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Topic:  ComNet Avatars
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  RE: ComNet Avatars
January 2, 2005 2:24:09 PM    View the profile of Cosmic 
I have PhotoShop CS too, just don't know how to use it as well as Paint Shop Pro 7. I might get Paint Shop Pro 9 because I can buy it for $10. We'll see.
Cleric "Cosmic" Vor'soth
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  RE: ComNet Avatars
January 2, 2005 3:39:22 PM    View the profile of Sniping101 
this is the culmunation of all my skill, effort and talent.
The Comnet Hermit{Retired}
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  RE: ComNet Avatars
January 2, 2005 4:10:49 PM    View the profile of MaraJade 
Hey Cos, I have a really good book and a cd that came with it about CS so if you have any questions I can try to help... I will see what I can do about getting some info on one of my websites so maybe you can dl some tutorials.  I am learning some nice stuff.. huge difference between the old photoshops and this.  Huge difference between CS and PSP 7 too, I think once you get the hang of CS you will be hooked, and it will make your life muuuch easier and you will be able to make the avatars quicker, more income for ya ;o) hehe

LOL  "this is the culmunation of all my skill, effort and talent."  thats what we need...someone dedicated to the art of duct tape. 

-Mara who thinks she will be working on her storm trooper avatar covered in duct tape
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  RE: ComNet Avatars
January 2, 2005 4:53:09 PM    View the profile of Sniping101 
yeah, the sad thing is is that this is just  a resized picture of duct tape with some text added, and that is why i own Photoshop CS
The Comnet Hermit{Retired}
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  RE: ComNet Avatars
January 2, 2005 5:03:32 PM    View the profile of MaraJade 
I am gathering I need to assemble a little photoshop cs tutorial webpage so we can all utilize our photoshop cs better... since I have read this little book I bought, and played with the tutorial cd that came with it I have learned so much cool stuff... at some point I ought to work on that .. hmm
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  RE: ComNet Avatars
January 2, 2005 5:07:56 PM    View the profile of Sniping101 
that'd be awesome, tell us when its done
The Comnet Hermit{Retired}
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  RE: ComNet Avatars
January 3, 2005 2:33:34 AM    View the profile of Kuroishi 
This is the culmination of the efforts of the oh great and powerfull blue marsupial known as Wombat, the Federated Suns loyalist and computer graphics artist Yuri Hikaido, and myself.  If you don't reckognize the names don't worry they are actual people on another message board, the official message board for Classic Battletech to be precise.

Wombat did the base images.  Yuri had to tweek the image a bit to get it the way I wanted.  I slapped together a couple base images.  Wombat put the back ground glow on the right side(the left side glow was already there).  I replaced my CBT message board name with the Kanji and Hirigana.

Wombat is supposed to be making me a SW version that I intend to use here.  Hopefully the Wombat will not disapoint.
Kuroishi Wraith VEA
Daishi Raptor VEN
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"And the sound of many heads hitting many solid objects was heard throughout the land." me
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  RE: ComNet Avatars
January 3, 2005 2:38:06 AM    View the profile of Kuroishi 
Shoot I was going to post the bigger version with the legible kanji/hirigana but I forgot then IE had a malfunction.  Any rate here you all go.

Edit:  Ack it streached.  Erg.  Let's try this then.

Kuroishi Wraith VEA
Daishi Raptor VEN
Assistant Writer Why Project Copyright Infringment
Ich bin hessliche amerikaner.
Agent of Wierdness
Nehmen mir zu dein frauen von vernunftig preis tugendhafte.
"And the sound of many heads hitting many solid objects was heard throughout the land." me
Avatar by scientist computer graphics subdivision of Clan Wombat.
"It's not what I'm on it's what I'm NOT on."-far as I know me
Agent of wierdness
[This message has been edited by Kuroishi (edited January 3, 2005 2:44:12 AM)]
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  RE: ComNet Avatars
January 3, 2005 3:38:18 PM    View the profile of MaraJade 
Sharp, I really like it, be sure to tell everyone who worked on that they did an outstanding job! 

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  RE: ComNet Avatars
January 8, 2005 7:28:50 PM    View the profile of Shazam 
I'm kind of trying to learn some Japanese on the side, right now, so I can kind of slightly read what is on there...  Maybe you were going for Chinese, doesn't matter though, Japanese stole thier symbols from them...

The one symbol in the upper right hand corner of the first symbol means 'rising', and I all of the other symbols look extremely familier, the first one I havn't quite learned yet... 
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  RE: ComNet Avatars
January 9, 2005 1:42:56 AM    View the profile of Willtconq 
let me give you a hint, since im Chinese. the character in the center of the image means "tail" or "end" and the first character on the bottom means "dark".
-(William the Conquerer)-
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  RE: ComNet Avatars
January 9, 2005 10:57:04 AM    View the profile of Denethor 
Well then, that would explain the last name in your email.
Kam "Denethor" Vox
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  RE: ComNet Avatars
January 9, 2005 12:49:50 AM    View the profile of Willtconq 
how many people did not know that i am 100% Chinese?
-(William the Conquerer)-
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FL/SCRW Willtconq/Kaph 2-1/Wing I/mSSD Atrus/DEF/VEN/VE (=A=)
Otto Vox
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  RE: ComNet Avatars
January 9, 2005 1:07:17 PM    View the profile of Otto Vox 
It's not exactly in your profile budd.
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  RE: ComNet Avatars
January 9, 2005 2:36:18 PM    View the profile of Willtconq 
guess not....heck, i dont even have a bio.
-(William the Conquerer)-
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FL/SCRW Willtconq/Kaph 2-1/Wing I/mSSD Atrus/DEF/VEN/VE (=A=)
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  RE: ComNet Avatars
January 9, 2005 2:42:48 PM    View the profile of Otto Vox 
No, that's not what I meant. I meant that it isn't asked about in any information that's needed for the VE, so it's not like we could find out just by looking at your info.
Sergeant First Class Otto Vox
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Give into the inferno that is the Dark Side of the Force - Otto Vox
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  RE: ComNet Avatars
January 9, 2005 2:44:48 PM    View the profile of Willtconq 
oh, well, looks like i'll just have to tell everyone the way i told you...
-(William the Conquerer)-
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FL/SCRW Willtconq/Kaph 2-1/Wing I/mSSD Atrus/DEF/VEN/VE (=A=)
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  RE: ComNet Avatars
January 10, 2005 9:47:22 AM    View the profile of Dirk 
Hi Cos, could you possibly do something with these:

Just the cheap option with "Dirk Muab" and "StarPilot" or something like that, dont worry i can pay
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  RE: ComNet Avatars
January 10, 2005 2:24:25 PM    View the profile of Cosmic 
If grafx design is power, then a god am I.

What frame did you want to use, and did you want to use one or both of the images.
Cleric "Cosmic" Vor'soth
Cleric "Cosmic" Vor'soth
SL/KPR Cosmic/Lion 1-1/Lopen/VEDJ/VE [VP][KC1][OAK]
[This message has been edited by Cosmic (edited January 10, 2005 2:25:35 PM)]
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  RE: ComNet Avatars
January 10, 2005 2:56:52 PM    View the profile of Dirk 
How about the army frame on the second image?
FM/CR Dirk Muab/Nazgul 2-3/Wing 1/mSSD Atrus/Defensive Fleet/VEN/VE
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  RE: ComNet Avatars
January 10, 2005 3:00:08 PM    View the profile of Cosmic 
New Imperial Avatars

Cleric "Cosmic" Vor'soth
Cleric "Cosmic" Vor'soth
SL/KPR Cosmic/Lion 1-1/Lopen/VEDJ/VE [VP][KC1][OAK]
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  RE: ComNet Avatars
January 10, 2005 3:31:38 PM    View the profile of Jack Nebulax 
Revenge is what holds this galaxy together. Without it, the universe would be a boring place.
Jack Nebulax, Vast Empire Imperial Navy.
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  RE: ComNet Avatars
January 10, 2005 4:40:10 PM    View the profile of MaraJade 
yeah, nice job as usual Cos... I am impressed since I know the tools you are using make your job a bit harder.  I bow to your avatar making ability
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  RE: ComNet Avatars
January 10, 2005 6:49:30 PM    View the profile of Willtconq 
those look more clones to me than imperials...
-(William the Conquerer)-
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  RE: ComNet Avatars
January 10, 2005 8:15:00 PM    View the profile of Cosmic 
Umm. The clones do become the faction known as the "Empire/Imperials". They also look like ARC soldiers.
Cleric "Cosmic" Vor'soth
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  RE: ComNet Avatars
January 10, 2005 8:28:56 PM    View the profile of Cosmic 
Let me know what you think, Dirk.

Cleric "Cosmic" Vor'soth
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  RE: ComNet Avatars
January 10, 2005 8:31:10 PM    View the profile of Kuroishi 
Well according to the site I got the Kanji from the one in the center is "dangerous".

The short phrase below translates roughly into english as "angel of darkness"

And of course we bow and scrape at the feet of the all mighty blue marsupial lest we get our heads cracked by a falling anvil, and that's if the all mighty blue marsupial is being friendly.
Kuroishi Wraith VEA
Daishi Raptor VEN
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Ich bin hessliche amerikaner.
Agent of Wierdness
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"And the sound of many heads hitting many solid objects was heard throughout the land." me
Avatar by scientist computer graphics subdivision of Clan Wombat.
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  RE: ComNet Avatars
January 10, 2005 8:44:59 PM    View the profile of Shazam 
Well those are friggen awesome...  Do you get those images and then mess with them, or do you just make them out of scratch? 

And since the Japanese stole thier symbols from the Chinese I suppose they should be about one in the same, a couple of differences probably...
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CMDR/WO1 Shazam/Nazgul 1-1/Phoenix Wing/mSSD Atrus/1VENF/VEN (=A=) [LoM] [LSM]
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  RE: ComNet Avatars
January 10, 2005 9:18:10 PM    View the profile of Kuroishi 
I can't remember the site I got the hirigana and kanji from now, but those came from the web.

Wombat took per my request the emblem of the Classic Battletech nation known as the Taurian Concordat(I'm a natural fit for this nation for some reason, maybe it has something to do with they are tough, stubborn, and thier military has little problem with violating so called 'rules of war').

In a way I like my old one but this current one suits me better.

I'll post up my old one when I get home.  That one is a pure Wombat brand Avatar.

The Wombat rivals Cosmic if I dare say.
Kuroishi Wraith VEA
Daishi Raptor VEN
Assistant Writer Why Project Copyright Infringment
Ich bin hessliche amerikaner.
Agent of Wierdness
Nehmen mir zu dein frauen von vernunftig preis tugendhafte.
"And the sound of many heads hitting many solid objects was heard throughout the land." me
Avatar by scientist computer graphics subdivision of Clan Wombat.
"It's not what I'm on it's what I'm NOT on."-far as I know me
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  RE: ComNet Avatars
January 10, 2005 9:18:13 PM    View the profile of Willtconq 
they are called characters, not symbols.
-(William the Conquerer)-
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FL/SCRW Willtconq/Kaph 2-1/Wing I/mSSD Atrus/DEF/VEN/VE (=A=)
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