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RE: Ch. 7 - Navy
November 11, 2001
7:34:38 PM
Tarkin spiralled towards his next target. The Hornets were nearly wiped out now. Only fifteen remained out of the 30 that there were.
Tarkin saw a the whole group in tight formation directly in front of him.
Tarkin snickered, "They say that in tight formation, it's harder to get hit...not for them.." Said Tarkin, under his breath.
Tarkin fired a volley of shots towards the enemy fighters, causing one to explode and to start a chain reaction of explosions because their shields were so outdated and weak, compared to new modern laser weaponry. The fighters tried desperately to steer out of formation before their own ships were destroyed, but it was too late. Tarkin cought all the strays.
"Viper One, this is Viper Three, come in over."
"This is One, go on Three."
"The Hornets are out of the game..."
"Copy that. Good job. Now, let's get this job done."
"Copy. Three out."
Tarkin spiralled towards his new targets.... ----------------------- EFM/SRCRW Tarkin/Viper 1-3/Wing I/M/SSD Atrus/1VENF/VEN[BRC][BRC][SV][=A=][=MA=]
"The Viper Squadron won't stop until our 'Best is Better and our Better is Best.'" - Tarkin
Riel Fury
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RE: Ch. 7 - Navy
November 11, 2001
9:24:14 PM
"I LOVE THIS THING!!!!" Riel said about the TIE Defender as he blew up one of the hornets. "I feel like I could take on the whole rebellion myself," he said to Darkhawk.
"I know what you mean," Darkhawk replied.
Riel checked his scopes again to see if one of those TIE Phantoms made a mistake. "Viper One, this is Aegis One."
"I read," Piett said.
"You all take care of these fighters out here, we're going to protect the Atrus."
"Roger that, Aegis One. Hear that Viper? Let's roll"
"Aegis Squadron, form up on me, we have a job to do," Riel said. "Time to show them why they call us Aegis. Shield formation, everyone."
An impressive display showed One Flight, led by a TIE Defender in the center, with two and three flight flying cover like birds of prey. One Flight prevented anyone from getting through while the other two picked off the fighters that somehow broke through. It was very effective. They knocked out ten fighters before the fools got the point.
"Okay, now let's get out there and kick some more butt on those bigger ships..."
----------------------- Officer Candidate Riel Fury
Squadron Commander
Aegis Squadron
Gold Recruitment Commendation
Wing Commander Wing One
Victory Cross w/ Silver Trim
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RE: Ch. 7 - Navy
November 11, 2001
9:48:41 PM
Darkhawk glanced behind him. The Saratoga was still there, though barely. Raptor Sqadron has stayed behind to protect it, just in case any more TIE Phantoms were out there to cause trouble.
This battle was drawing near its end. Now that the Atrus had finally reached the enemie's front line, their capital ships were dropping like flies. Light cruisers and frigates were no match for a modified Super Star Destroyer with over one thousand weapon batteries.
This battle had been costly . . . several losses in Viper Squadron, Malik crippled, and dozens of trainees killed. But it could have been much worse, he supposed. The Force must've been with them in this one . . .
Riel looked down at one of his status screens as Aegis Squadron continued to mop up the last of the pirate fighter defense. Thos TIE Phantoms had given them all quite a scare . . . but excellent ships did not necessarily make excellent pilots.
Lonewolf had racked up the most kills so far. Darkhawk wasn't too far behind in second. Riel smiled. His pilots were rocking. But Riel wanted to get in on the action, too - especially now that he had the firepower of the Aurora Dawn at his disposal.
"One Flight, I've got a squadron of X-Wings launching from that dreadnaught to our left," Kain said.
"Roger that, Nine," Riel replied. "Everyone, I want you to escort Three Flight while make their bombing run on that dreadnaught."
"What about you, sir?" Jmac questioned.
"I'm going after those X-Wings."
"By yourself? Are you crazy?" sk8guy yelled. "That's twelve to one odds!"
"Never tell me the odds," Riel replied. He heard some of the pilots laugh. But maybe sk8guy was right . . . this was a little reckless. "Seven, Eight, come with me and watch my back." He'd get the new members a little target practice.
"Yes, sir," he heard them both answer.
In the background, Riel heard Darkhawk giving orders out to the remaining fighters. But that was all behind him now. In front of him were twelve X-Wings ripe for the plucking. As Riel linked his laser and ion fire, an evil grin swept across his face.
Claw shook his head on board the Atrus as he watched the end of the battle unfold. If Riel got himself killed out there, in Sythspawn's fighter, he would feel no more remorse. That crazy fool.
Things were going well now that the last of the TIE Phantoms had been cleared up. The Saratoga was in bad shape, and the Devastator had pulled back from the battle, but the Atrus was still in tip-top shape.
The Interdictor cruiser Camelot had jumped in a while back to hold the pirates in hyperspace. It was far enough out to not be in any danger. Claw smiled as a carrack cruiser disappeared off the radar screen. These pirates were fools if they had thought they were going to destroy the Vast Empire. An old sense of nostalgia washed over the admiral. He hadn't felt this good in a long time. Maybe he should help lead the battles a little more often.
----------------------- FL/WO2 Darkhawk/Aegis 2-1 (Aegis Five)/mSSD Atrus/VEN/VE/(=A=)/(=MA=)/[BRC]
"A man cannot be too careful in his choice of enemies."
Riel Fury
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RE: Ch. 7 - Navy
November 12, 2001
9:36:41 AM
Riel checked his shields after he shot down the third X-wing. "Heh, 100% shields...I LOVE THIS THING!!!" The lights in the cockpit turned red. "Crap, got a missle lock, this isn't working too well. Hmm...Syths, what kinda toys did you put on this thing." He found the countermeasures and launched them, and watched the missle explode a safe distance behind him.
Kalebb spoke over the comlink. "Sir, I'm in trouble. Got two X-wings on my tail."
"I got it Kalebb. Turn .013 and go to full throttle."
Kalebb's TIE Fighter screamed as is turned, with two X-wings on his tail. From directly overhead came Sythspawn's TIE Defender, blasting one of the X-wings to dust before it even realized it was there, and severely denting the other fighters shields. "You're clear now, Aegis Seven. I'll finish off this X-wing."
Riel always loved the way an X-wing looked when it exploded... ----------------------- Officer Candidate Riel Fury
Squadron Commander
Aegis Squadron
Gold Recruitment Commendation
Wing Commander Wing One
Victory Cross w/ Silver Trim
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RE: Ch. 7 - Navy
November 12, 2001
9:44:55 AM
Fallen pressed his trigger as he let loose another round of hell onto the NR frigates below his TIE bomber, destroying a series of important weaponry. The Frigate was as good as cripled. Yet he didnt want to destroy this frigate. It might be good if they could convert it into another of their ships ...
Kain said, 'Flight speed to the central ship. Let's knock out their weaponry and shields. Fallen take Jmac and destroy all weaponry. Gravin and me will take out the shield generator.'
Fallen headed over to the main frigate with Jmac, ready to go on another series of bombings. ----------------------- WO2 Swarveth 'Dogfight' Fallen
Aegis Squadron, Vast Empire Navy
FM/WO2 Fallen/Aegis 3-3/1/mSSD Atrus/1ESF/VE/VEN/(=A=)
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RE: Ch. 7 - Navy
November 12, 2001
3:55:09 PM
Darkhawk glanced around as his comm suddenly fell silent. All around him, the flash of lasers had ceased. Far away, the explosions of larger ships as they were crushed by the Atrus was visible, but aside from that, all signs of battle had stopped.
"One, are we all finished up here?"
There was a slight pause. Riel was probably wondering the same thing. "Seem that way, Five."
Suddenly, a huge cheer came up on the comm. All of the pilots seemed to be celebrating their victory all at once. Darkhawk even recognized the voices of some people on the capital ships.
Well, it was a joyous occasion. They had come in, taken out the pirates, and lived to fight another day. And all with only slight losses. Plus, several of the new pilots had proven themself worthy in battle.
After a long time of applause and shouting, things finally got quiet again. "Good job, everybody," Claw announced. "All flights, come on back to the Atrus. I've already called in all the bombers. We can finish up the last few stragglers from the Atrus."
Aegis, Raptor, and Viper Squadrons all began their slow turn back toward the super star destroyer.
"Oh ... and great job out there today people," Claw added. "I'm sure Atrus would've been proud of you all."
There was a long moment of silence after that one. Then, PJ's fighter suddenly broke off from the main group.
"Is there a problem, One?" Daishi asked.
"Everyone, I just got an urgent message. I've got to head out on a mission somewhere."
"Just like that?" Claw quizzed.
"Yeah. I'll fill you in later, Claw. Daishi, Bear, Riel, Claw ... you guys are in charge. I'll be back."
And with that, PJ's fighter streaked off toward a navy buoy on the outer edge of the system. Strange, Darkhawk thought, wondering what was going on.
But, he could worry about that later. For now, it was a time to celebrate. And a time to head up to the lounge and enjoy Zed and Kain's hospitality. ----------------------- FL/WO2 Darkhawk/Aegis 2-1 (Aegis Five)/mSSD Atrus/VEN/VE/(=A=)/(=MA=)/[BRC]
"A man cannot be too careful in his choice of enemies."
ComNet n00b
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RE: Ch. 7 - Navy
November 12, 2001
4:43:54 PM
Once Tarkin destroyed his last target, he looked around on his friendly sensors. Viper had casualties, but was probably the Squadron with the least casualties. Tarkin saw that all of the experienced pilots survived, and only trainees were the only ones being wiped out. There were no more red dots on his radar so he turned towards the Atrus.
"Viper Three to Viper One, come in over."
"One here. Go ahead Three."
"Seems to me that all enemy fighters have been destroyed. All the other Squadrons are heading back to the hangar bays for repairs."
"You thinking on heading back, Petty Officer?" Asked Piett.
"No sir. Were Viper. We stick around and escort." Smiled Tarkin.
"Precisely...Now, let's get into the Sphere formation around the Atrus."
"Yes sir." Said Tarkin, and he spiralled into formation with the rest of the Viper Squadron. ----------------------- EFM/PO2 Tarkin/Viper 1-3/Wing I/M/SSD Atrus/1VENF/VEN[BRC][BRC][SV][=A=][=MA=]
"The Viper Squadron won't stop until our 'Best is Better and our Better is Best.'" - Tarkin
Kain Rennok
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RE: Ch. 7 - Navy
November 12, 2001
6:07:30 PM
Kain pressed the trigger and lauched his last pair of proton torpedos at the crippled Nebulon Frigate. The remaining gunners on the frigate desperately tried to shoot down the proton torpedos with their turbolasers, but they were unsuccessful and the frigate was almost instantly blown to pieces as the torpedos hit.
"Last target destroyed. Lets get back to the Atrus guys." Kain said with a relaxed voice.
"Alright flight 3, right echelon formation." smiled Kain.
Kain and the rest of his squadron flew back to the Atrus with one thing on their minds...bar, alcohol, and partay!
----------------------- Warrant Officer 1st Class Kain Rennok
FL/WO1 Kain Rennok/Aegis 3-1/mSSD Atrus/VE/VEN (=A=) (=MA=) [VC:Silver]
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RE: Ch. 7 - Navy
November 12, 2001
6:20:02 PM
LoneWolf's Tie made dock on the mSSD Artrus and then locked into its boarding position. LoneWolf jumped out as quickly as he could then rushed over to his fellow wingmates with a yell of victory. Aegis crowded around their Leader who just jumpe dout of his barrowed tie defender. Riel yelled out, "Great job Aegis another victory for the Great Vast Empire!" every one yelled and hollared as they fallowed their wing commander to the lounge and bar to have a round of drinks on the NHC. ----------------------- "It's not what you think it is it's only what you think it is" - a good teacher of mine
"Do or do not there is no in between" - Yoda
"If we have no dreams to pursue then what are we doing in life" - me
Aegis 1-2
Bronze recruitment comendation
ladies man ("give me a call baby")
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RE: Ch. 7 - Navy
November 12, 2001
9:21:35 PM
OOC: That was kinda fast.
Fallen took of his helmet and Riel immedaitely grabbed the entire Aegis Squadron for a drink at the Lounge. Bottles of Ale was passed around, everyone was recalling their battle experiences ..... ----------------------- WO2 Swarveth 'Dogfight' Fallen
Aegis Squadron, Vast Empire Navy
FM/WO2 Fallen/Aegis 3-3/1/mSSD Atrus/1ESF/VE/VEN/(=A=)
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RE: Ch. 7 - Navy
November 13, 2001
3:52:32 PM
OOC: Do we post back on the Navy's story coment??? ----------------------- "It's not what you think it is it's only what you think it is" - a good teacher of mine
"Do or do not there is no in between" - Yoda
"If we have no dreams to pursue then what are we doing in life" - me
Aegis 1-2
Bronze recruitment comendation
ladies man ("give me a call baby")
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RE: Ch. 7 - Navy
November 13, 2001
9:13:04 PM
Darkhawk was sitting in the far back booth of the lounge, all to himself. He'd ordered his usual drink right when he'd arrived in the lounge and slipped away to the back where he could be alone and think.
Viper had just now come into the bar. They had stayed outside, patrolling, but nothing showed up. Just like Claw had figured. The Devastator has headed back home for repairs, and some repair crews from the Atrus were over working on the Saratoga right now to get it repaired.
Darkhawk sighed and stirred his drink with his straw. Several of the pilots were right - that had been fast. Adn not nearly as hard as Kadaan had warned it would be.
Something just seemed out of whack here. And still, something did just not feel right. Oh well, no use worrying about it now. No ideas seemed to be coming to his mind, and there was a party going on.
Besides, Darkhawk had ended up third in kills, behind Lonewolf and PJ. Not too shabby. So maybe it WAS time to celebrate. He got up from the booth and wandered over to talk with the rest of Aegis.
Later that night, Claw recieved a message from PJ. He had been sent to investigate a distress call in a nearby system. The message said that it had been sent by one of the Vast Empire's scout ships ... but the truth was far from that. When PJ arrived in the system, an entire New Republic fleet was there in wait. As far as Claw knew, PJ had been captured after putting up a decent fight.
At least, he hoped he had been captured. The transmission was cut short . . . If he had been killed, things were going to get bad, very soon.
Either way, they had to do something. And sitting around and waiting for repairs on the Devastator and Saratoga was not it. But the Atrus and an interdictor could not bust up an entire Republic fleet ... especially with weary pilots and damaged fighters.
What a mess, Claw thought. What have I gotten myself into? Finally, as the night wore on, he decided that he would go ahead and announce the bad news the next day. Malik had been crippled in the battle ... he would never fly again. And Riel had taken a blow right at the end was in the med wing at the moment.
He found himself with fewer and fewer people around to confide him. Now it was just him, Bear, Daishi, and Piett to decide what to do to get PJ freed. This was not going to be easy... ----------------------- FL/WO2 Darkhawk/Aegis 2-1 (Aegis Five)/mSSD Atrus/VEN/VE/(=A=)/(=MA=)/[BRC]
"A man cannot be too careful in his choice of enemies."
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RE: Ch. 7 - Navy
November 14, 2001
11:17:02 AM
Bear stood in a cargo bay of the mSSD Atrus. In front of him were 165 coffins, Vast Empire flags draped over every one of them. The deceaseds uniform was draped over the top of that. Most of the dead were trainee's, their uniforms a simple black tunic with the letters VEN on the shoulder.
To Bears side was Rear Admiral Daishi, and just behind him was Rear Admiral Claw. Behind him was Ensign Riel Fury, standing at attention in front of the entire 1st Wing. Ensign Piett was standing at the far left of the line of men, in front of Viper Squadron. Chief Warrant Officer Gravin, as the highest ranking NCO, was in front of 5 armed men, most of them scared trainee's.
1st Lieutenant g5 stood to Bears other side, some sort of musical instrument in his hand. He was the only officer who could play, so he would have to do.
g5 put the instrument to his lips and started to play a slow, sad tune, mourning the dead. Bear heard Riel Fury bringing his men to attention.
With his words, they cracked their legs together smartly.
Bear was the acting NCC, being the only NHC member not doing much. Rear Admiral Claw gave the order to CWO Gravin.
"Mr Gravin, on your command."
Bear looked out over the coffins. There seemed to be an endless number of them, all full of innocent men.
1st Lieutenant g5 stopped playing, and quickly put the instrument to his side, holding it in his left hand.
Bear rose his hand into a salute, and as he did so, Gravin shouted the order.
Bear flinched as the 5 blasters fired in synch, and sensed the entire Fleet saluting the dead. He held his hand up for a few seconds, and slowly lowered it.
Bear turned round slowly like the best drill Sergeant in the Vast Empire. He stood to attention in front of the entire fleet, and felt his eyes fill with tears.
At that exact moment, Kelly walked in, Bears combat tunic draped over her to keep her warm. The guards at the door recognised the Lieutenant Commander insignia, and saluted expertly. Kelly smiled sheepishly at Bear.
"Carry on lads." Bear said, a lump forming in his throat. He turned to the door and walked as quickly as he could, just as the tears started running down his face. ----------------------- TO/LCM Bear/Raptor/VE/VEN/(=A=) (=SA=) (=MA=) (=FOCE=) (=JCPA=) (=SCPA=) [BRC] [BRC] [NDM] [LSM]
Lieutenant Commander Bear
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RE: Ch. 7 - Navy
November 14, 2001
12:46:27 AM
OCC: Alright...Navy's turn for my evil posts...muwhahaha...I don't think your going to like this one Just a forwarning...I am posting as enemy forces. Do NOT post as the enemy as I am, this is to be left by the HC and to establish more of a story line... This start just before the ending of bears last post
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
m/SSD Atrus -
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Bear and the rest of the NHC stood as the blasters rang in their ears. They have lost a few but overall a fairly simple battle. Almost a little to simple, most were expecting more. As the blaster fire came to a close it ended with an extremely loud blast. Bear looked over his shoulder to talon, talon giving a small shrug, symbolizing that nothing was wrong. Bear still on the younger side of commanding was still a bit jumpy about everything. His girl coming to his side and they started to walk off....
The gates to the hanger bay opened as bear and the NHC apporched it. Just before walking through it another sound of the large blaster fire rang out. Bear stopped, turned and rushed back to his platform, putting his hands over the railing leaning over above the hanger bay and looked out into the darkness of space. listening closely he could hear other very small blast...But it wasn't blaster fire...
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
SSD Black Hawk
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
“Status report, number two.”
"Commander," a New Imperium officer said to his captain, "We have reached the coordinates, it appears our hired band of mercenaries has failed…and without any sort of effort on the Vast Empire’s part. The rest of our capital ships are making their way into the system now. Two of the four VSD's will be hear shortly, and numerous numbers of our corvettes are arriving every few minutes. Upon arrival there were blaster fire, but the shots seemed to go no where, aimed at nothing. Since then the firing has stopped and we continue to arrive from the various pointed around the VE fleet.”
“Good, once the last of our few VSD’s arrive launch all fighters… Concentrate all fire the Super Star Destroyer, once that is gone we should have no trouble taking the rest…” The Captain said in response.
“I’ll watch over it my self commander.”
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
m/SSD Atrus
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Bear still stood over the balcony of the hanger looking out. Another loud blast rang threw everyone ears. This one a lot closer. Slowly the outline of two VSD’s slowly made their way into view. Two medium blast came toward the VE fleet in warning, striking the m/SSD Atrus square on…hardly no damage. Bear’s eyes widened as the High Command and their pilots fell to the ground from the shook as the blasts rammed the side of the ship.
“Take evasive action!!!” Bear yelled out over the comlinks “Deploy all fighters!”
The pilots scattered below them and immediately ships began to pour out of the many hangers of the ship.
OOC: Now…we are talking Imperials here, as apart of the NI. This should…take you more then a week :wink: :wink: Keep in mind they have the same training as you do and have more numbers, this will not be easy. Remember no posting as the enemy I’ll take care of that aspect. Be real in your posting. Place yourself in their positions…What would you do? Good luck and have fun…
----------------------- -=:Colonel Anakin:=-
Operations Officer for the Vast Empire
OO/COL Anakin/HC-3/mSSD Atrus/VE [SCP][CDS][IOC][CM-SS][LoCx23]
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RE: Ch. 7 - Navy
November 14, 2001
1:41:42 PM
Daishi immediatly knew this was bad. Not only had he come up short when counting rable ships destroyed in comparison to how many were spotted and confirmed but now an NI fleet has decided that hey wanted to take on the VE.
"We must pull back there are far too many of them for us to handle in this condition." Daishi said as the rest of the NHC rolled from the latest barrage.
"They have thier own interdictor out there so we can't." Bear replied.
"Sure we can, get on the comm, we need back up, we have our own fleet after all. Even the Saratoga in it's current state can out run those VSD's. As long as we keep the fighters off us we'll be okay. Have all fighters made ready to launch with whatever anti-fighter missles we can scrounge up, no exceptions. We'll have to deal with those capital ships later." Daishi replied.
The plan was sound but it would only buy them very little time and it was much better then burning out the hyper drive by jumping through the gravity well being projected by the NI fleet. The colapsing sphere formation they were using for thier approach was tough to beat but if they could just buy some time they just might have a chance.
"Set course away from the approaching fleet, maximum speed." Bear ordered.
"I'm going back out in the TIE Horror to buy some time before they launch too many more fighters." Daishi said as he ran toward the lift.
His years as a marine and constant training allowed Daishi to stay on his feet when many others would fall under most circumstances.
The TIE Horror was begining to feel too familiar to Daishi, a sign that he'd been out here too long as is.
Only a few fighters had been launched so far. It was obvious they were holding back for some reason.
"All fighters squadrons report status. Orders are to focus on enemy fighters and to hell with those capital ships they die later." Daishi radioed.
Two wedge shapes popped into real space in front of the M/SSD Atrus.
Two NI VSD II's. Tehy wouldn't last long but they would be enough to slow the Atrus down long enough for the rest of the NI fleet to close in and engage.
"Frak. Orders are still the same. The fighters are the threat right now. Save your missles for craft that can actually take them, other words don't waste them on eye balls, squints, or dupes unless they have shields." Daishi ordered franticly.
"Viper squadron ready."
"Aegis squadron ready."
"Raptor squadron ready for your orders."
"Kaph squadron reporting ready status."
Daishi was a little worried that they had so little man power but it would have to do. Fortunately this was the one of the many situtaitions that Daishi had been trained for back in the Varneck Royal Military Acadamy.
"Focus on one v one engagements. We'll just get in each others way if we try and tag and bag this time. They out number us more then ten to one, so watch yourselves and don't get too fancy out there, fancy gets you killed." The words flowed out of Daishi almost reflexively.
Thus the fray began uncermoniously. ----------------------- Barron Administrator Daishi
"If we had all knowladge then why would we seek what we already know and if we had no knowladge then how could we even ask the question?" Plato
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RE: Ch. 7 - Navy
November 15, 2001
3:35:47 PM
G5 dove out of the hangar at the highest throttle allowed by the manual. He loved flying his TIE Interceptor but he wished he didn't have to go into combat with it quite so soon after the last tough battle.
He glanced around and found Daishi's TIE Horror. Just as he started speeding towards it Dai came on the com, saying to go one on one. He followed the orders but decided not to get too far away from Dai if he had a chance. he didn't want a member of the High Command too die cause he forgot about them.
He stayed aobut 3/4's of of a kilometer behind Dai. As soon as he dove into the fray g5 found someone targeting Dai. He brought the ship up on his display. It was a T/I. He tried to sneak up behind it but when he unleashed a quad shot the fighter juked to get Dai in his target box and only 2 of the bolts hit. The fighter was damaged but still flying at almost full. This would be hard now that he had lost the surprise. The T/I did a reverse thrust and then popped his trhrottle to full as he hauled back on the stick. The throttle cut had thrown off g5's aim and the acceleration increased his turn speed a little bit. While turning he got g5 in his box for a split second. in the heat of the moment he hadn't had a chance to switch from dual fire to quad. This was what saved g5's life. As his fighter crossed the targiting reticule of the enemy the other pilot fired. both bolts hit. One scraped a little metal off the bottom of the right connecting pylon and the other blast blew a neat little hole into one of the solar panels. Luckily nothing was really damaged. It was just a small clean hole, not a big gaping one that could take off the port panel. he knew he'd have to win this fight on his own, there would be no one to take a bogey off his tail. It would be difficult but he would prevail. ----------------------- TO:A/1Lt G5/Viper 2/Wing 1/mSSD Atrus/VEN/=A=
Combat Engineer G5
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RE: Ch. 7 - Navy
November 15, 2001
5:25:11 PM
It was alot harder than the previous battle before. Aegis and the rest of the navy could get a good upperhand on the lesser expirenced and also gain up on the enemy however it was the VEN that was at the mercy this time they had less pilots and even less ships for back up. flying tie to tie was either easier or harder at times to LoneWolf he somtimes could make sure exactly what his enemies were gonna do but other times it was almost impossible with the different flying styles. However he knew that if he had the same problem so did they. LoneWolf pulled up behind an eyeball and gave the pilot their last surprise then zoomed around to find another target. "Aegis 5 how in the good galaxy are we gonna outrun a fleet if we cant get into hyperspace!"
"Dont worry 2 all of the bombers are gonna go after the interdictor, All we have to do is engage the fighters and only the fighters!"
"Ok 5!"
LoneWolf engaged another tie this time the pilot was more expirenced. LW shot several shots but allwere amis he keep on dodging his fire. LW tried tricking him into a trap bu tit still didnt work."why wont u just die" loneWolf muttered; the Enemy still bounced around the LoneWolf noticed what was happening. "I need assistance I'm being trapped!" LoneWolf broke off his engaement and flew back the way he came as soon as possible he barley dodged more fire he got two ties on his tail now. Aegis 5 came by and took one of the enemies, "Thanx DarkHawk! how bout the other one?"
"you got it!" DarkHawks excited voice came back. 5 took out the other one but a shot got infront of LoneWolf, He took a hit! one of LoneWolf's radar screen bursted up in a brief explosion, shards of the screen rushed by and stabed into LoneWolfs left upper arm. Before LoneWolf would bother with the pain he checked to see if he had an air leak..."negative good" he said to himself, "now lets check everything else..." He found that his front radar screen was the one that exploded that was about ithe could do without it, as for his wound it didnt hurt that seriously he could pull through; most of the shards just scrapped the side of his arm. he would have to goto the medical droid once he got back on the artrus though.
"2 are you ok?" DarkHawk came back,
"yeah 5 i just got a little scratch but i'll live the bastereds just ruined my new paint job though!"
5 shuckled, "Ok 2 watch your self, now lets go give em all hell"
Aegis continued to fight against the odds witch seemed to show false signs of relief every now and then when the took out a group of Ties, but the hope was diminished by the arriaval of more ties. the Bombers would have to hurry and take out the interdictor otherwise the VE would suffer more losses.
"It's not what you think it is it's only what you think it is" - a good teacher of mine
"Do or do not there is no in between" - Yoda
"If we have no dreams to pursue then what are we doing in life" - me
Aegis 1-2
Bronze recruitment comendation
ladies man ("give me a call baby")
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(edited November 15, 2001
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RE: Ch. 7 - Navy
November 15, 2001
6:25:26 PM
"Three flight, get to your TIE Fighters," Kain Rennock roared. "The Atrus must be defended,"
JMac sprinted to his fighter and ran through his preflight checks at lightning speed. Believing that the order to go had been given, he launched into space. As soon as he got out he relized his mistake. The order to launch had not yet been given! While not lacking in boldness, he knew that going in without a wingman would be suicide, so he waited near the hanger for his flight to launch.
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(edited November 16, 2001
11:04:16 AM)]
Kain Rennok
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RE: Ch. 7 - Navy
November 15, 2001
6:44:37 PM
"JMac, get back here! Don't launch your fighter yet!"
But it was already too late, JMac launched his TIE Fighter out into space.
Kain and the rest of his flight quickly raced towards the hangar to get in their TIE Fighters. They knew that the only thing they can do now is to defend the Atrus at all cost. They reached the hangar and quickly proceeded the the TIE Fighters. Then one of the maintence droids stopped me.
"Sir, are you WO1 Kain Rennok?" The droid asked.
"Yes, what is it that you want?"
"Sir your YF-19 has been completed and is ready for its first flight. If you come this way I will lead you to your craft."
He signaled the rest of flight 3 to get into their fighters. Then Kain quickly followed the droid to his YF-19.
"Here it is sir."
Kain stared at it, then quickly he checked out the entire airframe to make sure nothing was wrong with it. After checking everything he jumped into the cockpit and started the engines. Everything seemed to work fine so far.
"This is Aegis 9, flight 3 get ready for launch."
Out the hangar Kain flew in his YF-19 and the rest of flight 3, into the battlefield once again.
Warrant Officer 1st Class Kain Rennok
FL/WO1 Kain Rennok/Aegis 3-1/mSSD Atrus/VE/VEN [=A=] [=MA=] [VC:Silver]
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Kain Rennok
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RE: Ch. 7 - Navy
November 15, 2001
8:15:42 PM
Darkhawk threw his TIE Fighter into a tight barrell roll as laser bolts streaked through the space where had just been. A green TIE Bomber pilot flew in front of him. Darkhawk squeezed the trigger on instinct and smiled as he saw the bomber explode.
But he still had two TIE Interceptors on his tail. He looked around for sk8guy, but he wasn't anywhere to be seen.
"Seven, where the heck is Six?" he called, juking his starfighter back and forth.
"He's over here covering for me and Yodah8r, sir. Do you need some help?"
"Damn right, I need some help," Darkhawk spat back, nearly avoiding another shot. "Six, get over here."
"I can't, Five. I've got TIE Fighters crawling all over me."
Darkhawk slammed a fist against his control panel and sent his fighter into a steep dive. Things were not looking good. The pilots were tired from the last battle, and now this. Plus, there were other things to worry about besides the numerous dogfights being waged across the sky.
Suddenly, one of the squints on his tail winked off the radar. Darkhawk checked his aft and smiled. "Thanks, Two."
"No, problem, Five. I owed you one," Lonewolf answered.
"Hah. Well, we're even now." Darkhawk watched as TwinFury picked off the other interceptor on his rear.
"Why are you two flying wing, Two, Three?" Darkhawk asked.
"Well, with Ypod retiring last night and heading home, Twin was without a wing," Lonewolf answered. "And Riel's nowhere to be seen."
"What?" Darkhawk questioned.
"He and Zed left right before the battle. Claw said it was something about Dark Jedi training," Piett answered. Darkhawk noticed Viper Squadron heading toward their position, having finished off a squadron of Preybirds.
"Crap. That leaves without two of our best," Darkhawk muttered. "Kain, are you out here?"
"Roger that, Five. Just testing out my new fighter. The rest of Three Flight is over here with me, right outside the Atrus. We decided to fly TIE Fighters this time . . . better defense."
Darkhawk smirked. Three Flight was always whining about being stuck in bombers. "Guess you're in charge, eh, Nine?"
"Looks to be that way, Five."
"Question," Piett called. "If you all are in fighters, does that mean my gunboats are the only bombers out here to take on that interdictor?"
"Don't worry about that," g5 called back. "Raptor Squadron will escort Viper's Three Flight on their bombing run."
"Just send your boys on over," Daishi added.
"Roger that, Admiral," Piett called back.
Throughout all this discussion, more and more TIEs had been pouring out of the enemy's hangar bays. And the enemy Super Star Destroyer hadn't even begun to launch its fighters yet.
Things were not looking good. All the VE had was the crippled Saratoga, its own interdictor, and the Atrus. The enemy had come at them with their own SSD, two ISDs, four VSDs, and at least a dozen support ships. Things were going to get nasty really quick if they couldn't get that interdictor taken out.
"Claw, are there reinforcements anywhere nearby?" Piett called out.
"We have two Dreadnaughts and two lancer frigates in a nearby system, but it will be a while before they get here."
"That isn't near enough," Corran said.
"I know," Claw answered. "I'm hailing some of our Allies right now to see if they can give us a hand."
Darkhawk grimaced. Riel, Zed, Ypod, and Malik were all gone. Several of their pilots had died in the last battle. And on top of all that, PJ had been captured by the Rebels.
That thought hit Darkhawk hard. What were they going to do about PJ? Their rescue plans had all been put on halt when this attacking force had jumped in.
Oh well, he thought, blasting an eyeball out of his path. He was sure Claw would come up with some brilliant plan . . .
And, if not, there would always be more of these damned TIEs to kill . . . ----------------------- FL/WO2 Darkhawk/Aegis 2-1 (Aegis Five)/mSSD Atrus/VEN/VE/(=A=)/(=MA=)/[BRC]
"A man cannot be too careful in his choice of enemies."
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RE: Ch. 7 - Navy
November 15, 2001
9:59:05 PM
The battle went on like a storm and the odds against the VE was lifting a bit but only a very little bit. though continuous battle had strained all the pilots none of the VE were killed...yet. Kain commanded Aegis with Riel's absence with a surprising comfort the rest of Aegis wasnt sure if it was his new ship or his rare chance at his current position.
"Look out!" Kain yelled mostly because of adreniline, "Get those Tie Bombers before the get to the Artrus!"
though it had been awhile scince the battle started the Artrus made a good distance away from the enemy SSD. though they were both the same type of ship the Artrus was a modified version and would've had the upper hand on a capital ship battle with just the other SSD. However conditions weren't that giving and the Lead ship of the Vast Empire was in a really bad posistion.
"3 stay on my wing the worst we could do know is seperate especially scince my handicape is starting to get to me" LoneWolf said parinoidinally. He looked down his arm too see a good layer of blood begining to form on his arm; though it would have seen he would of had time to tye something around his arm he didnt have the time. it still wasn't soemthing that was gonna take him out of battle especially if it was just starting to hurt.
"Got another T/B!" DarkHawk yelled, " lets go off and engage the other round before it gets too close."
"Roger 5 flights one's with you!" LoneWolf said, "dont think your gonna beat me on kills yet!"
flight one and two fly to another waves of tie bombers; they quickly shot off taking a good fraction of them downon their first run. They then twirled back and finished them off from behind.
"Lets get some real fighters now Aegis!" Kain said, "Lets hope we can still pull this off!"
the smaller Aegis squadron made its way through engaments of star fighters. LoneWolf could only think about getting paid extra overtime for this messy job, then going to his quarters and taking a nap on his repolsor lift lounger, and maybe taking a few days off. Its the small thing in life, He thought as he shot down another eyeball. ----------------------- "It's not what you think it is it's only what you think it is" - a good teacher of mine
"Do or do not there is no in between" - Yoda
"If we have no dreams to pursue then what are we doing in life" - me
Aegis 1-2
Bronze recruitment comendation
ladies man ("give me a call baby")
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RE: Ch. 7 - Navy
November 15, 2001
11:28:42 PM
It was in a total mess. Jmac had leapt his bomber out of the hangar with a suddeness that made Gravin, Fallen and Kain rushed to their respective bombers to gain on Jmac.
'Jmac, stay in Atrus area. Do not engage enemy alone. We'll be with you shortly.' Kain said over the intercom.
Fallen sped his TIE bomber out of the hangar. A quick glance showed Jamc's bomber hovering near the hangar. Almost out, but not enough to attract and enemy fighters. This guy is smart.
With minutes, Flight 3 regrouped, and Kain led the bombers to one of the VSDs making way towards the mSSD Atrus, and it is starting to release starfighters. Masses of TIEs flew out and the entire Navy fleet was engaged in hard action.
'Flight, proceed to bomb radar and shield facilities. Let's knock out their outer shields and radar. We are on a ROCK 'N ROLL!' Kain shouted.
' Okay! Let's blast this ship into pieces.'
Fallen took a steep bank towards the shield generators, followed closely by Jmac. Over his right, Fallen spotted what looked positively like shield generators. Except ....
Fallen tried to evade the masses of proton missiles aimed at him. He broke off from his current line and noticed that Jmac also pulled out of his curent attack route.
'Kain, shield protected by proton.'
'Take them out from their weakest point. Aim for their axis.'
Fallen flew towards the back of the proton guns. Before they had the time to turn and focus their shots on his craft, Fallen pressed his trigger, letting a series of heavy bombs onto the guns with a wolf yell. 2 guns were cripled. There were 6 left.
'Jmac, attack on their axis. Cripple their remaining 4. I'll cover you.'
'Kay Fallen. Going in .... '
Jmac's craft banked in. let off a series of bombs and 1 gun exploded into pieces. Fallen was going to cheer his head off, when he noticewd that a series of TIEs were on their way. Obviously the control station had notified them of his Flight's presence.
'Darnit. Flight. Enemy fighters in range. Look out for your butts.'
'Cmon. Grav, take them out. Fallen, Jmac, fly out of range for the time being. I dunt want to lose half my flight.'
Fallen took his craft out. Gravin swooped in to started bombing out the TIEs. Luckily they were so close to each other .... ----------------------- [Navy - Fallen] FM/WO2 Fallen/Aegis 3-3/1/mSSD Atrus/1ESF/VE/VEN/(=A=)
[Army - Raxen] ETRP/CPL Raxen/1SQD/1PLT/1COM/1BAT/1RGT/VEA/VE
'Long Live the Vast Empire. And my TIE Bomber.'
Riel Fury
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RE: Ch. 7 - Navy
November 16, 2001
7:01:29 AM
The Atrus severely outgunned the two VSD II's that were firing at it. Claw checked the status screen. The shields were in very good shape. "Okay, gunners, the VSD's shields should be pretty well pumelled right now. Start firing at the bridge, and let's see if we can't finish them..." Claw got an idea. "Belay that. Alert me when their shields are down."
"Yessir," the crewman said.
So far, the battle wasn't going too bad, but the Vast Empire's navy was outgunned and outnumbered at least 8 to 1, if not worse. A few more fighters had passed on, but it was just a matter of time until what looked like a good fight became a slaughter.
"How long until that Dreadnaught and Lancer get here?" Claw asked someone on the bridge.
"Any minute now sir," the crewman said.
Claw cursed. The Atrus and the Saratoga would have to continue on the present course for quite a few minutes if they wanted to escape the NI's interdictor cruiser. Their Interdictor wasn't too far behind, but it had taken the brunt of the fighter beating.
Just as he was thinking that the Lancer and the Dreadnaught popped out of Hyperspace at the edge of the Interdictors gravity well projectors. That served two purposes for Claw. It gave some much needed firepower, and it showed him exactly where he needed to get to. It was still quite a ways, but maybe the Atrus and Saratoga could escape. And luckily, the Interdictor as well.
"Sir, the VSD on our right has lost all shields and the hull integrity is diminishing. The one on our left has appx. 8% shields, and it's shield generators are crippled."
Just as that was said, from behind the NI SSD, two more VSD's popped up. "Okay, cease Turbolaster fire and begin Ion Bombardment on both ships." This might work out after all...
Riel stood all alone in the hangar of the unfamiliar SSD. It was like the Atrus, and not. Here, he had to wait...
----------------------- Officer Candidate Riel Fury
Squadron Commander
Aegis Squadron
Gold Recruitment Commendation
Wing Commander Wing One
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RE: Ch. 7 - Navy
November 16, 2001
1:44:17 PM
[Well appearently people were not paying attention to my post. I ordered all craft to be outfitted to engage enemy fighters. We got the speed and the firepower to not have to worry about the capships. The fighters are the only real threat at preasent time.]
Daishi looked over his displays and was furious.
"I ordered all craft to engage fighters if I catch anyone making strafing runs again I'll frag them myself is that understood?" Daishi almost felt his microphone cringe in fear from the anger in his voice.
"YES SIR!" Came the silmutanious response from all pilots.
The enemy was being clumsy by engaging in more then one on one fights. The resulting friendly fire incedents were forcing the NI pilots to back off because they were loosing too many pilots to friendly fire.
Daishi knew that the Interdiction fields could be readjusted faster then the Atrus could move but as long as they kept moving the enemy couldn't use thier superior numbers to absolutely abliterate them.
Daishi locked onto another Assault Gunboat and fired a pair of missles. The explosion that followed told Daishi that the craft was no more.
The Dreadnaghts and Lancers if they could come into range would give them enough of an edge that they might actually get out of this one alive.
The two disabled VSD II's had done some damage to the forward shields of the Atrus. Daishi figured that the other two VSD II's and the ISD II's were currently calculating thier micro jump to put them in a position to finish what the first two started. Normally this would take hours but with the Interdictor it would only be a matter of moments before they'd jump. That gave them precious little time to take out the hord of fighters and bombers. ----------------------- Barron Administrator Daishi
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RE: Ch. 7 - Navy
November 16, 2001
3:17:31 PM
G5 was fighting for his life but still had the presence of mind to keep an eye on the rest of the battle and see if he couldn't come up with some form of tactics. When he glanced at the VE's interdictor and saw that it was almost dead an idea popped into his head. he got on the all VE frequency. "Aegis, cover our interdictor, it's getting hit hard. Vipers, cover the Atrus. Raptor will cover you guys. Bear, cover Viper Flight one, i've got flight 2, Dai, you've got 3, or just keep vaping stuff, you seem to be doing pretty good. Now, Atrus, Concentrate all turbolaser fire on the VSDs, shoot the Ion cannons at the interdictor. The second those VSDs are dead get those turbolasers on the intercdictor. Nav, start a plot for a micro jump, cross back past here by a way the second jump, ask Claw where we want to go after the second jump. As soon as that interdictor is dead we jump. fighters, stay close to atrus so we can load up real fast. Aegis, you'll have to zip back and load up as fast as you possibly can." as he was saying that a laser flaashed by not more that 3 feet in front of his viewport. "ok, i've gotta fly. act on those orders." As soon as he said that he found who was shooting at him right before another blt missed right. The T/I was right below him. he reversed throttle to make the guy miss, jammed them to the stopps as he dove. he aimed so that he would piss the fighter slightly to port. As soon as he got rall close the ruddered left as hard as he could, popped a quad blast right through the middle of his solar panels and pooped back onto his first course. he knew it was a kill because he caught a bright flash out of the corner of his eye. He raced back to the Atrus, mindful not to get shot. he had to cover for Viper flight 2. This was going to be a tough battle but he hoped that his flying and plan would help get them out of it. ----------------------- TO:A/1Lt G5/Raptor 2-2/Wing 1/mSSD Atrus/VEN/=A=
Combat Engineer G5
Zed Zeon
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RE: Ch. 7 - Navy
November 16, 2001
3:38:06 PM
Zed and the flight 2 shoots some X-wings that attacking Atrus left side.
"Art, cover my tail,... 8, make my target as yours,.. Boba, cover 8's tail."
With Zed and Ez8 co-op, the X-Wings don't stand a chance.
"Zed,.. you have 4 X's at your right", said g5.
"ok,.. got that... Vipers lets make them another space dust", said Zed.
----------------------- Leading Crewman Zed "118" Zeon
EFL/LCRW Zed "118" Zeon/Viper2-1/m-SDD Atrus/VEN/VE(DSM)[=A=][=MA=]{-GS-}
Adept Zed "118" Zeon/VEDJ Academy/VCF Deathscythe
Riel Fury
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RE: Ch. 7 - Navy
November 16, 2001
4:07:43 PM
"Okay, I want tractor beams locked on both of the disabled VSDs, now," Claw said. Despite Riel's mysterious absence, the wing seemed to be handling itself well. "Okay, now draw them in as close as possible, while keeping up the ion cannon bombardment. That way, the only way the NI could attack us is to risk firing on their own ships. Make sure the VSDs are facing the ships behind us."
Everything was done as ordered, and the Atrus gained a bit more ground against the approaching ships. "Shield recharge full," Claw ordered.
The crippled Saratoga used the sudden turn in the tide of the battle to somehow get past the Atrus into relative safety, for now.
"Sir, the Interdictor has broken off and is retreating in a different direction, and their interdictor has shifted the projectors. We're in the middle of the Gravity Well again."
Claw cursed. This could be bad. With the Saratoga in the shape it was in, they couldn't go through another one of these chases...
Riel stood before his Dark Master, knowing that right now his friends could be dying. This was the test that he had to suffer through though. This is what he had to do if he wanted to become a Dark Jedi.... ----------------------- Officer Candidate Riel Fury
Squadron Commander
Aegis Squadron
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RE: Ch. 7 - Navy
November 16, 2001
4:42:41 PM
Tarkin breathed heavily as approximately 10 fighters were chasing his tail.
"God darnnit! Someone get their butt on these fighters!!" Yelled Tarkin on his intercomm.
"On my way." Replied Emon. Emon's fighter was going at full throttle, trying to close the distance between his fighter and the enemy fighters pursuing Tarkin's TIE Interceptor.
Tarkin felt his T/I shake hard. He looked at his shields...50%
Tarkin swore.
"Come on people! I have like ten fighters here!!"
"I'm on my way. I have visual." Said Emon.
"Flame their a**!" Yelled Tarkin.
Emon fired, hitting one fighter and destroying it.
The enemy fighters saw their comrade's fighter explode right before their eyes, and discontinued persuit.
"Thanks." Said Tarkin.
"No problem. Let's go chase 'em."
Tarkin nodded.
Tarkin increased his throttle as high as it could go.
The enemy fighters were after another friendly craft, and firing.
"Ok, let's get hits this time. Let's wipe out the squadron." Said Tarkin.
Emon nodded.
Tarkin's T/I spiralled towards his targets and fired. The enemy ships' shields were failing, but they discontinued pursuit and turned towards Tarkin's firing craft. They fired now...
Tarkin quickly flew downward, evading the fire. He quickly put on the breaks and flew upward...he was right underneath them now...fired...
Emon fired as well, destroying one fighter at a time until there was none left.
"Good job." Said Tarkin.
"You too."
Tarkin and Emon raced towards the rest of the red dots on their radars...
----------------------- EFM/PO2 Tarkin/Viper 1-3/Wing I/M/SSD Atrus/1VENF/VEN[BRC][BRC][SV][=A=][=MA=]
"The Viper Squadron won't stop until our 'Best is Better and our Better is Best.'" - Tarkin
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RE: Ch. 7 - Navy
November 16, 2001
4:55:34 PM
Aegis had a tough job of defending a dying ship, especially with a stubborn captain.
"What the hell is that interdictor doing!?" LoneWolf yelled now pissedoff at all the annoying ties that were shooting at him or his friends.
"No clue 2!" Darkhawk replied, "seems their out of the gravity well now."
"They'll let the Artrus be destroyed if all of the IN's shift all of their attack towards her!" LoneWolf cried.
"I know 2 but at least someone will get out of here plus the Artrus gots some hostages now."
LoneWolf looked at his sensors to see the mSSD dragging two VSD's with her. "Well ill be damned!" lonewolf replied, "2 look out! your gonna get a few tails!"
5's tie was confronted by a few ties that snuck up on him. "Dangit get them off me!" he dodged left and right trying to shake them. one shot jetted straight by him barley scratching his tie's armor. oneof the tails DarkHawk grew was sundenly cut of fby its shooting sprew from 3 friendly ties.
"Got your back sir!" Sk8guy replied.
"with the help of the very small flight one!" Twin concluded, "Lets stick to our jobs!"
"Thanx guys!" DarkHawk said, "theres a flight going towards the interdictor lets intorcept."
"Gotcha 5 like what seems to be our new motto," LoneWolf started, "Lets give 'em hell!" ----------------------- "It's not what you think it is it's only what you think it is" - a good teacher of mine
"Do or do not there is no in between" - Yoda
"If we have no dreams to pursue then what are we doing in life" - me
Aegis 1-2
Bronze recruitment comendation
ladies man ("give me a call baby")
ComNet n00b
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RE: Ch. 7 - Navy
November 16, 2001
6:44:15 PM
Tarkin picked up some enemy fighters on scanners.
"I have some pretty bad news." Said Tarkin.
"What's that?" Asked Emon.
"Well, it seems that the enemy's interdictor cruiser is no ordinary one."
"I can get a good glimpse of their fighter bay's...There are robotic arms moving about. It seems that they have an small on-board shipyard that constructs continous fighters."
"S**t." Swore Emon.
"Most definately. They probably have a busload of pilots on that rig."
"Most likely." Replied Emon.
Suddenly, three squadrons of fighters were heading towards the Atrus's location.
"Oh no..." Said Tarkin, under his breath.
"Emon. We've got two squadron of bombers and one squadron of fighters heading towards the Atrus. We've got to intercept now. Let Viper Squadron in on it." Ordered Tarkin.
"Yes sir." Replied Emon.
Emon commlinked the rest of the Viper Squadron, informing them of the new threat.... ----------------------- EFM/PO2 Tarkin/Viper 1-3/Wing I/M/SSD Atrus/1VENF/VEN[BRC][BRC][SV][=A=][=MA=]
"The Viper Squadron won't stop until our 'Best is Better and our Better is Best.'" - Tarkin