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Topic:  RAIDERS Squad
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  RE: Raider Squad
May 7, 2002 7:43:41 PM    View the profile of Rizzit 
Nah, keep it Shadow. I'll just make a note that I wired it to you, and deduct it out of your winnings. My error. Sorry. It's nice to see some honest people once and a while.
Sargeant Rizzit DarkHeart
Dark Jedi Knight
Raider's Squad Leader
Army of the Vast Empire
CM/DJK Rizzit/Lion 1-3//VE
"Should I let him die slowly, or put him out of his misery?"--Rizzit
Otto Vox
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  RE: Raider Squad
May 7, 2002 9:54:04 PM    View the profile of Otto Vox 
Well thanks Rizz for giving me such a prompt into the revealing of the XO's choice. Well, here it is, the pic I cose for best was TJ's I felt that the trooper still going while on the ground with a blown off arm was a very good depiction of the Raiders motto. Good job Teej.
Otto Vox
Army: Gunnery Sergeant
Dark Jedi Order: Acolyte
Platoon 1 Sqaud 3: Raiders (XO)
TRN/AC Otto Vox/Trainee 7/Training Sect/VEDJ
"War is full of evil and hate, I'm just here to end it. Then do the paper work."
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  RE: Raider Squad
May 8, 2002 2:08:10 PM    View the profile of the3Djedi 
Hey everyone, I didn't even know this was here, so thats why I haven't posted yet.  I give congradulations to all the winners of the contests so far.  I just hope I can make a decent bio, but with my sisters help(She's a writer, is that OK?) I might make one worth keeping.     Yeah, this is short, but I must get going now.                           the3Djedi
Otto Vox
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  RE: Raider Squad
May 8, 2002 9:05:42 PM    View the profile of Otto Vox 
pssst, put ur signature in ie: id line, and a quote or two.
Otto Vox
Army: Gunnery Sergeant
Dark Jedi Order: Acolyte
Platoon 1 Sqaud 3: Raiders (XO)
TRN/AC Otto Vox/Trainee 7/Training Sect/VEDJ
"War is full of evil and hate, I'm just here to end it. Then do the paper work."
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  RE: Raider Squad
May 10, 2002 5:43:23 PM    View the profile of D-13 
Let's close down this topic, its old, and I meaaaan old!
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  RE: Raider Squad
May 11, 2002 8:37:57 PM    View the profile of Rizzit 
:trooperee, this topic is for members to talk in like we are doing. Some squads have like 11 pages on theirs so...don't complain!
Sargeant Rizzit DarkHeart
Dark Jedi Knight
Raider's Squad Leader
Army of the Vast Empire
CM/DJK Rizzit/Lion 1-3//VE
"Should I let him die slowly, or put him out of his misery?"--Rizzit
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  RE: Raider Squad
May 11, 2002 8:38:40 PM    View the profile of Rizzit 
Dee, this topic is for members to talk in like we are doing. Some squads have like 11 pages on theirs so...don't complain!
Sargeant Rizzit DarkHeart
Dark Jedi Knight
Raider's Squad Leader
Army of the Vast Empire
CM/DJK Rizzit/Lion 1-3//VE
"Should I let him die slowly, or put him out of his misery?"--Rizzit
Otto Vox
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  RE: Raider Squad
May 11, 2002 9:09:08 PM    View the profile of Otto Vox 
Dee, why are you complaining? You started this topic, and yes, this is a squad topic, if we were to not have one... well that'd be very stupid. *salutes*
Otto Vox
Army: Gunnery Sergeant
Dark Jedi Order: Acolyte
Platoon 1 Sqaud 3: Raiders (XO)
TRN/AC Otto Vox/Trainee 7/Training Sect/VEDJ
"War is full of evil and hate, I'm just here to end it. Then do the paper work."
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  RE: Raider Squad
May 13, 2002 9:00:04 PM    View the profile of Shadow 
If I never win anything I'll send you the money back, Rizz. :aleingray: So who wants to whip me in JK for Phase III?

Leave us . . . the dog eats strangers.
Otto Vox
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  RE: Raider Squad
May 16, 2002 9:11:56 PM    View the profile of Otto Vox 
*Raises his hand in enthusiasm* I'm gunna murder you boy.
Otto Vox
Army: Gunnery Sergeant
Dark Jedi Order: Acolyte
Platoon 1 Sqaud 3: Raiders (XO)
TRN/AC Otto Vox/Trainee 7/Training Sect/VEDJ
"War is full of evil and hate, I'm just here to end it. Then do the paper work."
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  RE: Raider Squad
May 17, 2002 9:03:32 PM    View the profile of Shadow 
/me dances around with the 100th reply to this topic. Bring it, Otto. Just remember - neither of us has a lightsabre.

Leave us . . . the dog eats strangers.
Otto Vox
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  RE: Raider Squad
May 18, 2002 12:41:43 AM    View the profile of Otto Vox 
I have my training saber
Otto Vox
Army: Gunnery Sergeant
Dark Jedi Order: Acolyte
Platoon 1 Sqaud 3: Raiders (XO)
TRN/AC Otto Vox/Trainee 7/Training Sect/VEDJ
"War is full of evil and hate, I'm just here to end it. Then do the paper work."
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  RE: Raider Squad
May 19, 2002 8:19:51 PM    View the profile of Shadow 

Leave us . . . the dog eats strangers.
Otto Vox
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  RE: Raider Squad
May 21, 2002 7:28:23 AM    View the profile of Otto Vox 
I guess I'm just going to have to use my expert skills of heavy weapons and take you out with the concusion rifle Oh, and I have my JK back, so..... BRING IT!!!!!
Otto Vox
Army: Gunnery Sergeant
Dark Jedi Order: Acolyte
Platoon 1 Sqaud 3: Raiders (XO)
TRN/AC Otto Vox/Trainee 7/Training Sect/VEDJ
"War is full of evil and hate, I'm just here to end it. Then do the paper work."
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  RE: Raider Squad
May 21, 2002 9:29:55 AM    View the profile of Rizzit 
Well, you both are welcome to play for Phase Three!
Sargeant Rizzit DarkHeart
Dark Jedi Knight
Raider's Squad Leader
Army of the Vast Empire
CM/DJK Rizzit/Lion 1-3//VE
"Should I let him die slowly, or put him out of his misery?"--Rizzit
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  RE: Raider Squad
May 23, 2002 3:34:42 PM    View the profile of Shadow 
Well, we tried, but Otto's JK doesn't work, or he doesn't have it, or - SOMETHING. And I can't play pool because my computer seems to have picked up an aversion to Yahoo! games. I'll have to work on figuring that out. In the meantime, I was going to post on the Raiders story, but I'm not sure that would be wise until D-13 fixes his post. Last but not least, I hear Cloud retired. Is that right?

Leave us . . . the dog eats strangers.
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  RE: Raider Squad
May 23, 2002 4:04:31 PM    View the profile of Rizzit 
Yes, u heard right. Cloud has retired. We get to kill him now!
Sargeant Rizzit BlackHeart
Dark Jedi Knight
Raider's Squad Leader
Army of the Vast Empire
CM/DJK Rizzit/Lion 1-3//VE
"Should I let him die slowly, or put him out of his misery?"--Rizzit
Otto Vox
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  RE: Raider Squad
May 23, 2002 9:18:52 PM    View the profile of Otto Vox 
Well Shad,  that thing that didn't work was just a file that Talon DCCed me. I now have my actual disk back, so I'll play you the next chance I get, which will probably be next Tuesday or Wednsday. Oh and btw, I am now officially on leave for today (Thursday) to Tuesday, so don't expect any thing from me, not even a report (sorry Rizz, I just don't have the time or patience right now to write one, I have RL shite going down that I really need to take care of) Later days.
Otto Vox
Army: Gunnery Sergeant
Dark Jedi Order: Acolyte
Platoon 1 Sqaud 3: Raiders (XO)
TRN/AC Otto Vox/Trainee 7/Training Sect/VEDJ
"War is full of evil and hate, I'm just here to end it. Then do the paper work."
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  RE: Raider Squad
May 23, 2002 9:44:40 PM    View the profile of Shadow 
I was under the impression that we only killed people who were being removed from the roster, not those who were retiring?

Leave us . . . the dog eats strangers.
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  RE: Raider Squad
May 31, 2002 11:38:31 PM    View the profile of the3Djedi 
I know everbody is busy, and Otto is gone, (is he in charge of the web site?) but, I have a question concerning the web site. What is it's layout gonna be? thx
[This message has been edited by the3Djedi (edited May 31, 2002 11:43:04 PM)]
Jubei Nimiichi
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  RE: Raider Squad
June 3, 2002 11:26:59 PM    View the profile of Jubei Nimiichi 
I too have a question, what is the website html address, id like to check it out when its done
Sergeant Jubei Nimiichi
Raiders Squad Trooper

"What we do in life...echoes in eternity."  -MDM
Otto Vox
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  RE: Raider Squad
June 4, 2002 7:33:05 AM    View the profile of Otto Vox 
We umm, don't quite have one yet. I was placed in charge of making one, and being grounded has taken away my abilities to do so. If someone would like to volunteer to take over the responsibility of making the site, go right ahead and contact Rizz before you do so. Now I know you're thinking "Isn't he grounded? How is he posting?" Well to answer that, I'm at school, every other day I'm on, but never long enough to really do> anything. *salute*
Otto Vox
Army: Gunnery Sergeant
Dark Jedi Order: Acolyte
Platoon 1 Sqaud 3: Raiders (XO)
TRN/AC Otto Vox/Trainee 7/Training Sect/VEDJ
"War is full of evil and hate, I'm just here to end it. Then do the paper work."
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  RE: Raider Squad
June 4, 2002 8:25:52 PM    View the profile of Shadow 
We all have received our orders for the story with the Dread Knights and Drill Squad. Go check them out.

Leave us . . . the dog eats strangers.
Otto Vox
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  RE: Raider Squad
June 9, 2002 8:36:36 PM    View the profile of Otto Vox 
Hey, I'm BAaAck!!! I'll jump right on posting on the story. I if I can just figure out my way around the building.
Otto Vox
Army: Gunnery Sergeant
Dark Jedi Order: Acolyte
Platoon 1 Sqaud 3: Raiders (XO)
TRN/AC Otto Vox/Trainee 7/Training Sect/VEDJ
"War is full of evil and hate, I'm just here to end it. Then do the paper work."
Jubei Nimiichi
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  RE: Raider Squad
June 10, 2002 2:22:31 AM    View the profile of Jubei Nimiichi 
theres a coincidence, ive been here and i cant fifure my way aroudn the building, im just guessing!
gèånt Jubèî Ñîmîîçhî [email protected], [email protected]
®ÅÎÐÈR§ §QÛÅÐ: Army of the  Vast Empire
Master of the "Way of the Juu"
TRP/SGT Jubei Nimiichi/3SQD/1PLT/1COM/1BAT/1RGT//VEA/VE/

"What we do in life...echoes in eternity."  -Maximus Decimus Meridious
"Die on your feet, not on your knees" -IH motto (ahhh the memories)
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  RE: Raider Squad
June 13, 2002 6:54:10 PM    View the profile of Otto Vox 
Ok guys, good activity on the story,  but I still have no clue what we're doing, and what we've accomplished. So yeah, if anyone can help me with that, the craziness that is Phase 8 point blah.
Otto Vox
Army: Gunnery Sergeant
Dark Jedi Order: Journeyman
Platoon 1 Sqaud 3: Raiders (XO)
TRN/JRN Otto Vox/Trainee 7/Training Sect/VEDJ
"War is full of evil and hate, I'm just here to end it. Then do the paper work."
Jubei Nimiichi
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  RE: Raider Squad
June 14, 2002 2:07:52 AM    View the profile of Jubei Nimiichi 
Im pretty sure that were heading to the tunnel Stormie and the Drills dug to back them up, but imnot 100% on this....wHeres RIZZ WHEN YOU NEED HIM???????
§è®gèåñ† Jubèî Ñîmîîçhî
Army of the Vast Empire
Master of the "Way of the Juu"
TRP/SGT Jubei Nimiichi/3SQD/1PLT/1COM/1BAT/1RGT//VEA/VE/

"What we do in life...echoes in eternity."  -Maximus Decimus Meridious
"God invented alcohol so the Irish wouldn't rule the world" -unknown
Otto Vox
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  RE: Raider Squad
June 14, 2002 8:29:19 AM    View the profile of Otto Vox 
Jubei, could you please get rid of that colored sig? It's getting to be annoying. Thank you.
Otto Vox
Army: Gunnery Sergeant
Dark Jedi Order: Journeyman
Platoon 1 Sqaud 3: Raiders (XO)
TRN/JRN Otto Vox/Trainee 7/Training Sect/VEDJ
"War is full of evil and hate, I'm just here to end it. Then do the paper work."
Jubei Nimiichi
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  RE: Raider Squad
June 14, 2002 2:26:27 PM    View the profile of Jubei Nimiichi 
OTTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! OK ok ok okokokokokokokokokokokokokok im tired of you cry babies yapping about it...ill ditch most of the color, except for two things only doing this cause i love you
§è®gèåñ† Jubèî Ñîmîîçhî
Army of the Vast Empire
Master of the "Way of the Juu"
TRP/SGT Jubei Nimiichi/3SQD/1PLT/1COM/1BAT/1RGT//VEA/VE/

"What we do in life...echoes in eternity."  -Maximus Decimus Meridious
"God invented alcohol so the Irish wouldn't rule the world" -unknown
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  RE: Raider Squad
June 21, 2002 1:13:40 PM    View the profile of Otto Vox 
Ok guys, the Wildcard Platoon competition is up and running, and so far, we're in the lead, keep it up guys. Rizzit and I hope to see Raiders flurish in this competition, and hope that the activity in the last story is kept for this competition. If it infact is kept,  there is no question that we'd win. But, I'm not trying to be egotistic here, so, just get out there and post. Reports are to be sent to Rizzit and I by tonight!!! So send them in ASAP. That's it for now. *salutes*
Otto Vox
Army: Gunnery Sergeant
Dark Jedi Order: Krath Adept
Platoon 1 Sqaud 3: Raiders (XO)
TRN/AD Otto Vox/Trainee 7/Training Sect/VEDJ
"War is full of evil and hate, I'm just here to end it. Then do the paper work."
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