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Topic:  Chapter 8 : Navy
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  RE: Chapter 8 : Navy
April 18, 2004 10:32:54 PM    View the profile of Talon 
Kaph squadron command Denethor slid into his seat in the briefing room aboard the Atrus, the Vast Empire Navy's former flagship.  Behind him was the majority of the Navy, similarly seated.  In front of him were four more rows of pilots and more were filing into the door by the second.  Soon there would be pilots standing in the back, waiting for Rear Admiral Japheth to speak.  The Naval Commander in Chief was seated behind the podium at the head of the room.  He was calmly surveying the sloping seats, able to see every face of the men he commanded.  For the first time in a long time, he was in his uniform and his lightsaber was out of sight.  It was an odd feeling to be in the stiff outfit with the ribbons of his many medals on his chest and the thick patches that signified his years in service and rank.  They were impressive to look at, but made the uniform less than comfortable.  Japheth silently longed to be in his robe again, back on Lopen.

A movement out of the corner of his eye brought Japheth back to the present and he noticed Commodore Claw sit in the chair next to him.  In a hushed voice, he said, "Sir, your pilots are all here."  Japheth looked up to see that everyone had stopped moving and only a dozen or so pilots were standing in the back.  "They're all anxious to hear what you have to say.  It has been a while since they were all in the same place at the same time." Claw added.

Japheth nodded.  "Thank you, Vincent." he replied as he stood.  Japheth walked two paces to the podium and rested his hands on the edges.  He cleared his throat lightly and braced his voice for a speech.  "Wing Commanders, Squadron Commanders, Flight Leaders, and pilots... welcome." he paused to give the room a sweeping look with a genuine smile.  He was proud of his fine Navy.  "The High Council has deemed it time for the Vast Empire to return home.  Over time, this fleet will work its way to the Core and reclaim Coruscant."  Japheth paused as cheers exploded from the pilots as those who were sitting were suddenly on their feet.  Japheth chuckled to himself and allowed the men their time to rejoice.  With a single hand gesture, the room quieted and those with a chair returned to it.  "Our first target is Moorja.  A small detachment will remain behind to defend our home as the majority of the Navy rips us a path to our true home.  All we have to do is clear the sky and the Army will do the easy work planetside."  His jab at the Corps earned a chuckle from the crowd and a few smirks from the older members.  Japheth cleared his throat once more and said, "Squadrons, you will hear from your Wing Commander which team you are on.  For those that remain here to defend, just remember that your job is even more important and just as glorious.  We move out in four standard days.  That is all."

Denethor looked over at Arturus and nodded with a smile.  It was finally time for a mission that meant something to the pilots.  They were going home.
OO/GN Sierra "Talon" Taurus/HC-3/VEHC/VE[BC][IOC][LoC][SoS][BM][CDS][MSM]
GM-SL/DJM "Nightblades"/DC-1/Elite Griffen Sect/VSD-II Griffen/VEDJ/VE[IOC][OQD][WoS 2nd Class]
SCAP/COM Vincent "Claw" Taurus/ISD Nemesis/Offensive Fleet/VEN[=A=][LoM][IOC][IC2]
CEO Vincent "Claw" Taurus/ECHC-1/Endoven/Dome 8473/VEEC/VE
[This message has been edited by Talon (edited April 18, 2004 10:52:15 PM)]
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  RE: Chapter 8 : Navy
April 19, 2004 2:27:30 AM    View the profile of Japheth 
A few days later in a briefing room, Japheth stood next to a holodisplay with a long pointer in his hand gesturing at it. The others in the briefing room were a handful of starship captains, Wing Commanders and Squadron Commanders.

"We will exit hyperspace here," Japheth indicated a point quite close to the planet. An indicator lit up in the hologram with a set of coordinates. "Squadrons will immediately begin launching and neutralizing nearby threats. The plan is to neutralize, but not destroy, a few of the Golan platforms and automated gun turrets along our entry vector, as well as any capital ships that get in our way. Ideally the Corps guys will then board those ships and neutralize their crews," a few other dots had appeared as Japheth had talked and moved around when he gestured.

Now a pair of parallel yellow lines appeared, there were no icons for enemy ships between them, "Our entry vector will then be used to insert Army troops onto the surface, we may be called upon to bombard some ground targets, planetary ion cannons, bunkers, starports and the like," small explosion icons flashed and disappeared across the surface of the planet.

"Meanwhile, we'll also be working to expand our entry vector, we'll work our way around the planet and make sure that all of the defenses are either neutralized or under our control," the yellow lines vanished, and so did some of the red-colored planetary defenses, the ones that remained became blue.

"This is an offensive campaign and we will, accordingly, be taking the offensive fleet. For that reason there have been a few transfers," he tapped a button on the console before him and a list of Squadron and Wing movements appeared on the screen. "This list has been transmitted to your datapads. We'll also be changing out your hardware a bit for this mission, since we're focusing so much on disabling ships and stations rather than destroying them." Japheth rolled his head from side to side, thinking to himself and trying to remember if there was anything he'd forgotten.

"I think that's it, folks. If any of you have questions or concerns regarding the transfers, let your commanders know. Good luck and good hunting."


Denethor thumbed his datapad on and scrolled through the list of transfers that were listed. Kaph Squadron, and along with it, the whole of Phoenix Wing, had been transferred onto the ISD-II Devastator. Japheth had moved his flag to it as well, leaving the Defensive fleet in Commodore Claw's capable hands.

He stood and began to file out with the other commanders, planning to go back to his quarters and begin preparing to brief his men and move to the other ship. He continued glancing at the datapad as he left, noting that not only had Kaph been reassigned to the Devastator, but that they'd been assigned to Assault Gunboats, at least for this mission. It made a fair amount of sense. The Gunboats were equipped with ion cannons, which would be needed to disable their targets without destroying them.

He tapped the button on the turbolift he'd arrived at and waited for the door to open. It was sure going to be an interesting campaign, if nothing else.

Rear Admiral Japheth Cappadocious, Krath Templar
Naval Commander in Chief, Captain of the mSSD Atrus
Headmaster of the Dark Jedi Order Academy
NCC/RAD Japheth Cappadocious/NHC-1/Raptor 1/mSSD Atrus/DEF/VEN/VE/(=MA=)(=SCPA=)(=FCO=)[BRC][LSM][MC:1][KC:OC]
HM/KT Japheth Cappadocious/DC-3/Krath Order/Elite Griffen Sect/VEDJ/VE
[This message has been edited by Japheth (edited April 19, 2004 11:11:51 PM)]
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  RE: Chapter 8 : Navy
April 19, 2004 11:03:10 PM    View the profile of Japheth 
Here are the numbers for the planetary defenses on and around Moorja:

-15 groups of 12 automated gun turrets. 5 of these are arranged equally around the equator, another 5 are perpendicular to those, crossing through the prime meridian, and the third group of 5 is 90 degrees to the second group. Thus there are two rings running north and south and another that circles the equator. In our entry vector there are at least two groups of these. It would be ideal to capture at least one group worth. These groups are fairly spread out, but are spread in such a way that every turret has at least one other within firing range, so that they can cover each other. Each turret consists of a blocky center portion with two gun emplacements on opposite sides, each one capable of handling one fire arc.

-Golan Space Defense Platforms fill in major gaps. There are two rings of these halfway between the equator and the poles. Each ring consists of 4 platforms, equidistantly placed. There is one Platform in our entry vector. It is preferred to disable and capture it rather than destroy it.

-Intelligence predicts a mix of half a dozen Corellian Corvettes and Modified Corellian Corvettes, as well as at least one Nebulon-B Frigate and about two dozen System Patrol Craft.

-Accordingly there will be several squadrons of fighters launched from both the capital ships and the surface. Probably at least a dozen squadrons in a mix of older Rebel craft, such as the Y-Wing and Z95, and more 'independent' craft such as the R-41 and T-Wings.

-There are several planetary weapons emplacements including planetary defense ion cannons and turbolasers. These emplacements are easily capable of disabling or severely damaging even a Star Destroyer with a shot or two. A hit by either one on a starfighter would certainly kill the pilot. In the case of the ion cannon it would fry the pilot's brain as well as all the shipboard circuitry; the turbolaser would simply vaporize his fighter.


Squadron Specific Orders:
As a squadron now equipped with Assault Gunboats, Kaph Squadron is tasked with disabling any nearby capital ships and the Golan Platform along our entry vector. Information regarding the XG-1 Star Wing 'Assault Gunboat' can be found here.

OOC: You are also warned not to throw major plot-twists in. You have a lot of freedom in what you're allowed to contribute, but either Talon or I will let you know if or when reinforcements arrive and that sort of thing. Additionally if what you post is wildly unrealistic either it will be deleted or you will be asked to edit it. Other than that, have a ball.

Rear Admiral Japheth Cappadocious, Krath Templar
Naval Commander in Chief, Captain of the mSSD Atrus
Headmaster of the Dark Jedi Order Academy
NCC/RAD Japheth Cappadocious/NHC-1/Raptor 1/mSSD Atrus/DEF/VEN/VE/(=MA=)(=SCPA=)(=FCO=)[BRC][LSM][MC:1][KC:OC]
HM/KT Japheth Cappadocious/DC-3/Krath Order/Elite Griffen Sect/VEDJ/VE
[This message has been edited by Japheth (edited April 19, 2004 11:13:05 PM)]
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  RE: Chapter 8 : Navy
April 19, 2004 11:09:13 PM    View the profile of Japheth 
Rear Admiral Japheth Cappadocious stood on the bridge of the ISD-II Devastator and glanced down at the display next to him; just over a minute until they reverted to real space.

"All hands," he announced, "We will be dropping out of hyperspace in one minute. Fighters Squadrons are to launch immediately. Sensor sweep will concentrate on our insertion vector first. Power up all gunnery emplacements and load all torpedo bays."

The mottled blue tunnel of hyperspace suddenly shattered into a million streaks of stars which rapidly collapsed into pinpoints. Directly in front of the ship a small blue-gray circle appeared and rushed towards the ship at unbelievable velocity. This was Moorja. Before he knew it the planet was dominating the entire viewport. They'd exited in perfect position. All around them the other ships of the offensive fleet leapt into view.

"All fighters, launch!" he ordered.

"You may fire at will," he added.
Rear Admiral Japheth Cappadocious, Krath Templar
Naval Commander in Chief, Captain of the mSSD Atrus
Headmaster of the Dark Jedi Order Academy
NCC/RAD Japheth Cappadocious/NHC-1/Raptor 1/mSSD Atrus/DEF/VEN/VE/(=MA=)(=SCPA=)(=FCO=)[BRC][LSM][MC:1][KC:OC]
HM/KT Japheth Cappadocious/DC-3/Krath Order/Elite Griffen Sect/VEDJ/VE
chipmunk man
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  RE: Chapter 8 : Navy
April 20, 2004 6:54:18 AM    View the profile of chipmunk man 
      "Alright 3rd, let's stay in formation and show what we're made of!" The plenetary defences had opened fire almost immediately after the Imperials had dropped out of hyperspace. Chip checked to make sure his shield recharge rate was was high enough, and tightened his grip around the control stick. They were still just a bit out of range for regular cannons, but the gun emplacements were putting as many rounds into the capitol ships as possible. "Okay, I've got three filghts of Z-95's, two of Y-wings, and one of those Modified Corvettes on my scanners. Anybody see anything else?"

    *    *    *    *    *    *

[Two hours after the first briefing]

      Chip sat on his bunk starring at the ceiling. They were going to the core. They were going to the core! Corellia was in the core... Would they go past Corellia? Would they maybe even go to the planet itself? Chip didn't want to see his homeworld to have to face any kind of invasion from anyone, didn't want to imagine the destuction such a thing would cause, but he was disgusted that everyone seemed to favor the rebels. And if they died, then it was there own stupid fault for aiding traitors. But maybe Chip's own family would be okay. Maybe he could visit them? He could even visit her...

      Shazam walked in. "Howdy Chip. Drinking another SunDrop, I see."

      "Yeah. I figured that since we may get cut off from everything for I while, I bought six cases. Want a drink?"

      "Nah, thanks anyway."

      "Oh hey, congrats on being made Flight Leader of 2nd. Come on, lets head to the lounge. Til'c said he'd be there, too."

    *    *    *    *    *

      "Okay boys, let's stick to lasers at first, just to pack the punch we need to get through all their shields. Only then do we switch to IONs. And Ericshop, try not to let your shields fail again this time!"

      "Sure boss. I'll keep 'em charged today."

"The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits." -Albert Einstien

"People like you are the reason people like me take medication." -Cool T-shirt

FL/PO2 Chipmunk Man/Kaph 3-1/Phoenix/mSSD Atrus/DEF/VEN/VE/(=A=)[LoC][MC:1]
[This message has been edited by chipmunk man (edited April 20, 2004 6:55:19 AM)]
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  RE: Chapter 8 : Navy
April 20, 2004 9:05:08 AM    View the profile of Arturus 
*****Just After the Initial Briefing*****

Arturus made some small talk about how symbolic and important the mission was and that finally they were about to do something worthwhile before making his way back to his quarters.  Upon entering them, Arturus grabbed a glass that was sitting on a shelf with his equipment and threw it across the room at the wall in anger.  The loud shattering sound sent a shiver down his spine as he tried to let the anger bleed slowly out of him.

Arturus grabbed a new bottle of whiskey, a glass, and filled his ice bucket and walked slowly over to the reclining chair in his room.  He sat down slowly and put the bucket and bottle down on the stand to the right of his chair.  He poured himself a drink and stretched out in thought.

"Dammit, why the hell did I stick around for this.  I should have left and never come back, now I'm being ordered into a friggin sloth like coffin and told to commit suicide."  Arturus said angrily as his fingers clenched the glass tightly.  He downed the drink in one gulp and poured another one, this time with two ice cubes.  "There is no way in hell they can pull this off, why bother sacrificing a bloody fleet and every man and woman on it for nothing. Nothing!" he yelled as he took a sip from the drink.

"There is no way we can ever pull this'll be a slaughter, the New Republic is too skilled.  They will cut through our forces like a wombat cuts through wire.  And then...the friggin High Council will sit there on their lazy asses and watch their precious fleet be annihilated before fleeing in recognition that they sacrificed their forces for some ideological dream that has no chance of reality!"  Arturus yelled angrily as he got up and grabbed his gun cleaning kit.  He set it on the stand with the bucket and bottle before sitting down in the chair and finishing his drink.  Arturus poured a third one and took his pistol out of its holster.

He ejected the blaster pack and began to strip the weapon down in silence.  Once it was in pieces, he downed about half of his drink and then began to clean each piece carefully.  "Why did I come back here anyhow, sure as hell not to sacrifice myself for some pointless mission in a ridiculous ideological war.  I did not come to be a lamb sacrificed in a perpetual war."  Arturus muttered as he put the final pieces of the gun back together.

"You don't have to go Art, you still have time to pack and pull out if you want."  Denethor said from the doorway.  Arturus glared at Denethor angrily as he slammed the blaster pack back into the pistol.  "You leave now and you wont have to be a sacrificial lamb, it's your choice.  Just remember, some people here actually believe in this cause, something I know you have never done."  Denethor continued as he closed the door and walked further into the room.

"I can't leave now, I already know too much about this, they'd shoot me if I left.  Besides, if I left you, the High Council, and I all know I'd sell the information for a fortune.  And not only can I not leave now, I can't leave for five friggin years at least.  This operation is going to take years to complete.  And somehow I was stupid enough to come back to be a part of this god damn bloody bath!"  Arturus replied as he finished off his drink.  He stood up and holstered the pistol.

"Well I guess this is your fault then, you never had to come here and you didn't have to return."  Denethor replied.

"Yes it is, so I guess I had better stay alive long enough for me to get back and pack my bags.  Once this thing is over I am leaving once and for all, I recommend you all leave too, but hell perhaps I'm the only one who feels like just another body ordered to be willing sacrificed in this friggin war."

"The war won't end if someone doesn't have the balls to stand up and win it."  Denethor replied angrily.  "And I'll forget you said what you did, I need pilots right now and they do no good to me in the brig or in front of a firing squad."

"Well thank you from the bottom of my heart, you are kind enough to let me live long enough to die for your cause instead of dying for saying the god damn truth."  Arturus replied coldly.  "And on top of that, I get to die in a flying coffin, some thanks for my service.  We will be crushed in our gunboats, they aren't real fights.  Its a bloody shuttle with missiles."  Arturus continued as he poured another drink.

"You will live longer in something that is more fortified, by thankful Japheth was kind enough to ensure you were able to drown in your misery longer."  Denethor replied before turning for the door.  He opened it and walked into the hall.  "And lay off the booze, I don't need you shooting on us in your drunkeness.  Get your gear together, we fly in a couple of hours and I expect to see you there, in uniform, and sober."  Denethor ordered before closing the door and walking down the hall.

Arturus sighed and sat down in the chair again.

*****Fifteen Minutes Before Launch*****

"Dammit where the hell is my wingman?"  Denethor asked angrily in the hanger.  The Kaph pilots were all assembled in flight suits and ready to climb into their cockpits.

"I'm right here!"  Arturus called as he entered the hanger and walked over to the pilots.

"About time you showed up, fall in for inspection!"  Denethor shouted.  Arturus put down the two shapeless bags he was carrying and stood, weight on one leg, arms crossed, in line with the other pilots.  "Attention!"  Denethor called and the pilots, save Arturus, snapped to attention.  "Ensign Arturus, when we get back after this mission I will see to it you are demoted for insubordination."  Denethor turned back to the rest.  "Now then, for this part of the mission fly loose formations, keep moving to avoid the turrets and dont bunch up.  Bunches of fighters are much easier to hit.  Good luck gentlemen, to your fighters!"  Denethor ordered.  He put on his helmet and headed over to his gunboat.

Arturus muttered a couple of obscenities as he walked over to the gunboat.  After stowing his gear, he climbed into the cockpit and began to activate the systems.  "Might as well get this bloody mission over with."  He muttered.
SL/ESN_Arturus/Kaph 1-1/Phoenix Wing/M-SSD_Atrus/VE/VEN/(=a=)(=sa=)(=jcpa=)(=scpa=)[MC:1][SV][BRC][LoC]
No...I expect to leave on some beach with absolutely no name at all while I sail away on my ship...and then Ill shout the name back to you...savvy?
[This message has been edited by Arturus (edited April 20, 2004 9:12:51 AM)]
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  RE: Chapter 8 : Navy
April 21, 2004 8:23:42 AM    View the profile of Daishi 
****Before launch****

Daishi put down the last diagnostic tool.

With recent events he decided it was a good idea to put his technical skills to use make sure his brand new TIE Horror was fully armed and operational.

He just wished there was time to do a shake down flight before they entered combat.

Japheth was a capable leader and a decent tactician, heck he probably could give him a run for his money.  So there was no real need for him on the command deck.  There was such a shortage of elite pilots for Kaph that Daishi could do more good there.

If Daishi's watch was accurate he had just enough time to change into his favored flight suit.  The only difference between the armor the pilots and marines of the Varneck Planetary Defense Dorce wore was the marine armor came with a weapons pack that was uncomfortable to where while flying.  If he had to bail or land on planet it would keep him alive longer.

The people of Varneck had always considering keeping the soldier alive as one of the most important keys in thier designs, after all there were so few people to even become trained soldiers that the loss of even one would be a huge impact on the world's ability to defend itself.  But now that was a mute point since the planet is now as uninhabited as before the colony ship meant for elsewhere crash landed there.

Daishi had hatched a scheme with his otherself.  If they both survived this and the campaign began turning sour they would launch it and hopefully things would not go so badly.
RA(U) Daishi COSOS
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  RE: Chapter 8 : Navy
April 21, 2004 9:52:33 AM    View the profile of Shazam 
    Shazam felt pretty good about being a leader for once, instead of the wingman that is...  But never the less, it hadn't changed the way he flew, he figured.  He'd already ran a few simulations, went throught the breifing two or three times, made sure he was ready for whatever was coming his way.
    However, what he hadn't automatically expected was the change to gunboats, he hadn't let anyone know it was bothering him, or the fact that he father was killed because of gunboats, and the meer mention of one made him shiver...  But now he would have to fly one, and well.  Shazam had attempted to shrug it off, but it kept coming back to him.  However, when he finally got to the hanger, getting into the gunboat wasn't so bad, he was nice and cozy...  Indicater lights lit up everywhere, making it seem more technical then the new, slightly messed up, tie interceptors...  But no matter, this would be one of Shazam's best missions, not to mention he would get to go home. 
    Awe yes, home...  Not like it really actually meant anything to him now that he had no family to go to.  But none the less, the place still struck a nerve in him, a symbolic meaning to him.  He knew all the guys were ready to take their home planet back in one foul swoop, very anxious...  But Shazam knew it would not be this way... 
    Past experience had shown that there were always casualties in a case like this, and since we wern't trying to destroy everything, and actually disable things...  It would make things a whole lot harder on those trying to make the mission a success.
    Shazam shook the thought off and put his hands on the controls, today would be the first step in getting back...
*Flash Was Here...*
My Real Bebop: (=A=)
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  RE: Chapter 8 : Navy
April 21, 2004 1:42:49 PM    View the profile of Japheth 
Japheth visually scanned the area, resisting the temptation to reach out with the Force to augment his scanning. Fighters were launching, that was good. He didn't immeditatly see anything that they hadn't predicted, that was also good.

They'd come into the system almost right on top of a modified corellian corvette, several flights of fighters were vectoring towards it on attack runs.

"Foward ventral batteries, two vollys at that corvette to soften it up," he ordered, turning to the gunner's station. The officer there nodded and targeted the smaller ship.

Japheth returned his gaze to the scene outside. Further away he could see a modified Nebulon-B frigate, not a wholly unexpected sight. Its inverse-V shaped forward section distinguished its appearance from it's cousin. He could also see one of the predicted Golan platforms in the near distance and one of the automated turret fields.

The other ships in the fleet began to fall into formation and opened fire as well. Reinforcements would probably arrive before too long, but for the moment they held the element of suprise. They needed to maximize that advantage while it lasted.
Rear Admiral Japheth Cappadocious, Krath Templar
Naval Commander in Chief, Captain of the mSSD Atrus
Headmaster of the Dark Jedi Order Academy
NCC/RAD Japheth Cappadocious/NHC-1/Raptor 1/mSSD Atrus/DEF/VEN/VE/(=MA=)(=SCPA=)(=FCO=)[BRC][LSM][MC:1][KC:OC]
HM/KT Japheth Cappadocious/DC-3/Krath Order/Elite Griffen Sect/VEDJ/VE
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  RE: Chapter 8 : Navy
April 21, 2004 3:30:47 PM    View the profile of Shazam 
(Chip, I don't think you have anyone in your wing just yet do you?  I check the roster, go on ahead and join me and Blah if you want.)

    Blah was currently his wingman, as the gunboats launched.  Shazam had never seen a quicker launch from the men, apparently, the hype to get home had really done the trick.  Shazam only had to wait a half a minute to get into real-space.  Somewhere high above, the fight was being watched, by who, Shazam could only guess, but never the less...  They were off!
    The second they were off, the two gunboats where looping and barreling everywhere.  Although caught off guard, and slightly disorganized, the platforms and gunneries where doing a good job of orienting themselves.  And they seemed to be pretty good marksmen, because Shazam was pulling some hefty manuvers just to get to a corvette.  The battle was underway, and they held the surprise though. 
    Blah, at his side, said," We have got half a dozen fighters coming in on our six.  That was very quick."  Everything did seem to be highpased, but it was nothing that two experienced pilots couldn't handle, he thought.  Of course, Chip said he'd join up with them when he got the chance, he'd been held up due to the different flight factor.  Shazam had gone through quite a few different flight members in the last few momths, with the dismissal of Chatham and Tizzer going into the reserves, and several other casualties from other naval battles, Shazam was a little less then persistant to keep a good connection with his new wingman. 
      Shazam led Blah towards a small cruiser about halfway towards the corvette, the both of them were firing from a distance at the cannons.  Taking they're time, Shazam noticed that Blah had pretty good aim for a LCRW in the Navy, maybe if they played a game of marks they wouldn't have to do some much dive and rolling...
*Flash Was Here...*
My Real Bebop: (=A=)
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  RE: Chapter 8 : Navy
April 21, 2004 4:23:23 PM    View the profile of Arturus 
*****Just Before Launch*****

Arturus finished adjusting the harnesses and began to run a quick diagnostics of the gunboat.  While the computer ran the check, he made a few small stabilisor adjustments and lowered his seat slightly to make the controls at a more comfortable level.  The computer quickly finished the diagnostics and showed that on the whole, the gunboat was in good shape but one engine was running warmer than the other.  It wasn't at a level worth worrying about so Arturus exited the diagnostics program and sat back to relax for a few final moments.

After a few minutes, he heard the alarm bell sound and the hanger door opened.  Arturus put his helmet on quickly and activated his comm systems.  He had the four com frequencies he would used set up for quick access.  When the green light came on, he powered up the engines and made his way out of the hanger right behind Denethor.  He was to be Denethor's wingman for this mission.

Arturus watched his systems carefully as he increased the power and prepared for action.  His sensors began to flood with data about the multiple turrets, defence platforms and capital ships in the area.  Near the platforms and ships, he could see that several fighter squadrons were being deployed.

Arturus switched to the main Kaph frequency.  "Here goes nothing, let's all enjoy being moving bulleyes for a while shall we?"  He said sarcastically as he brought his gunboat in line with Denethor's.

"Kaph 2 shut up and do your god damn job.  Don't clutter up the comm with needless chatter.  I have had enough of your bull and insubordination now can it!"  Denethor yelled angrily.  Arturus laughed to himself and began to prepare himself for the quickly approaching battle.
SL/ESN_Arturus/Kaph 1-1/Phoenix Wing/M-SSD_Atrus/VE/VEN/(=a=)(=sa=)(=jcpa=)(=scpa=)[MC:1][SV][BRC][LoC]
No...I expect to leave on some beach with absolutely no name at all while I sail away on my ship...and then Ill shout the name back to you...savvy?
chipmunk man
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  RE: Chapter 8 : Navy
April 22, 2004 6:07:54 AM    View the profile of chipmunk man 
(OOC: Maybe a little later Shaz, I'm gonna use some NPC's for wingmen for now.)

      "Boss, we got one of those Z-95 flights heading for us, at 2 o'clock!"

      Chip checked his scanners, confirming what his wingman had just said. "Got it. Shift right 60 degrees, and open fire. By the time we make the turn, they'll have just moved into range." The three gunboats came about onto their new course, bringing them on a direct path to the Z-95's. Chip smirked. This might be sort of fun. Z-95 Headhunters sucked beyond belief, fairly easy to kill. And the flight only had three members, so that made one for each in Chip's flight.

      His targeting reticule glowed green, and he squeezed the trigger at the same time as the Rebels. A half-dozen bolts hit the gunboats, with twice that number hitting the Z-95's. Chip gave his shields a quick shunt of cannon energy and adjusted the balance forward. The first headhunter veered off to Chip's right and down, the wingmen following. They were too close for Chip to make the turn completely to follow them, but he called to Ericshop and Brunswick to get them to follow him in as sharp a turn as they could manage. That first headhunter had taken some nasty shield damage, and one bolt may have managed to hit its hull. Chip didn't see much point in taking it that close to death and then letting it recharge, so he was going to make dang sure it died.
"The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits." -Albert Einstien

"You tell 'em I'm coming, and Hell's coming with me! You hear? Hell's coming with me!" -Kurt Russel in Tombstone

"People like you are the reason people like me take medication." -Cool T-shirt

FL/PO2 Chipmunk Man/Kaph 3-1/Phoenix/mSSD Atrus/DEF/VEN/VE/(=A=)[LoC][MC:1]
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  RE: Chapter 8 : Navy
April 22, 2004 8:41:51 AM    View the profile of Kuroishi 
Daishi had launched with Kaph squadron and his TIE Horror stood out amongst the flight of Gunboats in the flight he was with.

A full load of 16 advanced torpedoes sat in thier modular launchers ready to be fired, all Daishi had to do was find a good target.

A flash of laser broke his thought about a bombing run as a flight of Z-95s dove in on his position.

A quick movement on the flight stick and daishi was on a looping intercept coarse that would put hjim behind the zekes.

"My first victim of the day."  Daishi muttered to himself as he squezed the trigger.

A flurry of green lances struck out from the TIE Horror and made short work of the zekes weak shields.

Trying desperately to get away from the high performance fighter on his tail the zeke pilot was hopelessly out matched, his craft was just too old and archiac to get away.

"You will pay for such insolence."  Daishi transmitted on an open comm line.

Another quick burst from the twin lasers made the zeke non-existant.

"Great now to find my flight in this hairball.  May as well keep hunting until I do find them."  Daishi muttered to himself.

[OOC: Maybe more later depending on how boring work is, for now I need brekfast and a shower.  /OOC]
Kuroishi Wraith VEA
Daishi Raptor VEN
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  RE: Chapter 8 : Navy
April 22, 2004 3:53:40 PM    View the profile of Shazam 
(Some evade and conquer anyone?)

    Blah was silent at his side as Shazam headed after some incoming X-wings.  On the radar he saw Daishi's hunting and Chip's wing spreading against some Z-95's.  All Shazam and his wingman had done were attack some cannnon's, it was their turn for the spotlight, Shazam thought to himself. 
    Before he got the chance, to do anything, half a dozen X-wings were on them.  Where had they come from?  Shazam's wingman looped low, attempting to keep his opponet's offending fire away from the Flight Leader.  Shazam barreled in the direction of his wingmate and looked for a way out.  He was in the lead, and no strategy came to mind except running.  He say a gap between one of the Navy's cruisers that was ingaging the corvette and pushed the throttle to full towards it.  They wouldn't be able to run far in the gunboats...  Maybe...
      "I have six X-wings on my six, and I don't think I'll be able to shake 'em...  So I was wondering if anyone would like to scare a few off for me..?"  Shazam said into the com.  Within a few moments two or three missle locks were on the X-wings.  A three scattered, three remained.  Now they had their chance, Shazam thought.  Blah got upside his ship, and the two jetted towards the closing gap with the three remaining X-wings on their tail, the X-wings would catch them if they couldn't lose them through the gap.  Apparently, the X-wings easilly took notice, and verted above the ship, risking the chance of losing some distance so they could keep the targets in sight.  Risking death in a cat/mouse game wasn't their style, Shazam assumed.
    However, since they had drifted above them and behind, this left them alot of space, so Shazam figured he's take a chance.  It only took a few seconds, and the X-wings didn't see a manuver coming.  Shazam hit the breaks with Blah, and twisted the ships around, the X-wings flying past, losing they're targets from sight completely.  The two imperials bolted after them, and were on them before they could figure out what happened.  They tried to evade the bolts that were evedently coming their way by making a series of loops and S-curves.  But they seemed to lose their ability to fly on the edge after the little stunt just pulled. 
    Shazam and Blah kept distance in between them though, figured that since they were accurate, they could risk being farther back.  Plus, they wouldn't have to worry about tricky manuvers...  So they began firing on they're hopeless targets, still not expecting anything but an easy kill.  That is until the rest of the squadron came back onto their trails...  "A trap..."
*Flash Was Here...*
My Real Bebop: (=A=)
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  RE: Chapter 8 : Navy
April 23, 2004 6:45:47 AM    View the profile of chipmunk man 
      The Headhunters Chip had been following exploded into fireballs at the onslaught of the TIE Horror. Stang, Chip had wanted to paint a few more Alliance symbols on his hull! And he had even risked taking a smattering of cannon bolts to try and get those kills. Bah. At least the idiots were dead.

      "I have six X-wings on my six, and I don't think I'll be able to shake 'em...  So I was wondering if anyone would like to scare a few off for me..?"

      "I'm on it Shaz, just hang on." Chip switched to his flight's comm channel. "Okay, Second is having a bit of trouble, let's swing around, spread out, and give 'em a hand."

      "Boss, the Army transports are gonna be arriving soon! Shouldn't we get something disabled for 'em?"

      "Hang on Eric, that's next. First is gonna be to make sure we have enough pilots to actually disable things!"

      "Chip spotted Second Flight on his scanners, and kicked his throttle to the max. He would be damned if he was going to let some rebel idiot take out Shazam.
"The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits." -Albert Einstien

"You tell 'em I'm coming, and Hell's coming with me! You hear? Hell's coming with me!" -Kurt Russel in Tombstone

"People like you are the reason people like me take medication." -Cool T-shirt

FL/PO2 Chipmunk Man/Kaph 3-1/Phoenix/mSSD Atrus/DEF/VEN/VE/(=A=)[LoC][MC:1]
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  RE: Chapter 8 : Navy
April 23, 2004 7:34:43 AM    View the profile of Arturus 
Arturus accelerated to full power and turned to engage the oncoming enemy fighters.  For some reason they were sending out their weakest fighters first.  He couldn't understand why but he couldn't complain, z-95s were easy pickings.  His gunboat vibrated slightly as it hit full speed, Arturus made a note to have it fixed when they got back.

He targeted the lead fighter in a squadron that was quickly approaching to back up the first which was taking a pounding.  Arturus made an adjustment on his course and ensured his lasers were at full power as he quickly closed the distance between himself and the fighters.  Denethor's gunboat was slightly higher than his and to the right.  The other two pilots in flight 1 were finishing off the first squad on z-95s.  "Denethor we better be careful about how close we get to those ships, the turret field can't be too far away and-"  Arturus stopped as three laser bursts flew right past the front of his gunboat.  "Never mind we are already in range of the turrets."  Arturus said as he bagan to take evasive measures.  The Z-95s were only 3km away, they would be in range in another ten seconds maybe.

"Arturus break formation with me, keep it loose and those turrets won't hit us"  Denethor ordered as he pulled away from Arturus and angled his attack towards the front left of the incoming squadron.  Arturus kept his course and when he was in range, he fired off a long salvo before diving wildly to avoid the oncoming fire.  The enemy squadron broke into pairs and split off on different courses as they passed overtop of his gunboat.  Arturus rolled and turned towards four fighters coming towards him.  All around him turret fire was passing bye.  Suddenly his fighter was rocked as one struck his right wing dead on.  "Sithspit!"  He shouted as he rolled and fired a burst at the fighters.  He began to slide back into position and fired off another burst, two fighters exploded in front of him forcing him to pull up out of the way of the debris.  "Two down and I may have aggrevated my stabiliser problem by eating turret."  Arturus said over the flight 1 frequency.

"Kaph 3 and 4 let 2 and 3 flight finish of the first squad, come back us up here."  Denethor ordered.  Arturus turned away from the turrets, their firing still flying around him and several shots grazed by his shield causing the fighter to continuously vibrate.  Fortunately there were no other direct hits.  Arturus held the stick tight as he tried to fire an accurate burst at two fighters which were right in front of him.  They had turned to engage the two oncoming Kaph pilot and had pulled right in front of Arturus as he had rolled away from the turrets.  Arturus fired another burst and saw the engine in the left fighter explode.  He pull hard on the stick and turned right.  He could see Denethor engaging three fighters in the distance.  Arturus raced towards his wingman and arrived just as Denethor had destroyed two of the fighters.  "Nice shot"  Arturus said as he got into a loose formation with Denethor.

The two men fired together on the last fighter destroying it with is at it was trying to limb away from battle.  Arturus looked down at his scensors and saw that there were 5 fighters left in squad one, 4 in squad two and that 3 new fighter squadrons were approaching quickly, this time 2 squadrons of R-41's and one of Z-95's.  They had finally sent out some of their stronger equipment, the battle was about to get very interresting.
SL/ESN_Arturus/Kaph 1-1/Phoenix Wing/M-SSD_Atrus/VE/VEN/(=a=)(=sa=)(=jcpa=)(=scpa=)[MC:1][SV][BRC][LoC]
No...I expect to leave on some beach with absolutely no name at all while I sail away on my ship...and then Ill shout the name back to you...savvy?
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  RE: Chapter 8 : Navy
April 23, 2004 9:29:08 AM    View the profile of Shazam 
(Quick strategy I made up, here...)

    Shazam and Blah found themselves heading for a different ship, with different insigna's than their own.  If he was reading the sensors correctly there was a group of gun boats heading directly towards them, but completely out of sight due to the fact that the ship was blocking any view of them.  He gave warning to Blah, and the two of them let off a duel burst of fire towards the three X-wings ahead.  The comined shots hit the center X-wing dead on.  There was no hope for it, and it spiralled out of control into the fighter next to it.  The two exploded in a crimson sea of heat that only lasted for a few moments.  The third, blinded by the light, could no longer see where he was going, and crashed into his cruiser. 
    That went far better than he could have thought, Shazam quirked.  Still at full speed, the X-wings in back of them were getting closer; they pulled up a ways to avoid the incoming debris.  However, instead of going above the debris, Shazam forced the stick down and the two imperials dived.  The X-wings caught off guard attempted to loop above the cruiser but were immedietly dismissed by a sudden array of Gunboat fire power...
    "I owe ya Chip...'
*Flash Was Here...*
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  RE: Chapter 8 : Navy
April 26, 2004 6:08:57 AM    View the profile of chipmunk man 
      "Okay boys and girls, enough messing around. The Army is gonna be heading in soon, we're gonna have to clear a path for 'em. From the looks of those spiral shuttles, they're probably going to head for the Golans. I don't think that we'll stand much of a chance against those, so the least we can do is clear a few more of the fighters."

      "But boss, isn't that what we've been doin' already?"

      "I mean the ones right around that Golan thingy-ma-bob. There's too many X-wings, and it would kind of suck if one of them were to fly into the shuttle's way."

      Shazam and Blah fell into formation next to Chip's flight. "Want a few more pilots for that?"

      "Heck yeah. Maybe we can even invite a few of those Venom boys over there who seem to have lost their flight leader?" Chip quickly called over the comm to the lost Venom pilots. They were only too happy to join. Chip brought his gunboat around to the left, spotting about half a dozen X-wings vaguely trying to shoot down the spiral shuttles, but they quickly turned around when they spotted all the gunboats heading their way. "Heh, we've finnaly managed to get some organization back into this battle. 'kay guys, don't bunch up, or we're gonna make nice, pretty targets for those Golan gunners. Let's clear these rebel suckers and get back out of the turrets' range."

      "Hey boss, I haven't got a single problem with that idea."
"The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits." -Albert Einstien

"You tell 'em I'm coming, and Hell's coming with me! You hear? Hell's coming with me!" -Kurt Russel in Tombstone

"People like you are the reason people like me take medication." -Cool T-shirt

FL/PO2 Chipmunk Man/Kaph 3-1/Phoenix/mSSD Atrus/DEF/VEN/VE/(=A=)[LoC][MC:1]
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  RE: Chapter 8 : Navy
April 26, 2004 8:32:26 AM    View the profile of Kuroishi 
[OOC: Can't remember if 16 advanced torpedoes will even take down all the shields of a Golan so I'll assume not until I can re-install XWA and perform a test to find out then come back edit and fill out my post accordingly.  /OOC]

Daishi turned off his targeting computer and lined up on the Golan smack dab in the middle of the approach path.

Activating all the modular warhead launchers for one massive volly of advanced torpedoes Daishi carefully lined up then squezed the trigger.  By the time anyone visualy spotted the torpedoes it would be too late to engage them even with the point defence guns.

"Allright boys and girls I just unloaded a heaping load of damaging goodness on the Golan in sector 1.  Engaging fighters."  Daishi commed as he watched Kaph form up on the fighters protecting the Golan he had just abused.

A flash of fire caught Daishi's attention as some of the X-Wings got the notion they could frag him.

"Not today slow pokes."  Daishi muttered to himself as he punched the throttle to max.

A quick split S at the speed he was now going threw off his persuers.

A quick check on his sensors and reactivating his targeting computer Daishi began to formulate his next step.

Dancing meters above the Golan picking off what remained of the shields seemed like a good idea.
Kuroishi Wraith VEA
Daishi Raptor VEN
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  RE: Chapter 8 : Navy
April 26, 2004 4:02:12 PM    View the profile of chipmunk man 
      Chip saw the trick that the TIE Horror had just pulled off, and decided it was probably their best shot. He tried to put the gunboat into full throttle, but realized that it already was in full throttle. Bah, crazy things just didn't have the same speed as an Interceptor. The nicer shields and warhead launchers were a plus, but Chip just felt like a flying target. Bah, these things were almost as bad as those stupid TIE Bombers! But mentally cursing his ship wasn't going to make it go faster.

      "Anybody up for a torpedo run on that thing?"

      "Holy saracton dung, boss! What the Hell are ya thinkin'?!"

      "Eric, what in the heck is a saracton?"

      "Uh, nevah mind, boss."

      "Alright. Anyhow, I say we stick our warheads in with those others. Third flight, let's head on in. You Venom boys are welcome to tag along if ya like."

      The Venom pilot who had been promoted by default to flight command quickly commed in that anything the whimpy defensive fleet boys could do, his offensive boys could do better. Chip had to smile at that.

      "Well, we'll have to see about that."
"The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits." -Albert Einstien

"You tell 'em I'm coming, and Hell's coming with me! You hear? Hell's coming with me!" -Kurt Russel in Tombstone

"People like you are the reason people like me take medication." -Cool T-shirt

FL/PO2 Chipmunk Man/Kaph 3-1/Phoenix/mSSD Atrus/DEF/VEN/VE/(=A=)[LoC][MC:1]
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  RE: Chapter 8 : Navy
April 27, 2004 12:16:38 AM    View the profile of Daishi 
A pair of A-Wings broke off from thier squadron and seemed bound and determined to make Daishi pay for the hefty warhead load that he had just layed out on a Golan platform.

"Kuroishi to Daishi I need a strafing run across the upper starboard side of the Golan I am transmiting from, think you can handle that?"  Kuroishi's voice came through the  comm.

"Give me a moment, I got a couple A-Wings that think they are allowed to shoot at me."  Daishi answered back.

Immediatly Daishi began to check where the signal had come from and found it was the Golan he had abused.  That would make things easier.

"Time to see if the SLAM system actually works or not."  Daishi muttered as he vectored in on the specified area of the Golan.

Bolts of red glanced all around Daishi and he felt impacts on the shields as he punched the activation...

A gurgle then the sound of metal grinding on metal alerted Daishi that the SLAM system had failed but at least the engines were still working normaly.

Keeping the throttle to full and dancing in erratic manuevers and wide spirals Daishi managed to approach the Golan and get out from under the A-Wing's fire.

"Time for a little something I learned when we covered how to engage a MC-80 in the IW training scenarios."  Daishi said as he closed to firing range and began firing on the Golan with linked lasers and ions.

Screaming in at high speed Daishi waited until he was very close to the station before he pulled up.  Now just meters above the external hull Daishi had the perfect opportunity to increase his damage potential as any shots from the A-Wings that missed him would hit the station.

Pulling away from the station's batteries of guns Daishi now had to deal with the A-Wings.  While his craft was superior in every regard to the A-wings the two pilots chasing him down were obviously more skilled then he was.

With the superior speed of his craft if he could keep dodgin the rather accurate fire coming from behind him he would be out of firing range in a few moments but he would be in another mess of fighters, perhaps that would not be such a bad way to ditch his persues and manage to do some more hunting.
RA(U) Daishi COSOS
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chipmunk man
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  RE: Chapter 8 : Navy
April 27, 2004 6:48:09 AM    View the profile of chipmunk man 
      Chip began heading for the Golan that the TIE Horror had blasted, as it was also the Golan with the weakest shields. Okay, Chip's shields were at full, torpedo launchers set to dual fire. Just for extra insurance, Chip set his shields to concentrate all power towards the front. He could feel sweat trickling down his face inside his helmet, even thought the flight suit was supposed to elliminate such a thing. Well. Special flight suit or not, he was still sweating. Jeez, Chip had pulled some crazy stunts before, but attacking a Golan III like this had to be about the stupidest. "Alright guys, stay loose out there. We bunch up, and we're gonna make pretty targets."

      As if on que, the Golan's turret guns opened fire. Chip had to make several quick darts to avoid being plastered. But Chip's wingman Ericshop didn't have nearly as much experiance, and so he couldn't make the evassives fast enough. The tuuret guns made short work of his shields and blasted off his starboard and dorsal wings.

      "Boss! I'm hit, I'm hit, I'm..."


      The gunboat tore itself to peices, bits of wreckage flying everywhere. One of the severed wings flew off and crashed into one of the Venom pilots, sending him careening off to be shot as well. Two more bursts obliterated one of Shazam's extra wingmen, and the Imperial pilots began peeling off course and scrambling back for safety. Chip could see one Venom pilot, the same who had taken over command of his shattered flight, try to bank steeply. But the poor soul took multiple hits to the underside of his gunboat, and the whole thing erupted. Jeez, this thing was falling apart all about Chip's ears. And the Imperials weren't even ready to fire yet!
"The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits." -Albert Einstien

"You tell 'em I'm coming, and Hell's coming with me! You hear? Hell's coming with me!" -Kurt Russel in Tombstone

"People like you are the reason people like me take medication." -Cool T-shirt

FL/PO2 Chipmunk Man/Kaph 3-1/Phoenix/mSSD Atrus/DEF/VEN/VE/(=A=)[LoC][MC:1]
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  RE: Chapter 8 : Navy
April 27, 2004 8:46:43 AM    View the profile of Kuroishi 
As Daishi was blasting away at rebels trying to engage the other squadrons he noticed that the Golan he had been attacking suddenly ceased fire in it's starboard arc.  This was big.  Kuroishi and his squad despite coming in on the wrong side had still managed to open a major hole in one of the platform's firing arcs.

"Forget you suckers this gives me a perfect chance to go disable a few of those annoying gun turrets and make life a lot easier on a lot of people."  Daishi muttered as he disengaged from the massive melee of fighters.

The rebels had noticed the gap as well and were currently pouring fighter squads in to try and fill it.

"Okay change of plans, I need me some advanced missle pods on these bare wings of mine."  Daishi said to himself as he checked the status of the VE forces.

So far things had been going well despite the navy being a little behind schedule in disabling platforms and capships, but at least they were ahead of schedule in destroying fighters.  A trade Daishi didn't entirely mind right now as it would make disabling things a lot easier and less costly if they could keep the preasure up on the rebel fighter squads.

"Daishi requesting permission to rearm to advanced missle pods."  Daishi commed as he approached the Devastator.

"Permission granted Admiral."  The commtech replied.

In a few moments he would be back out there making a mess of things for the rebels again.
Kuroishi Wraith VEA
Daishi Raptor VEN
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  RE: Chapter 8 : Navy
April 28, 2004 9:47:21 PM    View the profile of Kuroishi 
The advantage of the modular detachable launchers meant that it took a fraction of the time to re-arm the TIE Horror compared to most fighters.  Daishi barely had time to get back into the fight before a rather familiar voice broke through the static.

"Kuroishi to Daishi.  Request ions only strafing run on Section A-1 of objective.  Repeat ion only.  Do you copy?"  Kuroishi said with a feeling of irritation.

"Yeah I copy.  Be right there."  Daishi answered.

Switching to ion cannons only Daishi vectored in on the Golan and did his best to avoid the two remaining arcs of fire as he straffed the requested section.

Switching back to full guns Daishi began to look for fighters to target.  It was past time to establish complete aerospace supremacy.

Activating a pair of his 16 launchers, Daishi targeted an A-Wing at maximum range and waited for the lock on tone.

"Guess who's back and rearmed?"  Daishi said as he watched the fireball form and dissapate.
Kuroishi Wraith VEA
Daishi Raptor VEN
Assistant Writer Why Project Copyright Infringment
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  RE: Chapter 8 : Navy
April 29, 2004 3:41:28 PM    View the profile of Shazam 
(Sorry I havn't been around guys, track meets have been holding me back.  Barelly had any time to myself, trying to post when I can.  This post should let me control when I get on a bit more.  Goes better with the story.)

    After thier narrow escape, Shazam and Blah were a bit hesitant to jump back into the battle.  However, Daishi's sudden enthusiam to blow things up, fired everyone back into battle status.
    Hearing the call for some help with incoming fighters, Shazam broke off his flight in an attempt to clear the path for Daishi.  Apparently he was heavilly armed and didn't feel like defending himself on the way to his targets.  Shazam shrugged it off, and pushed the throttle back into the all too familier 'Full Speed' gage.  Hearing the engines start to hum again, he felt himself gripping the controls a little tighter as he always did when the need to break the laws of fighting were at hand. 
    Gunboats wern't the most effective manuverable item in the area though, and that would be a problem against incoming fighters.  Drawing a few locks on the fighters, the team scattered the incoming fighters into groups.  Still on their way, Shazam decided to do his normal attack and just get behind and shoot.  Checking his back for incoming fighters, Shazam switched to normal guns and attacked.  The bolts flew across the open vacume the same as always.
    Shazam didn't realize it, but he was really sleepy...  Things seemed to go on in his mind far after they had occured, and his reflexes were slowing down.  A voice came out over the com that awakened him immedietly. 
    "Man, you've got some kind of leak going.  I see a white substance coming out above the right side of your cabin.  Notice anything from in there?" Blah asked curiously.
    Finally it occured to him, he was loosing oxygen!  He was breathing carbon dioxide.  Shit...  His eyes moved to the oxygen level.  He must have had a big leak because it was dropping by the second.  "I'm ganna have to get back, my oxygen is gone." Shazam said, and without even thinking, he immedietly broke off towards the command ship. 
    The oxygen was dropping faster and faster.  Within a minutes time on the way back, 1/3 of the remaining oxygen was gone.  The throttle was on full, and the main ship was clearly in sight.  Suddenly, the ship was under attack!  Oh, no...  Seeing Blah on his side, he must have felt safe he told himself, but Blah handn't been fast enough for the incoming bolts from the passing A-wings.  a few bolts massacred his right thruster, and sent him into a slow spiral.  He was loosing control of the ship, but he still attempted to guide it towards the hanger bay as the oxygen diminished and the CO2 climbed.  The cabin was cooling down rapidly, and he felt a slow shiver go down his back.
    The thought occured to him for the first time in a while.  A long time before, his father had told him that he hated space because it was like the see.  "The only place to breath is where you can't be," he once said.  This hadn't lasted long, and the words certainly wern't with him when he chose the Navy over the Army.  But now they were clear as ever, and they rang in his ear.  The lack of oxygen was going directly to his brain.  This was bad.  Space was not a good place to die, he thought to himself.  The thought hadn't occured to him to signal the hanger bay...
    As he neered the hanger bay, the oxygen gave out, and Shazam took a deep breath, he slowly spiralled towards the hanger bay.  A group of fighters launched in his path though.  The surprise made him let go of his breath and gupled for air. 
    Shazam's hand went to his throat, knocking the throttle to zero as it raised.  The fighters broke off, out of his way, and Shazam went nose first through into the bay.  The craft skidded across the shining floor, and a tremendous screach erupted into the cold space.  Peircing his thoughts, Shazam sat there, suffocating as his fighters slowed to a halt in the middle of a battle...
*Flash Was Here...*
My Real Bebop: (=A=)
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  RE: Chapter 8 : Navy
May 3, 2004 3:42:02 PM    View the profile of blah909 
((hey, hey! i might be back to the living.))
he watched shazam make a nice, invouluntary touch-n-go in the hangar bay. then he watched the tractor beam make a nice, intentional catch. it slowed, then accelerated toward the the hangar bay and into the island of oxygen of a sea of vacum.
"aight, flight 2. follow me. i'll be your temporary flight leader for this magnificent evening. don't worry for shazle, he shouldn't suffer brain damage." blah spoke.
((1. how many missles left? 2. how many wingmen left? 3. how many left?))
blah909/Crewman in Kaph Squadron
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Ever heard of Mad Squirrel disease?
chipmunk man
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  RE: Chapter 8 : Navy
May 4, 2004 6:53:58 AM    View the profile of chipmunk man 
      Chip was horrified to see that shuttles carrying more stomtroopers to the Golan were being plastered by Rebel fighters. Now, that just couldn't be allowed. Chip spotted a flight of three shuttles, all with a cargo of troopers. The things weren't doing so well, and one had already lost shields.

      "Third flight! If we don't get our butts over there, they aren't going to be able to capture those guns for us!" Chip didn't have Ericshop anymore, thanks to those stupid turrets, but Brunswick was still on his wing, along with one more of the displaced Venom pilots.

      They brought their throttles up to about 80 percent, although with these blasted gunboats that wasn't nearly as nice as Chip's lovely Interceptor. But no use crying over it now. The shuttles weren't much further, the three of them should have locks on the X-wings any moment now...

(OOC: Gah, wish I had more time.)
(hits golf ball through the stargate) "So, how far away is Edura?"
"Several million light years, O'Niel."
"That's gotta be a record." (gets ready to swing golf club)
"Colonel O'Niel, what in God's name do you think you're doing?!"

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  RE: Chapter 8 : Navy
May 4, 2004 6:41:24 PM    View the profile of blah909 
"kick your throttles up to max, peoples"
all gunboats in flight accelerated to max speed for intercept w/ teh golan

Consider this post stricken. I'm leaving it as an example of what NOT to do. If you're gonna bother to post, give us at least 3 or 4 paragraphs. Thats not too much to ask. Also SPELLCHECK and CAPITALIZE and don't use shortcuts like "w/"
[This message has been edited by Japheth (edited May 4, 2004 8:15:10 PM)]
chipmunk man
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  RE: Chapter 8 : Navy
May 5, 2004 6:31:22 AM    View the profile of chipmunk man 
      Chip saw a Republic shuttle leaving the Golan's hangar bay. Bingo! Some Rebel officers to capture! That might get Chip in good with the boys in Naval command, maybe secure another promotion or something. He brought his gunboat in behind the shuttle and took careful aim, firing a small burst of ION's from time to time. It's shields were slowly coming down, and Chip started letting out longer bursts to disable it before it reached the capital ship it was running to.

      "Kaph 3-1, you are to disengage that shuttle immediately!"

      "Aye sir, breaking contact." Dang! What the heck was that about? Chip decided that instead he would try to send a few torpedoes at the ship, the Old Peculiar according to his threat display. But just then a flight of A-wings joined the party. "Stang! Bruns, Venom kid, gimmee a hand over here! I want the two of you to take A-wing Yellow 2, I've got Yellow 1."

      "That's a check, takin' Yell' 2."

      Chip smirked, Brunswick could always be depended on. He and the Venom pilot made a quick dive, then zipped back up 90 degrees to take the A-wing from it's underside. Chip meanwhile came at the leader from 30 degrees to the rebel's left. Bruns and the Venom were firing far enough infront of their own target that the overshoots were catching Yellow 1 in the tail, while Chip's shots were slamming into Y-1's midsection. His shields fell apart in no time, the port wing disintegrating and the A-wing hurtling off. Chip adjusted his aim and caught Yellow 2, which also took a blasting.

      "Yee-haw! We got 'em! The other has got his tail 'tween his legs, he's runnin' for home!"

      "Okay guys, let's switch over to torpedoes and see about bringing this big sucker's shields down!
(hits golf ball through the stargate) "So, how far away is Edura?"
"Several million light years, O'Niel."
"That's gotta be a record." (gets ready to swing golf club)
"Colonel O'Niel, what in God's name do you think you're doing?!"

"People like you are the reason people like me take medication."  -Cool T-shirt
[This message has been edited by chipmunk man (edited May 5, 2004 6:32:55 AM)]
chipmunk man
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  RE: Chapter 8 : Navy
May 6, 2004 6:21:53 AM    View the profile of chipmunk man 
      Chip was somewhat torn. On one side, he wanted to blast the snot out of this frigate's shilds, maybe even send a few ION's in it's direction if the shields came down. On the other hand were all the shuttles carrying more troopers, who needed some help fending off rebel fighters.

      "Gah. Fine. Send a volley of torpedoes, then swing around and take out a fighter or two. Le'sse, about another second or two..." There. Chip's targeting reticule glowed red, indicating a lock on one of the frigate's turbolaser batteries. Chip fired a pair, then broke off to chase another R-41.

      Chip's gunboat shuddered as he pulled it into an exteremly tight turn in order to get behind the R-41, but it suddenly exploded. Bits of shrapnel and wreckage went every which way. More massive cannon bolts zipped past, obliterating a stray Z-95 that had managed to survive the opening of the battle. The Golan's guns were back online, and in VE hands! "Kaph 3-1 to any Imperial guners on that Golan thingy, anybody there?"

      "Sgt. Klazalsky here. What do you need, flyboy?"

      "Think you can gimmee a hand drilling through these frigate shields?"

      "We have troopers aboard that thing."

      "Well, won't it be easier if I can sent some ION's there way? Disable the auto defenses or something?" There was a pause, then the Golan guns began aiming for the frigate.
(hits golf ball through the stargate) "So, how far away is Edura?"
"Several million light years, O'Niel."
"That's gotta be a record." (gets ready to swing golf club)
"Colonel O'Niel, what in God's name do you think you're doing?!"

"People like you are the reason people like me take medication."  -Cool T-shirt
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