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Topic:  Ch. 7 - Army
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  RE: Ch. 7 - Army
November 6, 2001 4:08:18 PM    View the profile of Anakin 
Make sure you read the main post (Chapter 7 - Revenge) first before continuing on. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Sian System – Planet Tadath- Army Headquarters = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Athran and Exar Kun walked down the hallways leading into the briefing area.  Both had worked together in their covert operations on their target planet and were discussing their plans of action against the numerous bases.  They walked into the briefing room and were greeted by the expected salutes from their regiments.  Exar stood behind Athran as he took the podium and the troops quieted. “Greetings Commanders and Troops. We have word that our system has been the target of recent attacks and more to come.  Our job is to stop them before they can accomplish their goals.  We also get a chance to use our new support ships, instead of direct escort by the navy, as they will be otherwise pre-occupied.  Load up our transports and final orders will be given when ready to depart.”
***Please allow Division HC to make final orders before posting***
Coda: General Objectives – Capture/Destroy enemy bases of operations to prevent further attacks.  Dark Jedi in command positions on Team 1 will join up shortly.   ----------------------- -=:Colonel Anakin:=- Operations Officer for the Vast Empire OO/COL Anakin/HC-3/mSSD Atrus/VE [SCP][CDS][IOC][CM-SS][LoCx23] E-mail 
[This message has been edited by Anakin (edited November 6, 2001 4:51:49 PM)]
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  RE: Ch. 7 - Army
November 6, 2001 10:03:59 PM    View the profile of Fury 
Fury paced in the office he had commandeered onboard the Dominion.  He had decided to beat the rush off-planet and get his head around the orders he had before him.  Granted, the various squad leaders would be able to get a better take on the situation once they hit the ground, but even the most mediocre of plans was useful if only to get the right people in the right place.  Simple, unconvoluted, and - hopefully - effective was key.  The Corps had to strike first, fast, and hard at each objective, nibbling away at the enemy massed against them.  First shot was the planet of Anobis.  Hotly contested to the current day, Intel had turned up news that many of the mid-level enemy commanders were there running training camps for their forces.  Close to Ord Mantell, it was the most likely bolthole of any shakeup caused by the Dark Jedi.  Imperial loyalists remained amongst the highland miners on the planet, while the plains farmers were harboring the New Republic agents and pirates which were attempting to confront the Vast Empire.  The Dominion and it's main complement of WildCard Platoon would attempt to wipe out the four main training camps and perhaps even raid the capital city of New Celanon and apprehend whatever enemy leadership they could get find. Meanwhile the Fallen Angels would travel further into New Republic space to Tholatin.  Technically nothing more than a large planetoid, it's only vaguely redeeming settlement was the smuggler's compound known as Esau's Ridge.  Considered a hotbed of anti-Imperial sentiment, it was also home to three industrial complexes that created vehicles and material for the enemy.  Along with a small orbital shipyard/repair facility, it was a key  hit and run target for the VE.  The Scythe had been fitted with fighter racks for eight R-41 Starchaser fighters and two Hapan Heitrenar bombers.  The transponder codes had also been altered to match a ship that had disappeared from the Corporate Sector Navy three years previous.  With that bit of cover work in place, the rest of the infiltration was up to the FA. Along with Fury, most of the command staff was coming along to Anobis just to see the shape and composition of the force that opposed them.  Fury had no illusions about riding a dropship down planetside and getting some hand-to-hand combat in.  Most likely, he and the others would be stuck watching the insertion from orbit, grabbing some reports and data, and hightailing it back to VE space in a shuttle. Still he worried.  There were a lot of green troops in the ranks.  Even the main portion of the Corps were mostly experienced in only simulator work.  The one strike they had made recently was quick but relatively bloodless.  Hopefully no one had any thoughts that this would be easy. Taking a moment to exit his enclosed room, Fury took a walk around the ship. The mission did have one advantage. It would be a lot easier to pull this off without begging and borrowing from the Navy for a ride.  Warlord dropships carried their loads of mechanized equipment up from Tadath.  Smaller shuttles brought stormtroopers and regulars up to the Victory Star Destroyer.  Fury had been watching the teams train to operate the TIE Droid fighters that would be the only air support for the troopers and picket defense for the ships.  They were good, and would get better in practice.  The ships could basically fight and fly themselves, but strategy and placement was left to human eyes and ears. As he approached the bridge, klaxons howled and automated weapons systems could be heard powering up around the superstructure.  Fury grabbed a hot mug of caf from the ready room and strolled out onto the bridge ramp.  Sure enough, the main viewport was focused on the Marauder Corvette Scythe - and on the Corvette Sweetums, which had just exited hyperspace no more than a kilometer from the other ship.  Showoffs.  Probably had sat out a few parsecs and spent an hour calculating the jump.  At least they had their game face on.  Fury looked over at the comm team.  "Send Storm Platoon and the Fallen Angels in general our greetings once they transfer over to the Scythe.  Keep it a subdued message or you'll amuse them more than they already are.  And send a shuttle over for Stormtrooper 1026, Kuroishi, and Argon Viper.  They'd probably just take a jet pack over here otherwise."  After getting a nod from the comm chief, Fury headed for the turbolift.  Time to see how the more sane part of the Corps was doing on their loading. If the noise was any indication, things were going well.  Really well actually.  Over shouting hangar chiefs and technicians, troops were heading one way, equipment the other.  It was loud, full of motion and color, but on a flowchart somewhere on Fury's datapad, it made sense.  Dozens of regulars moved past him, all of them having the semblance to remember to salute.  Hmm, something else to drill out of them before they hit the combat zone, he thought, backing up against a bulkhead to jot a note to himself.  There was no way he was going to find anyone here and have a productive conversation.  He headed over to the crewman shouting the loudest and at the most people.  "Master Chief!" he yelled. Presently the chief got around to him.  "Whatcha need Major?"  "Not much.  Just pass along to the squad and platoon leaders to meet me at the 12th level forward conference room at 0730.  And keep up the good work." "Thanks sir, and can do on both." Fury sighed and turned back to flag country.  He was just a pencil pusher these days.   ----------------------- CMP CMDR/MAJ Fury/1CMP/1BAT/1RGT/VEA/TADATH/VE [SotE:HC][SotE:VEA][IOC] Shopkeeper - Imperial Center
[This message has been edited by Fury (edited November 6, 2001 10:42:05 PM)]
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  RE: Ch. 7 - Army
November 7, 2001 9:45:43 AM    View the profile of Raxen 
After the briefing by Athran, Raxen headed towards the Weights Room and did some arm strenghtening. He sighed. This would be one of his first battles ever since he joined the Vast Empire. He had been through many simulations to prepare himself physically and mentally for battle, but there's always this element of difference in an actualy battle. Raxen breathed deeply after doing 30 minutes of tracking on the tracking machines. Feelin' slightly beat, he headed towards the Lounge. Grabbing a Fresca, he seated himself on a stool and drank deeply. In a way, he would be glad to land on grounds again. For him, it had always been the grounds. Even though he was adapted to space living, he still prefered the grounds. Wierd to say, it gave him a ssense of balance. --- 5 minutes later --- Raxen headed back to his barracks and grabbed his armour-piercing gun. Heading towards to Shooting Gallery, he sharpened his shooting abilities. It would serve him well later, he was sure. Gunning another dummy down, he gave a satisfied grin. He's determined to gun down every enemy he seees like that.
Coporal Ravel 'Ace' Raxen
Elite Iron Horse Squad, Vast Empire Army
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  RE: Ch. 7 - Army
November 7, 2001 11:59:15 AM    View the profile of Snake 
marching his troops toward their transport for orientation MSG Snake herd the Master Chief shout to him. After having the squad head over to the transport on their own he found the voice. After a short conversation he was informed of the impending meeting. Snake glanced at his chrono. 2130. If he got the troops ready real fast he might be able to grab 6 hours on the rack before he had to wake up. He jogged over to the transport that would be dropping the Raiders into combat. After assigning each trooper a seat and cargo area he ordered them all to get some sleep. They would wake at 0730 and get some exercise in before packing up their gear. Snake headed back to his bunk in the squads bunkhouse. It was really just a too small room with an old, dingy refresher but it worked. He stripped out of his armor in what had to be record time and placed it on the bed one piece at a time. After checking that all the systems were "go" he did a quick polishing on it so he would t least be halfway respectable at the meeting tomorrow. Snake knew it would be the last time in a long time that he got to polish his beautiful armor. He checked that all his grenades and guns were packed and ready for the field. As soon as he finished all of this he hit the bunk and fell asleep. At 0615hours the next morning Snake awoke. He dressed in his workout clothes and went into the onboard gym. After locating one of the open treadmills and programming it to let him set the pace as he ran instead of with the dash controls. He ran 2 miles before shutting it off. He returned to his bunkroom and hit the 'fresher. The squad wasn't awake yet so he had the showers all to himself. That meant as much hot water as he wanted. After his nice long shower he got into his armor. He polished each piece a little bit as he put it on. He wanted to look his best for the commanders. He attached the utility belt that held all of his blasters and other weapons, except the grenades. He didn't want to wear the grenade belt to the meeting, it was rather jury-rigged. He opted not to strap his sniper rifle on his back, impressive as it was. He glanced at the wall chrono. 0715. Looked like he'd be at the meeting a little early. Not a problem, he wanted to go over some tactical decisions and ROE with Fury privately anyways.
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  RE: Ch. 7 - Army
November 7, 2001 12:16:23 AM    View the profile of Fury 
* Squad Leaders....check the Commander's Comnet for any details that would have come up during our 0730 "meeting"* Fury watched as the Dominion skimmed towards an upper atmospheric orbit and began to drop it's cargo of MT-191 dropships.  Since it was coming on dusk on this part of the planet, the re-entry plumes from the craft would be hard to notice against the setting sun in the enemy's part of the planet.  The squads were going in light, without heavy equipment or vehicles until they could establish some forward positions and get the lay of the land.  Local miners loyal to the Empire would meet and assist the teams as best they could.  From here on out, it was up to the teams on the ground to determine what they needed, where they needed it, and how to achieve their objectives. Good luck people.   ----------------------- CMP CMDR/MAJ Fury/1CMP/1BAT/1RGT/VEA/TADATH/VE [SotE:HC][SotE:VEA][IOC] Shopkeeper - Imperial Center
[This message has been edited by Fury (edited November 7, 2001 1:15:25 PM)]
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  RE: Ch. 7 - Army
November 7, 2001 1:38:21 PM    View the profile of Raziel 
    “Ok you guys almost ready to go? We’re shipping out in one hour” Raziel was standing at the end of the prepping room where his squad were currently getting themselves ready to go.     Raziel had always been a relatively nervous character, but he was straining to stand easy and smile to his squad. The responsibility he now had to work on meant that he had to keep them calm as well as himself.     A general positive murmur came from the squad. Agent, having got ready to go in a few minutes was sitting calmly. Kalon was trying to make himself presentable, but was still very agitated. One thing as a Squad leader Raziel had going for him was his skill in noticing fine details about his surroundings and how other people were acting. He had picked up all the signs of battle nerves from Kalon and Sniper.     “OK, well a few things I want to say. This is probably the first battle for some of you recruits. One thing I cannot emphasise enough is that there is no need to try and impress anyone. I don’t want to see anyone trying to be a hero out there. For you first mission I recommend you all take it easy and stick with a more experienced member if you get in trouble. Agent here has more battle experience than me, so stick close to him if you feel the need.”     “Yeah that’s fine with me,” Agent nodded. “If any of you guys need a hand just call me or Raziel over on the comms, we’ll come quick,” Raziel noted how he grinned as he said this, Agent was trying to make this seem routine as well.     “There shouldn’t be any need for us to move to you much anyway, as I said stick close.” Raziel looked to Sniper, carrying the medium repeater rifle with ease in his arms. He had now been assigned as the squads new heavy weapons trooper. He had been trained well with heavy weapons and explosives.     Raziel had to admit with the raw skill these recruits were showing, it was probably to do with changes Cosmic had made to the training routines. However Raziel had yet to see how his squad would act in a real life situation. He had trained with them in simulation time and time again. One thing Raziel was particularly proud of was the way he had perfected the squad’s communications. They could now tell each other what they needed and more with simple hand signals and body language if needed.     “Sniper, I know you have that big gun, but that’s no excuse not to keep your head down remember. I would personally prefer us to act with speed and stealth, but when it comes to a firefight get your head down and lay down a barrage of covering fire. Kalon and Agent aim for single accurate shots to save ammo. Oh and aim for their officers.”     “What about you sir?” Agent asked, grinning.     Raziel grimaced: “Me I’m just a sh*t shot so you’re gonna have to make up for me” ===========================================================     Raziel went into quiet reflection after talking to the squad for a few more minutes. Agent had told some jokes to keep spirits high and Raziel had gone through some more instructions. Raziel knew he had come close to losing his life the last time he had battled these people to gain the information from their data banks with Fury.     He had met with their master assassin purely by chance, Raziel had been very lucky to escape alive. He had sworn revenge then, but since he had been denied leave or special permission to hunt him down. Raziel had once been an assassin and had many contacts, but all he got about this assassin was a name. “Jarrick”     Raziel was however well outfitted for this mission. He had replaced his standard E-11 with a more compact version that he could easily holster at his waist. He’d bought some flashbangs and a few corrosive grenades. He only wore 2 of each, as he didn’t want to get encumbered. He also had hidden a variety of pistols around his person, to go along with his uncounted number of knives.     A warning light flashed once and a beep sounded. It was time to go. ===========================================================     The troopers were all lined up in the bay. MT-191 dropships were prepped and ready to go. The troops were in perfect order; the full platoon of troopers contained enough firepower on their own to defeat a small conscript army. But that was the power of stormtroopers.     Fury was finishing his last talk, mostly going over any last details and encouraging the men. “…remember to keep disguised, if they detect any imperial presence too early we’re in trouble. Oh and remember anyone you kill…. bring me their wallets!”     The troops laughed and marched into their dropships, they were under instructions to hide their armour and remove their helmets on the ground. But they were necessary for the drop.     Raziel’s stomach churned as the tight brace fell down upon his body. The MT – 191’s would fly into the atmosphere of the planet and drop them at an incredible speed. The pods and transports were almost undetectable. If all went well the pods would land safely in the mountains. However there had been “incidents” and Raziel had never been fond of drop pods. However the VE seemed to want to torture him!     Raziel managed to maintain a false smile for most of the trip…this became a very nasty grimace and the MT 191’s sped into the atmosphere. Raziel knew he was gonna to suffer when he heard the click of the pods being disconnected and left to plummet. “Jesus C……………argh!” =========================================================== On the transports: “This is dropship 2 reporting: the pods have been dropped successfully. Pulling up and coming home.”
Squad Leader - Squad4 Wraiths
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  RE: Ch. 7 - Army
November 7, 2001 2:05:33 PM    View the profile of Kuroishi 
Kuroishi didn't feel right about taking anything other then the Sweetums esspecially since it did just get done with some experimental refits at the VEEC yards. He packed some space tape, a torch, and what he could scrounge up for old uniforms from the CSA and NR.  Since infiltration would be the key he'd have to leave some personel behind. On paper and by regulations Stormtrooper 1026 was in charge of the platoon but since the Fallen Angels were more of a patern of behavior then a unit they followed Kuroishi's orders as though he was the platoon comander. He had to respect that because the FA were nuts, and so is he in his own way. Kuroishi was wearing the standard grey imperial uniform for the first time in about a year.  It crossed his mind to use the torch and space tape to seal Stormtrooper 1026 in his office but they needed the manpower right now.
The Head Terrorist
Great Death Leader of the Fallen
The Chief Instigator of Pain and Terror
GN Daishi(2LT Kuroishi)
"Victory through terror, terror through infiltration. Redefining pain and suffering since 2000 and damn proud of it."  Fallen Angels motto.
Ramon Stonefish
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  RE: Ch. 7 - Army
November 7, 2001 3:48:08 PM    View the profile of Ramon Stonefish 
[OOC: Just out of interest, what the hell are we flying in?] "Infiltration. Again," said Fish over a beer, "When are we ever gonna get a stand up fight?! You remember the sh*t I pulled last time 'round with the hospitals? I enjoyed that. All this sneakin' around gets on my nerves." Fish was sitting in the lounge with Jingo enjoying a light game of poker while the hours ticked away. He had heard about the mission earlier and had all his gear packed already, though he had to leave some of the heavier weapons behind due to the nature of the job. He mainly had pistols with him this time since they were quite easily concealed under his long coat. Old Painless sat in the weapons locker, oiled up and waiting, though likely it wouldn't get used this time around. "Well, it's in our job description. We are supposedly a specialist infiltration unit," replied Jingo, "I call." Fish laid his cards out expecting... "Damn, Fish. You actually won a round!" He looked down to see Jingo's flush laying on the table, and his running flush exposed. "I suppose you decided to keep the cards up your sleeve this time," he said dryly. Jingo put on a look of mock hurt, while Fish stood up and went to get some more beer.
Ramon Stonefish

"How can we say we are protectors when we are more feared than that which we defend against?!" --Lucien, the First Fallen.
"May the sinless tester of souls hold his hawk's perch over me" -- a kenning, author unknown.
Timber Saden
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  RE: Ch. 7 - Army
November 7, 2001 4:31:27 PM    View the profile of Timber Saden 
-- Before the Drop -- Timber took a final moment of preparation before speaking with the rest of Iron Horse. His makeshift quarters housed as much of his arsenal as he could bring aboard, including the newly aquired Punisher. He stood in his blood red stormtrooper armor, the hilt of his saber dangling at his waist. It was routine now for him, preparing for battle. After his service in the Army he was used to the grueling missions, and this time would be no different. Now it was time to protect the Vast Empire, and everything he's come to love. He readied three duffel bags on his bed, to fill with weapons that the troopers could bring down with them. The squad would go in prepared, and ready for combat. Now Timber just had to manage to smuggle his crucifix down, and keep it hidden until the time came for the fireworks. Loading up the duffel bags, he filled them with the most useful toys. Thermite Grenades, WW-41 CryoBan grenades, 7-PRG Proton Grenades, Flashbang Grenades, Impact Grenades, Nacht 5 Smoke Grenades, MK II Anti-Vehicle grenades crammed into one duffel bag. The other was filled with the two PLX-2 Portable Missile Launchers. Finally, filling the third with blaster carbines and a few extra blaster pistols. The initial equipment was ready, now it was time to load up the troops, and move out. Iron Horse was all assembled and ready, minus Japer and Tylen because they were still away on the Dark Jedi Order mission. That left First Sergeant Dez, First Sergeant Jubei Nimiichi, PFC Legionaire, and Corporal Raxen. Jubei, Dez and Legionaire were the honorary duffel carriers, holding on to the weapons. Timber slid off his helmet, and glanced around, looking over the squad. "For some of you, this will be your first chance at real combat. We were all in your position at one time, and many more will follow. Keep in mind, the importance of this mission. I don't want to see any of you playing Rambo. I want you all working together, as a team. We are the Elite squad, but we have to work together. Tylen and Japer will be meeting up with us once we're planet-side, they are finishing up their current mission and will fight along-side us soon enough. "What we need to do first, and foremost, is set up a command center. We will meet up with any Empire loyal miners, and we will set up some form of command base to get the show on the road. Unless there are any questions, it's time to load up and move out." The rest of the squad was silent, gave their nods and salutes and where on their way. Loading up everything into the MT 191, Timber absent for a bit. Just before take-off, Timber boarded, a grin upon his face. -- Planet Side -- The troopers, one by one, got out of the pods and managed to get what equipment they brought down, on their backs or carrying it in one hand with a blaster in the other. Though, there was one extra pod, in which hadn't been opened. Timber walked over to it, opening it and removing the Punisher. Strapping it to his back, he got a few weird looks from Iron Horse, but they merely blew it off, and walked through the mountains to find a group of miners to help get them situated.
SL/ETRP/2LT Timber Saden/1SQD/1PLT/1COMP/1BAT/1RGT/Loaith/VEA/VE [IOC][LoC]
HM-CM/DJK Timber Saden/DC-5/Elite Griffen Sect/VSD-II Griffen/VEDJ/VE
Trust in my self righteous suicide.
I cry when angels deserve to die.
Occisor per Status Quo
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  RE: Ch. 7 - Army
November 7, 2001 4:59:55 PM    View the profile of GM_Sniper 
      As the few seconds before the pod's decent grew nearer, Sniper dug his fingers into his harness, waiting for the time to pass by, and hoped that he wouldn't puke inside his helmet before he got to the planet. It seemed like an eternity for him, an extremley edgy and anxious green recruit. The pod detached from the dropship and he felt his stomach churn and rise to his heart. "It'll all be over soon, just hold on," he heard Raziel say next to him. "It was hard for me the first time...still is."       The pod took a remarkably short time to reach the planet...only a few seconds it seemed compared to the eternity Sniper had to wait to be dropped. He hated being anything. The pod landed, and he removed his helmet. "Not just yet...wait until we get outside." said Raziel. Sniper nodded, and replaced his helmet. As the door to the pod opened, a blast of cold air flodded the previously warm pod, and Sniper shuddered a bit, along with a few other recruits. "Remember not to turn on your heating system...without a helmet on outside, you'll just be wasting energy.       As the troops got off the pod, Sniper looked at the surroundings. "Why would anyone want to live here?" he muttered to Kalon. "Beats me." A strong gust of snow caught a few troopers by surprize and knocked them over. "C'mon guys, we should get going and find those miners. Remove your helmets, and try to move quickly...the wind only gets worse from here on it."       The squad made their way across the valley, crunching over snow and ice, and finally, after an hour or so of walking made it to the rendezvous site with the miners. "Sorry we're so late," commented Raziel. "That wind really slows you down." "We know," said a miner from the back of a crowd. The miners were heavily wrapped in animal pelts and other textiles scruffily wrapped and sewn together by hand, it appeard. A few men scuffed and snickered at their appearance, until silenced by a flashing glance of a shoulder-mounted Fechette launcher. It seemed that the squad's eyes widened further when one was seen holstering a disruptor.       "Come inside, we have much to discuss," said what appeared to be the leader. Raziel nodded, and waved his troops into the cave.
TRP/1PFC GM_Sniper/4SQD/1PLT/1COMP/1BAT/Tadath/VEA {LoR}
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  RE: Ch. 7 - Army
November 7, 2001 6:46:06 PM    View the profile of Cosmic 
OOC: Japer, I wasn't on the Flax system because I was taken out from the competition.  But, since were back, it's ok now Cosmic took a deep breath and saw several more Army Squads being placed in a transport.  Cosmic made a small smile at the site of Imperial Power.  Since he wasn't a Squad Leader anymore, he walked over to the Command Base. Cosmic passed many troopers that were headed towards the docking bays, and towards the transports.  The Command Base was right up ahead, where all the Army High Command people were located.  Heh, what would a Training Officer do in the heat of battle? thought Cosmic, as he walked towards the base.  His lightsaber dangled from it's hilt.  Seeing this, two stormtroopers walking towards the Docking Bay slowly stepped aside and made some distance between themselves and Cosmic. Cosmic ignored it as usual and continued his pace with no interruption. He entered the base, passing the guards, and walked up to the main headquarters office.  Once there, he was met by his superiors. They greeted him and he awaited further instructions. OOC: Someone, please tell me what Cosmic is supposed to do, since I'm no longer an SL
Captain Cosmic
Commander of Training
CO/SL/DJK Cosmic/Lion 1-1/mSSD Atrus/VEDJ/VE [VP]
Demi Wraith
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  RE: Ch. 7 - Army
November 7, 2001 10:02:53 PM    View the profile of Demi Wraith 
--- Minutes before the drop --- Demi Wraith inspected all his troops equipment before making his speech.  Then he gave Sergeant Darkjedi and Sergeant War Woman each a case full of weapons which he bought from the store. "Ok troops we are going to be boarding the MT 191 dropships.  I know that some of you have never been in a real battle before, and know some of I want all of you guys and gals to be cautious and more alert when out on the battlefield, I don't want any of you to do something stupid or heroic and ending up getting killed..." After finshind his speech, everybody proceeded to the dropships.  Its been awhile since he did a planetary drop.  As the dropship's door closed DJ and WW put the cases safely away and the rest of the squad quickly strapped themseves to the seats.  As the dropship prepared to be launched he could tell that Reikane, Ripatuna, and Jeebes were scared out of their minds, I knew that it was their first making a planetary drop. --- On the planet near mine --- After DW and his squad unloaded all their equipment the dropship quickly blasted off.  We gathered our equipment and quickly met up with the old looking man who was in charge of the mines is this area.  The miners greeted us and gave some of their equipment for us to use.  DW quickly handed out mining clothes to his troops. "Oh yeah don't forget to put these on, we're gonna fight incognito."   ----------------------- Sergeant Major Demi Wraith SL/SGM Demi Wraith/2SQD/1PLT/1COM/1BAT/1RGT/VEA/VE [ES2] [EW1] ----------------------- Petty Officer 1st Class Kain Rennok FL/PO1 Kain Rennok/Aegis 3-1/mSSD Atrus/1ESF/VE/VEN [=A=] [=MA=] -----------------------
[This message has been edited by Demi Wraith (edited November 8, 2001 4:44:58 PM)]
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  RE: Ch. 7 - Army
November 7, 2001 10:35:47 PM    View the profile of Fury 
Errrmmm... Okay, just to cover up a couple quick issues.  I know you all skim (who can blame you).  FA is on the Marauder Corvette Scythe and I have a link for deckplans .  Instead of IRD fighters you have 8 R-41 Starchaser fighters and 2 Heintrenar bombers to use for both orbital and ground support if you should require them. As for command staff not running with a squad or platoon, you are not on the planet.  Basically, except for Stormie...everybody above the position of squad leader is not actively in combat right now.  If you are coming in system (Anobis), we will all be on the VSD Dominion.  There is NO main planetary command base.  We have four squads setting up contacts with the local loyal Imperialists who live in the hills.  They will dictate whether or not to work together or not.  They will dictate when they want heavy equipment dropped in and regular army troops.  REPEAT...THERE IS NO LARGE CONGREGATION OF IMPERIAL TROOPS YET.  The SLs will decide when that will change. Also, keep this in mind: This will not be the only mission of this campaign.  Do not feel the need to slow down to wait for something to happen.  If you seem to be logically proceeding at a good pace, then we will conjure up another target for you to hit. Carry on.
Shopkeeper - Imperial Center
Timber Saden
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  RE: Ch. 7 - Army
November 7, 2001 11:34:44 PM    View the profile of Timber Saden 
Timber and the others marched through the wonderful weather, freezing the entire way until they reached the mines where Raziel and his squad had already met up. The miners made light conversation with Iron Horse as they made their way deeper into the mine. Finally reaching their destination, Timber and the rest of Iron Horse met up with Raziel, Sniper and the others. Sliding off his helmet, Timber stepped aside with Raziel. "We did a bit of surveying as we made our way here. Down at the base of the mountain is the main mining town. There's quite a few warehouses, villagers homes, and a starport. We'll need to change clothes and get our equipment down to the base. We can take one of the shaft's elevators to get to the base of the mountain. From there, we will find an unoccupied warehouse and that is where we will setup our 'command base'. The main shipments left a few days ago, so, we'll have a completely empty warehouse to start getting things ready." Timber said. Raziel nodded, "Sounds like a decent plan, though... how are we going to get a warehouse without causing a fuss?" One of the miners, turned towards the two, "I don't mean to interrupt... but, I overheard a bit of your conversation. Myself and a few others own one of the warehouses. Mantell Mining. A few shipments of Ore come in every couple of days, but other then that you'll have free run of the place for a while if you'd like." Timber and Raziel nodded to the miner. "Sounds good, then we've got our plans. It'd be best not to go in a large number. I'll take Iron Horse and get out of here, follow us. We'll meet up at the warehouse, and get everything situated." Raziel nodded and walked back with his squad. Timber turned and made his way to the rest of Iron Horse. "Alright, We're going to borrow a bit of the miners clothing, and make our way down the mine, to the base of the mountain. From there we will be meeting up with Raziel and the rest of Wraith squad. We'll be taking the shaft's elevators down to the base, and from there we will stick to the outskirts of the village, and get to the warehouse. Once we're inside, we will start setting up a command base for us. It is going to be small, and hard to notice, so we don't draw attention to it. Wraith squad will meet up with us there. After that, I am going to have a few of the miners gather information on the whereabouts of the training camps, so we can organize some attack strategies. So, change into some mining clothing, and we'll move out." After about 10 minutes, Iron Horse was dressed as miners, carrying duffel bags full of tools, and a few mining bags filled with their armor. Pelts, and various coats to keep themselves warm while on the mountain, with pants and long sleeved shirts under it. Perfect... they looked like everyone else, though Timber carried a large mass of pelts on his back. It was time to get moving. Another miner quickly led them to the elevator shafts. As quick as the elevators would go, Iron Horse dropped off at the base of the mining shaft. Once regrouped, they marched towards the exit of the mine, led by a group of miners taking them to the warehouse. -- Ahhh Warmth -- Once they were outside of the mines, and into the light of day they quickly made their way to the village, sticking to the outskirts so they didn't get too much notice. Low profile was the key at the moment, until they finally reached a large warehouse Mantell Mining. "This is the place, according to our friend back in the mines, they know we're coming and we'll have free run of the place to set things up." Once inside, they climbed two flights of stairs, until they reached a large office. Complimented with a mobile comm station. "Alright, time to setup troopers. Keep the duffel bags in the corner..." Timber slid the mass of pelts off his back, and set it against the wall, a light grin across his face. After a few minutes the weapons were situated in the corner, covered by the pelts and coats they had worn down. Turning to the group of miners Timber walked away from the office making idle chat with them. "Though, I'm going to need your assistance. We have to find the whereabouts of the training centers, so we can figure out a few things. You will be repaid for your efforts, we need you to be our eyes and ears. Bring us any information you come across. You will be doing a great favor for your Imperial brothers." Adding a hint of persuasion with the Force, Timber helped sway any thoughts they had, the miners giving full agreement. "Thank you, and report back to me as soon as possible." On that note, the miners were on their way, and it was time to play the waiting game, until Wraith arrived.
SL/ETRP/2LT Timber Saden/1SQD/1PLT/1COMP/1BAT/1RGT/Loaith/VEA/VE [IOC][LoC]
HM-CM/DJK Timber Saden/DC-5/Elite Griffen Sect/VSD-II Griffen/VEDJ/VE
Trust in my self righteous suicide.
I cry when angels deserve to die.
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  RE: Ch. 7 - Army
November 8, 2001 2:39:47 AM    View the profile of Ramon Stonefish 
The Corvette Scythe dropped out of hyperspace a respectable distance from Tholatin with plasma boiling out of its exhaust. "Tholatin shipyards," said Jingo over the comm, "This is the Magadon requesting docking for repair and refit." "Hold Magadon while we check your codes," came the reply. During the hyperspace trip, various changes had been made to the ship according to Kuroishi and Geist's plan. The name had been changed on the hull to match the new codes, and a small shaped explosive had been attached to the engine by Argon to create a serious-looking problem. These would all help get them on to the shipyard. From there, they would get the Angels shuttled down planetside on supposed supply and R&R runs, merryily snaffling remote detonation explosives in various places. "Magadon you are clear to dock in bay five," said the controller, "please be ready to receive our representative." Jingo brought the modified Corvette smoothly into the bay and settled it up against the docking clamps with the softest of bumps, and relinquished the controls, leaving the system on standby and shutting the engine down to stop the plasma leak. An airlock snaked out from the wall of the bay and locked against the hull over the airlock, with a number of clicks and hisses it secured itself and pressurised. Soon after, a human figure was seen walking up toward the lock. He was met by Kuroishi and Geist on the ship side of the airlock, a man of middle years in a reasonable smart-looking coverall. He smiled in a greasy sort of fashion as he walked up. "Greetings, fellows," he said smoothly, "I don't believe we've seen you here on Tholatin station before?" "No, we're new in this sector," replied Geist. "What will you be requiring?" "A few days and spares to repair our engine, and some R&R for the crew." The man took on a calculating look. "Docking fees are one thousand credits per day plus fuel, the facilities fund themselves. If you want to get planetside, that'll be a further hundred credits a head." Geist just laughed. "What is it you take my for? Some kind of idiot? I'll pay you fifty credits a day, and I'll have the shuttle included." "For that you can park outside and walk down to the planet. Seven-fifty plus shuttle." "Look, you're still not hearing this, I'm well aware of the going rate, and I will not pay above it. One-fifty, shuttle included." "Five hundred, plus shuttle." "Three hundred, with the shuttle at half your price." The greasy-looking fellow caved in, "Done. Now if you could furnish me with a list of your requirements for parts?" "Not at your prices. We'll check the market first." The fellow looked vaguely hurt, thanked them for their time and walked back out of the airlock and down the pressurised tube to the station. "Well," said Kuroishi, "We're here."
Ramon Stonefish

"How can we say we are protectors when we are more feared than that which we defend against?!" --Lucien, the First Fallen.
"May the sinless tester of souls hold his hawk's perch over me" -- a kenning, author unknown.
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  RE: Ch. 7 - Army
November 8, 2001 4:39:43 PM    View the profile of Demi Wraith 
The temperature dropping quickly as the sun started to set.  DW and the rest of his squad quickly followed the miners into the mines.  Inside the mines there were various heat generators keeping the mines warm.  Demi asked one of the miners where they can have some change their clothing.  The miner pointed the way. After changing our clothing, I went to to talk to the person in charge of the mines.  I asked the old man about what the surrounding areas looked like and any other information he could give me about this place.  "What else do you guys need from us sergeant major?  We would gladly help you guys out in anyway." "I was wondering if I can have a couple of your guys to scout the area?" "Sure thats not a problem" "Also I need you to contact the other mines and ask them if they have any of the other troops landing near them.  If they do send them a message telling them to tell the squad leader where we are." The man called some of his miners over to where we are standing and told them their orders.  The men nodded and left the mines.  Now all we had to do was wait for their return.   ----------------------- Sergeant Major Demi Wraith SL/SGM Demi Wraith/2SQD/1PLT/1COM/1BAT/1RGT/VEA/VE [ES2] [EW1] ----------------------- Petty Officer 1st Class Kain Rennok FL/PO1 Kain Rennok/Aegis 3-1/mSSD Atrus/1ESF/VE/VEN [=A=] [=MA=] -----------------------
[This message has been edited by Demi Wraith (edited November 8, 2001 4:41:09 PM)]
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  RE: Ch. 7 - Army
November 8, 2001 6:28:05 PM    View the profile of Cosmic 
OOC: Ok, I'm on the Dominion Cosmic took a deep breath and stared out through the thick glass window that let him viewed the vastness of space.  Cosmic wondered if this campaign would be as successful as any other campaign they have gotten into.  Sure the Vast Empire has prevailed over many hard situations, but this campaign surpasses anything that they've ever seen.  Cosmic just hoped their weren't going to be any heavy casualties, and he hoped that his previous position as Squad Leader to the Raiders would've made a difference in this new campaign. Cosmic turned away and started to make his way throughout the ship, trying to get to know his new Headquarters. OOC: I don't know exactly what to post at the moment.
Captain Cosmic
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  RE: Ch. 7 - Army
November 8, 2001 9:38:52 PM    View the profile of Raxen 
Miner's clothing is definately softer than the regular armour of the staormtroopers. But they do not let you hold a nice amount of ammo on you. That means that all the extra weight would have to be on your bag. The EIH stood in the warehouse, waiting for the Wraith Squad to join us. Raxen slipped his hand to feel his newly bought blaster rifle. It was good, new and sturdy ... he was sure it will do himself a lot of good out there in the enemy camps they are trying to destroy. Timber Saden turned. He checked his comlink for the time. 'Wraiths should be here pretty soon. ' --- After 5 minutes--- Raxen scanned out of a window and noticed movement from the north. 'Sir, movement from the north.' Raxen reported to Timber Saden. Timber took his long-distances binoculars out and scanned towards the north. 'Yeah, it's the Wraiths. We will be joined soon.'    ----------------------- Coporal Ravel 'Ace' Raxen Elite Iron Horse Squad, Vast Empire Army ETRP/PFC Raxen/1SQD/1PLT/1COM/1BAT/1RGT/VEA/VE
[This message has been edited by Raxen (edited November 9, 2001 8:09:41 AM)]
Timber Saden
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  RE: Ch. 7 - Army
November 9, 2001 2:54:58 AM    View the profile of Timber Saden 
[OOC] Raxen, we're in the warehouse at the moment, awaiting the arrival of wraith. We're no longer at the mines, so that way we can get things set up, and don't have to worry about the NR or enemy right away. Just a little FYI. I don't want to sound mean, but guys, you've gotta read the posts, fine skim over a few parts, but when it comes to actually posting where you are, you can't just skim over it. We've had a lot of problems with this, so please read all the posts completely before replying.[/OOC]   ----------------------- SL/ETRP/2LT Timber Saden/1SQD/1PLT/1COMP/1BAT/1RGT/Loaith/VEA/VE [IOC][LoC] HM-CM/DJK Timber Saden/DC-5/Elite Griffen Sect/VSD-II Griffen/VEDJ/VE ----------------------- Trust in my self righteous suicide. I cry when angels deserve to die. Occisor per Status Quo
[This message has been edited by Timber Saden (edited November 9, 2001 2:56:04 AM)]
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  RE: Ch. 7 - Army
November 9, 2001 8:10:57 AM    View the profile of Raxen 
OOC: Okay, sorry for that. I've done changes and removed some parts. Thanks Timber for pointing that out. Gotta read all posts before anything then. /me salutes
Coporal Ravel 'Ace' Raxen
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  RE: Ch. 7 - Army
November 9, 2001 10:17:14 AM    View the profile of Japer 
Japer and Talon were still on the VEDJ/Atrus when they heard about the Army getting ready for the attacks. " Excuse me sirs, but I've just got a message from Fury. Talon, you are to go to Tadath, and Japer you will go to the Dominion. You will both take seperate shuttle's so you can both get there quicker. Good luck with the fight"said the crewman "Thank you." said Japer " Thanks"said Talon "Well, looks like we are going to be off on another fun adventure of battle and war. "said Japer "Yup, well, good luck on the field, I might see you a little later." said Talon And with that, Talon and Japer both parted ways and headed for two seperate shuttle's. Japer got in his and found that for once in his life, he didn't have to pilot it. There was a pilot ready and waiting to take him to the Dominion. All of a sudden, Japer felt the ship going into hyperdrive. Japer sat back, and waited for the ship to arrive...                           ONE DAY LATER... Japer felt the ship come out of hyperdrive, he must have dosed off a little bit eairlier while he was meditating. Japer got up, and waited for the shuttle to dock with the Dominion. Once it finally happend, Japer walked out of the shuttle and was greeted by Fury. "Welcome Japer, nice to have you back. You will be staying up here with me and the rest of the guys until Timber gets a way to shuttle you down to his base. So, once you get freshened up, I will tell you what you will be dealing with when you get down there." said Fury "Thank you sir, I will be back here soon."said Japer Japer walked off, this was his first time in the Dominion. It seemed pretty good size. Now, all he had to do was find the crew quaters. Japer emerged from the shower, and took off his dirty cloak and put on his Dark Jedi suit. He walked back to the command room where Fury was waiting for him. " Hello Japer, the Army is going to try and target several of these terroist bases you discovered on your last mission. We know that there are about four training camps down on Anobis and we are going to destroy them. We also going to try to storm the main city there, we will be having some help from the miners, but don't expect to much.  It might be awhile before Timber gets that base up, so just make yourself at home. He will show you to your quaters"said Fury while he was pointing to a man. "Thank you sir, I hope that we get those guys good."said Japer Japer walked off with the man and entered his quaters. There, he layed down on his bed, set his lightsaber on a table, and fell asleep.
GV/ SG Japer/Sith/Dark Knight 1-2 Cabal/ Eagle Sect/VEDJ

/BS/ES 2nd Class

Ramon Stonefish
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  RE: Ch. 7 - Army
November 9, 2001 10:57:35 AM    View the profile of Ramon Stonefish 
Meanwhile, on Tholatin, Master and Fish prepared to catch a shuttle down to the surface to 'get some R&R'. Master wore a reasonable set of casual clothes, not too smart as they'd draw attention, not too shabby. Fish wore a coverall under his long coat. Both had small parcels of explosives serceted around their persons, both also had a number of small firearms in case someone decided to start some trouble. "Good luck, guys," said Geist, "The rest of us will start setting up the station to blow, and see about looking like we're repairing the damage here. If you're not back in eight hours, I'll come looking for you." They walked down the airlock, and out into the station proper for the first time. The station itself looked as though some cosmetic work was needed, bundles of cables ran along the ceiling held in place with gaffer tape, there were scratches and dents in the walls where someone had clearly not been too good at driving something. The floor, on the other hand, was relatively clean, Master saw a mouse droid running along polishing it. Obviously needed to keep it smooth for something. They did not go far into the station, since they were only heading a little way around to the shuttle launch bays, where they board a dilapidated Lambda class. It looked like you could sneeze on the ageing machine and it would fall apart. "Held together with fence wire and a prayer," muttered Fish. Master looked at him quizzically. "I could do a better job myself," said Fish in answer to the look, "With two old freighters and a can of spraypaint." Security control in the boarding area was nonexistant, they did not seem to be concerned with weapons getting on to the surface - probably a necessity for the nature of the place. Raids were probably quite common. The shuttle launched a few minutes after they boarded, and they were off down to the surface.
Ramon Stonefish

"How can we say we are protectors when we are more feared than that which we defend against?!" --Lucien, the First Fallen.
"May the sinless tester of souls hold his hawk's perch over me" -- a kenning, author unknown.
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  RE: Ch. 7 - Army
November 9, 2001 10:59:02 AM    View the profile of Fury 
* Sorry Cos, such is the downside of being promoted.  We'll get our chances sometime in this campaign.* Fury sat in the forward lounge onboard the Dominion, playing a fairly disinterested game of sabacc with Cosmic and a few crew members.  So far, all of the squads had been inserted onto the planet's surface successfully and were moving into position for further operations. Until they had need of a bunch of troops and equipment, it was unlikely that they would communicate much with the ship. The command staff's job thus far had to stay out of the way of the crew.  The Dominion was hanging back off-planet in the rubble of an ancient Corellian mining platform.  Apparently, like all colonies in this part of space, this was at one time a lucrative mining venture, with both space and dirt mining capabilities.  The detritus the VSD was hidden in was composed of shattered asteroid rock and the wreckage of various orbital platforms...likely destroyed in ages past by forces which ventured in from the Unknown Regions. None of that helped matters when considering they were encased in a relatively undefended ship hiding in what could very easily be a stopping point for an enemy fleet.  They had thus far avoided detection...the few comm messages sent off planet had been pretty benign...thus was the estimation of the crypt boys anyway.  They were awaiting some of the DarkJedi members, namely Japer and whatever part of the command staff wished to sit around and play cards.  Also, some newly processed recruits would arrive on the next shuttle.  They would all have to wait until the main force had deployed planetside - unless Fury could con one of the Imperial Center accounting droids to free up a freighter in this general direction. Barring that, it meant more people to get some credits from, and he could use some easier opposition right now. Until then, there was nothing much to do except lose credits to the chief engineer...a gifted player if anyone existed.  Fury was merely working by luck now.  A nasty hand thus far, the sequencer cycled again...Idiot Card, Two of Sabers, Three of Staves. "Sabacc!" he exclaimed, pulling in only his third pot of the night.  Too bad he'd probably lose it in the next hour.
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  RE: Ch. 7 - Army
November 9, 2001 5:15:16 PM    View the profile of Cosmic 
Sighing, Cosmic got up from the game and looked out the window.  He was used to being in command of ground troops and fighting alongside them in combat...but now it's different.  He thought all promotions were great, but he was proven wrong.  Sometimes promotions can hold you back from what you want most. Cosmic longed to press the trigger on a rifle in the heat of battle once again, and start to break necks with his martial arts skills.  Grumbling, he walked back to the table with Fury and a couple other crewmembers and sat back down. "You know, I knew that the Army was a great foe to be dealt with, and it is right now that I am wondering if they could just lose on purpose a little so us Army Officials can have some fun of our own." Said Cosmic with a snicker. A couple crewmenbers chuckled.  Fury made a small smile.  Cosmic took one more deep breath and concentrated on the Sabacc game... Maybe he'll be victorious in something during this campaign.
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  RE: Ch. 7 - Army
November 9, 2001 6:13:59 PM    View the profile of Raziel 
    Raziel’s hands moved the needle quickly, darting it in and out of the material. He finished off re sewing the self-made pocket and sealed it.     “Sewing?” Agent looked at Raziel with his head cocked to one side, a look of amusement painted on his face.     Raziel didn’t reply, but made his point by hiding 2 pistols and a load of knives in various pockets around his new garments.     “You do like those damn knives don’t you?” asked Agent     “Well its not I can actually hit anything with my rifle so I don’t have much of a choice!”     The journey down from base of the mountain had been a swift and silent one. Raziel had been training the squad hard in silent moving and he had decided to give them one final practise march.     “Raziel come over here!” Timber called. Raziel obediently came over to the superior officers call, still not even fully used to the idea of being a squad leader himself.     Timber was discussing some things with a group of miners, one of whom had a long rifle hanging from a shoulder strap. Upon closer inspection it turned out to be a high power sniping rifle. The other two miners were just carrying the usual digging equipment.     “These people say they think they already know the location of one of the bases. However it’s heavily guarded, this man here is their best scout,” Timber pointed to the man with the sniper. The scout turned and nodded towards Raz.     “They think they can maybe get two of us close enough to see something, so I think you should take someone with you and go and have a look. Don’t do anything stupid; just get some idea of defences and numbers. I’ll stay here to look after the base and see you don’t get in trouble,” he smiled     “No problem at all, Sniper leave that heavy repeater here and come with me. We’re going scouting” Raziel smiled, he was looking forward to the chance of going sneaking about again.     “Yesir!” Sniper said, and saluted.     Raziel grimaced: “Ok everyone, just one thing. These people are pretty organised and so they’ll probably aim for officers, like I’ve told you all to do. So whatever you do don’t salute an officer on the field. Anyone who salutes me, I’ll shoot you myself,” he grinned.     Raziel and Sniper, dressed in local garb set off across the lowland, trying to keep as discrete as possible. The lone scout said little, but stayed sharp in case any of the lowlanders turned up. =========================================================== (Several hours later)     “What do you mean you need help??” asked Timber rather loudly.     “Sir they say there’s a fight broken out near the edge of the village. The rebel supporting lowlanders and the miners don’t like each other very much and the odd shoot out occurs. Apparently the rebels pay little heed to these scuffles and the miners want some help”     “Certainly not, we can’t be risked getting spotted as imperial troops!”     “Sir they say it would be most appalling if we accepted their hospitality and didn’t do anything in return” Raxen was trying to be as calm and neutral about delivering the message as possible.     Timber felt like asking the miners what they were doing here in the first place, but at time you needed to show the great imperial generosity to keep people happy.     Grudgingly he issued some orders: “Agent you’re in charge, you and squad 4 stay here and wait for the raiders and panthers. The rest of EIH come with me, lets try and remain inconspicuous and get this little scuffle finished ASAP!” ===========================================================     Many hours later Raziel and GM_Sniper were lying in the dirt surveying s sprawling training camp. The scout sat beside them keeping a look out. Apart from guiding them through a previously made safe path through the bases defences he had done little.     Raziel noted that the actual security around the base was low, but that hundreds of troops could be training down there. There were many recruits all doing various exercises across the whole base, there were sergeants amongst them shouting orders.     “Shouldn’t we be going sir?” Sniper asked     “Not just yet, I want to get a good estimate at their numbers,” Raziel replied as he peered through the binoculars.     The green troops down there wouldn’t take much to panic he knew. However there was also a great deal of experienced men down there doing the training. If a force of them could get together in a good defensive position with some of the older recruits they could make a fair attempt at a defence.     “OK just a few more minutes now…” (Ok if anyone wants to do anything drastic like get us captured or something feel free )
SL/1SGTRaziel/4SQD/1COMP/1BAT/1RGT/Tadath/VEA/ {EW1}
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  RE: Ch. 7 - Army
November 10, 2001 9:42:38 AM    View the profile of Argon Viper 
Argon Viper and Dragon headed to the surface to get some R&R. They had only one mission to accomplish, find a suitable entry into the smugglers' hideout and the industrial centers. After that, they were free to enjoy themselves. "Three meters from the top, six meters from the left,"said Dragon, holding his macrobinoculars steady,"What do you think?" "The garbage chute?"asked Argon. "Yup,"replied Dragon,"doesn't look like any security around it." "I think it deserves at least a closer inspection,"said Argon, getting up,"cover me." "Got it,"replied Dragon. Argon Viper made his way down the tree as quickly as he could while still remaining hidden, it was well known that anyone who was seen from that base would be shot without warning, whatever they protected was that important to them. He made his way through the jungle, staying hidden behind rocks, bushes, and trees, until he was within ten meters of the base. This was as far as he could go, all cover closer had been removed. He took out his acrobinoculars, zooming in on the chute to the point where he could see the fingerprints of the last man who had cleaned it, and checked it out for over ten minutes. He then made his way back to Dragon. "It's clear,"he said,"but we're gonna have to dig a tunnel to get that last ten meters." "Sounds good to me,"replied Dragon,"let's go check out the others."
Argon Viper
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  RE: Ch. 7 - Army
November 12, 2001 9:51:44 AM    View the profile of Anakin 
OOC: just so you guys know…I’m posting as the enemy…try to stir this around.  Please don’t post as the enemy as I am,  it allows commanders to continue where they want thing to go in storylines. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Gordega Fortress (enemy lines) = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Two speeders flew past the outer defense turrets and into the large steel doors towards the front of the base.  The two both coming back from their patrols in the northwest sectors of their fleets presence.  This new added state of caution came about when a small group of rebels broke threw their defenses in the main city and took out their magistrate and several leaders of there dark brotherhood.  The two pirate troops quickly made their way into their commanders office, saluting as they walked in. “Sir… We have finished our search of the area…No apparent threats, as usual.  There looks to be another massing fleet on the North Eastern side of the sector.  Strange thing is, their commander has not checked in yet.” The commander stopped the scout quickly, “Send a squad to greet them.  Send some intelligence personnel to see who they are and where they come from.”  He dismissed the scout.  The squad gathered few supplies and hopped aboard their swoops and took off toward the mystery fleet… OOC: once again don’t post as the enemy, and remember this squad is coming your way…
-=:Colonel Anakin:=-
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  RE: Ch. 7 - Army
November 12, 2001 1:57:53 PM    View the profile of Kuroishi 
Kuroishi didn't want to have to count on just one method of escape right now.  The Sweetums was holding in deadspace near the system incase the FA needed a quick bit of back up. Kuroishi was still nervous about Argon and Deathwookie being on this mission but since they over ruled his orders to stay behind he could only make the best of thier particular talents. Geist and Kuroishi were marching deeper into the station.  If they were stopped and searched all that the personel would find would be some basic tools and some spare uniforms. Both men knew exactly how much damage could be done with such equipment. Kuroishi motioned for Geist to stop.  They were at thier target.  Upon inspection of the station Kuroishi determined that if they were going to take down this place it would only require some strtegic planning. At best if they proceeded with thier plan they would have eight hours to take the station out but right now was the time to observe. Kuroishi pretended to be working on the door to the supply closet while Geist kept an eye on the nearby security office and troop barracks to watch the rotation. Moving on to thier next spot after determining the shift lengths Geist and Kuroishi found a good spot to watch the staion commanders office from.  He would be the first to be at the end of many pranks. Kuroishi carefully entered the office, just as he suspected the commander was sound asleep and no one was around. Kuroishi quietly closed the door and then began welding it shut.  To further seal the commander in he applied several layers of space tape to the door.  Just for fun he also spliced into the comm system.  So begins the monkey warfare that would make this staion no longer a threat. With the creative use of stolen and old uniforms they had managed to get this far.  Without a care in the world the duo walked back to the Scythe with rediculous grins on thier faces at the beauty they just created.
The Head Terrorist
Great Death Leader of the Fallen
The Chief Instigator of Pain and Terror
GN Daishi(2LT Kuroishi)
"Victory through terror, terror through infiltration. Redefining pain and suffering since 2000 and damn proud of it."  Fallen Angels motto.
Jociam Geist
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  RE: Ch. 7 - Army
November 12, 2001 11:15:50 PM    View the profile of Jociam Geist 
[hmm... well if thats the way we are doing things... ] Once back at the Scythe, Geist quickly changed into a different uniform. Choosing a strange grey outfit and black hat, like something from one of the late night vids he had seen after too many hours on late duty back in the day when he was a line officer. Kuroshi stared at him quizically as he tied up the last accessory. "Where did you ever get an outfit like that anyway?" "My wife made it for me." Geist replied. "What is that thing around your neck?" "I believe it is called a tie, I think its for strangling people." Geist reached down and picked up a briefcase to go with the business suit. "Don't wait up," he said as he walked out of the ship. He soon found the security station he was looking for, one guard on duty watching the monitors. Geist knew the wide brimed hat would hide his features from the cameras, and he had his own way of dealing with the guard. He boldly walked into the station. "Hello, freind," he said with a cheerful voice, setting his briefcase on the table next to the monitors. "Have you ever considered what your family will do should something bad happen to you? If you are gone, how will they support themselves? Maybe its time to consider Dorobo Life Insurance..." His attention suddenly totaly focused on this life insurance salesman that had wandered into his station, the guard didn't notice the small droid eagerly accessing a nearby computer terminal. After an hour of work, Geist selling life insurance, the droid implanting a virus into the system, both were done. "You made the right choice," Geist said, counting the hundred or so credits with an expert thumb as he got up to leave. "Remember, people don't plan to fail, they fail to plan." "Hey," The guard said, "didn't you come in on that ship?" "No," Geist said. The guard blinked twice, then shook his head. "No, I guess you didn't." "I'm just a wandering salesman. A real young and innocent guy," Geist said with a smile. A smile that the guard could have sworn reflected light. "Yeah, young, innocent," the guard said. "About twenty, brown hair, green eyes," Geist said cheerfully. "Yeah, twenty, brown hair, green eyes," the guard responded. "Sort of like Manix in maintenance," Geist said. "Yeah, Manix..." "Hey, just like Manix. You might even think I was Manix," Geist said. The guard nodded in agreement. "Be seeing you," Geist said, then he left. He arrived back aboard the scythe and quickly changed cloths again. He nodded to Kuroshi. "The package has been delivered." And outside, as someone in another part of the station attempted to access the computer system, they heard it. "I'm on a mexican radio. I'm on a mexican, woo oh, radio..." [have I gone to far, or have others not gone far enough?]   ----------------------- Leftenant/Srg Maj Geist/ Fallen Angels/RSUM/TMQIRH "You are false data" -Bomb 31 "Darkstar" "Riteousness is the will to want to be better than you are" -Alex Hazen "The theory of everything made simple" "Comrades, consider me a bad comunist." -Arkady Renko "Polar Star" "My doctor says I have a malformed public duty gland and a deficency in moral fiber. I am therefore excused from saving the universe." -Ford Prefect "Life, the universe, and everything
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Jociam Geist
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  RE: Ch. 7 - Army
November 12, 2001 11:16:08 PM    View the profile of Jociam Geist 
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