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Topic:  RAIDERS Squad
Otto Vox
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  RE: Raider Squad
June 10, 2003 6:42:42 PM    View the profile of Otto Vox 
Yes, it is very much that Cos, very much that.
Sergeant First Class Otto Vox
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CM/DJK Otto Vox/Krath/Lion 1-4/VEDJ
Give into the inferno that is the Dark Side of the Force.-Otto Vox
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  RE: Raider Squad
June 15, 2003 12:28:58 AM    View the profile of Sniping101 
ok, didnot understand
Lance Corprol Matthias"Sniping101"Battlemont
Formaly the Perpetual PFC
"Drinking, fighting, and rowdiness is that what you think of when you think of the Irish"

"i have made my peace with death, i do not fear him like others do, to me he is a part of everything, i have accepted he will come for me some day, and i do not live in fear of him, i live my life."
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  RE: Raider Squad
June 15, 2003 4:24:45 PM    View the profile of Rizzit 
Don't bother trying. Congratulations to our four members that were honored and promoted:

-LCPL Snipes brought up to CPL
-CPL MaraJade brought up to SGT
-PFC JyseToklar brought up to LCPL

Now, Snipes and Jyse: as fury pointed out Snipes has to stop with the evil LCPL stories, but Jyse it is your turn to start them. Congrats to you all, and I hope to be able to give you another for continuing good work. As for the rest of you, I know why you're not as active, but it is only propper to reward those that are. Your day will come once school is out.
Sergeant Major Rizzit BlackHeart
Raider's Squad Leader
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Army of the Vast Empire
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  RE: Raider Squad
June 15, 2003 10:00:28 PM    View the profile of Sniping101 
whoa whoa whoa, cant i just hang out w. TK and make fun of Lanceys? anyway Rizzit, you forgot some1, you! and you got a medal too, Ubercongrats
Corprol Matthias"Sniping101"Battlemont
Formaly the Perpetual PFC
"Drinking, fighting, and rowdiness is that what you think of when you think of the Irish"
nomore lance corporal Jokes!
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  RE: Raider Squad
June 16, 2003 7:03:17 AM    View the profile of Rizzit 
Ya, but I was being modest and humble. I don't like to brag TOO MUCH!
Sergeant Major Rizzit BlackHeart
Raider's Squad Leader
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Army of the Vast Empire
"Death is never an easy thing to deal with. It happens so frequently, yet it still takes us by surprise!"--Rizzit
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  RE: Raider Squad
June 16, 2003 7:03:48 AM    View the profile of Rizzit 
Unless of course, its about you guys!
Sergeant Major Rizzit BlackHeart
Raider's Squad Leader
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Army of the Vast Empire
"Death is never an easy thing to deal with. It happens so frequently, yet it still takes us by surprise!"--Rizzit
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  RE: Raider Squad
June 16, 2003 10:45:47 AM    View the profile of Swomz 
no comment

Note: hehe 

former PO2, Venom 3 Flight Lead, Venom XO
former Flight School IA
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former RAIDER
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Go Venom and DK!
[This message has been edited by (edited June 17, 2003 8:40:12 AM)]
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  RE: Raider Squad
June 16, 2003 12:11:00 AM    View the profile of Rizzit 
Dude, can you either delete that or fix it plz. It takes up mad room!
Sergeant Major Rizzit BlackHeart
Raider's Squad Leader
Wildcard Platoon Adjutant
Army of the Vast Empire
"Death is never an easy thing to deal with. It happens so frequently, yet it still takes us by surprise!"--Rizzit
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  RE: Raider Squad
June 17, 2003 10:14:07 PM    View the profile of Sniping101 
ok, here is something important for once, i have two emails (sry guys) most of you know that, except it seems Rizzit, who keeps sending things to both me and my lttl bro so for the record these are my two emails  [email protected] and [email protected], anything sent to mee should be sent to both of them, im not going to go into the specifics of why i have 2 emails, but it has to do w/ traveling and lazyness
Corprol Matthias"Sniping101"Battlemont
Formaly the Perpetual PFC
"Drinking, fighting, and rowdiness is that what you think of when you think of the Irish"
nomore lance corporal Jokes!
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  RE: Raider Squad
June 21, 2003 1:36:02 PM    View the profile of JR 
Is anyone going to post on the story.  I'm can't think of what to put and i need someone to write the next part.
"The difference between sex and death is, death you can do alone and nobody laughs at you." Woody Allen
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  RE: Raider Squad
July 10, 2003 6:57:18 PM    View the profile of Rizzit 
Okay all, I got a little excercise for ya. I need to talk to you all individually to get you started on it though. So please get in contact with me, as I will be trying to contact you.
Sergeant Major Rizzit BlackHeart
Raider's Squad Leader
Wildcard Platoon Adjutant
Army of the Vast Empire
"Death is never an easy thing to deal with. It happens so frequently, yet it still takes us by surprise!"--Rizzit
Fallen Angel
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  RE: Raider Squad
July 13, 2003 9:57:03 AM    View the profile of Fallen Angel 
*clears his throat*

hello RAIDERS, i am the newest member of your squad...i know at least 2 or 3 are glad to see me, i no 1 is not (hey otto hows it hanging?) n e wayz, i'm back with a new char and a new personality to play wit

otto i know we had issues but its over, lets just try and owrk together now ok? bygones be bygones? great.

ok as for the rest of you who have absolutely no clue what this is all about, ask Rizz TJ jed or otto for a history lesson, or go back in time and read some old RAIDER topics

im glad to be back, and cant wait to get some action
--(' . ')--  --('.'--)   |-(' . ')-|  (--'.')--  --(^-^)--
Private First Class Fallen Angel: Pupil of Jubei (RIP)
I've become so numb I can't feel you there
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  RE: Raider Squad
July 13, 2003 11:12:48 AM    View the profile of Fury 
I thought you wanted back into Iron Horse.

I changed this and sent emails to that effect.

If this is in error, I will go back to the original plan as I do not know who discussed what with who (seeing as no one other than Rizzit, Demi, and TK sends me any reports worth a damn).
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Fallen Angel
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  RE: Raider Squad
July 13, 2003 12:08:57 AM    View the profile of Fallen Angel 
ya ummm sry bout tha Fury i thought that it would be a bad spot for me in raiders, i sent u mail about ive already started my specialty....just finished first story, and Rizz put ita ll inteh platoon apologies fury i'd like to remain here
--(' . ')--  --('.'--)  ^-(' . ')-^  (--'.')--  --(^-^)--
Private First Class Fallen Angel: RAIDERS squad
Pupil of Jubei (RIP)
I've become so numb I can't feel you there. I've become so tired so much more aware
I've becoming this all I want to do, Is be more like me and be less like you
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  RE: Raider Squad
July 13, 2003 10:46:32 PM    View the profile of Fury 
No problem.  I've re-adjusted the roster and you can stay here.
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Fallen Angel
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  RE: Raider Squad
July 13, 2003 11:07:26 PM    View the profile of Fallen Angel 
YAYYYY thx fury ur the best
--(' . ')--  --('.'--)  ^-(' . ')-^  (--'.')--  --(^-^)--
Private First Class Fallen Angel: RAIDERS squad
Pupil of Jubei (RIP)
I've become so numb I can't feel you there. I've become so tired so much more aware
I've becoming this all I want to do, Is be more like me and be less like you
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  RE: Raider Squad
July 25, 2003 12:11:30 AM    View the profile of Rizzit 
Okay guys, we have the lead so far in the Wildcard Competition! Check your e-mails, as I have sent you instructions. Let's play some games and post some stories as soon as Japer makes the opening post. Hope to see you all around! Snipes is coming back soon, TJ and JR will be back the 28th I believe. FA is gone until Sunday, and the rest of you have no excuse not to post. Oh, Otto is gone from our squad: he has his own squad. Remember though we're not competiting in the story. Mention nothing of this competition in the story, as it will bring down the quality of the mission. Oh, starting Tomorrow: those who are in active duty (not on leave) are expected to maintain 2 storyline posts per week. That is not much to ask. Any of you that cannot maintain this, will be punished in some way, shape, or form. However, this does not mean you can't post more. You all know you want to post more! So get out there and make me proud!
Sergeant Major Rizzit BlackHeart
Raider's Squad Leader
Wildcard Platoon Adjutant
Army of the Vast Empire
"Death is never an easy thing to deal with. It happens so frequently, yet it still takes us by surprise!"--Rizzit
Fallen Angel
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  RE: Raider Squad
August 8, 2003 12:01:37 AM    View the profile of Fallen Angel 
can we by any chance start a new topic....this is like 12 pages long...
--(' . ')--  --('.'-)   --( . )--   (--'.')--  ^-(' . ')-^ --(^-^)--
Lance Corporal Fallen Angel: CRAZY RAIDERS squad
Pupil of Jubei (RIP)

"I've become so numb I can't feel you there. I've become so tired so much more aware
I've becoming this all I want to do, Is be more like me and be less like you"
- Linkin Park "numb"
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  RE: Raider Squad
August 8, 2003 2:18:59 PM    View the profile of Rizzit 
SO? It shows how active we are. Unless ordered by the High Command to do so, I am staying with this topic until we reach 100! Anyways, I am back and I got work to do with some of you. Others have done good, but I don't wish to have the future of the squad on their shoulders. I'll be sending you all an e-mail so look to that please for more details!
Sergeant Major Rizzit BlackHeart
Crazy Raiders Squad Leader
Wildcard Platoon Adjutant
Army of the Vast Empire
"Death is never an easy thing to deal with. It happens so frequently, yet it still takes us by surprise!"--Rizzit
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  RE: Raider Squad
August 12, 2003 3:58:04 PM    View the profile of Sniping101 
ya this is a great topic this topic is a testimate to time, it has been here longer than i have, its a testimate to that ther will always be a RAIDERS squad and Rizzit will most likely always be the leader, dunno i never acctualy looked at the first ones, but im pretty sure our Rizzit was still leading that group of delinquents as well as he leads this one *whipes brown off nose*
heh heh anyway ya we gotta keep this topic. if we started one everythime we got a new guy we would need our own main topic.
Corprol Matthias"Sniping101"Battlemont
Formaly the Perpetual PFC
Nomore lance corporal Jokes!
"Drinking, fighting, and rowdiness is that what you think of when you think of the Irish"
"normality is my bane"-myself
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  RE: Raider Squad
August 12, 2003 4:48:25 PM    View the profile of Fallen Angel 
#1 making a new topcic doesn't delete an old one

#2 i wasn;t suggesting making a new one eveyrtime we get a new trooper

#3 I"M NOT A NEW TROOPER...look for my old char starting on PAGE 3
--(' . ')--  --('.'-)   --( . )--   (--'.')--  ^-(' . ')-^ --(^-^)--
Lance Corporal Fallen Angel: CRAZY RAIDERS squad
Pupil of Jubei (RIP)

"I've become so numb I can't feel you there. I've become so tired so much more aware
I've becoming this all I want to do, Is be more like me and be less like you"
- Linkin Park "numb"
Fallen Angel
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  RE: Raider Squad
August 13, 2003 12:53:08 AM    View the profile of Fallen Angel 
oh and rizz...Fury, as well as myself, wants to know what our fireteams are so he can adjust the roster
--(' . ')--  --('.'-)   --( . )--   (--'.')--  ^-(' . ')-^ --(^-^)--
Lance Corporal Fallen Angel: CRAZY RAIDERS squad
Pupil of Jubei (RIP)

"I've become so numb I can't feel you there. I've become so tired so much more aware
I've becoming this all I want to do, Is be more like me and be less like you"
- Linkin Park "numb"
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  RE: Raider Squad
August 13, 2003 6:03:38 AM    View the profile of Rizzit 
Ah sure. But I made two points of telling you Anyways: It's Team One:                         
MaraJade {CPT}
Fallen Angel               

Team Two:
the3djedi {CPT}
Jyse Toklar

I of course reign supreme!
Sergeant Major Rizzit BlackHeart
Crazy Raiders Squad Leader
Wildcard Platoon Adjutant
Army of the Vast Empire
"Death is never an easy thing to deal with. It happens so frequently, yet it still takes us by surprise!"--Rizzit
[This message has been edited by Rizzit (edited August 13, 2003 6:05:36 AM)]
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  RE: Raider Squad
August 13, 2003 8:05:34 AM    View the profile of Rizzit 
Let's give a great, big, CrAzY welcome to: Private First Class Shocktech. He will be our newest victim....err.....recruit.
Sergeant Major Rizzit BlackHeart
Crazy Raiders Squad Leader
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Army of the Vast Empire
"Death is never an easy thing to deal with. It happens so frequently, yet it still takes us by surprise!"--Rizzit
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  RE: Raider Squad
August 13, 2003 11:16:17 AM    View the profile of Fallen Angel 
/me runs around the room chanting "FRESH MEAT FRESH MEAT FRESH MEAT!!!" Drinks are on the new guy!!!!
--(' . ')--  --('.'-)  --( . )--  (--'.')--  ^-(' . ')-^ --(^-^)--
Lance Corporal Fallen Angel: CRAZY RAIDERS
Pupil of Jubei (RIP)

"I've become so numb I can't feel you there. I've become so tired so much more aware
I've becoming this all I want to do, Is be more like me and be less like you"
- Linkin Park "numb"
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  RE: Raider Squad
August 20, 2003 7:28:32 PM    View the profile of Rizzit 
You guys are doing a good job on the story so far! Keep up the good work! I would like to see someone besides FA post though: he is keeping us alive in there. Some of you haven't posted at all. So, I will make this offer to you as well as to the other squads. For the rest of the week, anyone who makes a substancial post (250+ words) that forwards the story along will get 1000 ICs per post. All those who don't even post will be paying 500 each to your SL. I can and WILL get that enforced. Oh, those who are on leave are exempt from paying the 500 if they dont post. I don't know what happened with you guys, we used to all be active: now we're just sittin on our arses looking pretty all day. Again, FA has saved our butts by playing a game of JK with Otto Vox today. I'm trying my best not to participate in this and let you guys show off (seeing as I have to judge it and all) but things are looking like I need to get in here. IF I start coming in, you all are going to regret it!

Sergeant Major Rizzit BlackHeart
Crazy Raiders Squad Leader
Wildcard Platoon Adjutant
Army of the Vast Empire
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  RE: Raider Squad
August 21, 2003 4:27:53 AM    View the profile of JR 
Just wondering where am i in the story???
Mr. Burns-"I will bring them much more than pandas something no one else can find."
Homer-"A sober Irish man"
Mr. Burns-"No something much more rare."
Fallen Angel
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  RE: Raider Squad
August 21, 2003 4:43:17 PM    View the profile of Fallen Angel 
you are with Rizz, jyse, mara, and snipes fighting off rebel troops outside the rebel base.
--(' . ')--  --('.'-)  --( . )--  (--'.')--  ^-(' . ')-^ --(^-^)--
Lance Corporal Fallen Angel: CRAZY RAIDERS
Pupil of Jubei (RIP)

"I've become so numb I can't feel you there. I've become so tired so much more aware
I've becoming this all I want to do, Is be more like me and be less like you"
- Linkin Park "numb"
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  RE: Raider Squad
August 29, 2003 12:18:58 AM    View the profile of Snake 
Riz, maybe a new mission is in order, at least moving out of the city. From the bit's i've read this mission is pretty well played out and hard to come up with ideas for. The storyline needs to be jumpstarted into a new area.
SGM Snake
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  RE: Raider Squad
August 29, 2003 6:29:32 PM    View the profile of Fury 
All the more reason why I dropped Drill into the city, to give you guys a reason to move further along.

That, and taking care of some AWOLs in my own special way....
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