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ComNet n00b
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  RE: Revival
January 5, 2016 9:21:10 PM    View the profile of Tetrarch 
The political conversating between the officers went over Cathal's head. His stomach was threatening to rebel on him, his body shook and his heart was hammering in his chest. He was blinking away sweat from his eyes, the cramped confines of the helmet making him wish he was back on Coillte, head bare and the wind gusting through the trees. Not on a bloody Star Destroyer with a few score blasters preparing to flay him and his comrades apart. Despite the tremor in his legs, his aim didn't waver from the stormtrooper opposite him.

The commandos had the Admiral secure. Well as secure as they could be, outnumbered and aboard an unfriendly vessel with dozens of blasters trained on them. It only half relieved him, he was well aware that he was their priority, not some wet behind the ears stormtrooper. Still, it was good to have the real pros with them as opposed to having a snapshot take his head off.

There's certain words that just cut through any reverie or train of thought. Bomb is most definitely on that list. Only his training fought instinct to stop him squeezing the trigger. “Don't frakkin' shoot!” the corporal hissed on the comm, her native accent bleeding into her Basic from stress. NCOs everywhere were making sure the affair didn't descend into a shooting gallery. Well... not without orders first. He half ducked, flinching, prepared for a blast.

It probably saved his life. The saboteurs fired wildly, wanting to keep heads down, to deter or slow any pursuit. They were more concerned with making a break for it than making notches on the killboard. By luck or cruel fate, a blast still drilled Mynock right between the eyes. Mynock didn't make a sound, he just keeled over, as if poleaxed.

Cathal was frozen, next to him. He'd not been the closest to Mynock, nobody had been. For what it mattered though, he'd been with him from the start they'd been on the same troopship out to the Ejj system. Like him, Mynock had been there for their baptism of fire on Aostrolla. He'd not shirked from fighting renegade Imperials and he'd watched his squadmates' backs. And most importantly he'd made it off Aostrolla when many others hadn't. To be shot like this, a freak chance, on what was meant to be a secure vessel, it wasn't just unfair, it was cruel.

The hanger was chaos, the commanders being secured, soldiers scattering, ratings taking cover behind crates, shouted orders and swearing. But for Cathal it was like his vision had blotted out everything but the hanger doors and the two fleeing figures there. Not even fully aware of what he was doing, he was moving forward, breaking into a run. He was dimly aware of his corporal screaming at him over his helmet com, promising a court-martial if he didn't get back into formation. A stormtrooper, he didn't know from which side, made a grab for him. Not breaking stride, Cathal's rifle stock slammed viciously into their helmet. Rage lent him strength, stumbling the other and letting him break free.

He moved with a single-minded purpose, a wolfish snarl etched on his face beneath his helmet. Whoever they were, they were dead. It was a blood feud now, he wasn't going rogue, he was enacting justice. They were going to have to pry his fingers off their throats.

Tally ho. Who else is going hunting?
[STC] Private 2nd Class Cathal "Swamprat" McCarthy.
[This message has been edited by Tetrarch (edited January 5, 2016 9:27:32 PM)]
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  RE: Revival
January 6, 2016 11:11:14 AM    View the profile of Fury 
He had stashed his shuttle in some dusty hangar that wasn't doing more than host Lambda craft that weren't doing any diplomatic duty anymore, and ventured to the lounge. Some petty officer had bitched and moaned that an honor guard wouldn't be able to meet him there and he waved that off.

Instead, he had the company of a couple naval guards and a bored mechanic to greet him. It was nice. They spent the time talking shockboxing and no one called him by any honorifics.

Meanwhile, his two Dashade guards got to keep their weapons, and Paler and one of his cyborged tag-a-longs got to sneak off to go slice something, somewhere. He didn't want to know, he just wanted to be commed if they found something.

This was abnormal, too convenient. And, frankly, he hadn't been around a lot of people of late. Much less military folks who demanded respect, and the less they had earned it, the more earnest they were about it.

Mostly, however, he was out of his depth. He didn't know the players, was not aware of which of the dozens of Imperial factions his former comrades had run with the past few years. Oh, he had kept a line of a lot of them. Just enough to see many go find a real life in the sticks or a real adventure pirating or a real mess signing onto someone else's patch of "the war". It did not mean he knew any more than a random investigator could dig up.

It was rare to see a group just break up and go their separate ways the way the Vast Empire did. If you dedicated a research team to the task, they'd probably never figure out why it went as it did. Bad feelings, impatience, the need to act without a plan everyone was signed on for. Maybe it was just a bad supply of melon and caf that had just turned everyone off.

It honestly did not matter. Water under the bridge.


He could feel the factions. You did not have to be a Force sensitive or equipped with an advanced neural net computer to see the tensions of getting this many varied beings with split loyalties onto one vessel.

It was a risk. For what? Probably only a handful of folks knew.

So he was led a roundabout way to the lounge, pulled up a cloak and a rear booth, sent his guards off to get cozy with the local authorities, and had a bottle of brandy sent his way. Everyone at least glanced over his way, but none came too close. He grinned as he saw familiar faces and heard the broken dialogue of dozens of "where I've been" stories.

He wouldn't have had much to add to that. No spouse, no children. Just a bunch of hyperspace jumps and salvage ops to gather the store resources, then a cushy year of rebuilding and recovery as he chose to sit out whatever the hell the galaxy was doing to itself.

He was tired. But apparently nap time was over.

The lounge was getting full, and folks were getting restless. And then the explosion. His neural net sent the details as to strength and location. Paler started linking him to the nearby cams and security channels. And the bar did something that surprised even him.

The bickering stopped. No one drew on each other. There was no hail of blaster bolts. They all looked at each other and started looking for which exit to rush out of. Not to disappear once again, but to take on whatever the hell was threatening them. All of them. Together.

He pulled off his cloak, checked the power cells on his blasters, and slugged the rest of his glass of brandy. He saw a group of old ground pounders that seemed to have maintained their sense of situational awareness and headed over to join them in whatever mad scheme they had collectively signed up for.
OO/Moff Fury/HC/LOTAITH/VE [MoHx4][SCPx3][PoC][SotE:HC][SotE:VEA][SCP][MSMx2][IOC]
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[This message has been edited by Fury (edited January 6, 2016 12:30:02 AM)]
[This message has been edited by Fury (edited January 6, 2016 12:32:50 AM)]
[This message has been edited by Fury (edited January 6, 2016 12:33:38 AM)]
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  RE: Revival
January 6, 2016 3:12:07 PM    View the profile of Eviscares 
White armored figures froze, blasters aimed but not shooting.The veterans on the other hand were a completely different story. Shots rang out in the general direction of the wannabe demolitionists, missing them only by a hairs width.
Evis wasn’t suprised when he saw Veterans from Army and Navy rise almost simultaneously. He was suprised however when he noticed some of the SGE soldiers starting. The thoughts of betrayal were gone when the sudden attack galvanized the second galactic empire and the vast empire. At least for this moment.
A couple of them set out after the duo, Havock leading the charge, only to be overtaken by Jegoras massive form. It was chaos, but at least noone was shooting blindly down the corridor.
The trouble with starships was that they didn’t really lend themselves to wide corridors that went in a straight line for a long time. So if one or two people were to dress up in uniforms and try and pull a disappearing act, one could call a starship a pretty good place for it.
So Evis stopped dead in his tracks and turned around towards where the device had fallen.
“Yeah, walk towards the supposed bomb. That’s real smart.”, he thought to himself, as he started walking. Around him Pandemonium had broken out people were yelling, and running. Vast Empire yelling at Second Galactic Empire, Army yelling at Navy, Officers at Noncoms and Non Comms at enlisted.
“Situation Normal, all fethed up.”, he thought smirking. Merrick fell in step beside him, grumbling:”What in the name of Palpatines silken knickers do you think you’re doing there, Al Bek?”
“Ma’m, I think I’m doing what only a jester would do. I’m being tremendously stupid while all hell has broken loose.”, he replied while trying to find a place to stash his E-11 before dropping it and muttering:”Stupid strapless boarding version.”
“So, you a combat engineer then? Can’t remember reading that in your record.”, she asked, apparently not caring about the dropped rifle.
“No Ma’m, never got around to completing it. I’m still surprised when things go boom, not making them go boom. But I thought I’d take a look, see if I can remember anything”, he admitted.
Merrick arched an eyebrow at him, and they came to a stop when they reached the device, three naval ratings standing beside it, looking flabberghasted.
The supposed bomb was basically a box with two cylinders on each small end. There weren’t any exposed wires, timers, or anything like that.
“Yeah… I have no Idea what to do about that…”, D’kaleth said in a small voice.
And after a short chuckle Merrick yelled: ”Can I get a Combat Engineer over here?!”

Not great, but hey, I at least got to make up a new curse.
Jester Squad
VE Smoker Association
Excitement abounds
I almost can't wait
Relax, I don't want your baby
I already ate

IronHorseSquad forever in my heart!

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  RE: Revival
January 6, 2016 6:56:56 PM    View the profile of Trykon 
Just when it seemed cooler heads might prevail, a shout pierced the unusual quiet of the massive hangar bay: “Bomb!”

Zev Trikarian saw the same surprise he felt, reflected in everyone within his field of vision: Cortana’s eyebrows shot up, Mihawk’s bulbous eyes swivelled around toward the cry of warning, several troopers from both sides readjusted their point of aim, uncertainly.

Zev resisted the urge to reach out and drag the woefully misguided commodore to the ground.  He might be missing an opportunity to protect her and thereby earn her trust, he reasoned, but the risk was too great that somebody on the opposing side of the standoff would misinterpret his lunge as some sort of attack.  Instead, he threw himself to the ground, ignobly but instantly.  He felt a steady hand pressing down on his shoulder a heartbeat later, and sensed one of his pilot-commandos looming above him, between him and all the noise.  Likely, it was Grent Notimo, Strill’s CO.  Zev made a mental note to award the man another decoration, once the day’s dust had settled.

Zev heard the sharp report of blaster fire, and the sizzling impacts of bolts hitting metal.  There was yelling, from many vectors.  And then he listened to the broken cadence of many armored boots, clattering away into the distance.

He glanced up.  The commodore was alive and whole, but looked shaken.  Drac was already returning to his feet.  Zev followed the Mon Calamari captain’s lead, shrugging off Notimo’s hand gently but insistently.

He glanced at the VE regulars opposite himself, half of whom were still pointing their rifles at him.  He rolled his eyes, theatrically, and bent to offer a hand to the commodore.

Cortana accepted the help, but halfway up she seemed to remember her anger and distrust.  She flicked away Zev’s hand, in a gesture that was almost charmingly juvenile, and he couldn’t help but chuckle.  “Corporal,” he said, addressing the ranking member of his detail while keeping his eyes locked on Cortana, “your squad is to assist in the pursuit.  Strill Squadron will stay here and secure--” he almost said ‘my person,’ but thought better of it, and finished with, “the area.”

“Yes sir.”  And then his stormtroopers were off, leaving the odds even more uneven between himself and his accuser.

He held up a hand, before Cortana could speak.  “I suggest we relocate, and let the combat engineers secure this hangar,” he said as calmly as he could.  “I promise, I’ll cooperate with your investigation.  But I’d really prefer if you stopped pointing quite so many blasters at my face in the meantime, Commodore.”

The slender woman gave a smirk: half-exasperated, half-amused.  “I can live with that compromise,” she said, “for the moment.”  She gestured toward the blast doors on the side of the bay opposite the reported bomb, and to his surprise, Zev thought he might detect the barest hint of a smile trying to form on the woman’s mouth.

She fits right in, in the VEN, he thought.

“Let’s be on our way, Mr. Notimo,” he said, offering Cortana a full, open smile.  His grin grew even larger, when her expression finally matched his own, a moment later.  While explosives experts moved cautiously toward the reported threat, and troopers from both sides chased the culprits, Trikarian, Cortana, and Mihawk set out for the hangar’s exit at a jog, flanked by a motley array of Vast Empire stormtroopers, returning veterans of various ilks, and the Second Galactic Empire commandos.

Yup, Trikarian thought, as he reflected on the chaos of the past few minutes, it’s just like old times, around here.
Naval High Command
CNO/Rear Admiral Trykon/NHC/VEN/VE

Second Vast Imperial Fleet
SCAP/RADM Wyl "Trick" Trykon/ISD Adjudicator/TF:A/3Flt/FC/VEN/VE



SM/DWR Trykon/Dark Jedi/Shades/Raven L-04/DJO/VE [EoP]
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  RE: Revival
January 7, 2016 4:17:16 AM    View the profile of Merrick 
Oh good, Merrick thought, it’s been a whole few days since someone tried to kill me. Now my day is complete. She cleared her throat as Evis extended a hand toward the device. When he turned to look at her, she shook her head. He retracted the outstretched arm, retrieved his blaster and stood up again.
“I was just gonna...”
He stopped arguing when he spotted two newcomers running towards the device. That was a sure sign they were either suicidal, or intended to defuse the thing. Merrick chose to believe the latter and pulled Evis away, more than happy to leave the professionals to get blown up. Evis didn’t really bother resisting, so she released her grip on his arm.
“Best go help with the pursuit, Sergeant.”
Nodding curtly, he loped off after the mixed bag of imperials currently chasing down the bombers. Merrick joined in the mass exodus of the hangar at a more leisurely pace, keeping an eye on the visitors, who were keeping their eyes on her. She’d refused one of the blasters that had been handed out, given she was still bristling with her usual array of weaponry. Her right hand naturally rested on one of the pistols at her hip, apparently making the other side a little wary.

As she trailed behind the rest of the group, Merrick noticed a familiar frame and made her way to his side, matching his pace. “Well, fancy seeing you here.”
Fury didn’t even have the decency to pretend to be surprised. “I thought you would still be off babysitting your king.”
Merrick shrugged as casually as she could muster. “We had a… difference of opinion. I’ve been off the leash for a while now.”
“How has that been treating you?”
They were through the blast doors now, which closed behind them so the rest of the ship would survive even if the device were to go off. They walked a little further, away from the bulk of the group, before Merrick stopped and leaned against a bulkhead. “Oh, you know, almost got killed plenty of times, barely kept my ship in the sky, murdered plenty of folks. The usual. You?”
Fury allowed himself a small grin before he replied, “eh, same old. Did you bring your ship here?”
“Yeah, didn’t have the time or means to get anything else. Straggler is parked in one of the other hangars. Whysat?”
“Oh, just in case we have to leave in a hurry. It’s a bit faster than the shuttle I came over in.”
“What, just because you gave it to me, you think I’m going to be your pet pilot?”
Fury shrugged. “Yep.”
“Hard to argue with that, I guess.”

I had planned a longer post but ran out of steam. Apologies.
AXO | BGN Skyalin 'Merrick' Tel'sha | VEA | VE
[This message has been edited by Merrick (edited January 7, 2016 4:21:32 AM)]
Sandwich Sam
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  RE: Revival
January 7, 2016 11:27:54 AM    View the profile of Sandwich Sam 
“Can I get a combat engineer over here?!”

Sam had not darted after the saboteurs. He had become slow and neglected his cardio work outs. At least those involving running or any physical activity. He used to chase thrills, but nowadays he let them come to him.

“I’ll take care of this,” Sam said as he approached Merrick and a fellow he did not recognize. He knelt down to examine the device. It was a black rectangular box with two cylinders mounted at each small end.

“Do you know what this is?” Sam quizzed the unrecognized fellow.

“No idea. I’m not really that sure it is a bomb.”

“Well, uh…”

“Sergeant Eviscares.”

“Ah, well Eviscares, this is not a bomb. But it would cause some mayhem. This clever little device messes with ion radiation,” Sam explained as he picked up the device and flicked open a side panel. The panel revealed a small view screen, a set of four dials, and a row of six buttons. Sam started to punch a few buttons.

“Hey, should you really be doing that?” the sergeant asked doing his best to disguise his concern.

“I know what I’m doing. May not have the fancy CE badge in my record, but I know a great deal about explosives and computer systems,” Sam shot back. A bead of sweat formed upon the sergeant’s forehead.

“Aha! These settings show that it was going to setup a magnetic field. The field strength could easily alter the flow direction of ion radiation. My guess is that they were trying to get this as close to the ion engines of this TIE,” Sam pondered aloud, “Clever. I like it. This poor little TIE would have been blown to bits once its ion engines were at full.”

“So they were trying to blow up a TIE in the hangar?”

“Possibly. Although it wouldn’t have done more than make a mess. My guess is that it would have happened once the TIE was on patrol. The detonation would have looked a lot like someone had shot the TIE and a glorious chain reaction would have sent the current situation into melt down.”

“This seems like a rather specialized device. How do you know so much about it?”

“I ran two crates of these to an outer rim system a while back. Their supplier shorted them a few devices.”

With a smile the Zabrak turned away with the device in his hand. He popped open his stash and rewarded himself. Within moments, he was gliding to his ship to deposit the saboteur’s device.
1LT Sandwich Sam

Specialty Sapper: 5.1, 5.2, A18, A9
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  RE: Revival
January 9, 2016 8:55:47 PM    View the profile of Havock 
“General I’ll need to ask you to step back so the crew can complete their duties.”

Ayme pushed herself off the console with a growl. “Come on Captain, I’ve got sith knows how many half drunk troopers running through this ship on a hunt for some bomber.”

Warrant officers quickly started jumping in front of Ayme, flipping switches and responding to comm traffic. The command structure on a SSD was foreign to the General. Beyond being given a ride to large scale engagements, Ayme had little experience working directly on the large vessels. She watched on as the deck personnel proceeded to move from station to station in a synchronous orbit she could not decipher.

Captain Reyes brushed past the former Army commander and motioned for her to follow him. They left the command center and reached a small barracks. He entered his access code and the door slid open to reveal a trooper uniform and a stock of standard weapons.

“General, Commodore Cortana regrets to inform you that she will be unable to meet with you in person.” As he spoke pieces of the uniform were shoved into Ayme’s hands. “You are officially reinstated in the Army as Prefect.” Weapons suddenly were shoved on top of the growing pile of gear.

“Gee thanks. I guess I won’t be needing the inspiring speech I had prepared.” Ayme muttered sarcastically.

Captain Reyes blinked then waved his hand, moving quickly to the terminal in the room. “You need to get that gear on and use this intercom to rally the troopers planetside. There is a small base on the surface of Lotaith. It’s old, I mean really really old.” He laughed nervously. “But it’s the Commodore’s call for now.”

“The Commodore is the one that sent them hunting for bombers.”

“And she’s belaying that order General.”
Ayme slowly placed the gear on the closest bench. The room was nothing more than rows of lockers and a set of flat benches. There was most likely a training room or proper barracks near by.

“Captain, what the hell is going on?”

Reyes shook his head. “General I’m not at liberty to say much. We had an incendiary explosion on the main command deck, there were injuries. Due to circumstances I can no disclose, the Commodore is now in command of the vessel and investigating who is responsible. She in fact has a suspect in custody.”

Ayme started to put the trooper uniform on over her mechanic coveralls as she listened to the uptight version of events. “So you flyboys don’t need our rowdy presence on your pretty ship anymore is that it?”

Minutes passed in silence as the General finished getting all of her gear in place. It felt strange to be in stormtrooper garb again after so many years of being a civilian and in an office before that.

Reyes voice was soft when he started to speak from the door. “Our scouts think the base may be overrun by raiders. Regardless it has gear that could prove useful in our efforts to recapture the system.” Ayme looked up to meet his eyes. “And I get the feeling your rowdy boys can handle it.” With a quick salute the Captain was gone and Ayme was left with an intercom and a message to give.

Ayme sighed. “Don’t they know by now I’m shit at giving speeches.”

She placed her helmet on the table and sat in front of the terminal. With a final shake of her head Ayme grabbed the intercom. “Attention all former Phoenix Company troopers onboard. We have been given orders to secure a target groundside. All troopers participating in the ground assault will be reinstated. Report to hanger bay three immediately.”

Ayme released the device and dropped it as though she had been burned. Well this is going to be interesting. With her helmet still in hand she made her way through crowded corridors which held a chaos that was slowly returning to organized. She walked back into the hangar bay that was filled with few transports, save the personal ones her comrades had brought with them. Her eyes landed on her sister who was just returning to the hangar herself.

“Zee, I need you to steal my ship again.”

“Excuse me?”

Ayme stopped looking around and made contact with the slightly shorter woman. “Do you see a drop ship lying around? Look just take the troops to the surface in the Ryujin. It will fit whoever needs to go to the planet. Here these are the coordinates.” She held out a datachip which was not taken from her fingers.

“Havock…I’m just going to repeat…Excuse me?”

Ayme let her hand fall back to her side. “Come on Aeos, shit is going down here. And lets be honest, letting everyone run around on a witch hunt with weapons and liquor in their bloodstream is a recipe for disaster. Let me give them something to do. Anyways the base we’re going to is like ancient, and I know how you love scavenging in junk.”

“I still don’t understand how you managed to not get shot yet.” She reached over and snatched the chip out of her older sisters hand. “Good luck finding everyone.”

Ayme watched her walk away towards her E-9 Explorer. With a roll of her eyes she grabbed Dusk as he walked by wide eyed not seeing the General. “Hi Dusk. Get the troopers and anyone that looks like they might be a trooper on that gorgeous E-9 over there. Oh and feel free to grab any gear you see, I’m sure the Commodore won’t mind.”

“Umm okay…General.”

He brushed off his sleeve as she released him then started barking orders at the troopers.

“Oh and Dusk? I swear to all the Hutt Gods if any of you ass wipes puke in my ship I’ll fire this blaster up your ass.”

So Army types, you should be making your way back to the hangar and into the E-9 which will take off soon (without Havock). You may pair up with a Navy type who will be flying TIE fighters with gunner seats (see The Force Awakens…seriously go see it…you really haven’t seen it?) and leave in that fashion if you like. In fact that’s how Havock will leave (/me waves and blows kisses in Drac’s direction).

There is a general confusion at the moment which is to be expected given the circumstances.

When we reach the surface we will be attempting to regain control of a very old VE army base on the surface. We are talking old out dated gear, vehicles, etc (think that scene in Jurassic World when they find the original Jurassic Park…just less Dinosaurs and more raiders).  Should be fun! Let’s get moving!
Prefect of the Army
PRF | BGN Ayme 'Havock' Katash | VEA | VE

[EW1] [RoT] [RoM] [CRoM] [CoH] [RCoD] [PoC]
{HoTC} {KAD} {GC} {GS} {RES} {MRT}
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Trevor Evenson
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  RE: Revival
January 9, 2016 10:35:39 PM    View the profile of Trevor Evenson 
This is ridiculous. Trevor thought as Tokijin was escorted out under the protection of a short but feisty blonde woman. He glared at the back of the woman's head as they walked out the door, then broke his gaze and turned back to the bar. At the bar, he returned to find the two drinks he had ordered before had been poured but didn't find himself in the right mind to go back and chat with Sam. With one quick motion Trevor slammed the first drink back, coughing slightly as it burned his throat. He then stared at the second drink, deep in thought.

It seemed like only seconds had passed, but in all likelihood it had been on the scale of minutes. Trevor was shaken from his trance by the blaring of an alarm and the sounds of boots scuffing on the floor. He glanced around him and observed the other bar patrons leaving, all turning and heading in the general direction of the hanger. He didn't see the short blonde around anymore, prompting him to slam back his drink and head after Tokijin. Had to be her, couldn't be anyone else.

Trevor excited the lounge and headed down the corridor in the opposite direction of the mob, warning sirens still blaring throughout the ship. Glancing left and right down each branching hallway, Trevor kept his eyes peeled for Toki, wishing her form would appear each time he swivelled his head. After what seemed like twenty minutes of searching, he did a double take when he saw a silhouette standing in front a large transparisteel window at a t-intersection. Slowing to a walk, Trevor could hear her slow, steady breathing as he approached.

“You're dead.” She said, almost in a whisper. She didn't turn to look at him. Her fists clenched, but otherwise she appeared surprisingly calm. “You died years ago. Here.”

“No, I didn't. I thought you did too. I went to our safe house, our meeting place. You never showed up.” He said, trying to hide the emotion in his voice. It had been true, he had spent a full week waiting for her to arrive, but she didn't.

“You're dead.” She repeated. Trevor shook his head, anger bubbling up inside him. She won't listen!

“No!” He spat, stepping between her and the window. “I'm not.”

Tokijin looked through him, refusing to meet his eyes. Just as she opened her mouth to speak again, Trevor felt a sharp pain in his side as he and Tokijin were knocked to the ground by a flailing body. Trevor was back on his feet and quickly checked himself over. Nothing fatal.

Tokijin was half way up but the being who had crashed into them was moaning on the floor. Trevor kicked him lightly with his boot and grabbed his hand roughly, yanking him to his feet.

“What's the deal, Ensign? Watch where you're going.” Trevor said, eyeing the officer. The officer was visibly sweaty, and kept looking over Trevor's shoulder in the direction he had come from. HSuspicions high, Trevor assessed the tall, thin officer. Cap is correct, boots shined, uniform looks slightly off though...

“Sorry, uh, civilian. Just in a hurry. Haven't you heard?” He asked, fidgeting with his belt and glancing over Trevor's shoulder again.

“Heard what?”

“The admiral was bombed, there are saboteurs aboard. We're all supposed to be searching.” At that, he turned to walk away. Trevor wasn't buying it though, the idea seemed pretty far fetched. He had forgotten about the siren from earlier.

“Ensign, wait. I'm Lieutenant Commander Trevor Evenson of the Vast Imperial Navy.” The Ensign froze, and slowly looked over his shoulder. “I'll assist.”

At that, the sound of running boots filled the corridor. The Ensign spun on his heel and looked behind Trevor, his eyes going wide. Trevor glanced behind himself, spotting a single stormtrooper running towards them.

“Stop that man, he's a murderer!” The trooper yelled, pointing past Trevor. Trevor looked back and the Ensign turned, beginning to sprint away. Not so fast. Trevor thought, lunging forward and wrapping his arms around the Ensign's ankles, taking them both to the ground hard. He dragged himself up the Ensign's body, absorbing the officer's attempts to push him off. He swung back and punched the officer square in the nose, causing the officer's head to bounce off the durasteel floor. Trevor glanced at Tokijin, who was observing the scene with.. Distress? Anger? Horror? I don't know...

“Nice tackle, but you should have let me shoot the scum.” The trooper said, slowing to a halt in front of Trevor. He extended a gloved hand to help Trevor up. “Nothing stopping me I guess, actually.” The trooper continued, stepping past Trevor and levelling his rifle at the Ensign.

“No.” Trevor said, stepping between them again. “Who gave the order to capture them. Who do you report to?” He asked, trying to get a read on the trooper. It was then the he noticed the shoulder emblem. It didn't belong to the VE.

“Not the same people as you.” The trooper replied, his voice wavering. Trevor could tell that despite the anger he had, he was nervous. This was someone who had made a split second decision without waiting for orders, and wasn't sure which choice was the right one to make.

“That's fine. Give me your binders and comm.” Trevor said in a stern voice. Tokijin still just stood by the wayside. Maybe she's in shock.. The trooper handed over his comm and went to work securing the prisoner. I wonder if the comm channels are the same. Trevor thought as he dialed in the command bridge frequency. “This is Lieutenant Commander Trevor Evenson, of the VEN. I've got a prisoner, a trooper with an insignia I don't recognize has helped me capture him. He says he's a murderer or something. Where should we bring him?”

For a moment, there was silence. Then the accented voice of a Mon Calimari came over the comm. “Was the man you've captured chased from the hanger?”

Trevor glanced the trooper, who nodded as he hauled their dazed but still conscious prisoner to his feet.

“Yeah, that's the guy.”

“One of them, anyway. Bring him to me at the bridge.” With that, the comm cut off. Trevor handed it back to the trooper just as an announcement came over the ship's intercom system.

 “Attention all former Phoenix Company troopers onboard. We have been given orders to secure a target groundside. All troopers participating in the ground assault will be reinstated. Report to hanger bay three immediately.”

“Is that you?” Trevor asked, looking at the trooper. He shook his head. “Well, then you're coming to the bridge with me. You too, Toki.” Trevor said, grabbing her arm. She didn't really resist, but trailed along behind Trevor, remaining quiet. Trevor took the lead and let the unknown trooper follow behind the prisoner, rifle deep in the small of the man's back.


Trevor shoved the prisoner ahead of him as he stepped off the lift onto the bridge of the SSD. A small group quickly formed, including a blue skinned Mon Calimari in addition to other high ranking officers. Weapons were almost immediately drawn as the group took note of the insignia on the trooper's armour.

“Drop your weapons!” Someone shouted. The trooper carefully laid his rifle on the floor, Trevor and Tokijin simply raised their hands. The Mon Cal stepped forward.

“You're Commander Evenson?”

Trevor nodded.

“At ease. I reviewed your records, I don't think you're a risk. And this must be Tokijin...” He trailed off, Toki nodding. “At ease. I'm Line Captain Mihawk. Now please explain why you brought a Second Empire trooper with you, here of all places. Don't you know what's going on?”

“Not in the least, sir. He helped us capture this other guy. That's all I know.”

“Hmmmm,” The Line Captain hummed, bulbous eyes examining the prisoner, mind turning. “This changes things. We need more information...” He continued, walking around the prisoner and pushing a webbed finger against the man's chest.

“I can help with that, actually. I'm what you might call a specialist at information extraction.” Trevor said, emphasizing specialist. Mihawk shook his head.

“No. We can handle this. You need to go down to the hanger, and gather up a squadron if you can. We are sending the stormtroopers down to the surface to recapture some strategic points, and they need air support. Take these two with you, you'll need a gunner for the new TIEs. Suit up, Commander.”

Trevor nodded and turned around, pushing the other two back into the lift, leaving the prisoner in the care of those on the bridge.

Hopefully this doesn't mess stuff up too badly. Discussed it with Havoc prior to posting. I sort of wrote it in a rush and don't feel it's up to my usual quality but I've been itching to get a post up.
FM/LCM/Trevor Evenson/A-4/S:26 Tuk'ata/mSSD Atrus/DEF/VEN/VE/(=*A*=)(=*SA*=)[VC:B][LSM][BRC][SWC][GWC][EoT:EC][LoT]
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  RE: Revival
January 9, 2016 10:53:45 PM    View the profile of Merrick 
Attention all former Phoenix Company troopers onboard. We have been given orders to secure a target groundside. All troopers participating in the ground assault will be reinstated. Report to hangar bay three immediately.

Merrick stood up from her relaxed position against the wall. “Well I guess it’s back to work for me. Good seeing you.”
“Mind if we tag along?” Fury gestured towards the two guards that had taken up positions nearby when he and Merrick had stopped to talk.
She shrugged. “Sure, why not, ship’s this way.” He nodded and she led the way. One of the guards was dispatched to collect their gear from the shuttled they had arrived on, and she could hear him talking to someone else via commlink.
“Shouldn’t you be back in uniform for this?”
Merrick shrugged again. “Probably, but who knows where all my gear ended up when I left. Not like I took it with me to go spy on your pirates.”
“That’s what I said.”
They were outside the hangar now and Fury’s guard had returned, carrying his gear.

Merrick checked the hangar, which proved to be pretty quiet, before leading Fury and his guards in and ushering them aboard her ship. She readied the ship for departure, and waited for clearance.
“Where to?” Fury asked from his seat behind her.
“No idea, haven’t got the coordinates yet. I assume Havock’s back in charge so we’ll wait and see what her orders are.”
Fury said no more, and their departure clearance had been received, so Merrick took the ship out of the hangar and joined the small group of craft headed for the planet Lotaith. Not knowing what to expect had already begun to fill her with that old familiar nervous excitement that made this life so addictive.

Sorry for shortness, again, ran out of time, again.
AXO | BGN Skyalin 'Merrick' Tel'sha | VEA | VE
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  RE: Revival
January 10, 2016 1:53:48 AM    View the profile of Fury 
Her followed the rest of the renegades cum troopers into the hangar. Then he met one of his Dashade bodyguards, who apparently had been securing the hangar with the ship's company. The other guard was currently huffing it into the hangar toting three duffel bags on a borrowed repulsorcart.

Paler! he thought. The inskin was linked to his team's com gear and all he had to do was think along a certain frequency to open a channel. He was used to subvocal com kits and bone phones, but even after two years this was still freaky to him.

"Boss?," came the response. "What the hell is going on?"

Me and the boys are going dirtside. Since you haven't touched a planet's surface going on three years, I figure you can help the folks up here sort out friend or foe. Also, clear the comms. Even I can tell there's spoofing and false signals in the net.

"And we get off this crate how?"

You have the shuttle. We're hitching a ride with Merrick.

"Tell her hi. Who *didn't* show up to this party?"

Merrick got her ship underway and he pulled one of the duffels his way. Two sets of the latest ICDF armor and kit. He'd let Merrick decide if she wanted it. The Dashade were putting on some armored vests and checking their heavy weapons.

Another duffel was a couple crates of ammo and assorted grenades. He didn't want to show up to this meeting armed for rancor, but he was glad he had.

The last duffel was his. Some modified stormtrooper armor he'd been toying with. Probably too complicated for general use but it took more hits that the armor plates everyone had salvaged from the naval stores and he just might need the added protection.

Game on.
OO/Moff Fury/HC/LOTAITH/VE [MoHx4][SCPx3][PoC][SotE:HC][SotE:VEA][SCP][MSMx2][IOC]
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  RE: Revival
January 10, 2016 9:57:47 AM    View the profile of Aeos 
"O Malley!"
The young pilot stopped in her happy tracks at Aeos' call.  She was about to leave the hangar, having succesfully completed her first duty with the Empire.
"Start up the ship and wait for me. We're heading down to groundbase with some re-inforcements."
"Aye Captain!"  The young pilot happily snapped to a crisp salute before taking the datapad with the coordinates from Aeos' extended hand.

Aeos stared at the trooper who was almost skipping back to the E-9 with a blank expression.
What the...frak. It is not normal to be this happy about duty is it?

They had just managaed to land the damn E-9 after an uncomfortable hour spent trapped between several fleets thinking of their ship as a target. How the hell it did not stress the pilot out was beyond her efforts to understand.

"Relay the coordinates to all friendly transport ships."

She shook her head and continiued away from the ship to seek some troopers to squash onto the tiny ship.
Alarms were blaring in all directions with armoured soldiers bustling and jogging across the hangar floor.

On second thought... She could not recognize anyone at all anymore. Most of the soliders had geared up right down to those stony expressionless masks. She grimaced a look down to her own uniformed body. It would have to do for now. She turned back to the E-9 and made herself comfortable at the boarding ramp with a spare datapad in hand. She'd need to have the troopers check in. The chaos of their current operations was starting to turn into a logistical nightmare.

Ridiculously short, but yeah, if all troopers can make their way to the E-9 and Aeos and clock in, we could get the ball rolling

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  RE: Revival
January 10, 2016 12:44:29 AM    View the profile of Amacuse 
Arianna knew this was a horrible idea.  Standing in a large hangar with several hundred Imperials all around.  Every instinct she had told her to get out of there, to burn stars and leave behind these… Thugs with polished armor, thugs with shiny medals and boots.  The moment the shuttle entered the hangar, she knew that being in there was a terrible idea.

Slowly, she began backing up, avoiding the look that Anatosh was giving her as she slowly made her way to the back of the hangar, her eyes never leaving the scene in front of the shuttle.  The second the Admiral from the other Imperial faction in the system stepped off the shuttle, every hair on her body stood on end before she began backpedaling more.  Once the order for the Admiral’s arrest was stated, she quickly turned around and booked it out of the hangar, making sure to avoid bumping into any stormtroopers or officers.  ’Nope, nope, nope.  I am not playing the political game and dying because of it… If they need me, they can page me over the intercom,’ she thought to herself, boots thudding quietly on the deck plating.

Arianna took a quick turn before stepping into a turbolift, hitting the button for a deck four levels up.  She sighed softly to herself, leaning against the wall.  Slowly, she brought out a datapad and thumbed through the files on it, rereading the Director’s orders to come here.  ’Nothing in here talks about dealing with how crazy everyone is around here!  It's like he intentionally left it out to make me lose my mind!’ she thought angrily, huffing audibly before she put the device away.  The lift stopped and she walked out into the hall.  Her footsteps echoed as she moved down the corridor, watching everything around her.  She passed an open room before walking back to it.  Inside was a holodisplay of the ship.  She looked around before heading inside and tapping at the display.  "Alright... Show me where the cantina is..." She said in a hushed voice as she typed at the console, examining the display as it zoomed in on her level and moved about before stopping on a large room.  "Bingo."  She smiled before returning the display to the whole ship, then she quickly exited the room and continued down the hall.  She made it several dozen feet, making sure to avoid anyone's watchful gaze before a woman’s voice echoed out over the intercom, stopping her in her tracks.

Attention all former Phoenix Company troopers onboard. We have been given orders to secure a target groundside. All troopers participating in the ground assault will be reinstated. Report to hanger bay three immediately,” came the voice of General Katash.

Arianna slowed to a stop in the middle of the hall, thinking to herself ’They’re deploying troops to the surface already?  But the situation up here is unstable.  They must be insane…’  She sighed a bit before hitting the wall next to her.  “Damnit…” The young officer said before turning back around and heading to the lift.  “Sure as hell beats getting plastered…”  She walked back in before hitting the button for the level she just left, sighing again.

Several agonizingly slow minutes passed before she stepped off the lift, making down the hall at a brisk pace.  She noticed two troopers running down an adjoining hall and quickly fell in behind them, teeth gritting as she realized at that moment that she wasn't used to running.  ’Need to remind the Director to have all naval personnel do more PT… Just this short run is killing my calves!’ she cried inside her head, hoping that they would reach their destination soon.

Several more agonizing minutes passed, this time filled with running, before she finally made it to the armory.  She approached the Quartermaster and smiled softly at him.  “Combat Medic loadout, Sergeant,” she said calmly, looking him square in the eyes.

He huffed some before leaning forward toward her.  “You're not a Stormtrooper… Nor do you have the smell of a Vast Imperial officer about you.  Get out of here.”

Her face darkened a bit before she too leaned forward.  “I am Captain Arianna Blaire, here to procure a Combat Medic loadout without the restrictive armor.  Just tell me… How many medical kits have been checked out?”

“None, Captain.  But I can't give you a loadout,” he said squarely.

“Fine… Just let all those troopers die before proper medical care can be given.  My actions could have saved their lives… But I guess I'll just have to explain to the General why I was unable to perform my duty as a combat medic,” she said with a smirk, pulling out her comlink.

His eyes never left her’s as he stared her down.  Arianna stared back up at him, maintaining her smirk and air of authority before speaking again.  “Of course… If you were to give me the loadout… I could put in a word with the General about how efficient and helpful you were… And judging by the state of your armory, I can guess that you can use the recommendation.”

He grunted a bit before tossing a pack and blaster rifle onto the counter, pushing it towards her.  “I hope you get vaporized down on the surface, Captain.”

“And I hope you get jettisoned out the airlock, Sergeant.  Thank you for the gear,” she said with a smile, sliding the pack onto her back as she checked the weapon.  She looked up at him again as he set a belt onto the counter.

“Your ammunition, Captain Blaire,” he said with a cold look.

“You have been most helpful, Quartermaster.  Thank you very much.”  She slid the belt on around her waist, checking the pouches to make sure the extra energy packs were there before she left the room, heading towards the hangar with a bit of a spring in her step.  ’A shame he went Navy… Army sounds like it could be fun!’ she thought with a wide grin, turning around a corner as she entered the hangar.

WC: 1075

Alright.  Left the hangar before crap hit the fan, now planning to go planet-side to vent frustrations and maybe have some fun!  Whee!!

Edit: Clarified the passage of time more appropriately. :P
Amacuse | Warrant Officer 1st Class | Squadron Commander | Vast Empire Navy

WO1 | Arianna "Bolt" Blaire | SC | 175th Aurora Squadron | 48th Sabre Wing | ISD-II Adjudicator | 1st Fleet | SFC | VEN | VE

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  RE: Revival
January 10, 2016 3:04:35 PM    View the profile of Tetrarch 
Cathal was fast. He'd always scored high in athletics and even now in armour, laden down, he was keeping up with the saboteur. But his quarry wouldn't let him gain ground. He shouldered and shoved aside naval personnel, his face frozen in a snarl.

There! He was making a break for it and Cathal yelled, “Stop that man, he's a murderer!”. The newcomer made a dive for the saboteur, bringing him them both to the ground. Cathal was moving up but there wasn't much assistance needed, one brutal punch and his prey was down. He couldn't help himself, he smiled. A fun run but all good things come to an end.

”Nice tackle but you should have just let me shoot the scum” Cathal said, dropping one arm to help his assistant up. He hefted his rifle and began to lower it, “Nothing stopping me I guess, actually” he murmured. His finger was moving onto the trigger when the other had intervened.

“You tapped or something?” he asked, raising his eyebrow before realising the other couldn't see it through his helmet. Even devoid of armour, the other man stood taller than him. I could probably take him. But that wasn't what threw him of, it was the sudden change of tone, a voice that automatically made his back straighten. An officer's one.

Not his officer but his attempt at being smart just quavered. Sanity was returning and he was realising that he was somewhere in the depths of a rival vessel, now being confronted by an officer and that he had most definitely gone rogue. Feth.

“Not the same people as you” he responded, all confidence leaving him. The officer took it in his stride, his orders curt. Cathal found himself responding, handing over his comm and moving to restrain the prisoner. He dug his knee into his back for a satisfying cry of pain. “Bastard” he whispered before hauling the saboteur up.

 “Attention all former Phoenix Company troopers onboard. We have been given orders to secure a target groundside. All troopers participating in the ground assault will be reinstated. Report to hanger bay three immediately.” 

“No sir, not me” he answered, he was about to speak more but the officer was telling him he was coming to the bridge. He had his rifle right in the small of the back of the prisoner. And he made damn sure the other knew about it, keeping him moving with prods of the barrel.

Which is how he found himself being escorted to the bridge of the SSD. The same SSD he'd been praying to avoid, the same one their own fleet had weapons trained on. His eyes nearly popped out of his sockets at the sight of so much high ranking brass. That lasted about two seconds before half a dozen weapons swung onto him.

He would have dropped the rifle but with so much weapons on him, he slowly lowered it to the ground and took a step back. Thank the stars the officer spoke up for him but it didn't make a single weapon muzzle waver in their aim.

He swallowed, suddenly calmer now than he'd been in hours. The rage had faded but he bit back a feeling of distaste at the alien, the xenos in a captain's uniform. A Mon Cal if he remembered right from school. Frackin' fish. Luckily the helmet hid his expression.

He wasn't quite sure what had happened as the lift descended to the hangar level. Had he just been conscripted? Pressganged? Loaned out? Had he just deserted?

The lift opened onto a scene of chaos. NCOs were marshalling troopers who carried supply crates or formed up in files to embark the waiting ships. He took a step forward and-”Hey watch it buckethead!” barked a harried looking naval rating. “Frack that yo-” Cathal began to respond before he was shoved forward again by two late stormtroopers hurrying to their section. “Move it private!”barked the senior one “Get to your station!”.

A logistics ensign massaged his temples and looked to the ceiling before shaking his head at the row of crates lined in front of him. “The request was for Mk. Ivs, these are Vs!” he repeated through gritted teeth. He held up his hand to cut off the supply warrant, “I don't want to hear it. Get them back to Ralke or else I'll contact the Lieutenant and you can deal with him” he threatened, making a mark on his datapad before cursing.

Cathal was caught up in the press of bodies, swept towards the waiting boarding ramps. He came to a hasty halt in front of a grimacing captain with a dataslate. Her eyes flicked up to him and Cathal found himself snapping off a salute before he could help it. “Report” she ordered before he could muster a protest, he was never good with higher ranks. The training conditioning worked almost too well and an officer was an officer.  “Private, Mckarthaigh, Cathal. Callsign: Swamprat” he rattled off automatically “Err...Captain, I shouldn't be-”
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  RE: Revival
January 10, 2016 8:37:50 PM    View the profile of Karash 
‘How the hell has this happened? One moment you were sat in a bar retelling one of Havock’s many tales of disaster and the next you were caught in a tidal wave of bodies that washed you into, then out of, then back into a hangar.’ Karash was unsure whether he was genuinely confused or just a little drunk. ‘What are you even doing now?’

“Name and rank.” A tired looking NCO was speaking to him.

“What?” Karash asked aggressively.

“I need your name and rank to give you the correct equipment.” The man had clearly lost any enthusiasm for his job.

“Karash, Senior Sergeant. Now why would I want…” Before he could finish, Karash had a load of equipment shoved into his hands and was pushed out of the way.

There were people of all ranks from both the Navy and the Army charging about in all directions. None of them really looked like they knew what they were doing but in Karash’s experience it was best to at least look busy in such circumstances, otherwise you would be told to do something unpleasant by a Senior Officer who needed to look like they were doing something.

‘They have given me medical supplies. . . I told them I was not going to do that anymore. Why do they never listen? As soon as their rank insignia moves from their arm to their shoulders they develop selective deafness. Besides if they have reinstated General Havock I would need more supplies than what they have given me. . .’

“The whole thing will be blood bath!” Karash randomly shouted as his interior monologue manifested itself into speech.

“You should be over there Sergeant.” A rather frazzled looking Ensign was pointing at a ship just opposite where they were standing.

“How do you know my… Oh.” Karash was about to launch into another tirade when he realised he had already subconsciously put his gear on, it seemed that old habits die hard.

“No, not that ship. I’ll go on any of the others. Just not that one.” His voice suddenly sounded desperate.

“I am not taking requests, that is the one you were assigned. Now move out.” The woman was turning a visible shade of purple. “I’ve just told you three where to go, what is so difficult for you ground thumping morons to understand?!”

Karash could not be sure without a closer inspection but the ship he had been pointed to looked vaguely familiar to him. Of course the chances of it actually belonging to Havock were astronomical, she was a General and would be sat in an office somewhere on this ship overseeing whatever was to come. He also knew that she would not let just anybody fly her ship; comforted by his thoughts Karash made his way to the vessel that had been pointed out to him.

The walk was a relatively short one but with the amount of people whizzing in all directions it took a great deal of skill not to bump into anyone. Karash had forgotten just how manic things were at the start of any sort of military action; the hangar was full of Stormtroopers who were about to taste battle for the first time and returning Veterans who had never actually agreed to reenlist.

“Report.” A vaguely familiar voice addressed Karash.

“Are you asking for my name and rank or would you like me to give you some sort of status update.” He spoke mockingly.

“Oh great.” The Captain spoke whilst furiously stabbing her datapad with her finger.

“If you are here, this must be her ship. Which means we’ll all be dead by the time we reach the planets ground.” Karash was now talking to himself more than anyone else.

“General Katash is not joining us on this particular flight, so you’ll be just fine.” He was unsure if she was returning his mocking tone or being serious. 

“Then again… if I remember rightly you two share a certain amount of DNA, so if the disastrous streak runs in the family we might want to check if this thing has any escape pods.” Karash spoke quickly as he began to enter the ship.

“It doesn’t” As the Captain finished speaking she shoved Karash on to ship before once saying, “Report!”

‘Bloody women, I sincerely hope none of them reproduce. The Galaxy has suffered enough with more of those. . .’

“Oh no.” The former medic spoke sullenly as he saw how busy the small ship already was.

“Looks like it is going to be standing room only, eh Sarge?” A Corporal had patted Karash on the back and tried to strike up a conversation.

“Do I know you?” Karash asked without turning to look at the man.

“I don’t think so, not a problem is it?” The man quickly realised he had made a mistake attempting to be friendly.

“No problem, I would have said this either way.” Karash now turned to look at the Corporal, “Go away and only speak to me again if… On second thoughts just don’t speak to me, ever.”

Pushing past a few more unknown figures in combat armour Karash realised that he could no longer actually move without treading on another trooper. What made him even more uncomfortable was the fact that he could hear more people coming aboard, he was beginning to wonder if this was just an elaborate to plot to kill off as many of the Veterans as possible in one go. 

“Which ever one of you has their hand on me, remove it now!” Karash whipped his head around and snapped at the Privates behind him who had inadvertently touched him.

“It’s not like I could help it; you can see how we are all being shoved in here. Sergeant.” The strangely accented young Private tried in vain to regain a tone of respect.

“I don’t care how tightly packed we get. If you touch me again, you won’t live to see the pretty little planet we are travelling to.” Karash poked the clearly annoyed young trooper, “Got that?”

Just as the Private was about to reply or punch the pompous Senior Sergeant, Aeos’s voice could be heard shouting towards the cockpit. “Is everything alright up there?”

“Everything is great, just great!” An enthusiastic voice replied.

“Oh goodie, we are being flown by the Navies cheerleading squad!” Karash shouted but no one was listening to him, people quickly learned to ignore him.

One benefit of being so deliberately unpleasant was that a small radius of space had emerged around him, for a moment he thought that his luck might be changing. ‘Wait, did she say it was Havock’s ship? I hope this thing does have escape pods…’ Apparently his luck had changed back again very quickly.

“I just told you not to touch me!” Karash snarled as a vague feeling of familiarity flew back to him, he could have almost been with his old squad.   

Apologies for it being a bit rambling and it not really advancing anything. If I got anything wrong in terms of where we are meant to be or people's characters do let me know. Also for those unfamiliar with Karash do not mind his unpleasantness, he loves you all really. . . kind of. . .
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  RE: Revival
January 11, 2016 12:17:58 AM    View the profile of Merrick 
They’d received coordinates from Havock’s ship, and joined the little convoy now making its way quickly towards Lotaith’s surface. The ships would land a short distance from the target and the troopers would approach on foot. Fury and his large reptilian friends had already donned their armour and readied their weapons by the time Merrick set the ship down. Merrick stood up and turned to face Fury, letting out a low whistle as she saw him. “Nice armour.”
He nodded and pointed to one of the bags of gear nearby. “Thanks. Got some for you to borrow, if you like.”
Merrick walked over and looked into the bag, then looked back at Fury and grinned. “You sure do know how to spoil a gal, boss.”
He chuckled quietly. “I’ll take that as a yes.”
“Does a wild bordok crap in the forest, son?”
Fury rolled his eyes and took the lift to the lower level where his guards already waited.

Merrick stripped off the outer layers of clothing and donned the new armour. It was a heck of a lot nicer than she recalled her old stuff being. Wonder if he’ll let me keep it, she pondered briefly as she strapped her weapons back on. The blaster pistols and rifle were no-brainers, but she hesitated when her eyes fell on the much loved axe. It’d been everywhere with her since the day she’d bought it. Impractical as hell for a stormtrooper, but unexpected enough to cause more than its fair share of fear, and she’d taken more than a few lives with it. She finally sighed and slung it across her back underneath the rifle, its weight familiar and comfortable, then made her way down to the waiting Fury and his guards, helmet in hand for the time being. When the lift doors opened and Merrick stepped out, Fury looked her over and nodded his approval. “Now we’re ready to have some fun.”
Merrick grinned. “You may have to kill me to get this armour back, you know.”
Fury donned his helmet. “I’m sure I can manage that.” He followed his guards from the ship.
Putting her own helmet on, Merrick followed and closed the external airlock door.

Merrick leaned against a tree and watched the slowly forming gaggle of troopers milling around nearby. No one really seemed sure who was meant to be in charge. Havock’s ship arrived and deposited an unhappy assortment of veterans, but the General was not among them. Merrick glanced towards Fury, who shrugged. “You’re a General too, go do that commanding thing.”
“I was. Most of these pups and half the vets have no idea who I am.”
“So go introduce yourself. Some of them must have heard of you at least.”
She muttered, “Yeah, probably only bad things.” Merrick couldn’t see his face, but she was certain Fury was smirking beneath his helmet. As she approached, some of the troopers began to straighten up uncertainly. Lines gradually formed and a familiar voice issued from the one standing alone in front. “General Merrick, is that you? Nice armour!”
Merrick nodded and returned the hurried salute. “Colonel Gates, nice of you to join the party. Have you seen General Havock?”
A formation of TIEs flew overhead and Garryll pointed up. “In one of those, I think.”
“Well this is a fine mess. I guess that leaves me in charge down here. Have we got any more intel?”

Their target was a long abandoned base, visible in the near distance, that looked as though it might be dozens of years old. It had once contained a generous armoury and various other stores that, since the Imperials had abandoned the system, had fallen under the control of a group of bandits. Someone higher up had decided they wanted the compound and its contents to remain intact, so aerial bombardment was out of the question. The navy would offer some air support, but it was up to the assembled troopers to attack the place and root out the rodents currently calling the place home. Despite the age of the gear at their disposal, Merrick warned that they’d likely be facing an enemy who were better equipped than the average lowlife. “Work together, take care of the new kids, and don’t get yourselves killed. The Colonel here is in charge of the… platoon. Gates, pick yourself some squad leaders and let’s get this party started.”

To make it easier for you all to visualise;
Fury's armour(ish):
My borrowed armour:

Let's go round up some bad guys.
AXO | BGN Skyalin 'Merrick' Tel'sha | VEA | VE
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  RE: Revival
January 11, 2016 3:11:55 AM    View the profile of Dusk 
Jacen stood in confusion for a few moments as action developed around him. Blasters were discharged, people were shouting, and lots of movements all happened in a few moments. But in a blink of an eye the hanger had practically cleared. He looked around at the staff around one particular tie before a deck officer was ushering him out of the hanger for safety reasons. After gathering his thoughts for a moment after the blast doors sealed behind him, Jacen lifted his wrist to his mouth.

"PD, situation unsafe, hold position, I'm coming to you."

"Roger Roger."

The man took up a light jog as he made his way through the twisting corridors of the SSD. 'Just get back to your ship. Get to your droids. Get to where you're in control.' He picked up the pace to a brisk run, focusing on his breathing to keep his mind calm. Before he realized it he had already descended a deck on foot. He realized he had gotten lost while settling himself and grabbed a naval personnel. "Directions to deck three?"

The woman looked Jacen over once. "Left at the next intersection, take the turbolift down six decks and head down the corridor. You can't miss it."

"Thank you." He snapped off a salute before continuing his jog in that direction.

He slowed to a stop before the turbo lift and pressed the call button. A few moments later the intercom blared to life.  “Attention all former Phoenix Company troopers onboard. We have been given orders to secure a target groundside. All troopers participating in the ground assault will be reinstated. Report to hanger bay three immediately.”

'Alright, already on my way general.' The former SL thought to himself as the doors opened. He stepped inside and pressed one of the multitude of buttons and the lift started its decent. Now with a moment to rest Dusk closed his eyes and cleared his mind. 'Reinstated huh? Does that mean I'm going to be in charge of a squad?' His eyes opened as he came to his stop. He stepped out and calmly began walking forward, looking for hanger three.

He spotted the open blast door and started making his way through it. That is until he was suddenly accosted by a woman in standard stormtrooper armor. The figure was not wearing their helmet, just as Jacen wasn't, and his eyes went wide as he looked directly into the eyes of noone other than General Katash.

“Hi Dusk. Get the troopers and anyone that looks like they might be a trooper on that gorgeous E-9 over there. Oh and feel free to grab any gear you see, I’m sure the Commodore won’t mind.” 

“Umm okay…General.”  The man brushed off his arm in an effort to ground himself before looking on the disarray of the hangar. "Hey you three, didn't you hear the announcement? Get loaded on that transport over there, on the double!"

“Oh and Dusk?" He turned to the woman. "I swear to all the Hutt Gods if any of you ass wipes puke in my ship I’ll fire this blaster up your ass.” 

He nodded at her before continuing to round up the dawdling troopers.


Jacen stood at the base of the boarding ramp, checking that each person boarding was combat ready. He'd been joined by a woman that he'd assumed the General had put in charge of the ship to speed up the check in. A good few minutes passed as more and more troopers came into the the hanger. As activity was dyeing down and the transport was getting near to full, Jacen spotted what seemed like a civilian, except she had a blaster and combat pack on her person. He approached her and called out "Trooper, report."

She looked to him "The intercom said for troopers to report to hanger three?"

"Right it did." Jacen eyed her. She didn't seem like a trooper, too clean. To proper. "Who are you? Name and rank?"

"Captain Blaire."

Jacen scrunched his lips in scrutiny, all of which was hidden under his helmet. "Alright, fair enough. Head on up the ramp of the E-9. We'll be taking her land-side." With that he escorted her back to and onto the ship, the boarding ramp closing behind them. The interior of the vessel was cramped, Dusk didn't mind much.

He looked at the many heads amassed in these cramped quarters, some helmeted some not. "Alright grunts!" He shouted. "Set your comms to standard channels! We'll be making landfall soon and we will be retaking an old imperial facility. Some local scum have over run it and we're going to be clearing it out! More details when we touch down!"


The boarding ramp dropped and Jacen was among the first to depart. He set himself a way aways from the ship and waited for people to disembark. As he waited a woman had gradually been able to form most of them into what resembled lines. There was a group of people who appeared to be brass of some sort in specialty gear that were conversing among themselves. He hesitated a moment before approaching and snapping off a salute. "Squad Leader," He gestured at the pauldren on his shoulder "Sergeant Jacen 'Dusk' Arture reporting. General Katash had asked me to help organize our ground efforts here."
Imperial Network Star Wars Image

Imperial Network Star Wars Image

Smile!!! Tomorrow will be worse.

SL/SGT Jacen "Dusk" Arture/RAIDERS/Wildcard/Phoenix/VEA
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  RE: Revival
January 11, 2016 5:37:03 PM    View the profile of Tetrarch 
“Kaio, wake the feth up!”

Kaio's eyes opened and the figure standing over him froze. It might have had to do with the Kaio's deathly pallor making it look like a corpse had awoken. That or the thirty centimetres of steel pointing right at his abdomen. “You need me Snaga?” he asked in a drawl, sitting up but keep his blade right at the other's stomach.

Snaga was sweating. He nodded hurriedly, before giving a questioning look. Kaio nodded and Snaga stepped back with a sigh of relief. Kaio rose and stretched, sheathing his knife. The ex-ganger was tall and broad shouldered, pallid as a nightworlder and with scars all over him. Retrieving a pair of sunglasses, he cracked his knuckles before looking at Snaga expectingly. “It's Makar who sent me” his voice was nervous under Kaio's silent look, “We've got company”.

The new residents hadn't treated Aleph-Eight with too much respect. Just as the Imperials had moved out, others had moved in. With quite a more lax attitude to hygiene and cleanliness. Grafitti decorated the walls in half a dozen tongues and scripts. The outskirts of the base was half overrun from the inoerexable advance of the undergrowth, vines, creepers, bush, all slowly encroaching on the base. Years of neglect had left it half overgrown until the newcomers had arrived, now a rota of burner teams and heavy use of defoliants fought a constant battle to keep the perimeter free.

The humidity, undergrowth, the moisture, it played havoc with tech and sensors which made it perfect for them, they'd evaded detection from patrols and sector sweeps, until now that is. And the klaxons kicked into life for the first time in years, incoming contacts.

Scavenged junk was tossed everywhere, half the vehicles and machinery cannibalised for parts while the half used kit lay abandoned. The barracks would have been condemned by any half corrupt Imperial health inspector while the omnipresent vermin infesting the base served as last minute additions to the cookpot, target practice and occasionally even pets.

What had been once a command centre had had half of its consoles torn out. Flickering data screens surrounded the centre briefing table while a score or more humans and aliens clustered about it. All were armed and all were very much with frayed nerves. No gaze lingered and no one had their back to anyone outside their group.

Makar was an edgy, scrawny, one time resident of Kessel. His story about how he'd made it off there changed every time and his jaw constantly jerked, a side effect from his spice abuse. His cutter, Ghall, stood by with hooded eyes, lazily eying everyone with equal disdain, his hand never straying from his blaster. Snaga smiled nervously as they entered, no one drew faster than Ghall.

“Look like we're all here” Kaio said easily, his smile lopsided. No one smiled back. Makar shook while he fumbled with the map controls the holo flickering in protest. “Sithshit, why isn't this working F'x'eit!?” his snarl went right to the other side where a graceful Verpine made several clicks and hisses in response. The droid echoed her words in binary, “It would have been if you'd not held back on the parts we asked for” a sour faced mechanic translated, he paused as the exchange went on, “She says be grateful the sensors we have are still operational”

“I knew we were being too overt” a smuggler said before he could help himself. “Frackin' quotas. Getting greedy's all well and good, gettin' kilt ain't”. One of his compatriots added something in cant but the smuggler chose instead to comment in Huttese. Snaga wasn't too well up on it himself but he knew what “E chu ta” meant. Wazal was a loudmouth anyways, good at what he did but half in exile since shooting two Imperial customs agents two years ago.

Makar glared at this comment on his leadership, his body shaking with barely restrained fury or he'd been without his fix for too long. When's his last hit been? Snaga wondered idly, making sure his holster was open. None of the factions here wanted a shootout but they wouldn't hold back if it kicked off. Mutual benefit and survival was about the only thing stopping the various factions from slaughtering each other. The shimmering holo showed red figures marshalling in the centre landing field but the lack of focus and unreliable instruments made it impossible to estimate how much. What was quite clear was the overhead flights of TIEs that so far had refrained from pounding the base to rubble.

“Why they frackin' holding off?” muttered someone aloud. “They obviously want what's inside banthaspawn” shot back Laoch, one of the raider team leaders. Thermal burns had left puckered scar tissue on her arms and face, Snaga had never had the guts to ask her if she'd been on the receiving end or was it her own flamethrower that had malfunctioned. “Who'd want something from here?” demanded one of the tech section. “We did, we do” Laoch told him scornfully, her snort showing him how much she valued his input.

“We move, we're targets” Makar said suddenly, Snaga tensing. Was that fear in the man's voice? Ghall seemed to straighten his back ever so slightly, his eyes never pausing. “What do you suggest then?” Vake asked, one of Szwarz's mob, he could be counted not to run. A damn sight better than some of the rabble they had. “Half of us are deserters, some have got the death mark, no one's likely to get invited to a reception on Imperial Centre anytime soon” a few half hearted laughs greeting his last statement. It was the usual rag-tag mixture of renegades, turncoats, smugglers, pirates, marauders and brigands, the guttersnipes and scum.

  “Frack it, we take them on” Laoch declared, “Feth knows I've been waiting for some payback”. Diplomacy stilled any tongues from pointing out that Laoch had entered penal servitude only after several cases of arson while on pacification duties on a forestworld.

“They have to be desperate if they're coming here” Makar declared confidently. Heads nodded slowly, even if it wasn't true, it was something to grab onto, a lifeline, that oldest and cruelest trick. Hope. “Even with Darmok's boys off-planet, we still have enough trigger fingers” his jaw vibrating after he'd spoken. Snaga winced, he'd definitely just popped a tab of something for a boost.

F'x'eit piped up again and after a moment for the translations, the mechanic ventured “The mines we planted last season wouldn't have all corroded to the rot, some are still operational. That was good kit”. A murmur of satisfaction from that, a few faces pulled too. “What ones yiz put down?” Vake asked curiously, his crew had been off-planet last rota. “Shredders” came the response, “Some springers, few plasma charges. Most of the other stuff doesn't do well in the bush”. A few more faces pulled now as minds wandered to visualise the shredders blasting out a cone of destruction, the springs jumping up to bisect troopers horizontally or plasma just cooking a part of the jungle with the heat of a second sun for a few seconds. Not everyone was okay with wishing that fate on a fellow sentient creature.

Some were more ok than others. “Better them than us” Laoch said laconically, “Supposing half the mines aren't even duds yet”. More nods, “So we let them bleed on the perimeter, hammer them as they enter the cleared zone, then what?” Vake pressed. Kaio just smiled, he'd unsheathed his blade to strop it, the sound making hairs stand on necks. He'd a reputation for being the best bladesman in the group and his band of merry cutthroats commanded more respect than their number suggested. “Then we let them in close, cook 'em with the flamers, take 'em in the corridors”

“We'd never take them in a straight fight” Snaga ventured, feeling like he had to speak up for the smuggler contingent. Someone muttered something in smuggler cant but he just waved his hand to brush it off. There was enough division as it was without making the others think they were pplanning something else. Best to stick to Basic. “We're not the army”. Close quarter boarding actions, ambushes, raids, these were all in a day's work. Going toe to toe with the Imperials was not. They always tried to get out of dodge before Imperial forces could respond. Having the armoured fist of the Empire descend on them wasn't in the plan. But with their bag of tricks, they might just give them a bloody nose before it.

“We have heavier armaments!” Makar declared, spittle flying as his fist hit the desk. The Verpine clicked and hissed, the mechanic not even bothering to hide his contempt. “Crates sealed away off-limits that we've been forbidden to touch. Something requiring specialists, training that we, even our deserters don't have”. The Verpine interjected and the mechanic shrugged “But she says we've some short-range stuff, might knock a TIE about if they fly too low”.

Kaio was already turning, making for the exit, flanked by his coterie. “Leaving a crashin ship?” Makar demanded. Kaio turned slowly, Ghall steeling himself as he focused his full attention on the knifeman. “Preparing the welcoming committee” the one time ganger announced in guttural slow Basic. “I'll expect this to be remembered when we're divvying the loot”. He sounded as casual as if they were discussing raiding a merchant, not duking it out with Imperial Stormtroopers.


His marauders prepped in an old vehicle bay. The smallest of the factions, they kept their position in the various power struggles through sheer bloody-minded savagery and ruthlessness. Haphazard elements of Imperial armour were worn, no one raider looking the same. They'd been painted and daubed with symbols, no longer the uniform white but a mixture of drab, muted colours, camoflaged with slogans scrawled on. A dead treecat was eviscerated near the exit, troopers letting the mess be scrubbed on them despite the stench, it played havoc with the chem sensers and most importantly, gave that sense of belonging to the undergrowth. Kaio's crew began to fan out along the perimeter, waiting to meet the Imperials in the jungle. For Kaio it was oddly nostalgic, except this time he was the one doing the bushwhacking.
[STC] Private 1st Class Cathal "Swamprat" Mckarthaigh.
[This message has been edited by Tetrarch (edited January 11, 2016 5:40:05 PM)]
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  RE: Revival
January 12, 2016 1:37:03 AM    View the profile of Trykon 
Zev Trikarian wasn’t sure he believed in an immutable Fate, but he knew that the Force shaped the destinies of all, often in unexpected ways.  His was a galaxy in which coincidence predominated, and he’d long ago learned to pay attention when the unlikely occurred.  With the benefit of hindsight, he had come to recognize every chance encounter of significance and each blind stroke of good fortune as instances of the Force’s guidance, and he’d learned to take advantage of such instances.  So far, the Force seemed to be rewarding his leaps of faith: he wasn’t dead yet.

But the coincidences were stacking up in the Rheagant System, which meant it was time for Zev to take another harrowing trip out onto the proverbial limb.  The out-of-the-black summons from Ph’rranix; Zev’s arrival to answer that summons just happening to coincide with an attempted bombing, targeting the wookiee admiral who’d called him; Zev’s decision, when confronted with a hostile welcome, to try to talk, rather than fight or flee; the timely intervention of Drac and the crew of his ship, assuring Zev’s gambit paid off; the stand-off in the hangar, that seemed balanced on a knife’s edge; and then the abortive second bomb threat, which had broken the tension at least a little, in that it had given them all a clear enemy in common, if only for a moment.  None of the events in that chain could have been predicted; fewer still would be believed, if written into the plot of a holodrama.  The conclusion was inescapable: the Force was influencing Zev’s destiny and taking an interest in the Vast Empire’s nascent resurrection.  With the existential terror he always felt in doing so, Zev let himself trust in that influence and surrender to that interest: he abandoned all his plans and agendas, and took a leap of faith.

“I’ll turn myself over willingly, Commodore,” he blurted out, instantly slowing from a jog to stillness.  The group was many hundreds of meters from the hangar bay, in a nondescript corridor like thousands of others on the kilometers-long command ship.

Ahead of him, Sol Cortana stopped short, and turned around in the narrow walkway.  Her stormtrooper guard detail seemed to tense, as they once again faced off against Zev’s own armed escort.

Zev took a purposeful step forward, away from the protective cocoon offered by the commandos of Strill squadron.  “I’ll turn myself over to your authority, Commodore Cortana.  I am innocent of any wrongdoing, and a fair and objective analysis of the facts will bear that out.  I’ll place my trust in your honor as an officer, and in the justice of the Vast Empire.”  He took another half-step forward.  Then added: “On one condition.”

The slender woman quirked an eyebrow, and folded her arms.  “Traditionally, Imperial prisoners don’t dictate the terms of their surrender.”

Once again, Drac moved to interject, no doubt hoping the commodore would abandon that kind of escalating rhetoric.  Zev held up a hand, to indicate the Mon Cal captain didn’t have to.

Zev made eye contact with Cortana and shrugged, half-amused and half-exhausted.  He looked from the female line officer to the alien one, and then back.  “Let’s leave tradition out of this.  It’s been a long time since the Empire could claim hegemonic power,” he said with a note of sadness, “and anyway, it’s not as though I’m a typical Imperial prisoner.  Come on, Commodore: let’s end this.  You get to take me into custody without sparking a conflict with my people in-system, and without provoking war with the Second Galactic Empire.  I’ll cooperate fully with your investigation, I’ll make sure you don’t face reprisals from the Ejj Sector no matter what that investigation concludes, and when you eventually discover those bastards in the hangar bay have nothing to do with me or the SGE, I’ll even accept your apology.”  He grinned, faking a nonchalance he didn’t feel.

The woman furrowed her brow, and shook her head in disbelief.  “Well,” she said uncertainly, “what’s your one condition, then?”

“If and when the Second Galactic Empire and the Vast Empire are reconstituted into a single polity, I want every trooper, pilot, crewer, and officer who has served honorably in the SGE’s military to receive full recognition from the VE’s military of their rank, privileges, decorations, and service records.  And I want a guaranteed full pardon for all former members of the VE who joined the SGE; no reprisals to anyone, for abandoning their posts to follow the only functional Imperial government in evidence.  In short, Commodore, if you want to take me without causing a senseless and catastrophic internecine conflict, I want your word that we can reunite our two factions completely.  I surrender myself to you, and in exchange you vouch that the millions of people in the Ejj Sector will be welcomed by the government of the Vast Empire not as conquered vassals, and not even as mere allies: to get me, you have to promise the VE will accept everyone from the SGE as equals.”

Nobody spoke, for a moment.  Drac’s bulbous eyes seemed even wider than normal, if that was possible.

“I don’t have the authority to promise that,” Cortana said at last.

“I thank you for your honesty,” Zev replied.  “As I said, I will have to rely on your honor as an officer.  If I turn myself over to you for the duration of your investigation of the attack on Vice Admiral Ph’rranix, will you do your utmost to effect the reconciliation and reintegration of our two splinter factions?  If I willingly surrender my own fate to you, will you shoulder the burden of shepherding the fates of the millions of people I represent?”  He stared her down, arms extended with palms upright in a gesture of understated imploration.

Cortana squeezed herself, then let her arms uncross and fall to her sides.  She nodded.  “I fully understand the weight of what you ask, Admiral, and I accept your condition,” she said.  At a tilt of her head, two stormtroopers stepped forward, toward Zev.  “I hereby place you under arrest, Admiral, pending the investigation of the bombings aboard this ship.  I assure you that your conduct today will be taken into consideration, as this case is processed.”

Zev exhaled heavily.  “Thank you,” he said to Cortana.  “Mr. Notimo,” he said to the commander of the commando-pilots, “you are assigned to Line Captain Mihawk until further notice.”

“Yes sir,” the man replied.  Zev could hear his discomfort with the order, but was grateful that he didn’t voice it aloud.

Zev turned back to the VE troopers.  “Come on, then,” he said.  “The Detention Level is this way, if memory serves.”
Naval High Command
CNO/Rear Admiral Trykon/NHC/VEN/VE

Second Vast Imperial Fleet
SCAP/RADM Wyl "Trick" Trykon/ISD Adjudicator/TF:A/3Flt/FC/VEN/VE



SM/DWR Trykon/Dark Jedi/Shades/Raven L-04/DJO/VE [EoP]
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  RE: Revival
January 12, 2016 3:00:10 PM    View the profile of Aeos 
This post is a retcon for catching my character up, and does not move the story. Pure character interaction.

Cathal was caught up in the press of bodies, swept towards the waiting boarding ramps. He came to a hasty halt in front of a grimacing captain with a data-slate. Her eyes flicked up to him and Cathal found himself snapping off a salute before he could help it. “Report” she ordered before he could muster a protest, he was never good with higher ranks. The training conditioning worked almost too well and an officer was an officer.  “Private, Mckarthaigh, Cathal. Call-sign: Swamprat” he rattled off automatically “Err...Captain, I shouldn't be-”

It didn't matter. Her hands flew across the data-slate almost faster than he spoke. He was not on the roster.
The Private trailed off into silence as the Captain cocked her head to the side with narrowed eyes.

"Interesting."  She murmured unholstering her pistol, her finger calmly stroking the saftey-switch on the side.

Her hand still clasping the data-slate, gestured a Stormtrooper guard closer who up until this moment had been monitoring the hangar floor activity. 
"Confiscate his weapons and armour." She ordered crisply.

Whilst the Private was in the humiliating process of being stripped down to his black spandex suit, and being cuffed, Aeos was ticking off the small procession of troopers from the Phoenix Company. Her face was pulled in an almost constant frown or grimace. Most of the troopers it seems have forgotten their places greeting her with too much familiarity or snark like that Karash fellow.  It was of course brilliant to see some of the more familiar faces such as Eviscares, the zabraki Sam or....actually that was more or less it. The rest were too fresh in their uniforms for her to take note yet. 

Havock is letting this place rot with her chaos. she thought. She instantly regretted the ill thought of her sister. It was true however. Ironically enough thus far, the biggest display of decorum has been that Private from earlier. Her eyes flicked to his sorry huddled state on the floor. The poor bloke would have been better of signing up for the Republic instead of being trapped between feuding Imperial factions she mused.

"Ship's capacity is full Capt'n. " O'Malley strong accent crackled through her personal Com-link.
"Okay, I'll redirect the rest to the next available transport. Hold five, I'm coming up in a bit."
"Aye Capt'n. Over."
Too much O'Malley, too much. Aeos thought bemused as she handed the data-slate over to one of the Stormtrooper officers standing next to her. Whether she liked it or not, her strange partnership with the rookie pilot was breath of fresh air. Just like that Cathal fellow. His eyes were still lit with curiosity and bewilderment as opposed to the thousand click stare she's grown accustomed to from the veterans.

"You." She motioned for Cathal to get up.
The man almost tripped trying to get up from his uncomfortable position on the floor until his guard yanked him up by the nape his suit.

"Are coming with me." She continued.
"| I'm not nearly informed enough to know what shit the High Command is up to, but from my understanding, we're currently in some sort of truce. I've met your boss, Trikarian, and I like him, so I'm going to tolerate you coming with. Make one misstep, and I won't hesitate in ending your life regardless of their agreement. My men and women before your life."

Aeos motioned him to board the ramp before her, whilst she took the bundle of armour and weaponry from Cathal's guard.
"Straight through to the cockpit where I can keep an eye on you." She ordered.

Getting through the crowded corridors filled to the brim with Phoenix troopers proved to be a difficult one. Barely a few seconds in, and she could hear grunting disagreements and shouts flaring from amongst the troopers.

“Which ever one of you has their hand on me, remove it now!” The voice irked her. It had spoken to her earlier when it boarded the ship.

“It’s not like I could help it; you can see how we are all being shoved in here. Sergeant.”

Aeos narrowed her eyes at the back of her spandex clad prisoner. He was still too talkative for being cuffs.

“I don’t care how tightly packed we get. If you touch me again, you won’t live to see the pretty little planet we are travelling to, Got that?” The irate owner of the voice was now shoving a finger at the Private-no-prisoner.

“Is everything alright up there?”

“Everything is great, just great!”

She recognized the tall human with a mop of brown hair despite the bustle of people as she rounded the curve of the corridor. Up until now, her eyes have only had space for Cathal's back.


She pushed Cathal towards the front whilst she stopped to pull Karash by his armor.

"I don't give two shits about how familiar you are with General Katash, you will show proper respect in the future or keep your mouth shut to yourself. I know your digits, so we will be chatting again soon for that idiotic slip of your tongue from earlier. And keep your petty threats for the bantha fodder on the ground. Play nice and be a good boy. " She murmured quietly into his ear. She pushed the stunned trooper away from, perhaps with a bit too much strenght and continued to push through the mesh of bodies and armor towards the cockpit, her eyes and barrel of her blaster pistol still trained on Cathal's back.

Qualified Combat Engineer
SM|DJR Aeos|Krath|Shades|Raven 5|VEDJ

[This message has been edited by Aeos (edited January 12, 2016 4:52:33 PM)]
[This message has been edited by Aeos (edited January 12, 2016 5:05:02 PM)]
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  RE: Revival
January 12, 2016 4:06:22 PM    View the profile of Fury 
Fury popped off his helmet and took a breather. Hell, he jumped onto a pile of crates and lit up a cigarra and grabbed a bottle of water from a bin.

The troopers/former troopers/random passersby who came down from orbit were mulling about and creating platoons and fire teams and distributing the heavy weapons.

No one wanted an old Moff and two sullen Dashade around so they went to the shuttles delivering supplies and gear and started unloading. Fury took to carting crates off of the shuttles and breaking down the crates. The Dashade began the process of laying down the metal crate sides and gridding out an encampment.

Once he unpacked the mines and sensors, one of the Dashade started setting up a perimeter. He sent out a message with the map on the trooper net. Hopefully everyone knew what the hell those icons meant and how to access them. Fury made sure Merrick got it in another format. He swore Paler had cracked the old VE encryption and that her armor would receive just as well as a regular trooper would, but he didn't want any axe-wielding ghosts haunting him in the event she walked into a mine field because he didn't double check.

Eventually a few of the more lost-looking tag-a-longs came over to see if he needed any help. He figured they counted as irregulars and he was going to need to few to hang with him once the battle commenced. Best keep them occupied until then.

Halfway through his smoke, he sighed. Ranks were forming. The locals were obviously aware of their arrival and soon would send a raiding party/patrol/sacrificial victim. He wasn't in charge but someone would likely want him nearby when that happened.

He'd helped conquer this planet once before. Hell, he was probably the only one still around who had been on that campaign. No Cosmic. No Timber Saden. No Japer.

It was his most sincere hope that this go around would be far easier. The Corps had almost had to kill this world to save it the last time. Outside of a genuine homegrown civil war, it was likely the most brutal fighting he had ever seen. And so damned costly on both sides. He wasn't sure the locals would fight hard but many of them had sure never learned to love the Empire. Abandoning them could not have helped matters.

He sighed again and stubbed out his smoke against his boot heel. The Dashade had moved on to assembling some tarp covered shelters. Inside the stragglers were assembling some speeder bikes and a comm tent. It was beginning to look familiar in ways he thought he'd left behind. Someone openly complained about a couple dozen crates containing an anti-air installation.

He paused. "Get a pit dug and get that damn thing assembled. If we lose the Star Destroyer or this whole mess turns bloody, the last thing we'll need are TIEs dropping ordinance on us. I'll be back to help if I can. And make sure you bury the power cells. Those things will hurt you more than a bomb will if you aren't careful."

He probably had more to remember than these kids had to learn if he was planning to get out of this alive.
OO/Moff Fury/HC/LOTAITH/VE [MoHx4][SCPx3][PoC][SotE:HC][SotE:VEA][SCP][MSMx2][IOC]
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  RE: Revival
January 12, 2016 10:23:31 PM    View the profile of Slasher 
Captain Gorma sprang into action the intant the shuttles departed the ship, he pulled out his comlink and hailed one of the officers under his command with the Ykntola Order. "Lieutenant Kriffex, Code Red, General Order Two, standby to carry out Elleco Aurek Besh." After giving the order Slasher turned back toward the hangar, it had been a long time since Slasher had flown a TIE Fighter in combat, so he made his way instead to one of the shuttles that ha almost finished preparations for its flight down to the surface.  He stopped momentarily on his way to the shuttle and picked up a forward air controller loadout with it's enhanced comm equipment.

---------Guardian Class Light Cruiser Eloquence----------
Lieutenant Kriffex turned away from the communications console and called out. "Helm, take us out, Comm, inform the Zella, Shadow of Lehon,  and Gallant to form up with us, and the Lidia, Vengeful and Gallagher to take up their positions"
"Aye Captain" responded the crewmembers as the six Guardian class ships move into low orbit around the planet.

--Fire control--
Petty officer second class Kilrom had just run his final system check when the comm unit on the wall beeped and demanded his attention.
"Bridge, get the weapons powered up. We have been ordered to to provide close support for the ground forces.

The seven ships slid into the atmosphere as the combatants on the surface clashed together. They held their fire as they hovered in position, blocked from view on the surface by the low cloud cover, the first flight of TIE fighters screamed by to strafe the positions held by the bases' current occupents.

And so the battle was joined
CNT/CPT Rorran "Slasher" Gorma/VEN/VE
[This message has been edited by Slasher (edited January 12, 2016 10:24:01 PM)]
Garryll Gates
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  RE: Revival
January 13, 2016 12:43:59 AM    View the profile of Garryll Gates 
“You got it, General,” Gates saluted casually again to Merrick. Another ship had landed, and was disgorging troops. A Stormtrooper with a peculair mechanical backpack and a red officer’s pauldron jogged down the ramp, beelining straight towards the assembled commanders.

“Sergeant Jacen ‘Dusk’ Arture reporting. General Katash had asked me to help organize our ground efforts here.”

“Good to see you, Sergeant,” Gates said, glancing at the armored squad behind him. “Awesome. And here I am underdressed again. Colonel Gates, Stormtrooper. I’ll be in charge of this...platoon.”

“Roger that, sir,” Dusk nodded at the man.

Gates nodded at Merrick. “General Merrick, as well. She’ll have overall command of the mission. Between the navy jerkoffs that managed to somehow get rolled into this op, the green troops and a goddamn civilian, I am glad beyond words to see Havock send some real damn troops down...even if half of them are a bit drunk.”

“Er, right,” Dusk said, a bit taken aback at the other man’s sudden outburst.

“Let’s get this op on the road,” Gates said, and raised his voice to a parade bark. “Squads! Assemble behind your squad leaders. Squad 1, 2, 3, and 4 -” pointing at each in turn - ”pick a frequency and stay on it. Officers on freak Delta-6. We’re tuning into Radio Command, and it’s gettin’ on the road. We’ve got a job to do!”

The squads, having been assembled so carefully into neat lines, began to bustle again. Their destination would be the abandoned military fort a short distance away, and more reinforcements were pouring in behind them.

“Squad 1 and 2, to the east; 3, 4, to the west,” Gates indicated. “Move it out, let’s get into it.”

The clicking of weapons being checked, loaded and readied could be heard resounding about the makeshift assembly area, and the thud of boots on dirt could be heard as well. Quickly, the assembled platoon found its focus and fell in line behind the sharp orders of their leaders, spreading out as they departed, moving forwards towards their objective.

“And someone make sure we’ve got those TIEs on call!” Gates waved at one trooper with a comm backpack on. “Get our IFFs live and make sure they don’t blast us into craters. Move in, all squads! Expect contact!”

Get into it, ladies and gents. Weapons hot, don’t shoot each other or the NPCs. If you’re a PC, just assume you’re in Squad 1 or 2 and fill it out as appropriate with NPCs if you need to. Hit me up on Slack if my post is hilariously unclear or needs clarification. Go forth and prosper. Go nutes.

Company Commander of Phoenix Company |Executive Officer of the Army | Sith Viator of the Dark Jedi Order | Lord Commander of Eagle Sect | Captain of the
Bloodfist in the Osk Company
XO/COLGarryll Gates/3SQD/1PLT/1COM/1BAT/1RGT/Tadath/VEA/VE [SCP][RoM][ICE] [IH] [CCA] [BC] [SRP] [AS-4] [ES1] [CoS] [EW1] {RESx3} [ESC09] [RoTx2] [CRoS] [AoT] [CoZ][CoDS][VT][CRoM][SoS][GRoM][KAD][RCA][*QW 12*](3.1)(1.1)

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  RE: Revival
January 13, 2016 9:32:01 AM    View the profile of Aeos 
The drop down to Lotaith went relatively and surprisingly smoothly with Makenna at the helm. It seems she and the ship’s AI were starting to get along despite the snark from the programmed code.

Her eyes rested on Cathal’s frame. She had banished almost all of the squashed troopers to squash eachother outside of the cockpit without interferring on Makenna’s nerves.

Cathal avoided her stare clumisly, unnerved by his lack of protection and arms as well as her uniform.  She sighed and leaned her head into her fist, dropping her pistol. She had no idea what to do with the poor soldier.

“O Malley, put me through to Havock.”

“Yes Capt’n.”
A few seconds later, Havock’s voice crackled and broke through the cockpit.
“My ship still in one piece?”
Aeos repressed the urge to snorted.
“Please turn of the broadcast, I’ll take this one privately.” She reached out and grabbed one of the clunky headsets hanging from the back of makeshift hook of the chairs.
“The piece of junk is still in tact. Honestly, you have done more damage to it than anyone else. Manual overide? Are you stuck two-thousand years in the past?” Aeos muttered at her sister.

“Whatsup Aeos?” Havock asked pointedly ignoring her sister’s quip at the ship.

“I have one of Trikarian’s….soldiers here in cuffs What do I do with him?”
It was quiet for a moment before Havock responded.
“We have an unofficial agreement with Trikarian. His soldiers remain in our friendly custody until we are all consolidated together.”
“So he’s one of us?” Aeos queried frowning.

“So, what do I do with him?”
Cathal was desperately trying to play it as casual while she and Havock conversed.
“You will need to figure it out. He is stuck there for the moment.”

“I can’t send him out with the squads. The only reason we are even attempting this half-arsed ground attempt is because the vets are in tune with eachother.”

“Calling my forces half-arsed?” Havock asked, the tone of her voice becoming increasingly crisper and colder.

“Not pulling punches Havock, this is suicidal. Half of the troopers have been drinking only an hour ago. What the frak is the Council thinking?”

“Piss on their parade afterwards if we survive, otherwise focus on getting things done over there.” Havock’s voice broke with a static off from their link.

Aeos swore bitterly at the headset in her hands and tossed it away from her. She grudgingly tossed Cathal the keys to his cuffs and motioned him to gear up.

“I can’t put you with any of the squads. And I can’t trust you in the field. A bored soldier is equally as dangerous however. You will be manning this ship with O’Malley here as the pilot.” The Private nodded afirmitively whilst he struggled uncuffing himself.

O’Malley, I need you to pick up additional hover-bikes from the cargo hangar as well as more amunition. Stock this ship to the brim with supplies and come back. Tell the quartermaster to use his imagination. It seems we’re winging this operation. We’re a small force down here, it will go faster than the bigger sluggish transport vehicles. I’ll organise an additional guard for you. Cathal, report to me when O Malley returns. My threat from earlier still stands. Our men and women before your life. ”

30 Minutes Later

Aeos’ gaze locked on the E-9 till it disappeared completely from sight.
She hoped that O’Malley wouldn’t mind her shoving the Private down in her company to make the transport runs. Around her, the ground was alive with the smell of fresh oil, boots crunching across gravel and dirt and shouts being barked from every corner.

She turned around on her spot, observing the myriad of military patterns.
The logistical nightmare was still ongoing. Some tents were already being pulled together, with admin soldiers squirreling back and forth between them. She sighed and facepalmed her head.

Guess I could help with the ground HQ setup once we get that base.” She thought to herself. She was far too old already to be playing along with the troopers at the frontline.

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  RE: Revival
January 13, 2016 10:17:25 AM    View the profile of Drac 
This doesn't quite catch up with the action that's beginning on the ground, but I couldn't post for the last several days and I didn't want it to be needlessly long. I'm sure Havock will have us evaporating bad guys in no time, though.

Zev turned back to the VE troopers.  “Come on, then,” he said.  “The Detention Level is this way, if memory serves.”

Drac stared at the Kuati’s back as the man departed. ‘Someday,’ he thought, ‘Zev Trikarian is going to stop surprising me. But not today, it seems.’ He shook his head, bemused.

The Commodore was also staring pensively after Trikarian, but pulled her eyes away after a moment, “Captain, a request if I may?”


“We’re beginning an operation to get boots on the ground, as the groundwork for securing the planet.”

“So soon?” Drac asked, surprised.

“Yes,” she nodded, “We need a symbolic victory quickly, and it serves to get some of the more restless returnees off the ship and reintegrated.”

“Fair enough. What do you need of me, then?”

Cortana glanced past him to where the SGE pilots still stood, “You seem to have some resources at hand, and our men will need air cover.”

Drac grinned. It had been a long time, too long really, since he’d gotten to fly a starfighter into combat, “Consider it done.”

The frazzled officer gave him a weary smile, “Thank you. I must return to the bridge, so contact me there if necessary. If we receive any word about the Admiral, I’ll pass it along.”

They exchanged salutes, and she departed. Drac turned immediately and nodded to the pilot-commando who’d been standing closest to Trikarian, “Squadron commander, I presume?”

The man saluted and replied, his voice neutral, “Aye, sir. Your orders?”

Drac’s mouth widened in another grin, “Let’s burn off some of that stress that’s no doubt been building up in your men. Return to your fighters and prepare for ground support action.”

The unit saluted crisply and turned back toward the hangar. Drac followed, thinking about something he’d noticed: the TIE that the saboteurs had been trying to attach their device to. It wasn’t a standard model, but was noticeably larger. That was intriguing.

When he got into the hangar he grabbed a tech and pointed out the TIE, hanging among a small group of others like it, “Petty Officer. Tell me about that bird.”

The tech blinked in surprise, “They’re prototypes of a new model, Captain. Two-seaters. The pilot focuses on piloting and the gunner operates the weapons. Their current weapons loadout is the usual four front-mounted laser cannons, as well as a concussion missile launcher with half a dozen missiles and two rear-mounted laser cannons.”

The Mon Cal hummed to himself, “Interesting. I presume they haven’t seen combat yet?”

“No, sir. They arrived just a few weeks ago.”

“Well they’re about to. Have the lead fighter in the group prepped for departure.”

The tech looked startled, “But, sir- “

Drac stared him down. “You have your orders, Petty Officer.”

The man swallowed and dipped his head in a nod, “Aye, sir. She’ll be ready in minutes.” Drac was already turning away when the man continued, “But, sir- “

What?” Drac growled, irritated.

“Sir, you’ll need a gunner.”

“Ah.” Drac frowned, looking around. An irritable-looking female stormtrooper was talking past, her helmet under her arm. Drac recognized General Havock, “General!”

Havock looked over toward him, scowling, “Captain. You’ve got fewer blasters pointed at you than the last time I saw you. What do you want?”

Mihawk jerked a thumb up and back, indicating the prototype TIE behind him, “I’m taking that newfangled monster down to ruin some peoples’ day. I need a gunner, though. Four front-facing laser cannons, a missile launcher, and two rear-facing cannons that could be all yours. Interested?”

The human woman stared at the TIE skeptically for a moment, glanced over toward where the transport ship was finishing the loading process, and broke out a grin, “Oh, hell yeah.”
CNW/LCPT Drac/ISD II Halcyon Warrior/TF: Aurek/2Flt/FC/VEN/VE
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  RE: Revival
January 13, 2016 10:28:14 AM    View the profile of Fury 
Fury left the nominal non-combatants to keep assembling the base camp, along with a couple troopers far too inebriated for a forced march. If nothing else, he wanted a tarp to hide under when the afternoon rains came in - provided he lived that long.

Both Dashade were carrying autoshots and a whole host of sharp, pointy things, stun sticks, and a bandolier of grenades. Each. One of them was carting a squad automatic weapon for some reason. You know. In case.

He had his blaster rifle, a couple pistols, and a smaller autoshot strapped across his back. Between the feed from his inskin, the constant chatter of a bunch of ex-troopers who had remembered nothing about noise discipline, and the local jizz channel he remembered keeping on in his office lobby to annoy people that he was surprised to still find operational, his head didn't have enough room for thought.

Which was fine. Each of the four squads had assembled and started moving forward. He and his team were on the right flank, trying to flush out any scouts or patrols that should have been out in abundance trying to figure out just what the hell was going on.

"Anyone see, well anything?" he asked on the platoon channel.

Each squad leader chimed in with negative contact. They kept moving.

In time, they came across a repulsorcraft abandoned by what passed for a roadway around here. Heat sensors indicated a couple bodies hiding behind a nearby wall. Fury shrugged.

It was a utility speeder with an open bed, basically a really sturdy farm vehicle. Guess he was about to upgrade the force. One of the Dashade grabbed some stuff out of the bed and started mounting the heavy gun to a crossbar. Fury jumped in the cab, fired up the vehicle and waited for his irregulars, five of them now, to jump in. One rode shotgun, the rest got in the back with the Dashade.

He yelled a thank you to the two out in the field and they took off. He tagged the location on his map. Provided he didn't turn the vehicle into slag he'd try to return it later.
OO/Moff Fury/HC/LOTAITH/VE [MoHx4][SCPx3][PoC][SotE:HC][SotE:VEA][SCP][MSMx2][IOC]
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  RE: Revival
January 13, 2016 11:18:18 PM    View the profile of Heliwer117 
The past couple hours for Heliwer had seemed almost a blur. First, there were the alarms that went off all across the ship, annoying the hell out of him as he tried to continue to drink and talk with Karash about old times and what he missed. Then Havock got everyone’s attention and told them that they were to go to the hangar bay for “roll call”. Knowing Hav, it wasn’t as simple as that, but there wasn’t any reason to try and get more information. It did put him on edge, however, as it did with everyone else. Klaxons don’t go off without any proper reason, and what a reason it was once they got to the hangar. It apparently was their job to keep the brass safe from some force that may or may not be friendly. Still, it was a chance at a fight, so he smirked when Havock called his name and responded with an enthused “Ma’am, yes ma’am”, a little surprising to him but it wasn’t his concern. His concern was that an E-11 was shoved in his hands plus ammo. He had rolled his eyes at it and instead hooked it to his belt, prefering his DH-X heavy blaster to the standard Imperial blaster rifle. Things got really tense when one of those Admirals and his bodyguards came out and blasters were pointed at each other, and the situation with saboteurs in return for free drinks made the group fan out across the ship. As “luck” would have it, it wasn’t too long before they were given new orders.

Attention all former Phoenix Company troopers onboard. We have been given orders to secure a target groundside. All troopers participating in the ground assault will be reinstated. Report to hangar bay three immediately.”

Fortunately he hadn’t gotten too far from the hangar itself in the chase for the bombers, and headed there himself where he was greeted by several NCOs trying to get people the right gear. The stormtrooper armor fit surprisingly well on him, though it did feel a bit tight in some places. He did refuse the helmet, and ignored a complaint when he slipped his brown shirt over the top. Further making the NCO get a headache, he disposed of his E-11 for a Z50 grenade launcher that was, according to the officer, “off limits” and “not supposed to be there”. Strapping it on his back, he headed to Havock’s ship where everyone was packed in tight. He could hear over the complaints of soldiers being in close quarters with one another Karash go off on a poor unfortunate private, and caught the former medic being shoved by a female officer that he hadn’t seen before, or if he had he had forgotten. Finally, they had landed on Lotaith, and were immediately set into four squads, the senior sergeant put in Squad 2. It seemed that there was an attempt to try and evenly spread the veterans across with the new guys, and a poor one at that due to how rushed everything was.

Adjusting his grip on his DH-X as Squads 3 and 4 went their way and 1 and 2 moved opposite, Heliwer spotted Karash in his squad, and lighting up a cigarette, picked up his pace a little to walk next to the gunnery sergeant. “So, you ready to patch us back together with tape and glue?” He half joked.

“I told them I’m not doing that again.” The now reinstated medic muttered. “I don’t even think I have enough supplies with Havock in charge again.”

“Like old times then.” Garrath held out a cigarette for Karash who looked at it, and seemed to consider taking it as he took it and Heliwer passed his lighter over. “You seem to be relatively enjoying yourself though.”

“That’s a matter of perspective. I can think of several things I would rather do.”

“Such as?”

The medic paused for a moment as he handed the lighter back. “Well several things.”

Heliwer chuckled and took a deep drag on his cigarette. “Some shit don’t change, does it? So what you think?”

Karash puffed a few short times. “I think I need more supplies.”

“Could be worse. Could be like that mission where I lost my arm and there was that heavily armored thing chasing after us on that snowball of a planet. Good thing there’s no armor.”

“Now you’re just saying that to jinx us.”

“Relaaax.” Heliwer waved his hand dismissively and reached a hand around to pat his Z50. “Any light armor can be taken care of with this puppy if the heavy blaster don’t tear through it first.”

“Because the best thing for us is for you to blow everything and everyone up and kill us all.”

“It’s a viable strategy, y’know. Any problem can be solved with the application of explosives. Just need to not be around when they go off.”

“A track record which you are poor at.”

For all the banter, Heliwer enjoyed getting back into the swing of things with Karash, and it seemed he did as well, as he wasn’t as annoyed as he was back on the transport. Now all that was needed was for Squad 2 to run into some kind of heavy, unexpected resistance and need to claw their way out of it, and it would definitely be like RAIDER times all over again. For a little while, everyone kept to themselves, and Heliwer felt memories of Thyveck come flooding back, and his body tensed up.

“Break the silence,” He said to himself. “Damn the dark, damn the light. Break the damn silence and jump us already.”
[ES1][EW1][PT][ECA] [A5] [QW12]

"Any problem on Earth can be solved with the careful application of high explosives. The trick is not to be around when they go off." - Valkyrie

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[This message has been edited by Heliwer (edited January 14, 2016 11:39:29 AM)]
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  RE: Revival
January 14, 2016 9:04:46 AM    View the profile of Tetrarch 
Cathal stood there awkwardly, trying not to fidget in his armour as the captain's eyes flickered up from her dataslate. Her narrowed eyes and cocked head made him shuffle and drop his gaze. Right in time to see one hand casually unholster her sidearm, finger right on the safety catch. “Ah look here-” he tried to explain. She didn't tense, her hand just gestured and then there was a rifle barrel in the small of his back.

He meekly submitted, letting his rifle and sidearm be taken, two troopers stripping the armour down while a third kept their weapon on him to make sure he got no smart ideas about struggling. The officer just strode past him and resumed her checklist. A yelp escaped him as he was cuffed roughly and forced onto his knees.

“Look this i-” he shut up fast at a rifle prod. It was a relief to have his helmet off, it wasn't a relief to be held prisoner at gunpoint. The officer had returned and was gesturing for him to get up. The cuffs made it hard until one of his guards yanked him up.

“Captain, you can't do this” he tried to protest but it was pretty clear that she wasnt going to be swayed. The weapon also made for a convincing argument, Cathal obediently filed aboard, herded into the mass of troopers.

He bumped into a tall figure ahead of him and immediately was the brunt of a verbal assault. “It's not like I could help it, you can see how we're all shoved in here. Sergeant” the last was said with as much venom as he could muster. His escort intervened swiftly to administer discipline. Cathal bit back a smirk, enjoying seeing someone else on the receiving end for once.

It didnt last, his escort shoved him forward, her pistol barrel making for good motivation to keep moving onward. Prodded into the cockpit at gunpoint, he was doing his best to avoid her gaze and remain as unobstructive as possible. The officer didn't seem in the mood for talking so he did his best impersonation of the invisible man.

His ears perked up though as a transmission came through. It was in his best interest to eavesdrop. The officer knew that too and a set of headphones effectively cut him off from half of the conversation. Cathal stayed mute, head down while he strained to hear everything he could.

“So, what do I do with him?”. Cathal felt cold sweat at those words. The officer made him sound like an unwanted snag. He wasn't going to get tossed out an airlock or executed was he? He looked up in disbelief at the next words, half their soldiers had been drinking?! He had the grace to wince as the officer began swearing at her headset, tossing it away from her.

O please don't take it out on me. He had no desire to be target practice. But he didn't expect the keys to be tossed at him. He caught them awkwardly, fumbling as he tried to unlock himself. “This isn't a trick?” he said dubiously. He straightened up, massaging his wrists with a grimace. He eyed the smaller woman warily, as if still expecting her to blast him with her pistol.

His eyes widened as she told him he was being conscripted. He opened his mouth to speak and jsut as abruptly, shut it again. “Yes ma'am” he said automatically. Her voice didn't hold much sympathy, she'd shoot him out of hand if he tried anything funny and it was made abundantly clear that on the priority list, he was a long way down. Plus she had his name, rank and number. Cathal had made it his strategy to never catch an officer's attention. Well that had worked out well. Feth.

30 Minutes Later.

Cathal checked his power pack for the fifth time, letting the pilot do her work. He'd never had cause to mingle too much with the Navy. The Imperial advisors on Coillte had all been seconded from the Army with occasional other specialists. Basic training had taught him pick out a TIE from a Star Destroyer but not much more than that. In the SGE most of the Navy seemed to view the grunts as an unnecessary and irritating addition to their shiny fleet, merely as living cargo. Naturally the infantry viewed them as a glorified taxi service.

So this pilot O'Malley commanding the E-9 was as exotic as some coreworlder or alien race. To a groundpounder like Cathal, she might as well have been a different species. Plus...she was a woman. Not that he'd a problem with that but his own experiences with the infantry had coloured his perspective. Being detained and disarmed by a female officer had already proven that viciousness knew no limits. His own cousin back home had demonstrated she could fling a punch well enough when it came to closing time in the pub. It was a surprise to see the VE appeared to promote on merit, less rigid and hidebound than his early Imperial experiences had led him to believe. He'd seen plenty of aliens and women in uniform, a lot of them a higher rank than he was.

“Are these ships standard issue for you fleet?” he asked awkwardly, no harm in talking. She wouldn't bite. “Ma'am” he added hurriedly.
[STC] Private 1st Class Cathal "Swamprat" Mckarthaigh.
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  RE: Revival
January 14, 2016 12:29:05 AM    View the profile of Sandwich Sam 
Sam trudged across the terrain with the squad he had happened to be nearest. They were making their way eastward to flank the old VE military base. He held his blaster rifle in the hand of his bare right arm. Unfortunately, the issued armor would not fit around the non-fleshy appendage and provide any sort of protection.

Eyes were darting about in search of any patrols from the current occupants of the base. It would not take much for them to spot the Imperials. The dull white SCOPE armor still was easily discerned from the surrounding landscape as the bright white standard Stormtrooper armor.

Squad one stopped quickly and hunkered down. The drink had not dulled their awareness too terribly. A patrol was moving nearby and not doing well to hide their approach. Either they did not expect to find anyone or figured that they were capable enough to handle themselves against a rag-tag bunch of Imperial troopers.

“Hey, look,” Eviscares pointed into the bunch of trees that ran parallel to the base perimeter. There were five humanoids passing through.

“Let’s just take them out quickly,” murmured Sam, “It isn’t going to be long before they realize that we aren’t a pile of snow in this temperate climate.”

Squad one took aim at the patrol. With a synchronized exhale, they fired into the trees. The blaster shots pierced the relative silence. Tree trunks were scorched and a few limbs were splintered and sent smoldering into the dirt. Smoke made it difficult to determine if they had accomplished their goal. The team waited for their view to clear. Everyone keep their positions knowing that moving too soon could easily mean harm.

Only small wafts of burning wood obstructed the view of their targets after a few moments. Bodies were not clearly visible. No shots were returned. Cautiously, Sam stood with his weapon still at the ready. He took slow measured steps towards the location of their targets.

“What are you doing?!”

Sam threw up his hand without turning to see who was speaking. “Really? Let’s alert any survivors to my movements,” he thought to himself.

It was in the blink of an eye that three blaster bolts met their mark in Sam’s chest plate. The first sending sparks out from his chest. The second less so, but brought forth the scent of char. The third sent a wave of shock and heat through his chest. He could feel his air leaving him and fluid seeping down the inside of his armor.

Reality started to flicker in and out like a lightbulb whose filament had that had started to succumb oxidation. One moment he’s eyes were filled with the blue sky of Lotiath and others he was back in his shop on Corellia.

* * *

He looked up from the speeder bike to find Dot standing just inside the shop door. The eight-year-old human girl gave him a smile just as the bike’s repulsor fired sending it into the shelf. All manner of parts started to rain down as the shelf began to topple.

The Zabrak dropped his tools and rushed towards Dot.

* * *

Streaks of red and green zig-zagged slowly above him. The collage of color did little to help him regain his senses before it flickered again.

* * *

Sam’s head throbbed from the parts and tools that had fell on him and Dot. He had managed to put himself between falling shelf and his friend.

“Are you ok Dot?” Sam said wearily lifting himself up slowly with the shelf on his back. She did not answer.

Looking down, he saw the fear in her now glassy blue eyes. A conduit post sticking out of her chest. It had pierced slightly into her chest between Sam’s arm and body. It was not until the shelf had slammed down pushing it through her heart ending her short life instantly.

* * *

Reality resolved again, or so he thought. Dot was standing over him with her warm smile.

“So this armor is my whited sepulcher…” he whispered.
1LT Sandwich Sam

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  RE: Revival
January 14, 2016 12:35:53 AM    View the profile of Fury 
They had pulled over to check an engine light. Good thing too. One of the irregulars had walked to the top of the hill to take a look around (and take a leak behind a tree) and came back more excited than someone should be after watering a plant.

"There's a checkpoint down there! And they seem to be getting ready for something."

Fury dropped the wrench he was holding since it wasn't doing any good anyway and followed the man up the hill, carefully avoiding the last spot he had been. Crouching down, he took a look at the enemy position down below.

Cobbled armor, mostly old Imperial, but a lot of more recent off-the-shelf constabulary armor used by local security forces around the galaxy. Definitely a move by the locals to appear a) non-aligned, and b) not a military takeover. Kept the citizens from tipping over patrol speeders and tearing up the roads for barricades.

A couple of same patrol speeders and about two squads of troops on top of the guards who likely rotated in an out of this boring posting every week or so. A guard shack across the roadway, a custom's office, a bunkhouse, and a shed that probably kept some maintenance equipment.

Everyone but the two current guards were milling about trying to look busy, and trying to look like they were not trying to avoid going past the checkpoint to see what had dropped in from orbit to break up their day.

He sighed. The marching squads were about a hour behind him. They could swing around the checkpoint but that left a lot of blasters that even in timid hands would be an unwelcome danger. Plus, well, patrol speeders. They could use them.

Also, he was really fricking bored.

Crawling/walking back down to the rest of the team, he found inspiration.

"Anyone got an allergies they want to tell me about?" he asked. The concerned looks told him he knew this was going to work.

It took another twenty minutes to get the speeder running well enough to keep moving. In that time, he'd sent a few of the irregulars out into the fields to tear up any tall grasses and not-so-great looking plants. No need to totally piss off the farming community any more than they already had. He had ripped up some feed bags left in the bed that they had been using as seats/makeshift armor and cobbled together a poncho of sorts. He made two. Taking off his helmet, scuffing up his armor, removing his arm plates, and putting on his burlap nightmare, he grinned.

"Do I look pathetic or what?" he asked.

One of the Dashade just snorted and shook his head. He was taking down the heavy blaster rifle and was apparently just going to use it as a sidearm. These guys scared him at times.

After a hopefully inspirational speech to get the spine up on the irregulars, he grabbed a six pack from the cooler the farmers had left behind, and opened one up.

His passenger unhappily put on his poncho, took off his helmet, and climbed into the cab, setting one of the autoshots next to him. Both Dashade and the rest of the team climbed into the back and pulled reeds and weeds over them. Fury made sure they were well covered.

"Remember, the code word is 'loud screaming and blaster fire'," he added helpfully. Someone raised a middle finger, then lowered his arm. Fury recovered that particular spot with a thorny looking weed.

He climbed into the cab, unhooked another beer from the ring and handed it to the other trooper. "Relax. If you look tense, they'll start shooting at us faster."

He fired up the truck and climbed over the hill.

Slowly maneuvering down the path, two things came to mind. The first was that these soldiers really did not want to fight. Sure, the guards were alert and waiting for them to get to the gate, but the rest were just nervously hanging around, hoping no one would give them an order. The second was that no one gave a damn about a dusty field truck.

He reached the gate, grabbed a beer and poked it out his side of the truck. "Hey man, what's with the grunts? We having a parade today or something?"

The guard took it stride. "Um, sir, just some maneuvers. See anything weird out there? Also, well, what are you wearing?"

Fury looked down. "Oh, just doing some spraying. Yeah, saw some folks broken down a few klicks up. They didn't seem to want any help though. And those clouds? I think we're gonna get more rain today..."

"Thank you sir. Want to tell me what you are hauling? And what's wrong with your partner there?" He waved the other guard over.

"Oh, he just hates me. Thinks I'm trying to get him killed. Frankly, he needs to learn to have a little fun. Speaking of..." he tried handing over the can of beer again.

The guard waved him off. "I'm on duty sir, please stop trying to give me a beer."

Fury climbed out of the cab, trying to keep the material over his armor. He shook the can a few times behind him as he stepped out.

"Everyone has to be so damned serious today. Lighten up and HAVE A FREAKING BREWSKI!" he yelled as he opened up the can one-handed and sprayed the first guard in the face. The second he shot with a stun bolt from a pistol in his off-hand.

He dropped that pistol, and pulled his trusty Thunderer-6 from his hip holster while beating the beer can into the guard's face and spinning him to become a human shield. To the surprised troopers he found two bringing up blaster rifles, dropped them with a flurry of shots, then hit his guard in the back of the head, then letting him fall to the ground.

Two Dashades and a confused mass of humans jumped out of the truck, spreading out and trying to secure the grounds. Next to him, his copilot blew out the windscreen of the speeder with his autoshot and dropped the next three heroes who went for a weapon.

Hands went up.


Next to him, a beer can popped open as the trooper cradled the autoshot in one hand and raised the can to take a drink.

"Is it always this easy?" he asked.

"Hell no, but days like this make it worth the others. Kind of."

To his new prisoners, he called out. "Alright, stand up, don't go for a gun, and maybe we'll all get a nice lunch without anyone else dying. Seriously, I will bury anyone who gives me any ass going forward." That seemed to convince them. The rest of the team were collecting weapons, grabbing comlinks and sorting the captives into a couple of neat lines that could be easily managed, or gunned down. The guards were stun-cuffed until such time as they cared to rejoin the waking world.

"Now, who wants to have a seat and tell me about your base, who is in it, and how big of a problem they are going to be? He moved some crates and stacked two piles. "I mean it, none of you are gonna have a seat until I get some damned answers."

He drank his beer and waited a few more moments, shedding his poncho and reassembling his armor. A couple of dark clouds rumbled and a light rain began to fall. Those not on guard duty began inspecting the barracks and the insides of the patrol vehicles. The prisoners looks humiliated. Wet and humiliated.

"Ah, a little incentive. Who wants to crack open a beer and tell me what I want to know?"
OO/Moff Fury/HC/LOTAITH/VE [MoHx4][SCPx3][PoC][SotE:HC][SotE:VEA][SCP][MSMx2][IOC]
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[This message has been edited by Fury (edited January 14, 2016 12:37:55 AM)]
[This message has been edited by Fury (edited January 14, 2016 12:41:19 AM)]
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  RE: Revival
January 14, 2016 5:21:47 PM    View the profile of Avalar 
E-9 Ryujin

This day just gets better and better! I get to help in this mission, fly this ship with AI, and now I get to meet someone from the SGE.

It could be said that the hazel-eyed woman was dumb, unaware of what was happening. The reality though was just that there was so much to take in at one time. Before she had gotten the threat to join the VE, her life mainly consisted of taking whatever she could to survive. The most that happened were scuffles amidst the gang, but otherwise they had stayed generally low-key and honor bound.

As she received her new orders, Noma had remained quiet. She was a bit sad since the AI program had shown a considerable amount of intelligence, and she longed to study more of her. How she reacted. What she knew. Was she aware of more than biological signatures? Did she have a conscience?

Makenna had pondered all of this in mesmerized silence, forgetting temporarily that Cathal was there. Finally, he spoke. “Are these ships standard issue for you fleet?” she blinked and looked at him as he added, “Ma’am.”

But before she could respond, Noma materialized, “This E-9 belongs to the impervious, Ayme Katash.”

“That is true,” Makenna stated. They’re both here at the same time! she thought and bounced at the thought “I was asked to pilot this ship especially by Captain Katash, that is Zasati.”

The AI responded, “You have no special qualifications to fly this ship,” and—was she glaring?

“I am a pilot of the Vast Empire and forgetting that, I grew up on a ship.”

“Insufficient experience. You are only a Leading Crewman.”

“The… ship is talking,” both Makenna and Noma turned to the SGE trooper who looked very much—afraid? Confused?

“Noma,” Makenna said, “this is—“

“Also a being with insufficient experience.”

“Could you let me finish a sentence?”

“Answer: affirmative.”

“Good, then—“

“Log from one second ago. Command already completed,” Makenna’s face began to turn a bit red. When Aeos had been there, the AI program had been sarcastic but not defiant. Keep calm. This is intriguing after all. She can react to me and find loopholes.

“What is your name?” she turned to the SGE trooper.

“Cathal… Mckarthaigh.”

“I’m Makenna O’Malley! It’s so nice to meet you!” she smiled brightly. She looked back to Noma, “This is Noma. The ship’s AI program.”

“Correction: I am alive and not artificial. There is also no reason for me to be introduced. He is insufficient to fly this ship.”

The freckled woman glanced back at the AI program sighing, “If you haven’t noticed, she thinks she knows everything.”

“Correction: I know everything. This human still has insufficient experience.”

“And that’s why I’m flying and not him.”

“Still insufficient—“

“Oh please…”
SCPO | Makenna "Avalar" | FM | 175th Aurora Squadron | 48th Sabre Wing | ISD-II Adjudicator | 1st Fleet | SFC | VEN | VE

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