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RE: ComNet Avatars
October 9, 2004
5:41:14 AM
Avatars have a set size and they are converted to that size if they are not already that size when they are displayed. ----------------------- Rear Admiral Japheth Cappadocious, Krath Templar
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RE: ComNet Avatars
October 9, 2004
5:54:40 AM
Also, if I try to put them at the correct size, it says the bit is to big or something... ----------------------- *Flash Was Here...*
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RE: ComNet Avatars
October 9, 2004
2:13:50 PM
same thing happened to me, when i tried to put up a pic of two stormies taking a piss.
LOL...where is the little opening in the uniform anywho? ----------------------- Private First Class Squall
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RE: ComNet Avatars
October 9, 2004
2:39:13 PM
I use media resizer pro, and for some reason, when I resize it and tell it to send it to my documents, the little basterd sends it somewhere else... And then its never resized... ----------------------- *Flash Was Here...*
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RE: ComNet Avatars
October 11, 2004
6:57:52 AM
When I want to resize a picture, I open it with paint and then use the image resizer-thingy in there. ----------------------- FL/PO2 Chipmunk Man/Kaph 3-1/Phoenix/mSSD Atrus/DEF/VEN/VE/(=A=)[LoC][MC:1]
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RE: ComNet Avatars
October 11, 2004
8:31:47 PM
That won't work for mine for some reason... It just covers it up with white... Or just cuts off the entire picture except for the corner that you leave behind. ----------------------- *Flash Was Here...*
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Otto Vox
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RE: ComNet Avatars
October 12, 2004
12:18:14 AM
Well Cos, I asked you earlier about a custom avatar, so I'm posting the description here. I was actually sort of thinking of something similar to the Obi-Wan drawing on Jedi Apprentice: Rising Force. But of course it'd have to look more evil, possibly a shadow face with glowing red eyes and the lightsabre actually being held, with only the blade showing, with the black fading up into blood red at about the 1/4th mark. Email or PM me if you have any questions about it. ----------------------- Sergeant First Class Otto Vox
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RE: ComNet Avatars
October 12, 2004
6:16:13 AM
I can't beleive that was obiwan at the time... Damn. He was a little basterd. ----------------------- *Flash Was Here...*
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RE: ComNet Avatars
October 12, 2004
9:28:17 AM
I just think that picture looks really cool. ----------------------- Sergeant First Class Otto Vox
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RE: ComNet Avatars
October 13, 2004
6:53:18 PM
testing ----------------------- *DarkDragoons*
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RE: ComNet Avatars
October 14, 2004
7:19:24 AM
Testing... ----------------------- *Flash Was Here...*
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Otto Vox
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RE: ComNet Avatars
October 15, 2004
8:52:50 AM
Aaww, Afyon looks so cute ----------------------- Sergeant First Class Otto Vox
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RE: ComNet Avatars
October 15, 2004
7:02:35 PM
like the lead singer of switchfoot. . . ----------------------- The Comnet Hermit
-Raider Squad-
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"As long as their is Space, Im going to stare off into it"-Garfield
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RE: ComNet Avatars
October 15, 2004
9:17:22 PM
Actually... Yea. That does bear a striking resemblence to the man...
(Bear: Roar.) ----------------------- *Flash Was Here...*
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RE: ComNet Avatars
October 16, 2004
1:43:12 AM
now you just have me confused, i dont know if your agreeing with me or mocking me, gah! sometimes stupidity hurts.
but it dose look like the guy, if he dressed in stormtrooper armor. ----------------------- The Comnet Hermit
-Raider Squad-
"A spanking new Athlon reduced to a Gameboy Emulator"- Gabe from Penny Arcade.
"As long as their is Space, Im going to stare off into it"-Garfield
I'm a little teapot, short and stout. Here is my handle, here is my spout. When I see an ARC all short and stout, BOOM! I kiss him and love him all the night out! - Modified by Me, original by -anonymous
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RE: ComNet Avatars
October 16, 2004
3:34:14 AM
Someone with hips like that looks like a guy? I haven't bothered looking her up, but I can tell from the avatar she's got a nice body. :P ----------------------- OO/HG Sierra "Talon" Taurus/HC-3/VEHC/VE[BC][IOC][LoC][SoS][BM][CDS][MSM]
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RE: ComNet Avatars
October 16, 2004
2:52:05 PM
no, Afyons, look, damnit it looks like the lead singer of switchfoot. ----------------------- The Comnet Hermit
-Raider Squad-
"A spanking new Athlon reduced to a Gameboy Emulator"- Gabe from Penny Arcade.
"As long as their is Space, Im going to stare off into it"-Garfield
I'm a little teapot, short and stout. Here is my handle, here is my spout. When I see an ARC all short and stout, BOOM! I kiss him and love him all the night out! - Modified by Me, original by -anonymous
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RE: ComNet Avatars
October 16, 2004
8:01:29 PM
Sorry, I was out of it. It was quite late when I wrote that. I'm not even sure what I thought I was reading. ----------------------- OO/HG Sierra "Talon" Taurus/HC-3/VEHC/VE[BC][IOC][LoC][SoS][BM][CDS][MSM]
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RE: ComNet Avatars
October 17, 2004
1:49:30 AM
ah, perfectly acceptable, happens to me on occasion, so i end up posting a arguement that took me twenty minutes to write thats about something completely diffrent and end up deleting it. ----------------------- The Comnet Hermit
-Raider Squad-
"A spanking new Athlon reduced to a Gameboy Emulator"- Gabe from Penny Arcade.
"As long as their is Space, Im going to stare off into it"-Garfield
I'm a little teapot, short and stout. Here is my handle, here is my spout. When I see an ARC all short and stout, BOOM! I kiss him and love him all the night out! - Modified by Me, original by -anonymous
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RE: ComNet Avatars
October 18, 2004
4:17:41 PM
Look on the Customized Avatars topic, Otto. ----------------------- Cleric "Cosmic" Vor'soth
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RE: ComNet Avatars
October 24, 2004
12:15:23 AM
And yes, this is how my VE character looks like. ----------------------- Cleric "Cosmic" Vor'soth
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RE: ComNet Avatars
October 24, 2004
5:11:47 AM
Score! ----------------------- OO/HG Sierra "Talon" Taurus/HC-3/VEHC/VE[BC][IOC][LoC][SoS][BM][CDS][MSM]
GM-SL/DJM "Nightblades"/DC-1/Elite Griffen Sect/VSD-II Griffen/VEDJ/VE[IOC][OQD][WoS 2nd Class]
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RE: ComNet Avatars
October 24, 2004
6:43:46 PM
whoa. . .nothing like i imagined. . . ----------------------- The Comnet Hermit
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RE: ComNet Avatars
October 26, 2004
5:22:29 PM
I imagined you as a guy like Obi-Wan, except slighly more evil... But that works too... ----------------------- *Flash Was Here...*
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RE: ComNet Avatars
October 28, 2004
3:10:24 PM
Ok, who were the ones that requested avatars but didn't receive an yet? And I know that I created something for someone... An Obi-Won comic. ----------------------- Cleric "Cosmic" Vor'soth
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RE: ComNet Avatars
October 28, 2004
5:09:56 PM
I think that was Otto...or maybe I am wrong. ----------------------- Senior Sergeant
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RE: ComNet Avatars
October 28, 2004
10:35:58 PM
i should request one, like this, but with a bottle of Jack Daniels leaning up against the stack of duct tape, however i cant afford it, so i wont. ----------------------- The Comnet Hermit
-Raider Squad-
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RE: ComNet Avatars
October 29, 2004
11:52:29 PM
I think I'll just get one of the 'big cat's, and that should suffice for the ramainder of my VE time... ----------------------- *Flash Was Here...*
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RE: ComNet Avatars
October 30, 2004
12:41:38 AM
I'm kinda fond of the puma myself, but thats becuase they're around here. ----------------------- The Comnet Hermit
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Otto Vox
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RE: ComNet Avatars
November 1, 2004
7:57:28 PM
Yeah, that was for me. Adaptation requests are on the 3rd page of the customized avatars topic. ----------------------- Sergeant First Class Otto Vox
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Vast Empire Army
CM/DJK Otto Vox/Lion 1-4/Krath/VEDJ/VE
Give into the inferno that is the Dark Side of the Force - Otto Vox
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