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Topic:  Ch. 7-B Army
Ramon Stonefish
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
February 2, 2002 6:41:13 PM    View the profile of Ramon Stonefish 
OOC: LOL!!!! Hugh Jazz! Has he got a friend named Hugh Jardon? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!
Ramon Stonefish

"How can we say we are protectors when we are more feared than that which we defend against?!" --Lucien, the First Fallen.
"May the sinless tester of souls hold his hawk's perch over me" -- a kenning, author unknown.
Argon Viper
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
February 2, 2002 8:50:23 PM    View the profile of Argon Viper 
OOC: since Fish hasn't added to my post yet and I hate posting after myself, my only post this time will be an FA one. Argon headed in with the rest of the FA soldiers, guns blazing, at the nearest weather station. Withing seconds, everyone inside was dead. "All right Viper,"said Daishi,"set up the explosives and let's get out of here." Argon set up a bomb that was really an interesting device, totally foolproof. It contained three grams of antimatter, enough to level the building they stood in once it was exposed to the air. The other Fallen Angels backed up, they had seen antimatter explosives before, almost gotted killed by them. But this one didn't have nearly the power of the planet destroying one they'de seen before. Nevertheless, they got out as quickly as possible, and Viper pressed the button on the remote. The building exploded with a satisfying bang, leaving nothing more than a crater and lots of falling debris. "All right troops,"said Daishi,"let's get the next one, only four more to go..."
Argon Viper
"History is on the move, those who cannot keep up will watch from a distance, and those who get in our way will not watch at all" - Grand Admiral Thrawn
"He who knows his enemy, needs not fear confrontation" - Sun Tzu, "The Art of War"
"Insanity is not a mental condition, it's a way of life" - Argon Viper
"Those who run from death, win little.  Those who simply live their lives, win much" - Argon Viper
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
February 3, 2002 12:34:31 AM    View the profile of Raxen 
OOC: Dang. Totally confused. Is the DD with the dropoff or the usual crash-into-the-gates?
Sergeant Rez 'Raxen' Darkswift [Navy: Fallen]
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
February 3, 2002 12:37:27 AM    View the profile of Fury 
It looks like the DD is with Raiders and whatever regulars you have and are headed for the front door. The Wraiths and Cos are doing their own thing.  Argon and Fish are killing in super-sized quantities - which is the way they want it when no civilians are around. Me?  I'm just waiting to see how the FES plays out their reinforcement landing.
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Argon Viper
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
February 3, 2002 12:42:08 AM    View the profile of Argon Viper 
I'd like to ask for a sit-rep in the context of Fury giving out the orders he'd like everyone to follow.  Something like"'I want the DK on the left flank to help the regulars, start taking out communications,"said Fury.  The DK had been sitting on a building covering the retreat routes of the enemy." Basically, something that says where they are now and what they're doing, mixed with what you want them to do.  Thanks.
Argon Viper
"History is on the move, those who cannot keep up will watch from a distance, and those who get in our way will not watch at all" - Grand Admiral Thrawn
"He who knows his enemy, needs not fear confrontation" - Sun Tzu, "The Art of War"
"Insanity is not a mental condition, it's a way of life" - Argon Viper
"Those who run from death, win little.  Those who simply live their lives, win much" - Argon Viper
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
February 3, 2002 6:37:01 AM    View the profile of Bear 
OOC: Which of these AWOL people have been killed off..? Aragorn,    Hanniball,    Reble,  Insane,  Dark Raven,    piromaniac,  endlessday,  Grenader3,  bahamut0,  Newbie,    Bahamut_0, NuenRuj,    Zero,    VViZarD,    Shockwave,    Matt,    shawn,    amidala,    3XR,    mortigc,  Adrian,    Janso,  LectrikHed,    satriz,    Naga Sadow,  atlantis,  gabriel. They're the ones I'll put in this rag-tag AWOL platoon me and D-13 just ran into.. although maybe not all of them.. :P ------ Grizzly coughed and spluttered as the smoke grenade exploded. His eyes stung, and he found it hard to breath. He jumped up, grabbing D-13 by the arm, and started to run out of the smoke. He could hear the voices of the rag-tag platoon behind them. "Get them!" a voice shouted, and then a succession of blaster bolts shot past. "ARGH!!!!!" Grizzly screamed, as one bolt went into his left leg. He fell to the ground in agony. D-13, who by now was fully alert, pulled him by the shoulders away from the smoke, which was starting to blow away, revealing at least two dozen soldiers. Grizzly dropped his blaster and pulled out his pistol. He fired a few shots at the silohettes, hitting two of them. "DIEEeee.. ARGHHHH!" he screamed as blood poured from his leg. "Shut up!" shouted D-13, pulling Grizzly into a hole with him. He grabbed his own blaster, aimed it over the side of the hole, and fired rapidly. He could hear the screams of a few men, mostly of shock rather than pain. "My leg! My blaster!" moaned Grizzly, feebly holding his pistol. "You'll live, damnit!" shouted D-13, as the ground around them was thrown up by blaster fire. D-13 peered over the side of the whole, and quickly came down again. "Artille..!" his shout was cut short by a massive explosion behind them. Grizzly and D-13 were pelted with mud and dirt. "A V-WEB!" Shouted Grizzly, standing up and firing his pistol in the direction of where the men had been. "GET DOWN!" D-13 shouted, pulling Grizzly back into the hole. Grizzly shook himself and reloaded his pistol. "Who the hell are those guys?" "Vast Empire deserters.. Some are in Army uniform, some in Navy.. Looks like they're pretty heavily armed." "Damnit. How many?" "About 20? Maybe 25? Who knows.. We've lost communications, so we're on our own.." "Damnit.. How are we gonna get out of here?" "No idea, Grizzly. Theres a couple of old mineshafts round this area.. Those guys won't attack until first light.. maybe we can find a tunnel or something.. its a long shot.." Grizzly didn't reply. He examined his leg, squirmed around a bit to look at the sole of his foot, and.. fell into the ground. "Grizzly!" D-13 shouted, peering into the new hold Grizzly had just fallen into. "I've err.. found one!" Grizzly replied cheerfully. D-13 jumped into the hole, grinning. "Ugh!" "Sorry.."
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
February 3, 2002 8:09:18 AM    View the profile of Raziel 
    Raziel closed the comlink that cosmic had opened. He glanced around at his squad who looked back at him inquisitively.     "Cosmic's taken out the HQ's comm centre. The army should lose organisation now. He did crash as i thought and all the other soldiers are now dead."     At first they looked pleased at the news, but then their expressions turned very grim when the heard the latter news. Raziel knew what all of them would be considering now. What would have happened to them all had they stayed?     "Unfortunately there is another problem in cosmic's plan."     "Huh?"     He is going to re-activate the HQ's defences...but that HQ is the hub of Rebel activity. As soon as they know its been taken down they'll head to re-take it. Cosmic is powerful, but he cant take ona whole Rebel attack force."     "Hmmm," maybe it could be turned to their advantage.     He clicked on the comm-link to Demi-wraith. Risky, but he had to do it.     "I've already heard from Cosmic," he said almost immediately. "Where are the Wraiths?"     "About a mile from the facility. I reckon there's a chance the rebels will turn backwards and go for the HQ"     "Thats what i was thinking. If you can hold the place long enough we'll have an easier time breaking through to you." DW replied.     "K, we'll do it."     "Ok Wraiths. Last stand mission i'm afraid. we'll have to take and hold the HQ building for as long as possible. Hopefully that'll give Demi-Wraith the time to break through." ===========================================     Cosmic had almsot full control of the building now, there hadn't been many guards as most troops had been sent out to meet to impending VE counter attack.     However the last people in the building had banded together and were headed for him.     Cosmic chose the place to face them down well and readied himself.     Then in the next instant the doors imploded and troops were all around him. In his hiding place they didn't even see him.     "The sith came in here i'm sure!" shouted the leader of the group.     "Correct." Cosmic said before separating his head and kneck.     "Where did he come from?" shouted another soldier.     Cosmic stood calmly before the remained 20 troops, confident now in the enclosed space to defeat this force.     He smiled, even laughed as they opened fire at once. His saber swang back and forth, stopping almost all the shots from getting through his defences.     He stopped smiling when they started to fan out though. Soon they had Cosmic surrouned, there was no way he could stop all the shots getting though. In response he leaped 20 feet to outside the ring of soldiers and turned. He cut down two men before they regained their senses.     All that cosmic heard was a hiss before pain swept through him. He dived to the side, but his cloack was singed and his hair was burning. He got to his feet to see the man with the flame thrower advancing.     "You will all die," Cosmic growled.     But the troops had gained cofidence now.     "Again!" shouted the new leader.     Before the flame-thrower could fire Cosmic was already in action, but again they were prepared. A stun grenade he hadn't seen went off and through him back.     He used all of his powerful mind defences to try and shake off the effects but simply couldn't. He knew that the clever soldiers would kill him soon.     He re-opened his eyes to complete chaos though. The troops were diving for cover and dying in groups as they tried to escape the enslaught of GM_Snipers repeater rifle.     Cosmic understood when black-clad figures came through the door, blaster blazing.     In seconds it was over. Cosmic was back on his feet and hastily tending his wounds.     "Well met Cosmic," Raziel smiled.     "The building is secure?"     "Yes, but a large rebel force is heading back to re-take it. DW wants us to hold out here for as long as possible to allow the army to make it here."     "Could be fun." Cosmic remarked. "You'd better get your men ready.     "I'm already on it." Raziel replied and headed off. OOC: change of plan. As cosmic has taken out the HQ already, we're going to defend it from an assault to make Demi-wraiths forces attack easier.
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
February 3, 2002 8:19:42 AM    View the profile of Raxen 
Raxen hitched up his blaster rifle and walked along side with PM, who just happen to have the same strides as him so it was much easier. They were moving towards the frontline. Raxen is guessing that they would have a 'lil guerilla attack before marching in full-scale on the weakened Rebels. But the surprise was still in store. Demi Wraith had persistently decided to hold onto the surprise til the end just before it had to start. That was one of his ways to 'perk up' his troopers just before the attack. Well it does work, so there, Raxen would just have to wait patiently until the cows come in. Meanwhile, he continue striding. Hopefully it doesnt take too long. He poured a 'lil whisky into his bottle instead of the usual water. THAT perks him up. Beside him, Peacemaker was feeling sluggish. Raxen noticed and passed to him his water bottle. 'Drink it. There's a surprise in there.' he motioned towards the bottle. 'Really?' PM took Raxen's bottle suspiously and gingerly took a sip. He face brightened suddenly and he pulled at the straw. 'Hey! Dunt finish it so fast! It has to last!' Raxen mouthed loudly and grabbed his bottle back. 'That was great man. Where diya put those kinky stuff?' 'Somewhere. I'll tell ya 'ater. ' The Dark Dragoons continued striding through the distance ...
Sergeant Rez 'Raxen' Darkswift [Navy: Fallen]
Dark Dragoons Troopie, Nutter and Butter than Before

Ramon Stonefish
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
February 3, 2002 9:32:04 AM    View the profile of Ramon Stonefish 
"Right, that's it," said Viper, "Let's move!" He and Fish shimmied down a drainpipe with various parts of weapon and weapons slung across their backs. They hit the ground running and made for the HQ building proper. As they hit the gates, a voice came over a tannoy. "Glad you guys could join us, I'm opening the doors now, but hurry we got about five minutes before all hell breaks loose." The gates and doors further in the compound swung open and the two Dread Knights rushed through. They had heard of two new recruits being assigned to the squad, and assumed that they would be shipping in with the next load of reinforcements, they might even be with the other squads on the other side of the rebel line. Once inside, the doors swung shut with a boom and the blast shield clanged down behind it. They found Cosmic, Raziel and a good portion of the Wraiths in the Ops Room. They did not find any resistance on the way up, the Wraiths had done a good job of clearing the place out after Cosmic's work. As soon as they were in the room, they started looking around. Fish poked his head back out the door, and saw what he was looking for. He signalled to Argon. "Not to ignore you guys," he said the the other troopers, "but we're just stepping outside a moment." Outside, Viper saw what Fish did. The Ops Room was on the left side at the end of a long corridor. There was no door at the end, just a blank wall. "Good plan," said Viper taking parts of the cannon of his back. In double time, they assembled the massive cannon and stashed the remaining two spare clips down beside it, and then returned to the Wraiths and Cosmic. "Right," said Viper, "We've got our big gun set up pointing down the corridor." "Good, I'll get two of the Wraiths to man it for now," said Cosmic, looking at Raziel, "If you could arrange it? Now, I'm sure the Dread Knights present would like to go up to the roof?" Fish and Viper nodded and headed out. The roof was a sniper's paradise. Plenty of protrusions to hide behind and a commanding view of the city and country around it. The pair of them could see the dust cloud as the rebel forces dashed in to see what had happened to their HQ. They wasted no time in getting settled with their rifles once again.   ----------------------- Ramon Stonefish "How can we say we are protectors when we are more feared than that which we defend against?!" --Lucien, the First Fallen. "May the sinless tester of souls hold his hawk's perch over me" -- a kenning, author unknown.
[This message has been edited by Ramon Stonefish (edited February 3, 2002 9:33:03 AM)]
Argon Viper
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
February 3, 2002 9:50:00 AM    View the profile of Argon Viper 
[OOC: You just love sniping, don't you?] Once on top, Argon and Fish took their places, aiming at the field around them. Well, Fish did. Argon was busily loading his gun with a new type of explosive shell he'd been working on. Fish took out three men in the time it took Argon to load his weapon, but now Argon had twenty shots worth of explosives. He took aim at a squad that was somehow still at full strength, they were travelling together as a group, guns aimed outward, centered on the SL. His shot took the SL in the head, and killed seven of the eight troops around him. He shifted his aim to another target, but the group was ravaged by Fish before he got off a shot. He switched to a C&C vehicle, and put a shot through the comm unit. Fish was giving him a strange look, having noticed the explosions, but this was going to be another great day.
Argon Viper
"History is on the move, those who cannot keep up will watch from a distance, and those who get in our way will not watch at all" - Grand Admiral Thrawn
"He who knows his enemy, needs not fear confrontation" - Sun Tzu, "The Art of War"
"Insanity is not a mental condition, it's a way of life" - Argon Viper
"Those who run from death, win little.  Those who simply live their lives, win much" - Argon Viper
Ramon Stonefish
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
February 3, 2002 11:12:13 AM    View the profile of Ramon Stonefish 
OOC: There's two of us, and an awful lot more of them. This way we get to kill a lot of them, and they probably won't even know where we are - since the sniper rifle I supplied you with earlier is a silenced one.
Ramon Stonefish

"How can we say we are protectors when we are more feared than that which we defend against?!" --Lucien, the First Fallen.
"May the sinless tester of souls hold his hawk's perch over me" -- a kenning, author unknown.
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
February 3, 2002 11:48:59 AM    View the profile of Rage 
------------- Capital (OOC: I fixed my last post to include the landing) ------------- Mole dusted off his uniform and was helped by another officer to his feet. The Hauler had crash landed in lake only a kilometer away from the Galcura wreckage. "Commander," said General Mole calmly, "Whats our situation." "Sir, the hauler is grounded for now. It will take a while, maybe days to get it in the air." said a officer as he climbed down a ladder to the lower decks of the cargo hold. "Very well then," Mole stated, "How deep is this water?' "Less then 10 meters." said another officer. "Its too deep to tread through with ATATs only our UH1s would make it." Mole thought to himself for a moment. "We have any TIE shuttles?" An officer nodded. "Prefect. Get them up to speed and land on the beach. Ferry some land equipment to the shore and gather as much sand, dirt or clay as you can and fill the shuttles drop compartments. Then dump as much as you can along the cargo bay doors. We can then use the make shift land bridge to ferry our supplies." The officers looked at eachother. It seemed sensible enough. They had ten craft and a few pieces of digging equipment, used for setting up base defenses. "Alright then. Make it so" said Mole to his crew and they set off to work. The General gathered his force of pilots and gun crew and boarded the heavy UH1 walkers, preparing them to disembark. Hopefully they could get a message to the Galcura for more help. The walker learched forward and the doors opened, and five of the massive vehicles treaded through the lake, on their way to the shore.
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
February 3, 2002 1:43:40 PM    View the profile of Argon Viper 
[Hey, there may be only two of us, but you can kill more with explosives than you can with sniper rifles, so cover me...] Argon got up, heading back down to ground level. "Hey,"said Fish, still focusing on another target,"where're you going?" "You may be a sniper,"replied Viper,"but I'm an explosives guy.  I'm going to show them how badly large things going bang can be for them.  Cover me." "Good luck,"said Fish, squeezing the trigger to take out yet another officer. "Thanks,"said Argon, heading down the stairs. For a moment, he thought of the two recruits, back on the other side of the lines. But only for a moment, he still had a job to do. "Hey,"said Cos as Argon came down,"I thought you guys were going to do some sniping." "I don't sit still well,"replied Viper,"sniping is more Fish's type of thing, I'm much better at blowing things up." With that, Argon grabbed his bags of explosive devices and headed out the door...
Argon Viper
"History is on the move, those who cannot keep up will watch from a distance, and those who get in our way will not watch at all" - Grand Admiral Thrawn
"He who knows his enemy, needs not fear confrontation" - Sun Tzu, "The Art of War"
"Insanity is not a mental condition, it's a way of life" - Argon Viper
"Those who run from death, win little.  Those who simply live their lives, win much" - Argon Viper
Ramon Stonefish
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
February 3, 2002 2:17:08 PM    View the profile of Ramon Stonefish 
Fish saw Viper out of the corner of his eye as the massive Whipid ran out through the main gate loaded down with explosives. Another head exploded as someone took command of the unit he was targeting again. The Whipid form scurried through the streets below planting mines on nearly every street that was immediately around the HQ, the other VE troops would have to be careful when they got here. He then disappeared from Fish's view as he ran around the other side of the building. Fish squeezed the trigger one last time and watched to see the radio fall from another limp hand, then, keeping low, he darted across to the far side of the building to cover Viper. He saw a modified Chariot Assault Vehicle about half a mile out and closing in, with a company-sized unit of men behind it. Viper was lurking around a corner about a hundred feet in front of it. He knew Fish would be watching. Waving his hand at his shoulder and placing a finger to his forehead, he signalled for Fish to take out an officer. Fish was only too happy to comply, and shot the man in the left eye. The troops behind the CAV scattered into what cover there was, and it was then that Viper made his move, running out from cover and planting a large device on the side of the CAV. Then darting off. A squad began to move out from cover to give chase, but a few shots to the first people out discrouaged them. Seconds later, the CAV went up in a ball of flame and shrapnel scattered amongst the troops, slicing armour and flesh alike.   ----------------------- Ramon Stonefish "How can we say we are protectors when we are more feared than that which we defend against?!" --Lucien, the First Fallen. "May the sinless tester of souls hold his hawk's perch over me" -- a kenning, author unknown.
[This message has been edited by Ramon Stonefish (edited February 3, 2002 2:17:43 PM)]
Argon Viper
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
February 3, 2002 2:46:05 PM    View the profile of Argon Viper 
Argon ran from the CAV, scurrying up a building, his claws digging into the cement to get him up there. He climbed in the window to the room he had seen an enemy sniper setting up. The sniper noticed him, but only had enough time to turn and face him before he was killed, falling down to the street four stories below. Argon checked the sniper rifle, found it to be worthless, and threw it out the window after the man. Looking down, he saw a squad that had just noticed the falling rifle and the dead man on the sidewalk. As they looked up, the 600 kg Whiphid launched himself out the window. Before he landed, the squad leader suddenly lost his head, Fish was still active. Argon landed heavily on the corporal in the squad, crushing him and allowing his claws to sweep around in all directions, killing another five men. The remaining two men took shots, but were too panicked to score any hits. They were dead withing seconds as Fish and Argon each racked up another kill. Leaving a motion-sensitive explosive with their bodies to discourage any attempt to investigate it, Argon headed, there were more enemies to kill...
Argon Viper
"History is on the move, those who cannot keep up will watch from a distance, and those who get in our way will not watch at all" - Grand Admiral Thrawn
"He who knows his enemy, needs not fear confrontation" - Sun Tzu, "The Art of War"
"Insanity is not a mental condition, it's a way of life" - Argon Viper
"Those who run from death, win little.  Those who simply live their lives, win much" - Argon Viper
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
February 3, 2002 4:21:29 PM    View the profile of Raziel 
    Raziel led the Wraith squad up to the top of the building, on the top level the could open and close shutters so they could fire from cover. Raziel had seen what was coming their way from the ops room and wasn't too happy.     At the moment only a few scouting squads were heading there way, but a few miles a serious force was approaching. Raziel was thankful for the dark dragoons good timing in getting here, but he knew they wouldn't last long.     They were behind enemy lines here and completely cut off from VE support. Also they were now fully commited. If they had chosen they could have melten away and escaped enemy detection...but that way the HQ would have been re-taken. Because of Cosmic's premature completetion of the mission they had to hold out for DW's sake.     Wraiths could see clearly the explosions some distance out from the city and knew that Argon and fish were having fun. Fish was still up top but Viper had sped off somewhere. From their position Wraiths would have good time to pick off any advancing soldiers. The ground was deliberately clear for 1/4 of a mile around the building and would leave the enemy without cover for that distance.     "Arkanian, Epic."     "Sir?" came the double response.     "Head down to the equipment room and see what you can dig up, get all the ammo up here and any portable rocket launchers etc for us. Meet us all on the outer wall."     "We're not staying here?"     "Not for now, we'll hold the wall for as long as possible, then fall back inside. When they get in here we'll hold the ops room for as long as possible. Let's go!"     "Sir!" OOC: ok i want a proper last stand style fight here we can always make up some fictional soldiers who can sell their lives dearly
SL/1SGTRaziel/4SQD/1COMP/1BAT/1RGT/Tadath/VEA/ {EW1}
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
February 4, 2002 4:25:49 PM    View the profile of Argon Viper 
Argon headed down the alley, and saw the force that was headed for the Wraiths. It was massive, over two battalions in strength, and it was advancing swiftly. Argon decided to leave them alone, prefering to sever any attachment they once had to the rest of their army. In the rear, however, rode three CAVs with the obvious signs that they were command vehicles, so he decided to help the Wraiths out a bit. He took three decent sized chunks of plastic explosive, put a remote detonator in each, and tossed them onto the vehicles as they passed him. When all of them had the explosives, and the attack was beginning, he pressed the buttons on his remote, depriving the attacking force of effective command. Tossing three timed explosives into the crowd of men, Argon moved on his merry way, intent of finding a way back into the building where Fish and Wraiths were now under attack.
Argon Viper
"History is on the move, those who cannot keep up will watch from a distance, and those who get in our way will not watch at all" - Grand Admiral Thrawn
"He who knows his enemy, needs not fear confrontation" - Sun Tzu, "The Art of War"
"Insanity is not a mental condition, it's a way of life" - Argon Viper
"Those who run from death, win little.  Those who simply live their lives, win much" - Argon Viper
Ramon Stonefish
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
February 4, 2002 4:49:48 PM    View the profile of Ramon Stonefish 
Up on the roof, Fish saw the trio of explosions behind the massive troop formation coming down the road towards the HQ building. Knowing this meant Viper was still around, he kept on firing, joined occasionally by blaster shots from the Wraiths on the upper levels of the building. As the last clip ran dry, he slung the sniper rifle and descended into the building amidst an ever increasing hail of blaster shots as the rebel troops below narrowed his position. As he closed the hatch behind him, he heard the thump of a grenade on the other side. That was close, he thought. Back inside, he went down to the main entrance and rigged a few grenades on tripwires along the main corridor and up the first flight of stairs. He then returned to the upper floors and the Wraiths. He saw Raziel up ahead, and warned him about the explosives rigged downstairs. Looking out of the shutters, he saw the troop formation entering the plaza around the HQ, he pulled a blaster rifle, an A280, from his back and took aim out of the shuttered window. If the reinforcements didn't get here in time...that didn't bear thinking about. He opened up on a cluster of troops below him as they were about to return fire. To his right, a trooper he didn't recognise fell backwards clutching his face as a bolt hit the lip of the window and threw red hot shards of steelcrete up at him. Come on guys, get us out of this!
Ramon Stonefish

"How can we say we are protectors when we are more feared than that which we defend against?!" --Lucien, the First Fallen.
"May the sinless tester of souls hold his hawk's perch over me" -- a kenning, author unknown.
Argon Viper
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
February 4, 2002 5:09:55 PM    View the profile of Argon Viper 
Argon managed to sneak through the unused sewerways back into the base the Wraiths and DK had appropriated for themselves. Once there, he found Fish, pulled out a rifle, and joined him. He looked around, there were three squads of normal stormies, half of them lying dead or dying on the ground, the Wraiths, and the Dread Knights. He ducked down as one stream of fire came uncomfortably close, but popped back up again to release a return stream. He flew back again as three streams slammed home near his break in the wall. He took a miniature camera he'd been working on and put it on his rifle. Then, he took out the matching goggles and put them on. Now, he was supplied with a barrel viewpoint from his rifle. He put it around the corner, lining up on the enemy troops, picking off three before he felt a hot shart on the back of his hand/claw. Pulling back, he dragged out a freg grenade, set the timer, and threw it around the corner. He heard the panicked shouts of enemy soldiers as they scrambled to get away from it, and the explosion that announced that anyone in the general vicinity was now half fragmentation. He popped up again to take some shots while the enemy was still disoriented and caught another two of them. "Viper,"shouted Raz,"get over here for a second!" Taking shots out of every break he passed, Argon went over to where Raz had staked out. "What do you need?"asked Viper, ejecting the now empty power pack and replacing it. "I don't think we can win against these guys here,"said Raz,"can you and Fish set up some bobby traps between here and the building, that's a better spot than here for a shootout." "No problem,"said Viper, already on his way. He dropped back next to Fish and fired off a few shots. "Come on Fish,"he said,"we've got another job."
Argon Viper
"History is on the move, those who cannot keep up will watch from a distance, and those who get in our way will not watch at all" - Grand Admiral Thrawn
"He who knows his enemy, needs not fear confrontation" - Sun Tzu, "The Art of War"
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
February 4, 2002 5:12:39 PM    View the profile of Raziel 
OOC: starting from before Fish's last post.     Raziel hefted one of the repeaters up onto the wall as Wraiths made the final preperations. They would have to give up the outer walls soon, but they would sell them dearly. Charges had been planted at the base of the walls to collapse them on retreat. That way when the rebel troops entered the compound they would have no cover.     "Ready?" he whispered. A force of maybe 50 soldiers were heading accross the open towards the wall. It was a testing force Raziel knew. He also knew what they needed to do.     Wait! he signalled with his hands. The troops were getting closer, speeding up as they gained confidence running across the open.     "Now!" he shouted. The wraith squad all jumped up from thier hiding places along the wall and let rip. Epic opened the firing by launching a fragmentation grenade, and then a flashbang.     Arkanian and GM_sniper let rip with heavy repeaters mounted on the walls whilst the rest of the squad targetted leaders and the nearest Rebels.     The Rebel scouting force desperately tried to run for cover, but there was no escape. They were simply to far from the walls and too far from cover.     A brief cheer went up from the Wraiths, but it lasted a short while before Raziel motioned for them to get down.     In minutes a second scouting party, maybe twice in numbers, advanced on the HQ. With similar tactics Wraiths took them down. This time however the scouting party was sufficiently large to cause some problems. Some almost reached the walls and others nearly picked Raz off the wall.     20 minutes later the Rebels attacked in full force. Obviously having decided that they had sized up their opponents enough hundreds of troops poored out of the urbanised areas and charged the HQ. Wraiths held their ground for a long time, Eavh wraiths perhaps took down 10 men, but soon the wall had to be lost.     Rebel snipers and mortars placed far enough away took aim and pounded the walls. Grudgingly Raziel ordered the retreat, but not before ordered them to use all grenades and explosives left. Maybe a hundred Rebels died in the carnage as the wraiths let off one final burst of pure firepower. Raziel knew the rebels could afford it.     By the time wraiths had made it down the wall and back inside the HQ the rebels were already assailing the outer walls. Raziel turned and set off the charges by remote and the walls  came crashing down on the rebels. The 5 minutes of ensuing confusion bought the wraiths time to set up insdie the main building. Taking up their defences in the windows up top they met up with fish and braced themselves as rebel troops poored into the plaza.     As raziel opened up with a locked down repeater he gritted his teeth.     "Fight to the last!" he shouted. He added to himself "Damnit Demi-Wraith get here fast"     The courtyard was littered with bodies as Wraiths and fish fired shot after shot...grenade after grenade. They had enough ammo for a regiment, but soon Raziel realised the Rebels would force their way inside.
SL/1SGTRaziel/4SQD/1COMP/1BAT/1RGT/Tadath/VEA/ {EW1}
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
February 4, 2002 5:20:10 PM    View the profile of Cosmic 
Cosmic wanted to help, but his wounds were bad.  His face was severely burned and he would have to sit down for a while until the Force could start helping him.  He found some bacta in the Sick Bay and applied them to his wounds. With bacta and the Force, he should be back to himself in no time. ========= 2 hours later ========= Cosmic quickly joined the action and returned to the Main Ops Command Center. He quickly scanned the radars and sensors and saw that the Rebel force was coming quickly...a large force. Cosmic activated the heavy-duty laser turrets and air turrets outside of the HQ building. "The rebels should have a harder time now with these new weapons." Said Cosmic to himself. He walked over to the consol right next to the one he was working at and activated the land mines. He then turned on the CommLink and requested more orders from Raziel.
CO/SL/DJK Cosmic/Lion 1-1/mSSD Atrus/VEDJ/VE [VP][KC1]
Argon Viper
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
February 4, 2002 5:27:02 PM    View the profile of Argon Viper 
[OOC: Sorry Raz, I posted before you...  How would you like me to change that post to match with yours?]
Argon Viper
"History is on the move, those who cannot keep up will watch from a distance, and those who get in our way will not watch at all" - Grand Admiral Thrawn
"He who knows his enemy, needs not fear confrontation" - Sun Tzu, "The Art of War"
"Insanity is not a mental condition, it's a way of life" - Argon Viper
"Those who run from death, win little.  Those who simply live their lives, win much" - Argon Viper
Otto Vox
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
February 4, 2002 8:00:09 PM    View the profile of Otto Vox 
Otto and Shadow were flying towards the Rebel group, Otto had senced some what of a large building. "Possibly a compound of some sort." Otto explained to Shadow. "Well, that shouldn't be too hard to get into and take out." agreed Shadow.   "Right, and my guess is that our friend Hugh is in there." They flew in at top speed to about 500 meters. Otto then senced a small grouof life signs, looked to his left jsut intime to see a blaster bolt heading towards him. He moved the STAP out of the way and spun it around to blast the Rebel with the modified blasters, the man flew up ablazed in flame. Then Otto's sencees went aflamed, small cavernous openings opened up from the ground. Rebel squads flew out of them, surrounding the two STAPs.   "Ok Shadow, we're gunna get out of this," assured Otto " just keep your mind on the fight. "Right."     "Ok, lesgo!." Shadow flew to the right, and Otto to the left, both firing their blasters as fast and accurate as they could, taking out about 15 Rebels. Shadow was flying very well, until one Rebel that had been bairly wounded, lifted his blaster and fired on his STAP. Shadows STAP went out of control, and Otto flew to catch him before it blew. He caught him and they flew off to get their barings.   "Well then, that was enjoyable." said Shadow "Yeah, but we have our comlink, and if we lose that, I can contact Jedi throught the force." said Otto     "Ok, that's good. I just hope more of the scum don't come flying out of other caves."
Otto Vox
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
February 4, 2002 8:44:14 PM    View the profile of Demi Wraith 
DW received distress calls from left to right.  A Rebel squad shot down first Grizzly and D-13 STAP’s and now Raziel and the Army HQ is about to fall into enemy hands…again.  This was turning into a nightmare for him.  DW couldn’t let his fellow troopers get captured by the enemies, but he couldn’t stop and let the Army HQ fall to the Rebels again. “Okay troops listen up, Corporal Ripatuna, Raptor, Ryo, Slyer, Kelric, and Kalon.  I want you guys to go help out Grizzly and D-13, they’re under heavy fire and I need you guys to get them out of that situation ASAP.  Once you eliminate them all, regroup with the rest of us. Ripatuna will be in charge of you guys.”  All of a sudden DW felt something through the force…it was Otto and Shadow, they were in trouble. “Jedi, Nomar, Katran, Ferox, and Morgan.  You guys will head towards Otto and Shadow’s last known position; they’re being overpowered by large amounts of troopers.  Get rid as many Rebels as quickly as you can, we can’t afford to waste any time.  Jedi, you’ll be in charge.  All you guys should take the speeder bikes, that way you can get there quicker.” All the troops gave a salute, hopped onto the speederbikes, and sped of to save their comrades.  DW assigned Cloud to drive one of the Hovertanks.  He assigned the other two tanks to Raxen and Cheecko.  The Dark Dragoons and Raiders hurried to the Army HQ where the Wraiths and FA were pinned inside.  Hopefully they can make it in time to save them and the HQ from being totaled.  DW looked through his binoculars; he could see the large force attacking the HQ.  He was surprised that it hadn't fallen to the enemy yet.  Soon they will reach the base. DW grinned.  These damn Rebels don't even know that we're sneaking up behind them.  They'll be surprised when we start blowing thier asses with our tanks soon enough. DW contacted Raz trhough his comlink.  "Yo Raz we're coming buddy, just hold out for another minute or so,  we're coming in with Hovertanks, once you hear Rebels screaming and things know what to do. Over and out." "Okay! Cloud, Raxen, Cheecko...let it rip!"  Cannon fire from the tanks shook the ground.  Enemy troopers flew in all the directions as the blasts hit the ground near them.  "Alright squads, move in!  Take out anything that’s not wearing white stormie gear!  Kill with extreme prejudice!"  All the stormtroopers let a battle cry as they charged into battle with their blasters in their hand. [OOC:Kill the AWOLs as you see fit.]   ----------------------- Sergeant Major Duran "Demi Wraith" Driscoll SL/SGM Demi Wraith/2SQD/1PLT/1COM/1BAT/1RGT/VEA/VE [ES:2] [EW:1]
[This message has been edited by Demi Wraith (edited February 5, 2002 2:30:27 PM)]
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
February 4, 2002 10:10:21 PM    View the profile of Warmaker 
As Peacemaker heard the Order he started runing forward with the rest off the Troopers and his heavy Riffle in his hand. severall Blaster bolts flyed beetween the two groups trough the Air, the Tanks still shoke the Ground with theyr heavy Gun Fire, a few seconds after the assault begun, the air was full dust. PM sends his deadly fire against the rebels, then he goes a few meters forward and hide behind a little wall when severall shoots missed him by a bit. when the laser fire stopped he stands up and send a few shoots from his Heavy Blaster Riffle against the Rebel Soldiers, one was hit by an direct head shoot which burned half of his head off, a other shoot hit a soldier on his body and let him fly 3 meters behind. PM walked forward and send every rebel he saw a blaster shoot, now was not the time to think, now it was the time to kill bevore a rebel killed him. Suddenly a  Pain goes trough PM he watched down to his left arm and see a smoking hole in his Armor. "Damn" he rushed behind a earthwall and looked on the blaster wound, it hurts, but he can figt, so he took a quick look where the other Troopers are and starts again going forward with an Death bringing Blaster Riffle in his Hand ....   (Sorry, on the main is my Peacemaker nick active, only here it wont work) ----------------------- XO/EFM/WO2 Warmaker/Viper 1-2/WING I/mSSD Atrus/VE/VEN (=A=) (=SA=) (=JCPA=) (=SCPA=) [VC-B] You can run but you cannot hide Have you ever kissed a Snake?
[This message has been edited by Warmaker (edited February 4, 2002 10:14:55 PM)]
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
February 5, 2002 5:59:33 AM    View the profile of Raxen 
Raxen hid himself behind a sandbag and tammed a couple of zmmunitions into his gun before moving on. He grabbed his heavy-duty gun and gunned the enemy troopies down. Kicking the bodies aside that werent Imperial, he continue his onslaught, stopping only when he ran out of ammo again. Sensing that someone was about the shoot him from the back, he quickly used a body to shield him around the shot and it was blocked. He turned and blasted the idiot down. When he neared PM, he noticed that he was bleeding from his wounds. Throwing him a bacta pack, he covered PM as PM dressed his wounds. Managing to hold off fire for the momment, he hoisted PM up onto his feet and shouted over the din, 'Cover my back! We'll guard opposite directions.' PM placed himself just behind Raxen's back so PM guards Raxen's back and Raxen PM's. Noticed a large number of troopers grouped together running towards their direction, Raxen unleashed a thermal detonator and threw it at their direction. It exploded and it's a free world for them.
Sergeant Rez 'Raxen' Darkswift [Navy: Fallen]
Dark Dragoons Troopie, Nutter and Butter than Before

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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
February 5, 2002 7:52:34 AM    View the profile of Peacemaker 
Raxen and PM watched booth theyr backs till they shoot the Rebels around them, Severall Rebels fall from the deadly Laser shoots booth send against them. The air was full of Dust and its hard to see anything, the whole area was a battlefield, dozends of dead Rebels and Troopers lay on the ground, everywhere they can hear the screams from wounded soldiers, Raxen and PM headed forward in the direction of theyr HQ. Around them drives the Tanks trough the area and shook the ground with theyr gun fire. Suddenly a Tank exploded on the left site of and the shookwave let them booth fly trough the air. "Hey Raxen, is all ok with you?" asked PM "What have you said? i cant hear you" answered Raxen. PM shouted " RAXEN, IS EVERYTHING OK WITH YOU?" "Uhhh, yeah, now i can hear you again, damn, they destroyed one of our tanks, from where comes that missile? asked Raxen till they hid in a little hole on the ground. PM taked a quick look and hides back behind the earth wall "A dozen meters away hides a few rebels with an little missile launcher, we must take them out bevore they kill more from our troops" "Yeah, ok man, you run from the right and i from the left, here are some grenades, rdy? asked Raxon PM`s eyes was cold " Yeah, rdy" answered PM till he activated his grenade " GO" Raxen and PM throw theyr Grenades and runs from different direktions to the little rebel ambush, the grenades explode and two rebel soldiers flyed a meter back, PM and Raxen started shooting and killed the rest of the soldiers in a few seconds. Then they jumped behind the next wall to look if they are more rebels ...   ----------------------- Evil Clone from Warmaker Nobody argue with you when you aim with an Heavy Blaster Riffle at him TRP/Cpl Peacemaker/2SQD/1PLT/1COM/1BAT/1RGT/VEA/VE
[This message has been edited by Peacemaker (edited February 5, 2002 7:57:34 AM)]
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
February 5, 2002 9:39:17 AM    View the profile of Raxen 
Raxen jumped and leapt behind the wall with PM. 'No one.' Raxen declared in surprise. Just then, he sense he was not alone and someone was going to blow his brains out. He instinctively used the butt of his blaster and whacked towards the direction of a suspiously like a human shadow. An 'oof' was heard, and Raxen moved forward to discovered a knocked out Rebel. 'Hehe, that'll teach ya a 'lil lesson. Never stand too near your enemies.' Raxen snickkered as he tied the prisoner up. After sending for a transport to escort the prisoner back for interrogation and when the prisoner was picked up, they busied themselves by arming themselves with the Rebel's equpiments. 'Hey, take apart that rocket launcher. Bet it'll come useful.' 'Wow, it's real light! Big benefit, thanks rebel prisoner.' PM grinned and picked up the rocket launcher. They moved forward and scanned around for enemies while Raxen and PM took a quick swig at the whisky to get them going ...
Sergeant Rez 'Raxen' Darkswift [Navy: Fallen]
Dark Dragoons Troopie, Nutter and Butter than Before

Ramon Stonefish
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
February 5, 2002 12:16:54 AM    View the profile of Ramon Stonefish 
As the rebels began to dig themselves out of the rubble that was once the outer wall, Viper and Fish were busy in the network of sewer tunnels underneath the city. Cosmic had deactivated the defences there for the moment, so that they could trap the whole area. The idea Fish had come up with was this: while the rebels were busy digging themselves out of the rubble, lay explosives under the courtyard so when they tried to cross it, they had a whole new load of rubble to dig themselves out of. "Right, that's it," said Viper as he activated the remote receiver on the last pack, "Let's go!" "Knights, this is Raziel," the commlink said, "Get up here, they're nearly through the rubble of the walls." When they got back topside, they saw the rebels had moved up their heavy tanks and were simply pushing the mounds of rubble aside to allow the troops easy access. As they were watching, a jet of smoke tracked down to one of them and it became a blazing fireball. Almost as soon as it happened, three other tanks tracked their main guns on to the source and fired. A cloud of debris flew down the corridor and pattered around Raziel, Fish and Viper's feet. "Okay, we're set down there," said Viper, "Just waiting for them now. Actually, this could work out quite well. If the tanks drop, then they'll be immobilised." The rubble was cleared, and the troops and tanks began rolling across the hundred feet or so towards the HQ building itself. As they got to the halfway point, Viper pulled a remote from his belt and pushed the button on it. The building rocked and everyone was thrown to the floor. "Jeez," said Raz, "How much did you put down there?!" Viper just bared his teeth in the closest approximation he could make to a grin. The courtyard was a scene of destruction, and they could still see gouts of flame further out in the city as manhole covers were blown off by burning methane. The tanks which had rolled into the courtyard were burning hulks among lumps of steelcrete, and there was no sign of movement near the building. As they watched, a few heads began poking out from behind the rubble of the outer wall, and then the advance continued. "Well, that slowed them down a bit, and got rid of most of the tanks," said Raz, grimly, "Now it's down to the old fashioned way. To your posts!" The Wraiths manned the shutters on the upper floor, and pointed blaster rifles, E11s and A280s out at the advancing line of troops. "Hold!" cried Raziel. Blaster bolts began to spatter against the side of the building, they were now at fifty feet. "Hold!" he cried again. Twenty feet. "Fire!" As one, eleven blasters fired at the front rank of troops, and eleven men dropped. The troops began to scatter into a skirmish formation. "Grenades!" The men readied frag grenades, pulled the pins and threw them out at the clumps of troops huddled behind chunks of steelcrete. "Fire at will!" The troops began running at the wall, two of them bearing explosives to blow the main door. Energy lanced out from the upper floors as the VE troops fired down on them. Covering fire sprayed back up from the rebels, but ineffectual, since they had good cover behind the shutters. One by one, the rifles ran dry and new power packs were slammed in. There was a thud as the main door gave under a massive explosion. Cosmic watched from the Ops room as troops began pouring in through the main door. The first three died as they triggered one of the grenades strapped to the wall. Cosmic ran outside to man the gun that Fish had set up in the corridor outside Ops. More thuds sounded as more troopers set off the grenade booby traps. They hit the stairs and began running up. Upstairs, ammo was beginning to get thin. "I'm out!" shouted Raz. Fish tossed him another power pack, his last. "Make it count!" Raziel slammed it in and returned to firing out of the window. They heard a whine and the sound of a large-calibre machine gun firing. "They're outside Ops!" shouted Viper. Rifles began running dry, and troopers closed shutters and readied pistols, heading downstairs. As Viper closed the last shutter and pulled his knife, the last thing he saw out of the window was VE-marked hover tanks and APCs floating across the rubble firing on anything in front of them. "Cavalry's here!" he shouted, heading down to the barricades on the corridor by Ops. "Let's hope they're here soon enough," muttered Raziel.
Ramon Stonefish

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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
February 5, 2002 12:19:47 AM    View the profile of Fury 
Three days of fighting had done little to change the ground war on Lotaith. Granted, the VE troops and volunteers had advanced three kilometers to match the FES' gains, but from there it had been a static line.  With the loss of orbital capacity - or the unwillingness to risk damaging another piece of their remaining fleet, the enemy lost the capacity to outright obliterate the VE/FES forces.  however, they still controlled the automated ground-to-space air defenses, something a call for trained slicers had done little to change.  He was told it was a matter of time.  Then again, everything in warfare was a matter of moments. The primary difference over the past days were the utter lack of fighter craft ranging over the battlefield.  No longer were Preybirds pouncing on VE supply columns.  The AT-AAs deserved most of the credit, and the last attack against them only damaged one of the walkers; and that for only five hours.  However, ground troops moving around in landspeeders carrying anti-air weapons had accounted for the majority of hits - if not outright kills. Slowly, an armed force was being made out of volunteer farmers, shopkeepers, and factory workers.  Elsewhere, the homegrown militias continued to take out ammunition dumps and sabotage vehicles.  The cost of partisanship had been raised however.  The enemy had taken to attacking villages and razing them to the ground in retaliation.  The only citizens still in their homes were those that lived near the sea or in the mountainous highlands - areas currently not under contestation. From inside the capital, a mobile broadcast station relayed the news as they received it, exhorting the population to keep fighting.  Often it would go off the air and move to another location in the mostly occupied city, but it would always come back on.  Apparently the navy was fighting back hard, and the Corps was moving to retake Tadath.  The DJO headquarters were safe and now twisting the will of the enemy's young Jedi to more Imperial-minded goals. As for the enemy itself, the intel was still blurry.  Composed of the former troops of almost every faction of the past twenty years, they had serious Imperial support in terms of ships, but most of the vehicles Fury had fought were of New Republic manufacture.  Eventually, they would regain their territory and find some true target to hit...not just the worker bees but the planners and financiers of this confederation. Until then, they would fight.  It wasn't clear what it would take to win.  Both sides had gone through the meat grinder, but no one had really ever stopped and considered themselves beaten. 
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