Fury, let me say Thank You! Thank You for making the Sentinel Shuttle 38m long! It's an argument i've been making for years it is longer than the Lambda!
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!
Now let the Feast Begin!
Gear from Platt’s Smugglers Guide pages 46-59
Spacer’s Chest
Model: SoroSuub’s Wanderer Space Chest
Type: Spacer’s chest
Cost: 200 credits
Game Notes: The chest can be protected with an electric combo-lock (Moderate to pick), seals against vacuum.
Gear Bag
Model: SoroSuub Pak-It Gear Bag
Type: Gear Bag
Cost: 50 credits
Crate Hooks
Model: Vlanth Cargo Grippers
Type: Crate hooks
Skill: Lifting or melee combat
Cost: 50 per pair
Game Notes: Although crate hooks make good melee weapons, they’re too small and awkward to use to parry attacks.
Loader’s Gloves
Model: Vlanth LG70 Loader’s Gloves
Type: Reinforced loader’s gloves
Skill: Lifting or melee combat
Cost: 100 per pair
Repulsorlift Cart
Model: Ubrikkian Model 8 Cargo Platform
Type: Repulsorlift cart
Cost: 100 credits
Game Notes: The cart is 2 meters long and 1.5 meters wide. Raised railings at each end also have clips for straps & nets to restrain cargo. The cart has a fixed altitude of 0.35 meters.
Starship Tool Kit
Model: SoroSuub Journeyman Tool Box
Type: Starship Tool Kit
Cost: 200 credits
Power Prybar
Model: SoroSuub Prybar 2800
Type: Power Prybar
Cost: 30 credits
Model: Corellian Engineering SD-47
Type: Servodriver
Cost: 50 credits
Model: Corellian Engineering V-07 Hydrospanner
Type: Hydrospanner
Cost: 50 credits
Power Scanner
Model: Varge Corp. Power Tester
Type: Power Scanner
Cost: 150 credits
Tech Vacuum Suit
Model: LifeLine TechMaster II Vacuum Suit
Type: Tech Vacuum Suit
Cost: 1,000 credits
Flitter Vacuum Suit
Model: Regallis Engineering Flitter Suit
Type: Tech rocket pack vacuum suit
Cost: 1,500 credits
Travel Gear from KotOR & SWCCG
Cargo Crate
Model: Systech
Cost: 100
Model: Systech
Cost: 100
Security Crate
Model: Systech
Cost: 180
Model: Vlanth
Cost: 120
Model: Vlanth
Cost: 100
Large Locker
Model: Vlanth
Cost: 140
Riot Equipment Locker
Model: Czerka Corporation
Cost: 120
Armor Locker
Model: Czerka Corporation
Cost: 140
Gun Locker
Model: Czerka Corporation
Cost: 140
Grenade Locker
Model: Czerka Corporation
Cost: 150
Supplies Container
Model: Czerka Corporation
Cost: 80
Storage Bin
Model: Czerka Corporation
Cost: 115
Weapons Locker
Model: Duwani Mechanical Products
Cost: 140
Strong Box
Model: Duwani Mechanical Products
Cost: 290
Metal Box
Model: Corellian Engineering
Cost: 180
Metal Case
Model: Corellian Engineering
Cost: 60
Equipment Pack
Model: Kuat Systems Engineering
Cost: 60
Metal Case
Model: Kuat Systems Engineering
Cost: 80
Plasteel Cylinder
Model: Drolan Plasteel
Cost: 500
Availability: 1
Game Notes: The cylinder cannot be bashed open by characters or Character-scale weapons. If the lock cannot be sliced, demolitions can be used to blow the lock. The standard lock is Moderate to slice or can be blown with a Minor Mine. Each higher grade lock adds 50 credits to the price, higher difficulty & more powerful mine.
Medical Supplies Box
Model: Manaan Pharmaceutical
Cost: 80
Storage Container
Model: TaggeCo.
Cost: 100
Security Equipment Locker
Model: Systech
Cost: 200
Model: SoroSuub Backpack
Type: Gear Bag
Cost: 50 credits
Stormtrooper Backpack
Model: SoroSuub Stormtrooper Backpack
Type: Gear Bag
Cost: 80; 60 credits
Clay Urn
Model: various
Cost: 60 to 100
Wicker Basket
Model: various
Cost: 60 to 70
Wicker Bin
Model: various
Cost: 60 to 75
Wicker Footlocker
Model: various
Cost: 90 to 100
Rune-Covered Pillar
Model: StarForge (presumed)
Cost: 1,000 to 5,000; ICS 2,300 ICs
Game Notes: Nearly indestructible pillar covered with Rakatan Runes. Immune to lightsabers, Character- and Speeder-scale weapons; even Force Powers. Hidden compartment can be locked by beings with above average Linguistics & Security skills.
Monument to {Sith Lord}
Model: various
Cost: 350 to 180,000; ICS 1,000 ICs
Game Notes: Made to immortalize a Sith Lord, and to conceal one of the Dark Lord’s artifacts. Ancient Artifact not included. Palpatine & Vader are among the most popular. Fancy Kadann or another illustrious personage of the Dark Jedi Order? Revan & Bane are most sought after & are often cost extra. Has the equivalent of 5D Strength or more.
The following melee weapons utilize a Cortosis-weave to prevent lightsaber sparring damage.
Legacy of the Krath Empire & Sith Brotherhood of Darkness
Melee weapons the one need not be a Force-sensitive to use. Can Parry lightsabers. Authentic artifact or faithful recreation; does it really matter if it works?
Krath War Blade
Cost: 380 ICs
Silver Lined Sword
Cost: 900 ICs
This blade is long and straight and sparkles with a silver glow that becomes brighter as the hilt is touched. It is quite warm, and it almost appears that the blade becomes white-hot once it is equipped (drawn). Such a fiery weapon would be devastating against an unarmored opponent. A small insignia of a flame is impressed upon the hilt.
Sith Vibrosword
Cost: 350 ICs
Like most vibroblades, this weapon lets off a dim humming sound once activated. Its length shimmers with a deep blue-colored force field, and its hilt is the black of charcoal. A single insignia upon the hilt shows that of a red, baleful eye.
Sith Ceremonial Vibrosword
Cost: 450 ICs
Krath Dire Sword
Cost: 500 ICs
Sith Tremor Sword
Cost: 1,250 ICs
Massassi Brand
Cost: 325 ICs
Krath Bloodknife
Cost: 480 ICs
Naga Sadow’s Poison Blade
Cost: 1,750 ICs
Massassi Battle Staff
Cost: 55 ICs
Krath Double Sword
Cost: 1,250 ICs
Notched Steel Sword
Cost: 1,400 ICs
Ajunta Pall’s Blade
Cost: 2,750 ICs
Sith War Sword
Cost: 750 ICs
Other Melee:
Rakatan Battle Wand
Model: Czerka/Imperial Arms
Cost: 250 ICs
This one meter long stun baton is based on an ancient design. In addition to the stun-discharge that incapacitates organics, it also has an extremely powerful ion-discharge that instantly destroys lesser droids, making it most effective in disabling battle droids. Furthermore, unlike most stun batons this model is Upgradeable. Please specify the species of the intended owner/users so the handgrips can be matched.
Rakatan Battle Wand
Model: StarForge
Cost: 2,250 ICs
Weighted to fit a Rakatan grip, this item is most likely a stun baton. It seems more adaptable than one of Republic issue, though similar high-density cells make it unwieldy and unusable in the off-hand. Note: In addition to the stun-discharge that incapacitates organics, it also has an extremely powerful ion-discharge that instantly destroys lesser droids, making it most effective in disabling battle droids.
Raito’s Gaderffii
Model: Czerka Corporation
Cost: 150 ICs
This gaffii stick is a faithful recreation of a great Tusken Raider Storyteller’s weapon. Mount it on a wall or use it in a Duel Ring or other battle arena! Order yours today!
Exchange Negotiator
Model: Czerka Corporation
Cost: 235 ICs
This stun baton is a faithful recreation of a defensive weapon favored by the Exchange. Mount it on a wall or use it in a Duel Ring or other battle arena! Order yours today!
Vulkar Shock Stick
Model: Czerka Corporation
Cost: 225 ICs
This stun baton is a faithful recreation of a defensive weapon favored by Swoop enthusiasts early in the history of swoop-racing as a sport. Mount it on a wall or use it in a Duel Ring or other battle arena! Order yours today!
Sith Assassin Pistol Mark I
Model: Czerka Corporation
Cost: 150 ICs
This blaster pistol is a faithful recreation of the weapon used by the Sith Empire of Darth Revan. A formidable hold-out blaster, it’s secondary Ion surge made it a great anti-droid weapon. Mount it on a wall or use it in a Duel Ring or other battle arena! Order yours today!
Sith Assassin Pistol Mark I
Model: Czerka Corporation
Cost: 150 ICs
This blaster pistol is a faithful recreation of the weapon used by the Sith Empire of Darth Revan. A formidable hold-out blaster, it’s secondary Ion surge made it a great anti-droid weapon. Mount it on a wall or use it in a Duel Ring or other battle arena! Order yours today!
Sith Assassin Pistol Mark II
Model: Czerka Corporation
Cost: 750 ICs
This blaster pistol is a faithful recreation of the weapon used by Elite agents of the Sith Empire of Darth Revan. A formidable hold-out blaster, it’s secondary Ion surge made it a great anti-droid weapon. More powerful than the Mark I. Mount it on a wall or use it in a Duel Ring or other battle arena! Order yours today!
Droid Assassin Rifle
Model: Czerka Corporation
Cost: 1,500 ICs
This disruptor rifle is a faithful recreation of the weapon used by HK-47. Perfect for humanoids & battle droids! A formidable blaster rifle, it is fully Upgradeable. Mount it on a wall or use it in a Duel Ring or other battle arena! Order yours today!
V1 Pilot Droid
Model: Industrial Automaton's V1-series pilot droid
Cost: 11,800 ICs
Maintenance: 35 ICs/month
http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/V1-series_pilot_droidAC1 Surveillance Droid
Model: Cybot Galactica's AC1 “Spy-Eye” Surveillance droid
Cost: 5,300 ICs
Maintenance: 20 ICs/month
Autonomous or remote-controlled, can be programmed to follow a fixed preset route or randomly patrol it’s assigned area.
Size: 0.7 meters tall
Equiped With:
*Repulsorlift engine; maximum height 3 meters
*Visual range holocam (500 meter range) with simultaneous transmitter
*Holo receiver unit
*Joystick controller; maximum range 500 meters
http://search.yahoo.com/search;_ylt=A0geu8Cn1.pHpwYBtV9XNyoA?p=AC1+Surveillance+Droid&fr=yfp-t-501&ei=UTF-8 KOS-MOS Battle Android
Model: Vector Industries’ KOS-MOS Battle Android
Cost: 300,000 ICs
Maintenance: 25 ICs/month
This model does not have the firepower to destroy a fleet much less a planet. If one that is as powerful as what we see in Xenosaga is put in the ICS, it should cost 10x more at least & be restricted to Divisions for purchase.
http://xenosaga.wikia.com/wiki/KOS-MOSWoglinde-class Battleship
Length: 1,000 meters
Model: Vector Industries’
Woglinde-class Battleship
Cost: 118,300,000 ICs
Maintenance: 250 ICs/month
http://xenosaga.wikia.com/wiki/WoglindeWoglinde II-class Super Star Destroyer
Length: 8,000 meters
Model: Vector Industries’
Woglinde II-class Super Star Destroyer
Cost: 1,183,000,000 ICs
Maintenance: 25,000 ICs/month
We need Variety...
Datapad Manufacturers:
Arakyd, Aratech, Imperial Munitions, Ubrikkian, Varge Corp., Regallis Engineering, Vlanth, Czerka Corporation, Duwani Mechanical Products, Corellian Engineering, Kuat Systems Engineering, Drolan Plasteel, Systech, SoroSuub, StarForge, TaggeCo.