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RE: Imperial Center Requests
August 6, 2011
3:56:10 PM
Sounds good! I should have numbers 1 and 3 on that list posted by tomorrow.
When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained. ~Mark Twain
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RE: Imperial Center Requests
August 6, 2011
4:24:59 PM
Ion wrote:I'm currently making some BA design's I should post them here when completed. 1. Personal upper-atmosphere stealth transport. Reminds me of a hornet. 2. A quad-track tank with plenty of armor. 3. Field commander's field command center, all the comforts of a stardestroyer's bridge with the advantage of a ground side view, comes equipped with a Projectile Acceleration Cannon. Specifically based on a spider.
2: 3: now for some of my projects: The Negotiator. 6 Barrels of Laser spewing furywith a nice sharp bayonet on the front. Recon/Scout type TIE light on the arms but high in speed and Countermeasures Verp Subgun, small enough to fold into a pilots cockpit compartment but packing enough of a punch to ruin someones day. - OOC:
- plenty of things on the way, hopefully I can get some of my experimental items into testing
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(edited August 6, 2011
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RE: Imperial Center Requests
August 7, 2011
8:09:33 AM
Wow, they look great. I kinda had something different in mind for the command center. I should have something scanned in by this evening.
When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained. ~Mark Twain
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RE: Imperial Center Requests
August 7, 2011
3:34:23 PM
W.S.P.R.D.: W-class Sub-orbit Personal Reconnaissance Device. Who says old tech can't be useful? Modern innovations allow this single person craft allow the WSPRD to operate with nearly complete silence. In addition, due to it's lack of ion engine, it leaves no trace fumes unless malfunction. Armed with a light chaingun and an air-land missile bay holding four such weapons. T.R.N.T.L.-A.: Tactician's Recon and Non-orbital-cp for Logistics, Assault version. Field commander's mobile command center, all the comforts of a stardestroyer's bridge with the advantage of a ground side view, comes equipped with a Projectile Acceleration Cannon, four blaster turrets, and a 360 turret mounted over main command bay for scouting or attack. Specifically based on a spider. That's all for now. Pics of the aforementioned probe droid and a speeder bike I've been thinking of.
When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained. ~Mark Twain
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RE: Imperial Center Requests
August 13, 2011
9:28:23 PM
Something is weird......
I just bought 2 jedi-killing destroyer droids for 3000 each.
Incredible bargain, when a datapad ( ie; iPad 2 ) for 1500. Just saying, but maybe the price should be raised by just a bit for some items, or lowered for others. Landspeeders should be less, but combat droids, definitely more. That's all I have to say .
2 iPads = massive, shielded assault droid. I wish......
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RE: Imperial Center Requests
August 14, 2011
1:05:50 AM
Ion, if you think about it, shouldn't the Command Center have more armor? You don't want all of your V.I.P.s and Officers getting fragged by a lucky shot or stray ordinance. Also, how would the W.S.P.R.D. land if it has a gatling gun on the bottom?
Sorry, I was just browsing through the requests, and wanted to point out some minor design flaw.
Private First Class Michael Alexander Raven Storm Platoon Blackjack ETRP/PFC Raven/2SQD/2PLT/1COM/1BAT/1RGT/VEA/VE/Tadath[LoR]"Damnation seize my soul if I give your quarters, or take any from you." - Edward Teach
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RE: Imperial Center Requests
August 14, 2011
10:43:34 AM
there you go ION and then some more of mine: the NightFury TIE gunship. 1 pilot, class 5 military droid brain in control of the turrets. the Paladin Class Patrol Carrier. 2 hangars and enough heavier weaponry to fend off fighters or slag frigates. A quick wheeled vehicle, paired blasters on the front and a set of compact rocket launchers on either side. Designed to get grunts on the ground, the limited ammo racks and battery packs enables this pod to lay down heavy cover as it comes in as well as when the troops are snatching a beach head. Intimidation with class, the Krayt skull 'figurehead' conceals the bridge in the eyes and a enhanced turbolaser battery hidden between the jaws.
FM/PO2/Einarr "Norsedragoon" Ghylthir/A-3/S:153 Regents/W58: Javelin/IMF II Fearless/TF:B/2Flt/FC/VEN/VE
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RE: Imperial Center Requests
August 14, 2011
10:47:08 AM
The following suggestion is for people who are pretty rich, but does anyone think that being able to buy a Colony is a good idea? I'm not thinking of going in to Sid Meier level detail, but could not the really rich be able to sponser their own colonisation efforts? Get a nice planet or city to spend credits on to make the place grow. Maybe levels 1 (Tatooine farm) to 10 (Taris). Vary it by type of world being settled (harsh worlds are more expensive at first, but at higher levels actually give the owner money as the colony begins to mine and sell rich resources. Safe terrestrial worlds are cheaper to settle, but farming gives little back in the long run. Some sort of balance there). Only one colony per player! They get to detail it on their character's wiki page. And then, we could pool all the wiki pages for people's colonies to give the Vast Empire a nice list of controlled planets! Of course, the key phrase to this whole thing would be: do not over complicate it!
JBO/PO2 Pherik “Serpent” Zail / ISD II Halcyon Warrior/TF: Aurek/2Flt/FC/VEN/VE [SoA]
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RE: Imperial Center Requests
August 19, 2011
3:04:34 PM
That's a pretty good idea! Some people with too much money but massive quantities of large spacecraft, while owning palaces. Maybe you should start a committee for this, or maybe contract the engineering corps for this kind of thing, with a new colony management screen, like for Vigil enterprises, imperitrade, Imperial center, etc. I simultaneously want them to be costly to prevent the filthy rich from grabbing every new Capital ship from imperial center, yet want it to be reasonably cheap for me.... Also, the list of controlled systems needs to be updated.
I propose the following system. Link the colony page to impericare and imperitrade with an option to buy real estate, businesses, infrastructure, and land ( natural resource zones ) Maybe even form a new player owned corporation for this, and trade it. Divisions can buy bases for a cost, like shipyards, bunkers, and supply depots. Real estate can be invested in, while one can buy multiple houses, on different player controlled worlds. Costly, yet effective terraforming would also be fun. Owning worlds could work like this....
( let the prices be calibrated by the enterprising dude who starts the planetary realty corporation )
Barren asteroids in crappy positions: cheap enough for a trainee
Barren asteroids in good locations: may be financed by PPC
Larger asteroids in crappy locations: slightly more
Larger asteroids in good locations: even slightly more
Mobile comet: decent price
Small, rocky planetoids with no atmosphere : reasonable price
Coruscant sized worlds too close or too far from stars: expensive
Icy, desert, or volcanic planets ( hoth, tatooine, mustafar) pretty expensive
Gas giants ( rings extra ) pretty expensive
Low grade habitable world with either very little or gargantuan quantities of life ( dantooine, dagobah )
Terran world : Very expensive
Paradise world ( Alderran like ) : Prohibitively expensive
Whole system : For people like Kadaan, and people like Kadann only.
Stellar anomalies like black holes may cost extra.
Note; Imperial planatery realty does not sell worlds with sentient species on it, as that would be kind of like slavery. Exceptions will be made to customers that wish to designate their planet as nature preserves, and that only.
I don't know. Maybe someone with a lot of spare time might implement this.
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RE: Imperial Center Requests
December 9, 2011
11:29:54 PM
I would like to be able to have a sawback knife.
TRP/PFC soulblade /3SQD/1PLT/1COM/1BAT/1RGT/Tadath/VEA/VE When we go into battle i will be the first to step on the field and the last to step off and i will leave no man behind dead or alive we will all come home together. Only in death does duty end.
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RE: Imperial Center Requests
December 11, 2011
11:20:28 AM
I want Capital Ships back
Naval High Command NCC|Vice Admiral StOrMz|NHC|VEN|VE
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RE: Imperial Center Requests
December 20, 2011
11:13:40 AM
@ Bernie and Serpent:
Ask again when you've got a few billion ICs to blow.
Captain of the FortunatoAcolyte of the Dark Jedi OrderPlatoon Commander of Storm PlatoonPC|FSG|RON|2PLT|1COM|1REG|1BAT|TADATH|VE [WM][CCA][QCT][CoR][BC][CoZ][AS-3]
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RE: Imperial Center Requests
December 20, 2011
3:34:37 PM
Aww, Ronny, they're so adorable.
X's 'n O's from Eyesore.
{Comnet Hermit}-=Wraith PRIDE=- - Former Member - 3 years. VE Smoker Association The few, The proud, The CrAZy RAIDERS. ---------------------------------------------- TRP/FSG Sniping101/3SQD/2PLT/1COM/1BAT/1RGT/VEA/VE[LoR][IH][BoA][CDSx2][CoR][ES1][EW1][CoS][GS][GRP][RoT][SCA][MRT] -So Very Retired- Author/JRN Snipeth/Lotaith/VET/VE -Disbanded- King/Pirate Lord Sniping101/Throne/The Osk Company/Osk 91 ---------------------------------------------- "We are all apprentices in a craft where no one ever becomes a master" - Ernest Hemingway
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RE: Imperial Center Requests
December 21, 2011
1:11:45 PM
I would like to request a pair of Deus Ex style glasses.
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RE: Imperial Center Requests
January 14, 2012
1:28:23 PM
I think a bandanna would be a good addition to ICS? IMO
Slicing Specialist TRP/PSC Roy " Mox" Kerrolin/ 2SQD/ 1PLT/1COM/1BAT/1RGT/ VEA/VE [DT] [ECA] [ A10]
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RE: Imperial Center Requests
January 15, 2012
5:42:53 PM
blah, blah, blah. Ignore.
TRP/PFC Crest/3SQD/1PLT/1COM/1BAT/1RGT/Tadath/VEA/VE (A1) [ES1] [LM] {CRoS} [ECA]Blackjack Infiltration Expert"If you're in a fair fight, you didn't plan it properly"
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(edited April 23, 2012
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RE: Imperial Center Requests
January 15, 2012
5:50:36 PM
if easy to manoveur in(freerunning), would love that armor as well
Slicing Specialist TRP/PSC Roy " Mox" Kerrolin/ 2SQD/ 1PLT/1COM/1BAT/1RGT/ VEA/VE [DT] [ECA] [ A10]
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RE: Imperial Center Requests
January 15, 2012
6:05:12 PM
I'd prefer if only one was made, seeing as how it is quite dangerous to security (realism and all), but, again, that's up to the ICS people. Also, I wasn't quite imagining in to be above-normal mobile; it still has to be able to be used in a firefight/assualt settings. Kinda think of it like a stealthy armor that can easily hold its own in a firefight.
TRP/PFC Crest/3SQD/1PLT/1COM/1BAT/1RGT/Tadath/VEA/VE (A1) [ES1] [LM] {CRoS} [ECA]Blackjack Infiltration Expert"If you're in a fair fight, you didn't plan it properly"
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RE: Imperial Center Requests
February 7, 2012
1:28:22 AM
/me raises hand. Can we pleaaaase add the Vibre-class assault cruiser to the ICS? I'm not sure how much it would be - probably close to a million ICs, but I am in love with that ship <.<
Senior Crewman Demetrius "Hades" Aita, Nightshrike SquadronFM | SCW "Hades" | A-2 | S:82 "Nightshrike" | W:245 "Scimitar" | mSSD Atrus | TF:A | 1Flt | SC | VEN | VE(=SWC=) [INTG] [XMA] [AFM] [INF]Hades
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RE: Imperial Center Requests
February 23, 2012
10:58:05 AM
For the sake of a Personal Story I have in the works, I would love to see the Vibrorapier. The price for it is neatly given on Woolieepedia and everything! Thanks!
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RE: Imperial Center Requests
March 20, 2012
7:05:54 PM
I humbly request this armor and weapon for myself (and others if they so wish to use it....Havock get's a free one though...just cause) Revenant Armor and GR-110 Gauss Rifle (Marksman variant) Manufacturer: Depro-Sword Defense Industries Pattern: Rhyzan Armored Fist Woodland/Urban Standard Equipment Layout: Cadian Shock Mechanized Infantry/Combat Engineers (additional weaponry and gear not shown) Weight: 18 kg (increased with additional webbing and load-out set up) Description: While the exact details of the Revenant armor have been lost, the original designers clearly had one thing in mind during the initial creation: Combat. Created solely for the purpose of war, this armor has been in the Kasrkin Home Guard ever since the Unification Wars back in [Date Retracted/data corrupt] and has yet to see a successor. Despite the limited, if not rare, military service outside of Tel Megiddo Sector and neighboring sub-sectors, it has truly found a way to haunt the battlefield. While those unfamiliar with the armor have found it to be cumbersome and heavy for it's size, Kasrkin soldiers have had little to no trouble in keeping up with their Imperial counterparts in overall mobility and endurance aspects; possibly due to their extensive knowledge and use. A distinct feature of recent iterations, due lessons learned during the fall of Vallock, was the addition of a small personal nano-barrier/shield to increase the survivability in rapidly deteriorating environments. (Basic description for the GR-110) Manufactorer: Arcentul Industries Weight: 4.5 kg (empty), 5.5 kg (with loaded magazine) Caliber: 7.620x51mm Effective range: 600 yds, 1100+ (with optics) Capacity: 30 with standard magazines, or 80 with drum magazine Description: Standard configurations of the GR-110 have: Magnetic Auto-Dampened Stock, a Flash Suppressor, and an Electrically Driven Rotary Breech. It combines standard combustion-based munitions with magnetic field technology to boost the projectile speed when fired. Marksman variants often have a heavier barrel to increase accuracy over long distances.
TRP/LCpl Kilroy/3SQD/1PLT/1COM/1BAT/1RGT/VEA/VE/[5.1]/[6.1]/[PT]/[EW1]
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RE: Imperial Center Requests
April 23, 2012
3:30:35 PM
Could I get this made into an actual infinity?
ASL/CPL Crest/3SQD/1PLT/1COM/1BAT/1RGT/Tadath/VEA/VE(A1) (6.1) (6.2) | [ES1] [EW1] [LM] [CDS] | {CRoS} | [*QW 12*] (CEC) (WtR) (ECA)Assistant to Valthir, the omnipotent god of Blackjack Squad"If you're in a fair fight, you didn't plan it properly" "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity and I'm not sure about the former." "Talent hits a target no one else can hit; Genius hits a target no one else can see"
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RE: Imperial Center Requests
May 16, 2012
9:50:14 PM
I'm not really going to ask for much, just a few weapons. I would like these weapons to be special order infinities. 1.A specialized combat revolver with a blade and special bands that hold all six rounds 2.A general purpose high caliber revolver that is amazingly accurated and has a high stopping power 3.A combat axe that was forged on Mandolore 1.) 2.) 3.)
Fear is just an excuse for someone who is to lazy to take action. Bravery is a fools excuse for running at something without taking time to think or strategize. Courage is being able to man up and face a problem, no matter how large or difficult it may be, and take it down. TRP/PSC HammerHead/3SQD/1PLT/1COM/1BAT/1RGT/VEA/VE/
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RE: Imperial Center Requests
June 4, 2013
6:46:18 PM
Sniper rifles. Lots of sniper rifles.
Specifically the Karpaki Fifty and the QuietSnipe. Those two are epic, not to mention incredibly useful.
Petty Officer 2nd Class Grent "Gurlanin" Notimo, 58th (Strill) Squadron FL | PO2 Gurlanin | Iron 8 | S:58 " Strill" | W:101 "Blade" | ISD II "Adjudicator" | TF: Aurek | 2nd Fleet | SC | VEN | VE (=^TG^=) {GrAt}{AFM}{Infl}{SFT}{Gunn}{Shut}{Slice}{0Gee}