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Topic:  Viper Topic
Ibram Tyrol
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  RE: Viper Topic
February 22, 2010 9:07:39 AM    View the profile of Ibram Tyrol 
Not that it's any of my business anymore... but you may want to create a new squadron topic for the new squadron.

You know, to avoid confusion :P
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1st Lieutenant Ibram Tyrol

SCAP/1LT Ibram Tyrol/C-LC Excession/TF: X/5FL/VEN/{=*A*=}{=*SA*=}{=*ME*=}{=*MAE*=}{=*FOCE*=}/[NER]
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  RE: Viper Topic
February 22, 2010 9:19:59 AM    View the profile of bjorkfrid 

Already done. it can be found here
SC/MCPO Cali'reharn/?-1/S:172 "Viper"/W:1 "Pheonix Wing"/Atrus/TF:A/1Flt/SFC/VEN/VE
[MC:2] (=*A*=)

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  RE: Viper Topic
February 22, 2010 2:25:26 PM    View the profile of Shazam 
I was never in Viper, so I don't really have much place to speak of it, but you guys improved on a history that was already quite distinguished: I think your predecessors would have been proud to see where you folks took it.  Congrats on a great tour, and might I just be the first:

/me salutes
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NXO/COM Shazam/Phoenix 1-2/Phoenix Wing/mSSD Atrus/1VENF/VEN (=A=) (=*SA*=) (=MA=) (=*FOCE*=) [CBV*] [LoM] [LSM] [MC2] [VC:S] [SV*] [DSM] [KC] {Platinum Writing Medal}
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  RE: Viper Topic
February 22, 2010 2:40:18 PM    View the profile of Willtconq 
If my calculations are correct, and the dates on the Wiki are right... Ibram just became the longest serving Squadron Commander of Viper by 4 days... lawl.
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FM/1LT Willtconq/A-3/S:153 "Rhegent's Reign"/W:1 "Phoenix"/mSSD Atrus/TF:A/1Flt/SFC/VEN/VE
SXO/1LT Willtconq/C-LC Tempest/TF:X/5Flt/CSS/VEN/VE
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  RE: Viper Topic
February 22, 2010 2:42:49 PM    View the profile of Shazam 
Really?  Wow.  Congrats
*Flash Was Here...*

NXO/COM Shazam/Phoenix 1-2/Phoenix Wing/mSSD Atrus/1VENF/VEN (=A=) (=*SA*=) (=MA=) (=*FOCE*=) [CBV*] [LoM] [LSM] [MC2] [VC:S] [SV*] [DSM] [KC] {Platinum Writing Medal}
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  RE: Viper Topic
February 22, 2010 6:18:57 PM    View the profile of Atrasin 
Congrats to Ibram and all the Vipers serving and retired.

Rage, rage against the dying of the light...
WC|CO|LCM Geordi "Driver" Atrasin/CVT Taskmaster/A-1/W:1"Phoenix"/mSSD Atrus/TF:A/1Flt /SFC/VEN/VE[=A=][=^SA^=][=^ME^=][=*MA*=][=FOCE=][MC1]{BWC}[NSR:1]{SAS}{SWC}
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