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Topic:  Ch. 7-B Army
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
January 11, 2002 4:35:10 PM    View the profile of Anakin 
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Tadath – Army Headquarters = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Ion cannon fire shot out from the defense perimeter of Tadath, Aimed at the incoming fleet.  The report from Brigadier General Talon had given them a fair warning.  Their defenses were up and somewhat holding.  The Fleet invading this system was the smaller of the three.  Made up of an ISD and a few VSDs and corvettes.  The majority of this fleet was transports, a troop invading force… However with the absence of the main army regiment, if and when they make it onto the planet…there will be no stopping them… :OOC:  Please allow for Army HC to post their orders on this matter first.  And remember FES will be posting with you as well. :/OOC:   ----------------------- -=:General Anakin:=- Operations Officer for the Vast Empire OO/GN Anakin/HC-3/mSSD Atrus/VE [SCP][CDS][IOC][CM-SS][LoCx23] E-mail 
[This message has been edited by Anakin (edited January 12, 2002 3:52:42 PM)]
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
January 13, 2002 2:59:06 PM    View the profile of Fury 
Lotaith was a nightmare, but not one that would likely become any better soon.  Reports of probing teams landing in various outlying cities had caused mass chaos.  Thus far, most of the panic had either resulted in a few heavily loaded transports leaving the planet or in neighborhoods throwing up makeshift defenses and working together to defend their homes.  Maybe later the wild mobs would appear, though Fury really hoped they wouldn't.  Gunning down civilians in cold blood was bad for morale - and worse for good night's sleep. Since the enemy was letting people escape off-planet (Intel teams had successfully sent teams out to other planets to test the theory), it was decided that Captain Cosmic and a team comprised of retired army veterans would lift off from Lotaith and attempt to infiltrate the screen surrounding Tadath.  From there, he could give the trainees some on-the-job training and try to stop the enemy from taking the Army HQ intact until he could be reinforced. General Talon was trying to orchestrate a functional local militia while TJ convened in session with the High Council.  Fury was stuck in a motor pool, aiding mechanics in getting some old Corporate Sector equipment functional.  Aside from some hovertanks and a few heavy artillery AT-ST variants, there wasn't a lot of heavy mechs available to defend Lotaith.  The stationary heavy artillery was still in place, as well as the local army contingent which had more airspeeders than anything else.  Unfortunately, orbital bombardments had taken out many of the major artillery emplacements and the barracks for the troops, leaving some badly disorganized regulars with a couple hovercraft and an few air-worthy strike craft.  Aside from being outnumbered and outgunned, there wasn't much more they could do.  As for the troops in the field, there wasn't a whole lot they could do.  Talon had set up a meeting with the captain of the Dominion explaining the situation and giving him the bad news that there was nothing they could do.  Fury had sent a message to the Scythe explaining more or less the same thing.  Fortunately for that team however, they were near an almost direct hyperspace lane to Tadath, and had enough firepower to get to the planet's surface if necessary.  The only problem was the mission at hand and the local space debris cloud currently holding them within the system. OOC:  Orders Captain Cosmic will somehow get to Tadath to help keep the trainees alive and fending off the assault teams. Dominion squads: Iron Horse, Dark Dragoons, and Raiders are on the mission started near the end of Chapter 7 Phase I (the one you have been posting on thus far).  Stay there unless you can a) magically complete the mission in no time at all, and b) can actually bust through a couple hyperspace mine fields around VE space and run a gauntlet through a couple enemy fleets.  Basically, do your mission until something can break enough to allow you to come home and help out. Scythe team: Fallen Angels (now independent mercs) and Wraith squad:  Continue your mission as currently going.  If you can achieve success, try to inch your way to Tadath. Talon, TJ, and I are on Lotaith, apparently about to be caught up in some hellish fighting.  We will be out of pocket for awhile until we can post otherwise.
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
January 13, 2002 5:22:06 PM    View the profile of Cosmic 
OOC: One more question, do I just make up the names of the Army veterans, or do you have plans on taking actual VE Army veterans into this story?
CO/SL/DJK Cosmic/Lion 1-1/mSSD Atrus/VEDJ/VE [VP][KC1]
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
January 13, 2002 6:11:43 PM    View the profile of Kuroishi 
Kuroishi looked at the communications he just recieved.  They had a week before they could pull out but once they could he knew that the contract before him was nothing compared to what his other self would pay the FA and DK. Kuroishi was disapointed because he had worked on trying to build a reputation of professionalism and expertise for the FA and DK but now it appeared he would have to go back on the first half but Kuroishi reminded himself what the FA and DK could do in a week's time. "Wraith, you'll have our assistance for another week.  We'll do our best to make sure you won't face any enemy fighters or bombers if we can't finish our objectives.  Prepare to move out because time is money."  Kuroishi said as he brought the Royal Barkalounger down. "Wraith you take the lead int the near by city, you'll blend in better then any FA or DK.  We'll start work on the prison facilities."  Kuroishi ordered. Kuroishi began to lead his troops toward the facility.  Kuroishi saw his first target.  The weather and spatial phenomina station for the hanger near the prison. "Just like we planned.  Move out."  Kuroishi said as he counted his blessings. The change in travel conditions meant they had a five day extension on how long it would take enemy reinforcements to get here. Kuroishi readied his ion rifle and fired a burst of shots into the sensor array.  That would slow down the assault on the Sweetums and Scythe. Next Kuroishi fired into the comm transmitter. Kuroishi waved Deathwookie forward and waited half an hour before entering the small facility.  As Kuroishi expected he found the personel being turned into Deathwookie's latest cullinarry creation.  He was glad he sent the Wraiths into the city because he didn't want hear about any violations of regulations. Kuroishi sat down at the control panels and began assesing the damage he had done.  His next prank was going to be one of his best, all it required now was time.
The Head Terrorist
Great Death Leader of the Fallen
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GN Daishi(2LT Kuroishi)
"Victory through terror, terror through infiltration. Redefining pain and suffering since 2000 and damn proud of it."  Fallen Angels motto.
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
January 13, 2002 7:41:21 PM    View the profile of g5 
IH, the Dark Dragoons and the raiders had been dropped to the surface of the icy planet. when they were still working on getting everything set up inside the garrison a small militi patrol happened across the base. Not wanting to have them return and report to their supperiors, therefore bringing about a larger attack force, snake found his sniper rifle and pulled the trigger 5 times. that was the end of tht trouble. He hoped that the local militia sent it's men out on week long patrols and that this one had just started. They had heard about the trouble the VE was having, but it would take at least 3 more days to get everything operational here, then  few more to plan the strikes. It wold take approximatly 1 week to destroy all the intended targets, if everything went well. That came to 2 weeks, and gien his limited info, that was more time than Tadath had. plans would have to be made while the grunts set everything up, and guards would have to be cut back on, so that more people could work. While he was meeting with TS and DW about tctics for the upcoming raid on the strfighter plant Snake realized it might be  good idea to talk to the mercenary captains. He had realized that they were gonna need to borrow the shuttles and pilots, and possibly use them to help raze the factory. after bringing up all 3 captains on a subspace receiver Snake briefed them on what the outline of the pln was and asked them if they could help raze the small planet, if it came to tht. They agreed that they could help with the planet, as long as there were no turbolasers or ion cnnon emplacements. if there were, those would have to be knocked out first. Then the 6 ment begn to plan their ensuing raids.
WC/TO:A/LCM G5/Raptor 2-2/Wing 1/mSSD Atrus/VEN/=A=
Combat Engineer G5
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
January 13, 2002 10:54:09 PM    View the profile of Fury 
Fury had lost track of where everyone was.  One thing he was glad of was getting rid of his uniform.  After getting his Class A's all greasy from the motor pool, he ditched them in favor of some generic coveralls.  Since most of the defenders of Lotaith were mostly civilians, a uniform only made him a better target than most.  What was promising was the large amount of people who had fought in some militia or army.  The Galactic Civil War, if anything, had taught people to take care of themselves.  Especially those still calling themselves Imperials.  Most of the citizens of the Vast Empire's planets had come from somewhere else, usually at a high personal cost. The only problem was getting them organized.  Old retired colonels from the Clone Wars were slowly learning that a sergeant from recent Imperial service knew more about modern warfare.  A few egos had to be laid to rest to make this defense work.  The hardest part was in maintaining static defenses. Every time an emplacement attracted notice, starships in orbits would eventually rain turbolaser bolts down on it.  Fury had been over half of the planet in the last day and a half and had yet to see a city, village, or open field untouched by laser fire.  During that time, someone had gotten mining equipment and construction droids under the surface, cutting large paths - an underground complex to use as transit conduits for when the ground assault truly began.  As it was, the enemy was setting up shop in three areas.  One of them appeared to be home to a new garrison city, though Fury hadn't been keeping up with news from Lotaith.  Probably it meant that the region had been rebelling a bit.  Bad news that, since it meant the locals would likely be helping the invaders.  Night was coming, and he was unable to return to the capital.  From last night, the VE had learned that enemy ship gunners loved to hit anything with a heat signature.  That lesson came at a heavy cost. Pulling his borrowed speeder into an abandoned farm, Fury set some proximity mines and started scanning comm frequencies, hoping to find news or orders, and hoping something was going well for the VE this day.
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
January 13, 2002 10:58:58 PM    View the profile of Cosmic 
Captain Cosmic just recieved his orders from Major Fury, ordering him to head to Tadath and to repel the invaders. His first objective was to contact 10 well-trained Army veterans to aide him in his mission... Cosmic walked outside of the military complex and into the world of Lotaith.  Every so often, he could see flashes of light blurring towards the planet, and the rumbling of the planet beneath his feet. He made a fast-walk towards the next military compound, where the veterans usually hung out and spoke strategy about war games amonst themselves.  However, today they were not talking about wargames. They were talking about how to get back at these insane Rebels. Cosmic walked in the door and was greeted by nods from the veterans. Cosmic walked towards the veterans who were seated at the table and saluted. They saluted back and made a quick nod. "What are you doing here, Captain?" Asked Colonel Davis. "I have a mission that requires your needed assistance, sir." Said Cosmic. Behind the Colonel were three Sergeant Majors, three Lieutenants, two Major's, and one Captain. The Colonel eyed Cosmic closely, and so did the rest of the officers. "What kind of mission is this?" Asked Sergeant Major Miller. "We are to sneak onto Tadath and train all the trainees at the Training Base.  That planet is also being orbited by Rebel ships, so we have to sneak passed them." Replied Cosmic. Sergeant Major Cass stood up and walked over to Cosmic. "Aren't there some oxygen tanks underground on that planet?" Cosmic nodded. "Yes, there are.  We also have to be sure that they stay intact.  I will brief you all on the mission and what we have to do enroute to Tadath.  Now, if you will please follow me to the shuttlebay." Said Cosmic. The veterans followed Cosmic out of the complex and towards the shuttlebay. Cosmic let the veterans get into the shuttle that was to be used.  Sergeant Putueanelly nodded to Captain Cosmic. "There she is sir. She's all ready for your departure." Cosmic nodded. "Thank you Sergeant." "I have also added the stealth mode onto that shuttle as well. All you have to do is push a specific button that reads: Stealth Mode.  It should be easy to find." Cosmic nodded. "Now remember, sir. This stealth mode makes the shuttle invisible to radar, but not to the human eye.  The enemy could look out their viewscreen and see the shuttle, but not see it on their radar." Cosmic nodded once again. "Well, let's hope that they rely on sensors and radar instead of their eyes." The Sergeant chuckled. "Hope so, sir."  Said the Sergeant, and he walked off. Cosmic walked onboard the shuttlecraft and brought the ramp back into it's airborne position and closed the airtight door. Once this was done, Cosmic turned to the already-seated veterans. "As probably most of you know, there is now continuous traffic in our orbit.  Refugees are in shuttles that are heading to God knows where.  Fortunately, the enemy fleet is not firing on them.  We are going to mix in with this traffic and get away from the Rebel fleet. We will then head towards Tadath.  Are there any questions?"  Sergeant Fross spoke up: "The trainees.  These are green trainees? No expierence?"  Cosmic nodded. "Yes sir.  It is our job to train them before the assaults begin.  Any other questions?"  The veterans shook their heads. "Very well.  Sit back and relax for the time being. This should be about a two day trip, since we will have to make microjumps in hyperspace to make sure no one will be following us." Cosmic sat in the pilot's seat and fired up the engines. The shuttle slowly ascended, then moved in a forward motion.  The shuttle mixed in with the refugee shuttles' traffic and headed out into orbit. Cosmic  got out a small electronic memopad and wrote down the names of the veterans:
Colonel Davis
Major Phort
Major Memphis
Captain Hark
Lieutenant Hawkins
Lieutenant Morrison
Lieutenant Gundall
Sergeant Major Fotrall
Sergeant Major Miller
Sergeant Major Cass
This was definately going to be a long mission...
CO/SL/DJK Cosmic/Lion 1-1/mSSD Atrus/VEDJ/VE [VP][KC1]
Ramon Stonefish
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
January 14, 2002 4:01:08 PM    View the profile of Ramon Stonefish 
The arc welder flickered bright blue light as Stonefish finished the hurried repairs on his fighter. A few new armour plates, and a bit of beating out on the shield runners was all that was needed on the outside, but he'd had to cannibalise a TIE Interceptor from the Scythe for all the electronic components he'd needed, thankfully he'd been able to put together the parts for the ion cannon from the broken laser cannon, this left the TIE Interceptor laser cannon generator to slot nicely (with a bit of adjustment, a few curses and a large hammer) into the hole. Two hours after touching down in the Scythe hangar, he was back in space watching for new threats. He switched the comm over to the FA frequency and listened to the reports flying around the surface. Kuroishi was making progress in the hangars near the prison, and the Wraiths were doing well enough. "Wait, Geist, point your redeye scope at the wall, will you?" said Kuroishi, "What do you see?" "Looks like...either there's something very hot behind this wall, or it's a very thin with a light pointed at it." There was the sound of a thump over the radio. "Just as I though," said Kuroishi, sounding satisfied, "Stairs behind a secret panel, and leading down." "Raziel here, we got nothing in the city," said a voice over the comm, "You need any help over there?" "Negative, Raziel," replied Kuroishi, "I think we've found what we're looking for here. It may be an idea for you to head back up to the Scythe and head over to Zellus to accomplish our objectives. We'll follow you shortly in the Sweetums. Stonefish, Viper, I'm in no doubt that you're listening in. Viper, you stay here and cover the Sweetums, Stonefish you follow the Scythe. Right, move out." Kuroishi cut the comm as he began to move down the stairs followed by Geist, Tycho and the remaining Angels.
Ramon Stonefish

"How can we say we are protectors when we are more feared than that which we defend against?!" --Lucien, the First Fallen.
"May the sinless tester of souls hold his hawk's perch over me" -- a kenning, author unknown.
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
January 14, 2002 5:05:08 PM    View the profile of Cosmic 
Captain Cosmic took a deep breath has the two-day journey ended.  The Army veterans didn't say anything for the last two days, except minor questions which were answered quickly. The Imperial shuttle had made microjumps from in and out of hyperspace, to make sure no one had been following them. Fortunately for Cosmic, no one was tagging along... Cosmic turned to the veterans.  "Ok, listen up.  We'll be within sensor range of the enemy ships within one hour.  I want to make a full weapons check before proceeding." The veterans brought out their Sniper Rifles and their light repeater blasters.  Cosmic nodded, and brought out his own sniper rifle and light repeater blaster. "Alright. Good going.  Now, here's the plan." Said Cosmic, walking towards the veterans. "Were going to head down to the planet where there are the least enem ships around.  That will be right on the outskirts of the Imperial city.  We will then proceed to the Army Training Base where we will meet with the trainees and start immediate training.  Any questions?" Lieutenant Hawkins spoke up: "Yes sir.  Do we have enough time to train the trainees and familiarize them with an actual combat mission before the Rebel's attack?" Cosmic shook his head. "No lieutenant.  As soon as we get down to the base, we will secure the planet's oxygen pumps which are underground.  We will have no time for training, so the trainees will have some 'on-the-job' training. Any further questions?" Major Phort nodded.  "What do we do when the enemy troopers make their assault on the planet? Will there be enough trainees to fight back and defend the planet?" Cosmic nodded.  "Yes, there will be enough trainees.  My main plan is to set up a hidden moniterring system to moniter all of the planet's surface.  That system will then be linked to a computer consol where the oxygen pumps are located.  You, the trainees, and myself will be underground with the oxygen pumps.  As soon as the enemy fleet commences landing, we will blow out the atmospheric pumps from underground.  The enemy troopers will not be able to breath in the atmosphere without the required pumps to oxygenize that section of the planet.  After we have fended off those enemy troopers by cutting off the oxygen supply, we will have to be prepared for another attack.  If the enemy attacks again with non-atmospheric troopers, THEN we will attack.  We will always have oxygen within a half a mile radius of this base, so our trainees can safely leave the underground, and fight uptop." The veterans nodded. "Ok, we will begin now." Said Cosmic, sitting down in the pilots seat. "Activating cloaking device." Cosmic heard a soft metallic sound, then it disappeared. "I am not heading towards the enemy fleet.  We all ready?" Asked Cosmic. The veterans acknowledged.
CO/SL/DJK Cosmic/Lion 1-1/mSSD Atrus/VEDJ/VE [VP][KC1]
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
January 14, 2002 5:07:14 PM    View the profile of Kiption 
The Wraiths exited the Barkalounger and met up on the farside of the ship to receive their orders from Raziel. "Listen up,  this mission is all about being incognito.  I know that's a big word for some of you straight out of boot camp, but this mission really calls for us not to let them know where we are from.  You'll notice already that we aren't wearing armor.  This should be a big hint not to go out and attract as much fire as possible.  Because a big crowd of 9 people is not going to blend in we are going to split up in three groups of three.  The first group will be myself, Corporal Sniper, and Coporal Cloud.  The second group will be led by Double Agent, and will be Arkanian, and Nomar.  The third group will be led by Sgt. Epic, and will consist of Dragoon and Kiption.  Here are your orders, please do not read them until we are seperated enough.  MOVE IT!" Epic, Dragoon and Kiption exited the hanger and moved out. "Let's wait a bit longer before we look at our orders." ----- I just joined so I had to ask what the .... was going on.  Here's what I got from Fury.  -Fury> you are incognito on a planet with info to another planet in-system that has some enemy leadership on it -Fury> the prison planet you are on contains passcodes or something to get to the other planet -Fury> no armor, other than personal -Fury> re: non-stormie Hopefully someone has a better idea of what's going on. Kiption
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
January 14, 2002 6:28:01 PM    View the profile of Raziel 
    ok i dont have much time so i'll just post somethjing quick. sorry.     Raziel believed he had the best 2 men he could pick from his squad, except agent of course, they had both shown exceptional skills and were now both specialising in different areas.     Cloud and Sniper were carrying a large case between them, within this case was a sniper rifle and repeating rifle. Raziel merely carried his favourtie compact version E-11 blaster, well concealed and various pistols and knives.     Raziel walked 10 metres infront of the other two men, hoping to be able to spot trouble before the other two ever came into sight.     The city was currently very busy, reports of soldier's landing and attacking fleets had spread as rumour and of course been exagerated. At least this made it easy for all three teams to pas through the city virtually un-noticed.     Then he spotted what looked to be possible trouble. A group of 24 men, all heavily armed. It seemed that they were currently getting orders. Although even Raziel's keen hears couldn't hear what was being said.     He was not however suprised when they started towards the main facility, obviously sent to reinforce the guard.     "ok, all wraiths. Nothing important found, but enemy squad spotted, heading toward FA position, will all move to intercept."     Raziel went on to rellay precise instructions, interpretting the squads route out of the city and remembering a certain location he had noticed whilst searching around.     After finishing giving orders he ran ahead of the squad to make certain their path and to prepare the ambush. ===========================================     The alleyway was maybe 3 metres wide, it was obviously one of the old roads maybe 300 years old. Although the houses to either side showed much sign of being old. Both were mordern warehouses with only back doors opening out onto the road as it was too small for a front opening.     The warehouses were empty Raziel knew, as they had checked them on the way into the city. Raziel's orders had been brief at best. He had enterpretted them by simply sreaching everything.     Unfortunately the road was the only one connecting whole blocks of the city and was also in a quiet part of town.     As raziel knew, the squad marhced in from the western end. He was suprised at their pace. Before they had been walking, now they were at a slow jog. Raziel wandered what the FA were upto.     Raziel wandered whether this was a good idea to intercept the squad...he was sure that the FA could handle it, but he really felt he needed to do something, especially with the current situation back at home.     He silently cursed his current mission that put them so far from home.     The squad were nearly half way down the street now.     "2 more metres he whispered."     But the squad didnt get that far. By a 6th sense or simply battle experience one of the soldier's began to look about nervously. Noy waiting to be spotted Raziel acted.     "GO!"     He looked over the balcony one final time before throwing a flash grenade and diving back into the warehouse.     After a perfect delay wraiths emerged seemingly out of the shadows from both ends of the street, Agent and Nomar even jumped out of the warehouse doors into the corridor, swords ready to finish off the survivors, but there was no need.     By the time Raziel had got back up the battle had finished.     The bodies were swept away and the wraiths dissapeared without trace. ===========================================     The whole squad walked down the street, keeping to the shadows simply to hide their weapons.     Raziel had interrogated the lead soldier, but had gleaned no information other than the fact that they had recieved and order to head straight to the facility, followed by a simpl order of urgency.     "FA, this is Raziel reporting. Nothing of much importance found."     "Wraiths, you may as well get back to the scythe if possible. We've found something and won't be long. siging out."     The wraiths headed out. Already people elsewhere were wandering where their investigation team had gone.
SL/1SGTRaziel/4SQD/1COMP/1BAT/1RGT/Tadath/VEA/ {EW1}
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
January 15, 2002 6:38:44 AM    View the profile of Raxen 
============ Julevian System ============ An Imperial shuttle landed on the fifth moon of the Julevian System. Amidst the snow, the ramp lowered and a scouting party came out cautiously, taking their first sight of the place that would be their main base of operations for some time to come. After doing some usual checks, they started off, analysing the landscape, checking whethere there is anything they can exploit, such as resources or a enormous natural cave. =========== Few hours later =========== The scout leader looked at his information and decided that it was detailed enough and it was acceptable. He radioed his superior, who radioed to the massive ship orbiting above the planet. Soon the ship released transports and equpiment was swiftly carried down and setted up. Soon, armoured troopers started to land. An Imperial outpost was setted up. From there, the Army High Council will finalise their attack plan in detail. ----------------------- OOC: Sorry. I was trying to set the background. Refering the Fury's post on the part A of Chapter 7, we are to set up and settle in this week. Anyone from HC please edit my post. Sorry if I screwed up anything major. We have almost no clue on how to start posting honestly.
Sergeant 'Rav' Raxen [Navy: Fallen]
Iron Horse Trooper, has an armour blasting rifle

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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
January 15, 2002 1:35:56 PM    View the profile of Dragoon 
Dragoon, Epic, and Kiption all sat in the dark after their engagement against the security forces.  Dragoon always got a thrill out of that sort of thing, as did Epic, but Kiption wasn't in the FA with Dragoon and Epic, so he didn't have the hard look in his eyes quite yet.  Despite that, Kiption struck Dragoon as a cold fish.  That's what Dragoon liked in a war buddy, someone that would follow orders, and do the best he could without getting all emotional.  "Well, let's get back to the ship as quickly as possible, like Raziel said," Epic told them.  Dragoon and Kiption nodded, and stalked off after Raz's group.  Dragoon knew if they didn't work fast, then another party would come looking for them.  Then Dragoon got an idea.  "Raz, this is Dragoon, are you there?" "Here Dragoon, what do you want?" "I have an idea."  Dragoon whispered.  "I say we draw the security force into an ambush." "ARE YOU NUTS. We don't have the equipment to do so, and how would we get off planet then?" "Simple, we don't fire a shot."  Dragoon always specialized in infiltration and spy work, plus his work with the Fallen Angels gave him a lot of explosives training.  This was the perfect way to draw the security force into an ambush and spread uncertainty through the ranks of volunteers. Dragoon said into the comlink, "Give me two hours, and we'll have fifty dead security workers."
PFC Dragoon
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
January 15, 2002 3:40:51 PM    View the profile of Peacemaker 
The City was now mostly under the control of the Vast Empire. Peacemaker stands with the other Troopers and secure theyr perimeter. DW was out to talk to the other Squad leaders, becouse the situation has changed, the Army Headquarter was under attack by an Enemy Fleet and there is in the moment no way to get in, becouse there is also an Hyperroom mine field around the VE Space. "Hmm, i hope we become soone new orders from DW, i hate this waiting, i need to destroy something" sayed Peacemaker. Well, i think we become soon new work to do. " sayed War Woman ....   ----------------------- Evil Clone from Warmaker TRP/PFC Peacemaker/2SQD/1PLT/1COM/1BAT/1RGT/VEA/VE
[This message has been edited by Peacemaker (edited January 16, 2002 6:53:47 PM)]
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
January 15, 2002 6:35:31 PM    View the profile of Cosmic 
Cosmic steered the shuttle in between the enemy ships and entered the planet's atmoshere. Cosmic then let out a whoosh of air. "Well, it appears that they didn't see us." Said Cosmic. "We will probably have a simple task now, since the enemy ships didn't detect us." Said Colonel Davis. Cosmic nodded. The shuttle was now twenty feet above the ground, and then came to a hover. Cosmic turned to the veterans. "Ok, I'm just going to restate out objectives.  Were going to land in the outskirts of the city, so we don't attract too much attention if their are several disguised enemy personnel.  We will then head towards the Army Training facilicty and take all of the trainees that are there to the underground oxygen pumps.  When the enemy troopers start to land, we'll blow up the oxygen tank that supports that sector of the planet.  Any questions?" Colonel Davis nodded.  "Yeah, what about the civilians on the planet? What will happen to them once we blow up the oxygen tanks where they are?" Cosmic paused.  He hadn't thought about this. "That's a very good point, Colonel.  In that case we'll have to send out messages to the leaders on the different sections of the planet, and instruct them to gather up the civilians and place them all together in a build, then we will keep the atmosphere activated in that certain area."  Replied Cosmic. Colonel Davis nodded. Cosmic then went back to the controls and headed towards the outskirts. =========== Outskirts =========== The shuttle landed near a bunch of trees, and Cosmic opened the shuttle ramp.  Cosmic walked out, behind him was Colonel Davis and the rest of the veterans. Cosmic turned around, and the veterans stopped. "Remember, our mission is complete secrecy, so we have to be stealthy here. No out-of-the-blue actions.  We must blend in with the civilians, that is why we have these civilian clothes on."  The veterans nodded, and they proceeded to the city. =========== City =========== Cosmic and the veterans walked to the Training Complex and entered it. Cosmic noticed that there weren't any guards.  He guessed that the military on Tadath needed them for defense instead of training at the moment. Cosmic walked through several doors and then entered a door that lead to a very large room. Standing in that room where approximately 3000 trainees.  They all turned to the people who had just entered and walked towards them. "I am Captain Cosmic. Commander of Training for the Vast Empire.  I have come from the Army Headquarters from Lotaith to give you on-the-job-training.  Our mission here is to repel the enemy asaults.  Now, I will need every single one of you to cooperate with me. No questions asked.  Is that clear?"  Shouted Cosmic. The trainees nodded and immediately saluted. Cosmic saluted back and motioned towards the veterans. "These army veterans are here to assist me. These gentlemen are highly qualified and highly trained professionals.  We are not going to proceed to the underground oxygen pump tanks.  Once were there, you can ask the veterans what you're going to do, and what the current mission objectives are.  I will be occupied with messaging the other leaders on this planet. Now, let's move out!"
CO/SL/DJK Cosmic/Lion 1-1/mSSD Atrus/VEDJ/VE [VP][KC1]
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
January 15, 2002 8:36:04 PM    View the profile of Demi Wraith 
"Alright so whats the plan?" DW asked questionably. "Well lets see, we know that the turbolaser complex can only protect the starfighter factory for only 19 hours before it revolves to the other side of the planet..." Snake replied. "So we only have three hours to take out that factory?" Timber asked. "Hmm, maybe we can try hit and run tactics on the factory?  Maybe if we can get all three of our squads on that moon and infiltrate the factory, we can take out all the personnel and comm network in the factory..." DW said. "Right then we can set up explosives around the core and blow the factory sky high." TS responded back. "But do you guys think we can do this within three hours?  If we can't we'll have to wait in the factory for the next 19 hours before out transports can pick us up safely." Snake asked. DW smirked and said, "Hey with a bit of luck maybe we can do it..."
Sergeant Major Duran "Demi Wraith" Driscoll
SL/SGM Demi Wraith/2SQD/1PLT/1COM/1BAT/1RGT/VEA/VE [ES:2] [EW:1]

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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
January 15, 2002 10:30:59 PM    View the profile of Rukh 
    “Alright guys, here’s the plan,” said Dragoon, “I saw we start a rumor of a riot massing in the square. Epic and I will rig the square with explosives. Kiption, I know this is your first assignment but you’re going to have one of the most important parts. You’re going to notify the Security Personnel of the ‘riot’ and tell them that they will be dressed as Security Personnel.”     Epic thought about it for a minute. “Yeah, that sounds good to me. Lets do it!” He said as he pulled off his pack and started rummaging through it. Kiption asked Dragoon about the details of what he should was going to do as Dragoon searched his pack also.      “Alright, I’m headed off to spread the rumor.” said Kiption. Epic looked up at Kip and said, “Ok, be careful, I don’t want you getting hurt under my command.”     “Gotcha, Epic. You be careful too. I’ll give you a few minutes to get everything rigged before I spread the rumor, alright?” Kiption said.     “Yeah, just go. We’ll be ready in a couple of minutes.” Epic replied as he turned to Dragoon. “’Eh, Dragoon, you ready?”     “Yeah, gimmi just a minute.” He said. Epic nodded to him and turned to watch Kiption running towards his position.     “Alright, ready.” Dragoon said and got up and slung his pack back around his shoulders. Epic started running towards the square with Dragoon close behind.     When they got to the square it was totally deserted as they had hoped. They immediately started rigging up the explosives. They placed them all around the square, hoping to blow everything up and then have the Security Personnel finish off the leftovers.     Epic’s commlink beeped. “Epic, I’m about ready to tell the security people, you ready?” Came Kiption’s voice.     Epic reached down and clicked it on and spoke into it, “Yeah, go ahead and tell them. You remember the plan. After you tell them, hurry back and get into a sniper position.”     He received a double click in acknowledgment and turned to Dragoon. “Go ahead and get into a sniper position. They should be on their way any minute. Are all the explosives ready?”     “Yeah, they should be all rigged to blow when you set them off.” Dragoon said. Epic nodded and pointed off towards the opposite side of the square. “Go to that building and get on top. Take up a sniper position there. I’ll be on the other side. Go! Now!”     They both ran to opposite sides of the square and got into position as fast as they could. And then… they waited.
FM/PO2 Dillon "Rukh" Lazar/Aegis 3-2/1/mSSD Atrus/VEN/VE/[=A=][=SA=]
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
January 16, 2002 9:01:32 AM    View the profile of Dragoon 
Dragoon could see Epic from where he was hiding, but he doubted that Epic could see him.  The only way anyone would spot him is if they had sensors, and the security force didn't seem to carry them around on a regular basis.  Kiption had told him it would be about fifteen minutes before security would arrive.  Plenty of time to finish off the mission.  Epic had a good general idea of where Dragoon was, and Dragoon always thought that jeoperdized missions.  He stalked out of the square, and went to the closer precinct of the Security Force.  "SIRS!  THERE ARE IMPERIAL SYMPATHIZERS DRESSED AS SECURITY HEADED TOWARD THE TOWN SQUARE!" The security personell seemed rather skeptical at first, but Dragoon just kept it up, so they went to see what was the matter.  When they arrived, they saw a distant precinct moving in by the badges, and became suspicious.  "Men, take up defensive positions inside the square, and hold the gate.  They're not getting through here without an explanation." The men complied and set themselves up in perfect defensive positions.  These guys could almost be as methodical as stormtroopers, except for one thing.  They didn't prepare for every eventuality.  A heated discussion was going on by the two leaders when chaos struck.  Explosions rocked through the square, throwing bodies every which way and collapsing walls on top of the men.  Radio mines went off and tore the ground under their very feet, and random blaster fire began going off as the Security Force panicked.  Dragoon couldn't see from where he was standing, but his estimate of 50 men dead seemed a bit short of what was actually unfolding.  "Epic, Kiption, let's meet up with Raziel on the double."
PFC Dragoon
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
January 16, 2002 2:40:48 PM    View the profile of Kiption 
Kiption hurried out of his vantage point to meet up with Epic and Dragoon on the streets below.  The whole idea of getting two different groups of securiity guards to attack themselves was shear brilliance on Dragoons part, but it had all just seemed to easy to Kiption.  Why people that were dumb enough to believe someone that they had never seen before, on a prison planet of all places, was beyond him.  But that's ok, he didn't have to spend much more time on this planet. Epic, Dragoon, and Kiption quickly made their way to where the Barkalounger was, each sharing their own version of the previous moments events.  It made Kiption think back to when he was in basic.  Going out into the field on exercises, while a lot of work, was also a great deal of fun.  And the best part of the exercises, were the stories afterwards.  'Man did you see that guy I got, I must have gotten right up behind him, and when he turned around.  Oh it was priceless, I've got credits that say he shit his pants.'  Trading stories about guys they saw fall back and forth made the time going back to the Barkalounger for pickup pass by that much faster. ------ I can't think of anything else to write,  I hope somebody remembered to pick up those pass cards....
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
January 16, 2002 5:14:15 PM    View the profile of Fury 
Fury awoke to a highly changed that kinda put him on the wrong side of the lines actually. Apparently the FES had landed troops around the capital city.  From there defensive works already in the process of being thrown together were now manned by trained professionals.  Which would really be a good place for Fury to return to, except for one thing.... Overnight, the enemy had taken the time to land some troops of their own to counter the FES landings.  This basically put a brigade strength force between Fury and the VE capital. Damn it all then.  Fury left the safe confines of the farm and rode into a local town looking for news of resistance.  For the time being, the opposition had been content to leave the population alone.  Granted, turbolasers routinely took out anything resembling defenses or large installations, but massacres of civilians had thankfully been unheard of. Fury picked up a couple of fresh packs of cigarras (who knew when he'd see them next) and headed for a cantina.  In the back of the bar were a couple of dozen beings trying to have a quiet but active discussion.  One or two would give furtive glances over their shoulder every so often.  Fury had either found the local militia or an enemy infiltration cell. Three lums later (likely a local brew for all the grit in it), he got his answer.  One of those in the huddle raised his drunken self up and yelled, "Who's gonna help us kick these jerks off the planet?"  He said more, but his cohorts tackled him before it could be coherent to the rest of the cantina. Everybody nervously looked again, including one guy at a table full of solemn people who sadly shook his head.  Looking at Fury, he gave a motion.  Apparently others were searching for some hired guns too.  Fury grabbed his mug and walked over to the table.  There were five individuals there, three human, one Givin, and a Klaatu of all beings.  He nodded, pulled up a chair, sat down and looked at the apparent leader at the center of the group.  "So, what are we up against here?" A couple of them smiled. The Givin unmistakenly moved for a weapon.  The Klaatu looked towards the others on how to act.  Apparently he hadn't been free for too long. The leader merely asked a question.  "What service and where?" Fury fudged it a bit, "Imperial, on leave here.  I just wanna get some licks in while there's a chance to." "I can live with that.  Got any gear?" "Sidearm and some explosives. A decent speeder and some comm gear." The leader grunted, and the Givin put his weapon away, apparently sure that negotiations were underway. "Okay Trooper, I can live with your story and your equipment for now. If we live through this, maybe you can tell me the truth. However, I lead and you follow.  We have a few other cells in town trying to trust each other long enough to work together.  Most of us are either former privateers or Imperials...a couple Hapans and Espos here and there.  Together we represent a total of about 300 in a 40 klick radius...or so I'm told." The human woman to his left pulled out a datapad and followed up.  "What landed almost on top of us last night was an outfit called Churhee's Riflemen.  Sound familiar?" Nice test.  Guess he'd have to give up some more info than he cared to after all.  "Yeah, they hate Imperials.  Damn good scouts and even better shots.  I worked with a guy who made 12th level shturlan with them back when I was a 'trader' like most of you have been."  That at least brought a chuckle to one or two of them. "Weaknesses?" "Well, other than the same poor equipment problem most non-aligned groups have, they are mostly human and can't function well in large groups.  It's just part of their nature.  Basically, run them into an allied force they consider inferior to them, they are more likely to shoot their own side just to complete their mission." With that he got a blank stare.  Eventually, the woman spoke, more to her team than anyone else.  "You know, that may work.  Come on trooper...whatever your name is." "Um, Fury will do.  I hope there's dinner where we're going." OOC:  Just killing time until I see how the FES fares with our enemies.   ----------------------- CMP CMDR/MAJ Fury/1CMP/1BAT/1RGT/VEA/TADATH/VE [SotE:HC][SotE:VEA][IOC] Shopkeeper - Imperial Center
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
January 16, 2002 6:04:15 PM    View the profile of Dragoon 
Dragoon stopped Epic and Kiption before they got to the shuttle.  "Do we have our passes?"  Kip checked his pockets and Epic checked his.  Apparently, Kiption had his pass, as did Dragoon, but Epic lost his somewhere.  "We don't have time to go find it," Dragoon said.  "We need to steal one, or bribe someone." "We don't have anything to bribe people with, Dragoon," Epic reminded him.  "Well, then we steal one," Kiption said.  He was fitting in quite nicely in the Stormtrooper Corps.  Dragoon sat and thought for a bit.  "Okay, I'll get a pass.  If I'm not back in an hour, wait longer," he said with a grin.  He silently walked off. It was twenty minutes later when Dragoon snuck up behind Epic and tapped him on the shoulder.  "You really should be more alert.  I could've killed both of you before you even knew I was here," he said with another grin. Epic just took the pass and led the way to the checkpoint.  "Come on, already."  Dragoon and Kiption looked at each other, grinned, and followed.
PFC Dragoon
Mean guy, but good at heart
Ramon Stonefish
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
January 16, 2002 8:13:17 PM    View the profile of Ramon Stonefish 
(OOC: Since the others aren't posting just now, I'll do it for them) Kuroishi made his way down the stairs and out into the corridor. There didn't seem to be any guards here. Whoever ran this place didn't expect anyone to find it, apparently. Geist followed checking in the rooms to either side with his redeye scope. "Plenty of heat in all the rooms," he said, "But nothing that looks human." Tycho, who was bringing up the rear looked in one of the doors. "Computers," he said, "Banks of computers. I'm going in." He moved inside the room to a terminal and sat down, inserting his slicerkit card into the slot. He began typing furiously, pausing every now and then to look around. Geist and Kuroishi took up positions near the door, looking out into the corrider occasionally to see what was up. "Right, looks like this is some kind of door to Zellus," said Tycho, looking around from the terminal, "I got codes and stuff, and some delivery times. Looks like they back each other up. Damn good job you shot that antenna." Just then, a klaxon began to sound in the corridor outside. "Either you tripped something, or the deathwookiee just got noticed," said Geist. "Get the access codes for Zellus, and let's get the hell out of here," said Kuroishi. Tycho turned back to the terminal, typed in a few commands and pulled his card out. He typed one more command in. "Right, we got about five minutes to get out. I just set the self-destruct." Geist turned and opened up into the console, when he was finished, Kuroishi and Tycho looked at him. "Just to make sure they can't turn it off here." Kuroishi flicked his comm on. "This is Kuroishi," he began, "everyone who is not getting to a shuttle right now, needs to be. We set a self-destruct going here, and we have no idea how big a bang we're looking at. Move out, people, now!" With that, the three off them ran back along the corridor and up the stairs into the prison proper.
Ramon Stonefish

"How can we say we are protectors when we are more feared than that which we defend against?!" --Lucien, the First Fallen.
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
January 16, 2002 9:19:03 PM    View the profile of Japer 
OOC: Just to claifiy, I have no idea whats going on so, just in case I mess up, just delete my post Japer ran through the halls, of where ever he was :P and spotted a guy with a blaster that he just didn't really think needed to be waiting for IH around the corner, so he decided to blast him. He motioned for the rest of his boys to follow him, but unfortunatlly for them, they just happend to run into about 10 more of those annoying guys with blasters. Japer and Timber ignited there lightsabers, and made one quick motion forward, and took out half of them, leaving the other half for the rest of IH to take out with there blasters.
GV/ SP Japer/Sith/Dark Knight 1-2 Cabal/ Eagle Sect/VEDJ

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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
January 17, 2002 6:48:00 AM    View the profile of Ramon Stonefish 
OOC: So now you didn't come with us then? ;P
Ramon Stonefish

"How can we say we are protectors when we are more feared than that which we defend against?!" --Lucien, the First Fallen.
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
January 17, 2002 8:16:37 AM    View the profile of Fallen 
OOC: Errr, Japer I think we are settling in in the new base for this week before we start our attack plan next week or just 1 or 2 days later. Read Fury's post on the closed Chapter 7 topic. It should be all there.
WO2 'Jay' Fallen [Army: Raxen]
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
January 17, 2002 4:33:00 PM    View the profile of Japer 
OOC: OK, I was right, I have absoultly no clue now   but I know now what is going on, I guess you were right Ramon
GV/ SP Japer/Sith/Dark Knight 1-2 Cabal/ Eagle Sect/VEDJ

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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
January 17, 2002 7:35:17 PM    View the profile of Dragoon 
Dragoon sat beside his new friend Kiption, and Epic, who was...well...Epic.  You just had to take him how he was, and Dragoon respected that.  "Well, that wasn't that bad, after all," he said. Epic nodded and Kiption said," I thought it'd be a lot worse." Dragoon was glad for the rest.  Evidently, the Fallen Angels got themselves in some more trouble, so they were currently waiting for them.  He was ready, he was always ready, but he was glad for the rest. Dragoon then rose and began checking his equipment.  Everything seemed in order, and his blaster was fully charged. They would be fine should anything else come up.  All he could do was sit and wait for Raziels next orders.
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
January 17, 2002 8:00:37 PM    View the profile of Rage 
OOC : This is from Matok.. hes computer isnt working and handed me what he wrote. (hehe.. im modifying it alittle) ----------------- At the make-shift camp near the Vast Empire headquarters ----------------- The cockpit was dark, not well lit in the blackness of the night. General Matok felt uneasy, darkness felt cold and cruel. Ever since his experience of terror on Yuzson, where he lead a heavily-damaged battle group through the mountains where Republic snipers shot and killed his best friend and his cheif operating officer. Since that day he has hated the Republic with a passion. Gorilla tactics, suicide runs, afraid to fight in the open, but he is much wiser now. He will not fail. There was a faint tap, as if someone quicly knocked on the docked walker. It was the signal the General needed. The refueling was complete. A slight hum was heard as his crew brought the massive walker to life. Slowly its legs pushed its armourded belly off the ground and back up to its full 32m height. Then with a short hiss from the engines, the powerful walker began its hunt. It crept slowly along the terrain, past the make-shift refueling camp, setup by a few of the task force troops. He regrouped with the remaining three UH1-AT [Ultra-Heavy 1 Armoured Transport (as seen in swtc archives)] walkers from his battlegroup. "Commander, I'm taking the battalion." stated General Matok, "I want you to send the force to the defensive location we worked out with the Vast Empire's forces. I will be with you once we complete scouting operations. Matok out." ----------------------- Hours Later ----------------------- All UH1-ATs were perched on top of a steep hill, viewing the terrain. Sargeant Clorn, on of the two pilots onboard Matok's vehicle, reviewed the walkers logs, but something caught his attention. "Sir. You got to see this for yourself," said the armour-covered crewman. It seemed the five massive asteriods had crashed near the Vast Empire capital, but this wasn't a normal crash, it seemed planned. The General stared in amazement. "Get the task force on the line," stammered the General as his noticed a massive cloud of vehicles pour like blood from a wound. Once the holographic image of General Anakin was on his display pad, the General didn't waste any time. "Sir. We have a situation here." stated Matok as he straighed up his posture. "What is it General," said General Anakin sharply. "Tank Droids," said Matok in an icy tone. "Republic vehicles before the great war. Over 2000 enemy units. And they're headed straight for you."   ----------------------- Lord Rage, Executive Officer (XO) |
[This message has been edited by Rage (edited January 17, 2002 8:17:09 PM)]
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
January 17, 2002 9:46:29 PM    View the profile of Cosmic 
Cosmic, the veterans, and the trainees were now underground in a room filled with oxygen pumps... Cosmic turned and looked at the two thousand trainees.  The room, however, was very large, and could hold them all with space to move around in. "Ok, all your questions will be asked to the officers you see before you." Said Cosmic, motioning to the veterans.  "I will be topside and will be at the communications complex to send out the message to the rest of the planets individual leaders.  Stay in in this facility until my return.  I should be back here in one hour.  If I'm not here by then, I want you to all obey Colonel Davis' orders unquestioningly. Is this understood?" "Yes sir!!"  Came the shout of the trainees.  Cosmic nodded and headed topside. ============ Message Complex ============ Cosmic walked into the Communications Complex and saw a man sitting behind a huge circular counter, writing something down. Cosmic walked over to him. The man looked up, saw Cosmic's rank, and immediately stood up. "How may I help you, Captain?" Asked the employee.  "I need your communications transmitter." Replied Cosmic. The man's head nodded quickly. "Yes sir. Right away sir. Here," said the employee.  "All you have to do is type down the commands to the computer to whom you want the message sent to, type in your message here, and then click the Transmit button." Cosmic nodded and immediately set to work. The employee was about to explain how to hasten the message, but the sight of Cosmic meneuvering quickly through the controls, typing in commands, and transmitting messages to different parts of the planet made the employee get into a state of awe. Cosmic, however, has had experience and training with these Communications systems. It was part of his training to learn how to operate a "radio" and call for backup, if needed. Cosmic nodded in satisfaction as soon as he was done.  He turned to the employee to thank him. "Thank you for your cooperation." Said Cosmic. "Ah, hehe, no problem s-"  The employee was cut off and a red laser struck him in the heart. Blood started emerging quickly out of his wound. Cosmic turned to towards the door and saw five Rebels with laser blasters running towards the complex. Cosmic quickly pulled the employee's body behind the counter and quickly took off the employee's shirt, folded it, and pressed it over the employee's wound to try and stop the bleeding.  He knew that the Rebels were going to be inside any second, so he looked for a medkit. He opened several cabinets and found some bacta.  He quickly applied the bacta to the employee's wound, and watched as the wound started healing before him. He got out his light repeater blaster and made sure the safety switched was turned off. He heard the door of the communications complex being forced down, and the sound of many footsteps entered the room. "Find that civilian! We can take him prisoner and bring him back to our ship for questioning." Said a Rebel. The leader... Thought Cosmic. Cosmic quickly jumped upwards and fired at the Rebels all standing in a group.  They went down quickly without firing a shot. Cosmic quickly grabbed their weapons and ran back to the oxygen pumps. ============ Underground Oxygen Pumps ============ Cosmic ran through the entrance and immediately locked the entrance door.  The trainees turned towards him, and Cosmic tossed the Rebels' weapons to the trainees.  "This will be good for extra ammo." Said Cosmic. "Where'd you get these?" Asked Colonel Davis.  "I thought Tadath's military had all the current weapons." Cosmic looked at Colonel Davis. "It's time to prepare shut-down of some of the pumps." Said Cosmic.  "I just killed five Rebels...their assault time is nearing..."
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Army
January 17, 2002 11:51:32 PM    View the profile of Fury 
The afternoon was spent trying to get the awful taste of lum out of his mouth and spending some time in a shed on the edge of town with the Givin.  Since nothing much could shake a Givin's nerves, and since Fury had the experience, the job of building mines was assigned them.  From flying near Hapan space in his youth, it was not unusual to run into a freighter full of the ghoulish-looking creatures when his employers would "commandeer" a load of cargo.  They all fought well, but had a really practical side to them...once outnumbered or overwhelmed, they tended to give up and try to keep their skins intact.  Why one was doing the dirty work for a band of Imperials, average citizens, and a few freighter crews who just happened to be caught up in the chaos was beyond him.  As long as he didn't blow them up.... Hours later, and a few winks to go with them, face paint was thrown onto those who needed it, and the impromptu strike team moved out.  Apparently some high-level meetings had happened while Fury was making sure the blue wire never, ever crossed paths with the green wire, as more than the half dozen souls he'd seen thus far were stalking their way quietly out of town.  He didn't know much of the plan, except that they were going to attempt an old-fashioned stampede.  While others ranged further into position, others ran in small groups a klick and a half down a field, placing themselves at the top of a knoll...good enough for a generous field of fire, just not enough to defend well.  Fury wished them luck.  Hurrying now, as the sun had set and the ground was cooling enough to discern moving beings, Fury, the Givin Tenloth (probably his family name), Danic - the quiet member at the bar, and the Klaatu (other than "Hey, you" Fury did not have a name for him) spent the next half hour planting mines - some contact, some remote. That down they ran back into a forested area that would provide some cover.  Apparently, on the other side of the enemy (some general use infantry gathered from some collection of Outer Rim dirt miner worlds) were a company-strength group of defenders who would attempt to overrun the camp with a combination of artillery laid down by three old "Grandfather" cannon and some shock troops in the form of wookies, barabels, trandoshans and various other mean-looking species with edged weapons and sawed-off blasters.  Should they not be massacred (either the attackers or the enemy), the enemy would be forced into the open field before Fury.  Flanked by mines and repeating blasters and some angry Talz or something on their heels (that was actually funny as a visual), the would eventually run into the detachment of Churhee's Riflemen in the area, who would be awoken by some regurgitant gas attacks and some heavy smoke shells at about the same time.  The hope was that in the ensuing mayhem, the mercs would mistake their allies as invaders and do the job of killing them instead of the VE loyalists.  That was the plan anyway. Fury wrapped himself in a heat-retention blanket and kept his blaster and sidearm nearby.  He learned long ago that sentry duty was for those who were given the shift, and his turn wasn't for another two hours.
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