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chipmunk man's Profile Information
Callsign: chipmunk man  Send a message to chipmunk man
ComNet Rank: ComNet Disciple
Avatar: chipmunk man
Division(s): VE - Imperial Navy
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Birthday: April 5
Date Joined: October 28, 2002
Last Active: November 2, 2007 at 6:42:34 AM
Number of Posts: 2,064
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ID Line: FM/ESN Chipmunk Man/Nazgul 3/Phoenix/mSSD Atrus/DEF/VEN/VE/(=A=)(=SA=)(=*MA*=)[LoC][MC:1]x3[LSM][VC:B]
Biography: Height:5'7"

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Brown

Sex: Male

Home planet: Correlia

Age: Early twenties

Robert "Chipmunk Man" Henderson was born on Corelia to a family of strong liberal supporters of the Republic. But his own feelings of the need for order, morals, and honor led him to become something of a black sheep in his community. After his fiancee was attacked by a gang of Rebels during her vacation, he ran away from home to join the Vast Empire Navy to seek his revenge.

FM/ESN Chipmunk Man/Nazgul 4/Phoenix/mSSD Atrus/DEF/VEN/VE/(=A=)(=SA=)(=*MA*=)[LoC][MC:1]x3[LSM][VC:B]

"I know what you're thinking, punk. You're thinking, 'Did he fire six shots, or only five?' Well to tell you the truth, I've forgotten myself in all this excitement. But being this is a .44 magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and will blow your head clean off, you need to ask youself one question: 'Do I feel lucky?' Well, do ya? Punk!"
-"Dirty" Harry Callahan

"Mr. Stratford, it's just a party..."
*wags finger* "...And Hell is just a sauna."

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