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  Direcat Squad: Going Home
January 23, 2016 12:36:28 AM    View the profile of Havock 

Our first Direcat Squad story, I’m feeling kinda misty eyed. This will be taking place about a month after the events in Revival. All members have been reinstated in the VEA with the ranks which are reflected on the roster. I’m sure that was in a glorious ceremony with pomp, circumstance, and a Hutt sized flagon of ale. We were able to retake the base on the planet in the Lotaith system with no casualties of our own. We are now making our way to the Sian system (where Tadath is located) to begin our eventual retaking of our home base.

*VCSD Dominion – Flagship of VEA
*Transport  Merciless – Vainglorius Class Cruiser Recovered at the base in Loitath System, needed some repairs.
Currently in the Sian system approaching the planet Nodriss C (

Chapter 9 Enemy = Corellian League (need a refresher on Chapter 9? Go here:

General Ayme ‘Havock’ Katash stood on the command deck of the Victory Class Star Destroyer Dominion. Her hands clutched the warm cup of caf as she peered out the large viewport at the Sian system. They had arrived from the Lotaith system with the Dominion and a few other recovered support vessels on a mission to retake Tadath and finally go home. Things were never quite that simple though.


She sighed and turned her head only enough to make out the darker naval uniform. Being surrounded mostly by the crew of the Dominion was one of the many issues Katash needed to correct. They needed more troopers in their ranks if they had a prayer of re-taking their home base from the Corellians. “Report,” she grumbled and took another sip of her now luke warm caf.

“General, the Direcat’s have been assembled in the main briefing room as requested. “

Ayme nodded. “Good, and the repairs on the Merciless?”

“They are progressing, the shuttle will be in working order for your mission. The crew would like to extend their gratitude for your assistance in the repairs.”

Ayme scoffed. The man was clearly sucking up, not one crewman was anything close to pleased to find the Army Prefect in mechanics garbs climbing around the old broken transport.


Ayme finished the caf and waved her hand impatiently at the salute she received. She had a meeting in her office then a briefing before she had to send the few men and women they had cobbled together into a single squad into danger. At least this mission they will be sober…I hope.


Office of the Army Prefect. 0743 hours.

“I really don’t give a rats ass what obligations this General has, she told me to be here by 0730 and I was here, now I’m leaving.”


Ayme brushed by the exchange without slowing down. “Thank you for your punctuality Lieutenant.” She sat down heavily in her chair behind a very messy desk and started to search for something in the piles.

Without looking up from her task Ayme raised her voice enough to be heard through the open door way. “Are you coming in or what?”

With a curious glance to the Corporal assigned guard duty the red haired pilot entered the office and stood behind the chair positioned facing the large desk.

Ayme grabbed a datapad victoriously and let out a sigh. “Cadie Reese, First Lieutenant, callsign Tinker.” The General raised an eyebrow and looked over the scowling pilot. “Mechanic, Pilot, Flight Leader, XO of the Atrus, all very impressive Lieutenant.”

“I’m the one that should be impressed, an Army Prefect that can read. Never thought I’d live to see the day.”

Ayme smiled. “See I knew I’d like you. Reese, you came back to Lotaith but have no desire to re-join the Navy and tagged along with my little crew.”

“You needed a mechanic, I like fixing things.” Tinker shrugged as she defiantly spoke the last few words. “Is that a problem General?”

“Not even in the slightest. I need someone to pilot the Merciless, someone with experience flying deathtraps is just a bonus in my books.”

Reese had spent her childhood in a flotilla of ships, all in various stages of falling apart. She was a natural mechanic who had seen more rigged up repairs and dealt with more junk dealers than anyone she could think of. Having free will to make her own decisions was something she had learned to covet in her life after the Navy. She was tired of orders and worrying about what side people were on. Yet here she stood on an Imperial Destroyer speaking to the Prefect and all she could think of was to hell with it, not like I had anything better planned anyways.

“Alright.” She pointed her finger at the General as she continued. “But don’t you get any ideas about making me official. I’m a civilian now and I like it that way. I’ll be loyal, if I’m going to do a job you have my word it will get done.”

Ayme nodded thoughtfully. “I suppose that will do…for now.”

The General stood, grabbing a stack of datapads and dropping the one that contained Tinker’s service record. “Let’s get to the briefing.”

VCSD Dominion main briefing room. 0803 hours.

The room was filled with an air of nervous tension and body odor as Ayme reached the podium. Sergeant Arture, better known as Dusk, stood directly to her right as Reese slid in on her left with a cocky grin.

“Direcats, we have a mission for you.”

Ayme placed a datacard into the projector and a small planet pixilated to life. “This is Nodriss C, it held a forward base for the VEA and based on the information from our scouts currently has been abandoned by the Corellian League. Our intelligence suggests that the League has been consolidating most of their numbers on our main base on Tadath.”

A few buttons were pushed causing the image to zoom into a location on the planet. The image was clearly a small base with a large complement of vehicles and transports.

“Seen here the base was essentially a depot for our non essential vehicles and transports. The base itself is moderately guarded by some mercs who were hired by the League to hold the base. If we can reacquired the base it would give us a tactical advantage as a starting off point for a full assault on Tadath. Also between the infantry gear recovered on the Lotaith system base and this here, we stand a much better chance in that assault. “

“Dusk is your Squad Leader and you will be taking orders from him on the ground. Tinker will be piloting the Merciless which we only just got back in one piece so I’d appreciate it stays that way. You will be dropped off at this location here which is 2 clicks from the target zone. Then comm the all clear once the base has been secured.”


Let's head to the transport and get planet side asap everyone, the sooner we take this base the sooner we can go home!
Prefect of the Army
PRF | BGN Ayme 'Havock' Katash | VEA | VE

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  RE: Direcat Squad: Going Home
January 24, 2016 7:04:50 PM    View the profile of THX1138 
Punching in his code, Therex opened a footlocker that apparently held some of his old personal effects, including his armor. He tried to hold on to most of it before he left, but the army was strict. Lifting the lid, he saw that they had at least gone to the effort to keep it tidy. His M3 revolvers were still loaded and holstered and lay neatly on top of the rest of his equipment. The VE tech who had dropped it off had also supplied him with a datapad containing info on where to get the rest of his weapons that they considered to be "issued." Setting the revolvers aside, he removed the black undersuit that all soldiers wore. It was meant to be the basis of any armor, and even offered basic protection. Standing, he stripped off his clothes, revealing deep scars along his back and arms. The undersuit was stretchy and very large, so it slid over his figure easily. Flexing, he tried to stretch out some of the stress of time out of it. The armor came next, each piece snapping onto his undersuit with a magnetic click. He left the helmet off and started strapping on his belt and holsters. Everything gave him a weight that he found comforting. The final touch was a bit off code, but he couldn't resist, at least for this mission. He pulled his large trench coat off of the bench, and donned it over his armor. It was built extra large so it could fit over the extra bulk.

Stepping over to the mirror, Therex gave himself a small turn so he could admire the fit and appearance. Instead, he got a reminder of his long it's been since he wore the outfit. It looked just a bit tight on him and he could almost see the start of a stomach pushing out of the front.

"Jeez, I need to pick up the exercise routine again..."

The clock on his datapad beeped. The transport was going to be loading soon. Grabbing the helmet to his armor, Therex ran to the door and took a second before donning it. Hitting the button, he stepped into the hall and followed the group of fellow troopers running to the transport. Picking up his pace, he jogged alongside the crowd. Almost everyone was wearing helmets, so he was unable to recognize any of them, but he figured someone would be familiar eventually. As they approached the hangar, the PA started announcing the launch and more troops joined them. Lining up, they began to file into the loading bay, moving one by one, each taking their spot on board. Therex slumped into a chair and tried to calm his mind. Space flight was something he usually didn't mind, but for some reason, the more people their were, the more nervous he got.

Shaking his head, he released the latch on his helmet and removed it to set in his lap.

Here we go again.

WC: 501: Not my best, but I'm shaking off the rust rather well. If anything needs fixed, just let me know.
"He has his orders, and when a Chiss accepts orders he carries them out, period."

Smile for death

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  RE: Direcat Squad: Going Home
January 24, 2016 8:20:07 PM    View the profile of Merrick 
Merrick leaned against the bulkhead at the rear of the briefing room and yawned. She wasn’t used to getting up in the morning anymore, and some genius had decided the briefing needed to be at 0800. It also seemed like they had only just finished cleaning out the old bases on Lotaith before they’d been shoved onto another capital ship and sent off to reclaim the corps’s home system. It’d actually been a month, but there had been plenty of work to keep everyone busy. Havock had decided to reinstate Merrick as Executive Officer. She still had mixed feelings about that. Her last stint in the position had been short and she had ended up Prefect without much warning. A big part of her dreaded that happening again, but she also wasn’t keen to go back to being a grunt and taking orders from everyone, so she had accepted the post. So far all she’d done since Lotaith was paperwork and issuing new gear to half the returned veterans. Occasionally, she dropped in on the recruits’ training sessions to make fun of them and break up the monotony.

Havock was late. Only a few minutes but Merrick considered that late. When the fellow General did show and start to speak, Merrick made faces at her to try to break her composure. The most she got out of Havock was a fleeting glare before the room’s occupants were dismissed. Merrick wandered out with the rest of the Direcat squad and went to don her armour. She’d managed to keep her hands on the stuff Fury had loaned her for the previous mission, causing much jealousy among the other troopers. Her excuse being she was AXO and they could suck it up or say hello to her vibroaxe. The bitching had stopped pretty quickly after that. Normally an officer in her position wouldn’t be anywhere near the conflict on the ground, but their small numbers and the importance of regaining their old territories had thrown the rule book out the window. Plus, it was the part she enjoyed the most.

When she arrived in the hangar, most of the squad were already boarding shuttles. Those still milling around snapped to attention as she walked past, waving off their salutes. Several shuttles were ready to take them and their gear over to the cruiser, and Merrick selected the emptiest one for herself. She sat and studied the map of the base that they’d be taking first. More of a depot, it didn’t look like it would present much of a challenge. Then again, it was likely the people defending it would be a little bit more proficient than those they’d faced on Lotaith. She stowed the data pad and sighed. Good old army, plenty of hurry up and wait. With that thought, she leaned against the shuttle’s bulkhead and closed her eyes. She heard others enter the ship and some gear get unloaded into the cargo section, but she ignored the noise and dozed off where she sat.
AXO | BGN Skyalin 'Merrick' Tel'sha | VEA | VE
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  RE: Direcat Squad: Going Home
January 24, 2016 8:42:32 PM    View the profile of Karash 
“Direcats, we have a mission for you.”

Since the reformation of the Vast Empire there had been several occasions when Karash felt as though he was in some sort of time warp. For the first time in several years he was being ordered about by people he could at least fain respect for; in the past he had always had trouble keeping his opinions to himself and in the time he had been away from the military he had lost the ability to hold his tongue. However, in the short time he had been back, he had been put in his place by several people, some of whom were of superior rank and others who just thought he was an idiot. Now he was once again stood in front of Havock receiving orders to go and complete some objective that the Armies Commanders had deemed vital. Karash was partially comforted by the fact that he at least knew his Squad Leader, they had served together in the past and that meant Dusk might at least remember how difficult Karash could be.   

‘Oh great, of all the flying fools to be assigned to us we have to get her. What was her name?’

Karash was scowling at the pilot stood next to Havock, he could not remember why but he got the distinct feeling that he disliked her. When Karash looked at most people he felt uneasy but this was something different, this was definitely a feeling of dislike or even anger. As the assembled group were being briefed Karash could not help but rack his brains trying to remember why that woman made him feel so uneasy. He was sure for the briefest of moments that she had met his gaze and returned the same look of unknowing hatred.

‘Was she the one who. . . no that was Grahim. Could she have been the one that. . . no that was Mox. Maybe she was the person that. . . no that was Havock. She was the person that blew up. . . that was Havock as well. The one that was carried away by. . . Havock. She was the one that nearly died when. . . definitely Havock. Who the hell is she?’ For a moment Karash became distracted by how many of his bad experiences involved General Katash but was quickly jolted back to the present.

“Watch where you are walking.” Karash snapped as the red headed pilot’s shoulder brushed past him.

“If you were paying attention you would of heard that you were dismissed.” She spoke without breaking her step or turning to look at the bewildered medic.

Quite unusually for Karash he could not think of a comeback to fire at the woman so he simply stood there spluttering in a pathetic sort of rage. Most of his squad mates had already turned to leave, those who had not were now either laughing at him or staring in amazement. It was no secret that Karash was strange but for the first time in a long time he now had to wait for others to get used to him. The thing about the army was that you were almost entirely reliant on those around you to understand you or at least anticipate how you would react; he had forgotten what it was like to be part of a group. 

Like the rest of his new squad mates Karash went to make whatever final preparations were necessary before embarking upon their new objective. It was noticeable that some of the veterans were not quite as fit as they used to be and their armor fit more snuggly than it used to. In Karash’s case he had actually lost weight and his armor felt heavy on him, he felt as though after a while it would become too heavy for him but it at least had the feeling of familiarity. The rest of his equipment was standard, with the exception of the small amount of medical supplies that he brought with him; there were a number of ‘medics’ in the squad and he was quite happy for them to do the work.

‘Well old boy, you look awful and will probably be dead very soon. I know! She was the one that got into the fight with. . . oh wait, that was you. . .’

“Pull yourself together!” Karash spoke very sternly to himself.

Karash quickly made his way to the shuttle that was waiting for the Squad, apparently he had been quicker than he thought as there was no one else he knew around when he arrived. Even if there had been a hangar bay full of troopers he would not have spoken to any of them, he was never one to make the first move. As he stood waiting for the inevitable departure Karash suddenly thought of a reply to give to his emerging nemesis from their earlier conversation.

“Maybe if you were paying attention you would have seen where you were going, I hope your piloting skills are better than your ambulatory ones!” He spoke triumphantly.

Once again Karash had been stood about for longer than he thought and was now surrounded by other troopers. All of whom were laughing or looking on in shock and bewilderment.

‘Great.’ He thought sullenly.
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  RE: Direcat Squad: Going Home
January 25, 2016 7:51:18 AM    View the profile of Heliwer 
Walking right up to Karash from behind, Heliwer patted the medic on his back and grinned a little with a lit cigarette in his mouth, helmet on his belt. “Come on, Karash. Let's get seated so we can go and get shot at. You’ll have plenty of time to insult the air when we get back.”

“Insult the air?!” Karash glared at him. “You better watch yourself. You’ll need to rely on the generosity of one of the other ‘medics’ to patch you up.”

“Yeah yeah. Nothing I ain't heard before from you.” The bigger trooper hefted his DLT-19 heavy blaster as he walked onwards to a seat. “Y’know you missed me.”

“Miss you? The hell would I miss you?”

“Ah come on, you can't tell me you hate having Havock and Dusk and me back. Gives you people to tolerate as well as the new guys to loathe.”

“Can't I tolerate and loathe you at the same time?”

“I guess you could, but that’d be cheating. Admit it, inside you're as happy as a Hutt with a million credits that me, Havock, and Dusk are here to get ourselves shot up, blown up, bashed and smashed, cut, and beaten for your amusement.”

Karash had sat down across from Heliwer, muttering something to himself as other troopers came on to the shuttle. Rolling his eyes a little, Garrath sat back and held his heavy blaster rifle in one hand, the butt resting on the floor. “Speaking of, I left before Dusk was Squad Leader. How does he stack up to Joamer?”

“What, you want me to rate them one to ten for you?”

“Not really what I thought of, but that works.”

“I'm not into gossip you know.”

“I never said it was. Was he tolerable at least?”

“About as tolerable as anyone else.”

“Could be worse. I wonder sometimes if we’ll run into Joamer somewhere. Wonder how the terms will be.”

They were interrupted by said squad leader walking past them and sitting a few seats down next to a dozing trooper, their executive officer Merrick, who Heliwer had spotted leaning against the briefing room wall same as him, but making strange faces. He had decided to just roll with it and had instead payed attention for once about the mission aside from “bang bang, boom boom, enemies dead”. He also seemed to spy Therex, the Chiss’ helmet off as he waited for take off. It was a bit amusing to see him again, considering that they hadn’t really gotten to know one another well outside of a mutual friend before Heliwer left. What also made it amusing is that it had seemed that Therex had gained some weight, granted with the exception of Karash, everyone seemed to have gained a bit of weight since last time.

After the last few troopers got on board, including the red haired pilot that was gonna pilot the cruiser, the shuttle door closed, and it took off a few moments later to head to the cruiser. Soon as they were in flight, the senior sergeant turned to Dusk. “Hey, Dusk.” He called, getting the attention of his squad leader. “You remember me, I remember you, but that's all before you became squad leader so I'll keep it short. I'm no “yes sir, no sir, may I have another sir” kind of soldier. I'll follow your lead, but don't expect me to suck up to you. Just point me to where you want my gun and grenades.”

A simple nod came from Dusk. If he said anything else, it was lost in Heliwer’s own thoughts as he brushed a hand over the hand thrown explosives he had on him and chuckled to himself. First official mission back in the saddle, and it seemed like a simple one at that. Dropping the cigarette butt on the floor of the shuttle, he stamped it out with his foot and grabbed his hip flask, downing a quick swig of whiskey. Yeah, a simple mission, except nothing was ever easy with them. He just hoped that Dusk and Havock both knew what the hell they were doing. Last thing he needed was Thyveck all over again, sending a shiver up his spine and taking another swig of the spirit. With any luck, they would be landing soon and going planetside, where the real fun would begin. He was itching for another fight.
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"Any problem on Earth can be solved with the careful application of high explosives. The trick is not to be around when they go off." - Valkyrie

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  RE: Direcat Squad: Going Home
January 25, 2016 2:31:25 PM    View the profile of Dusk 
He sat there, on his immaculately maintained bed, staring at the bare room. Jacen took a deep breath before standing and walking over to his personal equipment locker. Inside was his armor, staring back at him, reflecting his visage in its visor, giving a look as if judging him. Shaking the feeling, he slowly began donning the gear. Each item snapping into place on his body, everything fit fairly well, since he never really stopped fighting he was still in shape. He pulled his helmet into place and it made the familiar hiss as the environmental seal closed. The interior lights flicked to life and displayed his HUD, everything normal. Reaching to the bottom of the locker, the squad leader grabbed his combat rig and pressed it against his back, the magnetic locs sealing as he clipped everything else together. Lastly was the dull, reddish-orange, pauldron. He carefully lifted it to his right shoulder and strapped it on. All of a sudden, Jacen had a crushing feeling of dread, like something terrible awaited him in the coming moments. His heart began racing and his eyes began dilating. There was a call at the door and it slid open, before Dusk realised it he’d spun around and his side arm was in hand. The ensign that had opened the door cowering behind the doorframe.

“S… Sergeant Arture…” The man’s voice was shaken at the hostile reaction. Jacen lowered his weapon as he came to his senses.

“My apologies crewman, I don’t know what came over me.” He holstered the slug thrower and invited the man in. “Now, what is it that you’re here for?”

He stood up straighter and dusted off his pant leg. “General Katash asked for you to report to Briefing Room Aurek for mission briefing.”

“Thank you ensign, now if that’s all?”

“Yes sir, I’ll be going.”

As the door sealed behind the man, Dusk sat back on his pristine cot. He took his helmet off and set it beside him. Sweat had developed on his brow, which he wiped away and took a deep breath. ‘What’s gotten into you Arture? You’ve been weird ever since you got back on a Star Destroyer, what’s happened?’ After slowing his heart rate back down, he re-donned his helmet and stepped out into the hall.


After the briefing, Jacen went straight to the transport. Most of Direcat had gathered already, a couple troopers stood on the boarding ramp which he brushed past and took a seat beside the napping XO. He strapped himself in and started going over battle plans for taking the depot, it should be a cakewalk but you can never let your guard down… ‘Else you have another Corellia on your hands.’ No, he wasn’t going to let that happen to his squad again. Never again. “Hey, Dusk.” Helliwer called, getting the attention of the squad leader. “You remember me, I remember you, but that's all before you became squad leader so I'll keep it short. I'm no “yes sir, no sir, may I have another sir” kind of soldier. I'll follow your lead, but don't expect me to suck up to you. Just point me to where you want my gun and grenades.”

Slightly startled, all Jacen gave in response was a curt nod of acknowledgment. Heliwer’s comment comforted the squad leader some. Knowing he had a good and reliable trooper that he knew had the proper experience. He looked around at the large group boarding the shuttle and smiled to himself slightly. Hopefully things will be better this time.

Nodriss C, 2 clicks from Vehicle Depot, 0930 Hours.

Direcat squad fanned out from the Merciless, the hot sun beating down on them. As soon as they were sufficiently sure the LZ was secured, the troopers gathered in the shade of the mesa they’d landed next to. Dusk extended his hand and projected the same hologram of the base as they’d seen on the Dominion. “Alright we’re going to separate into three fire teams. Fire team Aurek will scout around the north. Besh, the south-west. Cresh, the south-east.” Jacen pressed a few keys on his datapad and separated everyone into their respective fire squads.

Alright, here are the Fire Teams:
Dusk (Leader)

Balac (Leader)
Sam (Whatever your new character will be)

RK (Leader)
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Smile!!! Tomorrow will be worse.

SL/SGT Jacen "Dusk" Arture/RAIDERS/Wildcard/Phoenix/VEA
[DT][RAWR][ECA][QW 12][CEC][AS-1][SoC]
[This message has been edited by Dusk (edited January 25, 2016 2:39:57 PM)]
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  RE: Direcat Squad: Going Home
January 25, 2016 4:10:51 PM    View the profile of Eviscares 
The wind had kicked up a notch just after they moved out. Red dust tinted their vision, and lent a surreal atmosphere to the scenery.
Fireteam Auresh was leapfrogging across the cracked terrain, trying to keep a low profile.
Say what you want about the usefulness of the standard armor of the STC, but it didn’t get dirty easily, even when the people wearing it were desperately hoping for it.
So they crept through the dirt, taking their time. Every couple of meters they stopped while Dusk scanned the Horizon with a macrobinocular.
Their progress was arduous, and what made it even worse in evis mind was the fact, that nothing was happening.
Every couple of minutes the other fireteams reported in, and apparently until now their approach was as boring as theirs.
He would’ve loved to go in guns blazing, landing the Merciless right in the base and just raise some cain.
Going by the readouts they had made it almost half way to the base when they came to a chasm into which they could drop for a short rest.
As soon as they were in the helmets came off. Everybody knew that this was against regulations, and still, they did it. But in that heat you only expected people like the rookies on Tatooine to keep their helmets on all the time.
A canteen was quickly making the rounds, and the troopers started wolfing down their ration bars.
Evis thought about the bottle of spice in the compartment in his arm. He had taken it off Sams body on the casevac shuttle, ensuring that the Lieutenants record wouldn’t be marred by possession of a controlled substance. Normally he would’ve ditched the bottle as soon as he got the chance.
But when Sam had died on that shuttle he had decided to hang on to it. For old times sake.
“So Sarge, how long do you reckon we need til we make contact?”, Tetrarch asked, snapping him out of his reverie. The former SGE Trooper had started to fit right in, he had bitched and moaned with the best of them during transport.
“We’ve made almost a klick now. Expect the going to get faster soon, because I think they’ll make either us or one of the other fireteams soon. And as soon as they do, we’ll go hot and fast.”
“Hot and fast… I like that.”, Helena said, provoking simultaneous choking and snorting sounds from the other three troopers, which prompted her to add:”Sure… when you boys say something like that it’s normal.”.
Even though they were about to crawl through the dirt for multiple hours on a planet that hadn’t even heard of anything interesting to do, in that moment they had no other choice but to laugh.
“Ok, it’s nice that you are all enjoying your time here with Vast Empire Vacation Services, but now, let's get a move on people.”, Dusk commanded, and they began to gear up again.
Jester Squad
VE Smoker Association
Excitement abounds
I almost can't wait
Relax, I don't want your baby
I already ate

IronHorseSquad forever in my heart!

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  RE: Direcat Squad: Going Home
January 25, 2016 7:32:13 PM    View the profile of crimson-nexus 
Before the briefing-

Gyro carefully wrapped the white bandages around his hands.

"Seems a bit rusty." he said as he balled his bleeding hands into fists. He looked over from his exercise spot to see a crewman entering.

"Nexus, I'm here with your orders." He said, the slight high and proper hanging on his words

"Yea, what's it now?" He replied careful not to sound sarcastic.

"Report to Briefing room Aurek." The man said.

"Got it." Was all the Private said before standing up and exiting through the locker room door.


Crimson stood next to one of the troopers he didn't remember. They awaited the former Raiders squad leader, Dusk. Who came shortly and entered the ship without a word. Crimson shrugged and traversed the boarding ramp and sat down closest to the front. He looked to the back of the transport and his mind began a rewind through time. To the battles he endured int he battles that lead to the metaphorical death of the VE.

"Hey you okay?" Asked a stormtrooper with a trench coat on.

"I'll be fine once we're on the ground." Crimson responded coldly, trying to appear a loner.


Crimson exited the transport in his usual fashion, although the sprint seemed predominantly useless as the other troopers that had exited first were already scattered. Crimson found a useful spot, and scanned the area his E-11 trained on anything that moved. He put up his hand in an all clear sign, then remembered he wasn't playing point. He put the hand back on the fore stock of his rifle. He turned to see the other troopers beginning to gather up around the squad leader. He followed taking a crouch near the middle of the group. Like before Dusk's orders were quick and straight to the point.

"Got it, Dusk." He said before awaiting the digital order to assign his group.
TRP/PSC Crimson-nexus/Raiders/Wildcard/Phoenix/VEA
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  RE: Direcat Squad: Going Home
January 26, 2016 2:57:14 PM    View the profile of THX1138 
As the ship touched down, Therex felt the pull of planet gravity again. It stopped some of the churning in his stomach.

Has it really been that long?

Shaking it off, he pulled his helmet back out from between his legs and placed it on his head with a click and hiss as it pressurized. His leg felt a little heavy from the trip, the prosthetic compensating as he stood. Rolling out the rest of the trip tenseness, he strolled over to the ramp. As soon as the door opened, Therex blessed the armor they were assigned. They contained a personal climate controller. Chiss were very fond of the cold, and planets like this, arid, dry, and hot, were not vacation spots for the blue skinned race. Turning the temp down a bit more to compensate for the increase, and kept his head down to meet the rest of his squad who were grouping in the shade.

Dusk gave everyone their assignments and separated everyone into fire-teams. Glancing at his datapad, Therex scanned the names from his group. None really stood out, but all had a hint of familiarity. Each group came together and took off across the barren landscape. The wind was whipping past them, kicking up lots of sand and small twisters in their path. It made effective cover as they made their approach. Therex's coat floated behind him, it's dark color helping keep his armor further concealed from any prying eyes. The walk was going to take a while.

To pass the time, Therex made a mental list of all his equipment, both medical and combat. His E-11 hung in his hands, safety left on for now. Both of his sidearms were loaded and ready to go. Sure, revolvers only had between 5 to 8 shots depending on the model, but in a pinch, that could be all you need. Plus, having two kept your options open. A knife was tucked in a sheath across his chest bandoleer. He liked having it there cause it made it easy to reach whether or not he was using it for a fight or to keep a soldier alive. Below the knife sat several pouches filled with bacta patches, painkillers of all sorts, a few choice tools for more delicate work, such as a laser scalpel and suture kit, and his trusty medical scanner.

As he finished, he let his focus return just in time to see Balac signal everyone to hold position.

This is it. Time for some fun.

WC: 424. Not long, but I just wanted to push the story ahead a bit.
"He has his orders, and when a Chiss accepts orders he carries them out, period."

Smile for death

[ES1][EW1][SoC][*QW 12*][*ESC*12*](ECA)(HeS)(2.1)(2.2)(A11)

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  RE: Direcat Squad: Going Home
January 26, 2016 3:56:59 PM    View the profile of Tetrarch 
Cathal remembered the propaganda vids when he'd been a child. The sight of glittering starships voyaging to distant worlds. Glimmering cityscapes with wonderous sights. Alien skies and the lure of the stars. It had been escapism from the muck and wet that made up the back-breaking labour on Coillte. Where even the latest tech from the coreworlds seized up and failed once the storm season began.  Of cobbled together repairs and cannibilising old mechanicals for spare parts. He'd been to the main spaceport at Eileanskye, to see the Imperial marvels there. He'd assumed when he'd shipped off-world that he'd not be left scavenging and scrounging for equipment.

Except, just like Lotaith, they were being sent to hit a target because ithad much needed supplies. Isn't this what the Rebellion used to do? He remembered it on the daily broadcasts. Rebels raid convoy. Spoiling assault foiled. Shipyards sabotaged. Just how desperate were the VE afterall?

He still felt out of sorts and wasn't quite sure how to feel about his assignment to the Direcats. A lot of them were veterans and he wasn't going to feel he'd meld until they'd got a mission under his belt with them. He just kept his mouth shut and did as he was told. Not that anyone had been overtly hostile. It was just you felt like an unwelcome guest, sure, welcome, stay! But when did you say you were leaving again?

The hangar was a chock a block as stormtroopers waited to board the shuttles. When helmets were the order of the day, you got good at recognizing voices. So when the voice went off in front of him, his first inclination was to groan. You always remembered the ones you didn't want to.

“Maybe if you were paying attention you would have seen where you were going, I hope your piloting skills are better than your ambulatory ones!”

Some of the older troopers, the veterans, they laughed. Most of the younger ones, the recruits with Cathal among them, stared awkwardly or shuffled to give Karash space. No one wanted to be near a suspected Section Eight. He delayed a half minute or so to board the shuttle after. He didn't want to piss off the sergeant again. His own plan for self-preservation meant keeping off the NCOs radar. He'd never been much of a loud mouth around strangers anyways.

He noticed with a smirk that some of the veterans had left themselves go abit. The arrogance of a younger man let him slouch a little in his seat knowing that he at least was in fighting form. But despite his attempts to radiate calm, he was as excited as he had been on his first flight off-world. What was this? The fourth, the fifth world? A year ago he'd never set foot on another. None of the others seemed keyed up but the excitement was real for him. Even if the ones waiting for them would be ready to shoot back.

The landing was uneventful. His HUD flashed and he obediently filed into place with the rest of Fireteam Aurek. His eyes roved around the landscape glumly. If there's a fethin' tree here, I'm a wookie.

The wind picked up and began to blow dust across their vision, making him grateful he had a helmet. For once it had an advantage instead of making him feel claustrophobic and suffocated. The barren terrain depressed him though. It was so open, so desolate, so empty. He found himself edging closer to the rest of the squad.

This place is a shithole, he thought disdainfully. He wasn't quite panicked but he was edgy out here. So open. He felt like a walking target.
[STC] Private 1st Class Cathal "Swamprat" Mckarthaigh.
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  RE: Direcat Squad: Going Home
January 27, 2016 12:14:47 AM    View the profile of Virius 
The group of soldiers stood in a semi-circle around Sergeant Dusk as he was plotting away on his datapad and assigning the troopers to fireteams. A blip came up on Virius’s HUD showing that he was assigned to the Cresh fireteam.

“Wow, it really has been a while,” Virius muttered to himself.

It had been at least seven years since he had found himself in an actual military operation. Faolan "Virius" Knight was on an extended leave taking care of family business when the Vast Empire fell and he didn’t see any point in heading back. The Holonet reports put off a gruesome picture of the whole thing and there didn’t seem to be anything left for him to go back to after his parents died. Since he didn’t have any family left and no place to go back to, he found the closest thing to a brotherhood he could find. A small police outfit on a backwater planet in the outer rim, he was even made chief of police after a sad set of events killed his good friend and the former chief. Virius had the outfit running smoothly and he even thought it could have filled the void of the families that he had lost in the past whether it be blood or brother in arms. He thought back to the day when he received the “All Call” message on his old slicing kit he kept up and running, searching for any remnant of the VE that he could find.

“Did you say something?” Heliwer asked, pulling Virius out of his thoughts.

“Uh…nothing, let’s get moving,” Virius turned to RK, “Gunny, I’ll take point.”

RK motioned the move out hand signal towards the southeast, “Sounds good, Cresh! Let’s get this party started.”

We’re all NCOs, someone might as well step up to taking point, I might as well get back into the swing of things by keeping myself on my toes. Virius thought to himself as he checked his carbine and scanned the route in front of them. He blinked a few times and his internal HUD pulled up a topographical map of the target area with the other fire teams symbols slowly moving towards their objectives.

Virius eyed their assigned bearing and objective and noticed their objective was a ridge that overlooked the main objective. The general plan for the teams was to move into overwatch positions, to gather intel on current troop concentrations and defenses, before assaulting the merc base.

Just like old times, I forgot how much I love this stuff. Virius grinned to himself underneath his helmet, glad that no one could see how happy he felt to be back with the Corps. As soon as he stepped off the smile disappeared, his excitement was finished and he placed himself into a mental mission mode. Surprisingly it was easier than he thought it would have been, Just like riding a bike. He smirked to himself with the satisfaction of being back anyway.

The amalgam of NCOs maneuvered into a standard scouting patrol formation and started their way to the objective. The team kept their eyes peeled and their passive scanners running looking for any enemy activity.

The team methodically made their way to their assigned target area, staying in a dried up river bed that kept them under concealment. The riverbed ran from southwest to northeast which provided a perfect route for the team to move more quickly towards their objective.

During one of the short halts about 30 minutes after they initially moved out, RK sent Karash and Heliwer up to the edges of the riverbed to make sure no one was sneaking up on their concealed position.

Suddenly Karash’s voice crackled over the comm, “Hey RK, I’ve spotted five mercs, lightly armed with basic blaster rifles and pistols, minimal armor. Looks like a small patrol, they are moving from the north to the south about 500 meters out.”

“Hm, probably a patrol that was sent out to investigate the activity our landing might have created on their scanners,” RK responded.

Virius crawled up to Karash’s position and moved a pair macrobinos up to his visor. The screen zoomed in to show the five merc soldiers in fine detail, due to the relative closeness of their position. “Gunny, they aren’t showing a lot of tact with their movements, looks like they are just going out for a Sunday stroll. I don’t think they are taking the activity seriously, that or they aren’t very well trained,” Virius explained to RK over the comm.

“Heliwer, any activity on your side?”

“Nope, all clear over here,” Heliwer whispered over the comm.

“Okay, Heliwer make your way to the other side, I’ll be up there in a sec. Spread out and pick overlapping targets, when they get closer we will ambush them and dump their bodies in the riverbed. If we do it right they won’t know what hit them and the main base won’t be any the wiser,” RK commed to the team as he made his way up to the western edge of the riverbed.

Virius brought up his carbine to bear down on their unsuspecting targets. He blinked a series of times to designate the farthest forward merc and the one he was chatting up a storm with. Virius’s HUD lit up with different color reticles as the rest of the team picked their targets. Fortunately for the VE troops the mercs were not moving in any tactical formation and were closely bunched together with their rifles either slung or down at their sides.

When the mercs came within 50 meters RK transmitted a standby signal which popped up on their HUD’s with a 10 second timer counting down to unleash death.

Virius switched his carbine to fire and started to breathe methodically as he aimed at his initial target. The timer seemed to slow as he held his breath and it flashed zero. The fireteam’s weapons barked out reports simultaneously as they fired once and then cracked again as they engaged their initial and secondary targets.

The merc squad dropped with utter precision, their complacency or lack of training was their downfall, they had no idea what hit them. The dust settled around the bodies after they hit the dried earth and the fireteam waited for any possible counter ambush or other signal that their position may have been compromised. After 30 seconds elapsed and their scanners didn’t pick up any life readings from their recently engaged targets, or otherwise, RK motioned for the team to move up and investigate their damage.

Heliwer was the first to arrive at scene. The bodies were all face down in the dirt, the momentum of their walk continuing on but without life after being shot and their legs not supporting them anymore the lifeless bodies just toppled forward. Heliwer pointed his rifle at the nearest body and kicked it just enough to roll the body over and examine the damage they had done. The rest of the team did the same and found all of their targets to be neutralized.

“Let’s get these bodies moved into the riverbed, search for intel and feel free to grab whatever equipment you might see as useful,” RK said to the team.

Virius kneeled down next to the merc he killed and patted him down for intel and equipment. From what he could tell the merc he shot had been their team leader, all he had was a datapad and a dusty equipment vest and a beat up E-11 rifle. Virius inspected the datapad but found it to be encrypted, he then slid it into a pouch on his belt. He then grabbed the drag handle of the lifeless corpse and started to drag it over to the riverbed. After a bit of effort and more than he would like to admit harder breaths, he reached the edge of the riverbed and rolled the body over the edge and down the bank. Virius turned around to head back to help drag out another body but Karash and Heliwer had three merc bodies between them.

“Hey Gunny, I found a datapad on the lead merc, it’s encrypted but I can try and slice it when we get settled in our overwatch position,” Virius said as he walked up and grabbed the arm of the merc that RK was dragging behind him and helped heft into the riverbed.

“Sounds good, anyone find anything else?” RK looked to the rest of the team as the last body rolled down the bank and hit the bottom of the riverbed with a satisfying thump.

Glad to be back! I missed this.
Senior Sergeant
Faolan "Virius" Knight
Combat Slicer

CrAzY Raider! (Original)
TRP/SSG Virius/1SQD/1PLT/1COM/1BAT/1RGT/Tadath/VEA/VE [LoR] [ES1] [WM]
"A good plan violently executed today is far and away better than a perfect plan tomorrow." -- William Tecumseh Sherman
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  RE: Direcat Squad: Going Home
January 28, 2016 5:26:20 AM    View the profile of Merrick 
Merrick watched the squad break up into fire teams and move off across the arid landscape. When they were sufficiently far ahead, she meandered after them at a more sedate pace. Fury’s pet slicer had done a good job on the armour, all the info the troopers were sharing was making its way to her HUD as well. She watched Cresh take out a patrol and hide the bodies, crouching as she waited to see if they’d just been bait. Nothing else happened, so she resumed her stroll, pistols drawn now in case another patrol stumbled upon them. The good news was their presence, so far, seemed to have remained a secret. When she caught up with Besh they’d already taken up positions on top of the ridge overlooking the depot. A couple of troopers had macrobinoculars trained on the facility and surrounds while the rest had taken up positions watching their backs. One of the troopers on watch raised his rifle as she approached, dropping it when he recognised a friendly. “General! I was…”

She waved off the excuse, or apology, or whatever it was going to be, and joined the troopers overlooking the depot. She crouched against an outcropping of rock and unslung her rifle, bringing the scope up to her eye. They were still a few hundred metres out. There wasn’t much activity outside, just a couple of mercs smoking and laughing together in one of the patches of shade created by the building. She toyed with the idea of shooting them to see who’d come running out to greet the squad, but thought better of it, just in case they were horrendously outnumbered after all. For now, they were all just meant to observe.

Tiring of the dry heat, Merrick replaced her helmet and moved back from the edge of the ridge back into cover. She sat against a boulder and watched the team’s back, pistols now drawn instead. There was minimal movement from the depot and so far no more patrols. Eventually, they would surely have to wonder what happened to their friends, and maybe send another group out to look for them. Then again, mercs weren’t well known for giving a crap about their colleagues. Boredom was starting to spread and with it came chatter among the troopers. Most the new kids were quiet, and the veterans were taking the opportunity to poke some fun at them. Merrick chuckled quietly. She checked on the other teams and, content that they were also unmolested, relaxed a little and enjoyed the banter.

Just a bit of a nudge. We're observing! Now let's get a move on.
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  RE: Direcat Squad: Going Home
January 28, 2016 6:30:46 PM    View the profile of Karash 
Apologies for the lack of quality but it does what it was meant to. If anybody has any major problems let me know and I'll change it.

“Sounds good, anyone find anything else?” said RK.

“Not a damn thing or at least nothing worth bothering about.” Karash said as the last of the bodies was heaved out of sight.

“Then let’s keep moving, they may be mercs but they will realize their scouts are missing soon or later.” As RK spoke the group once again began to move.

It could only have been a few minutes since the group had encountered the mercenaries but it felt a lot longer for Karash. Ever since he had involuntarily re-joined the military he had been worried about the moment when he would be required to kill something, somebody, again; he had deliberately avoided any actual combat on Lotaith. Now that that moment had passed he was more concerned by the fact that he had done it so easily. All of the old instincts had flooded back to him as soon as the mercs had been spotted. Just like the rest of his team he knew what course of action had to be taken and did it without question. Karash had to kill or be killed, not only that there was a squad of people counting on him to play his part. Despite all of this he still felt uneasy.

“Besh are already in position. Let’s pick up the pace, we wouldn’t want to be late to the party.” RK’s voice seemed eager.

Suppressing his doubts, Karash told himself that everything was going to plan and that not every mission had to end in disaster. In the past things never went smoothly and it was that that was making him uncomfortable. There was always the feeling that something was about to go wrong and that he was going to be the cause of it. He had not been worried about killing anybody, he had come to terms with that part of military life long ago, he was worried about firing and missing. Karash knew that in these sorts of situations just one missed shot could be the difference between success and failure. He also knew that spending this amount of time inside his own head was dangerous, luckily for him the barren planet suddenly yielded a site worth seeing.

“There they are, keep moving.” RK spoke in reference to the group of troopers now within eyesight.

Their destination was also now visible. From the lack of activity, it was obvious that the mercenaries still did not realize that they were missing a few of their comrades but it was only a matter of time before they did. The Stormtroopers advantage was rapidly running out.

“Nice of you to join us.” General Merrick spoke somewhat disinterestedly.

“We ran into. . .” RK was unable to finish.

“I know, I saw.” The General spoke referencing her armor, it was obviously superior to what everybody else was wearing.

“So we are just waiting for our fearless leader?” Karash asked already knowing the answer.

“What do you think?” the General’s voice did not change its tone.

“Well they better hurry up because whoever is in there is going to realize we are here any minute now.” Karash tried and failed to sound respectful, he had forgotten that not everyone was as willing as Havock to tolerate his insubordination.

“Still an optimist then.” Heliwer attempted to change focus.

Shrugging off any attempt at further interaction Karash and the rest of Cresh took up positions with Besh and awaited the rest of the squad. He hoped they would be there soon because the mercenaries looked as though they were beginning to realize they were no longer alone.
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  RE: Direcat Squad: Going Home
January 29, 2016 4:46:00 PM    View the profile of Eviscares 
He had to give it to the eggheads, the newfangled scope armour was pretty nice, especially the expanded heads up display was more than just a simple gimmick. During the whole approach they had had little markers in their vision telling them where the rest of the squad was.
They had heard the chatter, the preparation for the ambush on the merc patrol, and had waited with bated breath if the mercs would notice their missing personell. But nothing had happend, apparently the mercs weren’t big on communication or keeping watch.
So Fireteam Aurek had picked up the pace, hustling in dry riverbeds, between dust eddies and the desiccated corpses of the local fauna.
“Cresh, in Position.”, came the first transmission, followed shortly by “Besh, in Position.”
What surprised Evis though was the next message that came in:”Merrick in position. Get a move on Aurek.”
Even though they had been motivated to go the remaining distance quickly, Dusk apparently wasn’t going to let the General wait longer than absolutely necessary.
With a curt:”You heard her, get a fething move on!”, he pulled ahead, the rest of the troopers following his example.
They had rounded the compound, and were coming at it from almost the opposite position of the other fireteams, in a classic pincer movement. This, and their combined years of experience, should hopefully give them enough of an advantage to overpower the mercs without any complications.
“Yeah… Right. Without complications.”, Evis thought and chuckled. The plan was good, but like any plan he was sure that it would turn into rancor droppings the second they encountered the enemy.
Or maybe even before.
“MINEFIELD! MINEFIELD!”, Tetrarch yelled over the comlink, slightly louder than necessary, and they stopped dead in their tracks.
Heads turned, eyes darted around, no one dared to move even one step forward, until Dusk asked rather harshly: “What the feth gives you that idea, private?”
“At your one ‘o clock, Dusk, see the animal skull, something glinted under it, from the shape I think it’s a KS-32, we got to know those buggers the hard way. Got a small repulsor charge, and is loaded with a warhead comparable to a Mer-Sonn V1.”
This revelation brought another moment of silence, before Helena asked:”So on a scale of one to Endor, how crinked are we?”
“Depends… do we have a boom guy here?”, the newbie responded, and in that moment Evis wished, that he had finished CE school.
“No joy on that, Tet.”, Dusk answered and went on:”Ok people, we’re wasting daylight, we’ll double back and try a quarter click to the east, move it!”
It didn’t take them long, to move the quarter klick, and this time they slowed down before they reached the height of the minefield. But apparently the Mercs had gone for a psychological minefield instead of an effective one, and so within ten minutes of almost blowing themselves up, fireteam Aurek was in position.
“Aurek, in Position.”, Evis radioed, spontaneously assuming the responsibility of the radio guy.
The other two fireteams confirmed, and with that, they were ready.
“Keep your calm, let’s watch those dungbeetles for a while.”, Dusk ordered, and so the Squad began the long but necessary process of observing and tagging every merc they could see.
With two fireteams on the Mesa, and Aurek sitting almost at the frontgate of the compound they were ready to unleash one hell of a surprise on the poor bastards on the inside.
Their time came when the gate was opened, to let out another patrol.
The only order needed from Dusk was a simple:”Now!”, and the troopers opened up.
Blaster bolts started raining down from the mesa, and up the road, the first salvo eliminating only a dozen targets, but sowing confusion, as if half of the Mercs had been killed. And then, up on the Mesa, their DLT-19 started firing.
Jester Squad
VE Smoker Association
Excitement abounds
I almost can't wait
Relax, I don't want your baby
I already ate

IronHorseSquad forever in my heart!

[This message has been edited by Eviscares (edited January 29, 2016 4:56:58 PM)]
[This message has been edited by Eviscares (edited January 30, 2016 2:25:15 AM)]
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