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Topic:  Nazgul Topic
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  RE: Nazgul Topic
January 10, 2005 9:00:05 PM    View the profile of sk8guy 
You can have all the members write bios and send them to you. You can then copy and paste them into the site. Simple as that my friend.
-=_ Lt. Commander sk8guy _=-
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  RE: Nazgul Topic
January 11, 2005 6:21:48 AM    View the profile of Shazam 
Very clever...  Alright, that sounds good.  Quick official order than, I need everyone to send me a brief bio, couple of paragraphs at the most, then I'll put them on the site.  I need your ID line at the bottom, so have it done.  Just send them in when you can, I'm ganna see if I can't post on that story tonight...
*Flash Was Here...*

CMDR/WO1 Shazam/Nazgul 1-1/Phoenix Wing/mSSD Atrus/1VENF/VEN (=A=) [LoM] [LSM]
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  RE: Nazgul Topic
January 11, 2005 6:30:09 AM    View the profile of Dirk 
I wrote what came into my head when i saw sallustans on the join form thingy. Thats in my profile.

I've done lots of free form rp before (i met someone from the VE on another game) , but looking at some stories you can pretty much do things for other characters etc?

Just quickly, everyone is on a star destroyer chillin' in the story now?

I'm looking forward to doing some writing

Does anyone play any star wars navy games? It's been a long time since any came out hasnt it? I've got rogue squadron on the GC which is a fun arcade type game, but nothing like a good space sim.
FM/CR Dirk Muab/Nazgul 1-3/Wing 1/mSSD Atrus/Defensive Fleet/VEN/VE
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  RE: Nazgul Topic
January 11, 2005 6:37:23 AM    View the profile of Shazam 
We used to play alot of XvT and I can't remember the name of the one I had...  X-wing commander?  Dunno.  But yea, its been a long time since one's come out, and battlegrounds, although I suppose counts, isn't always the best for flying, unless you get everyone in fighters and stuff...  Then its all good.

And yea, we're just hanging out right now, so include yourself in the story as best as possible before we get under way.
*Flash Was Here...*

CMDR/WO1 Shazam/Nazgul 1-1/Phoenix Wing/mSSD Atrus/1VENF/VEN (=A=) [LoM] [LSM]
[This message has been edited by Shazam (edited January 11, 2005 6:38:00 AM)]
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  RE: Nazgul Topic
January 11, 2005 6:44:11 AM    View the profile of Dirk 
Oh and how can i change my password from the default?
FM/CR Dirk Muab/Nazgul 1-3/Wing 1/mSSD Atrus/Defensive Fleet/VEN/VE
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  RE: Nazgul Topic
January 11, 2005 6:50:21 AM    View the profile of Shazam 
You go to the 'Galactic Bank' on the main site, you can find it on the left side there about mid way down.  From there you can go to 'Account Services' I believe it's called, and then it'll give you the option somewhere within the page to 'Chance password from default...'  Correct me...  If I'm wrong.
*Flash Was Here...*

CMDR/WO1 Shazam/Nazgul 1-1/Phoenix Wing/mSSD Atrus/1VENF/VEN (=A=) [LoM] [LSM]
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  RE: Nazgul Topic
January 11, 2005 6:57:07 AM    View the profile of Dirk 
Thank you
FM/CR Dirk Muab/Nazgul 1-3/Wing 1/mSSD Atrus/Defensive Fleet/VEN/VE
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  RE: Nazgul Topic
January 11, 2005 8:14:29 AM    View the profile of sk8guy 
Please welcome Judith_01 to Nazgul. She has been placed in your flight Shazam, be kind to them.
-=_ Lt. Commander sk8guy _=-
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  RE: Nazgul Topic
January 11, 2005 2:42:21 PM    View the profile of Jack Nebulax 
Welcome! Funny thing, after I posted that, I wrapped up my bio. I'll send it to you, Shazam, ASAP.
Revenge is what holds this galaxy together. Without it, the universe would be a boring place.
Jack Nebulax, Vast Empire Imperial Navy.
FL/SCRW Jack Nebulax/Nazgul 2-1/Wing 1/mSSD Atrus/Defensive Fleet/VEN/VE (=A=)
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  RE: Nazgul Topic
January 11, 2005 3:42:31 PM    View the profile of Laguna 
Hey Dirk, Nice avatar, did you use a pic of a sulustian for that?Oh, and I am almost finished with my bio Shaz.
Laguna Loire
Vast Empire Navy
FM/LCRW Laguna/Nazgul 2-3/Phoenix Wing/mSSD Atrus/VEN/VE (=A=)
Ex-soldier turned journalist, Laguna is a strong willed man with amazing energy. His compassion for the unfortunate drivers him to help the weak and bring down their oppressors.
[This message has been edited by Jaden (edited January 12, 2005 10:50:31 AM)]
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  RE: Nazgul Topic
January 11, 2005 4:01:52 PM    View the profile of Shazam 
Get them all to me and you'll be included on the site then, I'm ganna put up some images pretty soon of what the icon might look like.
*Flash Was Here...*

CMDR/WO1 Shazam/Nazgul 1-1/Phoenix Wing/mSSD Atrus/1VENF/VEN (=A=) [LoM] [LSM]
Jack Nebulax
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  RE: Nazgul Topic
January 11, 2005 6:29:29 PM    View the profile of Jack Nebulax 
That'd be good... Shazam, did you get my bio?
Revenge is what holds this galaxy together. Without it, the universe would be a boring place.
Jack Nebulax, Vast Empire Imperial Navy.
FL/SCRW Jack Nebulax/Nazgul 2-1/Wing 1/mSSD Atrus/Defensive Fleet/VEN/VE (=A=)
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  RE: Nazgul Topic
January 12, 2005 9:18:41 AM    View the profile of Shazam 
Yes I did and you can see it on the site under 'Roster'.  Read it and it should seem vary familier to your own writing. 

And I just received Dirk's in an e-mail, so his has also been added.  I'm going to add a bit of the actual roster into there now, so your names will be on there, but you won't have a disciption until you send me one guys.
*Flash Was Here...*

CMDR/WO1 Shazam/Nazgul 1-1/Phoenix Wing/mSSD Atrus/1VENF/VEN (=A=) [LoM] [LSM]
[This message has been edited by Shazam (edited January 12, 2005 9:28:46 AM)]
Jack Nebulax
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  RE: Nazgul Topic
January 12, 2005 4:16:56 PM    View the profile of Jack Nebulax 
Hey, Shazam, email's not working, so I'll report in here. As always, I'm on ComNet, working on a few things here and there for Nazgul, doing everything I can in the amount of time I've got... Hope that's enough...
Revenge is what holds this galaxy together. Without it, the universe would be a boring place.
Jack Nebulax, Vast Empire Imperial Navy.
FL/SCRW Jack Nebulax/Nazgul 2-1/Wing 1/mSSD Atrus/Defensive Fleet/VEN/VE (=A=)
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  RE: Nazgul Topic
January 12, 2005 8:03:02 PM    View the profile of Shazam 
Yea, that's cool man, but I have a question.  Do you every get on IRC at all?  Just curious, because we seem to have a enough members now that if we actually got on we could actually have discussions...
*Flash Was Here...*

CMDR/WO1 Shazam/Nazgul 1-1/Phoenix Wing/mSSD Atrus/1VENF/VEN (=A=) [LoM] [LSM]
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  RE: Nazgul Topic
January 13, 2005 8:09:01 AM    View the profile of sk8guy 
-=_ Lt. Commander sk8guy _=-
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  RE: Nazgul Topic
January 13, 2005 2:27:50 PM    View the profile of Jack Nebulax 
Yeah, about IRC, I've been having tons of problems with it. I registered it, and it worked for a while, but now I can't go on anymore. I've tried everything, I even got help from the computer wiz down the block, and it still doesn't work. If I can get it up, I'll be on in a heartbeat.
Revenge is what holds this galaxy together. Without it, the universe would be a boring place.
Jack Nebulax, Vast Empire Imperial Navy.
FL/SCRW Jack Nebulax/Nazgul 2-1/Wing 1/mSSD Atrus/Defensive Fleet/VEN/VE (=A=)
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  RE: Nazgul Topic
January 13, 2005 3:04:49 PM    View the profile of sk8guy 
What browser do you use?

If you use Mozilla Firefox, there is an IRC plugin called ChatZilla that works very well. I use it all the time.  You should check it. It has no registration and is written in Java.
-=_ Lt. Commander sk8guy _=-
Vast Empire Naval Training Officer
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NTO/Lt. Commander sk8guy/Abrae/Vectra System - (=A=) (=SA=) (=MA=) (=FOCE=)[LSM]
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  RE: Nazgul Topic
January 13, 2005 4:29:39 PM    View the profile of Shazam 
Wasn't Nazgul already registered?  Even still, remind me how to do it and make myself an op and I'll be all over it...  And I only use jIRC, so if I can't do it from there I'll have to take my chances in the basement.
*Flash Was Here...*

CMDR/WO1 Shazam/Nazgul 1-1/Phoenix Wing/mSSD Atrus/1VENF/VEN (=A=) [LoM] [LSM]
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  RE: Nazgul Topic
January 13, 2005 5:03:34 PM    View the profile of Jack Nebulax 
Thanks, guys, I'll check it out right away.
Revenge is what holds this galaxy together. Without it, the universe would be a boring place.
Jack Nebulax, Vast Empire Imperial Navy.
FL/SCRW Jack Nebulax/Nazgul 2-1/Wing 1/mSSD Atrus/Defensive Fleet/VEN/VE (=A=)
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  RE: Nazgul Topic
January 13, 2005 9:27:29 PM    View the profile of Shazam 
I think I might have made up an icon for the squadron.  I messed with a bunch of 'N' with a 'Z' crossing over...  I came up with this weird mixture that looks almost like a sea horse if you look at it the right way.  I'll see if I can't get it on here some how.
*Flash Was Here...*

CMDR/WO1 Shazam/Nazgul 1-1/Phoenix Wing/mSSD Atrus/1VENF/VEN (=A=) [LoM] [LSM]
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  RE: Nazgul Topic
January 14, 2005 8:16:20 AM    View the profile of sk8guy 
Put the image on a web server and use the a href tag to link it here. Or you can attach the image as long as it is within the size limit.

-=_ Lt. Commander sk8guy _=-
Vast Empire Naval Training Officer
Naval Academy

NTO/Lt. Commander sk8guy/Abrae/Vectra System - (=A=) (=SA=) (=MA=) (=FOCE=)[LSM]
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[This message has been edited by sk8guy (edited January 14, 2005 8:17:12 AM)]
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  RE: Nazgul Topic
January 14, 2005 3:21:47 PM    View the profile of Jack Nebulax 
I bet that seems cool...
Revenge is what holds this galaxy together. Without it, the universe would be a boring place.
Jack Nebulax, Vast Empire Imperial Navy.
FL/SCRW Jack Nebulax/Nazgul 2-1/Wing 1/mSSD Atrus/Defensive Fleet/VEN/VE (=A=)
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  RE: Nazgul Topic
January 14, 2005 4:52:51 PM    View the profile of Shazam 
Well, I have to make it on the computer first, because I don't have a scanner here.  So, I'll either make it in paint or make it in Blender...  We'll see.
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CMDR/WO1 Shazam/Nazgul 1-1/Phoenix Wing/mSSD Atrus/1VENF/VEN (=A=) [LoM] [LSM]
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  RE: Nazgul Topic
January 14, 2005 11:53:23 PM    View the profile of Laguna 
I will be taking my (=A=) tomorrow sometime hopefully, since I sent it to the wrong person before Sk8 remade them, but I have a question.  To find out what the chain of command would be for a member in Kaph Squadron, does that mean I just follow the ranks from mine up to the highest in the Imp Navy?
Laguna Loire
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FM/LCRW Laguna/Nazgul 2-3/Phoenix Wing/mSSD Atrus/VEN/VE (=A=)
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  RE: Nazgul Topic
January 15, 2005 12:05:43 AM    View the profile of Willtconq 
pretty much. If you havent yet taken the =A= exam, then how come you have it in your signature?

And, sorry for the intrusion.
-(William the Conquerer)-
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  RE: Nazgul Topic
January 15, 2005 6:41:57 AM    View the profile of Laguna 
I thought that I had it taken, I didn't notice that I had it on there, thanks Will.
Laguna Loire
Vast Empire Navy
FM/LCRW Laguna/Nazgul 2-3/Phoenix Wing/mSSD Atrus/VEN/VE (=A=)
Ex-soldier turned journalist, Laguna is a strong willed man with amazing energy. His compassion for the unfortunate drivers him to help the weak and bring down their oppressors.
Jack Nebulax
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  RE: Nazgul Topic
January 15, 2005 6:55:17 AM    View the profile of Jack Nebulax 
/me shakes head in disgust...

Get out, Will....
Revenge is what holds this galaxy together. Without it, the universe would be a boring place.
Jack Nebulax, Vast Empire Imperial Navy.
FL/SCRW Jack Nebulax/Nazgul 2-1/Wing 1/mSSD Atrus/Defensive Fleet/VEN/VE (=A=)
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  RE: Nazgul Topic
January 15, 2005 2:41:33 PM    View the profile of Laguna 
Its alright this time Jack, he was just letting me know something, but Will, when we need your advice on something, we will let you know.  No harm done friends
Laguna Loire
Vast Empire Navy
FM/LCRW Laguna/Nazgul 2-3/Wing I/mSSD Atrus/VEN/VE
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  RE: Nazgul Topic
January 15, 2005 2:49:28 PM    View the profile of Shazam 
Indeed, and you seem to have stopped poluting, so adding a little info here and there is fine.  Jack, I realize your a bit agitated at Will's constant arrival, but all seems to be well and his intentions were fine. 

Anyone ever had a squadron dinner?  Les do it.
*Flash Was Here...*

CMDR/WO1 Shazam/Nazgul 1-1/Phoenix Wing/mSSD Atrus/1VENF/VEN (=A=) [LoM] [LSM]
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