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Topic:  Before you make any "political" statements...
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  RE: Before you make any "political" statements...
June 15, 2003 3:46:50 AM    View the profile of Talon 
Just remember how human you are. I know I've said and done stupid stuff that makes former and current political leaders look pretty damn smart and vica versa. This is actually why I try to keep the conversation away from politics if I can help it.

Yes, Dan Quayle can't spell. Yes, Dubya can't pronounce "nuclear" correctly. Yes, Clinton... oh, nevermind.

You get the idea. If you're going to bash someone, bash them because of their political views and actions. Not because you think their head looks like a potato(e).
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  RE: Before you make any "political" statements...
June 15, 2003 8:19:30 AM    View the profile of Fury 
Heh.  Like that finish.  But yes, this goes along with something I mentioned the other day.

People do stupid things every day.  In fact, if you haven't yet done something moronic lately, step away from the computer and go buy some milk or something.  Somewhere in the process of doing that you're bound to perform some form of stupid human trick.

Good rule, and I hope people abide by it.
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  RE: Before you make any "political" statements...
June 15, 2003 1:39:56 PM    View the profile of Sniping101 
im gonna agree, sence my veiws on everything tend to tick ppl off
Lance Corprol Matthias"Sniping101"Battlemont
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  RE: Before you make any "political" statements...
June 15, 2003 1:45:51 PM    View the profile of Bear 
Head like a potato..?

But.. but.. I thought I hadn't shown my picture to anyone in the VE..

But yeh, I understand
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  RE: Before you make any "political" statements...
June 15, 2003 1:59:29 PM    View the profile of Corran 
Bear, i've seen a few photos of you and you don't have a head shaped like a potato. It's in a rather more... interesting shape.

And I don't make political statements, intelligent or otherwise but acknowledged.
Second Lieutenant Corran
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  RE: Before you make any "political" statements...
June 15, 2003 8:57:13 PM    View the profile of LostSoldier 
Politics - eewww... A topic I have never enjoyed. Have never seemed to be able to talk about it without getting frusterated >.< By the way ... there's nothing wrong with potato-shaped heads :P
[This message has been edited by LostSoldier (edited June 15, 2003 8:57:45 PM)]
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  RE: Before you make any "political" statements...
June 15, 2003 10:34:03 PM    View the profile of Sniping101 
i have a footbal shaped head
Corprol Matthias"Sniping101"Battlemont
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  RE: Before you make any "political" statements...
June 18, 2003 4:30:47 PM    View the profile of chipmunk man 
But debating politics is fun (provided it stays friendly)! Good idea.
"The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits." -Albert Einstien

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  RE: Before you make any "political" statements...
June 20, 2003 7:37:08 AM    View the profile of Arturus 
[Note to self: do not discuss politics near the VE as I am bound to piss off everyone with my radical views]

Damn this is going to make it hard for canadians...its 100% acceptable to completely belittle, ridicule, insult, etc any politician.  In fact, its kind of a national sport, everyone does it :P
SL/ESN_Arturus/Kaph 1-1/Phoenix Wing/M-SSD_Atrus/VE/VEN/(=a=)(=sa=)(=jcpa=)(=scpa=)[MC:1][SV][BRC][LoC]
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  RE: Before you make any "political" statements...
June 20, 2003 9:44:48 AM    View the profile of Fury 
We used to be able to here until Gruppfuhrer Ashcroft got a hold of the reins to the Blackshirts in our government.

/me has said too much...

EEP! I have to move somewhere before they get me.  Maybe out west where the government's grip is not as deadly.
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  RE: Before you make any "political" statements...
June 20, 2003 10:03:11 AM    View the profile of Swomz 
Us Coloradoans don't take kindly to politicians
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  RE: Before you make any "political" statements...
June 21, 2003 12:08:47 AM    View the profile of Bear 
Us Scots don't understand things we can't spell.
FM/CAP Bear/Kaph 1-2/Phoenix Wing/m-SSD Atrus/VE/VEN/(=A=)(=SA=)(=MA=)(=JCPA=)(=SCPA=) [NDM] [LSM] [BRC]

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  RE: Before you make any "political" statements...
June 22, 2003 1:46:39 AM    View the profile of Sniping101 
Us Idahoens dont take. . .im just gonna shut up
Corprol Matthias"Sniping101"Battlemont
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  RE: Before you make any "political" statements...
June 23, 2003 11:06:55 AM    View the profile of Argon Viper 
Well, it's definitely turning into an interesting thread here.  I've got to say that I agree with Talon, I prefer to insult policies anyways    As to the quick witted insults, I think we should keep them, on the understanding that they are just that, nothing more.  It makes it more interesting.  I move to a a situation from Winston Churchhill's career.

He was confronting his primary rival in parliament, Lady Astor.  He said "Madam, you are extremely ugly."  She replied with "And you, sir, are exceedingly drunk."  His reply was "That may be true madam, but in the morning, I shall be sober."

Can you honestly say you'd want to take that out of politics?    Let's leave it in, but keep in mind that it's all in good fun.
Argon Viper
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  RE: Before you make any "political" statements...
June 23, 2003 11:27:15 PM    View the profile of LostSoldier 
We Scots have a tendency to throw politics out the window and become more vigilante. But here in Tennessee noone seems to go for that : |
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  RE: Before you make any "political" statements...
July 2, 2003 11:42:01 AM    View the profile of Sniping101 
vigilante? isnt that just cops w/o badges, ya we like them here, keeps the cops in the donut shops and some form of justice goin on
bah! the U.S. shouldnt be such *insert term for female genetaila here*. i believe that the reason we have such a violent country is becuase we dont embrace violence enough, i doubt that makes sence to you, but if ther wher laws governing the WAY we are violent instead of banning it completely, then i believe we wouldnt have such gay politics
Corprol Matthias"Sniping101"Battlemont
Formaly the Perpetual PFC
"Drinking, fighting, and rowdiness is that what you think of when you think of the Irish"
nomore lance corporal Jokes!
[This message has been edited by Sniping101 (edited July 2, 2003 11:44:17 AM)]
Argon Viper
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  RE: Before you make any "political" statements...
July 2, 2003 2:02:09 PM    View the profile of Argon Viper 
Actually, that's not the main reason we have so much violence.  In other countries, laws are designed so that they not only punish the guilty party, they also take steps to repair things to what they once were.

Banning something is useless on it's own, no matter how much you ban it, it will still show up.  What needs to be done is that we need to make laws that repair the damage done, so that no one has a reason to go out and do that again.

Another thing I could point to is our video game culture.  The Army has found that the best way to train people to overcome their resistance to killing is video games.  Guess what we're doing to the whole population?
Argon Viper
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  RE: Before you make any "political" statements...
July 2, 2003 2:11:51 PM    View the profile of Fury 
I was going to just ignore this one and go on, but someone is going to have to deconstruct this.

Sniping101, you have been fined multiple credits for repeated violations of the verbal morality statute.

Okay, let us break down some of the glaring things I would like you to work on before posting again.

1. Do NOT use genitalia as touchstones in any adult conversation you propose to have here;  nor attempt to resort to such crudity to make a point.  I will not attempt to list the many ways this is wrong.
2. Vigilantes and vigilantism is easily defined in many locations.  I suggest this one.  Check the definition before abusing it.
3. Violence begets violence and so on.  Others can and likely will make a more convincing argument on that than I. Personally I believe the US's criminal problem can be traced to a combination of families where both parents work (economically, NOT their fault) and a criminal system that pays inmates to earn free college degrees instead of busting their butts building new schools.  But those are just the high points of a long diatribe I do not care to have.  My actual point is that anarchy is NOT something you can codify, which is what I interpret "laws governing the WAY we are violent" to be.
4. Use of the term "gay" politics.  You will, as you grow up, run into a lot of people who live, think, and experience life on an entirely different plane than you.  Learn to respect them, and potentially anyone you may offend.  I am not a huge proponent of political correctness, but I was raised to attempt to be a decent person who tries not to bully others or blugeon those whose lifestyles or culture or sex or race, etc. I do not understand. 

Take the time to read through this and consider it a warning.  Attempt to act as an adult and a) you will not get into trouble, b) you will not be misunderstood or have your message lost by your turn of a phrase at least, and c) you may even earn the respect of those whose minds you are trying to influence.  Trust me, saying the things you do AS you do does nothing for the cause you wish to advance.
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  RE: Before you make any "political" statements...
July 3, 2003 2:47:59 AM    View the profile of Argon Viper 
Wow, go Fury.  I agree 100% with that post.  Keep it up 
Argon Viper
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  RE: Before you make any "political" statements...
July 7, 2003 1:46:18 AM    View the profile of chipmunk man 
The problem is not, I repeat NOT, violent video games. The problem is parents who don't teach their kids the difference between the games and reality.

My mom taught me the difference between games and real life, and though I play my fair share of violent games, the LAST thing I would want to do is go on a Columbine rampage, and I would definitely think twice before killing someone. Violence has been arround as long as nature; it wasn't started by video games.

We need to teach our kids to distinguish between make-beleive and reality, not ban video games. Otherwise society will continue going down the crapper.
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FM/LCRW Chipmunk Man/Viper 1-4/Phoenix/mSSD Atrus/DEF/VEN/VE/(=A=)
[This message has been edited by chipmunk man (edited July 7, 2003 1:46:50 AM)]
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  RE: Before you make any "political" statements...
July 7, 2003 2:49:31 AM    View the profile of Argon Viper 
Good point.  We definitely need to get parents more involved in the job.  An idea I've heard floated around a couple of times is a license to have kids.  I didn't agree with it at the time, but think about it.  We need a license to drive, a license to pilot a boat, to pilot an airplane, but we don't need a license to do what is perhaps the most important thing in our entire world.  Maybe we should.

I'm not saying income should have anything to do with it, or genetic preference.  I'm saying that people should demonstrate their ability to care for a child, teach them the values we require to operate normally in society (the one part it may fall apart on) and that's about it.  Anything else can be gained, but some people simply lack these.

I think it would greatly change our society if this was required.

Not that I agree with it just yet, but I'm leaning towards it...
Argon Viper
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  RE: Before you make any "political" statements...
July 7, 2003 3:45:31 AM    View the profile of Fury 
Actually, I like to take another approach on that concept.

We already have a tool in place to address all this and in most schools it is called home economics.  Some schools even have an actual sex education class or at least a component of health class that deals with it.

So, you have to take a class to get a driver's license; or at least to get one at a younger age.  You have to take a government class and pass a state and national constitution test to get out of most high schools.  But home ec is a joke and sex ed is controversial for some stupid reason.  I say, beef up those classes, make it a core element of the school system, provide state funded pre-natal benefits to those who plan to have children and can provide verification that they passed said courses. This would be exclusive of a high school diploma (ie. to provide for drop outs, teen pregnancies, etc.) but would become a required element to graduate.

I used to be in education and ideas like this get tossed around all the time.  Too bad no one in government or ed administration ever take these ideas seriously.
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  RE: Before you make any "political" statements...
July 7, 2003 7:42:00 AM    View the profile of Argon Viper 
Well, if they did it, they would lose a large segment of their voter base.  Seriously, think how many people would not be able to pass these tests... 
Argon Viper
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  RE: Before you make any "political" statements...
July 7, 2003 9:27:23 AM    View the profile of Fury 
How many people vote right now anyways?
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  RE: Before you make any "political" statements...
July 7, 2003 12:34:51 AM    View the profile of Argon Viper 
Good point.  And most of those that do would pass the test anyways...  I'd go for it 
Argon Viper
IW COL Argon Viper{ret}
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  RE: Before you make any "political" statements...
July 9, 2003 7:59:41 AM    View the profile of chipmunk man 
They aren't gonna beef up sex ed, parents would go ballistic. "What?! The school is teaching my Johnny how to have SEX?!?!?!?! LAWSUIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits." -Albert Einstien

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  RE: Before you make any "political" statements...
July 9, 2003 10:45:15 AM    View the profile of LostSoldier 
Psh... I don't need a class for that
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  RE: Before you make any "political" statements...
July 9, 2003 12:53:29 AM    View the profile of Fury 
I didn't say it would happen, just that it should.

Take a look at your local school board.  If they are AREN'T a pack of rabid, reactionary types, consider yourself and all children in that school system blessed.

(Oops. Late night typo. Thanks for pointing that out Argon.)
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[This message has been edited by Fury (edited July 9, 2003 11:06:17 PM)]
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  RE: Before you make any "political" statements...
July 9, 2003 2:05:31 PM    View the profile of Argon Viper 
blessed?  Reactionary types would mean that nothing even gets mentioned about sex ed...  You'd want some Radicals man 
Argon Viper
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  RE: Before you make any "political" statements...
November 26, 2003 8:17:44 AM    View the profile of Chatham 
Clitanic=Monica and Clinton combined. You should watch the movie!
FM/LCR Chatham/Viper 2-2/PheonixWing/m/SSD Atrus/1VEDF/VEN (=A=)

*Foul on the Fat Kid for Eatin Everything in site, JELLYJUGS, next time you come on my court, wear a bra!
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