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Topic:  Criminal Story Thread
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  Criminal Story Thread
October 19, 2006 4:52:19 PM    View the profile of Raigen 

Many roleplayers, be they forum or chat, have always found the idea of being a criminal IC exhilerating. Even within the VE, we have characters that bend the rules and hack the systems. But nothing more than a small infraction that would have their character chastized and such. When those crimnal characters come together outside the grasps of authority, things....change.

I am here to tell you that their is a way for us criminals to exercise and meet our whims. I am planning a storynet story open to all our criminals that will focus on a certain, unnamed pirate group's raid on a planet called Lorelia. If you want to take part in this pirate invasion, post your character's name and criminal behavior.

This way I have an idea of how many will actually take part in it and how many NCO's I need to write.

FM/SCRW Raigen/Nazgul 1-3/Phoenix Wing/mSSD Atrus/DEF/VEN/VE (=*A*=) [VC:B]
[This message has been edited by Raigen (edited February 25, 2007 1:05:48 PM)]
D'har Leth
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  RE: Criminals, smugglers, hackers, pirates, etc. R
October 20, 2006 9:09:46 PM    View the profile of D'har Leth 
Are we making up characters, using our existing imperial personas, or having our imperial personas go around pretending to be other people?
Private First Class D'har Leth
-=Wraith Squad=-
TRP/PFC D'har/4SQD/1PLT/1COM/1BAT/VEA/VE/Nar Shaddaa

*92% of teens have moved onto rap. If you are part of the 8% that still listen to real music,
copy and paste this into your signature.*

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etan evnstar
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  RE: Criminals, smugglers, hackers, pirates, etc. R
October 22, 2006 1:45:53 AM    View the profile of etan evnstar 
I'm in. I'm new here and have yet to come up with a good story line for my character.

You just helped me immensely. Former pirate- smuggler taking off the uniform for one last foray.

That's great. Lemme know.
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  RE: Criminals, smugglers, hackers, pirates, etc. R
October 22, 2006 7:18:51 PM    View the profile of C-3PX2 
If i understand u right, you want to create a story net story featuring VE members whose chars. do pirating, smuggling, ect. as part of their storyline for their char. Ill do it. because, my char. is based on having to work in the underground (for the hutts, ect.).
If i misunderstood ur post plz corect me.

(WoW 1 n33d 70 570p u51ng par75 0f 1337 5p3ak wh1le 1 7tp3)(if you understood that,)
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92% of teens have moved onto rap. If you are part of the 8% that still listen to real music, copy and paste this into your signature.
TRN /CRW C-3PX2 /Train'n Sqd , Not Placed /No Wing /No Ship /Train'n Flt /VEN /VE /(aviation certificates) , No Medals
etan evnstar
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  RE: Criminals, smugglers, hackers, pirates, etc. R
October 22, 2006 8:19:08 PM    View the profile of etan evnstar 
Wow, I need to stop using parts of wood???  speak while I type ?
am I close?
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  RE: Criminals, smugglers, hackers, pirates, etc. R
October 23, 2006 7:39:54 AM    View the profile of Darr-Rann 
"Wow, I need to stop using parts of l337 while I type."

I'm ashamed I understood that.
SL/SGT_Darr-Rann/3SQD/1PLT/1COM/1RGT/1BAT/VEA/VE/Tadath [LoR][CoR]
|EXO/WO2_Demonic/Kaph 5/PheonixWing/mSSD Atrus/DEF/VEN/VE| (=*A*=)(=*SA*=)(VC:B)(MC2)(VEB)(DSM)[BWC]{O1}-=TOP PILOT=-
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  RE: Criminals, smugglers, hackers, pirates, etc. R
October 23, 2006 4:32:33 PM    View the profile of Rogueboy 
Its alright Darr, I understand it as well, just I cant respond.
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  RE: Criminals, smugglers, hackers, pirates, etc. R
October 23, 2006 4:45:13 PM    View the profile of Raigen 
K well I'm writing up the intro in betweenh squadron story posts and yes we'l be using our Imperial characters unless you want to use a different one. Its in the story net under The Quick, the dead, and the Foolish but DONT POST YET...I havnt finished the intro.
FM/SCRW Raigen/Nazgul 1-3/Phoenix Wing/mSSD Atrus/DEF/VEN/VE (=*A*=) [VC:B]
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  RE: Criminals, smugglers, hackers, pirates, etc. R
October 23, 2006 5:11:14 PM    View the profile of Raigen 
Heres the brief of the first battle(this will be a drawn out campaign covering an invasion of an entire planet so...lets just work with the first battle for now.

Heres the brief of the first battle(this will be a drawn out campaign covering an invasion of an entire planet so...lets just work with the first battle for now.

Battle of Haeshna

Location: The equitorial Island desert of the frozen planet Lorelei. Lorelei has but two land masses, both in the northern hemisphere of the planet. The first is the Kent continent, the Island Desert with temperatures from 30F to 50F in the summer and -20F to 10F in the winter. It has recently been discovered that Lorelei was once a temperate planet but is going through a 20,000 year ice age. The ice left the desert, however, and it is now equivelent to a cold Tatooine. On the equator of Lorelei, lies the desert of Haeshna, also the seat of the Kent Oligarchy. On the eastern side of the desert is a kilometer wide plateau where our General Infantry will be deployed as well as our artillery and mech weapons. West of the plateu lies the Haeshna Desert and beyond lies the state of Lendi.

Reports: Our intelligience shows that the Kresnan Republican Guard has set up a defence line across the middle of the Haeshnan Desert and have dug in in short trenches and foxholes. We have no way to tell how many there are. Also, roughly four hundred KRG forces are set up withen the Lendi capital of Tamin. Five Squadrons of primitive airspeeder "jets" have also been commited to the battle. These are small and primitive and will have to refuel faster than our fighters. Two squadrons will most likely stay on the ground as a reserve. The Kresnan weaponry is completly primitive as well, but even more of a danger than blasters. Metal projectiles can pierce our bodies easier than a blaster bolt could. The risk of death will be lower than the bloodiness of the battle. However, we have reports that the KRG have aquired some more advanced technology and are using it in the capital for protection. Finnally, we have learned that the KRG have purchased several mechanized units from Imperial remnant groups. We will be fighting against Imperial swoop bikes, AT-PT's, AT-ST's, and tie crawler tanks.

Information will be provided upon arrival.

Red Dragon Order Forces:
900 General Infantry Armed with E-11 Blaster Rifles(This includes you, positions will be changed after the first battle.
30 B1 Battle Droids(from my own stock)
10 Black raptor speeder bikes
15 k-222 modified airspeeders
6 z-95 headhunters

Kresnan Republican Guard Forces:
1600+ General Infantry
25 K-18 Airspeeders
20 Imperial swoop bikes
7 tie crawlers
FM/SCRW Raigen/Nazgul 1-3/Phoenix Wing/mSSD Atrus/DEF/VEN/VE (=*A*=) [VC:B]
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  RE: Criminals, smugglers, hackers, pirates, etc. R
October 23, 2006 8:04:52 PM    View the profile of C-3PX2 
Darr dont b ashamed u no 1337
But raigen, was i right to think that this is a storynet story using our ve chars. who have merc jobs in their story??
"Metal Gear: Reborn"
A Fan-made Remake of the Original Metal Gear Series.

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92% of teens have moved onto rap. If you are part of the 8% that still listen to real music, copy and paste this into your signature.
TRN /CRW C-3PX2 /Train'n Sqd , Not Placed /No Wing /No Ship /Train'n Flt /VEN /VE /(aviation certificates) , No Medals
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  RE: Criminals, smugglers, hackers, pirates, etc. R
October 23, 2006 8:51:16 PM    View the profile of Raigen 
Yes...except the mercenary job thing. Its basically a pirate group liberating a planet from a corrupt Republic (weird I know!) and you get what you take off the people you kill.(No killing the Civilians.) And afterwards we put up a new government and an Imperial Remnant tries to reinstate the old government and we have to fight for our lives in harsh, cold terrain.
FM/SCRW Raigen/Nazgul 1-3/Phoenix Wing/mSSD Atrus/DEF/VEN/VE (=*A*=) [VC:B]
etan evnstar
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  RE: Criminals, smugglers, hackers, pirates, etc. R
October 24, 2006 8:49:38 PM    View the profile of etan evnstar 
Sorry, but maybe I shouldn't be in this.Unless told what to do  I don't have this type of experience  yet. lemme  know. Once again sorry  for the inconvience. It just sounded cool when I  looked at  it.
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D'har Leth
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  RE: Criminals, smugglers, hackers, pirates, etc. R
October 24, 2006 10:21:01 PM    View the profile of D'har Leth 
No, don't say that, this would be a good experience for you.  Just look at the first few posts that other people make and then you give it a shot.
Private First Class D'har Leth
-=Wraith Squad=-
TRP/PFC D'har/4SQD/1PLT/1COM/1BAT/VEA/VE/Nar Shaddaa

*92% of teens have moved onto rap. If you are part of the 8% that still listen to real music,
copy and paste this into your signature.*

{Official VE Zombie Expert}
D'har Leth
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  RE: Criminals, smugglers, hackers, pirates, etc. R
October 24, 2006 10:30:04 PM    View the profile of D'har Leth 
And according to the New Republic, we are a terrorist organization.  But that's a steaming pile of bantha poodoo.
Private First Class D'har Leth
-=Wraith Squad=-
TRP/PFC D'har/4SQD/1PLT/1COM/1BAT/VEA/VE/Nar Shaddaa

*92% of teens have moved onto rap. If you are part of the 8% that still listen to real music,
copy and paste this into your signature.*

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  RE: Criminals, smugglers, hackers, pirates, etc. R
October 25, 2006 10:00:00 AM    View the profile of Sayah 
I might be willing to participate. Are newbies allowed in?
I would be willing to chip in battle droids and a Republic gunship. If so, please e-mail me.

"We're all dying. Promise yourselves you'll be the last to go."
Commander Salvo
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  RE: Criminals, smugglers, hackers, pirates, etc. R
October 26, 2006 1:30:14 PM    View the profile of Raigen 
Where did you get a....nevermind. For right now, I'm working out the details of what equipment we will have and what's going to happen. But for now we will have a mini starter story. Details in the Quick, dead, and Foolish story...

Those participating, please leave a post in this thread with the following:

Where on the Atrus you can most likely be found:
Some of the crimes you are better known to doso I can do a search for you and know if you are the type that would do some criminal

Smuggling, Theft, Piracy, Murder, Hacking <-This is a good list. Someone with one of these crimes would be likely to be doing some freelance pirate work.

Basically, The first part of the story is stealing a bunch of ships for the main battle. We will be taking over a few taylander shuttles so there will be some NPC's coming along. Just leave the info so I can write the post where Raigen contacts you and asks if you are interested in some freelance work. The mini story will cover the events of 2 days. The first is asking to come along and getting on The GrayHawk and Going to the location, the second day you find out whats going on and we take the shuttles.
FM/SCRW Raigen/Nazgul 1-3/Phoenix Wing/mSSD Atrus/DEF/VEN/VE (=*A*=) [VC:B]
[This message has been edited by Raigen (edited October 26, 2006 1:55:34 PM)]
[This message has been edited by Raigen (edited October 26, 2006 1:59:15 PM)]
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  RE: Criminals, smugglers, hackers, pirates, etc. R
October 26, 2006 2:41:24 PM    View the profile of Sayah 
Jester squad
bounty hunter, not above fraud or selling outlawed weapons...
willing to work for credits, want to buy own Actis Interceptor
P.S. also have BARC speder and swamp speeder

TRP/PFC Sayah/1SQD/2 PLT/1 COM/1 RGT/1BAT/Tadath/VEA

"We're all dying. Promise yourselves you'll be the last to go."
Commander Salvo
[This message has been edited by Dante (edited October 27, 2006 9:47:31 AM)]
D'har Leth
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  RE: Criminals, smugglers, hackers, pirates, etc. R
October 26, 2006 5:29:09 PM    View the profile of D'har Leth 
D'har Leth
Army (Wraith Squad)
Training Rooms
Murder, Theft, Racketeering, Money Laundering, Possession (Spice), Possession (Death Sticks), Assault.
Private First Class D'har Leth
-=Wraith Squad=-
TRP/PFC D'har/4SQD/1PLT/1COM/1BAT/VEA/VE/Nar Shaddaa

*92% of teens have moved onto rap. If you are part of the 8% that still listen to real music,
copy and paste this into your signature.*

{Official VE Zombie Expert}
etan evnstar
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  RE: Criminals, smugglers, hackers, pirates, etc. R
October 27, 2006 1:01:37 AM    View the profile of etan evnstar 
Name: Etan Evnstar
Past history: Smuggler/pirate/trader

Personal history: I haven't even been put in a squadron yet. I have just finished my bios tonite. My background is as a Wookie smuggler/trader. However, I haven't completed my flight school and final training yet.

Do you still want me?

I, of course, would relish the opportunity to fly and fight with such experience individuals as you. So lemme know?

If you get the chance, check me out. I'm not totally satisfied with my bios, but, it will do for now

Further History: Etan was recriuted at a very young age to do smuggling. Murder is not a term he likes to indulge, but murder it has been. Whether it be defending himself from Wookie Slavers or the occaisional deal gone bad, Etan has done, from a very young age. Nearly forced into the Empirial Fleet, for his connections with the Underwold of the Galaxy, Etan is ready for any challenge, this, and any Galaxy might give him. He now finds himself in Libedo and ready for action. Any pending assignments,by the Empire,excluded, Etan is ready for battle.

Pirating, is also a term Etan doesn't like to use. To him it's just a natual way of life. Survival of the fittest?

Grammer, mechanics, punctuation, spelling, diction, effectiveness in the science, and larger elements are the facts at hand.
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  RE: Criminals, smugglers, hackers, pirates, etc. R
October 27, 2006 3:40:08 PM    View the profile of Raigen 
Ill take pretty much anyone.But for Right now I've solved the ship problems for the main attack. The Flag ship is a Korribian Battle Class Cruiser(my design, no pictures available yet). The ships name is the KBcC Helsa. It is somewhere around 500m long. It has a large hanger that can fit two freighters. It also holds one squadron of fighters in a separate tie-like hanger tunnel. It is heavily armed with 10 Turbolaser cannons 20 Quad turbolaser cannon and various dual laser cannons. Minimum crew is needed, anywhere from 500 to 1000. Passengers range from 1000 to 1200. This will be the main command ship on which the mini mission will end.

Under the KBC Cruiser will be waiting near Asteroid Prime. I have also solved the troop problem, which I will go into detail about later. Now, about the shuttles. I have stuck with the Taylander shuttles because they are the cheapest and can carry a platoon each. The mini mission will consist of a small infiltration task force that will explore an abandoned Providence-class carrier/destroyer, left over from the clone wars. It is expected to contain a load of supplies useful to the Attack on Lorelei.

And now the conflict, Yes, the ship contains 30 taylander shuttles and several airspeeders due to be shipped to the Trade Federation. Why the trade federation wated these crafts is unknown. When we board the ship, our presence will trigger the activation of a ton of b-1 battle droids. We will fight the droids until we reach the bridge to deactivate them. Lastly, we will pilot the cruiser to Asteroid Prime where the shuttles will be loaded onto the Helsa and some other ships for later use. The droid cruiser itself will be dealt with later.
FM/SCRW Raigen/Nazgul 1-3/Phoenix Wing/mSSD Atrus/DEF/VEN/VE (=*A*=) [VC:B]
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  RE: Criminals, smugglers, hackers, pirates, etc. R
October 27, 2006 6:47:42 PM    View the profile of Raigen 
Hmm...I'll need more info...if anyone is online hit me up on Mirc so I can get a better idea of how to start this thing. Im not familiar with many of your characters.
FM/SCRW Raigen/Nazgul 1-3/Phoenix Wing/mSSD Atrus/DEF/VEN/VE (=*A*=) [VC:B]
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  RE: Criminals, smugglers, hackers, pirates, etc. R
October 30, 2006 10:11:04 AM    View the profile of Sayah 
Why not use the battle droids and/or the cruiser? It has plenty of guns and the 200 or so battle droids being taken on the mission would be more useful. 
TRP/PFC Sayah/1SQD/2 PLT/1 COM/1 RGT/1BAT/Tadath/VEA

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  RE: Criminals, smugglers, hackers, pirates, etc. R
October 31, 2006 5:37:03 PM    View the profile of Raigen 
1. We have no way to know how many droids are on the ship, especialy working droids.
2. The Cruiser will cost money to renovate...It's been drifting since the beggining of the clonewars and Only just now did we find it.
3. It is a droid cruiser, it will probably need to be converted to a normal cruiser before being used.

FM/SCRW Raigen/Nazgul 1-3/Phoenix Wing/mSSD Atrus/DEF/VEN/VE (=*A*=) [VC:B]
[This message has been edited by Raigen (edited October 31, 2006 7:56:10 PM)]
Than Sion
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  RE: Criminals, smugglers, hackers, pirates, etc. R
October 31, 2006 9:24:41 PM    View the profile of Than Sion 
I'll give it a shot.  I am going to use my character from the ESC,  I included the Halos Bok bio.  Hopefully this will turn into to something interesting.

Halos Bok
Curious Onlookers Fighter Group (VEN)
Hangers/enlisted club
Back on Verinia he was known for organized crime, theft, murder, illegal weapon's trafficking, illegal bounty hunter contracts, etc.

Call Sign: Tails
Age: 20
Height: 1.8 Meters
Weight: 90.7 Kilograms

Home World: Verinia

Species: Twi'lek
Gender: Male
Eye Color: Yellow
Skin Color: Tan

Tattoos:    A series of line patterns on the lekku, also the Slasher Gang symbol on the right side of his chest.  There is also a large tattoo of a sword going down the length of his back.

Physical Characteristics

Like his father, Helar Bok, he is very muscular with chiseled abs and a prominent chest.  He looks very intimidating with being also six feet tall.  He is very strong and very agile.  He has almost no physical weaknesses.  He wears one lekku around his neck and the other goes down his back.

Mental Characteristics

He has what would be "called street smarts."  He isn't the smartest being ever, academically wise.  But oddly, he picked up flying star fighters quite quickly.  He has an issue with suck ups and whiners.  He has a short fuse and is easily ticked off by people not doing things the right way.  He is also mildly xenophobic toward humans.



He was born to the leader of the Slashers, Helar Bok, on Verinia.  He never really had what would be called a normal childhood.  He had been born into the underworld of Verinian City, the present, industrial capital of the planet.  He learned how to fight and survive on the streets quickly, for they gave out no mercy.  The Slashers specialized in sub contracting bounty hunters and illegal weapons sales.  Unfortunately, this got a lot of people, the under world people and the rich, ticked off at the gang.  The gang never really had any problems with the Imperial Government of the planet since they were in league with each other. 

He had gained a selective xenophobia for humans from his father.  In more detail, it was more for certain groups of humans like the rich and the Imperials.  Though it was very mild, more of a Twi'leks are better than most humans sort of thing.

When Halos was only seven, a member of a rival gang tried to take his life.  His unusual mentor, the famous Thaan Sion, killed the gangster before he could commit the act.  Though Thaan was a high ranking Imperial on Verinia, Halos had gained a lot of respect for him very quickly.  Since his father was always busy, Thaan Sion had taught him most of what he knew.  Thaan Sion taught him from the age 5, basic hand to hand combat moves.  By the age of 8, he was a well coordinated, fighting machine.  From the age of 10, the famous Sion had taught him the ways of the knife and sword. 

At 14, the Battle of Endor had taken place and the Empire had fallen apart.  Thaan Sion had become the leader of the Verinian Remnant's Navy out of vote.  With his new role he still continued to teach Halos when he had time.  At the age of 14, he learned how to use a blaster and become a nearly expert marks man by the age of 16.

At eighteen something tragic had happened.  A few of the larger gangs had united together and had begun what would become known as the "Verinian Gangster War."  Repeated attempts on his life forced him to leave the Slashers.  He enrolled in the Verinian Navy.

Verinian Navy

In the academy, he just got by on the academic areas of the education.  But when he finally got into a simulator, he excelled.  He did very well in actual flight and war exercises.  He needed to have a special suit and helmet fabricated to accommodate his lekku.  Even though he didn't do so well, he was accepted into Sion's elite fighter squadron.  Sion wasn't a leader who just sat around and told people what to do.  He needed to be in on the action, so he actually led the fighter squadron.

Thaan Sion's advanced program was hard to pass, but Halos understood his style, giving him an edge.  He passed with flying colors.  The Verinian Remnant's Navy was quite small, only having a couple of Capital ships and an array of smaller ones.  The fleet was only for defense.  The only enemy they really had was the "Rebels" that worked with in the Verinian Remnant's borders.
Halos soon got board of this and after an argument with his old mentor, he stole a shuttle and deserted to the nearby Vast Imperial Remnant.


His training was also bitter sweet in the Vast Empire's Naval Academy.  He did well in the fighter but not so good on paper.  He did graduate and was placed in the Curious Onlookers fighter group.

EFL/WO2 Than Sion/Kaph 5/Wing 1/mSSD Atrus/DEF/VEN/VE(=A=)(=*SA*=)(=TE=)[LoM][VC:B][MC:1][SWC]{VB}
For two fricking games I thought the Precursors were powerful beings of light, then in Wizard of Oz fashion they all look like Daxter!!! Oh well, at least he got his pants and the girl.
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  RE: Criminals, smugglers, hackers, pirates, etc. R
November 1, 2006 8:27:42 AM    View the profile of Raigen 
That's good. Now that I have enough people I'll start the ministory. Then you all can post about what you are doing. I'll start with Than, since he's in the Navy and easier for Raigen to get a hold of.

POSTED, You all are clear to post.

You all will be able to post freely as long as you don't mention anything about the mission at hand. Technically, at this point only RogueBoy and Raigen know anything about it and Raigen is en route to talk to Than about it. Then he will talk with D'har leth, then Sayah, the Evan. Then a few NPC's. Following speaking with Raigen, you will obtain the things you are brnging and meet in the old hanger that the Gray Hawk is in.

I figure Ill make it easy to remember positions.

Sayah, your in Eta Squad for the initial attack, under me.
Your RDA id line will be
[Black League]
INF/C1C Sayah/Eta 3/Knight Platoon/KBcC Helsa/OFF/RA/RDA(L) That's comrade dirst class btw.

[Black League]
INF/Cpr D`har Leth/Eta 2/Knight Platoon/KBcC Helsa/OFF/RA/RDA(L)
FM/SCRW Raigen/Nazgul 1-3/Phoenix Wing/mSSD Atrus/DEF/VEN/VE (=*A*=) [VC:B]

[Red Dragon Order]
2nd Heir/Commander Raigen Tei-Yehn/Code 1-1/Ace Wing/KBcC Helsa/OFF/RDAN/RDA(O)
[This message has been edited by Raigen (edited November 1, 2006 9:02:12 AM)]
[This message has been edited by Raigen (edited November 1, 2006 9:12:05 AM)]
[This message has been edited by Raigen (edited November 1, 2006 9:21:18 AM)]
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  RE: Criminals, smugglers, hackers, pirates, etc. R
November 1, 2006 12:16:39 AM    View the profile of Sayah 
we could slice into the computer core and use it as a massive bomb...(as in Dark Lord)
TRP/PFC Sayah/1SQD/2 PLT/1 COM/1 RGT/1BAT/Tadath/VEA

"We're all dying. Promise yourselves you'll be the last to go."
Commander Salvo
etan evnstar
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etan evnstar
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  RE: Criminals, smugglers, hackers, pirates, etc. R
November 2, 2006 1:17:15 AM    View the profile of etan evnstar 
Etan paced as he knew a new assignment would be coming soon.

He knew it wasn't an assignment he would relish, but it was one that was due.

This wasn't an assignment sanctioned by the fleet, which he has so hard had to try to become part of, but an extra credit type of force. He knew all his extracirriular activties though-out the years he had lived, would become helpful.

Etan Evnstar reporting for duty, sirs. He cried in his Wookie way. The protecol droid assigned to Etan paraphrased him so as the rest of the squadron could understand.

Etan stands around aimlessly, waiting for commands..
Grammer, mechanics, punctuation, spelling, diction, effectiveness in the science, and larger elements are the facts at hand.
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  RE: Criminals, smugglers, hackers, pirates, etc. R
November 2, 2006 10:09:34 AM    View the profile of Sayah 
Sayah, sitting quieltly in a quiet corner of the freighter, was silent. During his career  as a bounty hunter he had participated in many battles of the Clone Wars and in some minor rebellions of the New Order. He still remembered the thrill of dogfighting Aethersprite Jedi Starfighters over Kamino, the hellish flames on Mustafar and the intense tortures he had undergone...for what? For credits? Not primarily, as he would have probably become a clerk if that had been the case. No, he did it for the thrill and for his beliefs. A sirent sounded, indicating that the ship was about to emerge from hyperspace to the rendez-vous point. Sayah took a deep breath, hoping the information he had been given was reliable. He had no interntion of being atomized by a relative of one of his collected bounties. The light freighter aproached the warship Atrus, dwarfed by its size.
TRP/PFC Sayah/1SQD/2 PLT/1 COM/1 RGT/1BAT/Tadath/VEA

"We're all dying. Promise yourselves you'll be the last to go."
Commander Salvo
Than Sion
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Than Sion
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  RE: Criminals, smugglers, hackers, pirates, etc. R
November 2, 2006 4:58:42 PM    View the profile of Than Sion 
Number one guys, the story is in StoryNet.

Number two, for future reference I am using my Halos Bok character from the ESC, not Than Sion.  I have posted his bio in this topic.

EFL/WO2 Than Sion/Kaph 5/Wing 1/mSSD Atrus/DEF/VEN/VE(=A=)(=*SA*=)(=TE=)[LoM][VC:B][MC:1][SWC]{VB}
For two fricking games I thought the Precursors were powerful beings of light, then in Wizard of Oz fashion they all look like Daxter!!! Oh well, at least he got his pants and the girl.
[This message has been edited by Than Sion (edited November 2, 2006 5:00:02 PM)]
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  RE: Criminals, smugglers, hackers, pirates, etc. R
November 3, 2006 3:19:57 PM    View the profile of Raigen 
Pay Grade - Abbreviation - Rank - Description/position authorized
Adimirals(Master Chief Only)
A-5 - GAdm - Grand Admiral - MC for 20 or more years
A-4 - FAdm - Fleet Admiral - MC of high caliber for fifteen years
A-3 - Adm - Admiral - MC for 10 years
A-2 - VAdm - Vice Admiral - MC for 5 years
A-1 - RAdm - Rear Admiral - MC
C-9 - GMar - Grand Marshal - Gov
C-8 - SecMar -Sector Marshal - SysCom
C-7 - AirMar - Air Marshal - NCinC SphCom
C-6 - SurMar - Surface Marshal - LtGov
C-5 - GGen - Grand General - ACinC
C-4 - Gen - General - AXO ATO LtSysCom
C-3 - LtGen - Lieutenant General - TCom LtSphCom
C-2 - MGen - Major General - AAdj
C-1 - BGen - Brigadier General - DCom
O-9 - Comd - Commodore (Navy) - NXO NTO
O-8 - LCpt - Line Captain (Navy) - FCom CSCpt
O-7 - Cpt - Captain (Navy) - FXO SCpt FTO
O-9 - HCol - High Colonel (Army) - DXO
O-8 - Col - Colonel (Army) - DAdj
O-7 - LtCol - Lieutenant Colonel (Army) - BCom
O-6 - Cmd - Commander - BXO
O-5 - LtCmd - Lieutenant Commander - CSXO CCom
O-4 - Maj - Major - WCom
O-3 - 1Lt - First Lieutenant - SXO WXO CXO GovAdj SysAdj ChnAdj
O-2 - 2Lt - Second Lieutenant - CO
O-1 - LtJG - Lieutenant Junior Grade - BAdj
O-0 - Ens - Ensign - OTS Trainee
Warrant Officers
W-5 - MCWO - Master Chief Warrant Officer
W-4 - SCWO - Senior Chief Warrant Officer
W-3 - CWO - Chief Warrant Officer - Commission Program eligibility
W-2 - WO1C - Warrant Officer 1st Class - WAdj
W-1 - WO2C - Warrant Officer 2nd Class - SXO
E-10 - MCPO - Master Chief Petty Officer (Navy) - SAdj
E-9 - SCPO - Senior Chief Petty Officer (Navy) - FSgt
E-8 - CPO - Chief Petty Officer (Navy) - FAdj
E-7 - PO1C - Petty Officer 1st Class (Navy) - EL
E-6 - PO2C- Petty Officer 2nd Class (Navy) - EM
E-10 - SMaj - Sergeant Major (Army) - CAdj
E-9 - MSgt - Master Sergeant (Army) - XO
E-8 - TSgt - Technical Sergeant (Army) - PAdj
E-7 - SSgt - Staff Sergeant (Army) - SL
E-6 - S1C - Sergeant 1st Class (Army) - ASL
E-5 - Sgt - Sergeant - TL
E-4 - Cpl - Corporal - ATL
E-3 - LCpl - Lance Corporal - TAdj
E-2 - C1C - Comrade 1st Class -
E-1 - Com - Comrade - SM
E-0 - CBas - Comrade Basic - TRN

Navy Organization
Naval Command
Fleet (Comprised of 2 or more Capital ships and all its escorts)
Group (Comprised of one capital ship and one escort)
Escort - (2 or more small capital ships)
Wing-(3 or more squadrons)
Group(Two squadrons)
Squadron(two or more flights)
Flight -(two or more elements)
Element-(at least two ships)

Army Organization
Army Command
Division (2 or more Battalions)
Battalion (2 or more Companies)
Company (2 or more platoons)
Platoon(2 or more squads)
Squad(2 or more tasks)
Task(2 or more squad members)

position abbreviations followed by minimum rank.
Governor (Gov)- Sector Leader appointed by MC, held by MC during times of war or if the sector is the RDA capital. (GMar)
Lieutenant Governor (LtGov)- Assistant and successor to Governor. (SurMar)
Governor Adjutant (GovAdj)- Assistant to Governor. (1Lt)
System Commander (SysCom)- System Leader appointed by Governor. (SecMar)
Lieutenant System Commander (LtSysCom) - Assistant and successor to SysCom. (Gen)
System Adjutant (SysAdj)- Advisor to SysCom. (1Lt)
Chancellor (Chn)- Leader of a sphere. (AirMar)
Vice Chancellor (VChn)- Assistant and successor to Chancellor. (LtGen)
Chancellor Adjutant (ChnAdj)- Assistant to Chancellor. (1Lt)

Sector- 2 or more systems.
System- 2 or more bodies orbiting a sun.
Sphere - Planet or orbital body and it's atmosphere.

WC- Wing Commander
WA- Wing Adjutant
GC- Group Commander
GA- Group Adjutant
SC- Squadron Commander
XO- Executive Officer
FC- Flight Commander
EL- Element Leader
FM- Flight Member

Red Dragon Alliance
Master Chief- FAdm Darren Bandaar
1st Heir- SecMar Raigen Tei-Yehn
2nd Heir- Adm Juunda the Hutt(deceased)
3rd Heir- SurMar Tara Challon
Hutt Delegate- Gen Muunda the Hutt(Navy)
Twi`lek Delegate- GGen Karto Deama(Navy)
Human Delegate- MGen Churga Demnov(Army)
Wookie Delegate- GGen Haabaca (Army)
Rodian Delegate- Comd Shuut Maynok (Navy)
Quaran Delegate- Comd Semnata Sautu
Selkath Delegate- Gen Kraan Bendath
Mandalore Delegate- BGen Jagon Batta (Army)
Mon Cal Delegate- BGen Korman Sa`me (Navy)

Lorelei Sector
Gov - FAdm Darren Bandaar
LtGov -  SecMar Raigen Tei-Yehn
GovAdj - SurMar Tara Challon
GovAdj - GGen Karto Deama
GovAdj - GGen Haabacca
GovAdj - Maj Casca Phennir

Lorelei System
SysCom - SecMar Raigen Tei-Yehn
LtSysCom - SurMar Tara Challon
SysAdj - GGen Haabacca
SysAdj - Maj Etan Evnstar

Lorelei Sphere
Chn- SecMar Raigen Tei-Yehn
VChn- SurMar Tara Challon
ChnAdj- GGen Haabacca
ChnAdj- Maj Etan Evnstar
ChnAdj- Maj Casca Phennir
ChnAdj- 1Lt Sayah

Red Dragon Alliance Army
ACinC- SurMar Tara Challon
AXO- GGen Haabacca
ATO- MGen Churga Demnov
AAdj- Jagon Batta

Red Dragon Alliance Navy
NCinC- SecMar Raigen Tei-Yehn
NXO- GGen Karto Deama
NTO- BGen Korma Sa`me

1st Fleet
FCom - FAdm Darren Bandaar
FXO - SecMar Raigen Tei-Yehn
FTO - Cpt Jacen Edgni

mKBcC Helsa - CSCpt - SurMar Tara Challon

1st Ace Wing - WC - Maj Etan Evnstar
2nd Code Wing - WC -

Iggret Group
mFlurry Iggret - SCpt - FAdm Bandaar
Thorn Wing - WC -

mKRcG Ripper - SCpt -

Avignon Group
mICC Avignon - SCpt - Cpt Halos Bok
SXO - 1Lt Chak Fel

Anarchy Group
mCR90 Anarchy - SCpt - Raigen Tei-Yehn
SXO - Cpt Jacen Edgni

mDBC Raven - SCpt - GGen Karto Deama
65th Wing - WC - Maj Casca Phennir
[This message has been edited by Raigen (edited November 3, 2006 3:28:59 PM)]
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[This message has been edited by Raigen (edited November 8, 2006 9:29:24 PM)]
[This message has been edited by Raigen (edited November 22, 2006 3:06:24 PM)]
[This message has been edited by Raigen (edited December 6, 2006 9:00:42 AM)]
[This message has been edited by Raigen (edited December 6, 2006 9:09:28 AM)]
[This message has been edited by Raigen (edited December 16, 2006 2:06:55 PM)]
[This message has been edited by Raigen (edited December 16, 2006 2:22:45 PM)]
[This message has been edited by Raigen (edited December 28, 2006 2:45:39 PM)]
[This message has been edited by Raigen (edited January 3, 2007 4:04:31 PM)]
[This message has been edited by Raigen (edited February 4, 2007 11:44:32 AM)]
[This message has been edited by Raigen (edited February 8, 2007 3:14:24 PM)]
[This message has been edited by Raigen (edited March 22, 2007 3:20:40 PM)]
[This message has been edited by Raigen (edited April 23, 2007 3:35:28 PM)]
[This message has been edited by Raigen (edited April 23, 2007 3:35:34 PM)]
[This message has been edited by Raigen (edited April 24, 2007 3:08:56 PM)]
[This message has been edited by Raigen (edited April 24, 2007 5:39:43 PM)]
[This message has been edited by Raigen (edited April 24, 2007 5:54:53 PM)]
[This message has been edited by Raigen (edited May 15, 2007 9:03:39 PM)]
[This message has been edited by Raigen (edited October 16, 2007 1:12:02 PM)]
[This message has been edited by Raigen (edited November 11, 2007 1:50:01 PM)]
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