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Topic:  Nightshrike Topic
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  Nightshrike Topic
February 11, 2011 5:05:49 PM    View the profile of DeepSix 
Welcome to the 82nd Vast Imperial Fighter Squadron, otherwise known as Nightshrike. There are only two ways to get assigned to this squadron. The first is to be lucky enough to randomly be assigned here after graduating from the training squadron. The second is to request, plead, beg, cry, threaten or bribe someone in order to approve your transfer here.

Assuming you have been assigned to this squadron then congratulations. You can take a moment to rejoice and think about all the fun times you'll have here - brownnosing your superiors, flying a decent craft provided by those very same superiors, shooting down enemies whilst imagining they are in fact your wretched superiors, getting hammered in the local cantina with or without your superiors' approval...

By this point you should already realize that you can probably do all those things in any other squadron as well. So why then is Nightshrike better after all? The answer to that question is i believe "because of the people". That's right, it's because the men and women serving within this squadron are and hopefully shall continue being a tad... eccentric. Take me for example, or better yet take Driver - the mastermind ultimately responsible for the actions of the entire squadron

Now the purpose of this thread is to provide its members with a quick means of communicating with each other and maybe making plans for personal stories and similar. The brass should also find it useful when announcing new stories, promotions and who knows maybe even demotions. Why even the newbs might come to find it mildly useful - getting to witness what could be in store for them in the future should provide them with a goal, something to strive for faster and harder...

One last thing to mention is that although many changes might occur throughout this thread in the coming days/weeks/months/years/decades(?) a complete and hopefully updated roster shall always be found right here in this very first post. Huge changes shall also be noted here. A small "frequently asked questions" section might also be added in the future assuming people will appear to keep asking the same questions over and over again. An example of such a possible question is "what the heck's a nightshrike"? An example of an answer to that question is "look here and in the future google it goddammit!" Helpful, isn't it?

-Petty Officer 2nd Class DeepSix


Flight Alpha

A-1: Squadron Commander Petty Officer 2nd Class DeepSix
A-2: Flight Member Senior Crewman Trykon
A-3: Flight Member Leading Crewman Uris_Hogan
A-4: Flight Member TBA
Flight Beta

B-1: Flight Member TBA
B-2: Flight Member TBA
B-3: Flight Member TBA
B-4: Flight Member TBA

Flight Gamma

Γ-1: Flight Member TBA
Γ-2: Flight Member TBA
Γ-3: Flight Member TBA
Γ-4: Flight Member TBA
SC/PO2 DeepSix/A-1/S:82 Nightshrike/W:245 Scimitar/ISD Iron Duke/TF:A/1Flt/SFC/VEN/VE [MC2] [IG] [=^TG^=]
[This message has been edited by StOrMz (edited February 23, 2011 9:44:18 PM)]
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  RE: Nightshrike Topic
February 11, 2011 7:29:11 PM    View the profile of StOrMz 
Glad to see the enthusiasm, Deep. Can't wait to see NS and you succeed.
Naval High Command
NCC|Rear Admiral StOrMz|NHC|VEN|VE

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  RE: Nightshrike Topic
February 14, 2011 1:35:31 AM    View the profile of StOrMz 
One word on your novel that you laid on us.

Naval High Command
NCC|Rear Admiral StOrMz|NHC|VEN|VE

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  RE: Nightshrike Topic
February 14, 2011 6:42:16 AM    View the profile of DeepSix 
Only reason it ended up "a novel" is because i had to get up to speed after two weeks of events that had already transpired. Following posts will likely have regular 1-2k words count
SC/PO2 DeepSix/A-1/S:82 Nightshrike/W:245 Scimitar/ISD Iron Duke/TF:A/1Flt/SFC/VEN/VE [MC2] [IG] [=^TG^=]
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  RE: Nightshrike Topic
February 16, 2011 12:26:05 AM    View the profile of StOrMz 
I'd like to welcome Senior Crewman Trykon to Nightshrike. He's creating a post to wrap up his current mission and get into action with First fleet.
Naval High Command
NCC|Rear Admiral StOrMz|NHC|VEN|VE

First Naval Fleet
C-SCAP|Rear Admiral|mSSD Atrus|Task Force: Aurek|First Fleet|VEN|VE


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  RE: Nightshrike Topic
February 16, 2011 6:04:18 AM    View the profile of DeepSix 
The Dark Side... That is the Nightshrike Squadron welcomes its newest recruit. May we together find fame, fortune and glory
SC/PO2 DeepSix/A-1/S:82 Nightshrike/W:245 Scimitar/ISD Iron Duke/TF:A/1Flt/SFC/VEN/VE [MC2] [IG] [=^TG^=]
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  RE: Nightshrike Topic
February 16, 2011 2:07:11 PM    View the profile of Trykon 
Thank you, sir.  I'll be posting probably late tonight, and then I'll report for duty (update the wiki page and my ID line).
"Don't look for the difficulty in every opportunity; find the opportunity in every difficulty." -- Wyl Trykon

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Crew/SCRW Wyl "Trick" Trykon/CR90 Hammer/TF:A/1FL/VEN/VE/[SoA]/(=*AE*=)(=^TG^=)
Crew/SCRW Wyl "Trick" Trykon/CR90 Hammer/TF:A/1FL/VEN/VE/[SoA]/(=*AE*=)(=^TG^=)
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  RE: Nightshrike Topic
February 17, 2011 5:22:45 AM    View the profile of Trykon 
Wyl Trykon, reporting in.  I'm ready to go bump in the night. 

How's the ID Line look?  And the wiki?
"Don't look for the difficulty in every opportunity; find the opportunity in every difficulty." -- Wyl Trykon

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FM/SCRW Wyl "Trick" Trykon/A-2/S:82 Nightshrike/W:245 Scimitar/ISD Iron Duke/TF:A/1FL/SFC/VEN/VE/[SoA]/(=*AE*=)(=^TG^=)
FM/SCRW Wyl "Trick" Trykon/A-2/S:82 Nightshrike/W:245 Scimitar/ISD Iron Duke/TF:A/1FL/SFC/VEN/VE/[SoA]/(=*AE*=)(=^TG^=)
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  RE: Nightshrike Topic
February 17, 2011 6:33:41 AM    View the profile of DeepSix 
ID's fine.

For the wiki, position should be Flight Member, flight should be Alpha 2. Otherwise all looks good.

On the squadron's page feel free to fill in your own personnel file. Basically just a few lines describing his appearance and personality. Reason you didn't see any of the other ones already filled in is cause i'm still working on it. Bunch of things going on at once, and that just wasn't high enough of a priority. One or two days should fix that however.
SC/PO2 DeepSix/A-1/S:82 Nightshrike/W:245 Scimitar/ISD Iron Duke/TF:A/1Flt/SFC/VEN/VE [MC2] [IG] [=^TG^=]
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  RE: Nightshrike Topic
February 19, 2011 11:06:46 PM    View the profile of Trykon 
Just making sure I post this info in a bunch of different places, so you'll see it before your next story post for Into the Invisible: Trykon is flying into the battle without Nightshrike's comm frequency, so feel free to write about an unidentified (and maybe initially confusing or even threatening?) Interceptor helping 'shrike pilots out during the dogfight. 
"Don't look for the difficulty in every opportunity; find the opportunity in every difficulty." -- Wyl Trykon

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FM/SCRW Wyl "Trick" Trykon/A-2/S:82 Nightshrike/W:245 Scimitar/ISD Iron Duke/TF:A/1FL/SFC/VEN/VE/[SoA]/(=*AE*=)(=^TG^=)
FM/SCRW Wyl "Trick" Trykon/A-2/S:82 Nightshrike/W:245 Scimitar/ISD Iron Duke/TF:A/1FL/SFC/VEN/VE/[SoA]/(=*AE*=)(=^TG^=)
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  RE: Nightshrike Topic
February 20, 2011 6:29:06 AM    View the profile of DeepSix 
Already read the post within a hour or so of it being submitted. Besides, i almost always read any posts made since my previous one.

As for the fight... i really doubt anyone would actually mind any particular fighter in all that chaos. More so seeing how it's not even a bomber. An ISD is a big ship, carrying dozens if not hundreds of fighters belonging to different squadrons. Only reason Nightshrike keeps being mentioned everywhere is because it isn't made of just NPCs. Thus it makes more sense for the Nightshrike pilots to merely consider any and every other Imperial fighter out there as either belonging to another squadron from the Duke or from the Devastator.
SC/PO2 DeepSix/A-1/S:82 Nightshrike/W:245 Scimitar/ISD Iron Duke/TF:A/1Flt/SFC/VEN/VE [MC2] [IG] [=^TG^=]
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  RE: Nightshrike Topic
February 20, 2011 7:15:26 AM    View the profile of Atrasin 
feel free to include chatter from the other squadrons aboard the Iron Duke.  they  are:

and Ice Cat

one squadron of bombers: Bliz
CNO|COMD Atrasin|ISD Iron Duke|TF:A|1Flt|VEN|VE [=A=][=^SA^=][=^ME^=][=*MA*=][=FOCE=][=*TG*=][=*Eng*=][=*BO*=][MC1]{BWC}[NSR:1]{SAS}{SWC}(SOL)[LSM][VC:B][DSM]
Vacuus Ordo, Nex  -Without Order, Death
All a man can betray is his conscience. - Joseph Conrad
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  RE: Nightshrike Topic
February 20, 2011 7:30:05 AM    View the profile of Trykon 
Nobody would think anything of a random Interceptor, sure, but if that unattached little fighter keeps hanging around the squadron, eventually it'll attract some attention, is all I'm thinking.  Yes, you'll assume it's friendly (especially if/when it helps against the NR fighters, of course), but it's a little strange (or at least, someone's bound to remark on it) for some pilot from another random squadron to form up with your pilots (or you) and try to coordinate without using communications.  What is he lost or something/are his communications completely dead/are his scanners down and he's just tagging along with the first flight of Imperials he sees?  If Trick keeps hangin' around the 'shrikes unidentified, shootin' bogies off his new squadronmates, it's just a potentially fun little minor mystery for the 'shrikes to be confronted with, in the middle of a big battle sequence (or at least it's designed to give you that possibility to play with).  Just trying to design and put in options for my fellow writers, and trying to communicate openly about those designs; it's a team effort, here.    And if I'm tryin' to be too fancy, feel free to ignore the suggestions: it's just an option for ya. 
"Don't look for the difficulty in every opportunity; find the opportunity in every difficulty." -- Wyl Trykon

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FM/SCRW Wyl "Trick" Trykon/A-2/S:82 Nightshrike/W:245 Scimitar/ISD Iron Duke/TF:A/1FL/SFC/VEN/VE/[SoA]/(=*AE*=)(=^TG^=)
FM/SCRW Wyl "Trick" Trykon/A-2/S:82 Nightshrike/W:245 Scimitar/ISD Iron Duke/TF:A/1FL/SFC/VEN/VE/[SoA]/(=*AE*=)(=^TG^=)
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  RE: Nightshrike Topic
February 20, 2011 7:49:23 AM    View the profile of DeepSix 
Squadron was ordered to scatter so as to cover as much ground space as possible. Thus Wyl would likely only help out one or two individuals at a time. That sort of thing should be fairly common in a chaotic engagement though.

To my knowledge there are no visual markers on any Interceptor so recognizing them just by seeing them wouldn't really be an option either. IFF would tell apart allies from enemies but since this particular fighter had not been assigned to that squadron then its scanners won't have added tags to each blip to help you tell who is who.

Short story - individuals might be able to pick up on this but there would really be no reason for them to inform the rest of the group as well. That being said i have indeed made use of this fact in my soon to be finished post
SC/PO2 DeepSix/A-1/S:82 Nightshrike/W:245 Scimitar/ISD Iron Duke/TF:A/1Flt/SFC/VEN/VE [MC2] [IG] [=^TG^=]
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  RE: Nightshrike Topic
February 20, 2011 7:52:03 AM    View the profile of Trykon 
No worries.    That's all I was going for, really: an offhand comment by maybe one flight or element wondering who this lost little Interceptor was... You let me worry about how Trykon finds Nightshrike in the middle of the fray.    Can't wait to read your post.
"Don't look for the difficulty in every opportunity; find the opportunity in every difficulty." -- Wyl Trykon

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FM/SCRW Wyl "Trick" Trykon/A-2/S:82 Nightshrike/W:245 Scimitar/ISD Iron Duke/TF:A/1FL/SFC/VEN/VE/[SoA]/(=*AE*=)(=^TG^=)
FM/SCRW Wyl "Trick" Trykon/A-2/S:82 Nightshrike/W:245 Scimitar/ISD Iron Duke/TF:A/1FL/SFC/VEN/VE/[SoA]/(=*AE*=)(=^TG^=)
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  RE: Nightshrike Topic
February 23, 2011 9:43:38 PM    View the profile of StOrMz 
Just dropping in to introduce the newest addition to 'Shrike, Uris_Hogan. He's coming back from the reserves list.

Glad to have you back, Uris.
Naval High Command
NCC|Rear Admiral StOrMz|NHC|VEN|VE

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  RE: Nightshrike Topic
February 23, 2011 10:34:59 PM    View the profile of Trykon 
Pleasure to make your acquaintance, Uris.  See you in the briefing room. 
"Don't look for the difficulty in every opportunity; find the opportunity in every difficulty." -- Wyl Trykon

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FM/SCRW Wyl "Trick" Trykon/A-2/S:82 Nightshrike/W:245 Scimitar/ISD Iron Duke/TF:A/1FL/SFC/VEN/VE/[SoA]/(=*AE*=)(=^TG^=)
FM/SCRW Wyl "Trick" Trykon/A-2/S:82 Nightshrike/W:245 Scimitar/ISD Iron Duke/TF:A/1FL/SFC/VEN/VE/[SoA]/(=*AE*=)(=^TG^=)
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  RE: Nightshrike Topic
February 24, 2011 11:28:15 AM    View the profile of DeepSix 
Aye, welcome to the squadron. If you can, make an intro in the current all-navy story and we'll take it from there IC. If you have any OOC questions then post them here, pm me or join the #Nightshrike channel on IRC.

SC/PO2 DeepSix/A-1/S:82 Nightshrike/W:245 Scimitar/ISD Iron Duke/TF:A/1Flt/SFC/VEN/VE [MC2] [IG] [=^TG^=]
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  RE: Nightshrike Topic
February 28, 2011 6:16:19 PM    View the profile of Uris_Hogan 
Sorry for the delayed response!

Thanks for the welcome guys! I'll do my best to get a post up soon. I hope to make it a long one to make up for my inactivity =/
A and B the C of D!

FM/LCRW Uris_Hogan/Viper 8/Phoenix Wing/mSSD Atrus/1W/1FL/VEN (=A=)
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  RE: Nightshrike Topic
March 1, 2011 7:23:04 AM    View the profile of DeepSix 
/me nods approvingly

Make sure you also update your ID line.
SC/PO2 DeepSix/A-1/S:82 Nightshrike/W:245 Scimitar/ISD Iron Duke/TF:A/1Flt/SFC/VEN/VE [MC2] [IG] [=^TG^=]
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  RE: Nightshrike Topic
March 4, 2011 3:55:59 PM    View the profile of DeepSix 
/me blows into a microphone

Testing... Testing... Good, seems to be working.

/me straightens up and hides the half empty bottle of booze behind his back

Ehem, i should probably mention at this point that every member of the squadron is supposed to submit a report once every week. Failure to do so can have... unpleasant consequences. You might even end up becoming a sacrificial offering to He-who-is-the-Driver. You would not like that... Right, now that you've been reminded of this feel free to resume whatever the heck you were doing. Dismissed!

/me turns around and walks away whilst taking another gulp from the now emptier bottle
SC/PO2 DeepSix/A-1/S:82 Nightshrike/W:245 Scimitar/ISD Iron Duke/TF:A/1Flt/SFC/VEN/VE [MC2] [IG] [=^TG^=]
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  RE: Nightshrike Topic
March 4, 2011 4:53:53 PM    View the profile of Atrasin 
Driver finishes straitening the plastic sheets under his sacrificial altar and begins sharpening his filleting knives.
CNO|COMD Atrasin|ISD Iron Duke|TF:A|1Flt|VEN|VE [=A=][=^SA^=][=^ME^=][=*MA*=][=FOCE=][=*TG*=][=*Eng*=][=*BO*=][MC1]{BWC}[NSR:1]{SAS}{SWC}(SOL)[LSM][VC:B][DSM]
Vacuus Ordo, Nex  -Without Order, Death
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  RE: Nightshrike Topic
March 4, 2011 7:10:11 PM    View the profile of StOrMz 
Its been forever since I've had good Mon Calamari.
Naval High Command
NCC|Rear Admiral StOrMz|NHC|VEN|VE

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  RE: Nightshrike Topic
March 4, 2011 7:21:16 PM    View the profile of Trykon 
Just checking: my report made it in, right?  I'm reporting to two different command structures, now, so apologies if I've forgotten something in the shuffle. 

"Don't look for the difficulty in every opportunity; find the opportunity in every difficulty." -- Wyl Trykon

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FM/PO2 Wyl "Trick" Trykon/A-2/S:82 Nightshrike/W:245 Scimitar/ISD Iron Duke/TF:A/1FL/SFC/VEN/VE/[SoA]/(=*AE*=)(=^TG^=)
FM/PO2 Wyl "Trick" Trykon/A-2/S:82 Nightshrike/W:245 Scimitar/ISD Iron Duke/TF:A/1FL/SFC/VEN/VE/[SoA]/(=*AE*=)(=^TG^=)

TO/PO2 Wyl Trykon/PLT Cappadocious/VENA/VEN/VE/[SoA]/(=*AE*=)(=^TG^=)
TO/PO2 Wyl Trykon/PLT Cappadocious/VENA/VEN/VE/[SoA]/(=*AE*=)(=^TG^=)
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  RE: Nightshrike Topic
March 4, 2011 8:35:21 PM    View the profile of DeepSix 
Why would anyone want to keep their sacrificial altars clean? A gruesome and bloody altar makes a much better first impression after all...

And yes, Trick's reports made it in just fine. Was referring to the other two members of the squadron...
SC/PO2 DeepSix/A-1/S:82 Nightshrike/W:245 Scimitar/ISD Iron Duke/TF:A/1Flt/SFC/VEN/VE [MC2] [IG] [=^TG^=]
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  RE: Nightshrike Topic
March 6, 2011 10:41:30 AM    View the profile of StOrMz 
Okie doke, we're switching things up a bit to accomodate our ever-expanding Empire 

A) PO2 Trykon has been moved from Nightshrike and placed as the Bridge Officer of the Atrus.

B) Crewman Athales has passed flight schhol and placed as Nightshrike A-2. Also, Athales is promoted to Leading Crewman.

Congrats to the both of them.

PS. finish this battle before making changes to the rosters in story .
Naval High Command
NCC|Rear Admiral StOrMz|NHC|VEN|VE

First Naval Fleet
C-SCAP|Rear Admiral|mSSD Atrus|Task Force: Aurek|First Fleet|VEN|VE


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Imperial Baronet of Kashyyyk
[This message has been edited by StOrMz (edited March 6, 2011 10:51:34 AM)]
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  RE: Nightshrike Topic
March 6, 2011 6:17:22 PM    View the profile of Trykon 
So, I'm gonna transfer before I even really meet my squadron-mates, in-story?  LOL.

Farewell, Nightshrike.  I hardly knew ye.

I'm gonna keep my ID Line until my character changes in-story, but I'll update my wiki with the new assignment.  Thanks, StOrMz, and DeepSix!

"Don't look for the difficulty in every opportunity; find the opportunity in every difficulty." -- Wyl Trykon

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FM/PO2 Wyl "Trick" Trykon/A-2/S:82 Nightshrike/W:245 Scimitar/ISD Iron Duke/TF:A/1FL/SFC/VEN/VE/[SoA]/(=*AE*=)(=^TG^=)
FM/PO2 Wyl "Trick" Trykon/A-2/S:82 Nightshrike/W:245 Scimitar/ISD Iron Duke/TF:A/1FL/SFC/VEN/VE/[SoA]/(=*AE*=)(=^TG^=)

TO/PO2 Wyl Trykon/PLT Cappadocious/VENA/VEN/VE/[SoA]/(=*AE*=)(=^TG^=)
/PO2 Wyl Trykon/PLT Cappadocious/VENA/VEN/VE/[SoA]/(=*AE*=)(=^TG^=)
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  RE: Nightshrike Topic
March 9, 2011 10:53:18 AM    View the profile of Amacuse 
I remember the days when we would all jump between other Squadron topics, and annoy the hell outta them by disarming their booby traps, stealing their food, etc... but today, I'm just going to sit in your commander's chair, and see if he notices. 

/me sits in DeepSix's chair

Also, Deep... sorry about what I did to your brother... wasn't my fault... he flew into my laser blasts... that I was shooting at other Onderonians... again, sorry...
Senior Chief Petty Officer Cayden "Amacuse" Tavers

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SC/SCPO Amacuse/A-1/S:153 Regents/W:58 Javelin/ICF-II Chrome Fox/TF:R/2FL/SFC/VEN/VE (=AE=) (=*SAE*=) [MC:2] [LSM] [GCM]
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  RE: Nightshrike Topic
March 9, 2011 10:58:43 AM    View the profile of Ruwe 
gee got all this time to muddle about in Deep's command chair, but yet you don't have enough time for your own wingman?   tsk tsk, mayhaps you should let someone with more time and dedication to hold such noble traditions of meddling

/me picks amacuse out of the chair
/me sits in Deep's command chair

let the fun begin
FM/MCPO Ruwe/A-2/S:153 "Rhegent's Reign"/W:58 "Javelin"/VSD Dead Gun/TF:R/2Flt/SFC/VEN/VE
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  RE: Nightshrike Topic
March 9, 2011 11:18:55 AM    View the profile of Drac 
*boots the wookiee out of the chair*

*sits down*

CNW|2LT Drac|LCR Cerulean|TF: Resh|2Flt|VEN|VE
Chief of Naval Warfare
Captain of the LCR Cerulean
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