Ibram Tyrol
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RE: Viper Topic
January 8, 2008
6:09:34 AM
Hey Everyone,
As you already know, the skipper has ordered us to 'retreat' from the current story before the Navy-wide begins. This decision came out of a conversation i had with him yesterday, because basically events are getting ahead of us.
Technically, we already have the LMS comp to fit into the storyline after this battle, and then there will be this Navy wide, so the skipper felt it was best to try and "catch up" with the future lol.
Also, on a personal level, i feel we may have written ourselves into a rut, what with a damaged Escort Carrier Vs scores of fighters and a z-95s and everything.
Anden, feel free to keep writing if you wish, we probably won't bug out until closer too Saturday, so as the skip said, write more about the dogfight and such.
Anyway, just thought i would explain what was going on, since i'm in an explanatory mood
EDIT: Oops, skipper had to correct me on this one. The dogfighting thing goes for everyone, as we are to use it to try and get back to skip.
In his own words: "like we can't just take off at full speed for the ship...we'd be killed instantly"
My mistake. Lets get craking peeps!
"I'm no Physician, but there appears to be a dagger through my chest."
- Innocence is the cost of Justice
Petty Officer 2nd Class Ibram Tyrol Viper Squadron "Captain's Own" We fly, you die
Ibram Tyrol/WS Ibram/Lotaith/VET/VE -----------------------------------
FM/PO2 Tyrol/Viper 8/mSSD Atrus/1W/1FL/VEN/{=*A*=}/[NER]
[This message has been edited by
Ibram Tyrol
(edited January 8, 2008
8:53:53 AM)]
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RE: Viper Topic
January 8, 2008
3:34:47 PM
I have just been assigned to Viper Squadron, so I am ready for action, folks.
I want to say 'hello' to all of my fellow crewman and pilots, and I hope that I don't fail you all.
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RE: Viper Topic
January 8, 2008
3:41:07 PM
Welcome to the squadron Fulfiller. You are welcome to post into the current story (although it is wrapping up this week) if you can find a way. Otherwise, perhaps writing a personal story either on your own or find someone/some others to write with you.
If you don't want to and would prefer to just sit back and wait for the next story (a joint mission with Nazgul that should be starting this weekend). I do encourage you to find your way onto IRC though, as it is a great way to meet the rest of the squadron as well as other members of the Vast Empire. I believe I mentioned the details in your Academy thread, but if not or if you have any questions feel free to shoot me a message and I'll be glad to answer them.
Chief Warrant Officer 'Tomas' Dagoram Squadron Commander of Viper Squadron SC/CWO Tomas/Viper 1-1/mSSS Atrus/VEN/VE (=*A*=) (=*SA*=) [SoA] [MC1] [MC2] [MC2] [VC:B] [CBV] [SoV] [DSM] [HSA] [BoH] [LoM] [IG] [BWC] [NER] [EoT] Academy Trainer (T-1)
"Fight on and fly on to the last drop of blood, the last drop of fuel, to the last beat of the heart." "Brothers, what we do in life... echoes in eternity." - Gladiator "History will be kind to me for I intend to write it."
Clearly Canadian!
Anden Beliam
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RE: Viper Topic
January 11, 2008
4:59:43 PM
Welcome to the Squadron Fulfiller. =)
Not sure if I will get any more posts in for the current mission. Ya never know though. Can't wait to get in on a mission instead of being a late entry into one.
We Fly, You DieSenior Crewman Anden Beliam Flight Member of Viper Squadron FM/SCRW Beliam/Viper 4/Phoenix Wing/mSSD Atrus/1st Fleet/VEN/VE/(=*A*=) Profile
[This message has been edited by
Anden Beliam
(edited January 11, 2008
5:01:01 PM)]
Zane ZyCrusis
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RE: Viper Topic
January 11, 2008
8:54:15 PM
Yes Welcome to the squad Fulfiller, may your time spent in VE be well lived, and Tomas how far is Operation Mjolner going to go. Like are we just supposed to dock, then thats the end or what? Oh and Fulfiller, don't worry a few months ago a Just arrived too, but I think even I haven't managed to mess things up yet, at least I hope not.
[This message has been edited by
Zane ZyCrusis
(edited January 11, 2008
8:55:55 PM)]
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RE: Viper Topic
January 11, 2008
9:39:55 PM
Sorry for the Lack of activity on my part, school and work are keeping my tired, too tired to think. I got finals next week, and i think im going to fail them all ((0.o)) but i hope to be able to jump back once the new story begins. I dont work sunday, so i expect to be able to be at the meeting.
> : There is nothing wrong with fear.> : You need never be ashamed of it, as long as it doesn't stop you functioning.> : Fear is your natural warning system; it keeps you alive so> : that you can fight. If you show me a man who isn't afraid,> : and I'll show you a fool who is a danger to his entire ship.=================================================================================== -= Viper Squadron =- : "The Captain's Own" | "We Fly, You Die."=================================================================================== || XO & FL / WO2 C-3PX2 / Viper 5 / Phoenix Wing (Wing 1) / mSSD Atrus / 1Fl / VEN / VE / (=A=), (=SA=), (=TE=), [MC2], [MC1], [BoH], [BWC], [IG], [NER] || || Vast Empire Imperial Naval Academy Operation Level 1 (O-1) |=|=| Author / JRN C-3PX2 /Lotaith / VET / VE ||
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RE: Viper Topic
January 12, 2008
1:49:37 AM
Mjolnir is going to be emergency (or safe if you feel like it) landings in the hangar. You're welcome to do that (and may have already...have read your latest post). From there you can post character development on it if you have posted on the new story (when it opens) and are still in the mood to post more.
Hope that makes sense.
Chief Warrant Officer 'Tomas' Dagoram Squadron Commander of Viper Squadron SC/CWO Tomas/Viper 1-1/mSSS Atrus/VEN/VE (=*A*=) (=*SA*=) [SoA] [MC1] [MC2] [MC2] [VC:B] [CBV] [SoV] [DSM] [HSA] [BoH] [LoM] [IG] [BWC] [NER] [EoT] Academy Trainer (T-1)
"Fight on and fly on to the last drop of blood, the last drop of fuel, to the last beat of the heart." "Brothers, what we do in life... echoes in eternity." - Gladiator "History will be kind to me for I intend to write it."
Clearly Canadian!
Zane ZyCrusis
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RE: Viper Topic
January 12, 2008
10:15:20 PM
ComNet Marshal

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RE: Viper Topic
January 16, 2008
12:18:44 AM
Howdy- can I get an updated roster from you Tom? I'm ganna update the great beast tomorrow evening and try and get a few other things figured out; I still really wanna get that VENA Portal updated as well, so if you could mention any roster/squadron assignments you've made in my absence: superb. How's everyone in Viper doin?
*Flash Was Here...*
WC|NTO/LCP Shazam/Phoenix 1-1/Phoenix Wing/mSSD Atrus/1VENF/VEN (=A=) (=*SA*=) (=MA=) (=*FOCE*=) [CBV*] [LoM] [LSM] [MC2] [VC:S] [SV*] [DSM] {Platinum Writing Medal}
Phoenix Wing Commander and Training Officer
Anden Beliam
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RE: Viper Topic
January 16, 2008
1:58:58 AM
All good on my end. Can't wait to get into the mission portion of the Rescue thread.
We Fly, You DieSenior Crewman Anden Beliam Flight Member of Viper Squadron FM/SCRW Beliam/Viper 4/Phoenix Wing/mSSD Atrus/1st Fleet/VEN/VE/(=*A*=) Profile
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RE: Viper Topic
January 16, 2008
7:43:47 PM
Viper roster updated, Anden has been promoted to the rank initially promised to him after passing the Aviator's with distinction (SCRW) and Ibram has been moved to Flight 3 Leader. Anything else, folks?
*Flash Was Here...*
WC|NTO/LCP Shazam/Phoenix 1-1/Phoenix Wing/mSSD Atrus/1VENF/VEN (=A=) (=*SA*=) (=MA=) (=*FOCE*=) [CBV*] [LoM] [LSM] [MC2] [VC:S] [SV*] [DSM] {Platinum Writing Medal}
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RE: Viper Topic
January 17, 2008
3:09:57 PM
sorry been gone too long.
hope everyone had a good holiday.
welcome all new people.
i will have my report in today.
congrats on the promotion those of you that have. can't remember names right now in a runt.
just wainted everyone to know i am still here.
"This is Sparta!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
From 300
FM/SCR Rocketman/Viper 3-11/Phoenix Wing/mSSDAtrus/DEF/VEN/VE[=A=](MC1)
Ibram Tyrol
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[VE-NAVY] Petty Officer 2nd Class [VE-VEEC] Word Slinger
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RE: Viper Topic
January 17, 2008
4:57:44 PM
Hey three flight
Just want to say hey, and ask if there was any problems people had.
Please remember that reports now go to me, I've already had Rockets for this week.
Concerning the story line, i won't be officially promoted and assigned until after the current Search and Rescue story i think, but for admin purposes i'm taking on my duties as of now.
Mira, you're an old hand so i don't really need to remind you of anything, just be nice to me, ok? :P hehe
Zane and Rocket, keep up the good work, and try to post at least once a day if you can.
Again, any questions, just ask me.
"I'm no Physician, but there appears to be a dagger through my chest."
- Innocence is the cost of Justice
Petty Officer 2nd Class Ibram Tyrol Viper Squadron "Captain's Own" We fly, you die
FM/PO2 Tyrol/Viper 8/mSSD Atrus/1W/1FL/VEN/{=*A*=}/[NER]
Ibram Tyrol/WS Ibram/Lotaith/VET/VE
Zane ZyCrusis
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RE: Viper Topic
January 17, 2008
6:43:34 PM
I'll try I usually do, but there is always the days when I don't have a chance to get on though. But I can't really change that. Oh and I am doing great though Shazam thx. But yah I was promoted to LCRW though, I think Tomas might be working on that though, but I am not sure.
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RE: Viper Topic
January 19, 2008
2:26:20 AM
I'm amazed that I missed that, Zane- I went down the list the other evening and I suppose it was just too late and my sight was starting to fail me or somethin... Either way, it's been corrected.
*Flash Was Here...*
WC|NTO/LCP Shazam/Phoenix 1-1/Phoenix Wing/mSSD Atrus/1VENF/VEN (=A=) (=*SA*=) (=MA=) (=*FOCE*=) [CBV*] [LoM] [LSM] [MC2] [VC:S] [SV*] [DSM] {Platinum Writing Medal}
Phoenix Wing Commander and Training Officer
Zane ZyCrusis
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RE: Viper Topic
January 19, 2008
4:20:17 PM
ComNet n00b

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RE: Viper Topic
January 19, 2008
4:26:22 PM
hey all first of all my internet is back on.
seconed i have posteded.
that is all
talk to you on chat
"This is Sparta!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
From 300
FM/SCR Rocketman/Viper 3-11/Phoenix Wing/mSSDAtrus/DEF/VEN/VE[=A=](MC1)
Zane ZyCrusis
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RE: Viper Topic
January 19, 2008
5:17:30 PM
Aleia Dreycon
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RE: Viper Topic
January 23, 2008
1:33:20 PM
Figured I'd post in here.. sense I havent... :P
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RE: Viper Topic
January 30, 2008
7:49:34 AM
I have begun to Prosess of Updating Wiki Profiels for Imperial Naval Pilots, updating their Post Counts. If you do not have the "Story Participation" code on your wiki page, I will add the following code to your page to add it. - Code: Select all
{{Story Participation |1story= |1start= |1type= |1posts= }}
Once it is there, I will place the stories you have been involved in, the start date and type, and finally your post numbers. As it stands on my latest count, 01.30.07 08:30:00 EST ((-05:00 GMT)), the Post Counts for Search and Rescue are as follows: Tomas: 11 Aleia: 10 Sicario: 3 Anden: 5 C-3: 4 Fulfiler: 7 Ibram: 9 Mira: 7 Rocket: 2 Zane: 6 I will also be going through the previous stories and getting the post numbes for them as well. These will appear on your wiki pages for better tracking of Story Post Numbers, which are used in establishing who has earned Writing Commendations. I also plan to go through Nazgul and do the same thing for their squadron. - OOC:
- They will appear on wiki pages later tonight at the ealiest. I am posting this in school, and do not have the time in school to post all of these on the wiki pages.
> : There is nothing wrong with fear.> : You need never be ashamed of it, as long as it doesn't stop you functioning.> : Fear is your natural warning system; it keeps you alive so> : that you can fight. If you show me a man who isn't afraid,> : and I'll show you a fool who is a danger to his entire ship.=================================================================================== -= Viper Squadron =- : "The Captain's Own" | "We Fly, You Die."=================================================================================== || XO & FL / WO2 C-3PX2 / Viper 5 / Phoenix Wing (Wing 1) / mSSD Atrus / 1Fl / VEN / VE / (=A=), (=SA=), (=TE=), [MC2], [MC1], [BoH], [BWC], [IG], [NER] || || Vast Empire Imperial Naval Academy Operator - Trainer Level 1 (T-1) |=|=| Author / GW C-3PX2 /Lotaith / VET / VE ||
[This message has been edited by
(edited January 30, 2008
8:29:34 AM)]
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RE: Viper Topic
January 30, 2008
2:59:37 PM
thanks C-3 haven't had the time to update mine.
i good to be back
thanks agian.
"This is Sparta!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
From 300
FM/SCR/ Rocketman/ Viper 3-11/ Phoenix Wing/mSSD Atrus/1st fleet/VEN/VE[=A=](MC1)
Anden Beliam
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RE: Viper Topic
January 30, 2008
3:05:58 PM
Way ta go C-3!!
hopefully my Wiki page will save you some time. =)
Good to see ya back Rman!! Welcome back Mate!
(didn't know Rman had left....?)
Viper SquadronWe Fly, You DieSenior Crewman Anden Beliam FM/SCRW Beliam/Viper 4/Phoenix Wing/mSSD Atrus/1st Fleet/VEN/VE/(=*A*=) Profile
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RE: Viper Topic
January 30, 2008
3:14:48 PM
i didn't leave but when i left all i had to do is read books, because we don't have cable etc...
and i read all my books.
"This is Sparta!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
From 300
FM/SCR/ Rocketman/ Viper 3-11/ Phoenix Wing/mSSD Atrus/1st fleet/VEN/VE[=A=](MC1)
Anden Beliam
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RE: Viper Topic
January 30, 2008
6:27:40 PM
I know what you mean. I love my books too man.
Soo...yeah. I am sure you guys have seen the latest post by a a new member on the mission thread. Hopefully Tomas or Shaz will be able to take of this.
Viper SquadronWe Fly, You DieSenior Crewman Anden Beliam FM/SCRW Beliam/Viper 4/Phoenix Wing/mSSD Atrus/1st Fleet/VEN/VE/(=*A*=) Profile
[This message has been edited by
Anden Beliam
(edited January 31, 2008
1:13:36 AM)]
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RE: Viper Topic
January 30, 2008
8:13:14 PM
Yeah, ignore the post. It will be deleted.
Chief Warrant Officer 'Tomas' Dagoram Squadron Commander of Viper Squadron SC/CWO Tomas/Viper 1-1/mSSS Atrus/VEN/VE (=*A*=) (=*SA*=) [SoA] [MC1] [MC2] [MC2] [VC:B] [CBV] [SoV] [DSM] [HSA] [BoH] [LoM] [IG] [BWC] [NER] [EoT] Training Executive Officer (TX) Academy Trainer (T-2)
"Fight on and fly on to the last drop of blood, the last drop of fuel, to the last beat of the heart." "Brothers, what we do in life... echoes in eternity." - Gladiator "History will be kind to me for I intend to write it."
Clearly Canadian!
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RE: Viper Topic
January 31, 2008
12:18:36 AM
Please do not use the term "n00b," Anden. Thank you.
*Flash Was Here...*
WC|NTO/LCP Shazam/Phoenix 1-1/Phoenix Wing/mSSD Atrus/1VENF/VEN (=A=) (=*SA*=) (=MA=) (=*FOCE*=) [CBV*] [LoM] [LSM] [MC2] [VC:S] [SV*] [DSM] {Platinum Writing Medal}
Phoenix Wing Commander and Training Officer
[This message has been edited by
(edited January 31, 2008
12:19:28 AM)]
Anden Beliam
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RE: Viper Topic
January 31, 2008
1:18:12 AM
My apologies. Edited- and the term will not be used again.
Viper SquadronWe Fly, You DieSenior Crewman Anden Beliam FM/SCRW Beliam/Viper 4/Phoenix Wing/mSSD Atrus/1st Fleet/VEN/VE/(=*A*=) Profile
Ibram Tyrol
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[VE-NAVY] Petty Officer 1st Class [VE-VEEC] Word Slinger
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RE: Viper Topic
January 31, 2008
6:18:35 AM
I've just seen what Anden was reffering too.
I don't know whether to laugh or not, but what a muppet. ¬_¬ If anyone decides just to kill me randomly like that again I'm so tearing them a new one.
"I'm no Physician, but there appears to be a dagger through my chest."
- Innocence is the cost of Justice
Petty Officer 1st Class Ibram Tyrol Viper Squadron "Captain's Own" Flight 3 Leader We fly, you die
----------------------------------- VEN FL/PO1 Tyrol/Viper 9/mSSD Atrus/1W/1FL/VEN/{=*A*=}{=*SA*=}/[NER]
VEEC Ibram Tyrol/WS Ibram/Lotaith/VET/VE
ComNet n00b
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RE: Viper Topic
January 31, 2008
11:05:28 AM
Ibram - I find your comments very rude and allienating to any new members trying to participate into the Vast Empire community. I appologuise if my input was not satisfactory to your standards.
I have previously admired your writing and feel dissapointed and upset that you can dismiss my own so easily. Sorry that I have wasted your time but dont worry I will not be posting here again.
ComNet n00b

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RE: Viper Topic
January 31, 2008
11:18:15 AM
Between Mara and Thorlax this is just tooo f-ing funny. the chaos, the killing, the zombies.....who'll join next? Simon Pegg, George Romero?
CM Gshlecc Atrasin/Nazgul 3-11/mSSD Atrus/1VENF/VEN/VE
Vacuus Ordo , Nex
-Without Order, Death