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Topic:  Viper Topic
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  RE: Viper Topic
March 2, 2008 7:50:58 AM    View the profile of Sicario 
Just wanted to let everyone know that I'll be posting in the mission thread today. Unfortunetly I've been busy the past week and have not been able to get much done, but will be able to get back into the groove again today.
"It was his destiny to join the Empire. He saw death, hatred, evil. How he came out sane, I may never know. If he can control his fear, then Phineus' potential will never be greater."

"Acid rain, when Abel looked up at Cain.."

“Phin…you are one odd quack.
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  RE: Viper Topic
March 2, 2008 2:02:34 PM    View the profile of C-3PX2 
the opening of the code is

{{  not  ((

and the closing of it is

}}  not  ))
> : There is nothing wrong with fear.
> : You need never be ashamed of it, as long as it doesn't stop you functioning.
> : Fear is your natural warning system; it keeps you alive so
> : that you can fight. If you show me a man who isn't afraid,
> : and I'll show you a fool who is a danger to his entire ship.
  -= Viper Squadron =- : "The Captain's Own" | "We Fly, You Die."
|| XO & FL / WO2 C-3PX2  / Viper 5 / Phoenix Wing (Wing 1) / mSSD Atrus / 1Fl / VEN / VE / (=A=), (=SA=), (=TE=), [MC2], [MC1], [BoH], [BWC], [IG], [NER] ||
|| Vast Empire Imperial Naval Academy Operator - Trainer Level 1 (T-1) |=|=| Author / GW C-3PX2 /Lotaith / VET / VE ||
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  RE: Viper Topic
March 4, 2008 11:45:11 AM    View the profile of Oops 
Oww, my back... since when did we have a set of stairs for me to tumble down?

FM/SRW Oops/Viper 1-2/mSSS Atrus/VEN/VE
(=*A*=) [SoA]
Ibram Tyrol
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  RE: Viper Topic
March 4, 2008 11:48:59 AM    View the profile of Ibram Tyrol 
Oops? I remember you lol, you kind of disappeared at about the same  time i joined...I wonder if that means we are the same person.... :O !!!!

Anyway, welcome back. You'll probably have to contact Shazam and explain your absence, and he'll see if we can re-place you. It might not be in Viper though I'm afraid.
"I'm no Physician, but there appears to be a dagger through my chest."

- Innocence is the cost of Justice

Senior Chief Petty Officer Ibram Tyrol
Viper Squadron, "Captain's Own"
Flight 3 Leader
We fly, you die

FL/CPO Ibram Tyrol/Viper 9/mSSD Atrus/1W/1FL/VEN/{=*A*=}{=*SA*=}/[NER]

Ibram Tyrol/WS Ibram/Lotaith/VET/VE
Zane ZyCrusis
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Zane ZyCrusis
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  RE: Viper Topic
March 4, 2008 6:38:58 PM    View the profile of Zane ZyCrusis 
*Zane moves the make-shift stairs*
=*Zane ZyCrusis*= 
  =*Viper Squadron*= 
Zane ZyCrusis, Petty Officer 2nd Class, Ghost Writer of the VE Today,
Member of the VESA

Naval ID:
FM||PO2 Zane ZyCrusis||Viper 11||Wing 1||mSSD Atrus||1Flt||VEN||VE|| (=AE=) (=SAE=)
Engineering Corps-VE Today ID:
Author||GW Zane ZyCrusis||Lotaith||VET||VE
[This message has been edited by Zane ZyCrusis (edited March 4, 2008 6:40:45 PM)]
Zane ZyCrusis
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  RE: Viper Topic
March 4, 2008 6:39:21 PM    View the profile of Zane ZyCrusis 
Oh thanks C that makes a little more sense now
=*Zane ZyCrusis*= 
  =*Viper Squadron*= 
Zane ZyCrusis, Petty Officer 2nd Class, Ghost Writer of the VE Today,
Member of the VESA

Naval ID:
FM||PO2 Zane ZyCrusis||Viper 11||Wing 1||mSSD Atrus||1Flt||VEN||VE|| (=AE=) (=SAE=)
Engineering Corps-VE Today ID:
Author||GW Zane ZyCrusis||Lotaith||VET||VE
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  RE: Viper Topic
March 5, 2008 6:19:07 PM    View the profile of StOrMz 
Hello Everyone i just thought i'd say hi since i am new to the squadron. And yes i know, my ID line needs to be changed which i am gna do right now
FM/CRW StOrMz/Kaph 3-11/Wing 1/mSSD Atrus/DEF/VEN/VE (=A=)

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  RE: Viper Topic
March 6, 2008 9:41:06 AM    View the profile of Arkan-Thran 
hello im new to viper so......hello
Arkan Thran
Innocence Proves Nothing
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  RE: Viper Topic
March 6, 2008 2:30:11 PM    View the profile of C-3PX2 
Guys, its been awsome, Viper has grown farter than I thought it would when it was reopened. I really must say, congratulations on having an excellent squadron, but it is time for me to part with it.

As per listings on the Topic Some Roster Changes, Kaph Squadron has been reopened and I have moved over to it.

There have been changes in the Roster to this Squadron, to reflect the Reopening of a Squadron, and the moving of Two Pilots from Viper.

((bah, have to leave for work... so I have to cut this post short.))

So ... see you guys in the next Competition, or join-squadron story ... but this time, from a different squadron.

Oh, and Stomz ... heh, you might want to change your ID Line. For you are coming with me
> : There is nothing wrong with fear.
> : You need never be ashamed of it, as long as it doesn't stop you functioning.
> : Fear is your natural warning system; it keeps you alive so
> : that you can fight. If you show me a man who isn't afraid,
> : and I'll show you a fool who is a danger to his entire ship.
  -= Viper Squadron =- : "The Captain's Own" | "We Fly, You Die."
|| XO & FL / WO2 C-3PX2  / Viper 5 / Phoenix Wing (Wing 1) / mSSD Atrus / 1Fl / VEN / VE / (=A=), (=SA=), (=TE=), [MC2], [MC1], [BoH], [BWC], [IG], [NER] ||
|| Vast Empire Imperial Naval Academy Operator - Trainer Level 1 (T-1) |=|=| Author / GW C-3PX2 /Lotaith / VET / VE ||
Zane ZyCrusis
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Zane ZyCrusis
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  RE: Viper Topic
March 6, 2008 4:26:16 PM    View the profile of Zane ZyCrusis 
C, you can't leave.
Oh and welcome newcomers to the Viper Squadron as well. Hope you guys will enjoy it.
=*Zane ZyCrusis*= 
  =*Viper Squadron*= 
Zane ZyCrusis, Petty Officer 2nd Class, Ghost Writer of the VE Today,
Member of the VESA

Naval ID:
FM||PO2 Zane ZyCrusis||Viper 11||Wing 1||mSSD Atrus||1Flt||VEN||VE|| (=AE=) (=SAE=)
Engineering Corps-VE Today ID:
Author||GW Zane ZyCrusis||Lotaith||VET||VE
Ibram Tyrol
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Ibram Tyrol
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  RE: Viper Topic
March 7, 2008 3:27:20 AM    View the profile of Ibram Tyrol 
Ping! Report Day!

Cya C, it was a pleasure serving with you.
"I'm no Physician, but there appears to be a dagger through my chest."

- Innocence is the cost of Justice

Senior Chief Petty Officer Ibram Tyrol
Viper Squadron, "Captain's Own"
Flight 3 Leader
We fly, you die

FL/CPO Ibram Tyrol/Viper 9/mSSD Atrus/1W/1FL/VEN/{=*A*=}{=*SA*=}/[NER]

Ibram Tyrol/WS Ibram/Lotaith/VET/VE
Ibram Tyrol
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  RE: Viper Topic
March 7, 2008 6:22:42 AM    View the profile of Ibram Tyrol 

Tomas can confirm this, but I have now been assigned to the Executive Officer position.

In term's of reports, which are due in today: Anden, as Flight Leader you have to send one to me, and Tomas.

Members of my flight (Flight 3) You still only send reports to me, and Tomas.

Members of Anden's Flight (Flight 2), you send reports to Anden, Me and Tomas.

And Members of Tomas' flight (Flight 1), you only send reports to me and Tomas.

(If i got that wrong, someone may need correct me.)

That's about it, apart from officially stepping in should Tomas drop dead on us, my duties are more or less the same.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
"I'm no Physician, but there appears to be a dagger through my chest."

- Innocence is the cost of Justice

Senior Chief Petty Officer Ibram Tyrol
Viper Squadron, "Captain's Own"
Flight 3 Leader
We fly, you die

FL/CPO Ibram Tyrol/Viper 9/mSSD Atrus/1W/1FL/VEN/{=*A*=}{=*SA*=}/[NER]

Ibram Tyrol/WS Ibram/Lotaith/VET/VE
Ibram Tyrol
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  RE: Viper Topic
March 7, 2008 5:48:42 PM    View the profile of Ibram Tyrol 

Tomas is away this weekend, can't remember what he's doing, but he won't be able to get onto the VE.

As XO, I'm in Temporary command of the Squadron, so any Queries can go through me.

Also, as for reports, you can leave Tomas off the mailing list for the moment, as I have to do this weeks report anyway.

Once he's back, everything will return to normal.

That is all.

P.S. For those of you who haven't checked yet, S & R is finished - no more posting, I'll have a filler story up by tomorrow, hopefully.
"I'm no Physician, but there appears to be a dagger through my chest."

- Innocence is the cost of Justice

Senior Chief Petty Officer Ibram Tyrol
Viper Squadron, "Captain's Own"
Squadron Executive Officer
We fly, you die

XO/CPO Ibram Tyrol/Viper 9/mSSD Atrus/1W/1FL/VEN/{=*A*=}{=*SA*=}/[NER]

Ibram Tyrol/WS Ibram/Lotaith/VET/VE
Ibram Tyrol
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  RE: Viper Topic
March 7, 2008 5:53:29 PM    View the profile of Ibram Tyrol 

Sorry, I keep thinking of things to put up lol. For those of you who need a reference, he is the current Roster (as far as i know). The current one is still being cleaned up at the moment, so please ignore it for now.

Viper Squadron:
1-1: CWO Tomas
1-2: PO2 Aleia Dreycon
1-3: PO1 Mira O'Reilly

2-1: PO1 Anden Beliam
2-2: PO2 Sicario
2-3: PO2 Fulfiller

3-1: SCPO Ibram Tyrol
3-2: PO2 Zane ZyCrusis
3-3: SCRW Jaron

Also, Arkan-thran will be joining us as a new recruit I believe, so please make sure he feels welcome.
"I'm no Physician, but there appears to be a dagger through my chest."

- Innocence is the cost of Justice

Senior Chief Petty Officer Ibram Tyrol
Viper Squadron, "Captain's Own"
Squadron Executive Officer
We fly, you die

XO/CPO Ibram Tyrol/Viper 9/mSSD Atrus/1W/1FL/VEN/{=*A*=}{=*SA*=}/[NER]

Ibram Tyrol/WS Ibram/Lotaith/VET/VE
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  RE: Viper Topic
March 7, 2008 6:02:09 PM    View the profile of Jaron 
Hey all,

Not dead yet, sorry about dropping off there for a bit.  Life has a way of exploding randomly at the wrong time.  I'm looking forward to meeting you all in the post-op though!
FM/SCRW Jaron Kai/Viper 12/Wing 1/mSSD Atrus/1Flt/VEN/VE (=*A*=)
Anden Beliam
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  RE: Viper Topic
March 7, 2008 7:09:06 PM    View the profile of Anden Beliam 
Notice to Flight 2>>

Alright guys. You heard Ibram. Let's be sure to get our reports in on time and stay active on the board. And that goes double for me. =)

Let do this thing!!!
Viper Squadron
We Fly, You Die
Petty Officer 1st Class Anden Beliam
FL/PO1 Beliam/Viper 4/Wing 1/mSSD Atrus/1Flt/VEN/VE/(=*A*=)(=*SA*=)

Ibram Tyrol
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  RE: Viper Topic
March 8, 2008 5:04:49 PM    View the profile of Ibram Tyrol 
New Squad story up - get posting!!!
"I'm no Physician, but there appears to be a dagger through my chest."

- Innocence is the cost of Justice

Senior Chief Petty Officer Ibram Tyrol
Viper Squadron, "Captain's Own"
Squadron Executive Officer
We fly, you die

XO/CPO Ibram Tyrol/Viper 9/mSSD Atrus/1W/1FL/VEN/{=*A*=}{=*SA*=}/[NER]

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  RE: Viper Topic
March 11, 2008 1:26:51 PM    View the profile of Arkan-Thran 
well done on the promotion Ibram see you around also when are the reports due in
Arkan Thran
Innocence Proves Nothing

CRW/Arkan Thran/Viper 11/1W/1F/
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  RE: Viper Topic
March 11, 2008 1:35:17 PM    View the profile of Oops 
Officially back on the roster

FM/SRW Oops/Viper 1-4/mSSS Atrus/VEN/VE
(=*A*=) [SoA]

Oops = Doc = Riqimo = Insane Individual Behind You With a Knife
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  RE: Viper Topic
March 11, 2008 2:35:04 PM    View the profile of Jaron 
What I have to wonder is, where exactly does one come by the name "Oops"?
FM/SCRW Jaron Kai/Viper 11/Wing 1/mSSD Atrus/1Flt/VEN/VE (=*A*=)
Zane ZyCrusis
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  RE: Viper Topic
March 11, 2008 7:23:01 PM    View the profile of Zane ZyCrusis 
It's just a name really your aloud to use almost any name you want with a few exceptions. Oops chose Oops
=*Zane ZyCrusis*= 
  =*Viper Squadron*= 
Zane ZyCrusis, Petty Officer 2nd Class, Ghost Writer of the VE Today,
Member of the VESA

Naval ID:
FM||PO2 Zane ZyCrusis||Viper 11||Phoenix Wing||mSSD Atrus||1Flt||VEN||VE|| (=AE=) (=SAE=)
Engineering Corps-VE Today ID:
Author||GW Zane ZyCrusis||Lotaith||VET||VE
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  RE: Viper Topic
March 11, 2008 7:29:21 PM    View the profile of Jaron 
Maybe he chose it on... accident? =P
FM/SCRW Jaron Kai/Viper 11/Wing 1/mSSD Atrus/1Flt/VEN/VE (=*A*=)
Zane ZyCrusis
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  RE: Viper Topic
March 11, 2008 7:30:04 PM    View the profile of Zane ZyCrusis 
That's a possibility too
=*Zane ZyCrusis*= 
  =*Viper Squadron*= 
Zane ZyCrusis, Petty Officer 2nd Class, Ghost Writer of the VE Today,
Member of the VESA

Naval ID:
FM||PO2 Zane ZyCrusis||Viper 11||Phoenix Wing||mSSD Atrus||1Flt||VEN||VE|| (=AE=) (=SAE=)
Engineering Corps-VE Today ID:
Author||GW Zane ZyCrusis||Lotaith||VET||VE
Ibram Tyrol
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  RE: Viper Topic
March 12, 2008 7:16:50 AM    View the profile of Ibram Tyrol 
Thats Doc for you.

I suppose he thought he was being clever :P

btw Doc - get posting! Thats an order :P
"I'm no Physician, but there appears to be a dagger through my chest."

- Innocence is the cost of Justice

Senior Chief Petty Officer Ibram Tyrol
Viper Squadron, "Captain's Own"
Squadron Executive Officer
We fly, you die

XO/CPO Ibram Tyrol/Viper 9/mSSD Atrus/1W/1FL/VEN/{=*A*=}{=*SA*=}/[NER]

Ibram Tyrol/WS Ibram/Lotaith/VET/VE
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  RE: Viper Topic
March 12, 2008 8:40:26 AM    View the profile of Oops 
Jaron wrote:What I have to wonder is, where exactly does one come by the name "Oops"?

As for posting let me read first!
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  RE: Viper Topic
March 12, 2008 10:21:15 AM    View the profile of Jaden 
Good to see old faces floating around once again...

I want to come back so BAD!!!!

School is almost over, I just started a new job, and hopefully that means I'll be recieving enough money to get the internet back...

Keep up the good work guys, and all you new kids around here...Live up to that Viper expectation
Jaden Khaar


Naval Academy Executive Officer
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2LT Jaden Khaar/aTGMT Innovator/VEN/VE (=*A*=) (=*SA*=) (=*ME*=) (=*MA*=) [VC:S][LSM][SV](x2)[CBV](x3)[BWC][SWC][GWC][LoM]
Zane ZyCrusis
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  RE: Viper Topic
March 12, 2008 11:42:50 AM    View the profile of Zane ZyCrusis 
Hey J good to talk to you again
=*Zane ZyCrusis*= 
  =*Viper Squadron*= 
Zane ZyCrusis, Petty Officer 2nd Class, Ghost Writer of the VE Today,
Member of the VESA

Naval ID:
FM||PO2 Zane ZyCrusis||Viper 11||Phoenix Wing||mSSD Atrus||1Flt||VEN||VE|| (=AE=) (=SAE=)
Engineering Corps-VE Today ID:
Author||GW Zane ZyCrusis||Lotaith||VET||VE
Ibram Tyrol
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  RE: Viper Topic
March 13, 2008 5:52:55 PM    View the profile of Ibram Tyrol 
Ping! Reports by Saturday morning, very latest please.
"I'm no Physician, but there appears to be a dagger through my chest."

- Innocence is the cost of Justice

Senior Chief Petty Officer Ibram Tyrol
Viper Squadron, "Captain's Own"
Squadron Executive Officer
We fly, you die

XO/CPO Ibram Tyrol/Viper 9/mSSD Atrus/1W/1FL/VEN/{=*A*=}{=*SA*=}/[NER]

Ibram Tyrol/WS Ibram/Lotaith/VET/VE
Anden Beliam
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Anden Beliam
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  RE: Viper Topic
March 13, 2008 9:20:28 PM    View the profile of Anden Beliam 
Hey guys- sorry for the lack of activity on my side. I have either been working 13 hr days or out of town. I will try and get a post in the new thread by the end of the week. I can't promise anything. Phineus is probably used to hearing this, but I thought I would let the rest of ya know.
Viper Squadron
We Fly, You Die
Petty Officer 1st Class Anden Beliam
FL/PO1 Beliam/Viper 4/Wing 1/mSSD Atrus/1Flt/VEN/VE/(=*A*=)(=*SA*=)

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  RE: Viper Topic
March 14, 2008 10:18:00 PM    View the profile of Rocketman1167 
hey everyone just wanted to let you know that i have been reassigned for all the people that haven't heard i am now in Kaph. So i am back except that i will be in another squad, and sorry Zane.
"This is Sparta!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
From 300

FM/SCR/ Rocketman/ Kaph 1-4/ Phoenix Wing/mSSD Atrus/1st fleet/VEN/VE[=A=](MC1)
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