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Topic:  The 58th "Strill" Squadron Topic
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  The 58th "Strill" Squadron Topic
December 2, 2012 6:41:05 PM    View the profile of Joamer 
Welcome, to the Strill Squadron main topic. Here we will discuss random things, and do other random things. And one day hold the title of longest, and most awesomest squadron topic in the Navy. For now, time for some randomness. Also, someone please sticky this.

Anyways, onto some thinking and training for my new minions.

The second phase of Counterpunch is coming in the next few days, and for us this means we spent the last week to two weeks training heavily. The mandate for this squadron was next to impossible to achieve in that timeframe, so I expect heavy casualties as a result. This is ok, since it will give us things to work with and information on how we need to fix the problems.

For now, I have homework for everyone who wears the Emblem of the Strill.

For the last week to two weeks we have been spending most of our time in the lower decks of our new ship the Adjudicator. Playing wargames, capture the flag, king of the hill, search and destroy, hostage rescue. You name it, we've been doing it. And these have been fastpaced hardcore type games. Played with our actual rifles set to stun, the few of us who are experienced in ground combat have been tyrants in trying to teach those who have never done it the skills needed to survive what is coming.

So, I want you to begin thinking of how your character is reacting to this. The hours have been long, over the last two weeks expect very little sleep, maybe one to two hours a night if you are lucky spent on a rotating shift watch. There have been no breaks to sleep in your bunks, or to go to the messhall and eat. You have been eating field rations, and sleeping wherever your fireteam has setup defensive positions.

There have been no showers, get used to that fact my Naval boys and girls. When in the field, if you want a shower find a nice stream and jump in. The enemy will not be kind to you, and neither have I. My job, is to get you home safe and I'm setting the ground work to hopefully do just that.

The time we've not been on the bottom decks has been in simulators learning how to fly together, but this only takes 1 or 2 hours a day at most. We are all pilots, we don't need to be spending time needed elsewhere learning how to fly again.

Part of our time has been spent in learning our armor and weapons. We all wear, for now, storm commando armor. They are in essence light scout trooper armor painted black. No, they don't have the nifty sound dampening field just yet, that comes later. In time they will be modified to better suit our purposes. A few of us have personal weapons we've carried for years. Those of you without rifles will have E-11s, A-280s, DLT-20a's, or the some other form of standard issue. You can rest easy in knowing you know how to shoot the rifle you have. You may not be the best shot, but you can hit the target at a decent, but not insane range. That is the first thing Joamer taught you.

Be looking at the rifles available, and choose one that best suits you. This mission will be for some their first and last, and I want everyone to feel comfortable and happy with their armor and weapons.

If you have a special sidearm you want, run it by me and I'll see if I can clear it. Include why you have it, and why you should be allowed to bring it. Being a commando group the rules in weaponry are much more relaxed than in the normal army, but also remember we are in Interceptors, so space is not something we have a ton of.

The biggest thing I want from you is to post here, with as much detail as you can about your characters experience on the ground. I want you to be true to your character, and not make things up just to be one of the experienced army grunts. I need this information to keep the story honest and true, and I need this information so I know who I can call on to go do an objective and not die or be captured in the process.

When the story starts, that is what we've been doing for the past half month. And Joamer has been right there with you the whole time. Eating what you eat, sleeping when his turn at watch is over with. Evaluating, grading, teaching, and yes yelling and cursing at everyone to do it better and faster.
Joamer Tremaine Reistlin
Chief Warrant Officer, Squadron Commanding Officer
Aurek Fligh, Strill Squadron

SCO|CWO Joamer|Iron One|Squadron: The 58th  "Strill"|Wing: 101st "Blade"|ISD-II  Adjudicator |TF:A|2FL|SFC|VEN|VE  [SoV] [LoM]
In memory of Ghost squad, we will never forget.
[This message has been edited by Joamer (edited December 2, 2012 10:42:44 PM)]
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  RE: Strill Squadron Topic
December 2, 2012 6:55:08 PM    View the profile of Dawn 
I like how only members (current and former) of RAIDERS make up the Navy form of RAIDERS.

Anyway, I'll be getting that ground combat bio to ya soon bossman.
FM/CRW Issac "Dawn" Fallen/Iron Four/S:58 Strill/W:101st Blade/ISD-II/TF:A/2Flt/SC/VEN/VE
[This message has been edited by Dawn (edited December 2, 2012 6:55:37 PM)]
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  RE: Strill Squadron Topic
December 2, 2012 7:02:14 PM    View the profile of Xanin 
Elo, let the cRaZyness begin!!!!
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FM/CRW Xanin/Iron Five/S:58 Strill/W:101st Blade/ISD-II Adjudicator/TF:A/2Flt/SC/VEN/VE
"I don't always desert my teammates. But when I do, they all die." - Xanin
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  RE: Strill Squadron Topic
December 2, 2012 7:05:25 PM    View the profile of Echelon 
Good luck, guys!

SCAP/WO2 Rhycus 'Echelon' Bandoran/CR90 Stonewall/TF:B/1Flt/VEN/VE

CNT/WO2 Rhycus 'Echelon' Bandoran/PLF Cappadocious/VENA/VEN/VE

[SoA] [NAR] [CAR] [MC2] [BWC] [HNS] [MC1] [SWC] [1NS] [LoM] [VC:B] [CC:F]
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  RE: Strill Squadron Topic
December 2, 2012 8:52:00 PM    View the profile of Dusk 
Luck? Where we're going we don't need luck.

Jacen "Dusk" Arture
"We're not retreating, we're advancing in a different direction."

Smile!!! Tomorrow will be worse.

[DT][RAWR][ECA][QW 12][CEC][AS-1]
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  RE: The 58th "Strill" Squadron Topic
December 4, 2012 6:28:59 PM    View the profile of Xanin 
Joamer, do you need me to post anymore than I told you on IRC? Or do you want for all the feelings to reveal during the first story?
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FM/CRW Xanin/Iron Five/S:58 Strill/W:101st Blade/ISD-II Adjudicator/TF:A/2Flt/SC/VEN/VE
"I don't always desert my teammates. But when I do, they all die." - Xanin
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  RE: The 58th "Strill" Squadron Topic
December 5, 2012 6:24:08 PM    View the profile of Joamer 
Xanin post it here if you can, otherwise I'll have to track down everything on IRC.

Alright folks, I have league bowling in an hour then when I get back in about 4 or 5 I shall post the opening for us. For now, what I said up there comes into play still but unfortunately we've not had a week or two. Looks like we get two days, which means you will ALL hate me if you are new to the army life.

Those of us who have worked together imagine the old Joamer times about five. To get most everyone home in slightly one piece he's going to be a lot harder in the training. He has limited time to shape you into a form of a soldier, in his mindset he's going to avoid getting our boots on the ground as much as possible but as we all know stories have a way of taking our best laid plans and tossing them out the window.

So for now, try to soak up as much experience in the ground training as you can. Because, once we get full on into the insanity things are going to go very badly for us.
Joamer Tremaine Reistlin
Chief Warrant Officer, Squadron Commanding Officer
Aurek Flight, Strill Squadron

SCO|CWO Joamer|Iron One|Squadron: The 58th  "Strill"|Wing: 101st "Blade"|ISD-II  Adjudicator |TF:A|2FL|SFC|VEN|VE
[CC:P] [SoV] [LoM]
In memory of Ghost squad, we will never forget.
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  RE: The 58th "Strill" Squadron Topic
December 9, 2012 1:38:54 AM    View the profile of Joamer 
Alrighty, some slight house cleaning to do. Major this is reports, for... well all of you who have survived during my reign as SL you will all know if you want shiny things from me then you best report otherwise you aint getting anything.

And as such, since my report is due in Friday I want everyone's  reports in by Thursday.

Also, this is a new squadron with new ideas all around. If you want to see something else, have some comments/concerns, want different equipment speak up and forever hold your tongues. We are unique, never been done before. We have a chance to make this our legacy to the VE, you want it to shine brighter than our lil sister squadron Chlovi then I need help in doing so.
Joamer Tremaine Reistlin
Chief Warrant Officer, Squadron Commanding Officer
Aurek Flight, Strill Squadron

SCO|CWO Joamer|Iron One|Squadron: The 58th  "Strill"|Wing: 101st "Blade"|ISD-II  Adjudicator |TF:A|2FL|SFC|VEN|VE
[CC:P] [SoV] [LoM]
In memory of Ghost squad, we will never forget.
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  RE: The 58th "Strill" Squadron Topic
December 9, 2012 2:05:27 AM    View the profile of Trykon 
I like how every one of your posts is a sci fi trivia game, Joamer: Spot the References!  This time I counted more Dune, and a little Fifth Element, no? 
CNW/CDR Wyl "Trick" Trykon/ISD Adjudicator/TF:A/2Flt/FC/VEN/VE


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  RE: The 58th "Strill" Squadron Topic
December 9, 2012 3:37:02 AM    View the profile of Joamer 
The best is coming with the VENI post. Oh yes, it is coming.
Joamer Tremaine Reistlin
Chief Warrant Officer, Squadron Commanding Officer
Aurek Flight, Strill Squadron

SCO|CWO Joamer|Iron One|Squadron: The 58th  "Strill"|Wing: 101st "Blade"|ISD-II  Adjudicator |TF:A|2FL|SFC|VEN|VE
[CC:P] [SoV] [LoM]
In memory of Ghost squad, we will never forget.
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  RE: The 58th "Strill" Squadron Topic
December 20, 2012 8:56:11 PM    View the profile of Scooter 
Howdy there, sugarcubes~

M'name's Scooter, and ah'm mighty glad ter meet all of ya!  ^^
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  RE: The 58th "Strill" Squadron Topic
December 21, 2012 7:42:34 AM    View the profile of Scooter 
Way to ignore me everyone... -_(\

Also, I'll throw one up there when I get home much, much later tonight, probably around 11 my time.

Apparently I have to work while the world is ending... and it's my brothers' birthday, so... looks like a movie for me tonight too.  Yay.

Don't take all the fun from me, Strill~
Leading Crewman Kara Moon reporting for duty!!!

FM - LCRW Kara "Scooter" Moon - S:58 Strill Squadron - W:101 "Blade" - ISD-II Adjudicator - TF:A - 2Flt - SFC - VEN - VE
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  RE: The 58th "Strill" Squadron Topic
December 21, 2012 8:58:31 AM    View the profile of Hades 
i like what you've done with the place, Joamer.

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SCO | MCPO "Hades" | A-1 | S:54 "Gundark" | W:101 "Blade" | ISD Adjudicator | TF:Aurek | 2nd Fleet | SC | VEN | VE
XNT | MCPO "Hades" | PLF Cappadocious | VENA | VEN | VE


[MC1] [CBV] [CAR] [BWC] [HNS] [SWC] [NSM] [LoM] [CC:2]
{INTER} {SfrM} {XenMA}  (=*SWC*=) {AFM} {HypM} {0Gee} {INFL}

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  RE: The 58th "Strill" Squadron Topic
December 21, 2012 7:43:36 PM    View the profile of Mox 
Imperial Network Star Wars ImageImperial Network Star Wars Image
I used to be Faithful 'til the End... but then I became a Ghost
Faithful? More like crazy...                                                         

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TRP/PFC Mox/1SQD/1PLT/1COM/1BAT/1RGT/VEA/VE/[DT] [RAWR] [ECA] [QW 12] (WtR) [AS-2] [ESC-12]/A10 (5.1)
"I have a rendezvous with death... I shall not fail that rendezvous." - Alan Seeger
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  RE: The 58th "Strill" Squadron Topic
December 21, 2012 8:55:27 PM    View the profile of Dawn 
Welcome scooter, don't take our inactivitie as hostility towards you. We're just board cause as far as I know we don't have orders for anything from our higherups. Welcome to Strill now only 4/5 original army vets.
FM/CRW Issac "Dawn" Fallen/Iron Four/S:58 Strill/W:101st Blade/ISD-II/TF:A/2Flt/SC/VEN/VE
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  RE: The 58th "Strill" Squadron Topic
December 21, 2012 10:39:00 PM    View the profile of Joamer 
The gist from what I know is this, we exited the ship into the beginnings of a dog fight from hell. Chlovi, and ourselves will escort Gundark(Our bomber squadron) to the moons surface. Chlovi  will patrol higher in the atmosphere than us, and we will take lower.

  A squadron or two will follow us from the enemy side, so we will have to do some thin atmospheric fighting. Remember, you are not aces with fighting. So you can't pull off insane moves or blow up 3 fighters in one post. These guys are good, and are playing for keeps. We are going to have to earn every kill.
Joamer Tremaine Reistlin
Chief Warrant Officer, Squadron Commanding Officer
Aurek Flight, Strill Squadron

SCO|CWO Joamer|Iron One|Squadron: The 58th  "Strill"|Wing: 101st "Blade"|ISD-II  Adjudicator |TF:A|2FL|SFC|VEN|VE
[CC:P] [SoV] [LoM]
In memory of Ghost squad, we will never forget.
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  RE: The 58th "Strill" Squadron Topic
December 22, 2012 12:52:43 AM    View the profile of Rikky 
I've got a family Christmas party to go to, alas!

When I get home I'll be sure to throw something together, though.
TRN/CRW Rikky/?/S:137 “Raptor”/W:46 “Shield”/PLF Cappadocious/TF:TH/3Flt/VEN/VE
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  RE: The 58th "Strill" Squadron Topic
December 24, 2012 4:38:08 PM    View the profile of Mox 
I shall attempt a post at some point tmrz.
Imperial Network Star Wars ImageImperial Network Star Wars Image
I used to be Faithful 'til the End... but then I became a Ghost
Faithful? More like crazy...                                                         

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TRP/PFC Mox/1SQD/1PLT/1COM/1BAT/1RGT/VEA/VE/[DT] [RAWR] [ECA] [QW 12] (WtR) [AS-2] [ESC-12]/A10 (5.1)
"I have a rendezvous with death... I shall not fail that rendezvous." - Alan Seeger
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  RE: The 58th "Strill" Squadron Topic
December 24, 2012 4:45:15 PM    View the profile of Scooter 
Joa, if you re-read Dunny's and Avvie's posts, they say that Chlovi is formed up around Gundark
Leading Crewman Kara Moon reporting for duty!!!

FM - LCRW Kara "Scooter" Moon - S:58 Strill Squadron - W:101 "Blade" - ISD-II Adjudicator - TF:A - 2Flt - SFC - VEN - VE
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  RE: The 58th "Strill" Squadron Topic
December 25, 2012 1:02:29 AM    View the profile of Scooter 
Double post in squadron topic, I don't care xD

Just showing off new Avi.  :3
Leading Crewman Kara Moon reporting for duty!!!

FM - LCRW Kara "Scooter" Moon - S:58 Strill Squadron - W:101 "Blade" - ISD-II Adjudicator - TF:A - 2Flt - SFC - VEN - VE
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  RE: The 58th "Strill" Squadron Topic
December 28, 2012 1:46:24 PM    View the profile of Trykon 
Come on, Strill!  Posts in the next few days count for extra credit, when it comes to award time! 

One other thing for everyone to keep in mind: dialogue shouldn't be in bold, and all posts should be third person, past tense.

Let's see some postin', Strill! 
CNW/CDR Wyl "Trick" Trykon/ISD Adjudicator/TF:A/2Flt/FC/VEN/VE


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  RE: The 58th "Strill" Squadron Topic
December 28, 2012 9:45:07 PM    View the profile of Scooter 
Way to make me feel like crap, sir...

Leading Crewman Kara Moon reporting for duty!!!

FM - LCRW Kara "Scooter" Moon - S:58 Strill Squadron - W:101 "Blade" - ISD-II Adjudicator - TF:A - 2Flt - SFC - VEN - VE
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  RE: The 58th "Strill" Squadron Topic
December 29, 2012 12:09:39 AM    View the profile of Trykon 
Aw.  Your avatar is lovely, Scooter.

CNW/CDR Wyl "Trick" Trykon/ISD Adjudicator/TF:A/2Flt/FC/VEN/VE


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  RE: The 58th "Strill" Squadron Topic
December 30, 2012 9:33:47 AM    View the profile of DeepSix 
Greetings and salutations, ye' members of Strill squadron.

I make an appearance before you today to ask for two things. The first is obviously booze The second however is that you do not post on the story till Joamer's latest post gets edited. Specifics have already been PMed and I don't foresee this taking a long time.

In the meantime feel free to start a draft of your next post, communicate amongst yourselves to plan ahead and possibly do a cert or skill if you've got time to spend.

PM me either here or on IRC if you've got questions or ideas.

Carry on
WC/LTJG DeepSix/Golden One/S:38th Vornskr/W:101st Blade/ISD-II Adjudicator/TF:A/2Flt/SC/VEN/VE [=*TG*=] [=*VIM*=]

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  RE: The 58th "Strill" Squadron Topic
January 1, 2013 7:37:57 AM    View the profile of Honeydew 
'Kayso, I've been sent to fly with Strill. Though I've already mentioned it on IRC, I thought I'd make it official.
TRN/CRW Honeydew/S:137 "Raptor"/W:46 "Shield"/PLF Cappadocious/TF:TH/3Flt/SC/VEN/VE
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  RE: The 58th "Strill" Squadron Topic
January 1, 2013 8:33:31 AM    View the profile of Hades 
first order of business should be to update your ID line properlY. You're no longer a trainee, and should by now been assigned a flight position. Glad to have you onboard, Senior Crewman

Imperial Network Star Wars Image
SCO | MCPO "Hades" | A-1 | S:54 "Gundark" | W:101 "Blade" | ISD Adjudicator | TF:Aurek | 2nd Fleet | SC | VEN | VE
XNT | MCPO "Hades" | PLF Cappadocious | VENA | VEN | VE


[MC1] [CBV] [CAR] [BWC] [HNS] [SWC] [NSM] [LoM] [CC:2]
{INTER} {SfrM} {XenMA}  (=*SWC*=) {AFM} {HypM} {0Gee} {INFL}

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  RE: The 58th "Strill" Squadron Topic
January 1, 2013 11:56:25 AM    View the profile of Joamer 
A formating of the roster will be done in a few weeks to move people around once my plans finish themselves. So for now... you shall be Iron 10.

Welcome to the squadron, I would stay and chat but I have to go to that evil place called work.
Joamer Tremaine Reistlin
Chief Warrant Officer, Squadron Commanding Officer
Aurek Flight, Strill Squadron

SCO|CWO Joamer|Iron One|Squadron: The 58th  "Strill"|Wing: 101st "Blade"|ISD-II  Adjudicator |TF:A|2FL|SFC|VEN|VE
[CC:P] [SoV] [LoM]
In memory of Ghost squad, we will never forget.
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  RE: The 58th "Strill" Squadron Topic
January 1, 2013 5:29:12 PM    View the profile of Honeydew 
Done and updated, also quite late.
FM/SCRW Honeydew/Iron Ten/S:58 "Strill"/W:101 "Blade"/ISD-II Adjudicator/TF:A/2Flt/SC/VEN/VE
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  RE: The 58th "Strill" Squadron Topic
January 13, 2013 5:19:34 PM    View the profile of Brightstar 
Tee Hee, I have posted, Just so y'all know,.

/me looks at her ID tag and sighs.

Damn I gotta go change that.
FM|WO2 Brightstar|A-3|26th Vast Imp. Fighter Squadron "Tuk'ata" |W:58 "Javelin"|mSSD Halcyon Warrior |TF:A|1FL|SFC|VEN|VE

"For your sake, I really hope that isn't a challenge."

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[This message has been edited by Brightstar (edited January 13, 2013 7:16:59 PM)]
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  RE: The 58th "Strill" Squadron Topic
January 13, 2013 7:18:22 PM    View the profile of Brightstar 
Is it just me, or is the IRC server down? I can't get my pidgin account to work, and the Java Chat won't connect me either. So frustrating.
FM/WO2 Brightstar/Iron Three/S:58 "Strill"/W:101 "Blade"/ISD-II Adjudicator/TF:A/2Flt/SC/VEN/VE

"For your sake, I really hope that isn't a challenge."

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