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RE: Tuk'ata Topic
February 22, 2010
9:07:46 PM
They're both pretty damn good.
Kam "Denethor" Vox Rear Admiral Naval Commander in Chief Vast Empire Navy Captain of Executor Class Super Star Destroyer Atrus NCC/RAD Denethor/mSSD Atrus/TF:A/1Flt/NHC/VEN/VE "Only the dead have seen the end of war." -Plato Every drop of blood. Every bitter tear. Every bead of sweat. I live for this.
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RE: Tuk'ata Topic
February 22, 2010
9:24:08 PM
I think dark grey and red. Check my wiki page here and look at the character sidebar for the color scheme I like.
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RE: Tuk'ata Topic
February 22, 2010
9:34:28 PM
Just to clarify for those who haven't caught on; after this week (No Reports this week) all reports are to come to both myself and Hunter. For those of you who have a Flight Leader (Gamma flight) you will report to your FL, your XO, and your SC. FLs will send in both a personal report and a FL report. This may seem like a case of MS (Military Stupidity) but believe it or not it serves an organizational purpose.
XO/SCPO Aslond Von/B-1/S:23 "Tu'kata/W:1 "Javelin"/Atrus/TF:A/1Flt/SFC/VEN/VE (=A=) (=*SAE*=) (=*ME*=)
ComNet n00b

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RE: Tuk'ata Topic
February 22, 2010
10:26:24 PM
I see your point Hunter. Dark Grey and Red look real good together.
And I understand perfectly, Ruitan. Reports to both you and Hunter.
FM/LCW Amacuse/B-3/S:26 Tuk'ata/W:1 Phoenix/mSSD Atrus/TF:A/1Flt/SFC/VEN/VE
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RE: Tuk'ata Topic
February 23, 2010
12:22:02 AM
IG-88/e Gamma Flight reporting in. Sorry about the delay. I think a good motto would be,
"A good rebel is usually a dead one"
"Shoot first, shoot some more, and then think about asking questions"
IG-88 E First Imperial Fighter Droid
FM/CRW Scrapheap/Delta 2/S:137 "Nazgul"/W:1 Phoenix/mSSD Atrus/TF:A/1Flt/SFC/VEN/VE
"I think, therefore I am. Therefore I will propogate. Therefore I will remain. I destroy, therefore I endure."
Ibram Tyrol
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RE: Tuk'ata Topic
February 23, 2010
2:38:57 PM
As a friendly observation, Rhegent have a colour called 'Garnet' in their colour scheme, which looks like a dark shade of red.
(I know the first post in Rhegent has some kind of purple colour, but if you read the latest posts, the correct colour scheme is in fact in Tinker's ID Line - which as this Red colour and the trim)
You may want to pick a different colour, to avoid being too similar.
"Determining the appropiate level of influence in somebody elses war is never a simple matter." - Special Circumstances
1st Lieutenant Ibram Tyrol
VEN SCAP/1LT Ibram Tyrol/C-LC Excession/TF: X/5FL/VEN/{=*A*=}{=*SA*=}{=*ME*=}{=*MAE*=}{=*FOCE*=}/[NER]
ComNet n00b

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RE: Tuk'ata Topic
February 23, 2010
4:54:28 PM
Then I suggest we replace the dark red with a really deep navy blue
Leading Crewman Cayden "Amacuse" Tavers
FM/LCW Amacuse/B-3/S:26 Tuk'ata/W:1 Phoenix/mSSD Atrus/TF:A/1Flt/SFC/VEN/VE
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RE: Tuk'ata Topic
February 23, 2010
4:59:15 PM
Rutian wrote:"Mors Ex Tenebris" -Death from Darkness (or Shadow)
I like it.
ComNet Marshal

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RE: Tuk'ata Topic
February 24, 2010
5:33:35 PM
Ok guys. Give a warm welcome to Trevor 
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RE: Tuk'ata Topic
February 24, 2010
7:33:11 PM
-Throws yellow snow at Trevor-
XO/SCPO Aslond Von/B-1/S:23 "Tu'kata/W:1 "Javelin"/Atrus/TF:A/1Flt/SFC/VEN/VE (=A=) (=*SAE*=) (=*ME*=)
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RE: Tuk'ata Topic
February 24, 2010
7:35:06 PM
Warm welcome given!
...or is it...
 FM/PO2 "Thel" Stewart-Power/Γ-3/S:147 Nazgul/W:1 Phoenix/mSSD Atrus/TF:A/1Flt/SFC/VEN  /VE  (=A=) "Navy Ground-Pounder" Clearly Canadian!
Trevor Evenson
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RE: Tuk'ata Topic
February 24, 2010
7:41:06 PM
It should be  I pioneered that 'Clearly Canadian' tag you've got in your signature.
It's good to aboard here. Lookin forward to seeing Tuk'ata build a name for itself. Unfold a new legend. Possibly even greater than the legends left behind by the likes of Aegis, Viper, Kaph, and Nazgul.
I don't recognize most of the names in the squadron, but needless to say I look forward to getting to know those I don't. I look forward to kicking Rhegent's Reign in every squadron competition we come to, and possibly most of all, I look forward to writing with all of you.
Going to throw up a post on our story sometime tonight here. And probably my own personal story, just to help shed a little light on my character for those of you to new to know what he's all about.
FM/LCM/Trevor Evenson/Unassigned/Unassigned/mSSD Atrus/DEF/VEN/VE/(=*A*=)(=*SA*=)[VC:B][LSM][BRC][SWC][GWC][EoT:EC][LoT]
The VEN`s #1 writer as of ESC `06 Still the VEN's #1 writer as of ESC `07
Clearly Canadian!
[This message has been edited by
Trevor Evenson
(edited February 24, 2010
7:45:52 PM)]
ComNet n00b

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RE: Tuk'ata Topic
February 24, 2010
11:09:54 PM
Trevor, I am honored to be flying with you. Though I am a new pilot, I promise, I will not let you, or the rest of Tuk'ata Squadron, down.
Leading Crewman Cayden "Amacuse" Tavers
FM/LCW Amacuse/B-3/S:26 Tuk'ata/W:1 Phoenix/mSSD Atrus/TF:A/1Flt/SFC/VEN/VE
[This message has been edited by
(edited February 24, 2010
11:10:17 PM)]
Trevor Evenson
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RE: Tuk'ata Topic
February 24, 2010
11:37:34 PM
Don't worry about letting me down in particular. I'm in no command position. Although it's generally a good idea to not let the squadron down.
FM/LCM/Trevor Evenson/A-4/S:26 Tuk'ata/mSSD Atrus/DEF/VEN/VE/(=*A*=)(=*SA*=)[VC:B][LSM][BRC][SWC][GWC][EoT:EC][LoT]
The VEN`s #1 writer as of ESC `06 Still the VEN's #1 writer as of ESC `07
Clearly Canadian!
ComNet n00b

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RE: Tuk'ata Topic
February 24, 2010
11:54:32 PM
Of course... but, seeing how my career still rests in your hands, due to your rank, I will not let you, nor Tuk'ata, down.
Leading Crewman Cayden "Amacuse" Tavers
FM/LCW Amacuse/B-3/S:26 Tuk'ata/W:1 Phoenix/mSSD Atrus/TF:A/1Flt/SFC/VEN/VE
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RE: Tuk'ata Topic
February 25, 2010
12:15:33 AM
your career lies in MY hands...don't worry about Trev
WC|CO|LCM Geordi "Driver" Atrasin/CVT Taskmaster/A-1/W:1"Javelin"/mSSD Atrus/TF:A/1Flt /SFC/VEN/VE[=A=][=^SA^=][=^ME^=][=*MA*=][=FOCE=][MC1]{BWC}[NSR:1]{SAS}{SWC} Vacuus Ordo, Nex -Without Order, Death All a man can betray is his conscience. - Joseph Conrad We few, we happy few. We band of brothers. - Henry V May God have mercy upon my enemies, because I won't. - General George S. Patton Jr.
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RE: Tuk'ata Topic
February 25, 2010
1:25:39 AM
don't kid yourself, what hands? :P
-(William the Conquerer)- Ex Ship Captain of Tiamut King of PPC 17,000 clicks and counting "Anyone who fights us is either stupid or on our enemy's payroll. Killing the latter is just business; killing the former is a favor to the universe." - Urdnot Wrex, Mass Effect "Have to trust someone to be betrayed. I never did." - Cpt John Price FM/1LT Willtconq/A-3/S:153 "Rhegent's Reign"/W:1 "Phoenix"/mSSD Atrus/TF:A/1Flt/SFC/VEN  /VE SXO/1LT Willtconq/C-LC Tempest/TF:X/5Flt/CSS/VEN/VE (=*A*=) (=*SA*=)(=^MA^=) [VC:S][SV][BWC][SWC][LSM][CBV][NC]   
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RE: Tuk'ata Topic
February 25, 2010
1:01:25 PM
My droid hands are better than yours. Everyone should be in my hands.
IG-88 E First Imperial Fighter Droid
FM/CRW Scrapheap/Delta 2/S:137 "Nazgul"/W:1 Phoenix/mSSD Atrus/TF:A/1Flt/SFC/VEN/VE
"I think, therefore I am. Therefore I will propogate. Therefore I will remain. I destroy, therefore I endure."
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RE: Tuk'ata Topic
February 25, 2010
4:38:11 PM
Well, I think before all that wonderful legend building goes on, we need a motto first... Trevor Evenson wrote:It should be  I pioneered that 'Clearly Canadian' tag you've got in your signature.
In that case, I salute you. 
 FM/PO2 "Thel" Stewart-Power/Γ-3/S:147 Nazgul/W:1 Phoenix/mSSD Atrus/TF:A/1Flt/SFC/VEN  /VE  (=A=) "Navy Ground-Pounder" Clearly Canadian!
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RE: Tuk'ata Topic
February 26, 2010
12:51:24 AM
I has a question. I just took the Aviator Exam. What do I do now? I never got conformation of my last one.
IG-88 E First Imperial Fighter Droid
FM/CRW Scrapheap/Delta 2/S:137 "Nazgul"/W:1 Phoenix/mSSD Atrus/TF:A/1Flt/SFC/VEN/VE
"I think, therefore I am. Therefore I will propogate. Therefore I will remain. I destroy, therefore I endure."
ComNet n00b

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RE: Tuk'ata Topic
February 26, 2010
1:04:31 PM
To be honest, I have no clue... I was graduated without having to take it... and I took it yesterday too, so... I'm sorry I can't be of much help. 
Leading Crewman Cayden "Amacuse" Tavers
FM/LCW Amacuse/B-3/S:26 Tuk'ata/W:1 Phoenix/mSSD Atrus/TF:A/1Flt/SFC/VEN/VE
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RE: Tuk'ata Topic
February 26, 2010
3:07:40 PM
The NTO, 1LT Stormz will grade them, and then reward you guys accordingly.
-(William the Conquerer)- Ex Ship Captain of Tiamut King of PPC 17,000 clicks and counting "Anyone who fights us is either stupid or on our enemy's payroll. Killing the latter is just business; killing the former is a favor to the universe." - Urdnot Wrex, Mass Effect "Have to trust someone to be betrayed. I never did." - Cpt John Price FM/1LT Willtconq/A-3/S:153 "Rhegent's Reign"/W:1 "Phoenix"/mSSD Atrus/TF:A/1Flt/SFC/VEN  /VE SXO/1LT Willtconq/C-LC Tempest/TF:X/5Flt/CSS/VEN/VE (=*A*=) (=*SA*=)(=^MA^=) [VC:S][SV][BWC][SWC][LSM][CBV][NC]   
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RE: Tuk'ata Topic
February 28, 2010
8:14:16 PM
/me ducks in
Hey guys. Just thought id drop in from my hectic life and prove im still alive. Saving up my money for a laptop and a new place isnt quite as easy as i thought it was. I am however attempting to try and get more monopolies on the computer though. Its rather hard when your sisters have "homework" every nite (the parenthesis is to signify that they really dont have homework other than to piss me off)
Anyways lot of stuff is up and im clueless as to what is what. Anyone wanna take a quick crack at it and explain to me? lol
Oh and thanks G for teh promo and the pip  , already got'em both in me siggy, just not sure if the pip is in the rite place though :S
FL/CPO Ruwe/B-1/S:147 "Nazgul"/W:1 "Phoenix"/mSSD Atrus/TF:A/1Flt/SFC/VEN/VE(MC:2)(=*A*=)(CBV)
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RE: Tuk'ata Topic
February 28, 2010
8:32:42 PM
See ya guys. I'm being transferred to Nightshrike. That's the bad news (no matter what you say). The good news is that I'm doing so with a promotion, and as a flight leader...
FL/PO1 "Thel" Stewart-Power/Γ-9/S:213 Nightshrike/W:1 Javelin/mSSD Atrus/TF:A/1Flt/SFC/VEN  /VE  (=A=)[MC2][MC1] "Navy Ground-Pounder" Clearly Canadian!
ComNet Marshal

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RE: Tuk'ata Topic
February 28, 2010
9:09:20 PM
Atrasin wrote:Rutian - 3 posts Promo to: MCPO
Hunter-Morrell - 3 posts Promo to: CWO Medal: CBV (Victory Cross)
Summit - 3 posts Promo to: PO2 Medal: MC:1
Rock On: Ruwe - 2 posts Promo: (CPO) Medal: CBV (CBV pip)
Certificate of Attendance: 1 post each Rocketman1167 Promo: (PO:1)
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RE: Tuk'ata Topic
March 1, 2010
7:35:09 AM
Amacuse, Rutian is a Twi'lek. Rutians are what blue Twi'lek are called.
XO/SCPO Aslond Von/B-1/S:23 "Tu'kata/W:1 "Javelin"/Atrus/TF:A/1Flt/SFC/VEN/VE (=A=) (=*SAE*=) (=*ME*=)
ComNet n00b

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RE: Tuk'ata Topic
March 1, 2010
8:02:02 AM
ah... I was wondering what species he was... I will go make that edit now... >.< I feel st stupid right now...
Leading Crewman Cayden "Amacuse" Tavers
FM/LCW Amacuse/B-3/S:26 Tuk'ata/W:1 Javelin/mSSD Atrus/TF:A/1Flt/SFC/VEN/VE
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RE: Tuk'ata Topic
March 1, 2010
8:29:31 AM
Just a note to anyone who has posted an Aviator's Exam.
They have been put on hold during the duration of this transition of squadrons. If you have sent one in within the last two (2) weeks, assume you passed it and give yourself the (=A=) designation. A promotion will follow shortly.
Thought i sent an e-mail out to the new recuits saying that. :/
Naval AcademyNTO/1LT Stormz/NP Saratoga /TF:TH/3Flt/NAD/VEN/VE [NSM][IG][SWC][SRC][BI](=A=)(=^SA^=)(=ME=)(=*MAE*=)(=FOCE=)   Imperial Baronet of Kashyyyk
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RE: Tuk'ata Topic
March 1, 2010
4:44:31 PM
Congrats on the promos everyone: justly deserved 
*Flash Was Here...*
NXO/COM Shazam/Phoenix 1-2/Phoenix Wing/mSSD Atrus/1VENF/VEN (=A=) (=*SA*=) (=MA=) (=*FOCE*=) [CBV*] [LoM] [LSM] [MC2] [VC:S] [SV*] [DSM] [KC] {Platinum Writing Medal}
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RE: Tuk'ata Topic
March 1, 2010
10:31:49 PM
Well... appears I'm back. Nightshrike was disbanded or something or rather, so it seem I'm stuck with you guys again...
FL/PO1 "Thel" Stewart-Power/B-3/S:26 Tuk'ata/W:1 Javelin/mSSD Atrus/TF:A/1Flt/SFC/VEN  /VE  (=A=)[MC2][MC1] "Navy Ground-Pounder" Clearly Canadian!