Callsign: |
Trick  |
ComNet Rank: |
ComNet Sage
Avatar: |
Division(s): |
VE - Dark Jedi Order
VE - Imperial Navy
Gender: |
Species: |
Birthday: |
August 26
Date Joined: |
February 6, 2011
Last Active: |
January 7, 2020 at
5:35:26 AM
Number of Posts: |
3,784 |
Web Page: | |
ID Line: |
CNO/RADM Wyl Trykon/ISD-II Adjudicator/TF:A/3Flt/FC/VEN/VE [SoA][SoV][BWC][NSM][E][NAR][DSM][SWC][1NS][VC:B][LoM][VC:S][NC][GWC][VC:G][CoB.][CC:4][2NS][LSM][VC:E][MSM][CNQST][IGC][WM0][NDM][MSM][WM1][PWC][3NS]/(=*AE*=)(=*SAE*=)(=*TG*=)(=*SCFE*=)(=*FOCE*=) |
Biography: |
Wyl "Trick" Trykon is a Kuati expatriate serving as the Chief of Naval Operations for the Vast Empire's Navy. He has served in the past as the Chief of Naval Warfare, the Chief of Naval Training, the Chief of Naval Intelligence, as a helmsman in Fleet Command, and as a pilot in the Starfighter Corps.
Having flourished under the old Imperial regime on Kuat, Trykon is fiercely opposed to the New Republic's occupation of the planet and its valuable shipyards, and is quietly determined to see the eventual liberation of his home world. Trykon believes strongly in the ideals of the Empire, and has committed himself fully to the task of restoring order and stability to the Galaxy.
Trykon currently commands the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer Adjudicator as the flagship of the Third Fleet, is the Commanding Officer of Task Force Aurek, and holds the NHC position of Chief of Naval Operations (second-in-command of the Navy Division overall, and head of the Operations Department). |
Signature: |
Naval High CommandCNW /Rear Admiral Trick /NHC /VEN /VE Second Vast Imperial FleetSCAP /RADM Zev "Trick" Tikarian/Interdictor-class Star Destroyer Subjugator/TF:A /2Flt /FC /VEN /VE Decorations[HNS][1NS][2NS][3NS][4NS][5NS][LSM][BWC][SWC][GWC][PWC][WM0][WM1][WM2][WM3][WM4][WM5] [*IG*][*AO*][SoA][CoB.][VC:B][VC:S][VC:G][VC:E][SoV][LoM][DSM][NSM][E][NAR][CC:4][CNQST][NDM][MSMx2][NC][IGC] (=*AE*=)(=*SAE*=)(=*TG*=)(=*SCFE*=)(=*FOCE*=) SM/DWR Trikarian/Dark Jedi/Shades/Raven L-04/DJO/VE [EoP] |