Kain Rennok
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RE: Ch. 7 - Navy
January 8, 2002
5:25:08 PM
Kain walked around and examined the hull of his YF-19 to see if there is any damage to the hull. He made a couple of passes around his ship eyeing for any cracks or fractures; there were non detected. Then he opened the canopy of his fighter and jumped in and ran a systems check. Everything seemed to be operation. Kain jumped out and closed the canopy.
"Hey you, I need you to load all the missile bays with concussion missiles, instead of proton torpedoes." Kain told one of the droids that were working on his ship.
"Will do sir." Said the droid in a computerized voice
Kain knew the next battle was going to be tough, he's gonna need all the firepower he can get. ----------------------- 2nd Lieutenant Kain Rennok
SC/2Lt Kain Rennok/Aegis 1-1/mSSD Atrus/VE/VEN [=A=] [=SA=] [=JCPA=] [=SCPA=] [=FOCE=] [VC:ST] [BRC]
YF-19 AVF "Black Rain"
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RE: Ch. 7 - Navy
January 8, 2002
5:53:22 PM
LoneWolf sat in his barrowed tie phantom then got off and noticed a promblem. his external power bank for the cloaking shield was dammaged some of the wires we fried. LoneWolf Cursed under his breath then went back into the fairly large cockpit for the fighter he walked over to the co pilot seat then decided to have the energy for the cloaking shield divert to the engines for more power. he put in a few bypass commands then went out side and got some tools to fix the the small hull fracture and at least wield it back for now. he ordered the missile bays to be reloaded then went over to talk to a few other aegis members.
LoneWolf realised that aegis was still missing DarkHawk who went with reil to courscant to rescue the old Naval commander. after walking a bit LW was handed a data pad with a current rooster and status and saw Sk8 got a light injury in the last battle but would still be able to fly. Lonewolf only shook his head at looking at the rooster then went to at least tell kain he was there and would be flying in flight 1 again, and visible without a cloak. ----------------------- PO1 LoneWolf /Aegis 1-2 (Aegis Two)/mSSD Atrus/VEN/VE/(=A=)(=JCPA=)(=SCPA=)[SRC]
"Its the scared People who dotn get anything done"
"theres no such thing as luck only skill"
"If you have Honor you deserve my respect"
-Navy's best pilot-
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RE: Ch. 7 - Navy
January 8, 2002
6:35:37 PM
Japheth had finnished his repairs, and had changed back into his flight suit. They would be reverting back to realspace very soon. He sat in his cockpit doing preflight checks for the fourth or fifth time, out of boredom. There was a bit of a jolt, and through the open docking bay, he saw the motteled blue tunnel of hyperspace disolve into starlines which collapsed into stars.
Kain was immediately on the comm, "Aegis, we are clear to launch, form up in flights when your out." He suited action to words, and Japheth saw Kain's YF-19 rise into the air and shoot out of the docking bay.
Not wanting to be left behind, Japheth engaged his repulsors and followed his commander out of the bay, formining up with his flight. In the distance he could see a battle already raging. The Atrus, by far the largest ship on the scene, was surrounded by smaller ships, most of which were shooting at it.
Japheth couldn't make them out with the naked eye, but his targeting computer informed him that they were Rebel, one was a MonCal, and the rest were support ships. There were several squadrons dogfighting in the area as well.
Several of the Devastator's support ships had exited around them, and were moving into an assult formation. Japheth heard the comformations from the flight leaders that everyone had been assembled, and Kain gave the order to attack, wing pairs picked targets and joined the fray.
"Snooch to the booch, my friends," Japheth yelled into the comm as he dove at his first target. It was a big fat target, a Y-Wing. Y-Wings were notoriously sluggish and slow, but to its credit, it was a tough ship. Unfortunatly, the pilot of this one never saw him comming, Japheth swooped in from behind and below and ripped both of the engine nacells from the rest of the ship, leaving it to careen off into space. He let off another whooping battle cry, and picked another target... ----------------------- FM/PO2 Japheth "Snoogins" Cappadocious/Aegis 1-4 (Aegis 4)/Wing One/mSSD Atrus/VE/VEN [=A=][=SA=][=JCPA=][=SCPA=]
"Snooch to the booch"
Demi Wraith
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RE: Ch. 7 - Navy
January 8, 2002
7:16:29 PM
[This message has been edited by
Demi Wraith
(edited January 8, 2002
7:17:15 PM)]
Kain Rennok
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RE: Ch. 7 - Navy
January 8, 2002
7:18:31 PM
Kain had a Y-Wing locked on his targeting computer. He swooped 1.5 click behind and let out volleys of cannon fire. The Y-Wing jolted from the blast, then exploded in a big ball of fire.
Kain gave the rest of Aegis its orders of the comling, "OK guys, were using the same tactics as last time, but this time split off into pairs. Fallen I want you and Jmac to attack and destroy that strike cruiser, Rukh you and StarScream will take out that mon cal. Sk8, I want you and your flight to split up and escort our bombers. You guys got that?"
"Yes sir." was the unanimous repsonse.
Flight 3 broke off the main flight and veered towards their designated tagets. Flight 2 flew not to far in front of them.
"Aight, flight 1 lets continue to take out those bombers, we can't let them get too close to Atrus."
Kain targeted the nearest bomber flying towards the Atrus, which was a B-Wing.
"Lets rock and roll!" Kain shouted over the comlink. ----------------------- 2nd Lieutenant Kain Rennok
SC/2Lt Kain Rennok/Aegis 1-1/mSSD Atrus/VE/VEN [=A=] [=SA=] [=JCPA=] [=SCPA=] [=FOCE=] [VC:ST] [BRC]
YF-19 AVF "Black Rain"
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RE: Ch. 7 - Navy
January 8, 2002
10:33:53 PM
Tarkin saw that the Atrus was directly in front of them. About a few thousand yards away, was the Devestator.
"Viper one, this is Viper two. The Devestator is in sight. I suggest we handle the Y-Wings that are attacking the Atrus, then head towards the capital ships and wipe out fighter carriers." Said Tarkin.
"Acknowledged, two." Replied Piett.
The four Viper pilots raced to the Y-Wings and started firing in formation.
The squadron of Y-Wings then started to pursuit the four Vipers.
"Pilots, brake up formation. Let's trick these guys and blast 'em." Said Piett.
"Roger." Said Emon.
"Copy that." Said Scout.
Tarkin quickly pulled hard to the right and ended up in the back of the pursuing Y-Wings.
"I'm in the back of the squadron. I have a good shot, since they're slow, but I'll need at least another TIE Interceptor with me to take out their heavy shields." Said Tarkin.
"I'm on it." Said Scout.
Scout's T/I came around next to Tarkin's, and they both started firing.
"Let's concentrate on the lead ship up ahead." Said Tarkin.
"Copy that." Said Scout.
They pulled up a little bit and started firing at the engines of the Y-Wing.
"Got it! Their engines are out!" Said Scout.
"Alright, let's take out their weapons systems and move to other ships. We can blast them apart later. They're no threat if they have no propulsion or weapons." Said Tarkin.
"Alright, sir." Replied Scout.
Piett and Emon were firing at the last Y-Wing in the back of the formation.
"Ok, we've destroyed the Y-Wing. Moving towards the next." Said Emon.
----------------------- EFM/WO2 Tarkin/Viper 1-2/Wing I/M/SSD Atrus/1VENF/VEN [=A=][=SA=][BRC][BRC][SV]
"For Viper Squadron, 'Failure' is not in our vocabulary." - Tarkin
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RE: Ch. 7 - Navy
January 9, 2002
5:00:35 PM
"Did we get him?" LoneWolf asked, he tryed to check his sensors but got a response before. "Yeah we got him LW goto the next bomber." "Roger that Kain" LoneWolf replied. he targeted the next BWing in the squadron he unleashed a rain of laser fire only bringing it down to 3% shields after kain flew a pass on it and him the rest of flight 1 took out the fighter all the fighters flew a line as they weaved from fighter to fighter taking a swife pass on each enemy fighter. it was times like these he was glad to have that extra laser cannon to his dispsal for this mission it made shooting down fighters a little easier. LoneWolf saw Flight 3 making their run to take out thier command ship so far it looked good but it was too early to tell it was the same battle he came from before but it seemed like there was almost somethign else. LoneWolf shrugged off whatever was bugging him and quickly continued flight 1's sweep of the fighters. ----------------------- PO1 LoneWolf /Aegis 1-2 (Aegis Two)/mSSD Atrus/VEN/VE/(=A=)(=JCPA=)(=SCPA=)[SRC]
"Its the scared People who dotn get anything done"
"theres no such thing as luck only skill"
"If you have Honor you deserve my respect"
-Navy's best pilot-
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RE: Ch. 7 - Navy
January 9, 2002
5:20:52 PM
Japheth continued to hurl lasers at a B-Wing (commonly called a cross, in pilotspeak), and swooped around for another pass. It's shields were holding, and that was annoying. He juked and jinked alot as he circled around, trying to make himself an unattractive target. Sometimes, he wished the enemy force would just give up and surrender, its not like they would win. He firmly convinced himself of that, as any good solider does. He finnished his loop and started to hammer the cross again. It's pilot was actually making an attempt to dodge, this time, but the bulk of the ship, and its low manuverability still made it pretty easy to hit. Japheth made the minor corrections necissary, and very shorly the pilot stopped manuvering as the B-Wings aft shields dropped and a laser cored through the cockpit. ----------------------- FM/PO2 Japheth Cappadocious/Aegis 1-4 (Aegis 4)/Wing One/mSSD Atrus/VE/VEN [=A=][=SA=][=JCPA=][=SCPA=]
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RE: Ch. 7 - Navy
January 9, 2002
7:24:06 PM
Tarkin quickly dove downward and fired at an incoming X-Wing squadron.
"Vipers! Vipers! We've got an incoming X-Wing squadron! Six o' clock downward!" Yelled Tarkin on the intercomm.
"Got them on radar." Said Piett.
"We need to take them out fast before another attacking squadron comes in from another vector." Said Tarkin.
"Acknowledged." Said Piett.
The Vipers wiped out the Y-Wings' engines and weapons within two minutes. They then turned towards the X-Wings at full throttle.
"Fire on the lead ship." Ordered Piett.
The Vipers flew in at a V formation and started firing on the lead ship.
The lead X-Wing didn't have time to menouver because it's laser cannons, engines, and cockpit were being fired on simoultaniously. Unfortunately for the Rebel pilot, his shields went from 100% to 0% in less than 4 seconds. The remaining X-Wings broke formation and started firing on the Vipers.
"Let's start taking out their inexperienced pilots. Let's see what happens." Said Scout, in almost a laugh.
"The best advice would be to take out their more experienced pilots before the newer ones...but it could be a funny sight to have the Rebellion full of experienced pilots and no newbies." Said Tarkin.
"Let's go for it then." Said Piett. "Attack the Crewman on the second X-wing...the one with no TIE Fighters painted on his fusaladge." Said Piett.
Tarkin laughed.
"Hehe. I see 'im. He's flying awkwardly. Alrighty. I'll rush this guy." Said Tarkin.
Tarkin flew in towards the new pilot at full throttle and fired on his engines. The shields went down and the engines started blowing up.
"Bullseye. Too bad he doesn't have a parachute that has oxygen tanks." Said Tarkin. ----------------------- EFM/WO2 Tarkin/Viper 1-2/Wing I/M/SSD Atrus/1VENF/VEN [=A=][=SA=][BRC][BRC][SV]
"For Viper Squadron, 'Failure' is not in our vocabulary." - Tarkin
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RE: Ch. 7 - Navy
January 9, 2002
7:48:29 PM
The Gunboats from Flight 3 saw the destruction theyr fellow Squadron members do against the X-Wings
"OK Flight 3, You have heard it we will attack first the less ranking Pilots" Ordered Corran.
"Copy that" Comes the reply
Warmaker checked his status "Hmm, good, Shields up on 100% Weapons full loaded."
He switched trough his HUD for an X-Wing piloted by an LCRW, with full speed he fly towards the unexperied Pilot and linked his Lasers with the Ions "Come on boy, come a bit nearer" 1,5 klick away from the X-Wing Warmaker starts shooting at him. The Shields went fast after 0% and with his Ions the X-Wing was quikly disabled. "Good, shields only down to 85% and one Enemy less.
As quickly as his Gunbot can Warmaker turned to face the remaining Enemies ... ----------------------- EFM/PO1 Warmaker/Viper 3-2/WING I/mSSD Atrus/VE/VEN (=A=) (=JCPA=)
You can run but you cannot hide
Riel Fury
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RE: Ch. 7 - Navy
January 9, 2002
8:48:56 PM
"Wing One, fall back and come around aft of the Devastator," Riel said over the com.
"What!?" Piett said. "We have work to do out here!"
"That's an order, Lt.," Riel said. The squadrons each complied and formed up behind the Devastator as two Lancer Frigates came streaking in and took shots at the fighters. The amount of fighters they had to worry about was suddenly decreased. "Okay, Wing One, commence your attacks," Riel said.
The fighters continued their dogfights with a newfound respect for Riel's command abilities. Around them, with Riel's fleet there to reinforce the Atrus, the battle became very lobsided. The capital ships began tearing apart the pathetic Rebel fleet...
----------------------- Captain Riel Fury
Navy Executive Officer
Raptor Five
Founder of Aegis Squadron
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RE: Ch. 7 - Navy
January 9, 2002
9:37:21 PM
Sk8 brought his TIE around behind an enemy fighter and blow it to pieces. He quickly turned his fighter around to engage another fighter. He was having hte time of his life. This is what he joined the navy for.
Suddenly lasers raced past his ship, but he looked on his scanners and didn't see anything on them."You're clear sk8." came Japheth's voice over the comm.
"Thanks seven. I owe you one." he replied. Sk8 then turned his attention back to the battle. He locked onto another fighter and unleashed his fury onto it.
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(edited January 10, 2002
8:41:03 PM)]
Kain Rennok
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RE: Ch. 7 - Navy
January 10, 2002
10:47:11 AM
“This is taking too long, we gotta find out another way to take out these bombers faster.” Kain muttered to himself.
Then an idea clicked in his head. The new combat computer he was working on the YF-19. Theoretically the computer can identify and track up to 250 targets simultaneously. The YF-19 was equipped with 27 concussion missiles, so the best he can do is launch all 27 missiles at 27 targets. The problem it can only fire 3 missiles at a time, one from each of the launchers, and also the system was untested.
Ok then lets see if it works, I’ve got no other options. Kain thought to himself.
“Ok, flight 1 form up behind me.”
Kain activated the computer and locked on to the closest 27 targets. The system was looking good so far. Then he pressed the button, one by one each missile came zooming out of the launchers; in about 5 seconds all the missiles were launched.
“Damn the missiles are just going in a straight line! The new system didn’t work…”
“No, wait look Kain.” Twin replied, “The missiles are breaking off and flying to their targets!”
Seconds later all the missiles hit their designated targets.
“Yeehaw, it worked. Alright guys pick your targets and take ‘em out!”
----------------------- 2nd Lieutenant Kain Rennok
SC/2Lt Kain Rennok/Aegis 1-1/mSSD Atrus/VE/VEN [=A=] [=SA=] [=JCPA=] [=SCPA=] [=FOCE=] [VC:ST] [BRC]
YF-19 AVF "Black Rain"
Twin Fury
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RE: Ch. 7 - Navy
January 10, 2002
7:47:38 PM
"Sure thing, boss," replied Twin.
TF broke of from the formation and circled behind a Y-wing that been separated from the group.
"Hammer down," exclaimed Twin, and the bomber became a ball of flame and shrapnel in front of him. Suddenly his warning sensors began to ring. There was a b-wing on his tail.
"Hey, Japh," said TF. "I'm bringing one right at you. When I say 'go' i'm gonna break hard right and you take care of the rest."
"Sure thing," replied Japheth.
"Ok, NOW," yelled Twin! He cut his throttle and broke hard right to the surprise of the inexperienced bomber pilot. The b-wing seemed to freeze for a second, and by then it was too late. Japheth had already sent a barage of laser fire from his starfighter that tore the bomber to shreds.
"Nice shooting," said Twin.
"Nah, i gave him too much time to die, " replied Japheth sarcastically.
"Funny," said Twin. "Ok, take my wing and we'll head for that lead group."
"Well then get movin'," exclaimed Japeth! "I'm getting bored over here."
With that the two pilots headed off towards the enemy ships to have some target practice.
----------------------- FM/PO2 Twin Fury/ Aegis 1-3(Aegis 3)/mSSD Atrus/VEN/VE(=A=)(=JCPA=)
"Less Worry. More Fury!"
"You have flys in your eyes."
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RE: Ch. 7 - Navy
January 10, 2002
8:24:42 PM
Darkhawk looked around uneasily. It seemed like years since he had snuck off the Atrus in an attempt to piece together his past and figure out what was wrong with his memories. That trip had turned into a rescue mission for PJ, with Riel and his droids right by Darkhawk's side.
Hell, forget that. It seemed like years since he had seen Riel and PJ last, back in the Imperial Palace. Years since he had talked to Luke Skywalker and his old friend Emily. Years since he had stolen an E-wing and blasted his way out off of Coruscant.
It had been a long month since then, a very long month. He was a wanted man now . . . he had had to blow up quite a few Rebels in his flight from the planet, one of them a Rogue. That kind of thing was not looked highly upon in the New Republic, so he was avoided any Republic planets. Unfortunately, his new E-Wing stuck out like a sore thumb almost anywhere in the Core Systems OR the Outer Rim. Those fighters were brand-new off the production lines and no one was used to seeing them.
So, he had had to find an alternate mode of transportation. Luckily, he had managed to work out a deal with a smuggler named Talon Karrde and work his way out to the boundaries of the Outer Rim. Now he found himself holed up in one of the small passenger cabin's on the man's ship, The Wild Karrde. It wasn't the roomiest or most heavily armed ship, but it would do the trick. Darkhawk's newly acquired E-Wing was crammed into the ship's small hangar next to one of the crew member's Z-95 Headhunters.
Darkhawk hadn't gotten around to talking to any of the crew members but Karrde yet. He had been so tired last night when he stumbled across Karrde in a cantina on Hanoon that he wasn't about to give up the chance to get as far away from the core as possible. Even if it meant forking over a large amount of dough.
That money hadn't been too hard to get hold of. The first place Darkhawk had gone after he got away from Coruscant was Yaga Minor, one of the few planets still strongly under the influence of the Empire. He had sliced into a few bank accounts had now had a nice sum of credits with him. He was sure those Moffs and Governors wouldn't mind the few million credits they had lost. At least he hadn't killed anyone to get the money.
Yaga Minor hadn't been much help - seeing as how he'd had to basically fly in and out as fast as he could, being in a Rebel fighter and all, he hadn't had time to check up on much. After that, he stopped by a small platform and painted his E-Wing dark black with silver stripes along the sides to make it look more Imperial. From there his travels had taken him to Orto, Reytha, Talus, Tralus, Krant, Balmorra, Nar Shadda, Clak'dor VII, and finally to Hanoon. None of those planets had had what he was looking for.
What he was searching for was the Imperial Star Destroyer Gray Wolf. From what he had learned back on Coruscant, before the whole incident with the Phase 3 Dark Troopers, was that he had served on that ship under a certain Grand Admiral Thrawn. His memories of that were still clouded, but he was sure that Thrawn was the blue-skinned Admiral in his flashback. The one who had nodded at Darkhawk . . . just like Darth Vader had nodded.
WHO was he? He thought all of his memory had returned, but as time wore on, he realized there was still a large chunk missing. He had almost been tempted to go to Byss looking for Thrawn, but he had the sneaking suspicion that whoever had wiped out his memory was on Byss, too. After all, it was the new capital of the Empire. And if someone has blocked his touch the Force and tried to destroy his memory, they were probably important enough to be on Byss.
The whole problem with the Force wasn't quite as bad as it had been. For a couple of weeks after leaving Coruscant, Darkhawk had suffered a severe bout of headaches and queasiness. He had almost been tempted to go back and see Skywalker to get some help. But one morning, the symptoms all vanished. And Darkhawk found himself able to feel the Force around him again. Not clearly, but he knew it was there. It was like a blind man who had regained his sight. That night he had gotten drunk off his arse and woke up the next morning in an alleyway in the slums of a Nar Shadda ghetto. Not the best place to be all alone.
Darkhawk sat back on his bed and sighed. He would search in the outskirts of the Outer Rim a while for this Thrawn fellow, following some leads, and then he supposed he'd head back to the Atrus. If the Vast Empire would even have him back. He had been gone a long, long time.
Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Letting out a grunt and rising up from his small bed, Darkhawk stumbled across the small room and hit the light switch. "Just a minute," he groaned, trying to find the switch to open the door. Finally, he found it and slapped the door open.
To his surprise, it was not Talon Karrde who was outside the door, but instead it was a young woman. She looked to be about his own age, though he wasn't really sure. She was relatively tall, slim, and quite attractive. Her fiery red hair and dark green eyes caught his attention. There was almost something familiar about that face.
"So, you're our new passenger," she said after a long pause. Darkhawk guessed she had been checking him over, trying to figure out what poor sap her captain had brought on board now. "Captain Karrde sent me down here to see if you needed anything?"
Darkhawk cleared his throat with a slight cough. "Who are you?"
"I'm Karrde's third-in-command," the young woman replied. "Normally, I would've sent someone else down here, but I wanted to get a look at our new passenger. The one with the black E-Wing and lots of credits," she added.
Darkhawk laughed and stepped foward into the light. "That still doesn't tell me what I wanted to know. I meant, what's your name?"
As he stepped into the light, the young woman fell took two steps back as her jaw dropped open. Darkhawk gaveher a quiizical look - she seemed to recognize him, though she wasn't saying anything. She seemed almost ... frightened.
"Are you okay?" he questioned.
She cocked her head and stared him in the eyes. Then she let out a long-held breath. "Sorry, I mistook you for someone else, I guess." She laughed, stepping foward to meet him. "Karrde tells me your name is Alex Blanton. I don't know whether to believe that or not, but you can be whoever you want with that kind of money." Darkhawk nodded, shaking her hand back. There WAS something almost familiar about this young woman . . . maybe she just reminded him of someone that he couldn't quite remember.
"Nice to meet you," he replied. "Thanks, but I wouldn't care for anything right now. I'm just going to try and get some sleep - but could you wake me up when we reach Tatooine?"
"No problem, Alex," she answered. "I'll see you then."
As she turned to leave, Darkhawk's hand went out and caught her shoulder. She whirled to face him, not knowing what to expect, but he eased her tensions with a small smile. "Relax," he laughed. "I just didn't catch your name."
"Oh," she said, letting her nerves fade away once more. "You can call me Mara Jade."
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RE: Ch. 7 - Navy
January 11, 2002
1:57:06 AM
Fallen yelled his head off as he got another X-wing down. 'Rukh, c'mon with me. We are going to blow these guys sky-high!'. Fallen had a plan forming his his mind. Now all it takes was to execute it. After speaking to Rukh about his plan, he went ahead.
Flying around recklessly, he soon got one on his tail, firing upon him relentlessly. Giving Rukh the go-ahead sign, he waited patiently while all the time avoiding his persuers' shots. Suddenly, bright shots appeared and the rebel soon became scraps floating around. Continueing his strategy, they soon took out at least 6 ships before their plan came through and the rebels ships decided not to risk it. But it backfired of them. Filled with glee that they never have to look over their shoulders again, all Aegis pilots concentrated their attention on their fire power up in the front. Soon the rebel ships were starting to flee.
Riel spoke crisply. 'Get all of them. Dunt let any one of them escape. I want all of the DEAD.'
'Cmon Flight 3. Let's bomb up these guys. Fallen shouted as he dived once again for a strafting attack on the remaining ships.
----------------------- Warrant Officer 2nd Class Felix 'Dog Ace' Fallen [Army Alias: Raxen]
Aegis Flight Three Pilot One, Lusthawk Nine, Astral Guard Member
FL/WO2 Fallen/Aegis 3-3/1/mSSD Atrus/1ESF/VE/VEN/(=A=)(=SA=)
Proud Owner of a XG-1 Starwing Gunboat
'Long Live the Vast Empire. And my Gunboat.'
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RE: Ch. 7 - Navy
January 11, 2002
1:39:40 PM
OOC: correct me if im wrong, but I belive that we are still fighting the rebel fighters?
Emon and Tarkin were looking to find some more crafts to add to there kill list, when Emon spoted a flight of X-wings to take out.
"Tarkin, this is Emon. Check out that flight of X-wings over there. Lets take em out."
" Copy Emon, on my way" said Tarkin
Flight one made there way over to the flight and started to fire. Emon just got his lock on the third flight member when Tarkin just reported that he had taken out the fourth member and was going on to the second. Scout was working on the flight leader, and Emon had just taken out the third members shields.
"Almost, almost, GONE!" yelled Emon, as he went on to help scout take on the flight leader.
Tarkin also had just reported that he had destroyed the second flight member, and was going to destroy the flight leader, which Emon and Scout had just destroyed its shields. After Tarkin put in a couple of shots, Emon made the final shot and eliminated the flight leader. Flight one is going off to find there new target...
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RE: Ch. 7 - Navy
January 11, 2002
4:35:30 PM
Twin headed off towards a lead flight of bombers that looked like they were trying to make an attack run. They must have thought themselves pretty sneaky, because they didn't really make much of a fuss when Twin and Japheth lined up and started firing at them.
With their shields droppnig, astromechs exploding, and engines being shot off, they didn't really have much time to attempt evasive manuvers before Twin and Japheth had wiped them out, two kills a peice...
"Did they have too long to die that time?" Twin inquired.
"Hmmm, I dunno, I'll hafta take a look at the instant replay," Japheth replied. ----------------------- NXO(ADJ)/FM/WO2 Japheth Cappadocious/Aegis 1-4 (Aegis 4)/Wing One/mSSD Atrus/VE/VEN [=A=][=SA=][=JCPA=][=SCPA=]
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RE: Ch. 7 - Navy
January 11, 2002
6:13:39 PM
"This is Aegis 2 rejoining the battle" Lonewolf said. He had docked on the devastator and switch back into his old tie fighter. in a sense it was a downgrade but LoneWolf didnt care it was good to be back in the controls he knew already. LoneWolf flew up next to Kains YF fighter and flew as his wing. for a while is was nothing but easy shooting but then LoneWolf noticed only a a handfull of squadrons left. Kain ordered a regroup then flight one got together at first the squadrons seemed like nothing but Aegis quickly realised that the pilots were better one of the ones that had every one on end was an xwing squadron which seemed to be flying a small perimiter aroudn the remanding rebel ships. LoneWolf could tell the dance withthem wouldnt be nice. ----------------------- PO1 LoneWolf /Aegis 1-2 (Aegis Two)/mSSD Atrus/VEN/VE/(=A=)(=JCPA=)(=SCPA=)[SRC]
"Its the scared People who dotn get anything done"
"theres no such thing as luck only skill"
"If you have Honor you deserve my respect"
-Navy's best pilot-
Twin Fury
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RE: Ch. 7 - Navy
January 11, 2002
6:38:57 PM
"You can watch the 'game film' later, Japh," said Twin. "We've got some X-wings to deal with now."
"It's about time the rebs sent something worth fighting," replied Japheth.
The two t/f s formed up with the rest of flight one and sped off towards the enemy fighters.
"Twin, you and Japh break off and come in from the right side," said Kain. "Lonewold and i'll lead the assault."
"Roger that," replied Twin.
Flight one split up and beagan their attack run. The X-wings ignored the two TIEs that split off and decided to cancentrate on the immediate threat. Lonewolf and Kain openned fire on the reb fighters completely obliterating two. The other two fighters, startled, broke from their original only to come face to face with TF and Japheth. The duo made short work of the remaining fighters and joined back up with 1 flight.
"Where to now, boss," said Twin. ----------------------- FM/PO2 Twin Fury/ Aegis 1-3(Aegis 3)/mSSD Atrus/VEN/VE(=A=)(=JCPA=)
"Less Worry. More Fury!"
"You have flys in your eyes."
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RE: Ch. 7 - Navy
January 12, 2002
7:54:14 PM
As well as things were going at the battle, Gravin knew that any fight could take a turn for the worse. He called up all of Nazgul Squadron. "Nazgul pilots, this is your commander Gravin. Form up on your wing leader, and head towards the Devastator. Looks like that little Corvette is coming in to ram it." He throttled up, glancing at the battle readout. So far, about 50 Republic fighters destroyed, and 20 larger ships. About 20 Imperials dead, total. Not bad, for a sneak attack.
Red5 had just reached the Devastator, close behind Gravin, his flight leader. "Gravin, this is Red5. I need to repair and refuel, so I'll be out for a bit." He looped up and flew gracefully into the destroyer's auxillary hangar bay, where he knew it would be less crowded. A techie came up to him; he explained that the ship needed refueled, and a few minor scrapes welded up. The missiles needed reloaded too, but this time, they were to be Advanced Proton Torpedoes. He was going out for a big kill.
Dare was one of the last to reach the Devastator. He'd been way out chasing an A-wing, and destroyed it before heading in. Not long after he reached the rest of his squadron, another ship came out of hyperspace. A Republic ship. A very large and new ship, from the looks of it. He requested a low level scan from the Devastator on the new arrival, and it was sent to him immediately. A Mon Calamari 91B, a brand new design, as of yet untested in battle. It was the largest ship the Republic had ever constructed, coming close to half the length of the Atrus itself. It had a massive rear docking bay, capable of repairing ships as big as a Corellian gunship. The design looked strange, but graceful at the same time, every bump and depression tapering into the next.
Then he got the weapons readout. Although it may have looked graceful and harmless, the New Republic command ship "Suppressor", at only one half of the Atrus's length, was three quarters as heavily armed. He was still staring in disbelief at the beautiful ship when two more vessels came out behind it. Not the same Mon Cal cruisers, these were two Victory Star Destroyers, modified with a newer, more powerful reactor, and carrying nearly twice the standard armament for ships their class. Those were only the escorts.
Communications went out from most of the Imperial ships at once. "Reinforcements needed! Send all ships within 10 sectors to assist!". . ."New Republic fleet just arrived! MonCal 91B, rivaling the power of the Atrus. Send everything you've got to assist. Repeat. . .", "Imperial fleet heavily outgunned! Upgraded Republic ships. Get us as much as you can! NOW!"
As soon as the cries for help quieted down, a transmission went out from the Suppressor. "All Imperial ships, this is Commander Antilles of the New Republic Fleet 10. I am ordering you to surrender now, or be destroyed." He was a very confident man, considering what he must have known he would soon face. "You have two minutes to make your decision." The Suppressor put out a small show of power, firing its forward turbolaser batteries at the bridge of the Atrus. Although the SSD was too far away to be affected, the dozens of red lances coming together and forming a thick, red blast made for an impressive show of power.
Private communications were sent throughout the fleet. "We can take 'em," was the cry of one proud pilot; "Get out or surrender, thats all I'm willing to do," was another, not so confident commander. LoneWolf made a note to himself to get that guy demoted. Someone else deserved that position. Nazgul was one of the confident. Gravin sent out a message to his squadron, "Nazgul, hold off any fighters until we get those reinforcements. If the Suppressor gets in range, try to distract its gunners."
Red5 watched as he spoke. The ships had not moved forward, but he had noted a slight trajectory change of the Suppressor. His eyes caught something that shouldn't be there. A tiny line hanging off the cruiser, leading to nowhere. At least, it appeared to be nowhere. "Gravin, I think we've got a problem. Cloaked ship, at the end of that tether coming from the Suppressor."
"What? How do you know? If it was cloaked, we'd never see it until. . .", Gravin trailed off as his eyes traced the tether. "I think you're right. All pilots, new orders: cut that tether line in half, then attack around the bottom half." He could but hope that there was only one tether. For all he knew, more of the lines just blended very well with their surroundings. Nazgul headed towards the Suppressor. It was certain death, they knew, to attack a ship that size with a single squadron, but they didn't have much of a choice.
The flights came in all at once, and there were other squadrons following their lead. Not Aegis or Viper, but some smaller groups that had just come in. Signa, Beta, and Alpha squadron were all coming in to assist. Alpha was primarily a hit-and-run wing, but Beta was made up of shielded TIE Bombers. Signa was made of discarded ships, or ships that had been permanently "borrowed" from the Empire; the group had been started by Anakin a long time ago, as a hobby, when the Empire was still powerful. But any help was welcome.
The tether was a hard target to hit, being very thin, and soon they discovered more. Laser blasts started coming from the black space beneath them, as well as from the Suppressor. Dare was in trouble, "Got a bogey on my tail! Shields failing!" Red5 glanced over to see Dare making an extreme dive in his modified TIE. Lucky that they had even been able to give that junk shields. Red5 lined himself up with the A-wing following Dare. After numerous attempts, a shot from his T/I got through the shields and hit an engine. The A-wing spun out of control, disappearing into the dark blob underneath the Suppressor. "Thanks, Red5."
"No problem," Red5 smiled to himself. One more kill on my record.
Finally, all of the tethers had been broken. Gravin was following a small pod rocketing towards the cloaked ship. It was traveling at insane speeds, faster than was safe for that kind of ship, faster than his fighter. A shot of his caught the pod, and it wobbled a little, but continued on, one side trailing smoke and flame. Before he could get a lock on it, it disappeared into the safety of the cloaked ship. He saw Red5 following it into the cloaked area. "Red5, don't go any further. Repeat, do not enter the cloaking shield." Either his comm was down, or he had simply ignored his commanders orders. Gravin suspected the latter.
Well, if his pilots were going to stay alive, he'd have to do it himself. He followed Red5's Interceptor, and gasped at what he saw inside. A mammoth space station, not as big as a Death Star, but bigger than any other orbital platform he'd ever heard of. Probably some kind of mobile command base, he thought. Either that, or its the newest most advanced Golan Defense Platform I've ever seen. Maybe both.
The station was more or less flat; six platforms extended from a living area with the same sides. Flat, however, meant tall enough to fit any fighter, and most shuttles in. Hundreds of them. Each branching platform was half a kilometer long, a docking bay 50 meters long, on each side lined them; the openings were guarded by numerous turbolasers and ion cannons. Atop the living area, a large sphere was placed. It looked almost like a miniature Death Star, except that instead of a hole, a solid line encircled the middle. He was still trying to figure out what it was when a jagged blue beam shot out of it, barely missing his ship. "Whoa! What the hell was that?"
"Looked like some kind of ion beam. Not sure though, might've been something else." Red5 was studying a readout of the shot. It had released massive energy, so much that his ship had automatically scanned it. "Whatever it is, it's not known to the empire. It may be just a mining beam, and it may be a defense against something else. I'm getting another thing, too. That station isn't shielded. It doesn't even appear to have a shield generator."
"That's strange. You'd think something this big would want to shield itself. Well, lets get to work taking this thing out." He fired an advanced proton torpedo at the apparent bridge. The blue beam shot out, and the torpedo stopped where it was; the warhead just sat there, not moving. A turbolaser blast from the station blew it up. Red5 spoke up again. "It justed drained the all of the energy from that torpedo. Momentum, the potential explosion, everything. If it can do that to shields, we don't stand a chance." ----------------------- [LCRW]/[LCR][Red5]/[Nazgul]-[1]/[Wing 1]/[None]/[1VENF]/VEN [=A=] (medals)
Riel Fury
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RE: Ch. 7 - Navy
January 12, 2002
8:16:00 PM
Riel stood on the bridge of the Devastator as the Rebels exited hyperspace. He expected this, so he knew the rest of his fleet was only a half hour behind. "Okay, we need to delay them. All Carracks, form a defensive position around the Devastator, and have the Defensive fleet's Carracks do the same. That Mon Cal is going to cause us trouble until the Nemesis gets here, so let's give it everything we got. Get those Lancers out and take positions so when they launch their fighters, the Lancers can get a few shots off at them." The young officer obeyed and Riel watched war at it's most beautiful and deadly peak.
The Mon Cal could definitely hold it's own. It's support ships took a similar defensive bracket around it and maneuvered to take most of the fire. "New battle plan. Take out the smaller Mon Cals first, take away some of it's defense."
The battle was getting ready to get bloody when a signal came in from the deck officer. "SIR, the rest of our fleet has arrived."
Riel nodded. "Get the Interdictors Gravity wells up, they're not getting away from us. And get our ISDs to take out the Mon Cals. All of them focus on one at a time and then move on to the next." The order was relayed, and what looked like a possible defeat for the VEN turned into an almost rout. Rebel ships were exploding quickly, with minimal losses to the fleet. "Okay, tell the INterdictor to power down. We have a priority message from Kadann. Our presence is requested immediately."
The Interdictor powered down, and the Rebel fleet retreated into hyperspace. "Okay, call back the fighters, let's go see what the VEHC wants."
OOC: I'm going to post on 7B now. Make sure all you do the same. And don't post until I do Need to give you your orders. ----------------------- Captain Riel Fury
Navy Executive Officer
Raptor Five
Founder of Aegis Squadron
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RE: Ch. 7 - Navy
January 12, 2002
8:56:24 PM
Red5 wondered what was happening. Suddenly, the harried cries of fighters ceased. He was left alone with Gravin inside the cloaking shield. Enemy fighters were retreating to their hangars. A blue pulse began circling the globe. It went faster and faster, and suddenly the entire ring was glowing blue. Red5 could hear it pulsing with power.
Suddenly, blue lightning blazed in every direction from the globe. Gravin and Red5 were thrown clear out of the cloaking field, and watched blue bolts engulf the Atrus and all of the surrounding support ships. Red5 watched his scanners in disbelief as the shields of the SSD plummeted. The shields on all the vessels dropped to zero. The Republic station shimmered out of its cloak. Its shields were at 300%.
"Good God!" cried Gravin, moments before his ship was disabled, "It sucked up all of their energy!"
Red5 knew now why the Rebels had left. Not because they were losing, but because they would have been disabled as well. They'd be back any moment now, to finish off the job. And if the Imperial commander didn't think quick, they were all finished.
Obviously, since the Imperials can never lose, and Ani thinks it should end, not to mention my sudden like of diverting the storyline, the ships all gain back their hyperspace capabilites, zoom out of the system, and lay waste to Republic controlled Coruscant. Next they develop a new Death Star that destroys Yavin, killing Luke Skywalker.
----------------------- [LCRW]/[LCR][Red5]/[Nazgul]-[1]/[Wing 1]/[None]/[1VENF]/VEN [=A=] (medals)
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RE: Ch. 7 - Navy
January 13, 2002
1:14:18 AM
Go ahead and continue this on the Chapter 7-B Navy topic... ----------------------- -=:General Anakin:=-
Operations Officer for the Vast Empire
OO/GN Anakin/HC-3/mSSD Atrus/VE [SCP][CDS][IOC][CM-SS][LoCx23]