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Topic:  Ch. 7-B Navy
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Navy
January 28, 2002 12:47:51 AM    View the profile of Daishi 
OOC: Bear I agreed to let you be the Battle Droid Operator because I thought it would be unfair of me to let you be the TIE Droid Operator considering your past expeirince with the VEN, I can pull the IRC log where you agreed with me if you like. G5 yes I'm going to pull my squadron from the fray so that they can post on the little subplot I started. /OOC Daishi watched as the ships came together.  The fleet of mercenaries, imperial loyalists, smuglers, and anyone who owed him a big enough favor didn't make for a very large fleet but it would be enough and it still had immpressive firepower. The Fallen Angels and Dread Knights should be there any moment and then the assault would begin on Varneck. For now Daishi could only wait impatently for his otherself. The battle plans were laid out.  The fleet assembled.  The ground troops on thier way. Hopefully these hit and run attacks would draw some ships away from Varneck making Daishi's job easier.  Though these raids had a negative effect as well.  From the reports and interogations of prisoners there actually seemed to be a conspiracy consisting of both NR officers and imperial loyalists who wanted nothing more then to conquer the galaxy one faction at a time.  What this meant was with the raids the VEN was performing the conspirators would actually be recieving reinforcements from non-alligned NR officers and fleets as the NR responded to the raids. All Daishi could do was hope that when the conspiracy was crushed that the NR would loose the wind in thier sails allowing the VE to survive this plight.
Barron Administrator Daishi
"If we had all knowladge then why would we seek what we already know and if we had no knowladge then how could we even ask the question?"  Plato
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Navy
January 29, 2002 1:49:03 AM    View the profile of Fallen 
'Kain, one corvette destroyed. Awaiting orders ... ' 'Good, take down the rest of the fighters. Await for orders to destroy more corvettes.' 'Roger that. C'mon, let's get moving  ..... ' Fallen picked up an A-wing ad chased it through the space, blasting it at its every turn, taunting it at its every move. Soon, an A-wing appeared from his back and started firingat im. Fallen cursed. THe dumb A-wing in front must have asked for assistance. Well, two can play the game ... 'Jmac, come over immdeaitely. Got an A-wing on tail. I'm after an A-wing too.' 'Right over.' After a couple of minutes, Fallen sensed that Jmac was near. Soon the bolts came coming, and the tailing A-wing was destroyed. Fallen gave a shout of approval and renewed its attack on the A-wing. Suddenly it was blown up. Fallen roared. 'Sorry, `J. The fun was too great for me to resist.' 'You are going to paying for it once we dock.' Fallen replied back as he steered towards Rukh's gunboat. 'Then I'll dread the docking time.' 'Hehe, that wont be too near. We've got a lot to take on ...  Join up with me, we'll take down the smaller frigates.' 'Roger that.' When Rukh joined up, they took turns to blast a small frigate working hard to repair the damages. 'Change to proton torpedoes now.' 'Aye.' 'Okay, guess you'll get in first. I'll take second run.' Fallen saw as Rukh took the first run and attacked the bridge. The bridge burned like hell once Rukh was through with it. 'Okay, taking the last run. Should do the job.' Fallen released his proton torpedoes and watched as the small frigate blew up into a fireball, illuminating the dark space for a momment ....
WO2 Jay 'Fallen' Anduril [Army: Raxen]
Aegis 3-3, Lusthawk Nine, AG Member
FL/WO2 Fallen/Aegis 3-1/1/mSSD Atrus/1ESF/VE/VEN/(=A=)(=SA=)[VC]

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  RE: Ch. 7-B Navy
January 29, 2002 3:13:58 PM    View the profile of sk8guy 
"Cover three flight. They're making a run on that corvette." came sk8's voice over two flight's comm.  He formed up beside three flight to provide cover, although there wasn't many fighters left, they would help distract ther corvette's gunners. "Fallen, I've got an idea." "I'm listening sk8." replied Fallen. "Each bomber pair up with a fighter. The fighter should lead the attack, only it's primary purpose will be to draw the fire of the corvette's gunners. Then the bombers will come in under some degreee of protection. What do you think?" answered sk8. "Sounds good. You heard the man thre flight, get to it. Pair up with a fighter from two flight and hit that corvette with all you've got." Fallen came up behind sk8 and the two raced toward the frigate. The guns started to lance out at them, but sk8 danced his fighter between them. He then cut across the axis of the ship and, as predicted, the gunners followed him and left Fallen a nice window to fire off some torpedoes. He got locks and unleashed four torpedoes, all he had left in his ship. It didn't take long for the gunners to realized what was happening, but it was too late. Fallen's torpedoes hit home and dropped the shields of the corvette. Jmac followed in behind the first group, covered by Kalebb. This time however, the gunners weren't fooled quite as easily. They didn't follow Kalebb, but instead concentrated thie fire on Jmac's bomber. Jmac just juked his fighter around the bolts and fire off his warheads. The lasers flying from the ship provided no real threat, but they were a distraction. The torpedoes hit the hull of the corvette and erupted in a fireball. Realizing it was in trouble, the corvette turned away from it's planetary orbit and moved toward deep space toward retreat. "Looks like the corvette's had enough. It's running. We must get it before it goes to hyperspace. Aegis, go in on strafing runs on the corvette." came Kain's orders over the comm. Sk8 took the lead of two flight and they raced in for another pass on the corvette. Two flight made their pass, but their lasers did minimal damage. Three flight laundhed the last of their torpedoes and the corvette erupted into a large fireball. "Good job Aegis. We're moving in to finish off the last corvette and that gunboat. Return to the hanger for departure from the system." came the newly promoted Admiral Riel's orders over the comm. "You heard the man, we've got ourselves a ship to catch." came Kain's voice. As the the fighters headed back toward the Devastator, sk8 saw the two VSD and a coupls support ships under Riel's command moving toward the last remaining ships. They would definitely make short work of them. All that was left was to collect the fighters, whihc was in the progress. After the corvette erupted into an orange ball of fire in space, the fleet jumped toward hyperspace toward there next target.
[ARMY] Cloud
FM/PO2 sk8guy/Aegis 2-2/Aegis 6/ Aegis RO/mSSDArtus/VEN/VE(=A=)(=SA=)(=JCPA=)[-GRC-][VC|G]
TRN/Journeyman sk8guy/VEDJ
"Unleash the power of the Dragon, mwahahahaha!!"
Twin Fury
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Navy
January 29, 2002 3:38:25 PM    View the profile of Twin Fury 
Twin squezed the trigger and watched as the rebel fighter in front of him ceased to exist. He then swung his TIE around in a graceful, sweeping arc and headed off to join up with his flight. His mind bgan to wander once again. Twin simply couldn't seem to stay in the moment. He kept seeing images of his friend, Darkhawk, shut away in a small, dark ship cabin. The room was sparsely furnished with hardly more than a bed for comfort. Darkhawk was lying on the bed staring at the ceiling with a blank expression on his face. He seemed fatigued and disturbed as if he had some painful thought on his mind, or as if he were being tortured or interogated. "Rebels," said Twin to himself. The word brought a bitter taste to his mouth. He was almost certain that his friend had been captured on Coruscant and was now being transported to some prison camp. There was no doubt in Twin's mind that his friend ha been questioned many times as to his affiliation with the empire as well as his buisness on Coruscant. Darkhawk had a strong will though, and Twin was sure that his friend would not talk regardless of the consequences. This brought more pain to Twin. Silence could only lead to more "persuasive" forms of questioning. Suddenly the chamber door slid open with a loud hiss and a streeam of light flooded the tiny cabin. Darkhawk sat up and looked towards the outline of the figure against the illumination of the corridor behind. The figure had a blaster holstered at it's side and appeared to be wearing a uniform of sort. Twin coudn't quite make out the charecteristics of the garb due to the poor lighting, but he was was certain that it was not imperial. The figure stepped foward and revealed herself to be a woman. Just as the woman oppened her mouth to speak a red flash whizzed by Twin's cockpit. He had carlessly stopped reading his scanners and allowed an enmy fighter to tail him. "Curse it all," yelled Twin thankful that the enemy pilot's aim was leaving something to be desired. Twin rolled his craft over, cut the throttle, and looped around behind the stunned pilot. He instinctivly let off a barage of laser fire that destroyed the enemy fighter before it even had time to react to the sudden "role reversal". "That'll teach' em to inturupt me while I'm thinking," Twin chuckled to himself as he nimbly slid his TIE up from beneath Lonewolf to take his wing. "Where to now, Bossman," he asked Kain?
MRRR/FM/PO2 Twin Fury/ Aegis 1-3(Aegis 3)/Wing One/mSSD Atrus/VEN/VE(=A=)(=JCPA=)
"Less Worry. More Fury!"
"You have flys in your eyes."
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Navy
January 29, 2002 4:00:25 PM    View the profile of LoneWolf 
Reil came on the comm channels and gave the firm orders, "All squadrons return to the Devastator, the rest of the fleet will take care of the corrvettes. We've recieved a distress call from Tadath and are to head over there IMMIDIATLY. Good job Everyone that was an excellent Hit and Fade." Kain continued after that and said to the rest of Aegis, "You heard the man lets pack up. All flights return to the Devastator and Stay sober this time, I coulda swore i saw some of you swerving." With the orders gave all the tie squadrons returned to the command ship to prepare for a bigger battle to enter.
PO1 LoneWolf /Aegis 1-2 (Aegis Two)/mSSD Atrus/VEN/VE/(=A=)(=JCPA=)(=SCPA=)[SRC][VC:Ebony]

"Its the scared People who dont get anything done"
"theres no such thing as luck only skill"
"If you have Honor you deserve my respect"
-Navy's best pilot-
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Navy
January 29, 2002 10:16:41 PM    View the profile of Fallen 
Fallen radioed, 'Okay, let's get back home. Great job guys. Looking forward to more of those kind of performancein these upcoming battles. We've got a bigger battle coming up.' 'Yeeha! Sounds great man. I never turn down a battle if I have a brain and hands. Cmon, let's whiz back and snitch a quick drink before flyin' out again.' Rukh's voice boomed over the systems. 'Yeah, but keep a tack on that. I do not want drunken pilots on my flight in battle. There's no use at all.' Fallen zoomed towards the mSSD and landed gently in a berth in the hangar. He checked that RUkh and Jmac had landed safely and was about to turn andhead back to the barracks when two hands landed on his shoulder. Startled, he turned around and saw Rukh and Jmac grinning. 'Cmon, cool it and let's get a drink at the Lounge. We've got some time in our hands. I've yet to beat you at snooker.' Jmac said with an evil grin. Fallen pretended to consider and nodded. 'All right, but drinks on you.' 'What?!? But you get higher pay than us!' Laughing and arguing, the three of them headed back to the Lounge, a favourite hangout for all pilots ...
WO2 Jay 'Fallen' Anduril [Army: Raxen]
Aegis 3-3, Lusthawk Nine, AG Member
FL/WO2 Fallen/Aegis 3-1/1/mSSD Atrus/1ESF/VE/VEN/(=A=)(=SA=)[VC]

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  RE: Ch. 7-B Navy
January 30, 2002 5:14:22 PM    View the profile of LoneWolf 
(OOC: Were on the devastator still, and Reil plz give us some very descriptive orders this time.) LoneWolf walked in the hanger where he landed his Fast Courier. He had just gotten his new fighter that he ordered a little bit ago. He jumped in the cockpit and brought the systems online. he grinned as the targeting computer targeted his Scout craft then a few other fighters in the Room. the ship was closely related to the one Kain flew except his was a different model and created by different  designers. It was VF-4 Lightning III Tactical Fighter and it was very beautifully designed and hamsomly armed with 2 gernal purpose launchers with the same targeting equipment Kain had, one autoblaster, one powerful medium laser cannon, and enough speed to barely rival a Tie Advanced. LoneWolf almost couldnt wait to goto the next battle. he shut the fighter down and got out of the cockpit. LoneWolf then went over to the Lounge to get soem food.
PO1 LoneWolf /Aegis 1-2 (Aegis Two)/mSSD Atrus/VEN/VE/(=A=)(=JCPA=)(=SCPA=)[SRC][VC:Ebony]

"Its the scared People who dont get anything done"
"theres no such thing as luck only skill"
"If you have Honor you deserve my respect"
-Navy's best pilot-
Demi Wraith
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Navy
January 30, 2002 10:05:49 PM    View the profile of Demi Wraith 
[This message has been edited by Demi Wraith (edited January 30, 2002 10:07:31 PM)]
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Navy
January 30, 2002 10:08:14 PM    View the profile of Warmaker 
After he landed, Warmaker decided to go to the lounge and get some Coffee, his head still hurts after the last few drinks in the lounge, but he could still fly "Hehe and this Tech wont let me fly, hmmm who was he, uhhh i cant remember" His mood was now a bit better after he killed a few ppl in the battle, so he decided to just sit down in one corner off the lounge and watch the other pilots enjoying theyr drinks. The Battle went good for the VE, but the home system is still not liberated. Slowly raised WM an eyebrow when he thinks off the next battle, it will be an hard fight, but thats ok, then he loves challenges ...   ----------------------- XO/EFM/WO2 Warmaker/Viper 3-2/WING I/mSSD Atrus/VE/VEN (=A=) (=SA=) (=JCPA=) (=SCPA=) [VC-B] You can run but you cannot hide
[This message has been edited by Warmaker (edited January 30, 2002 10:14:43 PM)]
Kain Rennok
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Navy
January 30, 2002 10:09:07 PM    View the profile of Kain Rennok 
Kain was at the lounge with the rest of his squadron.  They were sitting at a table laughing and having a good time.  They did a very nice hit and fade.  They deserved this nice little break until they got to Tadath. Kain retired to his quarters after having a fun evening with his squadron.  He needed the sleep, he knew that there is going to be a large battle tomorrow.  They had to get rid of the fleet that was orbiting Tadath. Kain and his squadron had woken up a few hours before reaching Tadath.  All of Aegis went to the hangar and did a systems check on their ships.  Soon they will engage some Rebel fighters. The Devastator jumped out of hyperspace and back into real space.  All the squadrons could see the planet Tadath from the hangar.  All the squadrons were ready and waiting for the orders to launch.  The orders never came in.  The VE Army's VSD Dominion had destroyed the small fleet orbting Tadath and the army grunts had already landed on the planet trying to retake Army HQ. New orders came in,  hit and fade tactics.  There were lots of smaller Rebel fleets around this part of space.  They were to find the small fleet and destroy them as quickly as possible then move on the next ones.  The Devastator hyperspaced out of Tadath to look for these small rebel fleets.
2nd Lieutenant Kain Rennok
SC/2Lt Kain Rennok/Aegis 1-1/mSSD Atrus/VE/VEN [=A=] [=SA=] [=JCPA=] [=SCPA=] [=FOCE=] [VC:ST] [BRC]

YF-19 AVF "Black Rain"
Riel Fury
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Navy
January 30, 2002 10:20:01 PM    View the profile of Riel Fury 
Orders:  We're going to be intercepting communications from the fleet around the VEHC planet about where they are jumping for damage control, etc., and moving on a course along their expected route, pulling them out of hyperspace and blasting them.  The ships the Interdictor pulls out could be one Corvette, or you could pull out a fleet to rival ours.  Basically, the half of the defensive fleet and the special ops will be taking over the hit and fades, and we'll be destroying the much smaller fleets, taking away a bit of the attacking force.  Be realistic in the fleets you take out, but make it interesting.  AND KILL SOME AWOLS.  Kaph and Sting will be launched full of Awols, kill them as you will.
Captain Riel Fury
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Navy
January 30, 2002 10:26:58 PM    View the profile of Darkhawk 
(*coughcough* Aegis, can't do this alone, boys and gals. If we beat the army, we get updated equipment. That's gotta be some kind of incentive. I know writing long posts about flying over and over isn't any fun, but let's get out there and whip those land-loving schmucks! )   Finally, the dream that Darkhawk had been waiting for came to him late in the night. He had been searching, thinking, driving himself crazy to figure out the meaning of everything that had been running through his mind the past few nights. And then, there it was. The missing piece of the puzzle jumped out at him like a pink bantha in snowstorm.   At first, he found himself watching an execution somewhere in the deserts of Tatooine. He knew he had never been there himself, and yet he could see everything as if he had been there the day it happened. One skiff caught his attention, and it was not the big one that carried Jabba the Hutt and most of his minions. On this skiff stood the dark-skinned guard from Darkhawk's dream, the wookie Chewbacca, Han Solo, and Luke Skywalker. Jabba was saying something, though Darkhawk did not know Huttese. Then, one of the skiff guards pushed Luke over the edge. But, instead of falling to his death in the Sarlaac's mouth, the young Jedi knight caught the edge of the gangplank and flipped back onto the skiff. His lightsaber shot into the air from out of nowhere, and Darkhawk realized that Skywalker's little Artoo unit was standing on the bridge. Seconds later, the Jedi was making mincemeat out of Jabba's guards. Except for the dark-skinned guard, whom Darkhawk finally recognized as Lando Calrissian. No wonder the Rebels had escaped . . .   As the battle continued, an alternate circumstance was suddenly shown to Darkhawk. The dream began the exact same way. Except this time, instead of catching his lightsaber, the propelled weapon was suddenly stopped in mid-air. Then it slowly whirled around and landed in the hand of a young, attractive dancer on the bridge - Mara Jade. Skywalker and Calrissian's mouths hung open wide as Jade laughed. Then Skywalker was pushed over the edge into the beast's gaping jaws, with Solo and the Wookie not far behind. The screams of Princess Organa echoed in Darkhawk's mind.   Before he had time to wonder what all of this meant, or try to piece something together, he was whisked off somewhere else. Only this time, Darkhawk knew it was not some kind of vision of a place he had never been. This was one of his own memories, and he remembered it and felt it as if it had just happened a few hours ago.   He sat quietly in the Captain's quarters on a large Imperial ship. Something at the back of his senses told him that it was the Imperial Star Destroyer Mark II Garret. The captain of the ship was not present in the room. But someone with a much more commanding presence sat across the desk in the large chair that was opposite Darkhawk's.   The man across the desk was none other than the Dark Lord of the Sith himself, Lord Vader. Those cold black eyes drained light even in the darkness of that room, and his eerie breathing made an odd noise in the still quiet of the room. Nothing had been said since Darkhawk had been called into the room. He only been motioned to sit by a gesture of the Dark Lord and had been waiting patiently for orders since.   Finally, Darth Vader spoke. "Adept Gray," he said suddenly.   Darkhawk nodded. "Yes, my lord?"   "You are aware that you are on route to Tatooine to assist Hand Jade in here mission to assure that Luke Skywalker does not rescue Solo from Jabba the Hutt, correct?" The pilot nodded. "And that this order was given directly to you and her from Emperor Palpatine himself, yes?" A third nod. "Well, Adept, I am changing your orders."   "Changing them, my lord? How so?"   There was a small silence in which Vader seemed to be fighting something, perhaps his own thoughts. Then, "You will still proceed with the other mission as you were directed earlier. Except, you will not be aiding Hand Jade in her mission. You will do whatever you can to keep her from suceeding. Only, you must do it in secret. Do not let her know what you plan at any cost and do not let it be obvious that you were the one that stops her from completing her objectives."   Darkhawk was stunned. Vader was asking him to go directly against an order from Lord Sidious himself. Throughout the years he had known the Dark Lord, nothing like this had been asked of him. And yet, Darkhawk felt that there was no reason he should not obey the Sith Knight instead of his master. The younger man knew that Luke Skywalker was not the only Skywalker at large in the galaxy. He had found out two years earlier that Darth Vader was actually once the Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, and that Luke was his son.   "Do you still plan to try to turn the Jedi to our side?" Darkhawk questioned.   Vader nodded slightly. "He could be a most powerful ally. Our Emperor is wise, but I do not believe that killing the young Jedi is what we need right now."   Darkhawk thought for a moment. He knew that according to Sith doctrines, only a master and student could coexist at the same time. Of course, Vader and Sidious had dozens of adepts and the like beneath them, but none was on a level that those two were. If Vader were able to turn his son to the dark side, what would that mean? Obviously Vader hoped that with Luke's aid he would be able to overthrow the Emperor, becoming the new master. And strangely enough, Darkhawk didn't see anything wrong with that. Sidious had been around long enough - perhaps it was time for Vader to take his place.   "I know what I ask you to do is not easy," Vader continued. "I not only ask you to forsake your master on my behalf, but to turn against your own family, as well."   "I live to serve my masters," Darkhawk replied. "And who I serve is my choice. I would follow you to the ends of the universe and beyond, my lord. I will see that Hand Jade does not allow the Hutt to destroy the Son of Skywalker and that she does not get the chance to, either. And I will do my utmost to remain conspicuos as well."   Vader was silent for a moment. "Very well then." Another pause. "I thank you, Captain. There is no greater service you could do for me. If things work out, I assure you that you will only continue to rise in rank, prestige, and power. The Force is strong with you, my friend."   "Yes, my lord. I will see you when I return."   "Farewell, Adept Gray. You are dismissed."   With that, Darkhawk stood, saluted, and exited the room. As the door to Vader's chamber openend, so did the door to Darkhawk's cabin on the Wild Karrde. Light flooded into the room, awakening him from his long and troubled slumber.   A figure stood in the doorway, but Darkhawk could not make out who it was. The hand beneath his pillow reached quietly for the blaster he had tucked under there the evening before. Slowly, his eyes adjusted to the new light. The figure stepped foward, and he realized it was Mara Jade.She had a blaster in her right hand . . . and the muzzle was pointed right in the man's face.
NTO/FL/LCM Darkhawk/SXO/Aegis 2-1(Aegis Five)/WingOne/SSD Atrus/VEN/VE/(=SA=)(=SCPA=)(=FOCE=)[BRC][VC:Ebony]

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  RE: Ch. 7-B Navy
January 30, 2002 10:30:44 PM    View the profile of sk8guy 
The Devastator  jumped into hyperspace. It made it's way around the surrounding systems looking for the enemy fleet. Suddenly, they were pulled out of space by a gravity well. Their prey were laying in wait for them with an interdictor. In front of Riel's fleet, there was an Interdictor, two VSDs, three frigates and various other support ships. Riel knew this was a small fleet compared to his, but it wouldn't be easy. It seems that they were pretty well evenly matched in firepower and fighters. He had to think. "Launch all fighters. All ships, engage teh enemy fleet. I want the Devastator to attack the two VSDs. All other ships, pair up and take down that fleet." Riel orderd over the comm. -------------------------------- Down in the hanger. Kain had Aegis ready to fly from the moment the Devastator had jumped into hyperspace. He had a bad feeling about all this jumping around. He wanted to be ready. He ordered his pilots to mount up and engage the enemy. One by one, Aegis fighters left the hanger and formed up outside. "Listen up. I want you guys to stay sharp and alert. Show no mercy. Form up and let's go." KAin ordered to his pilots. Aegis formed up in their respective flights. They flew off toward the incoming enemy. Sk8 noticed that a squadron of A-wings was flying toward them. "Ok, we've got incoming A-wings. Throttle up and engage. Good hunting." he said to his flight. Sk8 linked his lasers and went for a head to head attack. He got a good lock on the lead A-wing and fired, and juked to avoid being blasted to pieces. His shots merely weaken the shields, but Kalenn came in behind him and finished him off. "Good shoting Kalebb." Sk8 locked on to another A-wing and positioned around to get on its tail.
[ARMY] Cloud
FM/PO2 sk8guy/Aegis 2-2/Aegis 6/ Aegis RO/mSSDArtus/VEN/VE(=A=)(=SA=)(=JCPA=)[-GRC-][VC|G]
TRN/Journeyman sk8guy/VEDJ
"Unleash the power of the Dragon, mwahahahaha!!"
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Navy
January 31, 2002 12:34:05 AM    View the profile of Fallen 
Fallen said over the intercom, 'Okay guys, this is it. Let's blow up this fleet. If we do a good job, we'll get upgraded equpiment. It's gonna be much better than what we're flying now.' 'Incoming A-wings. Major batch coming from the right 'J.' Rukh reported over the system. 'Roger that. Okay, we'll take on that fleet. Separate into attack formation.' Three ships launched into attack formation and headed for two flights of A-wing. 'Anyway dunt take more than you can chew. I know you guys are great pilots and I'm proud of that, but we're taking on two flight. Be sensible. ' 'A-wings in attack distance. KILL 'EM!' Fallen swung his ship around and went after an A-wing nearest to him, cannons unrelentlessly firing. The A-wing tried to avoid his pummeling and accidently strayed into a line of fire. A swoosh of fire was seen in momments. 'Yeah! One down.' 'I've got one too.' Rukh's cool reply came over the systems as Fallen noticed another A-wing blow up. Fallen nodded. ' Good, keep that up. We've got six more nasty A-wings left. Finish them fast!' Jmac whizzed his ship around and tailed a persistent A-wing. 'Fallen, try blast him apart. I'll fly him to your direction.' 'Sure. Just get them coming.' Soon after, an A-wing flew perfectly in positions to Fallen's cannons, and Fallen made a quick job of it. 'Thanks man. Okay, let's continue this!' Fallen grinned. They had taken three A-wings down already.
WO2 Jay 'Fallen' Anduril [Army: Raxen]
Aegis 3-3, Lusthawk Nine, AG Member
FL/WO2 Fallen/Aegis 3-1/1/mSSD Atrus/1ESF/VE/VEN/(=A=)(=SA=)[VC]

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  RE: Ch. 7-B Navy
January 31, 2002 1:52:11 PM    View the profile of Trigit 
As Trigit watched the stars from the Captain's walk on the ISD-II Crusader, a sensor crewman shouted up to him, "Sir! Scanners show a small recon vessel coming out of hyperspace almost right on top of us!" Whirling around, Trigit snapped, "Jam all transmissions!  Prepare the ion cannons and tractor beams, I want that ship in one piece!!"  "Yessir!" both the communications and weapons officers replied. "Get a squad down to the main hanger to board the craft." was Trigit's next order.  "At once Sir!" came the reply.  As Trigit watched, his crew assailed the unknown vessel with ion beams, then the vessel started moving against it's will towards the Crusader.  "Send a message to Riel informing him that we have captured a small recon craft that came out of hyperspace on top of us.  Also include the sensor data for the incident."  "Yessir" came the reply from the communications officer.  "Well done everyone."
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Navy
January 31, 2002 4:33:15 PM    View the profile of LoneWolf 
The New V-4 streaked across th blackness of space. LoneWolf loved the feel his ship had, especially when he was shooting down a fighter in front of him. LoneWolf Twirled behind an Awing and fired on it with his laser and blaster cannon at once, in a way it felt odd having one cannon more powerful than the other but it was a firepower improvement  just to have launcher bays at all. his craft was faster than the pitiful rebel ships. his two cannons fired symontaniasly one on top of the other. they ripped the weak shields the A wings had. he moved on from one awing to the next. so far it seemed like A wings were the only thing they were carrying. LoneWolf  then noticed a Lone Xwing squadron on the other side of the fleet and left it at his comfor to know there was at least one other squadron of different ships. then LoneWolf noticed that it wasnt a squadron but a small Wave of Xwings.
PO1 LoneWolf /Aegis 1-2 (Aegis Two)/mSSD Atrus/VEN/VE/(=A=)(=JCPA=)(=SCPA=)[SRC][VC:Ebony]

"Its the scared People who dont get anything done"
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Navy
January 31, 2002 10:04:51 PM    View the profile of Riel Fury 
Riel calmly watched from the bridge as one of the Victory Star Destroyers turned into scrap metal.  The Rebel fleet looked as if it was beginning to prepare for a retreat.  "Order our Interdictor to set itself in a way that when they begin to jump to hyperspace, a majority of the ships are left in the gravity cone."  The ensign nodded and relayed the order. "Admiral Riel, we have a priority message from Bluepoint 5."  Riel nodded. It was Vice Admiral Gui Sun Paan.  "Rear Admiral, I have heard of your success...are you busy?" "Nothing large, Admiral, we're just finishing off a small fleet.  My men are capable of finishing them off without me keeping an eye on them." Paan nodded.  "Anyway, the Atrus has completed it's repairs.  My fleet will rendevous with yours at your present position.  Sadly, my duties in the Dark Jedi are pulling me away from this battle, but I hope to meet up with you soon enough.  I trust that you'll be able to handle one of the largest fleets since Endor in your command." Riel nodded.  "I was born to, my lord.  Well, I'll expect to see the Atrus in a little over two days.  Then I'll get a hold of Trigit and Daishi, and we can mass for our strike." With that, he turned back to the battle.  War was hell.
Captain Riel Fury
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Navy
January 31, 2002 10:08:01 PM    View the profile of Demi Wraith 
[This message has been edited by Demi Wraith (edited January 31, 2002 10:09:34 PM)]
Kain Rennok
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Navy
January 31, 2002 10:13:28 PM    View the profile of Kain Rennok 
Kain's YF-19 and Lonewolf's V-4 made short work out of the of the X-Wings.  Their combined firepower  the X-Wings. "Good job Lonewolf, your new fighter is really something." Kain said. "Yeah i know, i feel like I can take on the whole Rebellion fleet with it." Lonewolf replied. "I'm picking up squadrons of Y-Wings, looks like they're launching their bombers." Sk8 said over the comlink. Kain gave out new orders to Aegis.  Kain and Lonewolf will take out all incoming bombers, flight two and the the rest of flight one will join up and escort flight three, flight three will do their bombing runs on one the Interdictor. Kain and Lonewolf broke off from the main flight and sped towards Y-Wings. "Sk8 I'm going to leave you in charge for the rest of the squadron, LW and I are going to trying something new with these Y-Wings." Kain ordered.
2nd Lieutenant Kain Rennok
SC/2Lt Kain Rennok/Aegis 1-1/mSSD Atrus/VE/VEN [=A=] [=SA=] [=JCPA=] [=SCPA=] [=FOCE=] [VC:ST] [BRC]

YF-19 AVF "Black Rain"
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Navy
January 31, 2002 10:55:59 PM    View the profile of Japheth 
Japheth sat in the cockpit of Venom 1. He tapped buttons and flipped switches as he went through his pre-flight startups. He and his squadron were about to start off their first combat mission. He had high hopes. He'd worked for quite a while to train them to work as a squadron, and to compitently use the fighters they had. He finnished up the last of his pre-flight, and awaited the signal from flight control that they were free to launch. Outside the launch bay he could see that they were still in hyperspace, but that wouldn't last long. Outside the doors the mottled blue-black of swirling hyperspace splintered into streaking stars which then collapsed into pinpricks of light. A small red light on his console turned to green, the signal to launch. "Venom Squadron, launch, form up in wing-pairs on the designated vector and await further orders." He suited action to words and got himself out of the launch bay and into space. After everyone was out he flipped to Venom's encrypted channel and spoke up again, "Alright guys, you know the drill, we've simmed it 50 times. This is a hit-and-run on that Rebel convoy on your scanners. Our objectives are to take out at least 50% of its 2 squadron escort and destory at least a quarter of the convoy itself. Wing pairs watch eachother's backs and engage at will." He pushed the throttle to its max and grinned to himself as his wingman, Chaos, matched his acceleration. He redirected a bit of energy to his lasers as he closed and picked out a target. The convoy was being escorted by a squadron of X-Wings and a squadron of Y-Wings. He chose an X-Wing on the edge of the escort circuit and began getting his targeting lock. Today was a good day for a hit-and-run, and the Rebels wouldn't have any idea what hit them.   Edited for a capitolization and redundency.... ----------------------- Chief Warrent Officer Japheth Cappadocious Venom Squadron Commander ADJ(NXO)/SC/CWO Japheth Cappadocious/Venom 1-1/SpecOps Wing/VCF Deathscythe/VEN/VE/[=A=][=SA=][=JCPA=][=SCPA=][MC:1] TRN/UNI Japheth Cappadocious/VEDJ Academy/VCF Deathscythe
[This message has been edited by Japheth (edited January 31, 2002 11:03:23 PM)]
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Navy
February 1, 2002 1:59:53 AM    View the profile of Fallen 
After Kain radioed his orders over the Aegis Squadorn comlink, Fallen shouted to his pilots, 'Okay, you heard it guys. Now let's do what we did to every single enemy ship that lies in our hands: scrap metal.' 'Yeah man. Let's blow 'em up. They arent going to be happy, but I'll be happy.' Jmac shouted over the comlink. 'Okay, Flight One and Flight Two will cover us as we make our runs at the Interdictor. Preaprea your guns. Hold on while I make transmission to the Aegis.' Fallen flipped a control and made direct contact to the entire Aegis Squadron. 'Flight Three ready for bombing. Who will cover who?' 'Good question.' Fallen heard Kain muse for a while before replying. 'Okay, Rukh, take the first run and Lonewolf and Twin Fury will cover you, followed by Jay with Deth and Kalebb and lastly Jmac with sk8 and Ossry. Cmon, let's make a quick job of this ship. We've got others at hand.' 'Yeah. Roger that.' Fallen swung his craft to take a back seat while he saw Rukh and his covers prepare to take the first run while looking out for any enemy ships coming in to attack. Slowly he saw Rukh and his cover mtake their run. The bombing has started.
WO2 Jay 'Fallen' Anduril [Army: Raxen]
Aegis 3-3, Lusthawk Nine, AG Member
FL/WO2 Fallen/Aegis 3-1/1/mSSD Atrus/1ESF/VE/VEN/(=A=)(=SA=)[VC]

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  RE: Ch. 7-B Navy
February 1, 2002 1:54:03 PM    View the profile of Zauriel 
Zauriel smiled as he punched his throttle that ejected him into space.  He quickly muted his comlink after reporting in and began his mental preperation, "I'm the best!  I'm the greatest pilot in the galaxy!  And when you mess with the best you go down like the rest!"  Zauriel wanted so badly to speed up in order to catch up with his squadron commander.  However, Zauriel was only a Flight Member and a wing to another pilot he had yet to meet.  Their current orders were simple, protect the wing and squadron commander's back.  Zauriel hated this, he wanted so badly to start wiping out those ugly gorilla's.  Finally Zauriel got his chance as his wingmate was taking out a trailing X-wing.  A Y-wing formed up behind him and began shooting its lasers, nearly hitting him.  Zauriel switched his channel to the New Republic's, "Hey ugly gorilla!  I'm gonna thrill ya!"  Zauriel turned his shots into a single quad fire.  Zauriel fired at the aft section of the bomber and hit with 3 of the shots.  The Y-wing quickly spun out of control and the next instant he could see the pilot ejecting.  Zauriel then c hanged his channel back to its standard station, "Venom 6 reporting 1 down ugly gorilla."  The rest of the flight was uneventful for Zauriel as he protected the rest of his squadron that didn't seem to attract any fighters that wanted to fight back. 
Crewman Zauriel
FM/CRW Zauriel/Venom 6/Spec Ops Wing/VCF Deathscythe/VEN/VE/[VEBAT]
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Navy
February 1, 2002 1:57:55 PM    View the profile of Daishi 
Daishi felt hyperspace revert to realspace under his feet as his fleet emerged.  All was going as he had planned.  The smaller vessels were already begining decoy manuevers and the ships of the line were still safely secreted away. Daishi was leading the incertion with the Deathscythe.  With the stealth abilities of the ship it would be the only thing able to get the Fallen Angels close enough to the planet and keep them supplied without getting destroyed in the process. Boo Wood and Jansom Colpman were his enemies for this battle and neither would just roll over and play dead for him. The ground campaign would take time so Daishi had to drag out the engagements against the orbiting forces. If his chrono was correct the first cruiser was about to come under attack in about an hour. Daishi would have prefered to do this in a more frenzied pace but that would not be possible if Boo Wood called up the reinforcements Daishi expected him to. "Welcome to the Varneck system gentlemen.  We'll be here for a while.  Begin ploting landing sites and set sensors to maximum I want to be able to inform the Fallen Angels of the latest microb migration."  Daishi ordered from the bridge. The hardware that he was packing for this fleet was definately impressive but Daishi preffered to keep a low profile and thus brought along some T/A's and Gun's for this operation. Now it would be up to the pilots and the Fallen Angels.
Barron Administrator Daishi
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Navy
February 1, 2002 3:54:50 PM    View the profile of Darkhawk 
    Darkhawk's hand found the handle of his pistol and his grip tightened around it, but he made no move against the woman who had just barged into his cabin. As he blinked and rubbed his eyes with his free hand, he realized that Mara was holding a blaster rifle square in his face. Gulping, he looked up at her with a disarming smile.     "Is there something I can do you for, Mara?" he questioned.     She responded by jamming the gun right against his neck. His smile faded quickly. This was not a nice turn of events. Just when he had thought about talking to the woman about their past, about his past, she had gone bonkers on him and had a gun to his neck. Maybe Karrde had finally decided that his long-term passenger's money was worth more than giving the man a place to sleep every night. They probably were going to kill him now and just take all of his stolen credits, and his E-wing, too.     "You bastard," she breathed. "I should have you hauled off to Byss and cut into a tiny million pieces."     "Well, that's not nice," he remarked. "I thought you were beginning to like me."     The young woman put her finger up against the trigger as a frown crept onto her face. "Don't play dumb with me. I . . . I had one of my . . . visions last night."     Darkhawk squinted and wrinkled his brow. Had Mara had the same dream he had? Then that would mean she knew that he had kept her from journeying out onto Jabba's skiff that day, and in effect, not only ruining both of their careers, but inadvertently causing the deaths of both Darth Vader and the Emperor.     The thought hit Darkhawk almost as hard as a blaster bolt would have if Mara had squeezed the trigger. Because he had carried out Lord Vader's orders, and disobeyed Lord Sidious, he had come to cause the downfall of the Galactic Empire. Not the most comforting thought in the world. Obviously, if he ever got out of this mess, he didn't plan on bragging about it.     Then another thought hit him even harder and he barely was aware of his surroundings anymore. Someone had found out that he had betrayed Palpatine, unknowingly allowing Luke Skywalker to turn his father back to the light, causing the deaths of both of the Dark Jedi. And that someone hadn't thought very highly of Darkhawk about it. They stripped him not only of his position in the Navy, but also of his memory AND his connection to the Force.     Though, he found a small slice of comfort in the knowledge that whoever had done it had left him alive. Perhaps they had been good friends once. But, as he strained to try and figure out who might have done it, he became reaware that there was an angry woman pointing a gun at his jugular.     "Yes, well, I was ordered to do it," he stammered out.     Her frowned deepend more than he had thought possible for that pretty face. "How could you obey Vader over the Emperor? You forgot just to whom you owed your allegiance. Now you will finally pay the price, Captain."     Darkhawk's eyes went to the tatoo on his arm and then likewise to the one branded on Mara's slender arm. He grimaced as he saw her finger tighten on the trigger from the corner of his eye. Could this really be the end? Just when he was so close to finding out the complete truth of his past . . .     In a flash, he grabbed the end of Mara's rifle and flipped it upwards, just in time. A red bolt lanced out and burned a hole in the ceiling. At the same time, he pulled his left hand out from under his pillow and jammed his Officer's Blaster in the woman's side. His right arm held her gun firm, and she did not have the strength to level it back out to an angle from which she could fire another shot at him.     "Calm down," he said calmly. Adrenaline had taken over now and he was not nervous at the slightest.     Mara on the other hand, did not seem ot be in the same shape. She did not even have a touch on the Force, for that would have calmed her as well. She bit her lip and eyes his small blaster warily even as she struggled to break free from his grasp.     She finally looked down and stared him in the eyes. "I could kick you, you know."     "But I would shoot you first," he answered.     There was a slight pause. "Why can't I feel the Force in you?"     He shook his head. "I was stripped of my ability to touch the Force by someone . . . I was brainwashed, too."     The frown finally faded from her face. "Who? It's like . . . there's a hole in the Force where you are. It's been bothering me ever since you came onboard. At first, I thought it was just all the ysalimiri throwing off my concentration, but now. . ."     Darkhawk smiled softly. "Mara, we need to talk. Please, put your gun away." She made no move to comply, so he laid his own weapon softly on the ground. She still made no move to drop hers, so he kicked his across the cabin floor. He knew she could simply call that one to her with the Force and shoot him, but he was taking a gamble.     Finally, she dropped her gun, too. "Start talking."
NTO/FL/LCM Darkhawk/SXO/Aegis 2-1(Aegis Five)/WingOne/SSD Atrus/DEF/VEN/VE/(=A=)(=SA=)(=JCPA=)(=SCPA=)(=FOCE=)[BRC][VC:Ebony]

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  RE: Ch. 7-B Navy
February 1, 2002 7:13:31 PM    View the profile of sk8guy 
Three flights bombomg run went through quickly. By the time sk8 and Jmac were up it's shields were almost gone. "Jmac you ready?" he asked over to the bomber pilot. "Ready as ever, let's go." he replied as he raced ahead of Sk8. They cama in from the right side of the interdictor and Jmac waited for a good solid lock. He held it, but didin't fire."Fire Jmac. You've got a lock!" sk8 shouted through the comm. "Hold on sir. Trust me I know what I'm doing. If I release now they could just shoot them cown. I'm gonna go in and release real close." he responded. "Right. Ossry, break off and prepare to engage fighters. We're not going in that close." he ordered to Ossry. As sk8 and Ossry broke off, Jmac released his torpedoes and the shields on the interdictor dropped. It turned 180 degrees and sk8 could tell it was gonna run. "Ok boys, it's running. Our job is done for now. Riel should have our gravity well up, so it's not going far fast. Let's do some more runs and take it down. Rukh, you lead the way." Rukh sent his acknowledgement and headed for the interdictor. He went for a straight on sho at the bridge. After his bombing run, he swung back around to do a run with lasers. He knew it would be ineffective, but it would help a little. Fallen followed and dropped the hull down to 50%. "Ok sir. It's my turn now. Let's go get it." yelled Jmac into the comm. "Right Jmac. Go ahead, we'll be right behind you. Ossry, I want you go for an attack on the bridge. It should be the weakest point when it comes to lasers." sk8 ordered to Ossry. Ossry acknowledged and raced off toward the bridge while Jmac went for the section below the bridge. Sk8 decided he'd go for the bridge as well, right behind Ossry. Just as he reached the bridge however, the interdictor started to break apart. Jmac must've gotten penetrated it. "Good job Jmac. Let's go after another one, say, that frigate over there. You here that Fallen, start your run on a frigate and everyone else follow. Engage some starfighters in between your runs." Sk8 announced over the comm. Fallen raced off toward the nearest frigate. The rest of Aegis engaged the starfighters of the rebels. Fallen reported in a successful run and ordered the next of his flight to go for their run. The frigate would be gone in no time. Just as the shields on the frigate went down, Viper squadron moved in to disable it. "Good job Viper's, but what is this? Aegis does all the hard work and you just fly in and take the credit huh?" Fallen asked over the comm. "I thought we were in in this together Aegis. Thanks for taking down its shields. WE figured you were running low on torpedoes and decided to save you the trouble of destroying this thing. We have a job for you." replied Corran. "You guys take one firgate, we'll take the other one. Sound good.?" "It does Corran. Sounds real good. Go ahead and take your pick. Good hunting." sk8 said to the Viper pilots. "You heard him three flight, let's take down another of those frigates." Aegis moved toward their frigate and prepared to engage it. Sk8 managed to look at his scanners and noticed half the fighter were gone. Lonewolf and Kain must have gotten them all. Aegis wasn't gettin gmany fighters in this battle, but it didn't matter.
[ARMY] Cloud
FM/PO2 sk8guy/Aegis 2-2/Aegis 6/ Aegis RO/mSSDArtus/VEN/VE(=A=)(=SA=)(=JCPA=)[-GRC-][VC|G]
TRN/Journeyman sk8guy/VEDJ
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Navy
February 2, 2002 12:27:08 AM    View the profile of Chaos 
Chaos finished off the X-Wing he had initially targeted with a quick quad burst from his laser cannons.  He was completely calm, having prepared himself for the battle.  He was as cold as ice, not thinking twice about any shot.  A Y-Wing had somehow managed to get behind him during his focused attack on the X-Wing.  Japheth fired several shots to shake his wingman's foe, but the Y-Wing only began to fire.  "I've got this one sir."  Chaos cut his throttle back to 1/3 while performing a quick 360 loop and then matched speeds with his opponent.  He switched repeatedly between ions and lasers to get the most energy out of the weapons.  The shields on the Y-Wing took a great beating, but Chaos' relentlessness finally paid off.  The Y-Wing went into a bright fireball as Chaos went full throttle straight through it.  His shields held but took some minor damage.  He increased power to the lasers and transferred some of the stored laser energy to the shields. "Commander, some of the Y-Wings have broken off to 4 kilometers.  I think they're going to try for a missile attack." "Chaos, see if you can keep them occupied while the rest of us handle the other fighters." Japheth replied. "Will do, sir." Chaos made sure his tail was clear then transferred energy to the lasers and shields.  He targeted the lead Y-wing and watched as dual missiles fired toward him and his squad mates. "Incoming!  I think I've got them but watch out!"  Chaos switched his lasers to single fire and shot down missile after missile.  The other Y-Wings were still out of range to fire on him, so it made it easier for Chaos to take out the first ones.  The last two Y-Wings with missiles finally managed to fire simultaneously, but they both only had 2 missiles left by then. They fired directly at Chaos' beloved TIE Defender.  He managed to destroy one pair of missiles and one of the other missiles, but the last one hit his ship.  His shields were gone now, but he did have the Defender's legendary maneuverability.  He shifted his cannons to laser/ion link and burst fired his way past the last two Y-Wings.  One of them backed off and he managed to destroy the other.  The first two continued on their heading back to the convoy. The enemy squadrons were decimated by this point, leaving the convoy barely protected and ripe for the attack.
FM/LCRW Chaos/Venom 1-2/SpecOps Wing/VCF Deathscythe/VEN/VE [=A=]
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Navy
February 2, 2002 1:01:04 AM    View the profile of Japheth 
With the escort decimated Venom Squadron made quick work of the remaining convoy and returned to the Deathscythe. After everyone had finnish their shutdowns, the Deathscythe was back in hyperspace, and he'd givin his pilots half an hour to clean up, he called for the debriefing. "Great job, everyone," he began, "This was an excellent first combat engagement, and I hope to see many other equally successful ones in the future. I don't know about all of you, but I'm tired after all that. I'm going to bed, your all dismissed." He waited until everyone had left, and then headed off to his quarters. He changed out of his flightsuit and sat on his bed, crosslegged. He cleared his head of thought and ran through some of the meditation techniques he'd been learning. He was not yet strong with the Force, but he was learning quickly, and hoped to be a powerful Sith warrior someday soon... He finnished his exercises feeling relaxed and refreshed, and drifted into sleep without dreams.
Chief Warrent Officer Japheth Cappadocious
Venom Squadron Commander

ADJ(NXO)/SC/CWO Japheth Cappadocious/Venom 1-1/SpecOps Wing/VCF Deathscythe/VEN/VE/[=A=][=SA=][=JCPA=][=SCPA=][MC:1]

TRN/UNI Japheth Cappadocious/VEDJ Academy/VCF Deathscythe
grrl fury
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Navy
February 2, 2002 8:09:39 AM    View the profile of grrl fury 
OOC: C'mon, Viper! We need to keep up with this! __________________________________________________________ As flight 2 began do leave the hangar, a voice boomed over the system. "Good luck," said Riel, confidently. "You guys are going to do well, I can feel it!" They reached the end of the hangar, and began to see the Starfighters. "Hang on," Grl whispered to herself, trying to calm herself down. "You can do this, grl..." Grl and PJ followed Flight 3 out of the hangar.  As suddenly as they had left, the shots started being fired. A loud blast of Corran's torpedo sounded as part of the frigate was hit. It all seemed to be going well until two X-Wings engaged Corran. Grl and PJ strayed from what they were doing and began to take on the X-Wings. "You take the one on the left, I'll take the right," said Grl, trying to take charge of the situation and show her abilities. "Okay, just be careful," PJ told Grl, as they began to part. Grl began to use her lasers against the X-wing, when all of a sudden she saw three fighters coming up close behind her. She began to panic, but then regained her composure. "Uh, guys?" Grl said wearily into the comm and began to take deep breaths. "Yeah?" PJ replied as he still chased the X-Wing. "Uh, I've got a little unexpected company behind me...." she trailed off as she didn't know what else to say. "Hold on, I've got you..." a strange yet farmiliar voice said.
Petty Officer 2nd Class Grl Fury
Navy of the Vast Empire
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  RE: Ch. 7-B Navy
February 2, 2002 8:27:52 AM    View the profile of Warmaker 
"OK Grl, im right behind him, when i say now, turn to the left, k?" asked WM "OK, im ready" replied Grl "Good ... NOW" Grl`s Interceptor turned quickly to the left site, then WM shoot with his 4 Lasers onto the first X-Wing, two direct hits destroyed the Xwing in seconds, then he looked onto the second, the X-Wing starts to turn out of the way, but 2 of the 4 lasers hit him and destroyed one of his engines, the Xwing tryed to make an looping, but with an damaged fighter agaisnt an Interceptor he had no chance and was destroyed bevore the looping ends. "Two X-Wings down, one left" WM turned quickly to engage the remaining fighter when he saw that girl was just behind him and send severall Laser shoots in the heck of the fighter, on his traget screan WM saw that the shields dropped quickly against 0 and then the X-Wing explode in a giant fireball as one shoot hit the remaining torpedos in the launchers, Grl flyed straight trough the fireball, for a moment WM couldnt see her .... "Hey Grl, everything ok?" asked WM "Yeah, i have one, YEAHAHA, im a bit damaged, but nothing really important" answered Grl "Good, ok, Come on lets go against the remaining fighters" ......
XO/EFM/WO2 Warmaker/Viper 1-2/WING I/mSSD Atrus/VE/VEN (=A=) (=SA=) (=JCPA=) (=SCPA=) [VC-B]

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  RE: Ch. 7-B Navy
February 2, 2002 8:42:41 AM    View the profile of Corran 
"Thanks guys, it's just i'm not as manuverable as you are." Corran said, "I'm going to make another run on the frigat so I could do wil some cover." "Since we've strayed out we may aswell cover you." said WM, "that's me, grrl and PJ." "OK, thakns. If you guys tahe the fighters and i'll take the frighate. But if you car, rip off a few shots aswell." The three interceptors pulled round, just behind the Assault Gunboat. Heading for the frigate. "There's two X-Wing's off to port. PJ and grrl, if you could take them." Corran asked. "OK, we got them." came PJ's voice over the com.
Petty Officer 2nd Class Corran
Navy Training Officer Adjutant

TO:A/FL/PO2 Corran/Viper 3-1/1/mSSD Atrus/1ESF/VE/VEN/(=A=)(=MA=)

"Her bosom rose and fell like an empire" - The thoughts of Commander Samuel Vimes, Ankh-Morpork City Night Watch
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