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Topic:  Kaph Squadron Topic
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  RE: Kaph Squadron Topic
September 11, 2003 5:19:35 AM    View the profile of JMac 
Hey guys, S'up?  I am now a member of Kaph, so I decided to start the topic. Let's get a story going.
LCM JMac(=A=)(=SA=)(=MA)(=FOCE=)(MC1)

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  RE: Kaph Squadron Topic
September 11, 2003 6:45:39 AM    View the profile of Swomz 
heh, *points down the list of topics* there are two more of these down there :-p
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  RE: Kaph Squadron Topic
September 11, 2003 2:35:37 PM    View the profile of Arturus 
You dont like mytopic? :P

anyway welcome to kaph squad, u are our 5th member

no prize though for that...sorry :P
SL/ESN_Arturus/Kaph 1-1/Phoenix Wing/M-SSD_Atrus/VE/VEN/(=a=)(=sa=)(=jcpa=)(=scpa=)[MC:1][SV][BRC][LoC]
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  RE: Kaph Squadron Topic
September 12, 2003 4:27:02 AM    View the profile of JMac 
Thanx.  So, we going to start writing a story?
LCM_FL_ JMac/Kaph 3-1/(=A=)(=SA=)(=MA)(=FOCE=)(MC1)

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  RE: Kaph Squadron Topic
September 12, 2003 9:37:39 AM    View the profile of Liquid 
if i can russle up some time here, i'll get one started, hopefully tonight
Dark Jedi Knight Liquid of the Dark Jedi Order
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  RE: Kaph Squadron Topic
September 17, 2003 11:20:57 AM    View the profile of JMac 
All right we have a story, now get to work on it.  Let's show everyone just what we're made out of!
LCM_FL_ JMac/Kaph 3-1/(=A=)(=SA=)(=MA)(=FOCE=)(MC1)

It's God's job to forgive Bin Laden... It's our job to arrange the meeting -USMC

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  RE: Kaph Squadron Topic
September 17, 2003 11:37:28 AM    View the profile of Swomz 
/me gives JMac a wierd glance

You want people to know you're made of silly putty?
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  RE: Kaph Squadron Topic
September 18, 2003 9:40:33 AM    View the profile of Arturus 
Ok you know something, I think its time we start looking like a squadron again!

We got a story going which is good

Now what we need is a website (is our old one still existent?)

A squadron meeting so we can discuss some things to do

and yes

I insist on a report from everyone by thursday night at the latest, I mean it
SL/ESN_Arturus/Kaph 1-1/Phoenix Wing/M-SSD_Atrus/VE/VEN/(=a=)(=sa=)(=jcpa=)(=scpa=)[MC:1][SV][BRC][LoC]
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  RE: Kaph Squadron Topic
September 18, 2003 10:57:51 AM    View the profile of JMac 
Don't know about the website, I didn't know we had one in the first place.  I also don't have time to make one, sorry.  that is more Liquid's cup of caf.
LCM_FL_ JMac/Kaph 3-1/(=A=)(=SA=)(=MA)(=FOCE=)(MC1)

It's God's job to forgive Bin Laden... It's our job to arrange the meeting -USMC

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  RE: Kaph Squadron Topic
September 18, 2003 6:17:28 PM    View the profile of Liquid 
JMac wouldn't be able to attend any meeting that we have, for he can only get on during school hours, so he's not able to come at any pertinant time. umm....a website, i can make if Art could send me some of the stuff he wants on it, i can also host it ad-free.....

other than that, i'm here to serve.
Dark Jedi Knight Liquid of the Dark Jedi Order
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  RE: Kaph Squadron Topic
September 23, 2003 2:08:41 PM    View the profile of Solo 
I am alive and back.  Been busy and such.
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  RE: Kaph Squadron Topic
September 24, 2003 6:10:11 PM    View the profile of Arturus 
ok great solo!
SL/ESN_Arturus/Kaph 1-1/Phoenix Wing/M-SSD_Atrus/VE/VEN/(=a=)(=sa=)(=jcpa=)(=scpa=)[MC:1][SV][BRC][LoC]
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  RE: Kaph Squadron Topic
November 16, 2003 10:35:18 PM    View the profile of Liquid 

alrighty, there's a great big bump for mister "I'm lazy"

(yes, you shaz.)

anyway, lets get some ideas flying around and possibly some new story/gaming activity going.
Dark Jedi Knight Liquid of the Dark Jedi Order
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  RE: Kaph Squadron Topic
November 17, 2003 9:43:59 AM    View the profile of Shazam 
    Ah...  I got ya... No I dont'...  Never mind that though...  Anyways, I say we have a test story about us getting into it with some pirates or something.  But also let us get in on some ground action.  It can get boring if we stay in space the whole time.
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  RE: Kaph Squadron Topic
November 17, 2003 11:10:49 AM    View the profile of JMac 
Why do we need a test story?  We all all fairly experienced by now.
LCM_FL_ JMac/Kaph 3-1/(=A=)(=SA=)(=MA)(=FOCE=)(MC1)

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  RE: Kaph Squadron Topic
November 17, 2003 12:50:17 AM    View the profile of Shazam 
    Dunno...  Thought that's how it runned...  Never mind.  *Sighs...  In that case just make that "Story..."
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  RE: Kaph Squadron Topic
November 18, 2003 5:08:26 AM    View the profile of JMac 
Right now there is already a Naval story running.  Squadron stories are mainly for the spaces in between larger ones.
LCM_FL_ JMac/Kaph 3-1/(=A=)(=SA=)(=MA)(=FOCE=)(MC1)

Viva el gato mojado!!!

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  RE: Kaph Squadron Topic
November 18, 2003 7:55:13 AM    View the profile of Shazam 
    Ah...  Confucious say much...  Me not understand a word of it...  Anyways, i've come up with some family problmems, i'll try to get on when I can...
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  RE: Kaph Squadron Topic
November 18, 2003 11:06:11 AM    View the profile of JMac 
Family definitely comes first.  Come in when you can, though, because you're presence will be missed.
LCM_FL_ JMac/Kaph 3-1/(=A=)(=SA=)(=MA)(=FOCE=)(MC1)

Viva el gato mojado!!!

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  RE: Kaph Squadron Topic
November 18, 2003 11:49:17 AM    View the profile of Shazam 
    First Chapter done...  Whew...  now i can really get into the story...  Thanks.  I'll be in when i'm not writing.  I've been sick for the last two days so I've managed to get some post in about my leave and near finishing up my story on the VEN story.  Life's a garden, dig it!  -Joe Dirt...
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  RE: Kaph Squadron Topic
November 19, 2003 5:07:52 AM    View the profile of JMac 
If you need anyone to Beta-read your book, just let me know.
LCM_FL_ JMac/Kaph 3-1/(=A=)(=SA=)(=MA)(=FOCE=)(MC1)

Viva el gato mojado!!!

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  RE: Kaph Squadron Topic
November 19, 2003 5:20:06 AM    View the profile of Shazam 
    Aiight.  I'm creating the chaptors one by one...  Kind of trying something new as well.  I make certain parts, then I fill it in.  Kind of like a movie, they don't really go in chronological order most the time.  From 1,2,3...  you get it...
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  RE: Kaph Squadron Topic
November 26, 2003 11:23:19 AM    View the profile of JMac 
All right, now that the naval Story is over, we need a squadron story going.  Who's up for one?
LCM_TO_ JMac/(=A=)(=SA=)(=MA)(=FOCE=)(MC1)(VC)

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Viva el gato mojado!!!

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  RE: Kaph Squadron Topic
November 26, 2003 5:33:12 PM    View the profile of chipmunk man 
Gooooodmooorning Kaph Squardron! OK, so I won't do that too often...

Well, I've been transfered in, so I'll be joining you guys. Liquid, you mentioned something about possibly making me a flight leader. I might be able to, what kind of responsibilities would I have?

I have an idea about a squadron story, just gimmee time to get the first post written. I can't put up any money for a competition, but if someone else would like to donate some of their own that's fine.
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  RE: Kaph Squadron Topic
November 27, 2003 12:20:43 AM    View the profile of Liquid 
I actually have a sort of idea for the entire Navy real prize scheme worked out yet, but i've gotta talk to JMac and Japheth about it some more and hammer out some details.
Dark Jedi Knight Liquid of the Dark Jedi Order
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  RE: Kaph Squadron Topic
November 28, 2003 6:48:47 AM    View the profile of blah909 
well i'm in kaph, so i'd better make the best of it....
HELLO everyone, it's me, the one, the only, BLAH909 the MAGNIFICENT GENIUS....or maybe not.

good morning, sorry i didn't report by thurs, forgot i was in kaph.
blah909/Crewman in Viper Squadron
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  RE: Kaph Squadron Topic
November 28, 2003 7:12:49 PM    View the profile of chipmunk man 
Doh! Here I am a flight leader, and I forget to report! Kaph reports in by Thurs, right? Say, what do I put in a flight report? Do I need anything special? At this point I'm a little in the dark as to what my duties are...
"The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits." -Albert Einstien

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  RE: Kaph Squadron Topic
November 28, 2003 7:46:01 PM    View the profile of Liquid 
it's your first time, so i'll be gentle

But all that i expect is that you report to me (via email) what your flight members/you have been doing during the week. and what your plans are otherwise (ie during next week) I expect your flight members also to email you their reports to your email address, you pretty much sum up theirs, throw in your stuff, and send it to me.

any further questions? don't be afraid to ask.


Dark Jedi Knight Liquid of the Dark Jedi Order
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  RE: Kaph Squadron Topic
November 28, 2003 9:26:09 PM    View the profile of chipmunk man 
Thanks. Shaz and Chath, I have your addresses from the roster. Mine is [email protected], and my AOL s/n is the same. If either of you have a s/n, I'd appreciate it. If you guys want, I have a nation set up in The name is The Vast Empire, password VE.
"The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits." -Albert Einstien

"It's not what you take when you leave this world behind you, it's what you leave behind you when you go." -Randy Travis

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  RE: Kaph Squadron Topic
December 2, 2003 5:18:11 AM    View the profile of JMac 
Chippy, you going to start that story?
LCM_TO_ JMac/(=A=)(=SA=)(=MA)(=FOCE=)(MC1)(VC)

Naval Training Officer

Viva el gato mojado!!!

Semper Fidelis
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