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Topic:  Counting
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  RE: Counting
June 3, 2005 7:37:42 PM    View the profile of Earthjedi01 
Fear Leads to Anger, Anger Leads to Hate, Hate Leads to, SUCKING IT !!
(a quote from Ratty of X-Play)
Petty Officer 1st Class EarthJedi01 / E-Mail Me at [email protected]
FM/PO1_Earthjedi01/Kaph-Flight2/PhoenixWing/mSSD Atrus/DEF/VEN/VE/(=*A*=) (=*SA*=)
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  RE: Counting
June 3, 2005 8:14:00 PM    View the profile of Kuroishi 
(it's accurate, now to make you all wonder what base it is! Muwahahahahahahahahaha!)
Kuroishi Wraith VEA
Daishi Raptor VEN
Assistant Writer Why Project Copyright Infringment
Ich bin hessliche amerikaner.
Nehmen mir zu dein frauen von vernunftig preis tugendhafte.
"And the sound of many heads hitting many solid objects was heard throughout the land." me
Avatar by scientist computer graphics subdivision of Clan Wombat.
"It's not what I'm on it's what I'm NOT on."-far as I know me
"Now equiped with Swiss Army Lightsaber!"
5/13/2005-My journey to the Darkside is complete
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  RE: Counting
June 3, 2005 8:16:19 PM    View the profile of Kairo 


Yes, I got to do ABC...
Senior Sergeant Kairo
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  RE: Counting
June 3, 2005 9:19:36 PM    View the profile of vint 
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  RE: Counting
June 3, 2005 9:21:42 PM    View the profile of Yillis 

i see you caught on to my trick
Private First Class Yillis
-=Lancer Squad=-
TRP/PFC Yillis/2SQD/2PLT/1COM/1RGT/1BAT/VEA/VE/Tadath [LoR] [WM]
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  RE: Counting
June 3, 2005 9:23:57 PM    View the profile of vint 
Jack Nebulax
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Jack Nebulax
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  RE: Counting
June 4, 2005 7:27:00 AM    View the profile of Jack Nebulax 

Revenge is what holds this galaxy together. Without it, the universe would be a boring place.

Senior Chief Petty Officer and Reporter Jack Nebulax, Imperial Navy and VE Today Staff, Vast Empire.
XO/FL/SCPO Jack Nebulax/Nazgul 5 (2-1)/Wing 1/mSSD Atrus/Defensive Fleet/VEN/VE (=A=) (=*SA*=) [VC:B]
Rep|Int/Rep Jack Nebulax/Rep: 4/Reporters-Interviewers/VE/VET
Admiral Jack Nebulax, third-in-command of the Auroran Defense Fleet (ADF) and leader of Nemesis Wing (Wing I)
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  RE: Counting
June 4, 2005 7:56:33 AM    View the profile of TK-112 
Senior Sergeant David "TK-112"Bowman - Master Chef
-=Lancer Squad=-

Jack Nebulax
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Jack Nebulax
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  RE: Counting
June 4, 2005 8:51:11 AM    View the profile of Jack Nebulax 

Revenge is what holds this galaxy together. Without it, the universe would be a boring place.

Senior Chief Petty Officer and Reporter Jack Nebulax, Imperial Navy and VE Today Staff, Vast Empire.
XO/FL/SCPO Jack Nebulax/Nazgul 5 (2-1)/Wing 1/mSSD Atrus/Defensive Fleet/VEN/VE (=A=) (=*SA*=) [VC:B]
Rep|Int/Rep Jack Nebulax/Rep: 4/Reporters-Interviewers/VE/VET
Admiral Jack Nebulax, third-in-command of the Auroran Defense Fleet (ADF) and leader of Nemesis Wing (Wing I)
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  RE: Counting
June 4, 2005 11:18:11 AM    View the profile of vint 
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  RE: Counting
June 4, 2005 3:05:48 PM    View the profile of Kairo 

Senior Sergeant Kairo
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  RE: Counting
June 4, 2005 3:25:17 PM    View the profile of vint 
Jack Nebulax
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Jack Nebulax
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  RE: Counting
June 4, 2005 6:06:13 PM    View the profile of Jack Nebulax 

Revenge is what holds this galaxy together. Without it, the universe would be a boring place.

Senior Chief Petty Officer and Reporter Jack Nebulax, Imperial Navy and VE Today Staff, Vast Empire.
XO/FL/SCPO Jack Nebulax/Nazgul 5 (2-1)/Wing 1/mSSD Atrus/Defensive Fleet/VEN/VE (=A=) (=*SA*=) [VC:B]
Rep|Int/Rep Jack Nebulax/Rep: 4/Reporters-Interviewers/VE/VET
Admiral Jack Nebulax, third-in-command of the Auroran Defense Fleet (ADF) and leader of Nemesis Wing (Wing I)
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  RE: Counting
June 4, 2005 6:09:19 PM    View the profile of vint 

Jack Nebulax
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Jack Nebulax
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  RE: Counting
June 4, 2005 6:09:57 PM    View the profile of Jack Nebulax 

Revenge is what holds this galaxy together. Without it, the universe would be a boring place.

Senior Chief Petty Officer and Reporter Jack Nebulax, Imperial Navy and VE Today Staff, Vast Empire.
XO/FL/SCPO Jack Nebulax/Nazgul 5 (2-1)/Wing 1/mSSD Atrus/Defensive Fleet/VEN/VE (=A=) (=*SA*=) [VC:B]
Rep|Int/Rep Jack Nebulax/Rep: 4/Reporters-Interviewers/VE/VET
Admiral Jack Nebulax, third-in-command of the Auroran Defense Fleet (ADF) and leader of Nemesis Wing (Wing I)
ComNet Initiate
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  RE: Counting
June 5, 2005 8:50:29 AM    View the profile of vint 
Jack Nebulax
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Jack Nebulax
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  RE: Counting
June 5, 2005 8:52:42 AM    View the profile of Jack Nebulax 

Revenge is what holds this galaxy together. Without it, the universe would be a boring place.

Senior Chief Petty Officer and Reporter Jack Nebulax, Imperial Navy and VE Today Staff, Vast Empire.
XO/FL/SCPO Jack Nebulax/Nazgul 5 (2-1)/Wing 1/mSSD Atrus/Defensive Fleet/VEN/VE (=A=) (=*SA*=) [VC:B]
Rep|Int/Rep Jack Nebulax/Rep: 4/Reporters-Interviewers/VE/VET
Admiral Jack Nebulax, third-in-command of the Auroran Defense Fleet (ADF) and leader of Nemesis Wing (Wing I)
ComNet Initiate
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[VE-VEEC] Gaming Reporter
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  RE: Counting
June 5, 2005 12:06:21 AM    View the profile of vint 
Jack Nebulax
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Jack Nebulax
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  RE: Counting
June 5, 2005 2:48:44 PM    View the profile of Jack Nebulax 

Revenge is what holds this galaxy together. Without it, the universe would be a boring place.

Senior Chief Petty Officer and Reporter Jack Nebulax, Imperial Navy and VE Today Staff, Vast Empire.
XO/FL/SCPO Jack Nebulax/Nazgul 5 (2-1)/Wing 1/mSSD Atrus/Defensive Fleet/VEN/VE (=A=) (=*SA*=) [VC:B]
Rep|Int/Rep Jack Nebulax/Rep: 4/Reporters-Interviewers/VE/VET
Admiral Jack Nebulax, third-in-command of the Auroran Defense Fleet (ADF) and leader of Nemesis Wing (Wing I)
ComNet Cadet
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  RE: Counting
June 5, 2005 2:54:14 PM    View the profile of vint 
Jack Nebulax
ComNet Expert
Jack Nebulax
[VE-NAVY] Senior Chief Petty Officer
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  RE: Counting
June 5, 2005 3:23:23 PM    View the profile of Jack Nebulax 

Revenge is what holds this galaxy together. Without it, the universe would be a boring place.

Senior Chief Petty Officer and Reporter Jack Nebulax, Imperial Navy and VE Today Staff, Vast Empire.
XO/FL/SCPO Jack Nebulax/Nazgul 5 (2-1)/Wing 1/mSSD Atrus/Defensive Fleet/VEN/VE (=A=) (=*SA*=) [VC:B]
Rep|Int/Rep Jack Nebulax/Rep: 4/Reporters-Interviewers/VE/VET
Admiral Jack Nebulax, third-in-command of the Auroran Defense Fleet (ADF) and leader of Nemesis Wing (Wing I)
ComNet Cadet
[VE-ARMY] Private First Class
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  RE: Counting
June 5, 2005 5:29:11 PM    View the profile of vint 
-=Lancer Squad=-
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  RE: Counting
June 5, 2005 8:30:23 PM    View the profile of Kairo 

Senior Sergeant Kairo
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  RE: Counting
June 5, 2005 8:55:35 PM    View the profile of vint 
-=Lancer Squad=-
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  RE: Counting
June 5, 2005 9:24:47 PM    View the profile of Yillis 
Private First Class Yillis
-=Lancer Squad=-
ASL/PFC Yillis/2SQD/2PLT/1COM/1RGT/1BAT/VEA/VE/Tadath [LoR] [WM]
Jack Nebulax
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Jack Nebulax
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  RE: Counting
June 6, 2005 9:44:06 AM    View the profile of Jack Nebulax 

Revenge is what holds this galaxy together. Without it, the universe would be a boring place.

Senior Chief Petty Officer and Reporter Jack Nebulax, Imperial Navy and VE Today Staff, Vast Empire.
XO/FL/SCPO Jack Nebulax/Nazgul 5 (2-1)/Wing 1/mSSD Atrus/Defensive Fleet/VEN/VE (=A=) (=*SA*=) [VC:B]
Rep|Int/Rep Jack Nebulax/Rep: 4/Reporters-Interviewers/VE/VET
Admiral Jack Nebulax, third-in-command of the Auroran Defense Fleet (ADF) and leader of Nemesis Wing (Wing I)
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  RE: Counting
June 6, 2005 9:45:45 AM    View the profile of Yillis 
Private First Class Yillis
-=Lancer Squad=- -=ASL=-
ASL/PFC Yillis/2SQD/2PLT/1COM/1RGT/1BAT/VEA/VE/Tadath [LoR] [WM]
Jack Nebulax
ComNet Expert
Jack Nebulax
[VE-NAVY] Senior Chief Petty Officer
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  RE: Counting
June 6, 2005 9:46:57 AM    View the profile of Jack Nebulax 

Revenge is what holds this galaxy together. Without it, the universe would be a boring place.

Senior Chief Petty Officer and Reporter Jack Nebulax, Imperial Navy and VE Today Staff, Vast Empire.
XO/FL/SCPO Jack Nebulax/Nazgul 5 (2-1)/Wing 1/mSSD Atrus/Defensive Fleet/VEN/VE (=A=) (=*SA*=) [VC:B]
Rep|Int/Rep Jack Nebulax/Rep: 4/Reporters-Interviewers/VE/VET
Admiral Jack Nebulax, third-in-command of the Auroran Defense Fleet (ADF) and leader of Nemesis Wing (Wing I)
ComNet Novice
[VE-ARMY] Lance Corporal
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  RE: Counting
June 6, 2005 9:50:32 AM    View the profile of Yillis 
Private First Class Yillis
-=Lancer Squad=- -=ASL=-
ASL/PFC Yillis/2SQD/2PLT/1COM/1RGT/1BAT/VEA/VE/Tadath [LoR] [WM]
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  RE: Counting
June 6, 2005 10:07:11 AM    View the profile of Eviscares 
Iron Horse Squad

Who dares wins!

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