amusement of everyone else), he had managed to be captured by his own side. But the DK were afforded little rest. With the Rebels driven out of the south, they were moved to the north to take part in the city fighting. As they walked up to the city(imagine the opening scene from Enemy at the Gates, screw Private Ryan  ) they could see the massive battle that was taking place. They skies were clouded with the smoke of a million landed shells, and the the ground was crawling with soldiers. Even as they watched, a group of VE soldiers charged, concentrating their fire on the center of an enemy formation. Before their eyes, artillery rained down on the charging soldiers, forcing them to slow, and the Rebels opened fire with a few heavy repeating blaster rifles, mowing soldiers down and forcing a retreat back to the treches. Suddenly, a whistling sound could be heard. The DK took cover and a hill less than 25 meters away suddenly became an inferno, throwing the three troops who had been there flying. This was going to be tough...
Argon Viper
"History is on the move, those who cannot keep up will watch from a distance, and those who get in our way will not watch at all" - Grand Admiral Thrawn
"He who knows his enemy, needs not fear confrontation" - Sun Tzu, "The Art of War"
"Insanity is not a mental condition, it's a way of life" - Argon Viper
"Those who run from death, win little.  Those who simply live their lives, win much" - Argon Viper
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
February 28, 2002 10:02:15 AM    View the profile of Matok 
OOC : Well since the city fighting is coming into full action, the remaining Rampage Task Force is here ----------- Captial World ----------- It had been a hard match through the hills outside the captial city. Numerous mechs pounded at the enemy lines, causing major gaps in their defense. Groups of fortified AT-AAs provided cover as the main contingent moved in. Matok shook the hands of his crew as the UH1s entered the main battlezone. This time, there would be no mistakes. The force would conquer all. "Rampage Task Force, this is General Matok" stated the General calmly as he held onto his controls aboard the massive UH1, "all units prepare for assault. I want no survivors under enemy control. All prisoners must be taken inside carriers and we will turn them over to the Vast Empire once we reach them. Take out anyone or anything with a weapon. I want this city cleared of the vermin..." Matok smiled abit as he switched off the comlink, glaring at the numerous monitors detailing specs on the combat. The UH1 command pod came to life, shaking as the large head like pod twisted to fire on targets. The remaining 4 UH1s did the same as the smaller ATATs and other mechs launched their own assaults on the enemy. "We have reached the perimeter" came a mechanical voice over the comsystem. The computer was abit off but Matok knew the real combat was beginning. He watched as fighters fell from the sky as his ATAAs provided cover. He knew that with a combined effort, he would succeed. Walls of fire welcomed them as the walkers treaded over barriers. Infiltry, more suicidal then accurate, ran amoung the task force, trying to attach mines below the walkers. AT-PTs were constantly on alert, despritely wiping out the soldiers before they could dismantle the heavy equipment. Tank after tank arrived, blocking main routes and forcing the force to open fire. One UH1 managed to stomp on top of a group of 3 tank droids as the remainder were detonated by heavy weapons fire. An hour of simular combat had passed, and the enemy became savage. Suicide attacks came more often. Tanks strapped with megatons of explosives would detonate admist the group, blowing off ATAT parts and sending them toppling over amoung the smaller vehicles. A UH1 gained heavy damage, loosing a foot base, but managed to stay level and served as a weapon implacement for its lack of available movement. Damage reports were coming in by the truck load. Matok seemed uneasy about the combat below, but continued on course. The UH1 began opening fire on hostile buildings, toppling it over with its massive fire power, instead of waiting for foot soldiers to take the building themselves. As the combat grew heavier, the General noticed the enemy were retreating. After almost four hours of steady combat, the Task Force had cleared its first obsticle. In their wake were dozens of flaming buildings, enemy soldier remains and wreckages of vechicles from both sides. Perimeter 2 was on its way. The General wiped his eyes abit as he peered through the command pod's veiwport. The 'Government Plaza' was straight ahead. He was on course but the harder combat would be ahead. In the distance he could see another armed force approaching and smiled. "Commander," said Matok to one of the pilot crew members. "Relay a message to General Fury, we have taken the north."   ----------------------- General Rafran Matok, 'Rampage' Task Force Commander of the Shadow Army, [ Force Elite Soldiers ]
[This message has been edited by Matok (edited February 28, 2002 10:13:58 AM)]
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
February 28, 2002 11:45:38 AM    View the profile of Fury 
Rummaging through the enemy garrison, Fury had discovered two unopened crates of cigarras.  Claiming two packs as his, he distributed the rest among the troops will him.  No member of the VE forces had even seen any tabacc in the past month.  Now the former enemy base who haloed in burning buildings, bodies, and smokes. The bloodlust of his troops had diminished long enough to round up some important looking enemy officers and some non-uniformed personnel.  These had been separated, put under guard and were loaded onto vehicles preparing to head back to the city.  Fury sat atop his command tank and had a quick smoke as the column moved out. The good news was that the seige of the government center was over.  There now existed a direct route to the HC and whatever holdouts still remained there.  Already the FES task force and the Lotaith Lancers were moving back towards the city to assist in attacking any enemy left in the open. Reports from the northern sector told of massive routs of enemy troops, many of the enemy units fighting without any power cells in their blasters.  Other than sporadic teams in the hills with good defensive positions, most of the rebel forces had moved into the northeast part of the city for either a last stand or a mass surrender.  Given their actions over the campaign, Fury doubted the latter would happen without at least one more fight. Moving back through his former defensive lines, Fury assembled a team to head back with him.  Despite over thirteen thousand dead and wounded, nearly all of the remaining volunteers had remained.  A few thousand had been broken into patrolling teams to roam around the region to take down any enemy holdouts.  Most of the defensive works lay bare as the defenders hooked up with the mass in order to fight.  Only a regiment stayed back to deal with the five thousand prisoners that had survived thus far.  The "special" prisoners headed north to meet their fate with some reportedly eager interrogation teams. OOC:  I figure we have some stray enemy to the northeast of the city, some holdout pockets to the west/northwest of that, and a few to the east.  Figure strength as follows: City and environs: four regiments plus stray elements here and there West: five companies of heavy weapons teams East: One regiment heavily dug in Air defense: Heavy Air elements: Surely you jest Armor: Dug in or used as mobile artillery in the city. Pick your mission and attack.  Let's wrap this up.
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
February 28, 2002 2:50:40 PM    View the profile of Daishi 
Kuroishi watched as the timer ticked down to zero.  He had come to finish what he had started. Tapping on the transparisteel casing that now contained all that was left of Jansom Colpman to get his attention Kuroishi carefully turned up the volume on his artifical voice box. "YOU *BEEEEP* *BEEEP* BEEP*...."  Jansom shouted as Kuroishi turned down the volume. "I see you're still not feeling very cooperative.  I'll let you talk again when you can talk nicely.  We're at Lotaith now and me and Argon are going down there to mess some rebels up.  Now you can either sit there in your fish bowl or you can contribute to our efforts."  Kuroishi replied as he headed for the hanger bay. "Well Daishi, Kuroishi, whatever,  I'll talk to you when you get planet side.  I'll stay up here with GUESSWORK and help them out for now."  Geist said as Kuroishi walked past him toward the hanger. "Thanks Geist.  I understand your desire to give up this fighting, but since it is not my time to settle down yet I'll contribute what I can."  Kuroishi replied to one of the few people he had dared to consider a friend that did not betray him. "Fallen Angels to Fury, we're going in where do you need us?"  Kuroishi asked as he started the Royal Barkalounger up.
Barron Administrator Daishi
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
February 28, 2002 6:44:28 PM    View the profile of Cosmic 
Cosmic took it upon himself to just head back to the FES and General Matok.  Word has already begun to spread that the city has been recaptured, and that there are several more remnants of the Rebel forces throughout the vacinity. Cosmic was escorted by several security personnel back to General Matok's forces within the liberated city. Cosmic immediately found Matok giving orders and nodding at their latest victory. "General." Said Cosmic, nodding. "Ah, Captain Cosmic.  I would like to say that you have done an excellent job on that previous Rebel unit.  The hover-tanks helped us very much." Cosmic nodded. "I see we have just a few remnants now." Said Cosmic. General Matok nodded. "They will be easily wiped out though." Replied the General. "The Rebel forces have a limited supply of ammunition and weapons.  They won't last long."
CO/SL/DJK Cosmic/Lion 1-1/mSSD Atrus/VEDJ/VE [VP][KC1]
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
March 1, 2002 8:50:50 AM    View the profile of Fury 
Fury yawned and stretched after catching too few hours of shuteye.  Three hours to make up for being awake most of the past three days.  It wasn't the threat of getting shot that made soldiers old; it was the utter lack of sleep and basic hygiene.  At least he wasn't stinking himself to high heaven in his stormtrooper armor.  He hoped that his gear box on Tadath had remained intact. It would be hard to explain how he managed to lose such a valuable piece of equipment. As for today's mission, he fired up the datapad and got a checkup on the battlefield situation.  The enemy compound in the eastern hills had gotten bombarded pretty much continuously in the overnight hours.  If it were to be attacked, now would be the time. To the west, the supposedly heavily armed threat had turned out to be nothing more than bandits who had chosen the wrong side in the war.  After four of the roving bands he had sent out had crushed a few squads, they were discovered to be both heavily armed and out of power packs.  Intel had "extracted" the knowledge that these were indeed citizens of Lotaith who had joined up with the enemy.  Already agents were heading to the small region all of them had hailed from to find out if it was a hotbed of discontent.  If so, Fury would soon be asking his troops to perform the grim duty of annihilating those villages and homes. Meanwhile, in the city, 70% of the rubble could now be rightfully claimed as Vast Empire territory again.  The northeastern plains were now also in their hands, leaving the enemy with nowhere to forage for food.  No matter how many troops still in the area, they would not last long.  Fury ordered a total and complete encirclement and prepared to move in himself.  OOC:  Okay people, get your last digs in if you want.  Have some hilly, rocky countryside to the east to hit, or some really dirty, urban fighting.  Take your pick, but do it soon.
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
March 1, 2002 8:12:26 PM    View the profile of Argon Viper 
Before Fury could answer, Argon had received a signal from his "duplicate". "There,"he said, pointing to a spot on the map. Daishi was the only one who knew about Vipers' double, and he ordered them to set down at the spot. ---------------- The Dread Knights were looking at the city, Argon and Fish being the only ones who had experience in city fighting, and wondering where to go first when a transport screeched down from the sky. Knowing that no VE pilot was crazy enough to fly like that, they cleared aside and let Master land the beast next to them. Argon and Daishi strode out, bristling with their weapons, armor, and "equipment". The DK and FA stared for a moment at the two Argons before just shaking their heads and going back to what they were doing. "Okay,"said Daishi,"I think we should go in there,"he pointed at a spot of particularly thick fighting,"and figure out where to go after that later." "You're the boss,"said the DK Argon,"I'm still willing to follow you." "Oh yeah,"said the FA Argon,"just for clarity, call me Viper, and call him Argon.  It'll make things a heck of a lot easier." "Agreed,"said Argon. "Well,"said Daishi,"let's move out..."
Argon Viper
"History is on the move, those who cannot keep up will watch from a distance, and those who get in our way will not watch at all" - Grand Admiral Thrawn
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
March 2, 2002 1:32:53 AM    View the profile of Matok 
Matok seemed glad that Perimeter 1 was secure. Only the Government Plaza battlescene would be his nice target. As his UH1 stepped into Perimeter 2, the plaza zone, groups of crazed enemy forces rushed in, trying to hold off the front from taking their prize. Matok found it funny that a hand full of foot soldiers would be the first to arrive, shotting at his massive UH1 and its 3 accompaining alog with the entire battlegroup of ATATs, ATPTs and ATSTS not to mention anti-air and mobile batteries. His walker was the first to make a move, steping its large foot onto the six men. It was the least he could do although it wasnt a respectable move. The company headed toward the buildings at full thrust, charging through enemy lines, laser fire and mine traps with few problems. Once the plaza was next to Matoks walker he felt releaved. He was back where he had started and this time he wasnt going to fail. OOC : I need some posts before I can continue
General Rafran Matok,
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[ Force Elite Soldiers ]
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
March 2, 2002 9:35:05 AM    View the profile of Argon Viper 
The Dread Knights and the two Fallen Angels(one could argue 4 FA...), headed into the city, passing underneath Matok's walkers as they took up residence in a building that seemed to be being ignored. Daishi quickly assigned groups consisting of one experienced soldier and one inexperienced. Myrrdin went with him, Maul with the DK Argon, Scout with the FA Argon, and Brakiss with Fish. Each pair was assigned the task of creating random havoc behind enemy lines and they split up. The DK Argon decided to head off to served as the enemy command center to destroy it. The FA Argon decided that random explosives behind enemy lines would be quite amusing. With their seperate jobs, they headed off...
Argon Viper
"History is on the move, those who cannot keep up will watch from a distance, and those who get in our way will not watch at all" - Grand Admiral Thrawn
"He who knows his enemy, needs not fear confrontation" - Sun Tzu, "The Art of War"
"Insanity is not a mental condition, it's a way of life" - Argon Viper
"Those who run from death, win little.  Those who simply live their lives, win much" - Argon Viper
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
March 2, 2002 11:07:50 PM    View the profile of Otto Vox 
OOC: To go back to Raziel's OOC, I honestly have no clue what Raiders and DD are doing, the last post made was just about Shadow and Nomar, I can work on getting some of those people active, so we can work on your plan
Otto Vox
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
March 3, 2002 12:10:57 AM    View the profile of Fury 
Fury looked at an already chaotic battle going on in front of him and debated using his volunteers and militia within the chaos ensuing within the shattered urban landscape.  Essentially it would be like throwing bodies into a shredder.  These troops didn't know the first thing about urban fighting. Inside, the surprise FA detachment had gone in guns blazing, taking the frontal assault by the FES as their route in.  To the right, at the city's edge, a steady stream of prisoners were coming out, many of them reportedly very hungry and long since out of ammunition.  Fury detailed three companies to assist with that effort, giving the fighters there either a break or a chance to join the fray themselves. A request for volunteers coughed up about 400 troops willing to go into the city with him.  There couldn't be more than 2,000 enemy troops dug in, most of them would starve out in days anyway.  But it was better for morale to kill them.  Besides, on general principles they would just start a prison riot anyway.  Better to finish the fight here.  Before moving in, Fury got a favor cashed in to the fleet, which surprisingly responded rather quickly.  Orbital bombardments smashed an already shattered cityscape flat in a jagged ring around the enemy position, carefully avoiding the FES/FA infiltration area (no need for "friendly fire" this late in the show).  Sapper teams moved in to bring the rest of the remaining structures flat, creating a large and wide free fire zone for the VE forces to use in case the enemy tried to leave their chosen stronghold. The fleet also rained fire on the dug in enemy to the east.  With scouts out in that direction, he would know their fate soon as well. It was down to pointless posturing and emotion now.  Lotaith was essentially back in the hands of the Vast Empire, minus a few enemy holdouts.  Fury moved in with the expectation of total victory declared by the High Command soon and minor mopping up ongoing for a few days.  Then of course, the long patrols and searches for months after that.
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