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Topic:  Yesterday Today(Wraith Squad)
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  Yesterday Today(Wraith Squad)
January 24, 2005 9:18:54 PM    View the profile of Daishi 
Daishi looked down the hanger bay to the shuttle unloading Wraith squad after thier mission to Kerrest.  Too many had parished in the ice fields for Daishi to feel good about the outcome of that mission.

Lucas Yuy had rejoined the squad.  That should help with the low morale and atrophie of skills.  The problem of a now unstabble leader that was just as likely to get his men killed as the enemy because he was little more then a vengance driven beast would now have to fall on Daishi.

He knew he needed help, not just for making Kuroishi submit but also to help Wraith Squad have a replacement for much of what Kuroishi brought with him despite all that was now wrong with him.

Fortunately when not with his wife or occupying space being a reduntant Admiral for the Vast Empire Navy, Daishi had a while ago decided to train an apprentice.

While Varneck was gone, many of it's traditions were not.  Daishi would see them continued but by the time his own child would be ready to begin the full rigors of training, Daishi would be too old and crippled to be an effective teacher.  He needed someone to learn many of the ways now, that person was ready for thier first test of precisly how far they had come.  Not as good of a shot as Daishi or Kuroishi yet his apprentice was nonetheless developing well in that regard, it would be some time yet.  His apprentice's stealth skills rivaled his own in his prime.  While just a normal human from a world with just barely above average gravity what his apprentice lacked in strength compared to him, more then made up for in speed as had been pointed out to him during thier last sparring mach when she bruised several of his ribs because he could not block all the attacks.  Add in the medical knowladge that surpassed his own and despite the fact his apprentice was not yet ready for full fledged combat duty this next mission he had in mind would test well enough without putting anyone at as great of a risk as the more adventurous Coruscant mission had.

"Kuroishi I know you will not willingly seek proffessional help, but you need what I cannot provide as your actions on Kerrest prove."  With Daishi's words as Kuroishi approached he knew what would happen next.

Kuroishi knew too and began to shift his weight to attack but before he could connect with his otherself four shots from a slugthrower pistol rang out as he felt daggers pierce through his Varneck Marine Combat Armor still adorned with the blood of his victims.  Immobilized with non-lethal shots to each limb Kuroishi knew his armor had protected him just enough for there to be no real permanent effects from the wounds.

In a way he was glad now but yet the anger in him could be sensed even by those not sensative to the force.

Daishi shook his head as medics came to cart off the fallen man.  Holding out his empty hands in  mannerisms as he explained what just transpired to the medics.

"Okay boss even you can't be in three places at once.  What gives?"  Stonefish asked taking in everything with a calmness that defied the strageness that just transpired as only a former Fallen Angel could.

"As you all probably know by now my homeworld was destroyed.  As a consequence I have started teaching an apprentice.  My apprentice will be accompyning us for our next mission.  Anubis, we're going to Corellia.  Since the Sweetums is not well known in these parts and well within legal armerment limits for a civilian vessel we'll be taking that for our ride.  I'll bluff command into letting us go.  Why you might ask, well with all I have asked of this squad in the past and all that my otherself has asked it is time for me to repay you all even if it is one at a time.  You're probably all still tired from the trip here, unfortunately I'm ordering you to the Sweetums right away."  Daishi said with a wink at the end of his briefing.

"Why can't we get some R&R time?"  CJ asked as he was almost drug away.

"You'll see when we get there."  Stonefish answered.
RA(U) Daishi COSOS
"If we had all knowladge then why would we seek what we already know and if we had no knowladge then how could we even ask the question?"  Plato
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  RE: Yesterday Today(Wraith Squad)
January 24, 2005 10:18:53 PM    View the profile of Anubis 
Anubis checked over his supplies, and felt pretty well for whatever the mission was to come.  It didn't matter though, Anubis was happy to finally return home after so much time had passed.

The last time Anubis was on Corellia was to battle his way towards an Imperial General in order to save his love.  While he did succeed, the outcome was a bleak one with the Empire watching for him.  His years spent in the outer rim, then finally his time in the Vast Empire made him yearn for home again.

Now the time was finally coming, that he could return home.  Anubis remembered his homestead outside of Coronet, how the lake nearby shimmered during dusk and dawn, how the plains of golden grass blew in the wind, and most of all, how comfortable it was to just lie there, without worry, without regret.

But that was the past, things had changed in the Galaxy.  The time of eternal peace and serenity was over, and likely would remain over for a long time to come.  Anubis focused his mind on the mission.  Hmm...there's a number of things that we could target, the shipyards, the New Republic base there, plus a number of CorSec targets.

Anubis in some ways wished that things wouldn't require them to attack CorSec, but other parts of him told him that it might be required due to the shakey nature of CorSec when it came to the Empire.  However, above all things, Anubis left a mental note to himself that a travel to his homestead was needed, not just to visit his home, but to get something.

And with that, Anubis boarded the Sweetums, ready to sleep after the trip from Kerrest, and if he coudn't do that, at the very least take a nap.
+ Advance Recon Commandos {ARC} +
Wraith Squad
Vast Empire Army
[This message has been edited by Anubis (edited January 24, 2005 10:20:47 PM)]
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  RE: Yesterday Today(Wraith Squad)
January 25, 2005 4:39:56 PM    View the profile of Lukas_Yuy 
Lukas looked at a few new faces in the squad. Since he had left, one or two old squad mates had left and now new ones had replaced them.

In all the time Lukas had been in the Vast Empire, he had never been to Correlia. Although...he never was one to get out besides the missions he had gone on.

He checked his gear over a few times to make sure he had everything. Once he had done that, he made his way onto the ship, passing his new squadmate Anubis.

While passing him, Lukas gave Anubis a nod and took a seat over in the shadows, near the window. While waiting, Lukas had grabbed a datapad off his dresser before coming to the ship and decided to start reading it.

After reading the datapad, Lukas was amazed at the casualties on both sides. Lukas decided he would make up for lost time and help the squad through any obstacle or problem they came across, no matter what...
Name: Lukas Yuy
Rank: Lance Corporal
Joined: May 30, 2002
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Ramon Stonefish
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  RE: Yesterday Today(Wraith Squad)
January 26, 2005 10:53:19 AM    View the profile of Ramon Stonefish 
Stonefish lay on his bunk, staring at the bulkhead. He rubbed the bandages wrapped around his midsection, a legacy of the unit's recent trip to Kerest and a lunatic ride off a cliff.

What Daishi had told him earlier had been puzzling, and was the first he had heard of any such apprentice. This was disturbing, since Stonefish was the only other member of the rogue remnant of the Intruder Wing, the group once called the Fallen Angels, Stonefish counted himself as one of the closest to the cloned twins. That he should keep something this serious from one of his closest was equally puzzling.

"Probably none of my business anyway," he muttered, "I should get some sleep. If this turns out the way things usually do, I'm gonna need it."
Ramon Stonefish

Version: 3.1
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  RE: Yesterday Today(Wraith Squad)
January 27, 2005 12:50:26 AM    View the profile of Daishi 
Daishi had managed some bluffs in his time but something bugged him about how he managed to get away with this one.

As he lounged on the Sweetums in his quarters he thought about his apprentice.  He would have to give her a more formal introduction to the squad.  He owed Stonefish an explenation as well.

At least Daishi managed to find some good news.  Both GUESSWORK and VE Intel confirmed only he and Stonefish were still currently on the wanted list and Stonefish's arrest priority had been dropping having not commited or being near any major war crimes as of late.

This worked much to the advantage of Wraith squad.  Sure they were still Imperials and getting them past the guards would be tricky but not impossible.  Once that was accomplished it should be smooth sailing.

Daishi let himself drift off to sleep.  It would be a while before the Sweetums would have to pass them off to another vessel for the actual trip to the surface of Corellia.

When Daishi's alarm went off to wake him he knew it was time.

Grabbing a quick shower and getting dressed Daishi marched to the mess hall.

The Sweetums had been modified to serve as the personal ride of the Fallen Angels.  Since the vessel could accomodate up to a company of troops but being designed for the needs of one squad and a battlefield intelligence unti, the vessel was raver lavish and spacious by most standards.

He found Stonefish as he had expected in the mess hall.  All thier years together and yet being apart they still knew each other pretty well.

"Ramon I owe you an explenation."  Daishi said as he sat down across from Ramon Stonefish.

"This is serious if you're using my first name."  Stonefish answered.

"To put it simply I'm getting old and quite frankly Kuroishi's mental instability gives him an edge over myself while my mental state gives me different advantages over him these days.  You know that I'm over fifty.  Hell you are too.  The problem for me is those of my world trade longevity for all the power we get.  An exceptionaly long lifespan on Varneck is seventy years for a male.  That's right, I may not even have twenty years left.  It will be another ten years before my kid is old enough for the tough stuff.  By then I'll be lucky if I'm still walking, let alone able to train.  The other added benefit is that my apprentice is not on any wanted lists like you and I are.  The reason I haven't told you sooner is you know how I get when I focus on something, sometimes I forget about the outside world.  Plus I had to deal with the wife, she gets a bit jealous."  Daishi went on.

Daishi quirked an eye as he watched a developing scene at the breakfast line.

Anubis was standing in line waiting for his food while a woman slid up next to him in line.

The woman stood a bit shy of one and three quarter meters.  Where her arms came out from the short sleeved work shirt she wore, her lightly tanned skin appeared to almost strain to keep the muscle under her small frame.  A dark jumpsuit was pulled down to her waste with the upper half tied and bunled around her hips.  Her black straight hair was kept in a bun held in place by two sticks.  From any distance she had the look of a petite and frail woman.

As Anubis concentrated on his first real meal in some time he did not notice that the woman grabbed his bottle of mild hot sauce and produced a lable that normally went to a mild bottle of hot sauce and placed it over the label on a bottle of extra spicy hotsauce and placed it on Anubis's tray before he noticed.

"That's your apprentice?  Interesting choice."  Stonefish said as he covertly looked in on the situation developing as well.

"Yes.  She can't shoot very accurately at range yet but closer in she can shoot about as well as I can, maybe a tad bit better.  Plus as you probably just saw she is fast and stronger then she looks.  The world I found her on had 1.05 gravity.  not as much as the nearly 2 and a bit left over that Varneck had.  She does not quite have everything she needs yet and quite frankly I need her to be an instructor, not a warrior.  I'm having her go on this mission because I do need to test how far she has come under trying circumstances."  Daishi replied as he began to eat from the tray of food brought to him by his apprentice.

"Aren't you affraid of her pulling a prank on you boss, like she did to Anubis?"  Stonefish asked as he continued his breakfast.

"Not really.  After becoming acustomed to my wife's cooking I'm not sure if there is anything I can not eat."  Daishi answered.

The lightness of the mood in the mess hall definatley made for a different expierience from Kuroishi's brooding hatred.

As the squad finished thier well cooked meal it was time for the mission briefing.

"Okay this is a two for one mission, possibly three.  GUESSWORK has identified a high ranking New Republic official will be passing through Coronet in the near future.  Our objective is to locate him, keep him under tabs, and if an opportunity presents itself to bring him in for questioning.  At the same time we are waiting for him we will be making scouting patrols of the defensive facilities on Corellia.  Anubis this is pretty much a working vacation for you.

The Sweetums will not be landing on Corellia directly.  Instead you will go down on the passenger liner [i]Dromadary[/i].  GUESSWORK has managed to get a copy of the local frieght schedule and will be dropping your equipment just outside the normal patrol zones of Coronet about two hours after you set down.  There will even be credits availble in the drop.

The Sweetums will deploy covert satelites to maintain descreet communication and provide orbital survelance.

Joining you on this mission is Gabriel Dinour, my apprentice.  She has thorough medic training and can be most useful in getting to those hard to get to spots.

I will be remaining on the Sweetums maintaining overwatch and communications."  Daishi briefed.

Soon now they would see what hardships truely awaited them.
RA(U) Daishi COSOS
"If we had all knowladge then why would we seek what we already know and if we had no knowladge then how could we even ask the question?"  Plato
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"There are at least three sides to any situation." Me

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  RE: Yesterday Today(Wraith Squad)
January 27, 2005 6:51:29 PM    View the profile of Lukas_Yuy 
Lukas walked in just as all the other squad members had eaten. He didn't feel like eating, so he went and sat down in a dark corner of the room near the window.

One person caught his attention, it was the young lady in line behind Anubis, he studied her for a few moments at her few quick motions and made some mental notes about her.

He overheard a few things that Daishi had said about her and kept those words in the back of his mind, incase he needed it for later. Lukas grabbed  his datapad out of his breast pocket and continued to read over the mission briefing about Kerrest.

By the time he had gotten finished with what he wanted to read, the squad had gotten done eating and where all huddled around Daishi and Ramon Stonefish. Lukas got up and walked over to where they were all in the little circle.

It took about fifteen minutes for Daishi to explain all what was going on with the mission. Lukas peered into Daishi's eyes as he talked and made eye contact. He nodded every now and then to signal that he understood.

After Daishi explained what was going to happen, he walked away from the table and headed off towards his quarters, thinking about what would happen down there.

He couldn't wait.
Name: Lukas Yuy
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  RE: Yesterday Today(Wraith Squad)
January 28, 2005 8:01:39 PM    View the profile of Anubis 
Anubis poured the hot sauce onto his meal, ready to dig in to the scrumptious food that layed on his dish before him.  While he wanted to search for some of the spicier hot sauce, his stomach said otherwise and forced him to stick with the mild.

Anubis dug into his meal, but then realized something, the hot sauce wasn't any sort of mild he'd tasted before. Mmm...this is good, ooo hotter, wait a's HOT! Anubis nearly fell over at the spiciness that he was experiencing.  While he was used to some of the spicy recipes on Corellia, nothing was ever this hot.

Anubis drank his water greedily, but then realized that he had used it all up and ran to get something else to quench the fire in his mouth.  He was able to obtain some milk from the serving droid in the line and quickly drank it down.  The milk was what he needed as it had ended the fire that burned in his mouth.

He looked at the bottle of hot sauce, and took a whiff of it.  "Dang, I've heard of some hot milds, but this is far from a hot mild." Anubis said as he put it down.  Now that the fire in his mouth had cooled, Anubis had gained a taste for it, and went back to finish his meal.

Anubis was sure to keep a cold glass of milk near him to quench the fires that came from the sauce, but in the end Anubis was pleased at the fine meal he had.  Anubis then went over to where Daishi and Stonefish were planning the little briefing of their mission.

At the end of the meeting, Anubis was pleased with the mission.  It didn't seem anything too difficult, and if they approached the mission correctly, they could avoid any run-ins with CorSec.  The best part of all about returning to Corellia, would be that Anubis could be in his element.

While there were many similarities between the cities on Corellia and the vast cityscape that was Imperial City, Anubis had never became familiar with the make-up of Coruscant's building pattern.  Corellia was a different matter, it all had a distinct design that, while likely foreign and confusing to someone who wasn't of Corellian origins, Anubis understood clearly.

Perhaps this time Anubis wouldn't be shot, maimed, or abducted...
+ Advance Recon Commandos {ARC} +
Wraith Squad
Vast Empire Army
[This message has been edited by Anubis (edited January 28, 2005 8:02:35 PM)]
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  RE: Yesterday Today(Wraith Squad)
February 3, 2005 4:43:15 PM    View the profile of Anubis 
The trip to Corellia seemed to last for weeks, when it really only took a standard day.  Anubis spent much of that time sleeping, preparing himself mentally for a return home.  This rest was tainted with dreams however, various ones...from Wraith as a squad fighting to victory over New Republic insurgents, to Anubis being attacked by various thugs in the darker alleys of Coronet.

Daishi called them all in for one final run-down to make sure everyone was ready for their trip down.  The Sweetums exited hyperspace not more than a few thousand clicks from Corellia.

The space traffic around Corellia was nothing different than when Anubis last visited Corellia, maybe even a little more congested.  One notable difference however was the change in government.  While before Anubis came to Corellia when the Imperial Diktat still help office, now an appointed Secretary-General loyal to the New Republic held office.

The Star Destroyers that once held patrol duties over the temperate planet were replaced by a few Mon Calimari Cruisers, and a considerable amount of Corellian Frigates.  Anubis noted how CorSec had taken a larger part in the security of the system, and how piracy wasn't as apparent as the last time he had been home.

The Sweetums approached a moderate sized Passenger Liner, likely the Dromadary.  Daishi took the comm and hailed the Liner.  "Dromadary this is the Sweetums, request permission to dock."  There was a moment before a respone came from the Liner.  "Roger Sweetums, permission granted, dock at arm 2."  The Sweetums made her way towards one of the four docking arms on the ship.

The Wraiths piled into the crowded passenger liner, and with a slight nod to Stonefish, Daishi pressed the button that closed the blastdoors between the ships.  A resounding thud was heard as the Sweetums detached itself from the Dromadary and the Wraiths made their way into the crowd of people to blend in with them.

Taking a seat near one of the windows, Anubis looked out as the ship made its way towards Corellia, then a ping was heard indicating a message was about to be broadcast to the passengers.  "This is your captain speaking, will all passengers please take their seats, Coronet is currently under rocky conditions, so it is advised for everyone to activate their restraints to ensure a smoother landing.

The various passengers activated their restraints, which was actually a small repulsor that kept an individual in their chair in most instances where bumps would cause an individual to fly out of their seat.  Anubis took notice of a strangeness in Gabriel, and decided to egg her on a bit.  "This is where the fun begins." Anubis told her as the ship dipped into the Corellian atmosphere to become part of the raging storm that thundered across Corellia's capital.
+ Advance Recon Commandos {ARC} +
Wraith Squad
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  RE: Yesterday Today(Wraith Squad)
February 9, 2005 10:57:42 PM    View the profile of Daishi 
"Well that is your choice Stonefish and your right.  I just hope you find your way to where ever you wish to go."  Daishi said to himself as he watched another shuttle pull away that had to be negotiated in short order.

Ramon Stonefish long time soldier had decided to pull it in.

Daishi couldn't blame him.  After all the years they spent together Daishi was pretty sure he knew why.

After all Daishi was now himself in a state of working retirement.  Getting too old to fly a star fighter, getting to the point where he was losing his edge on the ground, and having everything he could hope for, except for one thing.

He hoped his otherself was getting the help he needed.

Daishi should have done something sooner but he still had an occassional duty to performe for the Vast Empire Navy.

Though Daishi was constantly amused at the fact he was still a Rear Admiral in the Vast Empire Navy.  He had only usurped authority three times, taken Vast Empire personel on personal crusades god know how many times now, and not to mention the pranks.  Any other military command would almost certainly brought him in check and most likely forced him into full retirement if not tossed him in the brig by now.

As Daishi let his thoughts wander the Sweetums made it's move to deploy the covert satelites to facilitate communication and orbital survelance.
RA(U) Daishi COSOS
"If we had all knowladge then why would we seek what we already know and if we had no knowladge then how could we even ask the question?"  Plato
"Indeceant exposure is fun." Sonatina
"There are at least three sides to any situation." Me

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  RE: Yesterday Today(Wraith Squad)
February 11, 2005 12:22:40 AM    View the profile of Kuroishi 
[Author:  Special thanks to Cosmic for helping me out with some really interesting ideas for my subplot.  /Author]

Kuroishi lay in the hospital bed.  His otherself had put him there.  He may not have pulled the trigger but he was responsible.  He even understood why.  He had become what they both had feared they would become if they ever crossed the line that they flirted with so often.  Perhaps the scariest part to Daishi was that he now accepted what he had become, a remorseless killing machine bent on making the New Republic pay for all the evil it had caused.

Kuroishi looked down at his limbs and was suprised that they were still bandaged up.

Noticing he was not alone in the room Kuroishi was not sure who was in the bed next to him because the dividing curtain was between them.

The stillness in the room was almost maddening.  Suddenly the door opened.  The light from the hallway hurt Kuroishi's eyes as he adjusted from the darkness.  In came a human male doctor.  Nothing really stood out about the man.

"How are you doing Seargent?"  The man asked in a deep voice.

"I've been better.  When can I get back to my unit?"  Kuroishi answered.

"There is a bacta shortage right now from dealing with all the casualties from Kerest.  It is likely that it will be some weeks before we can spare the bacta for your relatively minor wounds."  The doctor said calmly.

"Great.  There's something more isn't there?"  Kuroishi responded sensing the doctor wanted to say more but was holding back.

"I'm Psychiatrist Telgran..."

"A shrink?  What the hell I need a shrink for?"  Kuroishi interupted the doctor.

"Fine.  I got other people to help but try to remember this:  It is easy to die or even kill for something but to live for something is far more rewarding."  The doctor said as he left.

Left alone in the room in the silence Kuroishi could hear the breathing of the occupant of the bed next to his.  What the shrink said made sense.  In his state he was likely to lead men to thier deaths for the sake of satisfying his own drive for cold blooded revenge.  Deep inside he knew there was a part that abhored that thought.  It went against everything he was taught at the Varneck Royal Military Acadamy.

"You were rather mean to that psychiatrist."  The voice of a young female spoke with an odd accent.

He may be okay with being a remorseless killing machine but Kuroishi knew he was going to be where he was for quite some time and even he would need someone to talk to.

"I am sorry about my language.  By the sound of your voice no one as young as you should be subjected to such harsh words.  I am Robert 'Kuroishi' Lee.  A soldier in service to the Vast Empire.  May I inquire as to who you are?"  Kuroishi said speaking the truth.

"I suppose it won't hurt anything.  Not like my father even knows or cares where I am.  I am Minari Ryoko.  I am here because my father abandoned me and my mother died when I was young.  Since he was on a business trip and I was with him I have no way to get back to my family.  I wound up in this hospital because a New Republic sympathetic terrorist cell destroyed a building that I was walking past.  Why are you here?"  Minari Ryoko answered.

"I am here also because of the New Republic and those that had a hand in creating it.  Under Imperial law the actions of your father would not be tolerated.  Well Minari it seems we have something in common."  Kuroishi said with obvious disdain.

Again the New Republic had twice forced suffering on this girl.  Kuroishi would not let that slip by so idly.  For now all he could do is be her friend though and he knew it.  For now that was enough.

"My given name is Ryoko.  My people's customs say that we should always introduce ourselves with our family name first then our given name."  Ryoko corrected Kuroishi.

"I apologize Miss Minari.  Since we are not going anywhere anytime soon perhaps we can talk to each other about some of the places we've been."  Kuroishi said feeling a little embarased at being corrected so harshly by such a young girl.

"Okay.  I'll start with my home of Edo on the world of Turtle Bay.  It seems so long ago but I still remember the warm summers, the cold winters with snow on the mountains.  Everywhere you went there seemed to be mountains.  I think my favorite thing to do growing up was to play in the warm spring rains.  I wish I could go back and live with my Grand Mother.  She would spend hours everyday teaching me the ways of our people that were dying out in the face of contact with outside worlds and then she would go on to teach me about all the different things you can do with plants."  Ryoko said with a great deal of saddness in her voice.

"I suppose it is my turn.  I was born in Vectra City on the world of Varneck.    Varneck was not an intentional colony.  The high gravity made sure that those who survived the crash to form our world were strong and sturdy folk.  Generations passed as the inhabitants leaned how to adapt and what could grow and be eaten.  By the time I was born there was a population of about eleven thousand people on the whole world.  Everybody knew each other because there were so few people on the entire world.  Sure there were mountains but they were so far away that you never really saw them unless you made a trip to the mining facilities.  Other then that we never really explored our world.  My mother died when I was young as well.  My father took it hard at first but he took up the responsibility of raising me.  He taught me how to survive on the tundra that surrounded Vectra City during the summer.  During the rest of the year there was the snow.  It was always cold.  I miss the cold.  When it was not safe for me to go outside I would spend my time taking things apart and putting them back together again.  My family owned a business producing a local citrus fruit that was rather intoxocating.  My father always made sure I had a good understanding of the business when I took over.  He had always taught me about duty and responsibility to oneself and one's world.  I spent most of my life on Varneck eventually learning how to be a soldier and falling in love before I left.  The colors of the tundra during the growing season wer magnificant."  Kuroishi said thinking back to happier times with a sad joy obvious in his voice.
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  RE: Yesterday Today(Wraith Squad)
February 13, 2005 1:08:49 AM    View the profile of Anubis 
Anubis was troubled greatly over Stonefish's departure.  It was almost a sign that this mission to Corellia would prove to be different for the squad than what he expected.  The Passenger Liner passed through the storm clouds over Coronet and came to dock inside one of Coronet's spaceports.

The Wraiths stuck together as the passengers left the ship.  Anubis then decided it would be worth it to contact Daishi.  "Alright, we're on the surface, now where is that drop zone with all of our equipment?"

Anubis didn't have to wait long before his comlink beeped and Daishi spoke, "It'll be about 2 kilometers east of the Sal-Kana River." Anubis gave a click through his comlink to acknowledge it then got to work leading the group through the busy and wet streets of Coronet.

Seeing as the group wasn't in any suspicious clothing, Anubis felt that it would be alright for them to travel the brighter corridors of Coronet, avoiding the shady figures one finds in dark alleys.  The thunder rumbled above, and lightning could be seen hiting the spires of Coronet's tallest buildings.  By the time the group had exited Coronet and were making their way towards the Sal-Kana River Bridge, they were soaked from head to toe.

The Wraiths and Gabriel finally reached the Sal-Kana River, only to find that the protocols to prevent flooding were beginning to fail.  The river had already rose one half-meter, and was nearing the breeching point quickly.  The group crossed the duracrete bridge and made their way to the small clearing in the forest where their supplies would be dropped.

There the group took shelter under one of few ancient trees still standing near Coronet as the storm continued to rage ahead.  After 45 minutes of waiting and conversing when the rain became less fearsome, the group heard what could only be a ship engine.  They ran into the clearing and looked up to find a freighter baring the markings of one of the less vicious pirate groups almost land, then drop off a cargo canister.

The ship soon sped away back into the tempest of a storm.  The Wraiths and Gabriel ran to the container, and opened it.  Without a word, once the container was opened, the group ran inside.  Not so much as to see their equipment, but to escape the drenching rain.  Lukas soon found a glowstick with the equipment and activated it.

The group split up the credits evenly, approximately 35,000 for each, so that they could obtain whatever they needed when the time came.  Inside the container were their weapons, armor, as well as a few civilian speeder bikes they could make use of for transportation across the planet.

Taking out his datapad, Anubis looked at the map of the area surrounding Coronet.  It took him a while, but he finally found where his old homestead was.  It would take them half an hour to reach their destination, even on swoops due to all of the supplies they would be carrying there.  Using the two repulsorsleds and some cables from inside the container, Anubis and Lukas' speederbikes were fitted for cargo duty.

The speederbikes and repulsorsleds were brought outside once the storm had passed.  Gabriel boarded her speeder taking along a blaster rifle in case they came across any pesky animals along the way.  Reving up his bike, and checking to ensure all of his cargo was strapped in, Anubis was ready to finally reach his home.
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  RE: Yesterday Today(Wraith Squad)
February 13, 2005 8:01:14 AM    View the profile of Lukas_Yuy 
Lukas walked through the rain a little ways back from Wraith squad as they approached the equipment drop zone. He didn't feel like talking to anyone as he thought about the past missions and experience he had gained with Wraiths and his little encounter when he was with the Raiders. Plus the departure of Stonefish. The rain splattered against his face and slid down his face, he was totally drenched when they reached the drop zone.

The cargo arrived fifteen minutes later after they had reached the drop zone. The Wraiths and Gabriel rushed inside, to get out of the rain, and found there cargo safe and sound, as was expected. Lukas checked and rechecked to make sure everything was there. He watched as the other Wraiths checked there gear and supplies. Something Lukas hadn't noticed when they walked in, was the two speeders near the entrance of the container.

Taking the credits, Lukas put them in a small pouch on his belt. He would use them whenever he saw fit, which he thought would be rather rare, but he shrugged it off. The speederbike had always been maneuverable and had been Lukas's favorite ground vehicle and was rather good at driving it. Lukas grabbed his supplies and gear, walked it over to the repulsorsled, and set it down on it. He then fastened the cargo down tight on it, making sure that none of it would fall off incase they had to go very fast.

Lukas waited until all the rest of Wraiths and Gabriel had gotten all there gear ready and hopped up onto his speederbike. He grinned and started it up, hearing the engine roar to life, he wondered what would come to them in the rest of the mission.
Name: Lukas Yuy
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  RE: Yesterday Today(Wraith Squad)
February 14, 2005 9:15:32 PM    View the profile of Daishi 
[OOC:  Okay rebel VIP I just tossed in there.  Go ahead have fun taking this where you guys want.  /OOC]

****GUESSWORK Command Center, Corvette Sweetums****

Daishi contemplated as the hard to detect satelites that he had brought along to maintain communication with Wraith squad about the current situation.

The very reason he had brought along Gabriel was because Wraith was already short on combat expierienced personel but with Stonefish around he felt confident that just having the extra body would be enough to offset Kuroishi's absance and his own inability to be on the ground.

Lukas Yuy had a bit more combat expierience but Anubis had been with the squad a tad bit longer now.  It would be interesting to see which one of them would step up to meet the current leadership vaccum.


Gabriel followed behind Anubis as he took point.  As the most familiar with the terrain the blessing and curse of being the squad's scout fell on him for this mission.

Lukas Yuy's newly acquired slicing skills would also place much demand on him.

The drop container had been demolished and there was no evidence left that could indicate who had raided it.

As the squad returned to thier safe house the communication unit beeped a message.

"Wraith One here.  Lukas you'll need to gain access to the local computer nets to find out where our VIP is going to be coming in from and where he is staying.  Basic orders are just to keep an eye on him and make note of who he meets with.  If you can get away with having a 'conversation' with him do so.  Spy One is in position so all you have to do for the other mission is get ground level recon.  Two way communication is not possible without alerting local military forces to the presance of unauthorized comsats.  Keep communications short."  Daishi's voice played from the unit.
RA(U) Daishi COSOS
"If we had all knowladge then why would we seek what we already know and if we had no knowladge then how could we even ask the question?" Plato
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  RE: Yesterday Today(Wraith Squad)
February 17, 2005 7:05:44 PM    View the profile of Lukas_Yuy 
The wind whipped past him and the Wraith squad as they flew at high speeds on the speederbikes back towards the safe house. In no time at all, the squad was at the safe house and unloaded there gear into the house. The squad settled in nicely, and put there gear in the seperate rooms of the safe house. Lukas grabbed his gear off the speederbike and went inside with it all. He walked up the stairs and went down all the way down the hall and entered a room with only a single window.

The commlink beeped, breaking the silence as he stood in the room a little ways. It was Kuroishi, he gave them there specific orders over there commlink units. Lukas's job was to slice into the local computer nets to find out where the VIP was going to be coming in from and where he was going to stay. Also including that he keep an eye on him and make note of who he met with.

Since Lukas was new at slicing it would take him awhile to get into the local computer networks, but he thought that would be ok. He left the door open a crack incase anyone needed him, then grabbed his computer and went over to a desk near a port in the wall to jack into. Lukas grabbed the cord and hooked one end to his computer and the other end into the port. Sliding a small black button on the computer, the screen flickered white and came to life. As soon as the computer got done loading all its software and icons, Lukas clicked onto the icon to gain access to the local servers on the planet.

With his connection the servers loaded rather quickly and loaded to a default server/homepage the planet used. Lukas had learned a few basic slicing skills from a man he had once known while on a mission from being a mercenary, and did a search on the important people who were coming and leaving the planet of Correlia in the past week and present day. One person caught his eye in particular and was apart of the Rebel forces. The rebel VIP's name was Marc Antilles, and was coming in from Constantine IV.

*An hour and a half later*

The clear sky held an incoming passenger transport, which left a trail of thruster exhaust from the ship as it streamed across the open blue. As it got closer and closer, Lukas made out the transport name and jet number. He made a quick trip to the Spaceport terminal, although it took him a little bit to get through the encrypted firewalls. Lukas found the transport name and number of its passenger and crew. He had found the rebel VIP on the list and wrote down that he would be staying at a hotel called, The Sal-Kana Inn. Now by the sounds of it, it didn't sound like a very fancy hotel, this rebel was a smart one.

For doing all of this in the time he had done it in, was well worth it and he learned new small tricks and shortcuts, as well as the information Daishi needed, as well as the rest of the squad. Lukas reported in his findings to about the rebel VIP, and told Daishi that he thought the rebel wouldn't be moving for another few days, but would still keep tabs on him.
Name: Lukas Yuy
Rank: Lance Corporal
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[This message has been edited by Lukas_Yuy (edited February 17, 2005 9:27:13 PM)]
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  RE: Yesterday Today(Wraith Squad)
February 18, 2005 1:11:43 PM    View the profile of Daishi 
Gabriel began to poor over the available maps.  They would soon have to start thier ground level reconasiance of the government and military facilities.

Orbital was good but it couldn't be everywhere at once and was difficult to reposition, especially when one was trying to keep the satelites from being discovered.

Unfortunately there was still a dilema to solve.  With Stonefish's departure it was now in question who was in tactical command.  Daishi was maintaining operational command from the Sweetums but no clear decision on who would assume the ground command role had been made.  This needed to be decided.  From what Daishi had told her Anubis was senior but Lukas Yuy had more expierience.
RA(U) Daishi COSOS
"If we had all knowladge then why would we seek what we already know and if we had no knowladge then how could we even ask the question?" Plato
"Indeceant exposure is fun." Sonatina
"There are at least three sides to any situation." Me

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  RE: Yesterday Today(Wraith Squad)
February 19, 2005 4:05:38 PM    View the profile of Anubis 
From the second level of the safehouse, Anubis looked up into the sky.  He was still amazed at how Corellia's weather could change in a matter of hours, from a Tempest of rain and lightning, to a calm and serene wind.

Anubis went downstairs into their meeting room, where Lukas and Gabriel were waiting.  "About time you showed up, I was almost about to get you."  Gabriel said.

"Sorry, it's just strange being back on your homeplanet."  Anubis replied, "Lukas, I'm guessing you got the info on our objective?"  Lukas nodded.  "Yes, he's at the Sal-Kana Inn.  He doesn't seem like he'll be moving..."  Lukas was then interupted by Gabriel, "Uh guys."

Both Anubis and Lukas turned to her.  "One question, who's in command here?"  Anubis and Lukas looked at each other, then looked at Gabriel, responding in unison with, "We never actually thought about that."  Gabriel could do nothing but smile at the two of them.

"Well, I guess we will need someone to be in command here, not to mention to be the new assistant squad leader for the squad as a whole." Anubis said plainly.  "For now I think it might be best just to work together as a whole."  Gabriel shook her head then responded, "The Empire isn't about democracy, it's about discipline and order, if we don't have a leader down here...then this squad could come into chaos."

Anubis was troubled by all of this.  Lukas had the most experience as a whole, while he just had rank.  "I guess we'll jsut have to see who does best on this mission coming up, then choose whoever it is to be our next assistant squad leader."
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  RE: Yesterday Today(Wraith Squad)
February 19, 2005 5:53:36 PM    View the profile of Lukas_Yuy 
Lukas glanced at Anubis and grinned, "Gabriel is right, we need to figure out who will be able to lead the ground forces, since Daishi has control in the air and space I guess you could say". Anubis nodded in agreement. "But...alls I can say is that I will continue to support his squad will all my effort, even if it means giving my life..., no matter what the situation..", Lukas said with a heartless tone.

Anubis stood there in silence along with Gabriel for a few very long moments. "I am going to continue to keep tabs on Marc Antilles, and see what he is up to. In the meanwhile Anubis, I want you to go do some reconnaisence on the area, give me a rough sketch on who and what is around here, human or not", Lukas said in a confident voice.

"Oh and by the way Gabriel, you can stay here with me or go with him, I don't care who you go with. If you stay with me, it may be boring because alls I will be doing is computer work. If you go with Anubis, you may see a bit more action. Either way you can get to know us better if you'd like, thats all I can say.", Lukas grinned and nodded.

With that being said, Lukas walked up the stairs leaving Anubis to go do what he needed to do and Gabriel to choose who she wanted to go or stay with. He entered the room and walked back up to his computer and turned it on. While Lukas waited it for to load, he thought about what and how he would do this mission if he was to be appointed leader of the ground forces. If he was to become the Assistant Squad Leader, he would have to take it up a notch and become tactical in both combat and non-combat situations.

With the level and experience in combat, training, and strategic views, it would be helpful in the position...Lukas thought as the computer came up and loaded. He logged back on the default server and into the Sal-Kana Inn website. His eyes scanned the screen from top to bottom and clicked on a link, that had access to the members list, the link took him to an access denied which required a password. "Hmmm...", Lukas said to himself quietly as he tapped his keyboard. Administors usually had there passwords linked to something related to there username, he thought to himself.

The only problem was that there could be millions upon millions of possibilities about relations to the person and username. Lukas grinned and looked around the site for clues and hints. He even went as far as to doing a background check on the owner of the inn. It took him quite a few tries but Lukas had managed to guess the password, which was the daugther of the owner and got in. He then accessed the members server and checked out the status of Marc Antilles.

Marc Antilles's status had been checked in and he was planning on meeting with a person by the name of Emily Kamishka. Lukas remembered hearing her on a commercial he had once seen long ago, she had been the producer of weapons and arms dealing. "Interesting...what would an old arms dealer be doing with a rebel VIP...who had nothing to do with weaponry?", Lukas thought to himself.

He managed to find out what time the two were going to meet. They planned to meet around nightfall in his hotel room. Which was smart because most of the people in the inn who were normally there, would be out getting drunk or partying up a storm. Lukas logged off the server, turned off his computer, and reported his findings to Daishi once again. Hopefully this would help Anubis in his ground reconnaisence once he got the information.

Name: Lukas Yuy
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  RE: Yesterday Today(Wraith Squad)
February 21, 2005 12:41:07 AM    View the profile of Anubis 
Anubis and Gabriel made their way towards the less extravagent part of Coronet, making their way to a point where they could look upon the Sal-Kana Inn without taking too much notice.

From the information he got halfway there, a meeting was to take place.  This would likely either make them more susceptable to being spied upon if they are careless, or less if they're smart and keep an eye out.  The latter was unfortunately the case.

Waiting in an abandoned building slated to be torn down within the next few weeks, Anubis and Gabriel took turns looking into the hotel room.  Anubis could tell that they didn't want anything to be known, as the room's windows had been shut and several guards walked about looking for anyone spying on the encounter.

The electrobinoculars helped to see what was going on in the room, but since Anubis couldn't read lips, what they were saying couldn't be least by him.  "Do you know how  to read lips?" Anubis asked Gabriel after a few vain attempts at seeing what they were talking about.

"Yeah, at least on humans."  Gabriel responded.  Anubis quickly handed her the electrobinoculars and she began to look upon the conversation and say it to Anubis, who was quickly copying it down into a datapad.

"The woman is talking about some sort of weapon, not sure what as I just got into what they were saying.  Hmm, the guy apparently is interested in its capabilities.  The woman is saying...I can provide them to you with this...she's handing him a datapad."  Gabriel then turned to Anubis, Anubis was afraid of what she was about to say.  "I think we have to get that datapad."

As much as he didn't want to admit it, he knew he had to agree with her.  "Well, alright, only question do we get in there."  Gabriel smiled, then responded, "We act like a couple, get into the hotel, then find his room.  Once there, we get in...but we'll need to wait till he leaves his room."

"Yeah, but what would make him leave his room, so far this dude's been pretty smart.  I don't think he'll leave to go partying or anything."  Anubis' words made Gabriel think for a moment, then a twinkle came into her eyes.

"What about a fire alarm, that will likely get him out...maybe even do a real fire."  Anubis was about to go against what Gabriel was saying when she spoke again.  "I know we aren't supposed to do anything like this, but hey...we need that datapad."

Anubis knew she was right, knew that what she said had to happen, and knew that what she was saying could get them in a whole heap of trouble.  Anubis reluctantly nodded to her, then took out him comlink to report to Daishi of their plan.

Hopefully he wouldn't burst or anything at the sheer madness of it...but then again, Gabriel was the apprentice of Daishi...perhaps he would agree with it...or suggest something even wackier.
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  RE: Yesterday Today(Wraith Squad)
February 28, 2005 7:49:00 PM    View the profile of Daishi 
***Aboard the Sweetums***

"Greetings Otto Vox and Slick.  I am in temporary command of Wraith as my otherself, Kuroishi, is indisposed.  Otto you have command and combat expierience.  I cannot ignore that.  I cannot make a final decision on who the XO of this squad will be.  That is the domain of Kuroishi.  For now I need someone who can take initive and step up and take charge of the ground team.  I have a cargo ship willing to meet with the Sweetums and take you two down the rest of the way to Corellia.  Orders are simple, we have a rebel VIP we need to keep tabs on, possibly question descretely and in preperation of when the VE comes through here on our march to Coruscant we need to do some ground level recon of the bases.  Lukas should have more information on the VIP once you get ground side.  Gabriel Dinour has been temporarily attached to the squad as being my apprentice she needs a bit of real world expierience.  She is not a permanent addition.  I'll be doing my best to provide orbital survelance.  If you keep a low profile everything should be allright since I'm now the only person in Wraith that the New Republic is actively searching for.  Wish I could offer you more down time from your long flight here but if we're going to make the rendevous we need to get this ship moving."  Daishi barked at the two new arrivals as soon as they stepped aboard the Sweetums.


Gabriele looked at her handy work.  The fire that would start in about ten minutes would look like a couple of teenage delinquents just out having a little fun commiting arson.

All that remained was meeting with Anubis then getting the pad.
RA(U) Daishi COSOS
"If we had all knowladge then why would we seek what we already know and if we had no knowladge then how could we even ask the question?" Plato
"Indeceant exposure is fun." Sonatina
"There are at least three sides to any situation." Me
"Precise and proper use of liberal amounts of high explosives can solve any problem."-My particular variation on a classic

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  RE: Yesterday Today(Wraith Squad)
March 1, 2005 5:48:53 PM    View the profile of Slick 
As he stepped aboard the Sweetums, Slick's heartbeat quickened.  This was to be his first combat mission since he finished basic training.  He was eager, and more than a little afraid.  He hoped that his training would be enough to see him alive at the end of the mission.  Taking a seat next to Otto Vox, Slick could not sit still.

Laughing quietly Otto Vox said, "Calm down Slick.  This is a routine mission.  There's nothing to worry about."

"Yes, Sergeant.  I can't help, but worry.  I'm eager to prove myself to the squadron, but I'm afraid."  replied the young trooper.

"Wraith is a good squadron.  They'll look after you, as will I kid."

Relaxing a little Slick said, "Yes, Sergeant.  Thank you Sergeant."

As he watched the young stormtrooper, Otto Vox wondered if that's how he had been on his first mission.  Shaking his head slowly, Otto closed his eyes to catch a little shuteye before the start of the mission.

As Sweetums made the jump into hyperspace, Slick jumped as well.  Pulling his datapad, he looked over the mission once more.  He wanted to know it by heart by the time they reached groundside.  There was no way of knowing what was happening on Corellia, and that made him even more nervous. 

"Um...... Sergeant?"

Opening his eyes, Otto looked at Slick. "What is it Slick?"

"How are we supposed to find Lukas?  The Admiral said that he would have more information for us when we reached groundside."

Smiling to himself, Otto answered, "With any luck he'll find us.  Now calm down trooper.  You're a bundle of nerves."

"Yes, Sergeant.  Thank you Sergeant."

The Sweetums emerged from hyperspace, and the cargo ship came into view.  Slick paled a little more when he saw the ship, and Otto shook his head.  Slick'll be okay, he thought to himself, his training will be enough for this mission.  As the cargo ship loomed ever closer, Otto wondered if this would indeed be a routine mission. Or if it would have fatal consequences for Wraith.

"Someday we will all be alone.  All alone in a combat zone, but the Corps going to bring us home."
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  RE: Yesterday Today(Wraith Squad)
March 3, 2005 9:10:46 PM    View the profile of Daishi 
Gabriel moved into the cooridor and waited as the fire grew large enough and hot enough to finally set off the alarm.

Staying out of sight as best she could all she could do was wait.

Her comm vibrated.  Pulling it out and hooking up the visual display was a text message from Daishi.  Soon they would be joined by Otto Vox and Slick.  Information indicated they would be arriving in Coronet very soon.

Placing her equipment back where it belonged she watched the man they were watching leave the room.  She clicked her comm to signal Anubis as she persued and 'bumped' into the man to make sure he was not carrying the datapad with him while Anubis checked the room.

Gabriel expertly placed a datapad in her pouch but she would have to wait a bit to see if it was the right one.  She could find no more on the man as she carefully inspected him with her well trained eye.

A double click on her comm alerted Anubis that she had accomplished her part and was enroute to a safe place to read the pad.
RA(U) Daishi COSOS
"If we had all knowladge then why would we seek what we already know and if we had no knowladge then how could we even ask the question?" Plato
"Indeceant exposure is fun." Sonatina
"There are at least three sides to any situation." Me
"Precise and proper use of liberal amounts of high explosives can solve any problem."-My particular variation on a classic

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  RE: Yesterday Today(Wraith Squad)
March 4, 2005 12:55:08 AM    View the profile of Anubis 
Anubis entered the room as the blare of the fire alarm went off throughout the building.  Luckily with the urgency caused from the alarm, the man didn't bother to lock the door to his room.

Anubis went inside and began methodically searching for the datapad.  The problem was that there were three that he found.  Anubis knew he'd have to take all three with him, so grabbed a small pouch that had been thrown onto a chair and stashed the three datapads inside.

Anubis then received the double click from Gabriel, and knew that whatever they could do was done here.  Anubis made his way outside but was soon trapped by the fire they had started.  Unfortunately the building wasn't made of the best materials, and so it began to burn at a rate higher than most normal skyscrapers.

After finding the first exit blocked, Anubis made his way to the back exit.  That path was soon blocked as well as the fire began to tear at the infrastructure of the building.  The floor above was beginning to cave in, blocking all normal exits.  Thus it was time to create an exit.  Anubis took out his blaster pistol and made his way to one of the rooms on the outer portion of the building.

Anubis charged the blaster as smoke began to engulf the upper floors of the building.  Anubis aimed and fired, breaking the glass window.  This proved to be in error, as the gush of fresh air only served to fuel the fire.  A massive wall of flame came at Anubis, and he ducked under a bed to avoid it as it groped at his skin.  His jacket protected him mostly, but he was sure he got singed at several places.

Anubis looked down to find that he was three stories up.  Seeing as his grappling hook had been left at the safehouse, Anubis had to improvise.  He grabbed the matress from one of the beds in the room and threw it down onto the ground.  The make of the matress had it soon replace its shape, making a good cushion.

Anubis jumped, holding his breath in anticipation.  Anubis landed hard, but didn't suffer any major bumps or bruises.  From here, Anubis sprinted directly into the dark alleyways that consumed this part of the city.  Above he looked to see several Fire Suppression transports make their way to the Inn and begin blasting liquid carbonite onto the flames.  Now it was only a matter of time to see which of the datapads would hold the information they desired.
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  RE: Yesterday Today(Wraith Squad)
March 7, 2005 2:39:57 PM    View the profile of Slick 
The cargo ship landed at the city's spaceport, and the two occupants disembarked.  As soon as his boots hit the ground, Slick calmed alittle.  Almost immediatly several Fire Suppression transports streamed by, sirens wailing.  Glancing around Slick noticed smoke rising into the air rapidly.

"What's going on around here?" Otto Vox mumbled to himself.

"I have no idea.  It's changed alot since I was last here." replied the younger trooper.

Without another word the two rushed to where the fire was originating from.  They ran down the streets, knocking others down in their hurry.  After a few moments they found that an inn was the cause of the fire.  They stood back because several Rebel agents were pushing the crowd back.  A disgruntled Rebel official was yelling for the soldiers to get inside the inn before it burned completely.

"Can you make out what he's saying?" Otto asked as he nodded towards the official.

"Um.... something about a datapad of great importance being in his room.  He turned away. I can't make anything else out." Slick shook his head angrily. "Wait a parsec. Isn't that the official we're looking for?"

Shock registered on Otto's face. "It is."

"Can we get close enough to talk to him, Sergaent?" Slick asked in a hushed whisper.

"We can.  Do you know how Corellian insurance agents act Slick?"

The young trooper smiled as it dawned on him. "Yes, I do know that."

Otto Vox grinned, and leaned close to Slick. "Okay, then here's what we're going to do...."

"Someday we will all be alone.  All alone in a combat zone, but the Corps going to bring us home."
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  RE: Yesterday Today(Wraith Squad)
March 7, 2005 9:14:11 PM    View the profile of Daishi 
Daishi watched the heat plume build on the displays.

"Gabriel, has to be.  Well I am the one who has trained her but I will have to have a talk about recklessness and civilians."  Daishi muttered to himself.

"Comm alert.  City police forces have just raised thier alert level."  A GUESSWORK operative reported.

"Better then the military I suppose.  Satelite status."  Daishi replied.

"Satelites one through eight will reach duty stations within three hours.  All other satelites report fully functional and no active scans since deployment."  Another operative answered.

"Good let's hope it stays that way."  Daishi added.

In the secure orbit on the fringe of the system with only a few dozen covert satelites as his only link with the Wraiths on ground he knew he could do nothing about the bad feeling he now had.  Something always went wrong, especially after such displays of property destruction and especially on the supposedly 'simple' missions.
RA(U) Daishi COSOS
"If we had all knowladge then why would we seek what we already know and if we had no knowladge then how could we even ask the question?" Plato
"Indeceant exposure is fun." Sonatina
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  RE: Yesterday Today(Wraith Squad)
March 9, 2005 2:23:02 AM    View the profile of Slick 
"Is your blaster pistol handy?" asked Otto Vox quietly.

"Yes, Sergeant." Slick nodded as he patted the side of his boot.

"Alright then.  Look important, and keep a sharp eye out."

The two walked slowly towards the Rebel official.  Both troopers were wearing sleazy, money-hungry grins.  They wanted to make the impression that they had just hit the jackpot.  The official noticed them approach, and took on a wary expression as he glanced at the rebel troops.

Otto stuck out his hand, "Hello good sir.  A bit of a tragedy this."

"Yes.... it is." replied the official as he took the offered hand.

"I am Nicholas Mosby, and this is my associate Kenton Daven.  We represent Corellian Damage Financial."

"I'm impressed at your speed.  Oh where are my manners.  I'm Jast Rechin."

"A pleasure sir.  We are here make a record of everything that you lost inside.  So that we may compensate you for your loss."  Otto said with a smile.

"Oh.  That would be wonderful.  Please follow me."

The official motioned towards a mid-sized bar across the street.  As the three moved towards the building, two of the rebel soldiers followed.  Slick snarled under his breath as the rebel troops flanked them.  They entered the bar, and were ushered to a back room.  They took seats around a well worn table as the troops stationed themselves on either side of the door.

"How are you enjoying your stay on Corellia sir?" asked Slick with a warm smile.

"Well it has been an interesting trip.  With the fire and all." laughed Jast.

"And what did you lose in your rooms sir?" asked Slick as he pulled a datapad.

The next few minutes almost bored the two Imperials to death.  All Jast seemed to want to talk about was how important these lost items were to him.  No matter how hard they tried they could get no useful information from him.  Finally Otto had, had enough.

"Well I think that about wraps it up.  I thank you for your time." Otto said irritably.

Before anyone could move however, the door to the room burst open.  A disgruntled looking rebel soldier entered, and saluted Jast.  When the salute was returned, the soldier gave his report.

"Sir!  We have positively identified the man seen fleeing the scene of the fire."

"Who was it man?  Who was he working for?"  said Jast hurridly.

"He was an Imperial sir.  We think we might know where he is.  With your permission sir, I'll send out a scouting party."

Before Jast could say a word, Slick and Otto were on their feet.  Their blasters appeared in their hands as if conjured by magic.  They fired, and took the rebel troops by surprise.  Within seconds all three rebel troops were down.  Otto pointed his weapon at Jast.

"Don't even move.  Slick, get one of their comlinks, and send a distress call on the encrypted line.  Send one to Admiral Daishi, and the other on Wraiths band.  Tell them what happened, where we are, and that they should move with extreme caution." 

Slick did as he was told, and began sending an emergency broadcast.  Looking at Jast, Otto smiled.

"Things have just gotten alot more fun around here..."

"Someday we will all be alone.  All alone in a combat zone, but the Corps going to bring us home."
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  RE: Yesterday Today(Wraith Squad)
March 9, 2005 7:10:48 PM    View the profile of Lukas_Yuy 
A sudden beep emitted from the commlink as a messege came through from the new recruit, Slick. Lukas listened tentively as he was told that Otto and him had gotten inside the hotel and did some looking around with the help of the foolish rebels.

"Well isn't this interesting....", Lukas grinned to himself as he had been doing some slicing on other servers to find out more background information about Marc Antilles. He decided to stop getting background information on the VIP Rebel. Lukas sliced into a security camera that was stationed outside of the hotel. He looked at the video footage and saw that it had gotten a good glimpse of Anubis's face as he escaped from the fire and burning hotel.

"Looks like you guys won't be needing this...", Lukas said with an evil smirk as he made the image of Anubis's face blurred out so it wouldn't be identifiable.

He then sent out an encrypted messege to Otto and Slick that he had gotten the messege and that he was safe back at the safehouse, he also sent them the coordinates to where the safehouse was since they hadn't gotten to visit it yet. Lukas also sent an encrypted messege to Anubis and Gabriel to be extremely careful and watchout for the increase in Rebel activity in the area, now that there VIP had gotten into trouble.

Looks like all Lukas would have to do now is to wait for the Rebel VIP to come back out of hiding, as well as wait for the rest of Wraith squad to come back safe. In the meantime, Lukas would continue to slice into servers and other information.
Name: Lukas Yuy
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  RE: Yesterday Today(Wraith Squad)
March 9, 2005 11:45:57 PM    View the profile of Anubis 
Anubis and Gabriel made their way through the alleys of Coronet.  Anubis remembered the alleys from when he was younger, and even in all the years that had passed, they had remained relatively the same.  The duo came upon a run down but still operational cantina.

Once inside, they made themselves look nothing more than simple civilians or merchants.  Gabriel spotted a table in a relatively empty corner while Anubis grabbed two glasses of Corellian Brandy.  When he returned they began to speak of their next steps.

"Well, what do we do for the time being, CorSec likely has teams all over searching for us." Anubis said in a somewhat distrubed tone.  Gabriel however seemed much less worried.  "They don't even know we were behind it, and even if they don't find the datapads, they shouldn't worry too much about it.  I saw the fire while you were getting out, the room where our little friend was staying is surly burnt to a crisp."

This didn't seem to calm Anubis any as he took a big swig of his drink.  "Well, I guess, as soon as we're done here we better make our way back to the safehouse.  I know a shortcut that should lead us there, though it kinda goes through the sewers."  This seemed to distrub Gabriel.  "Woah, wait...Daishi said nothing about this mission requiring me to go through sewers."  Anubis could only shake his head at her and began explaining his plan...

-1 standard hour later: Sewers of Coronet-

"Eww...this is just gross, I think I stepped on a dead rat."  Gabriel yelled in desperation.  The trek into the sewers hadn't gone exactly well.  First Anubis was attacked by a sewer eel, then Gabriel slipped and fell into a deeper portion of the sewer water, and now they were travelling rather close to a sewer rat nest.  "Don't worry, we're almost there, it shouldn't be much more than half a click and then all we need to do is go up." Anubis said in a calm yet disturbed voice.

Anubis knew that the sewers of Coronet could be bad, but this trip seemed to be even worse.  They finally arrived at where they had to exit, and came up to see that Coronet had faded into the darkness of dusk.  This isn't good, we should hurry before... Anubis thought but it was too late, he heard the click of a blaster pistol behind them.

"Don't move scum, now give us your credits and we may let you go nicely." A bumbling scumbag said to the pair.  In the corner of her eye, Gabriel spotted four of the thugs, but only one held the blaster pistol.  The pair slowly backed up, acting as if they would give up their few credits they had on them, then with a flash Gabriel kicked the pistol out of the leading thug's hands.

Anubis took this moment to strike with a hard fist to the face of the closest thug.  Gabriel took out her own blaster pistol and fired two shots into the leading thug and another lowlife that was near her.  The remaining thug got smart and ran down the alley.  "We better get back to the safehouse before that thug decides to bring more friends." Anubis said and with Gabriel in tow they sprinted for the safehouse.

The pair arrived at the safehouse with no trouble at all, then came upon the new Wraiths that had arrived.  One was completly new, and another was a familiar, yet still foreign face.
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  RE: Yesterday Today(Wraith Squad)
March 10, 2005 3:58:09 PM    View the profile of Lukas_Yuy 
Two pairs of footsteps could be heard coming through the frontdoor as Lukas stopped while he was trying to slice into other local hotels. If the VIP Rebel was smart, he wouldn't go to another hotel in town, but Lukas thought it wouldn't hurt to look into it. Lukas got up and exited his room, then went downstairs and greeted Anubis and Gabriel, who where covered in brown muck and green slime.

"I am guys took the sewer systems?...", Lukas grinned. "Yes we did", Anubis said in reply. Lukas glanced at Gabriel and gave her a nod and said "You two should go take showers and get cleaned up". Anubis and Gabriel went upstairs, leaving Lukas behind in the kitchen. Lukas sat down at the table and played with his thumbs as he thought about what had happened in the mission so far.

So far they had gotten two new people. A new recruit named Slick, which he had just met and Otto Vox, which he had known for quite along time outside of the Raiders and during the Raider's missions while he was with them. These two new members of Wraith would greatly help them now, since it wasn't just Anubis, Gabriel and himself.

Lukas went back to his room after awhile and waited for Anubis to give him the data he had recovered from Marc Antilles meeting in the hotel. He had hoped to find out more about this man and what he was doing with that weapons dealer. He also hoped to recieve new orders from Daishi.
Name: Lukas Yuy
Rank: Lance Corporal
Joined: May 30, 2002
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[This message has been edited by Lukas_Yuy (edited March 10, 2005 3:59:49 PM)]
ComNet n00b
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  RE: Yesterday Today(Wraith Squad)
March 11, 2005 4:14:04 PM    View the profile of Slick 
"Well at least we got something out of the official."  said Slick as he and Otto were sitting in the safe house.

"True.  We got Anubis out of a bit of trouble.  Now we just need the VIP.  Whenever he shows his face, we'll have him!"  replied Otto with a bit of glee.

"That could take days.  I hate to be idle for so long, but if it has to be done..."

Otto glanced at his companion.  "It does.  Hurry up, and wait remember?"

Slick nodded, "Well I think I'll go see if Lukas needs a hand with anything.  I have to do something to keep from going crazy."

As he walked away he could hear Otto's small laugh.  Slick made a quick lap of the safe house with the uneasyness of a new soldier.  Everything just seemed wrong to him, and out of place.  He quickly found Lukas, and walked over to him.

"Do you need a hand with anything cause I'm bored out of my mind."
[This message has been edited by Slick (edited March 11, 2005 4:26:07 PM)]
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  RE: Yesterday Today(Wraith Squad)
March 11, 2005 5:51:56 PM    View the profile of Lukas_Yuy 
A knock came at Lukas's door, a short period of silence followed before Lukas said, "Come in". Lukas turned away from his computer screen and glanced at the soldier and gave him a nod, it was Slick. Slick snapped at attention and Lukas grinned, because he hadn't been saluted that often. "At ease soldier". Slick went to at ease and walked  over to him and asked if he needed any help doing anything.

Lukas replied, "No thanks, but thanks for the offering". Slick walked over to the window and peered out and looked at the scenery. "So...what do you think of your first mission so far", Lukas asked. It took a few moments for Slick to think up his answer but replied, "I don't know what to tell you sir...its fun and scary at the same time..."."Its normal for a soldier to feel that...thats if you have any emotions...", Lukas replied with a blank, unreadable expression on his face.

His eyes glided across the computer, continuing to search mounds and mounds of information for there missing VIP.
Name: Lukas Yuy
Rank: Lance Corporal
Joined: May 30, 2002
Occupation: Sniper/Special Forces/Slicer
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