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Topic:  ALF's. Real, fakes, (insert opinios here)
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  RE: ALF's. Real, fakes, (insert opinios here)
July 20, 2002 11:22:49 PM    View the profile of Japer 
are they real. Friend or foe? Is there really a huge mother ship on its way to Earth in the form of Hale Bop? Are we really decendants from Martians who screwed up Mars as we did with Earth and came to live here in Eygpt and are now trying to tell us to relocate? Or is it all just a punch of cow poo? Voice your opinions here! Be heard my brothers! Your opinios matter!(not really ) Anywho. What do you really think
SP Japer/Sith/Dark Knight 1-2 Cabal/ Eagle Sect/VEDJ

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  RE: ALF's. Real, fakes, (insert opinios here)
July 21, 2002 1:20:17 AM    View the profile of Japheth 
There are billions upon staggering billions of planets in the vast depths of space. Upon at least one, orbiting a star called Sol by its ape-descended bipedal inhabitants which wear digital watches, life evolved. This was, to say the least, spectacular. After hundreds of millions of years of evolution, those ape-descended bipedal inhavitants of this ball of rock which evolved life, who call themselves 'Human' looked out into space and said, "Are we alone?" Hundreds of years after that Humans find themselves still striving to answer that question. Are we alone? If there are aliens, are they like us? Are the hostile? Will the be emotionless elves who greet people with odd hand gestures? NO ONE KNOWS. And we won't know until we start to get out there, beyond the reaches of our solar system and explore the deapths of outer space OR they come here and announce themselves in a rather blatent manner. What about me? I'd like to think they're out there. I'd like to think they're doing what we're doing, asking themselves (assuming they are capable of some for of cognozent thought) "Are we alone?" and begining the search, much as we are. Only time will tell.
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  RE: ALF's. Real, fakes, (insert opinios here)
July 21, 2002 8:28:07 AM    View the profile of Warmaker 
well, as Japheth has said, there are billions of stars out there, millions of years in evolotion, it would be more then a wonder if only here excist life, but that dosent automaticly mean that its first more inteligent then we, second interestet in us.
CMDR/DJK/1lt Warmaker/Viper 1-1/WING I/mSSD Atrus/VE/VEN (=A=) (=SA=) (=FOCE=) (=JCPA=) (=SCPA=) [VC-B] [SV] [CBV] [IC]

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  RE: ALF's. Real, fakes, (insert opinios here)
July 21, 2002 12:49:40 AM    View the profile of Jubei Nimiichi 
If you've ever read any Carl Sagan probably one of the most brilliant men of our times, you'd knowthat the answer lies within our grasps. The concept of extra-terrestrial life encompasses more than science, more than belief, but the very fabric of our religious orders. If there is sentient life on other planets, do they have their own God? Do they worship our God? is there a God? All of these questions arise from the debauchery that is alien life. As for me, Yes there is life out there. Smarter, more advanced? Maybe. Older than we? quite possibly. If you have ever watched or read Cosmos by Carl Sagan, and remember the part about the Cosmic Calender, where all of time can be placed on the 12 month calender, from bang-today.On the entire thing, humans have only existed since 11;30pm on December 31. Life exists because of a few mutations, and the bonding of a few atoms. The likelihood of there being human life on other planets is very remote. I have this game called Seventh Cross Evolution for Dreamcast, where you eveolve your own species from creation to end, and I have tried to create the same species twice, but they are never even close to each other. The is too much randomness is the universe, too much chaos and disorder, to think that we are the basis for sentient life. The question of technologic superiority is also in the eye o the beholder. As in Star Wars, the Yuzzhan Vong (sp) are technologically superior, but in a different way. This is the eternal question for humans. Is there life? Yes. Will we ever find out about it? Proabably not.
§è®gèåñ† Jubèî Ñîmîîçhî
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  RE: ALF's. Real, fakes, (insert opinios here)
July 21, 2002 3:55:47 PM    View the profile of Argon Viper 
I'm not sure we've existed for a half hour on the 12 month calender, I think he was just overestimating  As to alien life, I believe that it almost impossible for it not to exist.  Take life for example.  The probability of life evolving is about 1:100000000 app., right?  However, in a universe of about 100000000000 app. stars, the odds of life not existing anywhere else drop to about 1:1000.  And that's just in our galaxy. Also, to assume that that life would be much like us is pretty dumb.  It would be evolved to its environment.  Hell, it could be a silicon based wheel for all we know.  Hell, for all we actually know, life could exist on Europa.  Shows how much we actually know(the fact that we don't  ). As for me, I intend to get as close as possible to finding out in my lifetime.  I want to at least set foot on another planet.  And I plan to make that happen 
Argon Viper
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Riel Fury
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  RE: ALF's. Real, fakes, (insert opinios here)
July 21, 2002 5:01:27 PM    View the profile of Riel Fury 
First, in the words of the immortal (yet dead) Douglas Adams... digital watches are a neat idea.
Rear Admiral Riel Fury
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  RE: ALF's. Real, fakes, (insert opinios here)
July 21, 2002 6:54:25 PM    View the profile of Japer some funky theories
SP Japer/Sith/Dark Knight 1-2 Cabal/ Eagle Sect/VEDJ

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  RE: ALF's. Real, fakes, (insert opinios here)
July 21, 2002 8:52:28 PM    View the profile of Jubei Nimiichi 
sry Argon, but Sagan wasn;t overestimating, the amount of time we have existed in the universe is insignifacan t to even the age of the Earth, which is approx. 15 billion yrs. So he is right on in saying that humans have existed since 11:30, and modern man, homosapien, sapien has existed since 11:47pm I do agree w/ the rest of ur thoughts though, and i encourae you to accomplish your quest.
§è®gèåñ† Jubèî Ñîmîîçhî
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  RE: ALF's. Real, fakes, (insert opinios here)
July 21, 2002 9:19:34 PM    View the profile of Geist 
I read a book by a guy who tried to mathematically determine if life existed on other worlds. If you read his formulai carefully enough, you realized that all he really proved was that life existed in the universe, not OTHER life (since I happen to exist, I can attest to that), and he didn't even accomplish that very well. Because... 1) We do not actually know the odds of Intelligent life evolving anywhere. All we have are vague estimates that seem "improbable enough" (the words actually used). The figures he used were numbers he pulled out of somewhere other than hard science (namely his posterior). 2) Same thing for DNA forming spontaneously. Actually the idea of something as complex as DNA forming by accident staggers the imagination. Its like a pencil suddenly jumping into the air (not impossible, but effectively impossible). So not only do we not know how life gets intelligent, we don't even know how life gets started. 3) The guy also theorized that if there is any possibility that it will happen, then it has happened because the universe is infinite. The problem with that is that it isn't exactly true. While it is true that in an infinte system probability is either one (certain) or zero (not) there just happens to be an infinite number of variables that our mathematics can't handle. In other words WE DON'T KNOW if it really is one or zero. The Point: We don't know, and we will never know until either us or them visits the other and says howdy. Science is cool, but it is inherently limited by human knowlege. Its the people who don't realize that, who don't realize that the Big Bang theory is just that, that the theory of evolution has NEVER been adequately tested, that Global Warming is three parts bad science and one part normal weather patterns, that quantum mechanics is more wild than anything you ever heard in sunday school, that scare me.   ----------------------- "Catching fishies, catching fishies," "on a hook, on a hook," "Pull em out the water, fry them up in batter," "Yum yum good, yum yum good."
[This message has been edited by (edited July 21, 2002 9:21:26 PM)]
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  RE: ALF's. Real, fakes, (insert opinios here)
July 22, 2002 2:09:11 AM    View the profile of Argon Viper 
Aight Geist, you had another blast at science.  What would you have us believe(sorry if this sounds sarcastic, but it's not.  We have a longstanding debate on this  ). /me prepares his anti-creation arguments  Anyways, modern humans are what I was talking about, and 11:47 sounds much more correct. As for the rest, I'd like to add that since we exist here(or at least, we think we do...), the probability of other life in the universe took that sudden jump from 0 to 1.  We can prove that simply by the fact that we exist(or do we...?  ). /me takes a bow Thank you, thanks you
Argon Viper
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  RE: ALF's. Real, fakes, (insert opinios here)
July 22, 2002 11:20:41 PM    View the profile of Riel Fury 
After seeing Lilo and Stitch, I know that they exist. But on a slightly more serious note: I think that it is extremely likely that we are not the only populated planet in the entire universe.  On the religious side... if God made this planet habitable, why not make others with creatures, as well?  On the scientific note... there are billions upon billions of planets in the universe.  It seems likely that at least one other would have the specs to allow life.  Maybe not Carbon Based life-forms, but another, as well.  Maybe there is a planet of crystal giants that live off of sulfur fumes.  Here is another theory to throw out.. The Pyramids of Egypt.  Namely, the Great Pyramid.  It is a geometrical marvel.  At the time of it's estimated building, it would be perfectly alligned with the three stars in Orion's Belt, I believed.  The corners are PERFECT RIGHT ANGLES.  Personally, since the Egyptians evidently used slaves to build them, that they may not have been the greatest mathmeticians in the universe, and I'm sure at least one of them would have screwed up.  Aliens made them
Rear Admiral Riel Fury
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  RE: ALF's. Real, fakes, (insert opinios here)
July 23, 2002 6:09:41 AM    View the profile of Raziel 
Has anyone seen the formulae someone created to estimate the number of alien species that could contact us? They had it at the space centre in Leicester, you basically enter values for the number of stars estimated existence time of a species etc, and it will give you a number Quite fun, they're playing around with it now
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  RE: ALF's. Real, fakes, (insert opinios here)
July 23, 2002 9:39:02 AM    View the profile of Japer 
I agree with Riel about the pyrimids, and this my little theory, be it right or wrong, its just a little somthing I thought up. Life began on Mars, for about as long as we have existed on Earth. Then, a higher form of life attacked them on Mars, and caused massive destruction. However, the Martians where able to send transports to colonize a planet, and prolong there existence. One of these landed on Earth, and another possibly somwhere else. The martians to Earth, built the pyrimids as a guide to try to avoid the fate that they met, and then made a few towns, and left. After multiple years, civilizations started to form, Atlantis being one of them. Then, the Martians returned from there colony from another world, to try and warn the Atlantians that the higher form of beings where going to destroy them, and they did not listen. The higher forms of life came and wasted Atlantis. Now, when the aliens crahsed in Roswell, I belive that they were coming to warn us that the higher forms where going to try to conquer us, and having been landing in Area 51 and trying to explain to our goverment that we need to prepare. So, basicly, some of them, our ancestors you could say, have been trying to warn us on a possible invasion. It could also be placed into consideration that when God created Adam and Eve, that they could have been placed on Mars, and that there exile was from Mars to Earth. Once again, thats just how I think it may have happend.
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  RE: ALF's. Real, fakes, (insert opinios here)
July 23, 2002 9:41:13 AM    View the profile of Threeof4 
Seti@Home  Go look for them.
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  RE: ALF's. Real, fakes, (insert opinios here)
July 23, 2002 1:46:01 PM    View the profile of Argon Viper 
/me shakes his head at the great misuse of fact and rumor.  Actually, I'm not going to go against your theory, it might well be possible.  However, I'd suggest finding a theory that has a little more proof behind it    This one does have a lot of proof, but most of it is circumstantial(can be interpreted in different ways) and not concrete 
Argon Viper
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  RE: ALF's. Real, fakes, (insert opinios here)
July 23, 2002 2:23:59 PM    View the profile of LoneWolf 
I like to think of it like this: sure there is life on other planets, but will we ever be even to meet them. light years of travel would be needed, and so we could arrive at their planet just in time to see their entire civilization lost, or annahilated, and not even see a trace, and vice versa. that, and perhaps were the most advanced civilzation there is? ever considered to think these highly inteligent aliens, might be barely beggining the end of their stone age, while were mileniums ahead of them. whoes the one with the mothership now? its basically self ammusment, in the long term sense why waste your time speculating when u can work to find answers for yourself, or the later generations.
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