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Rogueboy's Profile Information
Callsign: Rogueboy  Send a message to Rogueboy
ComNet Rank: ComNet Disciple
Donation Status: Imperial Duke ($100.00)
Avatar: Rogueboy
Division(s): VE - Stormtrooper Corps
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Birthday: November 27
Date Joined: December 16, 2005
Last Active: August 18, 2015 at 11:04:55 AM
Number of Posts: 2,089
ID Line: XO/2LT_Rogueboy/VEA/VE [LoR][ES1][CDS][CoR][EW2][IH][GRP][CCA][SC][DoH-P][SoHe][GS][AoT][ESC09] [CRoS] [MRT]
Full Name: Alexander "Cheech" Gorjan


Callsign: Rogueboy
Rank: Second Lieutenant
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Species: Human
Height: 1.83 Meters
Weight: 95 kilograms
Hair Color: Chestnut
Eye Color: Lime
Build: Stout
Languages: Galactic Basic and Huttese
Planet Of Birth: Coruscant
Marks: Two scars; one running horizontal to his abdomen, and one at his right shoulder.


Alex was born on Coruscant raised by a loving mother, a slightly distant father, and a caring older brother. At the age of twelve Alex began working in the family business; droid retail, Alex worked in the shipping department for two years before being allowed to go on deliveries with a driver. One day while on deliveries Alex's speeder was ambushed, the driver killed and Alex taken as hostage. Rather than ransom Alex back to his family they took ship to Tatooine where Alex was sold to Zorba the Hutt.

Zorba designated Alex to go under training to be a gladiator, Alex trained for two years, each day having eight hours of sleep and an hour for meals. Alex trained in dagger throwing, dagger melee, shortsword and shield, and finally longsword, his specialty being shortsword and shield, when it came time for Alex's first match he chose his arena name as Rogueboy; coming from the fact he was sold by rogues and he was a boy. Rogueboy won his first match with a blow that dismembered his opponent's arm, Rogueboy fought a match every two weeks for three years except on two occasions where he was wounded, one being a gash in his abdomen where he won the match holding in his intestines, and the other was a dagger throw scar at his shoulder. One day Alex had enough, when Zorba was looking through the slaves he owned, Alex stepped up and asked to be released, a guard hit him with a neuronic whip which set Rogueboy off, and he grabbed the whip by the end and strangled the guard, Zorba was impressed with his determination and struck a deal with the young gladiator; If Alex won his next three matches he would be released with a free ride to any planet in the galaxy. The next three matches were grizzly and tough but Rogueboy beat them, Zorba was good on his promise and presented Alex with a custom made sword and shield of Phrik. Rogueboy jumped ship to Tadath where he stayed a year working an honest job and not hurting or killing anyone, Rogueboy realized that he can no long live his life without inflicting pain or killing someone; thinking the only way he could put his talents to use was to either work as a mercenary, a freelance gladiator, or join the army, he chose the latter.


Letter Of Recommendation
Emperor's Shield First Class
Cross of Distinguished Service x2
Cross of Resolve
Emperor's Will Second Class
Gold Ribbon of Pixellito
Iron Heart
Crimson Crystal of Anteevy
Silver Cross
Platinum Dust of Hrail
Shield of Hestus
Gold Shield
Aegis of Tadath
Crystal Ring of the Soldier
Meritorious Commendation

Heavy Weapons Specialist Level Three

Service Record

Joined the Vast Empire December 16th 2005
Joined Raider Squad December 19th 2005.
Awarded the Letter of Recommendation December 20th 2005.
Reserves April 17th 2006.
Returned to Raider Squad June 29th 2006.
Promoted to Lance Corporal August 6th 2006.
Awarded Emperor's Shield First Class September 10th 2006.
Awarded Cross of Distinguished Service September 24th 2006.
Promoted to Corporal November 19th 2006
Promoted to Assistant Squad Leader January 18th 2007.
Promoted to Sergeant January 22nd 2007.
Awarded Cross of Resolve January 22nd 2007.
Promoted to Senior Sergeant May 13th 2007.
Awarded Emperor's Will Second Class May 13th 2007.
Promoted to Gunnery Sergeant September 23rd 2007.
Promoted to Platoon Commander February 10th 2008.
Promoted to Sergeant First Class June 22nd 2008
Resigned as Platoon Commander July 20th 2008.
Assigned as a Trooper to Raiders July 20th 2008.
Promoted to Platoon Sergeant August 3rd 2008.
Awarded the Gold Ribbon of Pixellito August 3rd 2008.
Awarded the Iron Heart August 3rd 2008.
Awarded the Crimson Crystal of Anteevy January 20th 2009.
Awarded the Silver Cross February 9th 2009.
Transferred to Blackjack squad July 2nd 2009.
Awarded the Platinum Dust of Hrail July 7th 2009.
Awarded the Shield of Hestus July 7th 2009.
Awarded the Gold Shield September 6th 2009.
Awarded the second Cross of Distinguished Service Semptember 6th 2009.
Promoted to First Sergeant September 6th 2009.
Participated in the Elite Squad Competition 2009.
Awarded the Aegis of Tadath September 7th 2009.
Transferred to Wraith October 26th 2009.
Awarded the Crystal Ring of the Soldier January 17th 2010.
Promoted to Sergeant Major January 17th 2010.
Transferred to Raiders January 17th 2010.
Promoted to Assistant Squad Leader January 17th 2010.
Promoted to Executive Officer March 28th 2010.
Awarded the Meritorious Commendation May 16th 2010.
Promoted to Second Lieutenant May 16th 2010.
Heavy Weapons Specialist

He will give them death, and they will love him for it -Gladiator

Eat a hearty breakfast men, for tonight we dine in hell -300

A man, can be an artist, at anything food, whatever... it just depends on how good they are at it. Creases art is death... he's about to paint his masterpiece -Man on Fire

XO/2LT_Rogueboy/VEA/VE [LoR][ES1][CDS][CoR][EW2][IH][GRP][CCA][SC][DoH-P][SoHe][GS][AoT][ESC09] [CRoS]

Clearly Canadian!

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