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Topic:  Operation Slug Hunt (Jester)
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  RE: Operation Slug Hunt (Jester)
October 12, 2007 6:54:13 PM    View the profile of Kami 
Kami groaned. Raising trembling fingers to her forehead, she gently probed the bandage that now covered her wound.

“Stop that.” The young medic perched on the side of her makeshift cot slapped at her hand, “Leave it alone.”

“Glad you decided to join us,” Merrick was suddenly above her, a rare smile lighting up her features. She glanced over at the medic, “Give us a moment?”

The medic declined his head, gathered his small kit then hurried off to attend the next groaning soldier further down the line. Merrick dropped down into his place at Kami’s side, watching as her squad leader forced herself into a sitting position.

“Update?” Kami queried, her gaze flashing about the interior of the hanger which now housed a few hundred Imperial soldiers.

“Well, we were quite obviously successful,” Merrick’s smile faded, “Quite a few causalities. Zafo’s not so great, he's been dunked in a bacta tank and probably won't be out for the next stage of the mission so we'll have to do without him. Aeos got a flying bit of brick to the head so you two can probably compare headaches.” She gestured vaguely towards the hanger door, “Evis, Duran and Hashi just got back in with the Peshargas. They’re being debriefed at the moment.”

Kami nodded, extremely relieved when the slight movement didn’t stir her dormant pain to life. Draining the small canteen at her side, she swung her legs over the side of the cot and came to her feet, “Where’s Evis now?”

Merrick snorted, “That medic is going to flip out if he sees you storming around.” Noting the determined expression on Kami’s face, she sighed, “He’s with Major Skorzeny.”

Kami smiled and gestured for Merrick to follow. Too much had gone on while she’d been down and out. Making a mental note to find out the fate of the bastard Trandoshan who had so successfully brained her, she grabbed at the discarded rifle at her feet and strode quickly across the hangar floor.

*        *        *        *        *        *

“Seems as though we get to play babysitter while y’all go out and do the hard work,” Skorzeny drawled, his relaxed demeanor a convenient façade for an officer who remained constantly on guard.

Kami declined the cigarette offered to her by Eviscares, her gaze once again shifting to the metallic door behind which the Peshargas and the pair of Intelligence agents were locked in conversation. So far only one agent had emerged briefly to scrounge up refreshments for their guests, pausing only to reassure the waiting officers that things were going well before reentering the room.

“You know that for certain Otto?” Kami locked gazes with the graying commander of Brave squad, abruptly amused, “Or you just mouthing off?”

Skorzeny laughed, “We regulars know well that that particular area is where Jester excels.”

Kami smiled as Eviscares picked up on the friendly banter, exchanging quips with the veteran soldier as they continued to wait. It was a well known fact that there was a certain degree of animosity between what the Vast Empire deemed ‘regulars’ and the elite handpicked squads such as Jester. It was a common misconception by regulars that specialty squads received cushioned missions, encountering success only on the back of the hard work of the so called ‘grunts’ of the army as they fought and died to provide support. Subsequently, it was a more than welcome change to encounter an officer who recognized the necessity of specialty squads, and calmed his men’s stirring if it ever threatened the success of a coordinated mission.

“Looks as though they’re done for the day,” Merrick noted, drawing their attention back to where the Peshargas had materialized at the front of the briefing room, still conferring with the agents. One dropped down into a deep bow, briefly clasping the closest agent’s hand and bringing it to his forehead in what seemed to be a ritual farewell, before the trio turned and sauntered casually free of the confines of the hangar.

“Should have a briefing soon,” Skorzeny said, taking a deep drag of his cigarette, “Once those boys talk to HC.”

“Good,” Kami looked up at the darkening sky, “The longer we stay in one spot, the greater the chance Barzini gets his act together and decides to do something about it.”
Platoon Sergeant Kami
Jester Squad

|| DJK Dark Jedi Order || Krath || Vast Empire ||
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[This message has been edited by Kami (edited October 27, 2007 5:30:29 AM)]
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  RE: Operation Slug Hunt (Jester)
October 21, 2007 5:39:08 PM    View the profile of Durandal 
Durandal rubbed his eyes sleepily and looked around at the other squad mates from Jester, gathered together in the small briefing room.

Durandal had felt completely out of it lately, this whole mission had been F.U.B.A.R. for him the whole time, like things, even though they were going fine, he felt this, funny feeling in the back of his mind, and he couldn't shake it off. On one hand it was starting to scare him, on the other he was glad to find he was still human and had the fear of ominous failure.

When Kami stepped to the front of the room via a door on the side the rooms quite conversations settled and an eerie silence filled the room.

Kami saved them and began to speak, the confidence in the air of her voice lifting Durandal's shaken mind. He followed the conversation intently, memorizing the co-ordinates for the weapons factory, there was only one factory, near a long range of rather tall mountains, it rested on a bluff that could only be reached by air and a few backwood trails that Intel had been able to provide, where Jester would be dropped off.

Then there was the spice mine, located further north, on a long range of flat lands with little vegetation, and caves that led deep underground.

Durandal wasn't bothered by knowing the exact layout of each of the targets at this time, the less he knew about our actual Intel was better, if he knew where the bathrooms were in the factory thats pretty bad. Instead while Kami went over the details of the operation ahead, and their first target, Durandal took the moment to collect himself and be ready for the effort ahead.


"All right Jester, thats it for the briefing, we leave in-" she checked her watch quickly, " Two hours and forty-eight minutes, we'll be heading to the weapon factory as that is our primary target. We'll be coming up on the opposite side of the Mountains, which will give us the cover we need to get in quietly before we start the party."

The members of Jester murmured and after a quick dismissal from Kami, they got up and went to get ready.

Durandal just shook his head and thought to himself that this all felt F.U.B.A.R.

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  RE: Operation Slug Hunt (Jester)
October 21, 2007 6:54:47 PM    View the profile of Kami 
“All set?”

Kami jumped as Eviscares materialized at her shoulder, snapping her out of her brief reverie, “Stop doing that.”

Her assistant squad leader offered a smile, his teeth glowing white in the fading light, “The shuttle is prepped.”

“Good,” Kami unceremoniously jammed the rough sketch of the weapons factory out of sight, and looked across the tarmac to where Jester milled about impatiently, “Get them on board.”

Evis nodded, slinging a rather large rifle looted from a dead mercenary over his shoulder before strolling towards the others. Kami glanced up at the darkening sky, unable to shake the growing feeling of dread that ha settled in the pit of her stomach. They had taken too long. Although such complex tasks as establishing a base and debriefing couldn’t be rushed, the 24 hours in which the Vast Empire forces had remained stationary was more than enough time for someone such as Barzini to figure out what they would target next. After all, someone could hardly become a ruling drug lord by idly waiting for their enemies to strike.

Shaking her head, Kami forced herself to remain focused on the task at hand. Jester would be dropped a short distance from the weapons factory before meeting with a select Pesharga guide who would take them up the mountains. Jester would infiltrate the weapons factory, disable any anti-aircraft defense then call in the flyboys for a little targeting practice. Then, before the dust settled, they were to be in the central spice mine to the north where Barzini’s true fortune lay.

The roar of the shuttle’s engines broke through the relative serenity of dusk as Kami reached the boarding ramp, acknowledging Hashi’s lopsided salute with a smile as he paused to wait for her.

“You look worried Kams,” Hashi dropped the cigarette he had been smoking to the floor, grounding it beneath his boot; “Smoking helps to calm the nerves you know.”

Kami examined the mass of swelling bruises and half healed abrasions on the Sergeants face before responding, “You should be soaking in a bacta tank somewhere.”

Hashi shrugged, “Ain’t no fun in that Kams. Besides, if your gut is serving you well I suspect you’ll need us all for this one.”

Kami sighed, “Fine. But keep the helmet on this time for the worst of it alright?”

Hashi bared his teeth in an imitation of a smile, “Whatever you say boss.”

Glancing down at her chrono, Kami strode into the interior of the shuttle, Hashi close on her heels. If things were going to go badly, the least they could do is get to their destination on time.
Platoon Sergeant Kami
Jester Squad

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  RE: Operation Slug Hunt (Jester)
October 22, 2007 10:23:13 PM    View the profile of Merrick 
Their drop zone was far enough from the factory that the Jesters had no idea what kind of resistance to expect at the factory. Intel had promised little opposition, mostly automated security devices due to the remote location of the factory, but after their spectacular arrival on the planet this morning Merrick doubted that would still be the case. When they met up with their local guide, he seemed uneasy, almost jumpy. Hi s common was poor but Merrick understood. He was of the same opinion, and evidently believed that going up to the factory now would be a really bad idea. Kami lost her patience and made it clear that she was not going to let him back out of his part of the deal, and they set off quietly towards to the top of the mountain.

Merrick had tried to persuade Kami to stay behind, and the medic had agreed, but Kami was too worried about the mission failing without her around. Most of the Jesters injured while taking the air base had come along too, arguing that they weren’t dead, so they still had a duty to do. After walking for some time in the dark, they reached the top of a ridge that gave them a view of their target. Their guide babbled something in his own language, pointing fervently at a couple of armoured vehicles either side of the entrance and before Kami could grab hold of him, he ran off along the ridge. A couple of shots from the direction of the factory were heard, and the guide ran no more. The Jesters all instinctively hit the ground, Hashi spitting out the cigarette that had been between his lips. “Great, so much for the surprise attack. They’re expecting us!” He stared at Merrick as she shrugged.

“That was to be expected, after we so spectacularly announced our arrival on the planet. He’d have to be a moron not to figure we’d come for this place. If we’re quiet and careful we can still get there, I don’t think they could see any of us until the idiot took off.”

Kami nodded and pointed. “There’s a fairly well covered path, as long as we crawl, that leads almost all the way around to the side of the compound. No sweat.”

Hashi shook his head and muttered, but followed Kami’s lead. About half way to the compound, Remluf declared his boredom with crawling and stood to run towards the factory. Evis quickly tackled him as the space he had just occupied received another couple of well placed shots.
Jester Squad
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  RE: Operation Slug Hunt (Jester)
October 25, 2007 11:21:55 PM    View the profile of Durandal 
"Merrick, take Durandal, go around to the left and pull their attention and we'll snipe them from here when your a sufficient distance away." said Kami, looking at Merrick and Durandal.

The thought was suicidal, but Durandal and Merrick both just nodded and started backtracking, crawling along the foliage on the bright day, then as they came to an end of constant protection, they started to dash from bit to bit of cover. Running between rocks and trees and hearing the bullets of the snipers whiz by.

Durandal paused and gave a small bit of covering fire, providing her the time she needed to cross a rather long stretch of open area. Durandal then took a deep breath and leaped into the open area, rolling over to make a harder target.

He heard another bullet go past his head and thanked the powers that be that it had missed, and just and he got back on his feet to take the last few steps he felt his head jerk as a bullet claimed the fin at the top of his helmet, tearing it right off.

Durandal yelled in fear and surprise, and put his back to the rock, gripping his carbine tightly. His vision was blurred and he couldn't hear or see anything. Merrick told tried to get his attention, but failed so she grabbed his shoulders and shook him, telling him to calm down.

He nodded, as his vision cleared, seeing the masked figure of Merrick before him he nodded again, "I'm good, I'm good... Thanks."

He pushed gently away from her and grabbed a smoke grenade, tossing it to the next area. He then wrapped around the boulder the other way and raised his carbine, taking aim on the snipers as they focused on the cloud of smoke, and shot off the quick shots, killing one sniper, and missing the other by inches. as he steadied for another shot, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his hand like a hammer crushing it, and he cursed in pain, pulling back behind the rock, and cradling his broken hand.

The prick had shot him, and the bullet was lodged in his hand, between the bones. His carbine fell to the floor as he took off his gauntlet.

The bulge of the bullet was enormous, and as he looked for Merrick, he saw her across the smoke, having taken his distraction as an opportunity to move up.

He cursed again and got to work on his hand, screaming as he tried to get the bullet out.

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  RE: Operation Slug Hunt (Jester)
October 27, 2007 5:28:07 AM    View the profile of Kami 
A male scream pierced the air. Kami clenched her jaw, silently praying that it had been a mercenary and not one of her own that had taken a hit. Resisting the urge to sprint in Merrick and Duran’s direction, she signaled and the rest of Jester began to silently glide forward through shoulder length bush.

Distracted enough by the fire display to the other side of the compound, the small squad of guards posted at the factory’s docking bay failed to notice Jester until they were amongst them. Kami lashed out with her knives, a clear signal to the rest of her squad that they were to dispatch these men with as little noise as possible. Her crew eagerly complied, pulling wicked looking vibroblades and daggers free of their sheaths before dragging the blades across bared throats. Remluf settled for casting himself upon the nearest rodian with a quiet war cry, pummeling the aliens face with his gauntleted hands.

“Merr?” Evis queried as Kami drove one of her elaborate Kuati crafted daggers into Remluf’s victim to cease his struggles. Straightening, she shook her head in response,

“They’ll meet up with us later. The anti air come first.”

Eviscares declined his helmeted head, before shouldering his rifle and sweeping across the corpses of the dead guards towards the small bolted door leading to the interior of the factory. The rest of Jester followed, Kami consulting her map once again as she trailed after Vasili. Instead of attempting to access the heavily guarded control center at the rear of the factory, Jester had opted instead for gaining access to the roof and physically disabling the four turrets that housed Barzini’s anti aircraft defense. With luck, the captain in charge of the factories defense wouldn’t release he was vulnerable before he attempted to retaliate against the TIE bombers that would be visiting him shortly.

Vasili abruptly halted, drawing Kami’s attention back to Eviscares. Her second in charge had paused at a large junction of three hallways, two of which curved off to either side of the one in which Jester was located. Kami sensed his question before he had a chance to speak,

“Split up. Three to a team. Hashi, Vasili, with Evis. Take the two western turrets.”

Eviscares nodded again, “Stay safe Kams.”

He spun on his heel, before he and the other named troopers disappeared from view. Kami turned to Remluf and Aeos, “Heads up. I’m not sure how long the mercs will be content to chase the others.”
Platoon Sergeant Kami
Jester Squad

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  RE: Operation Slug Hunt (Jester)
October 30, 2007 7:46:04 PM    View the profile of Durandal 
His vision flashed, red all over his bare hand, cradeled useless against him, the bullet lodged in his hand, memories of his past rushing through his mind. He grunted and pushed the bllet out, letting out another cry of pain, then wrapped the hand in gauze, to staunch the bleeding.

Durandal looked in his belt and wanted to kill himself, in one of the small pouches for the field medic lie a morphine pack. his hands shook and he prepared it and used his good hand to inject it in himself.

A quarter of a dose, enough to lighten the pain, but not make him silly. He hoped. He threw the needle away and leaned back against the rock.

He could see Merrick distracting the snipers look over to him, he nodded and gave her a thumbs up, he'll live.

He picked up his carbine with his left hand and peeked over the rock, and aimed very carefullly, as the sniper shot towards Merrick. He breathed in, to steady himself, and breathed out, firing as the last of his breath went out.

His shot was true and took out the last of the snipers. durandal but the Carbine on his back, and pulled out his pistol, holding it in his left hand.

With the snipers out he walked up to Merrick, and stood as she hailed Kami on the mic.

"Whats your situation?" came Kami from the other end. Merrick paused and responded, "One wounded, we're fine, the snipers are out Ma'am."

"We're taking out the AA batteries now Colonel, I need you and Durandal to take over the comms station, try to keep it intact, its vital to the success of the mission."

"We'll get it done Ma'am, over and out."

Merrick looked at Durandal's hand and he looked down and back up, shrugging, "It doesn't hurt," he said, a smile coming to his face.

I didn't wanna progress the story too far without the rest of the squad, but i wanted to keep things active, so i worked more on Merrick and my end, hope its okay.

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  RE: Operation Slug Hunt (Jester)
November 4, 2007 5:04:26 PM    View the profile of Eviscares 
Sorry for the downtime of mine. I had some real life to take care off.

Hashi, Vasilli and Evis strode of towards the first of their designated targets, crossing the distance in a little less than 5 minutes. At the base of the turret, right next to the door they halted for a moment. Evis grabbed a frag grenade from his belt and signaled the others to go ahead with a “breach, frag and clear” drill. Without any words said, as not to alert any personell inside Hashi sprayed explosive foam along the lines where wall and door met. They stepped back a meter and then Hashi detonated the explosive, sending the door flying inwards, Evis grenade following shortly after. The second explosion was their cue to go in and like one man they rushed into the tower, over the burned and twisted corpses of those who had been unfortunate enough to be on the ground floor.

Vasilli took point and ran up the spiral stairs leading to the turrets control room, Hashi followin two steps back and Evis covering their rear. Suddenly gunfire erupted from above him and as he turned around he saw Vasilli stumbling backwards out of the doorway and then collapsing right in front of Hashi. “Hashi, clear that damn room!”, he heard himself yell and as the older trooper stepped over his squadmates' body and hosing down the opposition. Evis himself knelt down and started assessing the wounds. Vasilli had taken several blasts to the chest but luckily only one had penetrated his armor. As fast as he could Evis pulled out a small injector with a strong analgesic and rammed it into Vasillis neck, his body relaxing instantly as the pain as well as his consciousness faded.

“Clear!”, yelled Hashi, and as Evis looked through the doorway he could see that his partner had already started placing the detonators. This gave himself the time to contact Kami. He beeped her twice over the Com, signalling that he had urgent matters to talk about.

“Yeah, what's it Evis?”, she answered instantly the external mic catching the sound of blasterfire and her heavy breathing.

“Bad news, Kami. Turret one is taken out, but we need a Medevac here. Vasilli took one to many to the chest.”, he told her reluctantly.

“DAMN! Ok, you stay where you are and watch him, I will see that the other  turret gets taken care of. As soon as it is brought down we will all get us an Evac.” she ordered.


“No but!”, Kami yelled at him.

Evis got back to his feet and turned towards Hashi who had been watching him questioningly. “So?”, he asked.

“Make yourself comfortable. We are to wait here until they can Evac us out.”

Hashi let out a bad tempered groan and started to defuse the detonators again, while Evis pulled Vasilli inside and closed the door.
Jester Squad
VE Smoker Association
Excitement abounds
I almost can't wait
Relax, I don't want your baby
I already ate

IronHorseSquad forever in my heart!

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  RE: Operation Slug Hunt (Jester)
November 5, 2007 10:19:50 PM    View the profile of Durandal 
Durandal and Merrick turned and ran between the rocks, down the death valley of what had been the snipers range and up to a squat building with no windows, and a large satalite on top, away from the compound.

"Five credits says THIS is the comm station Merrick." said Durandal, trying to brighten up the day, though they had both heard the news on the comms, Vass was down and needed an evac.

Merrick just shook her head and started to apply explosive foam to the door frame, when Durandal stopped her. "Ma'am, i know this sounds dumb, but we dont want to destroy the comm station on accident, so... lets knock?" And before Merrick could stop him Durandal lifted his boot, and kicked the door as hard as he could.

There was a loud scraping sound on the other side of the door and footsteps approaching. Merrick raised her rifle and Durandal his pistol, pointing it to the door.

As the door opened two technicians with raised rifles shot out, and Durandal and Merrick rolled to the side, dodging the fire barely, then Durandal turned and popped on of them in the head and Merrick unloaded in the other 's chest.

They both got up and scrambled for the door. They got in to find the two dead technicians and a large room full of equipment, including the high frequency broadcaster in the far corner.

They stepped up to it and Durandal closed the door. Merrick clicked the mic, and left a message for Kami,"Communications Secured, calling down an evac now."

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  RE: Operation Slug Hunt (Jester)
November 6, 2007 7:41:16 PM    View the profile of Kami 
“Communications secured, calling down an evac now.”

Kami acknowledged Merrick’s message with a double click of her comm., before sweeping her rifle around to drop another mercenary who ventured too far from the safety of the turret doorway. They were currently in the second of the anti-air turrets, and had been proceeding quite quickly until whoever in charge of the factory had figured out what they were doing.

“Aeos?” Kami shouted back over her shoulder, thumbing down her trigger again as another wave of mercenaries took the place of their fallen comrades.

“Nearly done!” She shouted back, frantically working on the last of the charges.

Sweating beneath her helmet, despite her armors internal temperature control, Kami gunned down another alien mercenary, moving from her position in the center of the room to a pillar that offered more cover. Remluf was in a similar position on her right, reloading his rifle with what was left of his ammo. They were in an awful situation, and every second spent pinned in place was another second in which the mercenary captain in charge had to attempt to disarm the charges already in place.

“Done,” Aeos was abruptly at Kami’s side, her rifle screaming to life along with her comrades. Ducking back to avoid a stream of lethal blaster fire, Kami made a snap decision,

“Leave the last turret. Get us out of here.”

Aeos and Remluf complied, the latter unhooking a frag grenade and sending it sailing through the doorway. There was a flash of bright light, followed by the screams of the mercenaries as they disappeared in a rush of flame. Aeos moved forward and out of the doorway, cutting down a duo of unscathed mercenaries still stunned from the blast.

Kami activated her comm., “We’re enroute to your position Evis. Merrick, lock that place down and meet us there.”

Barely hearing the answering clicks, Kami followed Aeos as she moved down the spiraling staircase back to the upper floor of the weapons factory. Jester was in a shit storm, and Kami’s frustration about her inability to handle the situation was building. If they pulled back, they risked Barzini and his men regrouping and VE casualties as the result of taking on a well prepared foe at a later time. If they pushed on to the mines as per the mission guidelines, Jester was at it alone in a firestorm that was already so effectively cutting down their numbers.

“Goddamit,” Kami growled beneath her breath as another squad of mercenaries came into view. Reluctantly, she sealed her squad’s commitment to the mission, mentally choosing to push on to the mines. Reloading her rifle, Kami lined up the first of the squad in her sights and got to work venting her frustration.
Platoon Sergeant Kami
Jester Squad

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  RE: Operation Slug Hunt (Jester)
November 9, 2007 6:03:23 AM    View the profile of Merrick 
I didn't proof read it, so you will just have to live with any errors I've made. Let's get on with phase 3!

Merrick clenched her teeth. She had been unsure of the navy boy, but had let him come, and now he might be dead. Someone had vastly underestimated the defences they would face, and now the entire mission was at stake. Almost every member of the squad had been injured and they still had a vital job ahead of them. With one of the AA guns still intact, the factory might survive the onslaught from the air. At this point, that was a risk they had to take.

Durandal and Merrick beat Kami and the rest of the squad to where Vasili and the others were holed up. By the time they’d disposed of the last guards and mercenaries attempting to get at the stranded Jesters, Kami had arrived. Hauling Vasili back out onto the roof, they awaited the arrival of the medivac, Vasili blissfully oblivious to it all in his drug-induced slumber.


Watching with a grim smile as the weapons factory burned, Merrick backed onto the shuttle that would ferry them to the next objective. One of the larger spice mines that kept the Hutt scum in such comfort. This time the plan would be simple. Most of the workers were underpaid, if paid at all, and addicted to the very stuff they were extracting from the earth. If they could eliminate those who kept them at their work, the labourers should run for their lives. They’d be tracked down and killed later, by their employer, for leaving their post. Assuming any of Barzini’s people survived that long. If she had much to do with it, Merrick was confident that they wouldn’t.

Kami sat apart from the rest of the squad. Her helmet lay on the floor, a medic rewrapping the bandage around her head. She was interrogating him about Decem’s condition when Merrick sat beside her. “How’s he meant to know that Kami? The navy boy’s on another shuttle.”

Kami looked up at her and shrugged, waving the medic off as he enquired about being any further assistance. He’d already tended Durandal’s wound, stating it should barely even affect his accuracy with a rifle. Evis had held Durandal back from tearing the medic’s head off at that point. Kami sighed. “I don’t know if we should head straight on to the mines Colonel, but that’s what we’re doing. You think things will be easier there?”

Merrick chuckled humourlessly. “I don’t expect so. They’ve obviously had some warning, and figured we wouldn’t leave it at the air base and a pile of dead mercenaries. If we’re lucky this time we can be quiet enough as to avoid an all out confrontation. We sure as hell don’t have enough people left to do that again.”
Kami frowned and nodded. “So, what’s the brilliant plan?” Merrick told Kami her idea and Kami brightened slightly. “That could really work, I must be tired or I’d have thought of that myself.”


Remluf was complaining about having to sneak around again when they came across the hidden entrance to the spice mines. Evis silenced him with a kick to the backside and stepped up to take a look at the defences. He whistled quietly and Merrick cursed to herself, knowing that it meant they were in for some interesting times. They’d skirted the main entrance in the hope they’d be able to find this side tunnel, or another like it, but it still had a reasonable guard posted. Hashi begged Kami to let him lob a grenade at the entrance and cause a cave in, but they knew that the mine was far too extensive for this to stop the entire operation. Not long after they’d taken up observation positions in the surrounding scrub, one of the workers wandered out of sight of the guards. When 3 of the 4 men came to collect the dishevelled man, Jester had them disposed of before they knew what had hit them. The last went down almost simultaneously as the result of a single blaster bolt.


The workers fled in terror out of the entrance Jester had used to get into the mine as soon as the fire fight with the guards on the front entrance started. Even some of those directing the workers fled. ‘Well’ thought Merrick ‘finally some luck in our day’. Most of this squad were poorly trained locals, usually confident in the fact that holding a gun meant the workers obeyed their orders. Their leader and another two were mercenaries, and seeing their deaths so terrified the inexperienced guardsmen that they were easy targets in the end. Kami now gave Hashi her blessing to blow the entire mine sky high, and he trotted off happily to obey. The rest of Jester covered the exits until Hashi’s return, and his cry of “fire in the hole” forced them to seek cover from the blast. There was no sign of the workers who had fled the mine, and Merrick smiled. ‘I love it when a plan comes together like that.’


The sun had just begun to rise again as they touched down back on their original bloody battlefield, their now base of operations, the airbase. Kami ordered Jester to get some rest before they moved on to the next objective. Hashi groaned and commented that they’d already done the hard part, and Jester should leave some work for the regulars to do. Aeos laughed and Remluf agreed loudly before returning to inspecting his beard, apparently searching for life.

Merrick ditched her gear in the area Jester had been assigned for sleep and made her way to the hangar that was being used as an infirmary. She didn’t have to say a word to the medic on duty; she recognised her and led her straight to the cot upon which Decembrist lay. He looked bad, but was obviously alive. His armour lay in a pile in a corner, with his rifle and other gear stacked on top. Merrick shook her head, cursed at him and went to inspect his armour. A number of blaster rounds had hit the chest piece. She shook her head, wondering why the hell he’d barged into a room full of armed men thinking he was invincible. She turned, the armour still in her hands, and was stopped by Kami. “Well, they say he will live.”

Merrick nodded. “Lucky bastard, these should’ve killed him.” She indicated the holes burnt into the plate.
Kami nodded her agreement. “Colonel, promise me you won’t bite his head off the second he wakes up. I think the kid got enough of an ass kicking today.”

Scratching her head, Merrick threw the piece of armour back towards the wall. “Maybe not the second, but possibly the same day.” Kami’s stern look made her laugh despite herself. “All right, all right. You’re the squad leader here, I’ll let you do it.”
Laughing and shaking her head, Kami turned to leave. “Thanks, I think. Get some rest Merrick, we have a long way to go yet.” Merrick glanced down at Decem once more as she left. She met Aeos on the way to make sure her friend wasn’t dead, and filled her in on his condition before ordering the woman to get some sleep. She tried to argue and go to visit him anyway, but when Merrick started to drag her back to their quarters, she gave up and returned to her bunk.
Jester Squad
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  RE: Operation Slug Hunt (Jester)
November 13, 2007 5:20:48 PM    View the profile of Kami 
“You should be sleeping.”

Kami didn’t bother to glance up from the datapad in her hand, “So should you.”

Eviscares let out a soft snort, dropping down into a crouch opposite his squad leader where she was seated amongst a pile of spare machinery parts at the rear of the hanger, “We can sleep when we’re dead I suppose.”

Kami smiled, “I’ve always liked that saying.”

Eviscares laughed, the sound echoing strangely in the empty hangar. He regarded her a moment in the faint light provided by a makeshift lamp nearby, his expression becoming somber, “They found Barzini?”

“He’s holed up on the other end of the planet,” Kami passed the datapad to her second in command, “Lovely digs. Quite secure. Doubt he expects us to pop in for a visit with the amount of wall between him and his slimy hide.”

“So when do we leave,” Eviscares queried, still scrolling through the structure information provided by intelligence.

“Tomorrow night,” Kami came to her feet, running a hand through her mussed hair to push it from her eyes, “Skorzeny and his boys are going to hit the remaining spice mines. While Barzini stresses about his fortune we pop in for our play date.”

Eviscares grinned, “We have an entry point?”

“Service tunnel,” Kami answered, extending a hand to Evis, “One of the Peshargas was a slave there before he broke free of his drug induced daze and got the hell out of there. There’s a whole series of tunnels throughout the complex that the staff use to ferry goods in and out.”

Eviscares took the proffered hand, then handed Kami’s datapad back over, “I take it the guards would know those tunnels as well as the servants do.”

Kami nodded, “Hence why we get to dress up and play servant.”

Her ASL had the good grace not to groan, “Great…I’m all for playing a spaced out druggie peon.”

Kami laughed, “With all the practical experience I’m offering you, you just might have an acting career once you leave the army.”

Eviscares smiled and shook his head, “Not enough excitement for my liking Kams, even with the women.”

“Everything alright here?”

The two Jesters halted mid stride as a duo of stormtroopers appeared at the entrance to the hangar, one fingering his rifle nervously.

“At ease boys,” Kami turned to Evis, “A drink then bed?”

He nodded, “Deal.”
Platoon Sergeant Kami
Jester Squad

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  RE: Operation Slug Hunt (Jester)
November 17, 2007 7:12:45 AM    View the profile of Merrick 
Judging by the reports that had been coming in, Barzini should now be well and truly feeling the effects of the attack on his major operations. Until the fall of the weapons factory, he obviously hadn’t considered that the Empire’s attack would cost him so much, or be so successful. He’d soon after begun to see the threat to himself, and moved to a more secure location. Merrick felt no joy at that news, even if it did mean he was running from them. They’d still be on his turf, and he apparently had a very deep pocket for mercenary hire.

Sleeping little as usual, Merrick left the rest of Jester to catch up on the sleep they’d missed and saw to her gear. Every piece of weaponry and all of her armour needed a good clean and it’d keep her from going nuts from being stuck in such close quarters with a huge bunch of regulars. Considering how weary and edgy she was, she didn’t trust herself not to get into a fight when asked for the millionth time how she had made XO, or how she had talked the Prefect into letting her out of her cage for this mission.

Kami tracked her down an hour before they were to be briefed on the final phase of their mission. Merrick had found herself a comfy little supply room that was only half as full of boxes as it looked, and managed to avoid contact with anyone all day. Kami sat on one of the boxes and watched Merrick finish sharpening and cleaning her axe. “I was wondering where you had got to. You didn’t spend all day in here did you?” She laughed as Merrick nodded, then continued. “Sleep much?”
Merrick put down her axe. “Sleep? That doesn’t happen on missions. There’s far too much to be done, especially for those of us who have to write the reports and plan the attacks. How about you?”
Kami shrugged. “Enough to keep me sane...” Merrick raised an eyebrow. “Well, at least, keep me from getting any crazier. Half the others were still out to it by lunch time.”
“Good, they’ll make fewer mistakes if they’re well rested. I take it we won’t be requiring our armour?” Merrick indicated the clothes Kami currently wore.
Kami smiled. “It’s always business with you. Let’s get to the briefing, and you’ll find out the details of why.”
Merrick groaned exaggeratedly. “I have a feeling that I already suspect why, and I don’t think I like it. My rifles and axe aren’t exactly easy to hide under peasant clothes. Maybe I should’ve got myself injured too, then I could be home already.”
Kami patted her shoulder, but held her other hand up to hide a grin. “Speaking of which, Vasili refused to be moved onto the Vehemence, he’s still in the infirmary down here. Thinks he can do some good from his cot. At the very least, it shows loyalty to his new squad.”
Merrick snorted. “I should think so, we risked the mission to save his stupid ass. I’m sure I could get him to go though, you just need to let me tell him exactly what I think of his actions thus far.”
Kami shook her head swiftly. “We don’t want the kid dying of fright just yet Colonel. We may have a use for him yet, if he recovers fully.”

As they entered the makeshift briefing room, Jester squad looked from Merrick to Kami and then to Vasili, seated in the front row. His torso was still bare of a shirt, but swathed in bandages. Kami muttered to herself, then said quietly to Merrick, “I guess that answers that question” before heading to the front of the room to start the briefing. She shook her head as Merrick took the seat behind Vasilli. Merrick tried to look innocent, saying nothing to the former pilot. He avoided looking at anyone in the room but Kami, even ignoring Aeos who sat beside him looking concerned. Clearly she and the medics had tired of arguing with him about his fitness to be out of bed.


As Merrick had suspected, Jester squad were to enter the fortified hideout of Barzini and, reportedly, some of this high ranking people, under cover as servants to the slug. She’d done it before, over 6 months, with an excellent outcome but still hated the idea. It would take only one nervous trooper to get them all shot, and most of them would be unable to take their preferred weapons along. Still, if it worked they were just a few dead aliens away from heading home. Provided that none of the Jesters were among those killed, it’d be a good night’s work.
Jester Squad
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  RE: Operation Slug Hunt (Jester)
November 23, 2007 12:35:07 AM    View the profile of Kami 
Kami cornered Vasili as he made to limp free of the briefing room, standing between the former pilot and the freedom offered by the doorway. “I hope you’re headed back to the infirmary,” She stated bluntly, arching one of her eyebrows at the disgruntled expression that abruptly flittered over his face.

“I was going to get my rifle actually,” He informed her flatly, his eyes darting away from hers, “I owe the squad that much.”

Kami shifted her weight to her left foot, swaying enough in place to prevent the private from ducking around her, “You’re heading back to the infirmary. If I see you on the shuttle I will personally drag you back to bed.” She paused until Vasili glanced back at her, “Understand?”

The private’s jaw visibly clenched, “Yes.”

Standing back, Kami watched his hobbling form as he quickly moved past his squad leader and down the hallway. Merrick appeared at her shoulder, following her gaze, “He’s a stubborn one.”

“No kidding,” Kami turned to the Colonel, “You ready to meet Barzini?”

An eerie smile stretched across Merrick’s face as she flicked open her robes to reveal her axe, cleverly concealed beneath the layers of material, “More than ready.”

*        *        *        *        *        *

An hour later Jester was standing under the meager cover provided by a few straggling trees, watching the shuttle that had borne them rotate to head back to base. All were clad in a mottled assortment of grey and brown, the common garment of Barzini’s house slaves. All smelt significantly bad, having ensured that they carried the scent and dust associated with the nearby mines and the enclosed spice. The Peshargas had assured intelligence during their debriefing that most of the house slaves worked shifts underground as well as within the palace, so to appear clean was a clear giveaway of their true identities.

Shaking her head to clear her vision of some of the off gray dust streaked through her hair, Kami consulted the surrounding landscape before pointing to a steep trail that lead towards a rocky mountain range some distance away, “That way. It will take us until nightfall but we’ll get to the palace soon enough.”

“And once we’re there?” Durandal asked, his expression wary, “Just play it by ear?”

Kami bobbed her head, sending another wave of dust skywards, “We might have to split up to get in. Once inside, make your way to the throne room and we’ll act.”

Durandal straightened slightly, “Yes m’am.” He recoiled as Merrick cast a rock at him from where she was seated, “What... that nearly hit me!”

“Get into character,” The Colonel growled in response, “You’re a slave and an addict with no future, so don’t you dare try to salute.”

Duran nodded, allowing his posture to slump significantly. Meanwhile Remluf had crept up to his side, his eyes incredibly wide, his mouth slack and tongue lolling, “Like this Durandal.” He threw a glazed look at Kami, “Right?”

“Er…right,” Kami answered, clasping him briefly on the shoulder, “Lets get moving.”

Remluf nodded, and turned, mouth still flapping to head in the designated direction. The rest of the squad exchanged amused glances and followed, Kami at their heels.
Platoon Sergeant Kami
Jester Squad

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  RE: Operation Slug Hunt (Jester)
November 25, 2007 6:39:57 AM    View the profile of Aeos 
Aeos has kept to herself for the most part after the mission. Vasili’s attempt to save her, yet injuring himself clashed horribly with one another. This was a selfish thought that maundered through her traitorous mind.  Why in the seven hells of Sith did she agreed to return to the Army!  She was done with it. She promised herself that when she left it.
Finish, finito en klaar!  she thought  as she tried to straighten her newly acquired wardrobe of brown and grey. As Merrick’s rock connected with Durandal’s frame, followed afterwards with a scolding of maintaining improper etiquette about postures, she allowed herself a slight slump as well, resulting in a battle with implanted instinctive installed by her mother’s strict hand.

Slowly the clock of the night crept by across the sky, the stars were replaced each hour with new constellations, many names slipping her mind, and she was not familiar with this star system. In the North, rays of orange and pink dyed the clouded air as an addicting light crept about.  Aeos paced her jog slightly to catch-up with Kami. They have just reached a look-out point.
“Are we on schedule?” she asked in a controlled whisper to the jet-black haired woman.  The latter nodded as she gestured with her fingers, pointing in the direction of a building that became more distinct with each closing step. Were it not for the circumstances of the situation, Aeos would have paused in her steps to marvel at it. The palace was tucked away in a valley nestling itself between two huge mountains, a small stream trickled gently at side of the palace. 
Behind the house, at the peak of where the valley ended, was another look-out point from where more landscapes of desert and mountains rested.
The calming silence of dawn was broken by a snapping twig.
“Rem, keep to yourself,”
“But, it isn’t me, one of the guys at the back…” Remluf spun around, about to his piece of mind to the soul who tempered with Merrick, when his face met with the barrel of a blast-gun.
“Uh oh…”
Remluf’s voice alerted the rest of the squad, who all spun around. Several men sneering in malicious grins at them as they patted their carbines, warning them…
A man what Aeos assumed was the leader of their newly founded captors spoke up.
“Got ya sooner than expected hmh? Barzini would be most pleased at this. He doesn’t take lightly to slaves, who tries to forsake their duties, though you lot don’t seem that familiar to me. Fresh batch prolly,” He jerked his head to the side, motioning to his men to take action. In the blink of an eye, the whole squad was secured, tied and trotting along a new path moving away from the palace. Confused, Aeos frowned, but her questioning mind was soon put at ease as wagon was revealed around the next corner.
Like sheep, they were herded in the small doorway of the primitive vehicle before two unknown specimen at front started the trek.
Jester Squad

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  RE: Operation Slug Hunt (Jester)
November 26, 2007 5:31:48 AM    View the profile of Aeos 
“Evi….that was my foot,” Aeos winced as the latter removed his feet from her toes. The wagon was awfully cramped making movement and breathing difficult.
“Sorry bout that there Ae,”
“No problem,” she muttered a small wave of claustrophobia attacked her. Clenching her jaws and gritting her teeth Aeos huddled to herself shutting off momentarily. It’s been a few hours of hard riding, but she suspected it would be soon till they reached the palace. A small shudder passed through her at the thought of arriving there. According to their captors they made an attempt to escape the Palace, and slaves who tried to escape usually received an extremely delightful session of flogging.

“This will be charming,”
“Indeed,” muttered Kami. She was resting the back of her head against the poles of the wooden bars. Everyone now and again they would pass an extremely bumpy part of the road earning a few extra swollen bumps and bruises to everyone. .
“Right guys, I get a feeling we’ll be split up, so here’s what I suggest,” Eviscares leaned in towards the inner circle of the chaotic midst.
“I think we need to settle, just blend along with the household, I think we it’s safe to say that we should make our way to the throne room at dawn, and then we unleash Merrick to castrate the bugger,”
A few chuckles were followed by Eviscares’ comment as everyone returned back to their normal positions. They arrived weary and tired at the palace at nightfall, but no rest would be given to them as soon as the all the Jester males were dragged off.
“You bunch should already know what happens when you defy Lord Barzini, you three, your turns will come in aa few minutes.” muttered the guard who kept watch over Kami, Merrick and Aeos as they were left alone of the wagon momentarily. They stood somewhere at the back of the palace, in the entrance into the kitchen halls.
The females ignored the guard as a silent conversation took place between them. They were three highly trained Imperial Troopers left alone with a rogue local who received his job only because of quantity in size, and lack in brain. The faint sounds of a cracking whip made its way to their ears riding on the currents of a small wind that started to pick up.
It only took a few moments where Kami and Aeos made a successful attempt to distract the poor bloke while Merrick delivered a critical hit to the back of his head with her axe. A nice clean cleave through his neck insured no mistakes on their behalf, and the three female started dragging his sluggish body towards the shrubbery. With his body out of sight, Merrick kicked what was left of his mutilated head af towards the shrubbery as well.
“Right, we are now left with blaster pistol, and a  dagger, take your pick Kami,”
Kami grinned as her hand reached out for the dagger instinctively while Aeos made a grab for the pistol.
“Right, let’s get out of sight, and see if the boys need some rescuing,” muttered Kami as she sheathed the dagger into the back of clothes.
Jester Squad

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  RE: Operation Slug Hunt (Jester)
November 27, 2007 4:34:02 AM    View the profile of Merrick 
I did intend for it to be longer, but just couldn't get any more done. If no one else posts I'll add to it later.

Merrick stretched and rubbed her neck as they set off in search of the rest of the squad. She’d had a nap on the way and hadn’t been able to get very comfortable. Well they had managed to get into the palace without any resistance, and they were probably closer to Barzini now than if they’d come in through the tunnels as planned. She just hoped that their contacts hadn’t lost their nerve when the Jesters didn’t show up at the agreed time. Silently, she thanked whatever powers had sent Barzini such moronic guards. She’d almost been prepared to risk attacking the men who’d discovered them, thinking they had seen through the slave disguises. Now, with luck, some of the household guard would be sent out to look for the escaped slaves.


The rest of Jester was in sight, being bustled down a hallway in the lower floors of the palace. When they reached a secluded spot, Merrick and Kami snuck up to take out the guards. The slave driver with the whip pulled it back to lash Hashi, but Merrick grabbed it as it streaked past her. He turned to look at them, smirking at first, until he noticed their weapons. Kami had already disposed of one guard by the time Merrick’s axe silenced the whip wielder, Aeos holding the third man silently at the point of her blaster. Kami finished the last man as Merrick cut the hand bindings on the male Jesters, pushing Remluf away with a glare as he hugged her for freeing him. Kami stifled a laugh and with unspoken agreement the whole squad headed back up to the floor that should contain the Hutt’s “throne” room. Most of them had brought weapons concealed in their clothes, but they'd also picked some up from the guards they'd killed and Merrick now carried the taskmaster's whip in addition to her axe. She grinned as Kami shook her head in mock disapproval, and followed the squad up the stairs.
Jester Squad
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  RE: Operation Slug Hunt (Jester)
November 27, 2007 6:46:56 PM    View the profile of Remluf 
Remluf let out a small sigh as he let his mind wander to happier places.  He had an old fashioned photo album back at the base where he collected close up pictures of every species' female nipples (for those that had them) in the galaxy.  Remluf was very proud to say that, in just a glance, he could accurately tell what species a woman was just from their nipple, as well as their general health and sexual prowess.

But that was useless here.  There were no nipples to examine, unless Merrick, Aeos or Kami would be kind enough to show him theirs, which Remluf doubted.  No, instead of nipples he gets whips and blaster fire. 

"Did you know that a Twi'lek's areola is on average twice the circumference of a human nipple?" Remluf said to no one in particular.  Hashi turned and gave what Remluf could only imagine was a blank stare.

Remluf let out another sigh as he daydreamed of greener pastures.
Jester Squad

This post was brought to you by Mr. Pickles Fun Time Abortion Clinics.  We'll bring out the kid in you!
[This message has been edited by Remluf (edited November 27, 2007 7:37:20 PM)]
[This message has been edited by Remluf (edited November 28, 2007 12:41:12 AM)]
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  RE: Operation Slug Hunt (Jester)
November 28, 2007 7:49:54 PM    View the profile of Decembrist 
The Vasili Interlude

Played to perfection. The oldest trick in the book. Kami was a sucker falling for it like that. Vasili smirked at the memory of his Leader's face when he told her he wanted to fight. Wanted to fight. This woman certainly hadn't read up that much on him. He had nothing but praise for his act; an act he had practiced over and over to get out of work. Even his fake limp was pristine. Vasili was the master. Because honestly, who would rather fight over sitting around and drinking?

“Ha ha...”

The offer that Kami made to “personally drag him to bed” was very tempting, but Vasili had business of a different sort to attend to.

The first order: get rid of the crutches. A ceremonial burning would do: a sacrifice to the good fortune of slackers everywhere. The fire reflected in Vasili's unprotected eyes and he remembered that he needed new glasses. He was gonna go steal some beer anyways, a pair of shades wouldn't be too much harder to nab. Off he went to find some.

The second order: get drunk. The Army found it necessary to put a “don't sell alcohol to Vasili” law in effect when said man entered said Army. This posed little problem. Accords with friendlies supplied him enough when he was able to escape the overly watchful eye of Garet and the Squad.

“Look what we have here...” Vasili mumbled to himself as he spotted an injured trooper holding a flask. He wasn't far from the infirmary and injured soldiers do love their liquor. Vasili loves his liquor too, and he doesn't always need an inside man to get what he wants. “Excuse me...” The man with the flask looked up. Vasili swiped the bottle and jumped away, the injured soldier yelling after him but unable to put forth the energy to give chase. Two more soldiers nearby, there attention piqued, were holding flasks as well. Vasili sprinted by and grabbed the containers. There can never be enough free alcohol.

The third order: get sleep. Stealing beer from cripples is fun and all, but drinking is no fun if you're not lazy. Finding a dark spot, Vasili grabbed a seat and downed the warm liquid found inside the flasks. He groaned at a day well done (all four hours of it) and lay out to sleep.

Just scraping off the rust. These post things will get better.
PO2/FM Vasili "Decembrist" Rustam/RESERVES/STCR Doashim/Defensive Fleet/VEN/VE
[SoA] [SoV] [CBV] (=*A*=)
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  RE: Operation Slug Hunt (Jester)
November 28, 2007 11:37:38 PM    View the profile of Durandal 
Sighing, Durandal walked up the stairs, holding out his pistol, he had taken rear guard, he didn't like the position too much but someone had to take it, and Merrick seemed a little eager to lead the way.

He looked back to make sure their six was okay when he bumped into Hashi, swearing under his breath. He looked ahead to see Merrick and Kami conversing, he had no idea what they were saying, since they were too far away and the voices were too low. Probably deciding which way to go as they had came to an intersection.

Suddenly Merrick started to the right, up a long case of stairs and the team slowly followed. making their way around the palace. Kami suddenly tapped Merrick's arm to stop her and the other members stopped behind them, and she motioned them to conceal their weapons.

They did so, and they slowly in ones and twos made their way into the main chamber, skulking in the shadows.

There was music blaring and strange creatures hanging about, not to mention the large amounts of strange smelling food and rather exotic dancers running about.

The room was hectic, but compared to how it would be a few minutes from now, when Jester struck, this was the calm before the storm.

i'm really sorry Kami, i've been out of town since the 27th, i just got back in for a day and rushed on here, i know i missed a bit and ints been a while but i hope ya forgive me, i know this isn't the longest but i hope it will suffice for the moment, the only time off i know of this month is from the 19 to the ...3? of January, other than that, everything else will be a surprise, but i hope to get as much time as i can in to help finish this up and also participate in the HSC.

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  RE: Operation Slug Hunt (Jester)
November 29, 2007 5:15:39 PM    View the profile of Kami 
Jester managed to stay together for about three seconds.

The press of bodies in the main chamber was astounding. There were humanoids everywhere, lurking in every crevasse beneath the giant marble columns of Barzini's throne room. A huge expanse of gleaming stone floor was the only clear space visible to Kami's eye, located as it was at the base of an elaborately decorated platform that could only belong to the head honcho himself. Music emitted from the very rear of the chamber, where a shackled Bith musician swayed tiredly on his feet to the catcalls of a meager audience of mercenaries and palace guards.

"Out of the way slave!"

Kami barely managed to dodge the sideswipe from a passing whipid, who unceremoniously barreled his way through her squad to come back the way they had come. Straightening, Kami made to step back towards the throng only to have a large hand clamp down on her shoulder.

"Slave, drinks!" A human palace guard roared in her face, seemingly unaware that her stolen knife had automatically come to fore and was pressed against his lower body. Forcing her heartbeat to still, Kami slide her hand back beneath her robes and dropped her eyes in a submissive gesture before replying,

"Of course."

She took off in a shuffling walk towards where the guard propelled her, not allowing herself the privilege of glancing back to see where the rest of Jester had disappeared too. Ahead, some of the patrons of the chamber had risen to their feet and were now craning their necks towards the gold lined dais. Kami halted at a small bar, ducking behind the meager protection offered by the structure to where another slave was standing, arms full of drinks. He saw her and let out an exasperated sigh, "It's about time they sent me some help! Barzini's on his way and he likes his guests to be attended too. Here, help me with this."

Moments later, drinks precariously balanced up both arms, Kami ducked back into the crowd and started making her way slowly towards the the front of the crowd, hoping to catch sight of Barzini if he had indeed arrived. Ignoring the majority of drunken patrons who attempted to bar her way, Kami cast drinks into their clutching fingers and continued forward, her face appropriately turned towards the floor so as to not distract any undue attention.

"Bout time he bothered to show himself," A bothan grumbled to Kami's left as she reached the edge of the stone pathway, her drinks tray almost empty. The furry alien cast a single glance in Kami's direction, snatched an ale from her and turned back to his richly dressed companion. Kami barely noticed, entranced as she was by the sight of Barzini as he slithered into place at the head of the room.

He was huge, double the size of any Hutt that Kami had seen, his hide the dark greenish gray of a member of his species who had lived out many cutthroat years. Drool slithered in a constant stream out of the slug's giant mouth, weaving its way down his fat layered body to drip on the jeweled cushions beneath his mass. Resisting the urge to curl her lip in disgust, Kami backed away from the edge of the floor, silently contemplating how she and the others would reach him in his current location. Clutching the drinks tray protectively to her chest, she started to make her way back to the bar, intending to place the others before making her next move.
Platoon Sergeant Kami
Jester Squad

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  RE: Operation Slug Hunt (Jester)
December 5, 2007 10:24:12 PM    View the profile of Aeos 
Aeos desperately tried to stay with whoever as a team, but it seemed that destiny was planning another sick plot as she felt two hands clamping on her hips and pulling her back till she fell on something hard. Whether she was serving the Empire, or just being a slave; right now instinct was kicking in against the overwhelming testosterone attacking her. Nails clawed at the fleshy hands still smelling like the cigars it just held and a hot breath fuming with alcohol pressed against her ears. 

As she struggled against the strong grip an opportunity presented itself and Aeos jammed her elbow down in between the legs of her captor> With a groan he forgot about her momentarily as he focuses his attention between his legs. Aeos slipped away quietly and took a stance behind the first pillar she could spot. The cold marble against her cheek was soothing and calming till an arm roughly jerked her back in reality.

“Get ya head back on the job kid! Lord Barzini’s guests need refreshments!”

Zafo glared at her with gritting teeth as he dragged her most forcibly across the room. His hand was around her neck, squeezing it painfully, while he held her arm behind her back. Nothing seemed suspicious or out of place.

“Kams is gonna knock out the lights, grab a tray and station yourself on his left by seven paces,”
She felt his hand slamming against the back of her spine sending her sprawling across the floor earning rowdy laughter from around.
You are so dead Zafo,

“Give this girl a job,” Zafo sneered at the barman while collecting another round of drinks.
Gotto give it to him, he does it good, she thought as she picked herself up from the floor.

She got the tray filled up pretty quickly and within minutes she was in place. Right across her Zafo winked at her as he did his rounds while trying to rotate in the same spot as Barzini’s laughter vibrated through stony floor into her being. A disgusting a vile creature.
Suddenly it went pitch black dark and all noise dissipated along with the lights.

And then all chaos broke loose.
Jester Squad

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  RE: Operation Slug Hunt (Jester)
December 10, 2007 1:21:41 AM    View the profile of Merrick 
Merrick had escaped from the party for long enough to strip down to her shadowsuit. As soon as Kami killed the lights, Merrick snuck up to the podium and positioned herself close to the hideous bulk that was Barzini. His personal guards had leapt to his side as soon as darkness had fallen, but they were all well on their way to being drunk and were having a very difficult time seeing anything in the gloom. Aeos and the other members of the squad who had clustered close to the podium took the opportunity to drag them down and dispose of them. None of them was able to retaliate in their drunken and blind stupor. Mere minutes after the lights had gone out, before the slaves had been able to get any other sources of light going, Merrick was on Barzini and hacking off his horrible stinking head. His roars of rage and pain were terrible but short-lived. By the time someone got the lights back on, Merrick was crouched on the podium in an expanding puddle of the Hutt’s blood. Swearing to herself, she leapt off the podium and ran for the exit. Only the Hutt’s personal guards had been killed, and as those by the door slowly regained their dazzled vision they realised that their master had been slain. The other Jesters slipped back in amongst the slaves and out of the throne room silently as half of the mercenaries formerly employed by Barzini followed Merrick.

She stopped herself thinking about what had happened to Kami to allow someone to fix the lights before Jester had escaped, and concentrated on losing the men chasing her. She heard them laugh and joke about her being trapped as she led them down into the dungeons, slipping past them to retrace her steps back to the ground floor. More awaited her there and in full light her shadowsuit offered little assistance or protection. ’Wearing armour all the time has made me too casual about getting shot at!’ she muttered to herself as she fled down another corridor. She smiled as she saw the other Jesters at the end of the hall, stole and smuggled weapons still hidden beneath their robes. The mercenaries called to the ‘slaves’ to stop Merrick’s escape. Not one of them managed to raise their weapons before being shot or cut down, realising too late that these were not slaves. Merrick nodded to Kami who then led the way to one of the palace’s many exits. Once they reached a safe distance, they’d radio for transport out and make their way back to the captured airbase. As they retreated to the safety of the surrounding wilderness, Merrick saw what looked like the entire house hold’s slave labour force fleeing in their wake. Apparently the mercenaries had decided that, since their boss was dead, it wasn’t their problem. Making a mental note to interrogate Kami about what had happened later, she took her place at the rear of the squad and ran with them towards the rendezvous point.
Jester Squad
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  RE: Operation Slug Hunt (Jester)
December 11, 2007 6:11:25 AM    View the profile of Aeos 
Aeos chose to ignore scraping of the burgundy thorns that grew on the branches of the few trees they were currently attacking with speed in attempt to reach the rendezvous without being killed.
“Guys, move it faster,” Kami called out in lead with Merrick. A blaster bolt whizzed across their head before slamming into a tree up front leaving an ugly scorch mark on the bark.
“What the? I thought the guys turned around!” Zafo cried at the unexpected attack.
“It must be some of the few loyal friends, I suppose,” Merrick called out, not bothering to look behind her again.
Aeos couldn’t help it as her gaze lingered on the blackened wood. Her thoughts quickly turned more instinctive as more of the blaster bolts whizzed above, and in between them. One caught Durandal grazed across his thigh earning a cry from the man as he slumped down. The sheer pain was overwhelming at experiencing the hit from a blaster bolt with no protection.

“Guys, grab him, keep moving!”
Zafo and Eviscares caught the man by his arms and together they dodged in and out of the trees.

Many hours later, and the Jesters sat in small circle around each other. Their sheer fitness outran whatever was left out Barzini’s loyal people who got quickly tired, most probably not very used to the concept of running. A short rest was what all the Jesters required currently.  Zafo was talking with Durandal animatedly in a hushed tone as he wrapped his leg in a bandage. A tourniquet was placed above the wound, since they haven’t clean the wound yet meaning Durandal was prone to an infection.
Outside their little circle Aeos was able to make the outline silhouettes of Kami and Merrick talking privately. From what Aeos could remember earlier, Merrick wasn’t too impressed with the Squad Leader.
Shrugging it off Aeos hugged her legs to gather some warmth through the flimsy fabric of the clothes she wore.
It wasn’t too long before they were on the road again, and within a few hours they have managed to place a considerable amount of distance between them and the palace.  Pretty soon, thei waited at their rendezvous.
“Ah, perfect timing, “Merrick muttered as the shuttle that dropped them earlier appeared on the horizon. In just a few minutes of waiting, this mission would be officially over and done. Warm showers, and a hot meal awaited them back at the base. Or so Aeos hoped as she stepped back to give the shuttle some landing space. At least she could don herself in some decent clothing. They quickly clambered on board and within a flash they were airborne again.
Vasili woke with a hard whack to the side of his head. He pried his eyes open with his fingers to glance at the source of the whack. Two shadows added more darkness to the corner in which he was hiding. Kami, with her arms crossed across her chest, and Aeos with her fists planted on her hips, both looked none too happy. Shit, did he sleep right the time it took them to complete the mission?
Vasili threw a glance at the chrono on his Comm attached to his wrist.
“That’s one of the effects of drinking alcohol after a hard dosage of other medicine, you were lucky this time, unfortunately,” Aeos muttered as she grabbed him by his collar and pulled him up.
Surprised by the younger and smaller woman’s strength Vasili allowed his body to a ragdoll for a few moments. Aeos pressed him against the wall, using the length of her arm to cut off most of his air supply. Kami’s emerald eyes flashed dangerously as her gaze hardened.
“I’m disgusted with you, Merrick will hear about this,” she whispered, dangerously calm and dangerously livid.
Dropping him all together the two females walked away as Vasili only grumbled to himself. He kicked one of the empty flasks sighing. 

It was only a few hours later before all of them were ready, freshened before they boarded the shuttle. Everyone anticipating the warmth of their beds before the next mission would call for their services.

Jester Squad

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