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Topic:  ComNet Ranks
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  RE: ComNet Ranks
October 30, 2004 10:06:54 AM    View the profile of Willtconq 
I never said that i wanted to date, and for Snipe's knowledge, i am a straight "A" student, in HIGH School. Freshman tho.
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  RE: ComNet Ranks
October 30, 2004 12:39:35 AM    View the profile of Sniping101 
Shaz: backgrounds are unimportant

Will: diffrent people have diffrent goals, mine dont envolve money or fame or acedemic. (beware Sophmore year is worse)
The Comnet Hermit
-Raider Squad
TRP/SSG Sniping101/CrazySQD/1PLT/1COM/1BAT/1RGT/VEA/VE [LoR][IH][BoA]

"As long as their is Space, Im going to stare off into it"-Garfield
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  RE: ComNet Ranks
October 30, 2004 1:39:17 PM    View the profile of Willtconq 
With what i plan to go through, it'll be much worse than u can ever inmagine.
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  RE: ComNet Ranks
October 30, 2004 1:54:53 PM    View the profile of Sniping101 
no, actualy thats gotta be damn near impossible, i'll give you a rundown of my sophmore classes

English 10
English 9
Alg 2
German 2
World History

all the teachers believed firmly in lots of homework, you'll also notice there are no electives there. now if you toss in after school stuf ir student council obviously things get worse, but i was always smart enough to avoid such things, aside fromt he occasional detention.
The Comnet Hermit
-Raider Squad
TRP/SSG Sniping101/CrazySQD/1PLT/1COM/1BAT/1RGT/VEA/VE [LoR][IH][BoA]

"As long as their is Space, Im going to stare off into it"-Garfield
[This message has been edited by Sniping101 (edited October 30, 2004 1:55:57 PM)]
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  RE: ComNet Ranks
October 30, 2004 2:18:29 PM    View the profile of Willtconq 
let me tell u what my plan is:

English 10
AP Calculus
Honors Chemistry
French 2
AP European History
Java Programing

I dont ever get detention, but i go suspended once for saying the "f-word" twice in 1 period. and AP Euro has the most homework compared to every other class in the whole school.
[This message has been edited by Willtconq (edited October 30, 2004 2:21:57 PM)]
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  RE: ComNet Ranks
October 30, 2004 2:20:09 PM    View the profile of Sniping101 
yeah, see getting into honors classes is completely nuts, they give you enough homework in the normal ones, that stuffs just frellen nuts, however i'm guessing you probably arnt from the states
i s'pose i also made a few mistakes during my sophmore year, like putting the VE and my computer before school and friends, now i just put firends infront of everything else, and i'm happy with it that way, of course i may not be on monday, but oh frellen well.

The Comnet Hermit
-Raider Squad
TRP/SSG Sniping101/CrazySQD/1PLT/1COM/1BAT/1RGT/VEA/VE [LoR][IH][BoA]

"As long as their is Space, Im going to stare off into it"-Garfield
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  RE: ComNet Ranks
October 30, 2004 2:26:06 PM    View the profile of Willtconq 
AP = Advanced Placement, Which is even harder than Honors, and i think Java is a ROP class which is an Advanced elective or something.
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  RE: ComNet Ranks
October 30, 2004 2:38:15 PM    View the profile of Sniping101 
no, javas a pretty standard class, i dont know why the hell anyone would want to do so much work, i do enough to get by, ands thats about all i need, to get by, the rest takes too much time and effort.
The Comnet Hermit
-Raider Squad
TRP/SSG Sniping101/CrazySQD/1PLT/1COM/1BAT/1RGT/VEA/VE [LoR][IH][BoA]

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  RE: ComNet Ranks
October 30, 2004 2:47:37 PM    View the profile of Willtconq 
parents, once u get ahead, they wants u to keep ahead.
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  RE: ComNet Ranks
October 30, 2004 2:48:57 PM    View the profile of Sniping101 
i never took the time to get ahead.
The Comnet Hermit
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TRP/SSG Sniping101/CrazySQD/1PLT/1COM/1BAT/1RGT/VEA/VE [LoR][IH][BoA]

"As long as their is Space, Im going to stare off into it"-Garfield
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  RE: ComNet Ranks
October 30, 2004 2:54:54 PM    View the profile of Willtconq 
im naturally ahead, because i lived in China for 10 years.
chipmunk man
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  RE: ComNet Ranks
October 30, 2004 10:15:43 PM    View the profile of chipmunk man 
Wow, I'd hate that... I'm not exactly fond of communists...

Hey, everyone's got their own proirities. I waited 'till my senior year before I had a girlfriend. 'Course, then the witch saw fit to break up with me the day before my 18th birthday... Yeah, that sucked...
FL/PO2 Chipmunk Man/Kaph 3-1/Phoenix/mSSD Atrus/DEF/VEN/VE/(=A=)[LoC][MC:1]

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  RE: ComNet Ranks
October 31, 2004 2:08:59 AM    View the profile of Raziel 
you "waited" ah thats a good one
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  RE: ComNet Ranks
November 1, 2004 7:01:28 AM    View the profile of Shazam 
What the Hell is English 10, I don't suppose their English 4,5,6,7,8, and 9 is there?  Cause you certainly couldn't take that many classes...  That's bitchin'. 
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  RE: ComNet Ranks
November 1, 2004 8:41:12 AM    View the profile of Willtconq 
actually there is, every English class is for that certain grade. like English 10 is for 10th graders.
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  RE: ComNet Ranks
November 1, 2004 4:10:51 PM    View the profile of Shazam 
OH, you mean like that...

That's not really anything to difficult, in fact, that's a very easy class...  I skipped nine (for you guys) and went straight to ten...
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  RE: ComNet Ranks
November 1, 2004 5:40:32 PM    View the profile of Willtconq 
i thought that they would put u in Honors English, instead of letting u go straight to English 10. Unless, u guy dont have Honors classes over there.
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  RE: ComNet Ranks
November 14, 2004 5:18:43 PM    View the profile of Willtconq 
I just noticed that the ComNet ranks shows up depending on that perticular post number, instead of the total post number.
Maybe we could change that.
chipmunk man
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  RE: ComNet Ranks
November 14, 2004 7:04:24 PM    View the profile of chipmunk man 
Why? They only just added them. I think they're fine. Besides, if they have all the ranks and stuff according to what you were at the time of the post, it gives a better idea of why you may have said this or that at that time.
FL/PO2 Chipmunk Man/Kaph 3-1/Phoenix/mSSD Atrus/DEF/VEN/VE/(=A=)[LoC][MC:1]

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  RE: ComNet Ranks
November 15, 2004 12:48:19 AM    View the profile of Willtconq 
the ranks doesn't tell much about the date and time, all it tells is how much have you posted, if you want to know the date and time of a perticular post, they are on the upper right corner of the post.
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  RE: ComNet Ranks
May 1, 2005 2:07:09 PM    View the profile of Cosmic 
First ComNet Sage! w00t!
Cleric "Cosmic" Vor'soth
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  RE: ComNet Ranks
May 1, 2005 3:01:34 PM    View the profile of DJ234 
Congragulations Cos All hail the Sage
y think ur all that and a bag of chips. well i am all that and a bag of skittles so taste the rainbow biatch

FM/CRW DJ234/Nazgul 8/Wing 1/mSSD Atrus/Defensive Fleet/VEN/VE (=A=)
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  RE: ComNet Ranks
May 1, 2005 6:29:46 PM    View the profile of Willtconq 
-(William the Conquerer)-
We are still here because we conquered our enemies, and we will do it again!
FL/PO1 Willtconq/Kaph 5/Wing I/mSSD Atrus/DEF/VEN/VE (=*A*=) (=*SA*=) [VC:B]
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  RE: ComNet Ranks
May 1, 2005 9:37:15 PM    View the profile of Otto Vox 
Everyone congratulate Cosmic for having no life!! w00t!!!
Gunnery Sergeant Otto Vox
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Jack Nebulax
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  RE: ComNet Ranks
May 2, 2005 3:38:25 PM    View the profile of Jack Nebulax 
Amen to that, brother!! Congrats!! All hail Cosmic!
Revenge is what holds this galaxy together. Without it, the universe would be a boring place.

Petty Officer 1st Class Jack Nebulax, Imperial Navy, Vast Empire.
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  RE: ComNet Ranks
May 2, 2005 5:16:49 PM    View the profile of Shakey 
What he said.
TRP/PFC Shakey/2SQD/1PLT/1CMP/1REG/1BAT/Tadath/VEA [LoR]
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  RE: ComNet Ranks
May 2, 2005 8:06:33 PM    View the profile of Cosmic 
Going to take me, probably, another good 5+ years before I can reach Emperor's Own.

Cleric "Cosmic" Vor'soth
Cleric "Cosmic" Vor'soth
SL/KPR Cosmic/Lion 1-1/Lopen/VEDJ/VE [VP][WoS2][KC1][SoY][EoP][OAK]
[This message has been edited by Cosmic (edited May 2, 2005 8:07:12 PM)]
ComNet n00b
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  RE: ComNet Ranks
May 2, 2005 8:12:55 PM    View the profile of Shakey 
Well you're working on it and thats what counts.
TRP/PFC Shakey/2SQD/1PLT/1CMP/1REG/1BAT/Tadath/VEA [LoR]
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  RE: ComNet Ranks
May 2, 2005 11:47:46 PM    View the profile of Cosmic 
Mmm... and no spamming.

If the posts I managed to accumulate from the old ComNet were added to my current post-count, I'm sure I'd have well over 5000 posts.

Cleric "Cosmic" Vor'soth
Cleric "Cosmic" Vor'soth
SL/KPR Cosmic/Lion 1-1/Lopen/VEDJ/VE [VP][WoS2][KC1][SoY][EoP][OAK]
[This message has been edited by Cosmic (edited May 2, 2005 11:49:05 PM)]
Jack Nebulax
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  RE: ComNet Ranks
May 3, 2005 2:37:37 PM    View the profile of Jack Nebulax 
I'm sure you would, Cos. You're a roll model to us all.
Revenge is what holds this galaxy together. Without it, the universe would be a boring place.

Petty Officer 1st Class Jack Nebulax, Imperial Navy, Vast Empire.
XO/FL/PO1 Jack Nebulax/Nazgul 5 (2-1)/Wing 1/mSSD Atrus/Defensive Fleet/VEN/VE (=A=) (=*SA*=) [VC:B]
Magistrate Jack Nebulax, Planetary Governor of Rallos, Imperial Directorate (
PG/MAG Jack Nebulax/Rallos/Cantrell/Diadem
Admiral Jack "Zax" Nebulax, Commander of Wing I (Nemesis Wing) of the Auroran Defense Fleet (ADF)
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