Biography: |
Callsign: Earthjedi01
Name: (unknown)
Homeworld: Corellia
Born: 18 BBY
Age: 27
Height: 5'15
Weight: 163 lbs.
Hair Color: Brownish
Eye Color: Brown
Though Born on Corellia, Earthjedi01 was raised on the Kuat Ringworld, as he grew up he watched the republic dissolve and the empire form. When he was old enough he joined the CSF (Corellian Security Forces), and flew for their Space Forces. Following a flight exercise, while he was exiting his craft, the Cockpit Windshield opened and then the cables keeping it opened snapped landing and slicing off his left arm, which was then replaced with a cybernetic arm. On the Year 7 ABY, during the Bacta War, the Rebellion attacked Kuat's Ringworld, and the Kuat Mining Colony, to get revenge on the rebels. He joined on Corellia on the Year 8 ABY. Joined under the Vast Empire because it sounded interesting.
He was AWOL'ed, after being sent to the Kessel Mines for 20 Years, Escaped after 1 Year, what happened next is Classified, all that is declassified is that he is currently the Head CEO of Cybot Galactica 2.0 , the re-built Cybot Galactica Company. It is rumored that re is loacted on Etii IV. His Best Work Includes:
HK-47B = VE Army / Currently AWOL / Location Uknown
C-3PX2 = VE Naval Pilot / Currently Active / Location: Abrae, Vectra System
CY-10N = Infomation Uknown