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Topic:  RAIDERS Squad
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December 3, 2001 5:06:39 PM    View the profile of D-13 
Attention all members of the Raiders, I am thinking of using all of you guys in my story. I need your permission first, including Snake. If you don't want to be in my story then say so. D-13 out.

Edit: Holy hell. I come up with this for suggesting one stupid story, and it balloons to become our squad topic. We've come a long way.
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  RE: Raider Squad
December 3, 2001 8:15:10 PM    View the profile of g5 
go ahead
TO:A/1Lt G5/Raptor 2-2/Wing 1/mSSD Atrus/VEN/=A=
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  RE: Raider Squad
December 3, 2001 8:21:05 PM    View the profile of Shadow 
I don't have any problem with it. Just remember - I'm cold, ruthless, I like to kill people, and I'm a total jerk. Oh, and I have an awesome dog named Interceptor that likes to kill people, too. Look foward to reading your story, D.

Leave us . . . the dog eats strangers.
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  RE: Raider Squad
December 3, 2001 8:22:31 PM    View the profile of D-13 
By the way, I pushed the post button twice by accident so ignore the other two posts.
Otto Vox
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  RE: Raider Squad
February 2, 2002 2:52:11 PM    View the profile of Otto Vox 
ok guys, what the hell? i had to click on show topics from last 100 days to find this! We gotta get some activiy going. I mean damn. Ok, well, we're on Tadath, on STAPs fighting lots of Rebels, and Shadow and I are going on a mercanary run to kill the rebel Commander Hugh Jazz Grizzly and D-13 need help, fast, I'd suggest that who ever does their story run on, make the raggy guys AWOLs. It'll please Fury to get rid of those boys cya lata. and keep our topic in the top 30 days.   ----------------------- Otto Vox Army: Sergeant Dark Jedi Order: Uninitiate Platoon 1 Sqaud 3: Raiders TRP/UNI/SGT Otto Vox/3SQD/1PLT/1COM/1BAT/1RGT/VEA/VEDJ/VE "War is war, you can only come out alive if you're good."
[This message has been edited by Otto Vox (edited February 2, 2002 2:53:22 PM)]
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  RE: Raider Squad
February 3, 2002 5:53:26 AM    View the profile of Bear 
Can I use our Century Tank in the story?!?!?
RET/LCM Bear/mSSD Atrus/VEN/VE (=A=) (=SA=) (=FOCE=) (=JCPA=) [BRC] [BRC] [NDM] [LSM]
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  RE: Raider Squad
February 3, 2002 6:09:24 AM    View the profile of Grizzly 
Please pretty please?
RET/LCM Bear/mSSD Atrus/VEN/VE (=A=) (=SA=) (=FOCE=) (=JCPA=) [BRC] [BRC] [NDM] [LSM]
Otto Vox
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  RE: Raider Squad
February 3, 2002 1:18:26 PM    View the profile of Otto Vox 
Umm, if you can explain how we got it there, on our tiny little transports
Otto Vox
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  RE: Raider Squad
February 3, 2002 1:53:25 PM    View the profile of sk8guy 
I'd just like to say, that I am now a prod member of the Raiders, thanks to Fury. I was transferred from the Wraiths, and will hopefully be much happier and better off here. Thanks. Oh yeah, if I can figure out whats going on in the story, I'll post.
[ARMY] Cloud
FM/PO2 sk8guy/Aegis 2-2/Aegis 6/ Aegis RO/mSSDArtus/VEN/VE(=A=)(=SA=)(=JCPA=)[-GRC-][VC|G]
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Otto Vox
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  RE: Raider Squad
February 3, 2002 3:09:48 PM    View the profile of Otto Vox 
Welcome to the squad, Cloud. It'll be great to have you. Now we're both in the same squad and flight, along with DH/Shadow. Fun fun fun The StoryNet shouldn't be too hard to follow. Just look for posts from DW or any one in Raiders, you'll know.
Otto Vox
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  RE: Raider Squad
February 3, 2002 3:22:39 PM    View the profile of Darkhawk 
Please forgive me for posting under this name, but i'm lazy. It won't happen again. Anyway, let's give the TIE Crawler to Grizzly. We can fit that on an Assault Transport i would think. He's just gonna have to stay hidden until we get to the final phases of the battle . . . Welcome aboard Cloud, Nomar. You guys better get active! Oh, and i'll try to post again tonight.
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  RE: Raider Squad
February 5, 2002 3:48:51 PM    View the profile of g5 
whatevdr is happening now, stick to it once there is a atmosphere established, and the regs march themslevels down, we'll go full armor, that means grizzly gets the tank, i get the PT, you all get whatever small tank/walker you want, as long as it is a 1-2 person crew, you can pair up if you want a 2 person vehicle.for now, keep how you are, i'll let you know when to switch.
WC/TO:A/LCM G5/Raptor 2-2/Wing 1/mSSD Atrus/VEN/=A=
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Otto Vox
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  RE: Raider Squad
February 20, 2002 3:11:25 PM    View the profile of Otto Vox 
Ok well, I got us to outposts near the enemy lines on Lotaith, most of us are in walkers, Snake and I are in ESPO 101s, Shadow and Nomar are in an AT-ST, Jedi and Cloud also, Grizzly and D-13 are in AT-PTs, Snake and are in battle with a small amount of Rebels at the nearest outpost to enemy lines. Jedi and Cloud have been sent to help us out, and Shadow and Nomar haven't been heard from yet. This is about the sum up of my latest post. Read it and get the most of the details
Otto Vox
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  RE: Raider Squad
February 20, 2002 6:46:00 PM    View the profile of g5 
wow ott, i think you might have just screwed up royally part is my fault for not e-mailing who's in what walker and the story might be okay, as long as we are still with the DD's. we will operate them for the time being, talk to DW if you have any questions.
WC/TO:A/LCM G5/Raptor 2-2/Wing 1/mSSD Atrus/VEN/=A=
Combat Engineer G5
Otto Vox
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  RE: Raider Squad
February 21, 2002 1:48:07 AM    View the profile of Otto Vox 
Well damn, it is also partly my fault, i didn't wait for you to get on, so that i could cunsalt you, but it's over with now, we're just gunna have to work with what we've got, and yes, once DW knows (in the story) that every outpost is secure, DD and Raiders will meet up at the outpost Snake and I are at, just a little heads up, so that we can all know what we will be working with, before that part is actually written. Now as for me, it is almost 3 in the morning here, so, I am going to bed *turns on Metallica S&M to sooth him to sleep*   ----------------------- Otto Vox Army:Senior Sergeant Dark Jedi Order: Initiate Platoon 1 Sqaud 3: Raiders TRP/INI/SSGT Otto Vox/3SQD/1PLT/1COM/1BAT/1RGT/VEA/VEDJ/VE(LM) "War is war, you can only come out alive if you're good."
[This message has been edited by Otto Vox (edited February 21, 2002 1:49:24 AM)]
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  RE: Raider Squad
February 22, 2002 4:22:18 PM    View the profile of Shadow 
I'm gonna go take a look at the story and see if I can make some sense out of it. If so, I'll make a post. If it screws things up, just let me know and I'll edit it or whatever.

Leave us . . . the dog eats strangers.
Otto Vox
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  RE: Raider Squad
February 22, 2002 8:18:05 PM    View the profile of Otto Vox 
I'd like to welcome ztribal1 to the ranks of Raiders, I hope that he will be a great edition to our fighting force. *Salutes ya*
Otto Vox
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"War is war, you can only come out alive if you're good."
Otto Vox
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  RE: Raider Squad
March 3, 2002 6:51:08 PM    View the profile of Otto Vox 
Well then, I love how many people actually post on this topic, Hell I'm sorta on leave and I'm still posting. Damn I have to stop with the bitching, any ways, phase 2 is over, and I loved how much activity we actually had in it, one little thing though, when are we gunna be able to find Shadow and Nomar? They're still MIA, but hopfully we can change that in phase 3, ya know, send out Raiders as a search party for them. They are essential to us, at least Shadow is, one of the most active in our squad. Alright then, Cya all on IRC.
Otto Vox
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  RE: Raider Squad
March 5, 2002 10:56:42 AM    View the profile of Bear 
After me, obviously
RET/LCM Bear/mSSD Atrus/VEN/VE (=A=) (=SA=) (=FOCE=) (=JCPA=) [BRC] [BRC] [NDM] [LSM]
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  RE: Raider Squad
March 5, 2002 3:05:36 PM    View the profile of Stormie 
My hole Platoon destroyed my Office in their Story without asking me......
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Otto Vox
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  RE: Raider Squad
March 7, 2002 5:05:12 PM    View the profile of Otto Vox 
Yeah, sure Grizz, what ever you wanna think That's GOTTA suck Stormie, fortunatly for me, or unfortunatly, I don't have an office for a platoon to destroy. I think I just might stick with the fortunatly, cause out in the open, in the fighting's fun.
Otto Vox
Army:Senior Sergeant
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"War is full of evil and hate, I'm just here to end it."
Otto Vox
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  RE: Raider Squad
March 14, 2002 5:16:05 PM    View the profile of Otto Vox 
Hey guys, I have a proposal to make. I've been spoken to bye LoneWolf, he and Warmaker are purchasing a Patrol Ship, which I am helping to purchase as well. What I was wondering was, would any of you be willing to join the crew of this ship? It'd help alot if all of Raiders joined, so that in the story we wouldn't be seperated. And if only a few join, I guess that none of us will be on the crew, because it is a very bad idea to have a squad as small as ours has just been depleted to, if we split up.   ----------------------- Otto Vox Army: Gunnery Sergeant Dark Jedi Order: Acolyte Platoon 1 Sqaud 3: Raiders TRP/AC/CE/GSGT Otto Vox/3SQD/1PLT/1COM/1BAT/1RGT/VEA/VEDJ/VEEC/VE(LM) "War is full of evil and hate, I'm just here to end it."
[This message has been edited by Otto Vox (edited March 15, 2002 3:38:04 PM)]
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  RE: Raider Squad
March 19, 2002 12:42:14 AM    View the profile of Jedi 
Hey all, I started a new storyline on the main storynet for the RAIDERS Squad. Feel free to post on it to contribute.
Sargeant Jedi
Executive Officer
Raiders' Squad
Army of the Vast Empire

"If we live in a peaceful society, why is there such an abundance of Evil?"--Jedi
Otto Vox
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  RE: Raider Squad
March 19, 2002 4:25:38 PM    View the profile of Otto Vox 
Umm, Jedi, in your story, Shadow and Nomar are back with us....... I was just about to write a story when we go out and find them, because the last time naything was posted about Raiders, and them of course, they were out missing in enemy territory. And I know that we took Lotaith back, but, I WANNA MAKE A STORY Heh, any ways, I'll go and write for your story line now.
Otto Vox
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"War is full of evil and hate, I'm just here to end it."
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  RE: Raider Squad
March 19, 2002 8:34:10 PM    View the profile of Jedi 
Sorry. If you want, we can do like Lucas is doing, and do a prequel storyline.:-P
Sargeant Jedi
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Raiders' Squad
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  RE: Raider Squad
March 20, 2002 3:37:10 PM    View the profile of Shadow 
*me stumbles in to the Raiders' Lounge. MESA BACK! :-D Yep, Shadow is not dead as you all might have thought. I'd be glad to help you write that prequel, Otto, so then we can get moving with Jedi's story. (And we might as well go ahead and kill Nomar). Oh, I'd be willing to help crew that ship you all are buying, too - after all, I already gave Lonewolf 100,000 ICs (or maybe more). *me salutes

Leave us . . . the dog eats strangers.
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  RE: Raider Squad
March 20, 2002 5:26:55 PM    View the profile of LoneWolf 
hmm actually bout 200,000
WO1 LoneWolf /Aegis 2-1 (Aegis five)/mSSD Atrus/VEN/VE/(=A=)(=JCPA=)(=SCPA=)[SRC][VC:Ebony]

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  RE: Raider Squad
March 20, 2002 6:17:48 PM    View the profile of Jedi 
I dont like the idea of postiong off my own post, so please post a replie before I do. SOMEONE please!
Sargeant Jedi
Executive Officer
Raiders' Squad
Army of the Vast Empire

"If we live in a peaceful society, why is there such an abundance of Evil?"--Jedi
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  RE: Raider Squad
March 21, 2002 4:54:28 PM    View the profile of Shadow 
I'm coming, Jeedai. On a different note, I just realized a few days ago that when I was in first grade, my t-ball team was the Raiders. Silver and black all the way. Hehe. I should post a picture somewhere of me in that old uniform ... and then we can all wear those t-ball jerseys instead of armor into battle.   ----------------------- TRP/SGT Shadow/3SQD/1PLT/1COMP/1BAT/1REG/VEA/VE [LM] Leave us . . . the dog eats strangers.
[This message has been edited by Shadow (edited March 21, 2002 4:55:14 PM)]
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  RE: Raider Squad
March 21, 2002 9:33:50 PM    View the profile of Rizzit 
LOL. Well, I don't think Ani or anyone else for that matter would approve. Besides, how you gonna protect yourself without any armor.
Sargeant Rizzit
Dark Jedi Knight
Eagle Sect
Raider's Squad
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