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Aeos's Profile Information
Callsign: Aeos  Send a message to Aeos
ComNet Rank: ComNet Sage
Avatar: Aeos
Division(s): VE - Dark Jedi Order
VE - Engineering Corps
VE - Imperial Center Staff
VE - Stormtrooper Corps
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Birthday: July 14
Date Joined: May 30, 2005
Last Active: March 24, 2020 at 2:47:54 PM
Number of Posts: 3,141

  Zasati Katash
  Military Information
  Callsign: Aeos 
  Rank: Captain 
  Position: Squad Leader
  Squad: Wraith
  Division: Army
  Platoon: Wildcard
  Affiliations: Vast Empire
  Specialty: Combat Engineer
  Physical Description
  Gender:                 Female
  Skin Color:                 Pale
  Height:                 1.6
  Weight:                 64kg
  Hair:                 Blond waist-lenght braid
  Eyes:                 Clear Blue
  Scars:                 Entire Left palm
  Tattoos:                 Black Sun crest:left wrist
  Biographical Information
  Homeworld: Raxus Prime          
  Species: Human
  Age: 27
  Languages: Basic, Jawa
  Occupation: Soldier
  Residence:  Tadath

Qualified Combat Engineer
SM|DJR Aeos|Krath|Shades|Raven 5|VEDJ


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