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Topic:  Ch. 7 - Navy
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  RE: Ch. 7 - Navy
December 15, 2001 11:27:36 AM    View the profile of Darkhawk 
(OOC: Piett, if you've been paying attention over the past two or three pages you would know what is going on. If you haven't, then don't worry about it because Riel and I have storylines that have split-off from the main one.) "I can't believe you're still alive," Emily said, coming over and sitting down beside Darkhawk. "How long has it been now? Five years?" "More like six," Darkhawk replied, shifting in his seat uncomfortably. "Have you been fighting for the Empire this whole time?" she questioned. "As far as I know," he replied, moving his head to avoid looking her in the eye. "What is that supposed to mean?" "I think I've been brainwashed," he answered, looking down at the floor. "That's odd. Master Skywalker mentioned something about there being some kind of . . . block on you. I think that's what he said." "Skywalker? Luke Skywalker?" Darkhawk asked, sitting upright in his chair. "Yes, he came in to see you a while back. He met with your two friends before they left for Ord Mantell." Darkhawk sat back in his chair. Good, Riel and PJ had gotten away safely. Hopefully they would make it back to the Atrus without a hitch. But that wasn't the important thing now - Skywalker was here, in the same building as Darkhawk. The man who had killed Darth Vader was finally within his reach again. This time, the Jedi wouldn't be so lucky. "Something on your mind?" Emily questioned after a while in silence. "No, no," Darkhawk said. "Just . . . my head hurts really bad." "Well, you had yourself quite a fall back there. We're not really sure just how far you fell. How the heck did you wind up in the innards of the palace anyway?" "Ummmmm..." was all the alibi Darkhawk could muster. Emily laughed. "Well, we'll get it out of you sooner or later. Anyway, Luke went up into the turbolift shaft to check it out and see what was up there." Darkhawk bolted up out of his chair. "What? Skywalker went up there?" This was bad. If the Jedi found the Dark Adept praxeum, he would learn all kinds of things. Information he could use against- "Against who?" Darkhawk wondered aloud. Sidious and Vader were both dead and the remnants of the Dark Jedi Order had either fled to Byss or were spread out among the Outer Rim and Unknown Regions. There were the Dark Jedi in the Vast Empire, but there was no way Skywalker could find out about them from what was here at the palace. Darkhawk collapsed back into his chair. His head was throbbing and his eyes were spinning. How did he know all of this? Maybe the fall had weakened his brainwashing somehow, especially if it was a Force block like Skywalker had guessed. "David, what's wrong," Emily said, laying a hand on his shoulder. But all that seemed to be another world right now for the  Imperial pilot. He closed his eyes and reached out, trying for the first time in over a year to touch the Force. Someone's dark power slammed into him like a speeder at top thrust. Darkhawk's mind reeled and his physical body was flipped out of the chair he was sitting in. He heard Emily scream somewhere far away and the touch of one of the medical droids on his forehead. Slowly, he came back to. Damn, someone didn't want him touching the Force. But who? More than that, how did he know how to do that? He wasn't supposed to be Force-attuned, let alone know anything about Dark Jedi and Force powers. "David, David, what's happening?" Emily asked, shaking him. "I, I'm all right," he coughed, sitting up. She gave him a blank stare. Then, her eyes seemed to darken as he stood up. "What's that on your arm?" she asked. Darkhawk looked down to see what she was talking about. Something on his arm? And there, looking right up at him was a tatoo that seemed to have burned into his flesh. His eyes lit up with recognition at a symbol he should've known nothing about. It was the symbol for someone who had reached the Fourth Order of the Dark Order, right below the level Emperor's Hand. And with that bit of recognition, memories began to flood back into Darkhawk's mind. What he saw amazed him and yet was so familiar. Everything that had been lost to him surged back. From his time as a young child on Yaga Minor with his young sister, to his first day at the Academy, to his first meeting with Vader, with Thrawn, with the Emperor. So many memories, and they finally felt like they were his. "Emily . . ." he whispered. "Yes?" "I'd love to stay and talk, but I can't." "Wait a sec. Where do you think you're going? We still need to debrief you." He shook his head as his eyes darkened. "I'm going after Skywalker. Goodbye." And with that, he turned and walked out of the med room, leaving Major Benson to stare at an empty chair.
FL/WO2 Darkhawk/Aegis 2-1 (Aegis 5)/Wing1/mSSD Atrus/VEN/VE/(=A=)(=SA=)(=JCPA=)[BRC]

"The only difference between me and a madman is that I'm not mad."
Riel Fury
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  RE: Ch. 7 - Navy
December 15, 2001 11:35:54 AM    View the profile of Riel Fury 
Riel checked the Interdiction field. It seemed the cruiser kept manuevering to keep him and PJ in the middle.  "Rogue Squadron, this is the Raiden.  It appears that for some reason we are the target of this strike.  Maybe if you could make a little strafing run on the Interdictor, it'll get off our backs." Wedge Antilles replied back, "I know that, Raiden.  It seems like those vettes are coming in on an enclosure vector though.  We've got plenty of torps to take one of them out.  I think that might dissuade them enough.  Rogues, form up and arm your torpedo launchers.  Fire at my mark." Riel couldn't help but admire the discipline Rogue Squadron showed.  They truly were as good as all the stories.  He had a feeling the Lusthawks would have their hands full should they ever encounter each other. In a morbid beauty the torpedos took down the Vettes shields and smashed against the hull.  Flames shot from all over the corvette and finally it exploded.  "Good shooting, Rogues.  Let's make a run for the other Corvette now." They formed up again, but according to Riel's sensors, the Interdiction field was coming down.  Rogue squadron still wanted the kill, however.  They formed up and fired their torpedos, and just as Riels sensors showed the field was down, the torpedos slammed against the hull of the blockade runner...
2nd Lieutenant Riel Fury
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  RE: Ch. 7 - Navy
December 15, 2001 11:56:32 AM    View the profile of Arturus 
***Note: My craft deisgnation is viper 5 for whoever wrote that they were viper 5*** Viper 5 raced towards the on coming X-wings "Cover me Zed" "roger viper 5" Arturus streaked in towards the first apir of x-wings "Fire!" shouted arturus as he blasted the lead x-wing from the sky.  Then he dove down and streaKed away from another x-wing. "Dammit i haveone on my tail." viper 5 spun around and dove away from the x-wing behind him, blasting another one on his way by. "that's 2!  Still with me zed?" "roger 5...need some help here i have an x-wing and a-wing on my tail." "roger lead" arturus raced towards zed jinking under the fire of a 2 x-wings on his way "hold steady zed unless u want to be hit with my missiles.  I'm going in dark." "5 what the hell do you think you are doing?!?" "hang steady zed and trust me!" Viper five raced down on top of the 2 enemy starfighters as he switched to double missiles "here goes nothing!" he yelled as he fired 2 untargeted missiles at the a-wing.  The a-wing exploded and rolled to the left damaging the x-wing.  The x-wing spun away and tried to run but was incinerated by a quad laser blast from viper 5's interceptor "there u go lead" "thanx five, but dont try that move again" "haha...u just wait to see the kind of tricks i have instore for these guys" viper 5 rolled away and charged towards the remaining x-wings and a-wings. "Keep it up we are doing well" said arturus as he dove towards a pair of x-wings "5 this is 7...u have 3 a-wings racing towards u at 12'o clock" "roger, thanx 7" arturus said as he borke off his attack run and turned to meet the a-wings face-on.  He watched the distance roll down on his targeting computer quickly.  When it reached 2 kilometers, he turned off his computer and armed his missile launchers.  When he was aobut 1 kilometer from the a-wings, he rolled to the left, waited, and then when they were less then a 100 emters away he rolled right across the formation as he fired 4 untargeted missiles.  1 a-wing exploded immediately and 2 were sevrerly damaged and tried to pull away, only to be caught by arturus as he turned to return fire.  Both a-wings shredded and fell out of the way. Arturus turned away and scrolled through his targeting computer...almost all of the a-wings were gone but there were still many b-wings, k-wings, and x-wings out there, not to mention the y-wings guarding the base. "Zed are you still with me?" "roger 5" "lets take out some of those b-wings and help the gunboats" "roger, you have lead" viper 5 streaked towards the b-wing formation, incinnerating an x-wing on his way.  When he was within 1.5km he began to strafe he b-wing formations.  5 of the b-wings turned and charged towards him. "Oh crap!" arturus screamed as he raced towards his apparent doom.  I hope this works he thought as he closed the distance rapidly, as he did, he armed the last 2 missiles he had.  Here goes nothing he thought.  When he was veyr close, he began junking the enemy fire rapidly and shot off his lat two untargeted missiles before switching to lasers and firing as fast as he could. "AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!" he yelled as he broke through the formation.  holy crap he thought, he had made it.  He checked on the screen, 3 of the 5 b-wings and exploded right behind him and the last two broke away from the battle and headed back to base "flt leader to 5.  Are u ok arturus" arturus paused "roger lead.  I'm ok.  Just very badly skaken up." "roger.  Good job so far.  Break off from the fight for a second and catch your breath.  Great manuveur.  we have almost completed phase one.  Get ready for the real challenge." "roger lead.  Thank you" viper 5 said as he turned from the battle for a second and cought his breath.  Not bad he thought.  10 minutes...ten kills.  Petty good day so far.
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  RE: Ch. 7 - Navy
December 15, 2001 3:54:31 PM    View the profile of LoneWolf 
the delicate tie fighters were all lined up  in the space right besides the Artrus. LoneWolf looked at his instruments and saw the timer click down to 0 slowly he already had his throttle at full he just needed the ship lock to be disabled. 0 came and he jerked back into his seat by the burst of his fighter. the pilots of Aegis came up into a lanky line on the eadge of thier course. tugs brought our the rings for the race so it got fairly cramped if two ties flew side by side. LoneWolf came up behind Sk8guy who held first they fought for the lead in the narrow rings for a few minutes. suddenly the rings all disappeared as the ties came into the asteroid field the limits to fly through their was greatly increased the fighters then all spreaded out in a wild dodging game. ties flipped around and twirled to dogde desperatly. the field got more dense by getting more and more closer to the next set of rings. loneWolf barley stole the lead from Sk8, he could already tell this would be a good race. (OOC: it would probably best if the race is ended today ill be posting later.)
PO1 LoneWolf /Aegis 1-2 (Aegis Two)/mSSD Atrus/VEN/VE/(=A=)(=JCPA=)[SRC]

"Aegis Squadron we dont need to improve because were already the BEST!"

"Creativity is not a gift but a disease it will infect more people it is presented to."
-PO1 LoneWolf
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  RE: Ch. 7 - Navy
December 15, 2001 5:13:10 PM    View the profile of sk8guy 
sk8guy brought his TIE fighter onto the tail of Lonewolf. He was right behind him, but suddenly he had to redirect his flight to avoid a huge asteroid that drifted into their line of flight. Another nice sized asteroid was hurtling toward him,but instead of losing ground again, he chose to blast it apart. He chose another fast line through the asteroid field and was in the lead again. But Lonewolf wasn't far behind. This was going to be a good race.
[ARMY] Cloud
FM/PO2 sk8guy/Aegis 2-2/Aegis 6/ Aegis RO/mSSDArtus/VEN/VE(=A=)(=SA=)(=JCPA=)
"Unleash the power of the Dragon, mwahahahaha!!"
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  RE: Ch. 7 - Navy
December 15, 2001 5:21:27 PM    View the profile of Cosmic 
Tarkin looked right, then left, then right.  X-Wings and A-Wings were flying everywhere.  He quickly got back into formation with Piett, his wing, and continued on the pursuit to the lead X-Wing pilot.  "Viper two, X-Wing leader is in sight.  Ten o' clock."  Said Piett. "I see 'im, one." Replied Tarkin. Viper's 1 and 2 quickly speed up to full throttle as the lead X-Wing, currently firing on one of the Assault Gunboats.  "Ok! I have him in my sights.  Firing!"  Said Tarkin.  Tarkin's T/I fired, causing the X-Wing to stop firing and fly get out of firing range.  The X-Wing flew right into Piett's line of fire, and he fired.  The X-Wing exploded in a ball of flame.  "Good job, Piett." "Thanks." The remaining X-Wings were confused at the moment on what to do. In about one minute, they were back in action with the second highest ranking pilot in command.  "Ok," began Tarkin.  "Let's take out the next leader."  "Yep." Replied Piett. Piett suddenly had an idea strike his mind.  "All Vipers, come in. Over." The Viper pilots informed Piett that they were there.  "Ok, let's make this simpler.  I want all TIE Interceptors and Assault Gunboats destroying nothing but X-Wings!" Ordered Piett. "Sir?" Asked Leading Crewman Scout. "The idea, Viper three, is to destroy one squadron quickly, that way the squadrons will die faster."  Replied Piett. "Oh ok. Understood." Tarkin quickly throttled up and headed for the X-Wing that had the most tally's of TIE Fighter's on the side of it. He quickly transferred shielding strength to speed and pulled up quickly behind the craft.  He fired at the X-Wing's engines, destroying it.  "Anotherone down!  Just a couple more to go." Said Tarkin over the commlink. Piett looked to the right and saw the X-Wing that Tarkin destroyed exploding in a ball of flame.  He quickly took a deep breath and fired at two X-Wings coming straight towards him.  Emon fired underneath Piett and helped eliminate the X-Wings. The X-Wings were caught by surpise by the hidden attack from Emon and were destroyed quickly. ---------------------------------------------------- After he X-Wings were destroyed, Piett turned on his commlink.  "Ok, good job Viper!  Now, let's take out those A-Wings.  Our TIE Interceptors are just as fast and menouverable.  The A-Wings' shields are practically null, so it'll be a fast attack.  After were done with the A-Wing's, we'll concentrate on the K-Wings below. They'll be the biggest threat.  Remember, try not to destroy the Rebel base until we get a good amount of information." Ordered Piett. "Copy that." Replied the voices of the Viper pilots.
Captain Cosmic
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  RE: Ch. 7 - Navy
December 15, 2001 5:25:11 PM    View the profile of Tarkin 
Sorry, for some reason, my nick isn't working!  It says: User: Tarkin  but my posts shows Cosmic for some reason.
EFM/PO2 Tarkin/Viper 1-2/Wing I/M/SSD Atrus/1VENF/VEN[BRC][BRC][SV][=A=][=SA=][=MA=]

"For Viper Squadron, 'Failure' is not in our vocabulary." - Tarkin
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  RE: Ch. 7 - Navy
December 15, 2001 7:39:13 PM    View the profile of LoneWolf 
Sk8guy bursted infront of LoneWolf again, "Clever" LW said to himself. the rest of Aegis was behind them but still at a greater distance than LoneWolf and Sk8guy were. LoneWolf could tell Sk8guy was getting better because he never flew like this before. LoneWolf armed his racing laser then thought differently he didnt want to slow Sk8 down like that he wanted to enjoy this race. he continued to pull close to sk8 but then the rings came up again and the fighters clustered up again. Sk8guy was on the inside curve and holding it aggresivily LoneWolf pull up to the outside and came up side to side with him. the two fighters barely made it through the rings as they both came neck and neck. LoneWolf had to back off on the next turn then saw his approtunity coming up the battle debris was quickly closing on them. LoneWolf positioned himself for the next break from the rings. the rings opened up into the even more hazadorise debris from the great star destroyers and battle cruisers. LoneWofl broke off of Sk8guys tail and pulled off to the opposite course he was taking. he saw a big piece of a star destroyer ahead of him. LoneWolf couldnt find a way to the side of it. LoneWolf wasnt sure what to do he just continued to go straight for the gigantic piece. sk8guy came on his comm and warned LoneWolf, "what are you doing LoneWolf!" LoneWolf muttered loud enough for sk8 to hear, "dont worry about my hide look afer yours youll see." the big piece slowly tumbled so part of the hangar bay was straihgt in front of him LW shot into the hole then dodged through the turbolaser, and torpedo decayed holes which made a very narrow but short path through the destroyer LoneWolf shot through the other end with a lead on Sk8guy. now the next seyt off rings were on the other side of the planet the pilots had to use the gravity to sling shot to the other rings. the lower a pilot went the more danger of being burned up by the atmosphere or bouncing off however the more momentom they would gain. LoneWofl lead sk8guy through a lower than usual course. the ties were only a few hundred meters from starting to burn up. Both the ties shot to the other side of teh planet and went straight towards the rings where they started at.  One circut was complete now they all needed to make one more pass through. LoneWofl held the lead but Sk8guy creeped up behind him. they re-entered the asteroid field after a busy game of dodging Sk8guy stole the lead. he held it till the end of the debris. LoneWolf didnt want to lose after being so close. he want down into the atmoshpere. flames started to grow of of LW's tie his hull integraty began to fail. he watch it steadly reach below 50 before the instrument chattered, none of it hit him though. LoneWolf lost most of his instruments and he couldnt tell when to pull up he didnt want to do it now either. LoneWolf kept concetrated and waited and drifted off into his feelings and how he felt when he should pull out. he say the tail of the artrus then punched the rest of his throttle up and dummped all power to the engines. his tie fighter shot up and jetted past Sk8guy. the g's pulled back on LW and he barley withstood his crazy monuver. sk8 came back up behind him dumping power too. the cam neck and neck untill LoneWolf barely pulled ahead. with out even notiving it LoneWolf barely stole the win. "How did i do that?" LoneWolf said into his comm in disbelief. Sk8guy had a good lead until he pulled through. "that was interesting" lw said as he went back to dock with the Artrus.
PO1 LoneWolf /Aegis 1-2 (Aegis Two)/mSSD Atrus/VEN/VE/(=A=)(=JCPA=)[SRC]

"Aegis Squadron we dont need to improve because were already the BEST!"

"Creativity is not a gift but a disease it will infect more people it is presented to."
-PO1 LoneWolf
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  RE: Ch. 7 - Navy
December 16, 2001 12:07:24 AM    View the profile of Darkhawk 
Skywalker carried out his triple backflip before breaking off in another sprint. He was beginning to wear himself out fighting these two droids, and he still hadn't found an opportunity to gain the upper hand on either one. It was time he either got out of here and got backup or simply lost them among the tunnels. The dark troopers followed close behind in hot pursuit, firing off their heavy blaster rifles whenever Luke slowed to catch his breath for a moment. He had to find some way out of this situation sooner or later. Suddenly, he came to a fork in the tunnel system. Stretching out with the Force, he tried to get a sense of which path would be the best to take. But neither seemed to offer a better chance than the other - both were tainted with feelings of the dark side. In fact, this whole place reminded Luke of the dark side . . . sort of like the great tree back on Dagobah. The Jedi Knight finally made up his mind and turned to take the left branch. But ny now it was too late because the two dark troopers had gained back the distance he had put between himself and them. Shots began to ring out once again and he was forced to turn back and use his lightsaber to deflect more of the green bolts. Then, just as he was really beginning to wonder if he was going to make it out of this alive, two shots rang out from behind him. He turned to see two bluish energy bolts fly by his head and slam into the closest warrior droid. The robot exploded, scattering shrapnel all throughout the tunnel. A few seconds later, three more shots rang out and the second dark trooper blew up in a similar fashion. Skywalker turned to face his helper and was stunned to see the man who he had visited in the bacta wing only a few hours earlier. The stranger was standing about fifty yards behind Luke, a concussion rifle in one hand and a grenade launcher in the other. His eyes were fixed on Luke and he seemed very tense. "Thanks for the help," the Jedi offered, putting his lightsaber away and walking closer. "How did you know where to find me?" "You were making quite a bit of noise," the man replied. Luke nodded. "What's your name?" "You can call me Darkhawk." Luke paused. He could just read the man's thoughts and find out his real name, but he'd give the stranger the benefit of the doubt. "Well, like I said, thanks for the help. What is this place, anyway?" Darkhawk shook his head. "It's the academy of the Emperor's Dark Jedi Order. This is where his students came to train and learn the ways of the dark side." Luke stopped in mid-stride as his hand drifted down to his side, making sure his lightsaber was still intact. "You're sure?" "I should know," Darkhawk answered. "I was one of those students." Luke reached out with the Force again and once more tried to touch the other man's mind. And once again he felt a strong, icy presence concealing the stranger's mind . . . Luke was sure it was a Force block. Which had to be the work of the dark side. "Yet, now it seems someone doesn't want you using whatever powers you acquired," Luke countered. Darkhawk nodded. "Yes, I know. I was brainwashed, also, but that job was not as thorough as the Force block. It's taken a few years, but I believe I've regained my memory now." "So what do you plan to do?" Luke questioned, eyeing Darkhawk's two weapons. The other man shrugged. "I need to keep searching for some answers. And I don't think I'm going to be able to find them here on Coruscant. When the Dark Adepts all left, they wiped out all traces of themselves from the main computer system and they removed most of their artifacts from here." "There are other paths besides the Dark One," Skywalker said in a suggestive tone. Perhaps he could bring this fellow Force user back to the light. Maybe even try to find a way to help him regain his powers. Darkhawk eyed the Jedi Knight wearily. "I have a question for you." Luke nodded. "Did you kill the Emperor and your father all alone?" Luke shook his head. "Vader killed the Emperor. To save me." Darkhawk stared at Luke uneasily and the Jedi could tell he was trying hard to process this new information. "Lord Vader turned on the Emperor?" he queried. "Yes. In the end, he was not wholely a servant of the dark path. I was able to turn him back to the light." "Albeit too late for it to do you much good," Darkhawk countered. Luke shrugged. "There was still good in him. Just like there is in you." That brought a laugh from the other man. "What is good? What is bad? There's a fine line between the two, Jedi." There was a slight pause as Darkhawk looked around him. "You know, toward the end of my traning here, I was preparing for one mission over and over." "And that was?" "To seek you out and kill you." Luke nodded. "Yes, the emperor was very big on that idea, it seems." "Not the emperor. I was trained by your father." "You knew my father personally?" Darkhawk nodded. "I even flew with him a couple of times. He taught much of what I know - knew - about the Force." Skywalker kept quiet for a moment. Then he took another step foward. "Do you still want to kill me?" Darkhawk shrugged. "I can't see any real reason to. Vader and Palpatine are both dead. And you did let my friends escape." "I sensed the Force in one of them. Was he a dark pupil like yourself?" "I'm not going to answer that question." "But . . . the three of you are all still members of the New Order?" Darkhawk shifted uneasily in his stance. "Not necessarily." "Oh," Luke said. "Then you must be parts of one of the Empire's various factions that have risen up since we took the planet." "You might could say that." The two men just stood and stared at each other for a while, saying nothing. There was no real sense of time in the tunnels as they looked into each other's eyes, each searching for something. What it was, neither could say . . . but they felt sure the other man had some kind of answer that would help them unravel their own little mysteries. Then, a low pitched buzzing began to echo through the tunnels. Skywalker seemed to shrug it off, but Darkhawk's eyes lit up and he began to back up from the Jedi. "What is it?" Luke asked. "The self-destruct alarm," Darkhawk replied. "I knew I should've killed that damned droid off when I had the chance." "You mean . . . this whole place is gonna blow?" Darkhawk nodded. "What about the rest of the palace?" "I'm not sure," the man answered. "But you'd better get back to your friends and let them know they might want to evacuate." "What about you?" Darkhawk looked down at the two weapons in his hands. "I'm going to go 'borrow' some more weapons from the NRI storage room and then find me a ride off this rock." "You're sure you don't want to stay here. I could help you, you know. Help you find a way to touch the Force again." And for the first time since they began to talk, Luke noticed a deep pain in the other man's eyes. "I am too far gone now for anyone to bring me back to the light, Skywalker." "I hope that you are wrong," Luke replied. Darkhawk shook his head. "Remember . . . good and bad exist only in your mind. Evil is a creation of man. You can make whatever you want of your own destiny." "Perhaps. Good luck, Darkhawk. Maybe we'll meet again someday." "Maybe, son of Skywalker. Farwell." And with that, Darkhawk turned and began to run back through the tunnels. Luke watched him until he disappeared from sight and then the Jedi turned and sprinted back the way he had come. He needed to get everyone out from around this part of the palace before the whole place was blown apart.
FL/WO2 Darkhawk/Aegis 2-1 (Aegis 5)/Wing1/mSSD Atrus/VEN/VE/(=A=)(=SA=)(=JCPA=)[BRC]

"The only difference between me and a madman is that I'm not mad."
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  RE: Ch. 7 - Navy
December 16, 2001 2:53:05 PM    View the profile of Fallen 
Fallen yawned and headed back into his room. He had decided to give up on the race due to the thing that has been affecting him: TLOS = The Lack Of Sleep. Feeling really (corn)y and weird, he plopped onto his bunk and fell into a deep heavy snooze. Soon the only thing heard in the room was Fallen's atrocious snores ...
Warrant Officer 2nd Class Felix 'Dog Ace' Fallen [Army Alias: Raxen]
Aegis Flight Three Pilot Three, Lusthawk Eleven, Astral Guard Member
FM/WO2 Fallen/Aegis 3-3/1/mSSD Atrus/1ESF/VE/VEN/(=A=)(=MA=)
Proud Owner of a XG-1 Starwing Gunboat

'Long Live the Vast Empire. And my Gunboat.'
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  RE: Ch. 7 - Navy
December 16, 2001 4:07:18 PM    View the profile of Rukh 
    Rukh docked his Skipray and went through the post flight checks. After he was done with that he put his helmet in the seat and walked to the back of the ship, opened the door, let the ramp out and walked down. He still wasn't quite used to the Blast Boat, it was alot more complex then a TIE fighter. He made sure it was locked up tight and then headed off towards his quarters. ------------------------------------------------------------------     After Dillon got changed tried to sleep for a little while but his body was just still too awake to sleep so he headed down to the lounge. A bunch of other pilots were there, Nazgul, Raptor and Aegis were all there plus some of the crew of the Atrus. Dillon decided he should work some more in the simulators, he had requested a sim for his Skipray so he could get more used to it. He hoped in and started it up. -------------------------------------------------------------------     After the sim he went over and started chatting around with some of the other pilots from other squadrons. He was talking to Gravin and Denethor for a while and then bought himself and them some drinks. After about fifteen minutes of drinking, Dillon was quite out of it. They got into an argument about which squadron was better. Dillon ended up screaming that he had a Skipray Blast Boat, Sk8guy had a special ship, Kain had a special ship, and Riel had one too. Not to mention Aegis was full and the others weren’t. “Your squadron isn’t worth crap,” Denethor yelled back, “We could beat your arses any day!”     Dillon glared at him for a couple of seconds and then punched Gravin. Gravin fell down and yelled, “WHY DID YOU DO THAT!?” as Denethor came after Dillon. Rukh ducked and tripped him, “Because I don’t like either of you, that’s why.” By that time half Nazgul was after Rukh. He tried his best but it wasn’t good enough. Half of the squadron was on top of him punching and kicking him until Kain, Fallen, Twin, and the rest of Aegis that was present started attacking them back. Some of the higher ups just sat watching and laughing. After a few minutes Fallen ran up to Bear and punched him in the face. That’s what got the fight going even harder. Everybody, including Bear and the rest of the Navy commanders were drunk.     Rukh scrambled out of the fight and got up on a table and started dancing around and then tripped over his own legs and fell, hitting his head on the table. Bear ran over and tried to punch him but failed, like always. Dillon side kicked him in the stomach and then ran to the bar and started dancing around on it. Almost everybody in every squadron was drunk. There were very few that weren’t. The fight just kept going and going. Somebody tackled Dillon off the bar and brought him back into the fight. As he was getting beat he thought to himself, “Wow, half of the Navy is going to be in the in the medical ward because of me…” [OOC]:Let's keep this party going guys, have some fun!!! This post doesn't have anything to do with my personal opinions about ANYBODY, it is just for fun. Please, nobody take any offence if I said something about you. Have a nice day   ----------------------- FM/SRCRW Rukh/Aegis 3-2/1/mSSD Atrus/VE/VE/[=A=][=SA=] Dillon "Rukh" Lazar Aegis Squadron Flight Three Member Two, Astral Guard Member, Lusthawk Ten TRN/UNI Rukh/VCF Deathscythe/VEDJ/VE Dillon "Phoenix" Lazar
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Kain Rennok
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  RE: Ch. 7 - Navy
December 16, 2001 4:34:52 PM    View the profile of Kain Rennok 
Holy crap, all hell broke loose in this room.  Kain thought to himself. But he didn't care, as long as they didn't bother him as his drink.  Kain sipped his drink and just watched the fight continue. Aegis fighting with Nazgul, Nazgul fighting with Raptor, Raptor fighting with Aegis. Hmm.....this should get interesting.  I wonder when those security droids are gonna get here and stop the fight.  Maybe I should try to stop the fight..........nah this is really fun to watch, no point in stopping it now.  Kain took another sip from his drink. Then BAM, somebody was thrown on the table and knocked Kain's drink to the floor.  Now Kain was furious, it was Bear that knocked his drink off the table. Then Kain let out a scream and picked up Bear by his head, then punched him right in the face.  Blood splurted from Bear as he hit the floor head first. "I'm a going to kills yous sons of a biatch, that was mes favorites drinkk and its costs mesa 10 IC's...ARRGGHHH!!" Not only was Kain now drunk, he went on a rampage and started beating Bear and throwing him around the room mercilessly like there was no tomorrow. WHACK!! A chair came flying into Kain back.  Kain howled in pain.  Then he turned around and eyed his attacker, it was Corran, one of Bear's personal assistants. Kain let out another scream and tried to spearhead Corran in the gut.  But with his back all bruised up all he could do now is charge at Corran for now and hopefully hit him. Kain charged at Corran, then at the last second Kain leaped at Corran trying to knock Corran down to the floor.  But Corran ducked at the last second and Kain flew passed him and straight into a table, knocking the table over. "Uuurrggg....." Kain moaned as he staggeredly tries to get off the floor.  Kain spotted a empty beer bottle on the floor next to him, then he picks its up and lets out a war cry. Kain hurls the beer bottle at Corran but his aim is way off so it flies way past him and hits Ez8 in the back of the head causing Ez8's face to slam into Bear's face, who is standing in front of him ----------------------- Warrant Officer 1st Class Kain Rennok FL/WO1 Kain Rennok/Aegis 3-1/mSSD Atrus/VE/VEN [=A=] [=SA=] [=JCPA=] [VC:Silver] [BRC] YF-19 AVF "Black Rain"
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  RE: Ch. 7 - Navy
December 16, 2001 5:23:48 PM    View the profile of sk8guy 
sk8guy landed his TIE beside Lonewolf's. He shut down his systems and haulled himself out. "Congrats Lonewolf. Good Race." "Thanks sk8, you too. YOu can really fly." he replied. Sk8 headed to his quarters to change out of his flight suit. He finally arrived and he checked his messages while changing. He had two. One was from Imperial Center, his Danrik fighter had arrived and it was shipped to the Artus. He decided he would go check it out after he was done. The other message was from someone at the DJO. He was notified that they received his exams and trhere was some training info attached. He decide to look that oc=ver l8r. After a quick shower and change of clothes, he was geading back to the hanger to check out his new fighter. He arrive at the hanger bay and signed in his new ship. But first, he decided to finish tuning up his old TIE Fighter. His three droids were already there, doing diagnostic tests and rewiring. The diagnosics showed all systems goos, but he still wanted to fine tune some stuff. He recalibrated his tareting computer, and cleaned his Ion Engines. After about an hour, he was done. He wiped the grease from his hands and made his way to his Danrik The fighter was beautiful. It was sleek and aerodynamic. He couldn't wait to fly it, but that would wait. He climbed into the cockpit and went over all the systems. The computer was much different than his TIE and there were more. He now had missles and more guns. Sk8 ran a pre flight check, and turned it on. It hummed with power. He adjusted the G-force monitor, the seat controls, the targeting computer, and all the system readouts. He dismounted  from the cockpit and did a walk around on his ship. He felt every crevice and every part of it. It was a piece of machinary. After finishing his revealling at the ship, he locked it down and returned to his quarters. Once in his room, he opened the message on his training info and read it. After having finished it, he walked off, thinking about its contents. He wanted to find a nice quiet and secluded place. He trudged up every hall and in every room, but he didn't find one. After 30 minutes, he found what looked like a good spot. It was a dark corridor that lead to an equipment station. He sulked around the corridor and then decided to start is training. He did various exercises and deep meditation sessions, like the message told him. He felt his fluntancy witht he Force growing. How was more aware of it now, then ever before. He was getting stronger, and he liked the feeling. It gave him a supernatural feeling, and made him more aware and refreshed. After having completed all the exercises, he made his way back to the lounge for a drink. He didn't relieve his loose control over the Force, what little he had. But after a while, it dwindled and then faded.
[ARMY] Cloud
FM/PO2 sk8guy/Aegis 2-2/Aegis 6/ Aegis RO/mSSDArtus/VEN/VE(=A=)(=SA=)(=JCPA=)
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  RE: Ch. 7 - Navy
December 16, 2001 5:38:40 PM    View the profile of Japheth 
Japheth blearly stumbled through the chaos. He was the Eye of the Storm. All around him people fought, drinks, tables, chairs, and fowl language flew, and none of it affected him in the least. He was miraculously missed by flying objects, and would stumble at just the right moment to insure that he was not hit by punches and kicks, but rather, someone on just the other side of him was. After narrowly being missed by Corran, he finnally made it to a booth, and plooped down into it's cushony seat. He stared at the half full drink infront of him, and blinked mightily when Bear landed on it, collapsing the table. He fell out of the booth, onto the floor, and scooted over to the next booth, climbing into it. "Waiter!" he yelled over the growning din.   ----------------------- Leading Crewman Japheth FM/LCRW Japheth/Aegis 1-4/1/mSSD Atrus/1ESF/VE/VEN/(=A=)(=JCPA=)(=SCPA=) "Nothing can stop me now, 'cause I don't care anymore; Nothing can stop me now, 'cause I just don't care"
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  RE: Ch. 7 - Navy
December 16, 2001 6:04:39 PM    View the profile of Rukh 
    "I AM THE KIN........AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!" Rukh yelled as Gravin came charging after him. Dillon ran for a couple of feet and then tripped over somebody laying on the ground. Gravin tried to pounced on top of him but Dillon rolled out of the way before he landed on top of him. Somebody landed a kick to Gravin's ribs as he layed there.     Rukh got up and staggered as fast as he could to the other side of the room, trying to escape the chaos for a few minutes. He got about a quarter of the way when G5 tackled him. Dillon hadn't seen him enter the fight, but he was well aware of it now. Gee pummeled him a few times before Dillon regained his senses, but they were soon lost again as Gee kept hammering him. Finally Kain came up behind Gee and picked him up off of Rukh. Dillon quickly scrambled away and then dove into a booth to take a rest.     As he watched the chaos from the booth he tried to remember exactly how it all got started, but of course he was so drunk he couldn’t remember. All of the sudden somebody threw Bear a crossed the room. He landed head first at the other side of Rukh’s booth.     “Hidy ho Bear, having fun?” Dillon said with a stupid grin on his face, then punched Bear in the face again. Rukh got up and walked back into the fight as he thought to himself, “I wonder how many demotions we’ll all get for this……”   ----------------------- FM/SRCRW Rukh/Aegis 3-2/1/mSSD Atrus/VE/VE/[=A=][=SA=] Dillon "Rukh" Lazar Aegis Squadron Flight Three Member Two, Astral Guard Member, Lusthawk Ten TRN/IN Rukh/VCF Deathscythe/VEDJ/VE Dillon "Phoenix" Lazar
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  RE: Ch. 7 - Navy
December 16, 2001 7:35:33 PM    View the profile of Tarkin 
----------------------- EFM/PO2 Tarkin/Viper 1-2/Wing I/M/SSD Atrus/1VENF/VEN[BRC][BRC][SV][=A=][=SA=][=MA=] "For Viper Squadron, 'Failure' is not in our vocabulary." - Tarkin
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  RE: Ch. 7 - Navy
December 16, 2001 8:20:33 PM    View the profile of Fallen 
Fallen was swinging madly when a blow came across his face. He barely blocked it in time. ' HOW DARE YOU!?!' He returned the force with so much strength and caused the guy to fall flat onto his face. He was about to deal a special blow somewhere when the guy staggered up. Still blur from some scotch whisky he drank earlier that day, he dealt the blow and was rewarded with an 'OFFTH!' He swung again and started singing his head off. 'OWWWW, LET'S PARTY TONIGHTTTT!.' He grabbed the nearest guy who looked like a mutiple image of someone called Bear. 'Heh, the lights here are so dim. Take a lot at the outside lights manzz ...' With that, he shoved Bear spinning out of the Lounge doors and was immediately engaged in a fight with Jax, who had also too much to drink. --------- At the corridors ---------- Tarkin was starting to walk away from the doors of the Lounge when suddenly Bear came crashin' through it. The Vipers were all surprised. Tarkin was going to help Bear but drew back when Bear wobbled as he stood up and scream 'I'll get you for that!' and rushed back through the doors into the Lounge. More scuffles and Fallen appeared at the corridor. 'DANG!' and ran back in. Tarkin was shocked. Never had he seen such behaviour before so he lingered due to interest's sake. -------- VE Lounge -------- Fallen just flopped Bear onto the Couch and whacked him with a cushion when he felt himself being grabbed from behind. 'Darn you!' and dealt a swift kick that laid his attacker on the floor gasping .. And so the fight continued.
Warrant Officer 2nd Class Felix 'Dog Ace' Fallen [Army Alias: Raxen]
Aegis Flight Three Pilot Three, Lusthawk Eleven, Astral Guard Member
FM/WO2 Fallen/Aegis 3-3/1/mSSD Atrus/1ESF/VE/VEN/(=A=)(=MA=)
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  RE: Ch. 7 - Navy
December 16, 2001 8:51:02 PM    View the profile of sk8guy 
OOC: Viper you're in the sims right now. You can't be in the lounge fight if you're still in the sims. I ask that Tarkin please edit his post, cause you guys are still in the Sims. You never finished your mission, and never came out. Thanks.
[ARMY] Cloud
FM/PO2 sk8guy/Aegis 2-2/Aegis 6/ Aegis RO/mSSDArtus/VEN/VE(=A=)(=SA=)(=JCPA=)
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  RE: Ch. 7 - Navy
December 16, 2001 9:01:26 PM    View the profile of Rukh 
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  RE: Ch. 7 - Navy
December 16, 2001 10:49:35 PM    View the profile of Tarkin 
OOC: Good point. I'll alter my posts. Remember, Viper is still in the simulators.
EFM/PO2 Tarkin/Viper 1-2/Wing I/M/SSD Atrus/1VENF/VEN[BRC][BRC][SV][=A=][=SA=][=MA=]

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  RE: Ch. 7 - Navy
December 17, 2001 2:06:16 AM    View the profile of Fallen 
OOC: Rukh, then we'll have to follow the first idea then ^^ Not that it's not cool though. -------------------------------------------------- Fallen headed over to Jax and punched him hard at the stomach for the blow he gave to him just now and was rewarded with a 'Oft' in the stomach. He stuck out his head and nodded to Kain groggily. Kain popped over and finished up the job by whacking Jax's legs, making him toppled onto the floor. Fallen roamed around, trying to look for another target. Bottles were flying everywhere.
Warrant Officer 2nd Class Felix 'Dog Ace' Fallen [Army Alias: Raxen]
Aegis Flight Three Pilot Three, Lusthawk Eleven, Astral Guard Member
FM/WO2 Fallen/Aegis 3-3/1/mSSD Atrus/1ESF/VE/VEN/(=A=)(=MA=)
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  RE: Ch. 7 - Navy
December 17, 2001 6:46:22 AM    View the profile of Warmaker 
OOC: Ok, we are still in the simulator, but i hope we finished our training befor the fight is over -------------------------------------------------- "Ok Vipers" sayed Corran "You have heard was Piett has sayed, we attack the A-wings. But have a look onto those K-Wings, when there under 3 klicks away we engage them befor they send us some missiles in our back." "Copy that" Replied all Flight 3 Pilots. "Im on your wing Corran, lets take them out. " Said Warmaker "Ive combinied my Lasers with the Ions, we schould spare our missiles for the Plattform." "K, good Idea WM, but lets hurry befor our Interceptors take them out befor we have some fun with them" As the Gunbouts are 1 klick away, they fired simultan theyr deadly Lasers against the A-Wings. Quikly the shields from the fast Rebell Fighters dropped down under the pressure of a massive combinied Fire. Severall crafts were Disabled or Destroyed after this first strafing run and the Interceptors has no problem to blow the rest of the now Unshielded Crafts out off the skys. Beep Beep Beep "Huh, damnit. The K-Wings are only 2,5 Klicks away.  I see 8 missiles Incoming." Came the voice of Viper 12. "Ok Vipers" Piett sayed "the A-Wings are destroyed. Go against the missiles and those K-Wings, but be carefull, with an expert Pilot is the K-Wing a Dangerous Opponent" "Copy that" Replied all the Viper Pilots. "Hey Piett, we switch our shields to the Front and the Interceptors can fly behind us. Then when we are right befor the K-Wings you can increase Speed and attack them" Said Warmaker over the commlink. "Hmm, Interresting Tactic. Ok, lets try it. We will see how it works" Replied Piett ....
FM/LCRW Warmaker/Viper 3-2/WING I/mSSD Atrus/VE/VEN (=A=) (=JCPA=)
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  RE: Ch. 7 - Navy
December 17, 2001 5:02:30 PM    View the profile of LoneWolf 
LoneWolf sat in his quarters still puzzeled by his victory. he went over to check his messages after awhile. he was going through the short list when he saw one that caught his eye. LW started reading it then burst to his closet to get his old stuff out he pulled out his old black mercinary flight suit and helmet as well as his fake transponders, fake id's and his blaster holster. he put a few rations into one of his older bags and put his sporting blaster in with the rest of his stuff in the bag. he brought his naboo blaster and stuck it into his holster he put the black flight suit on then put a jacket over it and an old pair of jumpsuit pants on over his other older uniform. LW then snuck out of his quarters to get off the Artrus. After making his way casually to the hangar bay he looked around at the more secure bay. he was looking for a ship with a hyperdrive system. he saw one of the extra Gunboats in the back of the hangar bay there were three back there all together. he checked his data pad to see how each one was armed. one of them caught his eye, it was fully loaded with torps and had countermeasure with a decoy beam system. LoneWolf strolled over to hack into the security locks on it. with great ease and a few minutes he broke the security lock and climbed into the fighter. he did a quick pre flight check and lifted off slowly until he was out of the hangar bay. he fired the engines as fast as they would go, the artrus started firing at him desperatly to get him to return. LoneWolf started hyperspace corrdinates and finally fired into hyperspace. LoneWolf could already tell the HC was getting mad at the current rate of stolen craft, LW only grinned. If he actually found Mike then he could maybe get one more ally on his side again and start getting his revenge. LW passed the time by implanting a fake transponder so the VE wouldnt be traced back and he wouldnt be identified easily. the Imperial Gunboat made its way to Nal Hutta through the colum of hyperspace. After a long jump and a tense discusion with planetary control LoneWolf got Landing clearance. He settled the fairly new GunBoat down onto his designated landing pad. LW looked out to see the horizon glowing with the sun meltting down for another party night on Nar Shadda, the smugglers moon. LoneWolf switched his blasters with his new defender sporting blaster, and his StarSlasher blaster rifle. he still kept his other two in his bag whitch he carried with him on his back. LW locked up his Gunboat and headed down a narrow hall towards one of the bars mentioned in his reecently acquired message. The message itself held a very late information on escape routes and current occupation of LoneWolf's long lost friend Mike. Mike was LoneWolf's Second in command for his old mercinary squadron. LW came to the entereance of the cantina mentioned and read a sign outside of it.         "The Astriod Belt cantina and resturant"   "weapons alloud, BEWARE disputes will happen"               "Enter at you rown risk" LoneWolf shuckled at the stupid sign then entered the cantina looking for his friend. it wasnt long at all till he saw a familiar looking face. The young man was inside one of the secured resturant boths with a rodian and Twi'Lik guard. LoneWolf came up to the Twi'lik and started talking to him. "hey whoes in the both here?" "It's none of your buisness sir now please leave before more drastic warnings are to happen." LoneWolf backed off into one of the corners of the bar. he loaded his blaster rifle and blaster and decided to ask the guard one more time if he could go see his friend.   ----------------------- PO1 LoneWolf /Aegis 1-2 (Aegis Two)/mSSD Atrus/VEN/VE/(=A=)(=JCPA=)[SRC] "Aegis Squadron we dont need to improve because were already the BEST!" "Creativity is not a gift but a disease it will infect more people it is presented to." -PO1 LoneWolf
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  RE: Ch. 7 - Navy
December 17, 2001 10:15:12 PM    View the profile of sk8guy 
Once he reached his quarters, sk8 had a sudden flash of a man with a lightsaber standing in the dark. The man was talking to another figure,but he couldn't understandwhat they were saying. They were too low to hear. The vision then flashed to an explosion.What could that have been? Where was it? Did it have something to do with Darkhawk? He hoped not. After that weird scene, sk8 laid down on his bed and meditated. He hoped Paan would get back to him on his Intitate test. He had been working hard and hoped to learn more of his tremedous power. He laid there for about an hour, then decided to get his buddy Lonewolf and have a drink at the lounge. He went down the hall to Lonewolf's quarters and knocked on the door. He waited, and no reply. He knocked again, but still no answer. Where could he be? He decided to access his computer and try to locate him. He accessed it and searched for his whereabouts on the ship, but his computer reported that it couldn't find him. He needed to talk to his buddy, and it couldn't wait. He decided to use a Force technique he had heard about once. He reached out with his feelings and started to search for him. He had a little trouble at first, but it slowly came to him. He opened up his mind and increased his range to include most of the Artus. Still nothing. He decided to go to the bridge and see if he went out on patrol or something. He made his way to the bridge and along way, kept his mind open for any senses in the Force. He made it there without any. He asked an officer on deck if Lonewolf haad went on patrol. He found out that at the moment, they had no one patrolling, but an assault gunboat had left the Artus in hurry. They tried to stop him, but it went to hyperspace and vanished. That was the last they saw of it. sk8 decided to go to the hanger and see if anyone had seen him. He nce again slowly made his way down toward the hanger bays. He asked around and nobody had seen him. Where could he have went to? That must have been him in that gunboat, but why had he stolen a gunboat and left without telling anybody? -------------------------------------------- Meanwhile ------------------------------------------- Rukh had really torn up the newbies in Nazgul squadron. half of them were knocked out on the floor, but some were still going. Gravin had been whaling away at Kalebb, and Kalebb on Gravin. The two brothers had taken this personally, and were beating the snot out of each other. Kalebb was bloody and staggering around, but he managed to trip Gravi and jump on top of him. He was beating his fist into his brother's body repeatedly. G5 was getting pretty tired of this fight and decided to sit down for a moment. Just as he sat down, a drunken pilot fell onto his table, sending it crashing to the floor. Now he was pissed. He grabbed the little man and threw back into the fray. He yelled out a battle cry and ran into the crowd of chaos, intent on destroying something. While Kain was beating some Nazgul pilot, it occured to him that Viper wasn't in here. He had hoped to beat up some "elite" pilots. Then it hit him. He remember Tarkin saying something about new simulators and training today. He stopped for a moment and thought up a plan. Then it hit him, the perfect idea. This was gonna be fun.   ----------------------- [ARMY] Cloud FM/PO2 sk8guy/Aegis 2-2/Aegis 6/ Aegis RO/mSSDArtus/VEN/VE(=A=)(=SA=)(=JCPA=) TRN/UNI sk8guy/VEDJ "Unleash the power of the Dragon, mwahahahaha!!" Gold Recruitment Award
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  RE: Ch. 7 - Navy
December 18, 2001 2:41:17 AM    View the profile of Fallen 
Rukh grabbed Fallen and drunkardly drawled, 'Hey, think we have almost enough fun here. Pity we are startin' the clear up a 'lil. ' 'Then get a drink!' Fallen growled and pushed a bottle of Scotch Whisky towards Rukh. ' This is fun. Pity Vipers arent here. Gah, they are missin' all the fun.' 'Yeah. Uh huh.' Just then, Kain made his way over. His senses havin' cleared a bit, he was half sorry of getting into the fight, but there was a twinkle in his eyes that also said that he totally enjoyed it all. 'Uh huh. Hey guys. Think we have enough fun here? We've got more guys to take on.' 'Heh, cmon, think. You are the one in charge so far.'Fallen drawled as he flopped onto a couch and watched the fightings dazedly.
Warrant Officer 2nd Class Felix 'Dog Ace' Fallen [Army Alias: Raxen]
Aegis Flight Three Pilot Three, Lusthawk Eleven, Astral Guard Member
FM/WO2 Fallen/Aegis 3-3/1/mSSD Atrus/1ESF/VE/VEN/(=A=)(=MA=)
Proud Owner of a XG-1 Starwing Gunboat

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  RE: Ch. 7 - Navy
December 18, 2001 12:16:02 AM    View the profile of Arturus 
Viper 5 returned to the battle after a very close call with a group of B-wings "Zed where are you?" "3'o clock i have a pair of a-wings on my tail and im fighting another coming right at me" "Roger ill be right there." "Dont you dare pull that missile stunt again." "Dont worry lead...i am out of missiles." Arturus flew at full speed towards the 2 a-wings on 4's tail "Right ive got them." He flew down on top of the a-wings at let out a fury of shots before rolling away to avoid the exploding a-wings. "I got both of them." "Thanx 5." Viper 5 pulled off and set up to attack another group of a-wings when he noticed something coming from the base. "Viper Leader this is Viper 5." "Go ahead 5." "There is something funny going on at the base.  I am getting strange signals from it.  Large ones like capital ships.  Something is very wrong here." "I get no reading 5.  Are you absolutely sure." "Roger lead.  There is difinitely something going on.  Wait!  New signal.  Leader I have one squadron of Corvettes leaving the base.  They are exiting from somewhere on that base.  I can't hind the hanger." "Roger Viper 5.  Ignore them for now.  Get those a-wings!" "Roger lead." Arturus replied as he fired at another a-wing going by.  He rolled and turned quickly coming up right behind the a-wing.  He exploded it with a quad burst and pulled off, destroying another a-wing jsut turning into his path. "Lead most of the a-wings are gone sir..." VIper 5 turned towards the base and saw what he had feared.  "leader this is 5.  We have an interdictor cruiser coming in.  It must have been hiding behind the corvettes." "Roger 5.  Destroy the rest of the fighters.  Then the gunboats will attack the cruiser and disable it so we can get out of here.  The Interceptors will attack the corvettes." "Roger lead." Arturus replied as he flew off to attack another fighter.
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  RE: Ch. 7 - Navy
December 18, 2001 1:48:02 PM    View the profile of sk8guy 
Kain came started to tell his little plan to Rukh and Fallen. They smiled when they heard what it was. They were going to enjoy this. Kain then said, "Go round up the rest of Aegis. Meet in the hall." The other two pilots acknowledged and went back into the fray to retrieve their squadmates.After a couple of minutes, all of Aegis was standing in the halls outside the lounge. Kain then started to explain what they were about to do. Everyone in Aegis smiled and gave out some evil chuckles. Kain led the way to their destinations and evryone was yelling and laughing. Along the way sk8guy saw his fellow pilots and ran over to them. "Hey Kain, what's going on?" he asked their leader. Kain explained and sk8 grinned. He would love to participate in this. He said he would meet them there and went off to get suited up. Within a few minutes, he was back in his flight suit and ready to fly. He made his way to through the halls and met back up with Aegis. Finally they reached the room. Kain waited outside for a minute and then gave an inspiring speech. All the squad was pumped up now and ready to go. He opened the door and Aegis ran in toward the simulators. Once inside the cockpits, they set the options to rebel  ships, one and two flight got X-wings and thre flight K-wings. All the sims were linked together on the Artus and using this fact, Kalebb hacked into the systems and told them to put them as the rebels that Viper squadron was flying against in their sim. All of the sudden. stars appeared on sk8's simulator screen. He saw a fierce battle raging overhis head. He seemed to have jumped into an X-wing squad patrolling the area around a rebel base waiting for the Vipers to engauge them. But they had other plans. "Shoot down everything,except don't touch the Vipers or your fellow pilots. I want this to be between Viper and us." Kain ordered. The three flights broke off and engauged the rebel ships. They quickly  wiped out half of the rebel ships, but the element of surprise was gone. The computer had now realized that it was being double teamed. It turned all its attention to Aegis. Now the sim was getting fun.
[ARMY] Cloud
FM/PO2 sk8guy/Aegis 2-2/Aegis 6/ Aegis RO/mSSDArtus/VEN/VE(=A=)(=SA=)(=JCPA=)
"Unleash the power of the Dragon, mwahahahaha!!"
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  RE: Ch. 7 - Navy
December 18, 2001 4:00:50 PM    View the profile of Warmaker 
The Viper Pilots was still dogfighting the Rebell Crafts as a new group of Rebell Fighters start to shoot theyr own crafts. Warmaker Just looked at his scanner as the new ships appear. "Hmm, what is this? Hey Vipers, look, the new ships shoot down theyr own crafts" "I see it" Replied Piett. "Looks like the sim goes not as we expected" "Ok Vipers, destroy the Rest of the Rebells and then we start to fight our new friends here" Sayed Piett "Copy that" Replied all Viper Pilots ....
FM/LCRW Warmaker/Viper 3-2/WING I/mSSD Atrus/VE/VEN (=A=) (=JCPA=)
You can run but you cannot hide
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  RE: Ch. 7 - Navy
December 18, 2001 4:58:08 PM    View the profile of LoneWolf 
LoneWolf went struck his foot up in a quick and sharp roundhouse kick to the Twi-Lik's chest nocking the poor alien down. LoneWolf didnt hesitate to draw his blaster out and fry the Rodian before the green ugly alien flinched any more.  just then about three fourths of the men in the booth drew out thier blasters and started shooting at LoneWolf. LW brought out his new starslasher and started firing at the enmies while strafing down to the ground behidn one of the nocked over tables. he knew his friend wasnt shooting at him but was one of the people being held by this group of unfriendlys. LoneWolf jumped back to his feet and fired more at his attackers he strafed over to his buddy hiding down behind one of the chairs unarmed. LoneWolf came over next to him behind the table he kicked over. "hey Mike!" LW shouted through deep breaths, "long time no see!?" LoneWolf's old friend got a smile on his face and his eyes lite up, "That you Jace!" "You bet ya partner hows my XO doing bounty hunters track you down?" Mike answered in his Courscant / posh voice, "yeah finally picked up my tracks seemed like you had better luck!" "here!" LoneWolf yelled over the inaccurate blaster fire; he tossed his new blaster over to his friend, "its loaded and i think u know how to do the rest! Out the door on my mark!" LoneWolf jumped and twirled back to his enemies and fired more shots from his blaster rifle. several of the alien scum flew back with blast marks on thier chest. LoneWolf already took out half the other enemies. just as the two young men but thier backs againsnt the wall next to the door Mike said to LoneWolf, "the rest of my squads in their im not leaving them behind!" LoneWolf gave his old bud a wry look, "Of course!... I knew that!" just as he finished his phrase one of the grans walked out the door looking for them. LoneWolf quickly snaped kicked him the fallowed through with a nice round house to the face nocking him out. LoneWolf went over to check him, and found several flash grenades. LoneWolf armed three of them in his palm then tossed them carlessly into the cantina then heard several aliens scream from the flash and explosion. LoneWolf and Mike rushed into the room and finished off the group of what LW assumed to be bounty hunters. after gathering Mike's group LoneWolf went with his friends to their accomidations on the moon. LoneWolf and Mike talked after getting their over a bottle of hard earned courscant vacca. "So" LW started, "after Phantom squadron broke up you went off over to hutt space because you knew one of those filthy slugs?!" "yeah" Mike answered quickly, "the hutt needed some hot shot fighter pilots so he gathered all the ones he knew including me. we formed up and did some small work for him however later on he was killed by another hutt so the squadron left off the hutts world and moved HQ up here we now work for the planetary defense and part time mercinaies. Well thats pretty much all for me what did you do? still got Phantom 1?" LoneWolf started slowly, "well after i did my jump i got to the traders station, i was ambushed by a fighter squadron which was hiding their. they heard about my bounty then went after me. I took out a good third of their squadron but they eventually over powered me. I self distructed Phantom 1 and bailed out of it in my space suit got picked up by a bulk freighter then ended up in a customs point. i was tired of running then figured to go somewhere where they wouldnt be caught dead going to... i Joined and impirial faction known as the Vast Empire. your now talking to one of the best pilots from there and im in a new squadron, Aegis they really kick @$$ at least for being stuck with tie fighters" Mike laughed lightly then said gravly "Man! its been too Long! stay here for a bit before you go back its the least we can do to repay you. that...and well... you might meet someone you havent seen ina while" LoneWolf stared at him for a sec then went to his cot that they gave him ealier saying one more thing to his friend, "Dont tell me now i guess ill find out as long as its not a boutny hunter after me"   ----------------------- PO1 LoneWolf /Aegis 1-2 (Aegis Two)/mSSD Atrus/VEN/VE/(=A=)(=JCPA=)[SRC] "Aegis Squadron we dont need to improve because were already the BEST!" "Creativity is not a gift but a disease it will infect more people it is presented to." -PO1 LoneWolf
[This message has been edited by LoneWolf (edited December 18, 2001 5:05:15 PM)]
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  RE: Ch. 7 - Navy
December 18, 2001 5:35:44 PM    View the profile of JMac 
JMac was thouroughly enjoying himself.  Though he was still utterly drunk, he was flying better then usaul.  He pulled his fighter into a tight turn and managed to get a missle lock on a near X-Wing.  He fired, and the missle exploder on the X-Wing's sheilds, shorting out it's aft sheild and damaging its engines.  He swooped in for the kill, and a few bursts of laser fire was plenty to finish it off.  "This is fun!"
[army] Fishman
FM/LCRW JMac/Aegis 3-4/Aegis 12/(=A=)
"I know life isn't fair, but why can't it ever be unfair in my favor?."
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