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Topic:  Chapter 8 : Army
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[VE-ARMY] High General
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  RE: Chapter 8 : Army
April 18, 2004 10:32:12 PM    View the profile of Talon 
Newly promoted High General Fury stood firmly set behind the podium on stage before his troopers.  The Stormtrooper Corps had all gathered in the largest room that they had, specially built for such a speech that brought all hands together, save for the current watch-standers.  They had all stood as he reached the podium, a ceremonious sign of respect.  A short tune played and the entire room saluted as one.  Fury returned the salute sharply and said, "Please, be seated."  A great rustle overtook the room for a moment as armor clattered and feet shuffled.  When all were seated, Fury looked over at the floating holoscreen.  The screen showed his notes, slowly scrolling as he was to speak it.  The Prefect scoffed inside at the notes and spoke from his heart, as his men had come to expect from the honest man.

"Men," he said with a pause, "and women: we are called to arms.  The High Council has spoken and they say we are going home."  Fury paused again, this time to let his words sink in.  He continued on in a more firm voice, "Since the fall of Coruscant, we have retreated to the far reaches of the galaxy and licked our wounds.  We rebuilt and restructured.  We have studied our enemy and allowed them to grow careless in their confidence.  Now is the time to move in and reclaim Coruscant."

The room exploded with roaring cheers and fists pounding armor in a violent form of a clap.  The entire room was on its feet, shouting and clapping at the promise that they had dreamed of since the fall of Palpatine.  Fury tried to speak, but even the speakers were drowned out.  Fury finally motioned for silence and everyone returned to their seats.  "I will not lie to you.  This will not be an overnight venture.  This will take many years.  We still have to cut our path to the core and maintain our lines so we do not get routed.  We will have to continue the expansion of our fleet as we conquer.  It seems the Navy has a hard time keeping up with us." Fury said with a devilish smile.  The majority of the room chuckled as the rest offered either a smirk or grin.  "Moorja is our first target.  The Navy will be fighting a rather tough defense and will need us to board some of the larger capitol ships to speed things up.  Once that is done, we get to work our magic on the surface and claim the planet.  Squads will be informed what their targets are from their Squad Leaders.  As per usual, no exact information will be given until we are in hyperspace.  Standard procedures, grunts.  Be ready for dust off in four standard days."

Fury motioned Peacemaker up to his side as he gave his troopers one last salute.  He turned and left the stage to a back room that only held a handful of higher officers.  "Get me a drink and make it a stiff one." Fury said to Peacemaker, who was now keeping pace at his side.

"Nervous?" Peacemaker asked, knowing the answer.  He could see it behind Fury's eyes.  He had been around his old friend enough to know the look of well hidden stress.

Fury nodded as he aimed his speed walking toward the door to the landing pad.  "This isn't going to be a cakewalk.  I just hope that whoever crunched numbers kept their decimal points in the right place.  If we end up having to pull back and rebuild, a lot of men will have died for nothing."  Fury silently chastised himself for once again using the comfortable assumption that all of his troopers were male.  It made it harder talk in statistics and numbers when he knew that females were strapped with repeating blasters too.

Peacemaker lunged ahead to open the door for Fury and held it as he passed through it.  "I trust the Council." he said simply.

"I do too, but I still weigh the risks.  I'm too close to my soldiers to throw them into a blind situation and hope we end up on some supposed winning side of galactic war." Fury replied.  He looked ahead to the heavily armed yacht that he was currently using.  It was nestled in the middle of a cluster of TIE Advanced, all ready for space at a moments notice.  Inside, he knew that the Vast Empire was careful.  It was only the magnitude of the undertaking that made him speculate.

"We're going home." he mused quietly.
OO/GN Sierra "Talon" Taurus/HC-3/VEHC/VE[BC][IOC][LoC][SoS][BM][CDS][MSM]
GM-SL/DJM "Nightblades"/DC-1/Elite Griffen Sect/VSD-II Griffen/VEDJ/VE[IOC][OQD][WoS 2nd Class]
SCAP/COM Vincent "Claw" Taurus/ISD Nemesis/Offensive Fleet/VEN[=A=][LoM][IOC][IC2]
CEO Vincent "Claw" Taurus/ECHC-1/Endoven/Dome 8473/VEEC/VE
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  RE: Chapter 8 : Army
April 18, 2004 10:49:24 PM    View the profile of Fury 
Fury sighed and closed down his datapad.  He had sent out instructions to all his platoon leaders and squad leaders. 

Training needed to be verified.  Equipment had to be checked for proper maintenance and operation.  Squads needed to cover as many relevant specialties as necessary.  Basically, lots of forms.

The Corps was going to have to wait for the navy to open a hole in the defenses of their path.  An old VSD and a corvette was no match for a serious planetary defense grid, and he knew it.

It still was frustrating however.

Soon he would know who was ready for war.  Trainees would come straight out of Drill and into fully prepped squads on war footing.  The costs would drive the accountant's mad but there was nothing to do right now but train, simulate, and waste a lot of blaster packs on the target range.

In short order, the Empire would come knocking on the door of the New Republic.
Prefect - Stormtrooper Corps
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  RE: Chapter 8 : Army
April 21, 2004 11:16:59 PM    View the profile of Fury 
"Timms, what ungodly hour is it?"  Fury hadn't bothered opening his eyes yet but merely grabbed the comlink the moment it started chirping.  Timms, of course, was the poster child of morning person and had never been shy about advertising it.

"Late enough General.  And its full Colonel now..."

"I know.  I approved the request."

"Oh.  Didn't know you did that for us regulars as well." An awkward silence followed.

"Your CO was in a bacta tank because he thought he could still play smashball at 50.  It was a favor.  Congrats on the reassignment."  Timms was now battalion commander for the 508th Imperial Dragoons, one of the premier regular infantry units in any part of the Remnant.

"Thank you General.  In any case, my unit is on its way into space.  Wanted to settle in on the transports early for those bunks away from the hyperdrive.  The Dominion is looking for you to get your guys up.  Our naval brethren have established a zone of operations and we are expected soon."

"Thanks much Timms.  Officer's meeting at 1300 on the Dominion and make sure there is coffeine."

"Sure thing sir.  Timms out."

On his way to the refresher he got his office staff to wake up the rest of the corps.  Luckily, no one had snuck in any Umgullian blobs so his shower was nice and clean for once.  He really needed a Torpedo Sphere all for himself.

Later in the day, he managed to pack his gear, hand off the day-to-day stuff to the Home Guard and got ferried up to the star destroyer.  The planetary defense Preybirds were making a show of escorting every vessel topside and generally making a public display of their dedication.  While their mission was still secret, everyone knew something big was in the offing.

As he headed towards the Dominion, he saw the Marauder Scythe. Customs Corvette Pincer, and a variety of smaller gunships herding in series of transport craft which would carry the regular troops.  For a bunch of ground pounders, they could still put on one heck of a naval parade.

Soon the troops would be aboard and the army's part of this mission would begin.

[OOC] In short: Game On. [/OOC]
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  RE: Chapter 8 : Army
April 22, 2004 8:26:28 AM    View the profile of Kuroishi 
Kuroishi had put Wraith through as many ideas of hell he could come up with on short notice for thier training.  Now it was time for the real thing.

He didn't count on having the time to re-arm and re-equip after the boarding actions so he had decided to pack some unusual fare for such a mission.  If he was right though he would be better prepared and he made sure his squad had the same idea.

The marine armor was a must.  Katana check.  Double barreled blaster rifle also check.  Sniper rifle with 200 rounds of ammo check.  Ten days worth of supplies alsi check.  Extra blaster packs would come easily enough from the dead and explosives could be grabbed in an eventual supply run.

As Wraith climbed aboard he knew that this was going to be one long ride.
Kuroishi Wraith VEA
Daishi Raptor VEN
Assistant Writer Why Project Copyright Infringment
Ich bin hessliche amerikaner.
Nehmen mir zu dein frauen von vernunftig preis tugendhafte.
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  RE: Chapter 8 : Army
April 22, 2004 8:50:01 AM    View the profile of Rizzit 
Rizzit woke up early that morning to his comlink's chirping. He knew all too well that it was far too long since he did any real work. The closest he did to work was heading down to Raltiir for a small "visit" to the DarkDragoons. Slowly Rizzit opened his eyes to realize that not only was his comlink beeping, but his imagecaster was awaiting a message as well. Seeing as they were both connected together, Rizzit turned on the imagecaster. Once activated a blue beam of light rose from the core of the device, and Fury appeared to him in full uniform--slighly tainted blue by the imagecaster's projection.

"Go ahead. This is Rizzit." he said in his just-rolled-out-of-bed tone of voice.

"Good morning Rizzit; This is High General Fury. As you are well aware, we are preparing to re-take our home planet. We are starting in a bit of a mess though: we cannot wait any longer to begin our operation and a good many of our members are still off on a mission for the Dark Jedi Order, and we are unable to contact them."

"Ya, I know. I'm still waiting for Raz to get back. We'll just have to make due without them."

"Unfortunately yes, but my cheif concern lies in the Raiders. Otto Vox, Fallen Angel, and D-13 are all in the order and the squad has no leader. I need you to go take command of Raiders until the leaders can return and resume command of the squad; at which point in time you will remain there until further orders are presented or you find that you are needed elsewhere. Do you understand Lieutennant?"

"Understood General. I will prepare to leave immediately. Expect our arrival on the ISD Dominion in 3-4 hours." Rizzit replied as he turned off the imagecaster.

Rizzit got his gear and made ready to go see the Raiders. He was on a time schedule, so he decided it best to take his starwind yacht with him; that way he would be able to leave right from the Raiders' base to the Dominion.

Upon arrival at the hangar bay, Rizzit was greeted as he always was by the maintaince droid: MT-32. This droid was in charge of all the droids that get assigned to be the crew on a ship, or to do mechanical work on a ship. Rizzit took out 2 droids. His personal R2 unit was already onboard for maintance he needed his co-pilot AX-33 and one other for miscellaneous crew operations. He wasn't going that far till he picked up four Raiders, so he didn't feel a need to have a full crew: just enough to fly the Endeavor.

After he was onboard and his droid-crew was ready to take off, Rizzit set course for the Raiders base on Tadath. On his way, he contacted Sniping 101 on his comlink. Snipes was more than happy to hear from him, let alone he was coming in person.

"Look Snipes, we're on a time schedule. I'm on my way to pick you guys up and head on up to the Dominion. Start getting all of your gear ready, and I will be there in 5 minutes. Your leaders are still out of contact from us, so I will be assuming command of you guys until they return and can join in the war-effort. I'm closing the connection now, see you soon."

Rizzit closed the com-link connection, and as promised landed his ship outside the base no longer than 5 minutes after talking to Sniping 101. As he disembarked from the ship and headed for the main entrance, Rizzit sighed, then thought to himself It's been only a short time, but it feels like ages since I've been gone. I wonder if they'll feel uncomfotable having me lead them again; even for this short of a time. Oh well, only one way to find out.....
First Lieutennant Rizzit
Wildcard Platoon Commander
Army of the Vast Empire
Everything expressed truly from your heart and soul is as pure as gold in the minds of anyone who listens!"--Rizzit
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  RE: Chapter 8 : Army
April 22, 2004 10:41:03 AM    View the profile of Substance 
Substance continued warming up. Not long now before he would see combat again. He knew that whatever would happen would be like every battle. Lost men, sacrifices and pain. He was ready and more than happy to sacrifice it all for the Empire. A knock on the door broke his consentration on his hand stand and he fell to the floor. "Agh! Come in." The door slid open and a trooper stood at the doorway. "Sir, Mr. Rizzit has arrived." Substance scratched his head and got up. "Whats Rizzit doing here?"

"I am not sure sir, perhaps you should go talk to him." Substance nodded. "Alright thanks." The trooper saluted and Substance returned the salute and closed the door. He put on a shirt and walked out to meet Rizzit. Substance came to a salute and Rizzit returned it. "If I may ask sir, why are you here?" Rizzit sighed. "Niether Otto or Angel are back from there mission yet. D is gone as well. So I will be taking command of the squad untill they return." Substance nodded. "I see. Well then, anything I can do to help?" Rizzit smiled. "Go get your stuff ready, we are leaving soon." Substance nodded. Saluted once more and walked away.

Once Substance walked back into his room he looked at his personal gear. "I dont think standard issue is an option here.." Grinning he grabbed a gear back and packed his Sword and two Sniper Rifles. "Wish they had sold Katana's up there.." He packed the needed ammo for his two rifles. He then grabbed his Shadowsuit. "Gana need you I am sure." He packed his needed supplies and then looked at the Stormtrooper armor hanging beside his bed. "Well my old friend. Its time." He put the body glove on and snapped the armor on piece by piece. He holstered his E-11 at his side and looked himself in the mirror. Deciding he was decent enough he grabbed his bag and walked out to meet Rizzit once more.

"You ready Sub?"
"Yes, got everything I need here."
"Good, we wait on the rest of the squad now."
Ramon Stonefish
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  RE: Chapter 8 : Army
April 22, 2004 11:10:00 AM    View the profile of Ramon Stonefish 
Stonefish watched the last of the cargo containers being loaded on to the Lambda-class shuttle. There was just enough room left for Fish himself to board for the flight to the Dominion.

As he sat awaiting launch clearance from the small pad outside the barracks, Stonefish ran over the inventory one last time. This was going to be the big one, so everything was packed. He remembered buying some of this stuff, way back when he was Storm Platoon Commander. There was enough gear in this shuttle to outfit a full platoon. Given the length of the mission ahead, Stonefish thought that he may just use it all himself, but there was no harm in being prepared.

The shuttle lifted off in a small cloud of dust and dirt, and shot up into orbit. As the docking bay of the ISD-II approached, Stonefish's last thought was: Here we go again, I'm getting too old for this.
Ramon Stonefish

Version: 3.1
GCS/ED d- s:+ a-- C++++ UL P+ L++@ E---- W+@ N+ !o w--- PS PE t+ 5++ X-- R++ tv+ b+++ !DI D++ G e>++ h! r-- z-
Argon Viper
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  RE: Chapter 8 : Army
April 22, 2004 12:02:23 AM    View the profile of Argon Viper 
Argon grunted as Fish wedged himself in what was left of open space in the shuttle.

"Do you think we have enough room left for air to flow?" he muttered.

"Only one way to find out," said Fish, taking a deep breath and holding it for a second.

Argon shook his head silently and mentally went over the "stuff" he had packed, there wasn't enough room to open up his pack and check.

Stuffed in there were both of his Rykk blades.  He knew that on board a ship a melee weapon was worth more than anything that shot at you, he had defended the Illustrious against more than one takeover attempt.

Attached on each wrist he had his throwing knives, weapons that wouldn't pierce the hull when used, and, more importantly, which could be used to silently get rid of enemies.

The largest weapon he carried was his flame rifle, perfect for clearing entire rooms of enemies without exposing one's self to unnecessary harm.

Packed in his belt he carried two EMP grenades, those would be especially useful for taking out shipboard defenses.

Strapped on the other side of his wrists were his wrist lasers, at least those couldn't be knocked out of his hand like a pistol, meaning he would always have a long range option.

Finally, he always carried a pistol of some type.  This time he carried two of his S-5 Multi-Function Blaster Pistols, the advantage of pistols being the sheer number you could use at once.

Now there was nothing to do but wait until the Navy pointed to a ship for him to board.

[OOC: All weapons provided by the Imperial Center Store in return for copious amounts of cash.  Let me know when we pick a target ship  ]
Argon Viper
Sergeant Major/Senior Writer, VE Today
IW COL Argon Viper{ret}
Fallen Angel and Proud of It!
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  RE: Chapter 8 : Army
April 22, 2004 12:14:01 AM    View the profile of Rema 
"Hmm, to bring my music or not." Rema pondered as he tossed his equipment onto his bed. He had received a message from Afyon an hour ago that woke him from a deep slumber. He barely could remember the details, but knew that they were moving out and Rema needed to be out supervising the loading of equipment in an hour and a half.

Rema had taken a quick run through the refresher and began rummaging through his equipment lockers. He decided to take his ST-2 Carbine instead of his E-11 just because he didnt like to conform to the rest of the VEA. Tossing his DL-54 repeating pistols, vibroblade, flechette pistol, scores of grenades and A280 armor piercing blaster on the bed, Rema had only one thing left to decide: Music or no music.

While it was soothing, he was pretty sure his squad mates would find it annoying. Rema decided to take it along just for the latter cause. Slipping into his new and polished Stormtrooper armor, Rema holstered one of his DL-54 pistols and threw everything else in a bag. He slung the bag and his A280 rifle over his shoulder as he headed down to the DD hanger.

Walking down the halls, the Corporal approached the noisy hanger. Two technicians walked out and saluted him. Rema shook his head and continued on. Only officers get saluted. Foolish techs.

Althought he was still not used to his newly acquired position. He still thought he would walk around the corner and see Kairo issuing out orders. Shrugging it off he proceeded into the hanger.

Sitting inside the hanger, two Imperial Lander Dropships sat accepting the flood of supplies needed to support the squad over the next few weeks. The large normally empty hanger was filled with technicians and droids running around making sure everything that was needed was there. Setting down his bag he got to work supervising things. He still wasnt accustomed to being the new XO of DD, but he was sure he could handle it. How hard could it be? As if the world was plotting against him, a hoard of workers scurried up to him asking him questions and informing him of problems.

+ Advance Recon Commandos {ARC} +
"Only Trust your Allies as much as you can Predict your Enemies."
"Do you expect me to talk?" "No Mr. Bond, i expect you to die."
"Luke, I am your Fasha."
To Nom Anor, a truly superior Yuuzhan Vong.
[This message has been edited by Rema (edited April 22, 2004 6:37:17 PM)]
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  RE: Chapter 8 : Army
April 22, 2004 3:14:31 PM    View the profile of Mandor 
"Well, maybe we can go back after we get our home back" Rema said as he and Mandor walked down the hall.

"I dont know, Fury seemed kinda ticked" Mandor said quietly

"BAH!, dont worry about him, hes got enough on his mind right now to make an elephant forget things." Rema said with mild sarcasm.

"Eh, maybe" Mandor replied.

"Well greeny, you better go get your gear ready, I already packed an hour ago." Rema chided

"O crap!, I was almost about to forget, I mean, its not like this isnt the biggest thing to happen to us, in our entire lives." Mandor said. "Really, think about it, has there ever been another event as momentis as this? Have we ever had a battle more important to our cuase, has our army ever wanted to fight more?"

"Uhh, I get your point there chief, I was just reminding, and I DON'T appreaciate the sarcasm Lance Corpral!" Rema said with a raising voice. " Now get to your quarters, and get your gear NOW, and thats an order" Rema said.

About 5 minutes later, Mandor arrived at his quarters. He pulled out his combat chest, and began to fill it with his gear.

He put in his Whisper Slugthrower sniper rifle, 300 rounds of ammo, his dual T-6 Heavy pistoles, 2000 rounds of ammo, his double 0-6 officers pistoles that he stole from Rema, his Flyhigh throwing knives, his Fc1 Fletchet, and his E-11/c Carbine with 300 rounds of ammo.

He picked up the crate, and slid it outside his door, for the supplie officer to pick up, and load on his craft.

He walked slowly twords the hanger, and thought long and hard about this mission he had failed.

"Damn, we wasted too much time, just waiting. We should have been in and out in way less time. The only thing i can do now, is make sure we dont fail here." Mandor said silently to himself.

He arrived in the Hanger, just in time to catch the out going transport. He strapped in as the shuttle began to lift off, and just closed his eyes until they got to the ship.

He exited the shuttle, and walked to the Wraith Breifing room, and waited for Kuroishi to give the breifing.
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  RE: Chapter 8 : Army
April 22, 2004 6:16:42 PM    View the profile of Fury 
Once he disembarked from the shuttle, he found an ASP to carry his gear up to Officer's Country.  Once finishing that he turned and whinced.

"I am soooo gonna talk to him about this when I get a chance," he muttered.

Two Royal Guardsmen had been patiently waiting near the hangar exit to the ship's interior.  Now that he was unoccupied they separated and walked towards him; one striding purposefully toward him, the other moving slowly and methodically scanning around the hangar as if looking for a threat.

"Our master sends us with his best wishes and in the hopes that you will not be distracted by concern for your personal safety.  In this way you can best conduct your mission...."  He stopped as Fury raised his arm and pointed a finger at him.

"Get. Out. Of. My. Frelling. Head."

The Guard bowed, "My apologies General."

Looking over at the other Guard. "And you.  The only aberrations on this flight deck are you two."

Taking them both in, he continued. "If you have orders to tag along and guard me, you go right ahead and do that.  I don't have the time to shake you off my tail.  But that is all you do.  You do not berate my troopers or treat them as possible assassins.  You do not play magic tricks without justifiable cause.  Justifiable cause involves more than one blaster bolt in my general direction.

"Trust me, its not that I don't appreciate what you are capable of, but you are a distraction to the mission.  Even you can acknowledge that.  Do your jobs, let me do mine without a lot of backtalk and we're going to do fine. Are we okay with those groundrules?"

Guard One nodded. "As you wish General."

"That's more like it guys.  I'm going to catch a quick meal before my meeting.  Judging by the looks of the troopers coming in, we're going to have a bit of an unconventional warfare party and I want to plan accordingly. Let's grab some grub."

With that he started off towards the mess hall, wondering what possessed Talon to assign him watchers.  He also wondered how one could stop a Dark Jedi when they got out of hand.  He was fast, but not that fast.  Hopefully, their orders would coincide with his and he'd never have to find out.
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  RE: Chapter 8 : Army
April 22, 2004 6:42:26 PM    View the profile of Sniping101 
Snipes smiled as he switched off the ComLink, Rizzit was coming back, and that meant action, and in excess. He shoved the comlink back in his belt and walked over to the RAIDERs hanging around in the lounge, Substance was missing, but he could be tracked down.
  "pack up guys"Snipes smiled" Lt. Rizzit is coming to pick us up, i want you to hurry up and pack everything, everything i dont feel like lending you extra blaster packs, Fly, Make sure you have some duct tape"
Snipes smiled as everyone ran off to in diffrent directions to grab gear, call loved ones and generaly cause havoc. Snipes himself had been in a loose, very loose, form of command during the Dark Jedis absence. Snipes shook his head and sauntered down the hall to the barracks and kicked open his foot locker. Snipes removed the top layer of clothing and miscilanous tools to reveile  six bottles of his own moonshine, he grabbed two hip flasks and filled them and tossed a bottle into one of his duffles. then removing the layer of shine and placing it carefully to the side, he grabbed out his E-11/m, E-11/H and one DL-44, these to he shoved into the duffle bag.
Grabbing the duffle bag he jogged down to the docking bay and opened up his YT-1760, the Crash Landing inside he took his deathwind Sniper Rifle, another set of DL-44's and a couple of handfulls of Thermal Detonators. He also took from there his Combat Engineers Backpack, loaded with explosives, mines and various repair materials, his Stormtrooper Armor and belt.
He took off his coat and his weapons harness that aloowed him to carry two knives and a DL-6H blaster on his back. Snipes pulled on the body glove and threw his slugthrower shotgun that he normaly wore in the duffle. Snipes ws as ready as ever.
The Comnet Hermit
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  RE: Chapter 8 : Army
April 22, 2004 7:13:46 PM    View the profile of Afyon 
Afyon heard his commlink beep as he sealed the last of his four bags of gear that would be travelling with him.  He had packed a lot of gear in order to be prepared for anything that this long war would throw at him.  For any mission they would be assigned to undertake, he would be ready.  Afyon tightened the strap on his chest plate as he answered the commlink.

A supply officer told him that new equipment and vehicles were being issued to his squad for vehicle reconnaisance missions.  He was also informed that the squad should bring its standard gear as well.  AFyon made a note of that and ordered the equipment sent to the freighter that would provided to carry the squad and its gear.

Afyon ordered his weapons maintence droid to have his gear sent to the freighter as he slid his pistol into its holster and slung his assualt rifle over his shoulder.  He arrived at the hanger a few minutes later and saw Rema in a circle of droids and supply officials trying to send everyone to the right place.  Afyon walked up to the group.

"Alright, have all of the squad's gear stored onboard the freighter."  Afyon ordered as he looked around at the repulsor sleds loaded with ammunition, armor, explosives, and other equipment.  Also there were nine new speeder bikes sitting there waiting for action.  "Rema, have the squad assemble with their gear here in ten minutes.  Tell them to bring their standard gear and inform them we will also be issued speeder bikes, commando armor and silenced weapons.  We are being assigned as a vehicle reconnaisance squad in addition to our other duties.  PAss the word around, some people may wish to bring additional gear."  Afyon ordered.

"Alright we'll be ready gunny!"  Rema replied before turning and heading out of the hanger.  Afyon looked around at the crates and vehicles and opened one of the armor boxes.  The commando armor had camouflaging and was much lighter and thinner than stormtrooper armor.  It was perfect for their new assignment.  Afyon sighed and began to give further loading instructions.
ASL/GSG_Afyon/Dark Dragoon Squad/2PLT/1COM/1BAT/1RGT/VEA/VE/[LoC][IH][CoH][SoA]
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  RE: Chapter 8 : Army
April 23, 2004 6:51:47 AM    View the profile of FlyingKnight 
FlyingKnight smiled as Snipes informed them that they would be leaving shortly and to get packed. He jogged toward his quarters and started to shove all of his supplies in a comm tech pack and duffle. As he was doing that Rizzit walked in and saluted. Knight snapped to attention. "At ease as you know for Raiders Squad you are our designated Comm. Tech & Field Medic." He plopped a black pack with medical supplies and other various things down on the floor.
"Yes sir and a thing to add, I am honored to serve with you."
"Thanks, but get ready were leaving shortly."
Knight looked at the brand new Medic pack that he would have to bring along also. It had the various supplies to grab at a moments notice. He also saw it had a repulsor stretcher that would be used to move wounded on. He then went back to packing his various gear. He put his M82A1 "Light Fifty" antimat. rifle in his pack with about 150 rounds of ammo. He put a camo sniper veil, plenty of different types of grenades, one of his silenced slugthrower enforer pistol and a DL-44 pistol. He put on his stormtrooper armor and secured his other enforcer pistol and DL-44 on leg holsters. He then secured his E-11 with a connected grenade rifle launcher because it wouldn't fit in a normal rifle blaster holster. He checked his datapad and remembered his macrobinoculars and stuffed them into his pack as well and headed out. He locked the door and thought I really should warn my parents because they live on Coroscant, but I don't want to jepordise the mission so he decided not to.
Lance Corporal
Frank "FlyingKnight" Carter
Raider Squad

"Be polite. Be professional. But have a plan to kill everyone you meet."--USMC Rules of Gunfighting
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  RE: Chapter 8 : Army
April 23, 2004 6:58:08 AM    View the profile of Rizzit 
Snipes had thrown his duffle bag and packpack in the Endeavor's cargo hold; then proceeded to the bridge where he found substance and Rizzit waiting. Rizzit was getting impatient, they were already cutting it close as it was.

"Where's the rest of them?" asked Rizzit.

"Still packing is my guess. Never had to worry about these things before." Snipes said sarcastically.

"You guys will never change: you always take FOREVER to pack." Rizzit said as he left the ship to get the remaining 3 Raiders.

Upon entering the base, Rizzit started having flashbacks of his Raider days. His mind was drifting. He was back in the Squad Leader's office with Otto and TJ. Datadisks had just come in with information of Jyse Toklar and their mission on Minban. They were acessing them now when......Rizzit shook his head. You gotta stay focused man! There's work to be done! He thought to himself.

After the slight day-dream Rizzit regained conciousness and found the three troopers fully-armed and ready to go. Rizzit said nothing about their lateness seeing as he drifted off himself. He simply showed them to the Endeavor and they put their things in the cargo hold. After packing their gear and boarding the ship, they all reported to the bridge where the 5 of them would be the crew (the droids beeping and complaining were getting on his nerves, so he sent them down below for maintainance on the ship). Rizzit of course would be driving, as he set a course for the ISD Dominion. He entrusted the job of co-pilot to Sniping 101. Flying Knight was in charge of the shields, while Substance and Squall were in charge of weapons control.

Preparations were made, and it was time to head up to the ISD Dominion. Fury was no doubt waiting for them and the rest of the squads, and with a good portion of the Army out of contact range, this was going to be a difficult mission to pull off; but it would be worth it in the end. At long last they could operate out of Courscant again, not in the outer regions of the Sian System.....
First Lieutennant Rizzit
Wildcard Platoon Commander
Army of the Vast Empire
Everything expressed truly from your heart and soul is as pure as gold in the minds of anyone who listens!"--Rizzit
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  RE: Chapter 8 : Army
April 23, 2004 7:17:17 AM    View the profile of Afyon 
Afyon watched as the final crates were loaded onboard the freighter.  The Lieutenant from the supply office informed him that more ammunition and other specialised gear for vehicle reconnaisance missions would be supplied to him on the Dominion.  Afyon thanked the men and turned to face his squad which were arriving.  He saw two droids steering a pair of repulsorsleds towards the ship loaded with bags of personal equipment.

"Alright men, load it up in the lounge and anywhere you can find a spot and then fall in for inspection."  Afyon ordered.  He walked up the ramp of the freighter to see that his gear had been put onboard as request.  He walked into the lounge and saw his bags lying on the floor in the corner and his droid standing over it.  "R-659, you will come along with us as well C-9C2.  I want you to go to my quarters and tell C-9C2 to report to the freighter at once.  Also, have the crate under my bed brought here too...quietly.  It would be best if it is not seen."  Afyon ordered.  The weapons maintenance droid turned and headed out of the freighter.  Afyon moved outof the way as the squad began to stowe their bags around the lounge, between the six of them they were bringing a lot of gear.  It was obvious to Afyon that they were thinking the same as him, be ready for absolutely everything.  He smiled and went back down into the hanger.

When his two droids came back, he ordered them into the lounge and told the weapons droid to put the crate by his gear.  As the droids turned for the ship Afyon saw his squad standing at the bottom of the ramp waiting for instructions.  "Alright fall in for inspection!"  he orded.  The squad quickly lined up in front of him.  The squad had changed a lot in recent weeks, it was by far the most in experienced squad in the army but also in Afyon's opinion, one of the best trained.  Save for Tk and myself, they are all still rather green troops...even Rema hasn't been around that long.  He though as he finished his inspection.  "Alright lets head out, climb on board and find a comfortable spot amongst the equipment."  Afyon said and waved the troops on board.  It was time to head out.
ASL/GSG_Afyon/Dark Dragoon Squad/2PLT/1COM/1BAT/1RGT/VEA/VE/[LoC][IH][CoH][SoA]
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  RE: Chapter 8 : Army
April 23, 2004 7:14:22 PM    View the profile of JR 
JR woke with a start.  He cleared his eyes and tried to remember what had woken him, when he heard a knock on his door.  He got out of bed put on his pink bathrobe and bunny slippers, and bunny slippers and walked to the door.  When he opened the door, he saw MaraJade standing in the hallway holding a uniform and a data pad.

"Well, well JR." she said, "Looks like today's your lucky day."

JR stood there with a confused look on his face as he was trying to function correctly.  MaraJade threw the data pad to JR and explained, "Since the RAIDERS have all of their command in the DJ, they're kind of short on soldiers. First Lieutenant Rizzit has told me to tell you that you are reactivated.  All the info is on the data pad, and you are to meet me in the hangar in an hour. The RAIDERS are to arrive there shortly and you are to meet them."  Before JR could answer MaraJade turned and walked away.

JR was thrilled, he had been so heartbroken when he was told he was AWOL'd.  He swore to himself that this time he wouldn't let the oppurtunity slip away.  After a quick shower he reached under his bed and packed his guns, knives, and axes.  He then hurried out the door on the way to the hangar. 

Pippin: "And besides you're gonna need people of intelligence on this"
Merry: "Well then I guess that rules you out."

Elrond: "You shall be the fellowship of the ring."
Pippin: "Great, where are we going."
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  RE: Chapter 8 : Army
April 23, 2004 9:57:05 PM    View the profile of Rema 
"Corporal!" Afyon yelled from bottom of the landers ramp. Rema jogged down the ramp and skidded to a halt before him.


"On the way up to the Dominion lets try to calm the squads nerves. We dont need a shaky squad going into battle." Afyon said through a private channel. Rema nodded and spun around jogging back into the lander.

Slithering through the mounds of equipment, Rema made his way to the forward personnel compartment. Sitting wedged together were the Dark Dragoons. TK, Kain and Niko were pushed up to the right side of the compartment already playing some sort of game. Rema noticed Kami, the only female in DD, cleaning off her E-11. Plopping down next to her, he pulled his datapad from his belt. He flipped through the songs in which he could play and chose his favorite. Glancing over at Kami he noticed her polishing her weapon over and over again.

"Are you planning on blinding the Rebels with the light reflecting off that blaster?" Rema said twisting off his helmet. A muffled laugh could be heard from the trooper. Afyon appeared suddenly, helmet off, marching toward the cockpit.

"Gunny! Give this to the pilot to put on the loudspeakers. I think the squad will like it." Rema said tossing Afyon the datapad. Afyon smiled and strode into the cockpit.

"Aww, crap. I hope this isnt the stuff you listened to back on Ralltiir. If it is, im walking to the Dominion." Niko said from across the compartment.

"Better get started then, its gonna be a long walk up there." Rema said laughing. As soon as he finished music poured from the speakers of the lander. The music just barely made it over the deafening roar of the engines. The lander suddenly jumped into the air and soared from the hanger.

Bobbing his head to the classical music, Rema watched as TK entertained the rest of the squad with some game he picked up on his last R@R trip. The short ride up was most likely the last sliver of fun and happiness the squad would have for a long time. The next few days, weeks, months and years would be hell for the Vast Empire. Yet they had a noble goal: take Coruscant and bring order to the galaxy once again.

The Imperial Lander floated effortlessly into the Dominions hanger as the tractor beams took over. The landing gear connected with the metal floor with a loud thunk. The rear door opened, Afyon appeared from the cockpit and it was time to get to work.

+ Advance Recon Commandos {ARC} +
"Only Trust your Allies as much as you can Predict your Enemies."
"Do you expect me to talk?" "No Mr. Bond, i expect you to die."
"Luke, I am your Fasha."
To Nom Anor, a truly superior Yuuzhan Vong.
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  RE: Chapter 8 : Army
April 24, 2004 3:11:57 AM    View the profile of TK-112 
After a moment of entertaining TK sat down and opened up his pack. Hmm I should attach a short magnification scope on my rifle TK thought to himself.

"Hey TK, what's up?" Rema asked as he sat down beside TK
"Well I was just thinking of modifying my rifle, maybe you can help me, I really suck at this kind of stuff, plus i still have to re-calibrate the omninode communications pack" TK replied.
"Errr...Ok, what do you to be done with the rifle?" Rema asked.
"I was thinking of putting this 1.5x scope, I'm really bad at aiming nowadays" TK replied.
"Ok, this should be quite easy..." Rema replied.

After about half an hour they are both finished with their work.

Damn it, I hate fixing things! TK thought...
Senior Sergeant David "TK-112" "Tweak" Bowman
Trooper - Vast Empire Army
"Winner of the let's imitate TK-112 for a day competition"
Ramon Stonefish
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  RE: Chapter 8 : Army
April 24, 2004 8:53:47 AM    View the profile of Ramon Stonefish 
[OOC: bored of filler now, so I'm gonna start something]

Kuroishi walked into the wardroom assigned to Wraith squad and sat at the table with the others. Smoke hung in the air, and the cards were on the table. Kuorishi watched with interest as Argon Viper and Mandor played a game of pokiir, a small mountain of credit chits lay in the centre of the table between them, and the atmosphere was tense.

"You gonna do your usual if you lose?" Kuroishi asked nonchalantly.

"Ha! I'm not going to lose to this wet-behind-the-ears pup! Especially if he wants to keep his arms attached to his body!" replied Viper.

Mandor blanched visibly at this comment. Just at that moment, the alarm klaxon began blaring in the corridor outside, and High General Fury's voice echoed over the comm system.

"This is your ten-minute warning, people. We will be entering the fire zone in approximately ten minutes, get your gear and get to your assault shuttles."

The wardroom became a flurry of activity as the troopers in Wraith squad gathered their equipment and strapped on their armour.

Six minutes later, the squads of Wildcard platoon were assembled outside the four assault shuttles in Bay 1. As High General Fury approached, all four squads came to attention in unison.

"Gentlemen, here are our orders," began Fury, reading from a datapad in his right hand, "Dark Dragoons, you are tasked with taking the Golan III station codenamed Odin. Your shuttle will be following in behind two flights from Raptor squadron. Raiders squad, you are tasked with capturing the Golan III station codenamed Loki. Your shuttle will be lead in by two flights from Venom squadron. Wraith squad, you are tasked with capturing the Golan III station codenamed Thor, and your shuttle will be escorted in by two flights from Polaris squadron. Iron Horse, you will remain in your shuttle, and await further orders. You are our 'flying company', if you'll excuse the pun. Okay men, to your ships. We launch as soon as we receive confirmation of our targets' disablement. Stand ready."

The members of Wraith squad filed into the assault shuttle Tethis and stowed their gear in the overhead compartments before seating themselves along the sides of the troop bay. Argon Viper walked a circuit ensuring that the restraints were secure before wedging himself into a seat.

"This is it, men," said Kuroishi.

"You're not gonna do a speech or some crap now, Kuroishi?" growled Stonefish.

"Hah! When have I have done a speech?"

The clang of the docking clamps disengaging silenced further conversation.

[OOC: Let me know if anything needs editing.]

Ramon Stonefish

Version: 3.1
GCS/ED d- s:+ a-- C++++ UL P+ L++@ E---- W+@ N+ !o w--- PS PE t+ 5++ X-- R++ tv+ b+++ !DI D++ G e>++ h! r-- z-
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  RE: Chapter 8 : Army
April 24, 2004 10:48:54 AM    View the profile of Fury 
[OOC] /me throws away a few weeks of work.  What the hell? No one else bothered to give input. [/OOC]

Coming out of hyperspace, the Dominion appeared surrounded by waves of naval support vessels.  "Wow, they really are trying to keep us out of the action.  Speaking of, have we found the Overseer yet?" The Overseer was a heavily modified Action V transport that served as a communication/intelligence craft for the Army whenever they ran joint missions with the Navy.  Seeing as it was hard enough to share data between divisions, the craft served a purpose in making sure both sides knew what each was doing; not to mention letting the Army in on what the Navy wasn't telling them.  The crew was not well liked by the Navy for that reason.

A comm tech spoke up.  "Yes General.  We are getting a data file from them now."  Fury nodded, "I'll take it on my display here."  The bridge was cramped with so many extra people on board.  For some reason, they had never gotten around to modifying the craft even though the vessel always had some form of army personnel supervising the mission.  Fury blamed the captain, who just really did not like working for the Corps, and it was starting to show.

"Alright, its a definite slugfest out there.  Whoever thought the NR would reinforce an agricultural world with a dozen Golans and some of their newer capital vessels?' He shook his head.  It was as it was and the mission couldn't be scrapped now.  Might as well bloody the enemy here than wait for an ambush later.  "Looks like we are going to need to take out some of those Golans first. They seem to be eating up the navy's planet-facing flank."

Getting down to the hangar, he found the squads waiting.  "I know your original instructions were to board some troublesome capital ships.  Those vessels are still out there in some way, shape, and form and we'll try to give a hand there if we can.

"However, your first lesson in military tactics is that things change. As if running around this army hadn't taught you that already. The NR has deployed a few Golan IIIs out there." He heard a few sighs and long whistles. "Yeah, that bad.  We'll get you into a trio those suckers and you have to disable them. That should give our guys some breathing room.

"As for your leisurely ride on a jostling assualt shuttle, obviously that won't do.  You'd be picked off kilometers from your target.  In a few moments, you'll be escorted to the Vainglorious cruiser Merciless.  On board they have some Spiral-class assualt ships. These are one-time use only craft which travel at high speeds and basically ram into their targets.  You will still get a screening run by the aforementioned fighters, but you will take a perpendicular route to their approach. Provided you can get out of that unshaken, proceed to take out a section of the Golan so regulars coming in from the Merciless can follow with regular boarding craft without fear of being decimated. Unfortunately, we just don't have enough Spirals to send you in in force.  Probably just each squad with a couple short squads of regulars as backup.

"Move quickly, secure the Golans, and let's give the navy a hand.  We'll probably need them to return the favor soon enough. You will received more information in a few moments from your squad leaders. Good luck and good hunting."

With that, he dismissed them to get a ride to the Merciless. Datacards given to the squad leaders contain the following information:

Golan III
image and stats

Consider the Golan III to have three primary weapons decks and five smaller administrative/support deck situated below the large primary section.

Spiral-class Assault Ship

Stats here and here.
Prefect - Stormtrooper Corps
Administrator - Imperial Center
[This message has been edited by Fury (edited April 24, 2004 10:57:07 AM)]
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  RE: Chapter 8 : Army
April 24, 2004 2:56:18 PM    View the profile of Argon Viper 
Argon sat in the cramped hold of the Spiral-class shuttle which had, if it was possible, even less space than the shuttle that had brought them here in the first place.

There were no windows on the ship, and the onboard computer terminals were definitely not placed with access from the grav couches in mind.

Thoroughly blind to the firefight outside, Argon relied on sense of feel and sound to tell him what was happening.

A gentle lurch informed him that they had left the gravitational field of the Merciless.

Suddenly, the little craft jumped forward with such accelleration that even the couches couldn't fully dissipate the shock of it.

Rapid jumps to seemingly random directions told him that the ship was performing evasive maneuvers well out of the threshold of the most nimble starfighter.

After what seemed an eternity of random thrusts and jerks, another forward accelleration began, much more powerful than the first.

A loud banging sound was his only warning as, half a second later, the ship decellerated from what are generally considered to be unsafe speeds in a very unsafe amount of time.

"Well," commented Kuroishi in the sudden silence, "however many this impact killed is that many less we have to deal with."

Groaning from the many aches the torturous ride had caused, Wraith Squadron began to unstrap themselves and their equipment.

In a few seconds, they would be ready to go out into the massive station, but until then, one of them always had a weapon trained on the door...
Argon Viper
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IW COL Argon Viper{ret}
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  RE: Chapter 8 : Army
April 24, 2004 6:28:06 PM    View the profile of Afyon 
*****Prior to Launch*****

Afyon watched as several men unloaded the squad's gear from the freighter and placed it in the Dragoon's supply area.  He was pleased to see that the supply center onboard the Dominion had provided them with additional weapons, ammunition, and some survival and special communications gear for their vehicle reconnaissance missions.  He hoped that the squad would have time to train or at least study the new equipment before they used it.  As the final crates were being unloaded from the freighter, Afyon heard his commlink beep.  He reached down and pressed the recieve button on the unit which was clipped to his gunbelt.

"Gunny, have your squad suit up in ten minutes and report to the main hanger.  We are dropping out of hyperspace in thirty minutes and we need everyone ready for boarding."  Rizzit ordered.  Afyon acknowledged and turned off the comlink.  He quickly assembled his squad together.

"Alright men, you have five minutes to grab your stuff for the boarding operation.  I have no idea what sort of craft we will be boarding or what we will use to get there so I suggest we pack light.  Keep it to minimum weapons and as much ammunition and grenades as you can carry.  TK-112, you will carry a pack with addition ammunition, I'll ensure it won't weigh you down too much."  Afyon ordered.  "Alright men, move out and meet me in the hanger in five minutes!"  He shouted.  Afyon turned and headed over to two of the crates that had been taken from the freighter.  He took out three extra cartridges for his pistol and five for his assualt rifle.  He also clipped three concussion grenades and two flash bangs to his gun belt.  The load was rather heavy for the belt but if it was a big ship he was sure he may need it all.  Once he ensured the gear was in place he headed to the hanger to meet his squad.

In the hanger, he was quickly informed that they would be transferred to the Merciless and would from there launch in small transports to take out the Golan III Platforms.  The squad was transferred quickly to the ship and soon were in their Spiral Assault shuttles on their suicide charge towards the station.

Afyon shifted uncomfortably in the shuttle as it raced towards the target.  "Dammit Afyon don't move!" Rema shouted as Afyon accidentally sat on him partially.  The squad was very cramped in the tiny shuttle, between the gear that they were wearing and the bag TK had, it was filled to capacity.  They decided against using the rear compartment as they wanted to enter the station as fast as they could.  Afyon could feel the ship shutter slightly as it slowed down.

"Alright men, get ready for the assualt.  We have limited ammunition and this is a big target so shoot only what you can see and keep grenade use to a minimum.  Our primary objective is to eliminate the weapons on this side of the station.  In order to do this we have to take out at least the top three floors of the station on this side.  Therefore we will move fast.  Do not get bogged down in a battle, it is more important for us to disrupt the station enough to prevent them from firing on our reinforcements.  We can take out the bulk of their forces once our forces arrive."  Afyon said as the shuttle set down on one of the hatches at the side of the station.

Rema opened the hatch and Afyon dropped down into the station.  He quickly got behind the side of a blast door and set up into a position to cover the squad as they climbed down.  Once the squad assembled, they began to quickly move down the hall, ready to meet the resistence at any moment.  It was most likely that the station would have sent troops up to fight the second they saw the shuttle's intentions so combat wasn't too far off.
ASL/GSG_Afyon/Dark Dragoon Squad/2PLT/1COM/1BAT/1RGT/VEA/VE/[LoC][IH][CoH][SoA]
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  RE: Chapter 8 : Army
April 24, 2004 9:32:07 PM    View the profile of Sniping101 
The cockpit of the assault craft was far to cramped for Snipes liking, he had to bend his head and keep his pack on the floor, normally for boarding operations Combat Engineers didn't take the pack, but this was a special occasion. Golan III's where no laughing matter, with a crew of 880, plus passengers and maybe a skeletal garrison, there was only a squad of Stormtroopers, not even a full squad, supported by about 8 regulars, Snipes hadn't stopped to count.

"Snipes," FlyingKnight said beside Snipes" we're launching, hold on"

Snipes braced himself against the copilots controls as Flying Knight gunned the engines, and to Snipes surprise there was very little acceleration pull, he didn't even need to brace himself.

"We're moving!" Snipes yelled into the back where to rest of the RAIDERs squad was stuffed, along with one squad of regulars, it was all that would fit, and this was just barely.

Snipes looked out the windshield, not really wanting to. to be fair the RAIDERS had it pretty easy, the other shuttles where drawing all the flak and they barely needed any form of manuveuring.  but It was still like an excerpt from one of his nightmares, heading straight at a Golan III, at breakneck speed, and there was nothing he could do about it. The station came closer, and closer, Snipes muscles tightened, closer, Snipes closed his eyes, closer, Snipes braced himself.


The shuttle was stopped, Snipes opened one eye, and all he could see out the wind shield was a big piece of durasteel.
"LETS MOVE" Rizzit called from behind them and Snipes smashed a release button next to his head and a hatch popped up from the cockpit floor with a hiss.

Snipes held up the hatch for the squad, then the regulars, and then jumped in himself, he dropped almost directly into the station and into the firefight bellow, it seemed the Crazy RAIDERs where about to uphold their name.
Snipes layed down some suppressive fire for himself as he ran over to a piece of scrap metal that JR and Rizzit where taking cover behind.

The RAIDERs made short work of the rebels, there had only been a few, and it could barely have been called a defense.

The Comnet Hermit
"As long as their is Space, Im going to stare off into it"-Garfield
I'm a little teapot, short and stout. Here is my handle, here is my spout. When I see an ARC all short and stout, BOOM!  He flies through the hall and out. -anonymous
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  RE: Chapter 8 : Army
April 25, 2004 12:02:13 AM    View the profile of Rema 
Muffled blaster fire was the only thing that warned the Imperial Soldiers that action was ahead. The Dark Dragoons slowly made their way down the hall towards the source of the noise. Rema stood at the front of the group, his ST-2 carbine drawn and pointed ahead. Standing next to him and covering the other half of the hall was Kain. TK, and Afyon were behind him and the Kami/Niko duo were bringing up the rear.

Reaching a blast door, Rema reached down and hit the control panel to open the door. Miraculously the door slid open letting smoke pour through the hatch.

"Kain switch to infrared and see whats in there." Afyon ordered from behind. Rema also quickly switched his helmets vision to infrared looking for heat signatures. Circles of heat on the walls signified there had been a firefight here. Rema also noticed large hot spots on the floor, slowly cooling. Bodies

"Spread out and clear the room. Quickly." Afyon said from behind. Moving through the room Rema stepped over a body a noticed it was rebel. Reaching the far side of the room, Rema pointed for Kain and Niko to cover him while he opened the door. Pressing the controls, the door slowly grinded open. Instantaneously blaster bolts zipped from the other side of the door. Rema pushed himself back as Niko and Kain dived to the side returning fire. More shots came from behind Rema as the rest of the squad opened fire.

Both groups shot blindly at each other not hitting a thing. Rema slowly crept toward the door and prepared to get a shot. He couldnt shake something though. The shots coming at them almost sounded the same as the ones the Dark Dragoons were shooting. Rema crawled closer to the door then hear a small popping sound followed by a curse. Turning back Rema saw TK take a shot in the hand. Luckily it had hit his blaster rifle instead of him. Dropping the gun as it shot out sparks, TK dived back into the hallway they came from.

"Enough" Afyon said over the Comm. channel. "Stand back im priming a grenade."

Scrambling away from the entrance, Afyon tossed his grenade into the other hall. A blindling flash and rumble signified the end of the firefight. Taking point again, Rema and Kain moved through the now body littered hall. After waving the all clear, the squad moved on.

[OOC: Its just better this way.]

+ Advance Recon Commandos {ARC} +
"Only Trust your Allies as much as you can Predict your Enemies."
"Do you expect me to talk?" "No Mr. Bond, i expect you to die."
"Luke, I am your Fasha."
To Nom Anor, a truly superior Yuuzhan Vong.
[This message has been edited by Rema (edited April 26, 2004 2:29:21 PM)]
Ramon Stonefish
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  RE: Chapter 8 : Army
April 25, 2004 12:25:45 AM    View the profile of Ramon Stonefish 
"Hey Fish! Snap out of it man!" yelled Mandor.

Stonefish's vision swam, and Mandor's voice sounded odd. As the assault craft had hammered home into the station's hull, Stonefish had taken a nasty knock on the side of the head. Slowly the wierd swimming effect subsided, and Stonefish climbed to his feet, retrieving his blaster and slugthrower carbines from the overhead storage compartment and throwing the projectile rifle over his shoulder.

"Could do with some help up here!" called Argon from a breach in the bulkhead directly in front of their entry point. He was crouched against the side of the breach with his E-Web pointed around the side, spraying at the on-coming NR troops.

Kuroishi made his way forward and joined Argon on the other side of the breach, while Lukas, Mandor and Stonefish made their way out of the small craft.

Kuroishi risked a peek out around the edge of the duralloy bulkhead, and saw a dozen new republic troopers heading down the corridor in cover formation.

"Fish! Stun grenades!" he whispered.

Stonefish pulled a pair of small cylinders from his belt, pulled the pins from both of them, and threw one down the corridor.

"One, two, three, four, five," he counted under his breath, and then threw the other.

Just as the second grenade chinked against the deckplating, the first went off. The maneuver was taxing on ammunition, but helped make sure that anyone who ducked back to avoid the first grenade got clobbered by the second.

Kuroishi peeked out again.

"Okay, looks clear. Viper, Lukas take point. Stonefish, you got the rear. Let's find us a computer terminal and see if we can shut down the port-side turbolaser batteries to let our reinforcements in."

As the others cleared the corridor ahead, Stonefish opened the small compartment on the side of the assault craft and retrieved his backpack. He quickly strapped his slugthrower carbine to the side of his pack and threw it on his back, then jogged forward to take up his position at the rear of the squad.
Ramon Stonefish

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  RE: Chapter 8 : Army
April 25, 2004 7:33:02 PM    View the profile of TK-112 
The squad moved on in the corridors of the platform...

"TK how's your hand?" Afyon asked
"My hand's fine, but damn! I've just modified that rifle" TK replied.
"Keep your voice down, I think I heard something" Afyon whispered as he pointed his rifle towards the noise.

The squad stopped, suddenly moving into stealth mode and trying to find cover between the gaps that dotted the corridor.

"I have a bad feeling about this..." TK whispered as he loaded his Enforcer heavy slugthrower pistol.
"Ok, listen up" Afyon whispered through the commlink "From what I can see is that the enemy is only a search team of four, we should be able to take them by surprise, don't fire until they are until i tell you."

The squad waited patiently with weapons pointing towards the approaching enemy.

"Get ready..."

The enemy walked closer and closer examining the the corridor with their weapons in hand.


With that command the squad swiftly fired at the enemy killing them instantly.

"Ok, Rema and Niko move up and search the immediate area" Afyon ordered.

The pair moved up and quickly searched their surrounding environment.

"Sector clear gunny, you can move the squad up" Rema informed.
"Ok Squad, pick up anything useful from that search team, TK pick up that 36T Blaster Carbine, it's going to be better then your pistol." Afyon ordered.
Senior Sergeant David "TK-112" "Tweak" Bowman
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  RE: Chapter 8 : Army
April 25, 2004 8:35:47 PM    View the profile of FlyingKnight 
After shutting down the spiral craft FlyingKnight jumped out and laid down suppressive fire to gain some leverage on the enemy troops. Suddenly he remembered he was a medic and had to take care of the wounded. Ducking and moving towards a wounded regular he whipped out a bacta patch and slapped it on, securing it with duct tape. Moving on to the next trooper,  he saw the tri-round burst in his chest, and just moved on. After checking his pulse to make sure, FlyingKnight went back to fighting and started to move forward along with Rizzit and JR, gunning down more rebels. It all seemed to easy. Just as he thought the firing stopped and saw that there were no more troops in that area, Rizzit ordered them to move forward.

"So where are we headed," FlyingKnight said into the comm.

"We are going to keep heading down this corridor until we get to the docking bay then we will secure it to let the regulars land. Then we will head up to the control room and take over the platform." Rizzit said as he checked his datapad.


Rizzit signaled Raiders to move forward with the other squad of regulars. Just as they were about to the docking bay blaster fire came whizzing from down the hall.

"I'll take care of them," Sniping101 said as he rolled a few HE grenades down the corridor. "FIRE IN THE HOLE!!!"

Everyone ducked as the grenades exploded sending the NR troops back and making the ceiling and floor collapse behind the squads.

"Good job," Rizzit said into the comm. "Now lets take that docking bay and let the Calvary in."

After hot-wiring the door open Flying Knight took out a smoke grenade to cover the squad as they entered. The door slid up a bit and he rolled the grenade in.

"Switch to IR lenses" Flying Knight shouted over the comm. There was a hiss and the door slid all the way open. The squad rushed in smoke covering them. Random bolts scattered across the doorway, but the return fire was more accurate because the squad was using the built in IR goggles to see through and pick off most of the enemy troops. After getting behind some cover FlyingKnight laid down fire for the regulars to get better positions in the hangar. As he popped in a fresh clip he spotted a repulsor sled. Checkong the area, he darted for the vehicle and interfaced with its datapad as he ran.  Using his wrist comm. he programmed into the datapad to get into the repulsor drive system. As he programmed the vehicle, he ran back toward cover.

"Hey everyone watch this." FlyingKnight said to everyone's comm.

The stormtrooper squads watched as the repulsor sled revved up smashed into a fuel storage container. As the container exploded the fuel spilled all over the hangar and igniting most of the NR troops.

"Good job Knight, I will radio for the regulars to start to board the station." Rizzit threw a thumbs up at the Lance Corporal as the fire suppression systems kicked in.

Lance Corporal
Frank "FlyingKnight" Carter
Raider Squad

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  RE: Chapter 8 : Army
April 26, 2004 9:06:36 AM    View the profile of Kuroishi 
[OOC:  If I remember definately more later I actually have halfway of an idea of where to go with this.  /OOC]

Kuroishi grabbed a datapad and slid in his card containint the blueprints for a Golan 3.

"If I'm correct about where we came in from if we are almost in position to launch an assault on the starboard gunnery control computer.  Figures we would come in from the wrong side.  Might as well take it out anyway.  You three regulars keep this position secured as a fall back point.  Argon, see if you can find some way to flank the position.  Everyone else cover the approach paths, I don't want  to be flanked during an assault by reinforcements.  I'll take the point.  Stonefish once I'm inside the door I want you to abondon your cover position and come across next.  There are going to be few troopers inside the control center itself but once we compromise it we're going to have a hornet's nest on us.  Let's do it."  Kuroishi briefed.
Kuroishi Wraith VEA
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  RE: Chapter 8 : Army
April 26, 2004 6:05:12 PM    View the profile of nikorasu 
They Dragoons proceed through the area that Rema and himself had just cleared. There was a surprisingly low amount of resistance; five soldiers with few weapons and extremely low accuracy. There had to be more, it was too little a number for such an area. They quickly motioned for the rest of the squad, and when Afyon gave a nod they moved forward.

Niko looked around the large area, a few computers, and a few piles of guns over to the left corner of the room. For a second there was silence, save for the hum of the computers, the stepping sound the squad made while slowly moving forward, and what sounded like a foreign breath. Unsure of the thoughts of the rest of the squad, he kept going forward, one step at a time, and he quickly glanced down at the sais he kept strapped to his legs. It looked extremely strange, but they had gotten him through tough times and were always good back up plans.

There was a sound of movement that seemed to rally the attention of all of the squad, because they had all stopped. Before any communication could be made between the squad, a group of soldiers jumped out from behind some overturned tables. One of them threw a grenade, and the squad quickly split up. Frantic to find anything to take cover behind, Niko flipped the closest table over and took a quickly glance around. He saw nothing but smoke, they had been ambushed.

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