Garryll Gates
ComNet Veteran

[VE-ARMY] Platoon Sergeant
Post Number: 1131
Total Posts: 2159
Joined: Sep 2007
Status: Offline

RE: Slay or Save
January 11, 2010
6:40:29 PM
Luke Skywalker lifts his X-wing high enough for it to bean him in the head, killing him.
1. Luke Skywalker- 0 (Dead)
2. Count Dooku- 20
3. Yoda- 45
4. Darth Sidious- 40
5. General Grievous- 45
6. Obi-Wan Kenobi- 50
7. Darth Maul- 50
8. R2-D2- 45
9. Darth Vader- 60
10. Mace Windu- 50
ESL/PSGT Garryll Gates/4SQD/1PLT/1COM/1RGT/1BAT/Tadath/VEA/VE [RoM][ICE][IH][CCA][BC][SRP][AS-1][ES1][CoS][EW1] {RESx3} [ESC09] [RoT] [CRoS] [AoT] God is not on the side of the big battalions, but on the side of those who shoot best.For Tadath, for the Empire.
ComNet Expert Imperial Duke

[VE-ARMY] First Sergeant
Post Number: 1795
Total Posts: 2089
Joined: Dec 2005
Status: Offline

RE: Slay or Save
January 12, 2010
3:07:47 PM
R2-D2 gets a cleaning,
1. Luke Skywalker- 0 (Dead)
2. Count Dooku- 20
3. Yoda- 45
4. Darth Sidious- 40
5. General Grievous- 45
6. Obi-Wan Kenobi- 50
7. Darth Maul- 50
8. R2-D2- 50
9. Darth Vader- 60
10. Mace Windu- 50
Heavy Weapons Specialist
He will give them death, and they will love him for it -Gladiator
Eat a hearty breakfast men, for tonight we dine in hell -300
A man, can be an artist, at anything food, whatever... it just depends on how good they are at it. Creases art is death... he's about to paint his masterpiece -Man on Fire
TRP/FSGT_Rogueboy/3SQD/1PLT/1COM/1BAT/1RGT/VEA/VE [LoR][ES1][CDS][CoR][EW2][IH][GRP][CCA][SC][DoH-P][SoHe][GS][AoT][ESC09]
Clearly Canadian!
ComNet Initiate

[VE-NAVY] Petty Officer 2nd Class
Post Number: 185
Total Posts: 316
Joined: Jan 2009
Status: Offline

RE: Slay or Save
January 12, 2010
3:12:42 PM
Mace Windu is black. He just owns
1. Luke Skywalker- 0 (Dead)
2. Count Dooku- 20
3. Yoda- 45
4. Darth Sidious- 40
5. General Grievous- 45
6. Obi-Wan Kenobi- 50
7. Darth Maul- 50
8. R2-D2- 50
9. Darth Vader- 60
10. Mace Windu- 55
FL/PO2 Ruwe/B-1/S:147 "Nazgul"/W:1 "Phoenix"/mSSD Atrus/TF:A/1Flt/SFC/VEN/VE(MC:2)(=*A*=)
ComNet Initiate

[VE-NAVY] Petty Officer 2nd Class
Post Number: 188
Total Posts: 698
Joined: Mar 2009
Status: Offline

RE: Slay or Save
January 12, 2010
4:09:38 PM
Darth Vader realizes that with Luke dead, he can finally take Luke's, better, robotic hand.
1. Luke Skywalker- 0 (Dead)
2. Count Dooku- 20
3. Yoda- 45
4. Darth Sidious- 40
5. General Grievous- 45
6. Obi-Wan Kenobi- 50
7. Darth Maul- 50
8. R2-D2- 50
9. Darth Vader- 65
10. Mace Windu- 55
 FM/PO2 Stewart-Power/Γ-3/S:147 Nazgul/W:1 Phoenix/mSSD Atrus/TF:A/1Flt/SFC/VEN  /VE  (=A=) "Navy Ground-Pounder" Clearly Canadian!
ComNet Member

[VE-ARMY] Lance Corporal
Post Number: 557
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Status: Offline

RE: Slay or Save
January 12, 2010
6:50:40 PM
Darth Vader Force Pushes Mace Windu into Coruscant's rush-hour traffic. Instant Mace Windex[red]
1. Luke Skywalker- 0 (Dead)
2. Count Dooku- 20
3. Yoda- 45
4. Darth Sidious- 40
5. General Grievous- 45
6. Obi-Wan Kenobi- 50
7. Darth Maul- 50
8. R2-D2- 50
9. Darth Vader- 65
10. Mace Windu- 50

Anival Velasquez
ComNet Member

[VE-ARMY] Sergeant
Post Number: 568
Total Posts: 1081
Joined: Oct 2007
Status: Offline

RE: Slay or Save
January 13, 2010
6:44:33 AM
Palpatine uses force insight and sees his death at the "hand" of vader, so unplugs Vader while he is sleeping.
1. Luke Skywalker- 0 (Dead)
2. Count Dooku- 20
3. Yoda- 45
4. Darth Sidious- 40
5. General Grievous- 45
6. Obi-Wan Kenobi- 50
7. Darth Maul- 50
8. R2-D2- 50
9. Darth Vader- 60
10. Mace Windu- 50
"We came, We saw, We left it anyways." Y.F.S motto
[This message has been edited by
Anival Velasquez
(edited January 13, 2010
6:45:21 AM)]
ComNet Cadet

[VE-ARMY] Corporal
Post Number: 220
Total Posts: 272
Joined: Feb 2008
Status: Offline

RE: Slay or Save
January 13, 2010
7:42:22 AM
Grievous gets a killer paint job with flames and everything.
1. Luke Skywalker- 0 (Dead)
2. Count Dooku- 20
3. Yoda- 45
4. Darth Sidious- 40
5. General Grievous- 50
6. Obi-Wan Kenobi- 50
7. Darth Maul- 50
8. R2-D2- 50
9. Darth Vader- 60
10. Mace Windu- 50
TRP/ CPL Verkur/.SQD/.PLT/1COM/1BAT/1RGT/Tadath/VEA/VE [CoS][ES:1C][CoR] "I am required to kill, so I kill" -Maximus
ComNet Expert Imperial Duke

[VE-ARMY] First Sergeant
Post Number: 1796
Total Posts: 2089
Joined: Dec 2005
Status: Offline

RE: Slay or Save
January 13, 2010
8:52:26 AM
Yoda jumps in the air to attack Darth Sidious but is in turn clipped by an oncoming speeder.
1. Luke Skywalker- 0 (Dead)
2. Count Dooku- 20
3. Yoda- 40
4. Darth Sidious- 40
5. General Grievous- 50
6. Obi-Wan Kenobi- 50
7. Darth Maul- 50
8. R2-D2- 50
9. Darth Vader- 60
10. Mace Windu- 50
Heavy Weapons Specialist
He will give them death, and they will love him for it -Gladiator
Eat a hearty breakfast men, for tonight we dine in hell -300
A man, can be an artist, at anything food, whatever... it just depends on how good they are at it. Creases art is death... he's about to paint his masterpiece -Man on Fire
TRP/FSGT_Rogueboy/3SQD/1PLT/1COM/1BAT/1RGT/VEA/VE [LoR][ES1][CDS][CoR][EW2][IH][GRP][CCA][SC][DoH-P][SoHe][GS][AoT][ESC09]
Clearly Canadian!
ComNet Member

[VE-NAVY] Senior Chief Petty Officer
Post Number: 700
Total Posts: 2191
Joined: Jan 2009
Status: Offline

RE: Slay or Save
January 13, 2010
2:27:48 PM
Count Dooku is about to murder a youngling when the little fellow screams "Nooo! Pwease don kill me, Count Doodoo!" and caused Dooku to facepalm while holding his lightsaber.
1. Luke Skywalker- 0 (Dead)
2. Count Dooku- 15
3. Yoda- 40
4. Darth Sidious- 40
5. General Grievous- 50
6. Obi-Wan Kenobi- 50
7. Darth Maul- 50
8. R2-D2- 50
9. Darth Vader- 60
10. Mace Windu- 50
SXO/SCPO Drac/?-1/S:147 Nazgul/W:1 Phoenix/mSSD Atrus/TF:A/1Flt/SFC/VEN/VE [SoA][MC:2][MC:1][NSR:H][NT:H] (=*A*=)(=*SA*=)He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep in order to gain what he cannot lose.Drac's VE Wiki Profile: 
ComNet Member

[VE-ARMY] Lance Corporal
Post Number: 559
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Status: Offline

RE: Slay or Save
January 13, 2010
5:41:19 PM
Vader decides to make Dooku useful, and so uses him as a Force Projectile; right into a staggering Mace Windu. *bamb!*
1. Luke Skywalker- 00% (Dead)
2. Count Dooku- 15%
3. Yoda- 40%
4. Darth Sidious- 40%
5. General Grievous- 50%
6. Obi-Wan Kenobi- 50%
7. Darth Maul- 50%
8. R2-D2- 50%
9. Darth Vader- 60%
10. Mace Windu- 45%

ComNet Member

[VE-ARMY] Lance Corporal
Post Number: 561
Total Posts: 621
Joined: Jan 2008
Status: Offline

RE: Slay or Save
January 14, 2010
7:01:31 PM
Vader slices & dices Mace Windu. Mace's other hand falls into a massive pool, complete with laser-armed sharks!
1. Luke Skywalker- 00% (Dead)
2. Count Dooku- 15%
3. Yoda- 40%
4. Darth Sidious- 40%
5. General Grievous- 50%
6. Obi-Wan Kenobi- 50%
7. Darth Maul- 50%
8. R2-D2- 50%
9. Darth Vader- 60%
10. Mace Windu- 40%

ComNet Expert Imperial Duke

[VE-ARMY] First Sergeant
Post Number: 1798
Total Posts: 2089
Joined: Dec 2005
Status: Offline

RE: Slay or Save
January 15, 2010
11:11:07 AM
Yoda "trains" the younglings but is accused and found guilty of sexually harassing them. Yoda pays a court fine and is slapped on the wrists.
1. Luke Skywalker- 00% (Dead)
2. Count Dooku- 15%
3. Yoda- 35%
4. Darth Sidious- 40%
5. General Grievous- 50%
6. Obi-Wan Kenobi- 50%
7. Darth Maul- 50%
8. R2-D2- 50%
9. Darth Vader- 60%
10. Mace Windu- 40%
Heavy Weapons Specialist
He will give them death, and they will love him for it -Gladiator
Eat a hearty breakfast men, for tonight we dine in hell -300
A man, can be an artist, at anything food, whatever... it just depends on how good they are at it. Creases art is death... he's about to paint his masterpiece -Man on Fire
TRP/FSGT_Rogueboy/3SQD/1PLT/1COM/1BAT/1RGT/VEA/VE [LoR][ES1][CDS][CoR][EW2][IH][GRP][CCA][SC][DoH-P][SoHe][GS][AoT][ESC09]
Clearly Canadian!
ComNet Member

[VE-ARMY] Lance Corporal
Post Number: 562
Total Posts: 621
Joined: Jan 2008
Status: Offline

RE: Slay or Save
January 15, 2010
7:04:01 PM
Vader watched 'The Spirit' and 'Snakes On A Plane' and dropped some "WTF"s before, during and after carving another pound of flesh from Mace Windu's sorry hide.
1. Luke Skywalker- 00% (Dead)
2. Count Dooku- 15%
3. Yoda- 35%
4. Darth Sidious- 40%
5. General Grievous- 50%
6. Obi-Wan Kenobi- 50%
7. Darth Maul- 50%
8. R2-D2- 50%
9. Darth Vader- 60%
10. Mace Windu- 35%

ComNet Member

[VE-ARMY] Lance Corporal
Post Number: 564
Total Posts: 621
Joined: Jan 2008
Status: Offline

RE: Slay or Save
January 16, 2010
2:49:29 PM
Telekinetically seizing large eggs from supermarkets and zoos all over Coruscant, Vader forms them into columns for attack runs into Mace Windu's face.
1. Luke Skywalker- 00% (Dead)
2. Count Dooku- 15%
3. Yoda- 35%
4. Darth Sidious- 40%
5. General Grievous- 50%
6. Obi-Wan Kenobi- 50%
7. Darth Maul- 50%
8. R2-D2- 50%
9. Darth Vader- 60%
10. Mace Windu- 30%

ComNet Member

[VE-ARMY] Lance Corporal
Post Number: 565
Total Posts: 621
Joined: Jan 2008
Status: Offline

RE: Slay or Save
January 17, 2010
3:19:40 PM
Everybody gangs up, grabs a rotten EGG to hurl into Mace's face.
1. Luke Skywalker- 00% (Dead)
2. Count Dooku- 15%
3. Yoda- 35%
4. Darth Sidious- 40%
5. General Grievous- 50%
6. Obi-Wan Kenobi- 50%
7. Darth Maul- 50%
8. R2-D2- 50%
9. Darth Vader- 60%
10. Mace Windu- 25%

ComNet Veteran
[VE-ARMY] First Sergeant [VE-NAVY] 2nd Lieutenant [VE-VEEC] Essayist
Post Number: 1420
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Joined: Apr 2008
Status: Offline

RE: Slay or Save
January 17, 2010
4:18:33 PM
Mace runs off to the nearest medical station and recieves a medpac.
1. Luke Skywalker- 00% (Dead)
2. Count Dooku- 15%
3. Yoda- 35%
4. Darth Sidious- 40%
5. General Grievous- 50%
6. Obi-Wan Kenobi- 50%
7. Darth Maul- 50%
8. R2-D2- 50%
9. Darth Vader- 60%
10. Mace Windu- 30%
ComNet n00b
[VE-ARMY] Private First Class
Post Number: 4
Total Posts: 6
Joined: Jan 2010
Status: Offline

RE: Slay or Save
January 17, 2010
4:22:33 PM
Count Dooku goes to jail and drops the soap
1. Luke Skywalker- 00% (Dead)
2. Count Dooku- 10%
3. Yoda- 35%
4. Darth Sidious- 40%
5. General Grievous- 50%
6. Obi-Wan Kenobi- 50%
7. Darth Maul- 50%
8. R2-D2- 50%
9. Darth Vader- 60%
10. Mace Windu- 30%
ComNet n00b

[VE-ARMY] Private
Post Number: 2
Total Posts: 2
Joined: Jan 2010
Status: Offline

RE: Slay or Save
January 17, 2010
8:17:49 PM
Vader takes Sidious's robe while doing laundry and lights it on fire giving it to the half blind Yoda.
1. Luke Skywalker- 00% (Dead)
2. Count Dooku- 10%
3. Yoda- 30%
4. Darth Sidious- 40%
5. General Grievous- 50%
6. Obi-Wan Kenobi- 50%
7. Darth Maul- 50%
8. R2-D2- 50%
9. Darth Vader- 60%
10. Mace Windu- 30%
Cody Neal
ComNet Expert Imperial Duke

[VE-ARMY] First Sergeant
Post Number: 1799
Total Posts: 2089
Joined: Dec 2005
Status: Offline

RE: Slay or Save
January 17, 2010
8:41:38 PM
God strikes down Mace Windu because of the film "The Spirit."
1. Luke Skywalker- 00% (Dead)
2. Count Dooku- 10%
3. Yoda- 30%
4. Darth Sidious- 40%
5. General Grievous- 50%
6. Obi-Wan Kenobi- 50%
7. Darth Maul- 50%
8. R2-D2- 50%
9. Darth Vader- 60%
10. Mace Windu- 25%
Heavy Weapons Specialist
He will give them death, and they will love him for it -Gladiator
Eat a hearty breakfast men, for tonight we dine in hell -300
A man, can be an artist, at anything food, whatever... it just depends on how good they are at it. Creases art is death... he's about to paint his masterpiece -Man on Fire
TRP/FSGT_Rogueboy/3SQD/1PLT/1COM/1BAT/1RGT/VEA/VE [LoR][ES1][CDS][CoR][EW2][IH][GRP][CCA][SC][DoH-P][SoHe][GS][AoT][ESC09]
Clearly Canadian!
ComNet Novice

[VE-ARMY] Private First Class
Post Number: 85
Total Posts: 515
Joined: Jun 2009
Status: Offline

RE: Slay or Save
January 18, 2010
4:22:48 PM
R2 mercillessly burns Count Dooku's clothes with his hover ... thing.
1. Luke Skywalker- 00% (Dead)
2. Count Dooku- 5%
3. Yoda- 30%
4. Darth Sidious- 40%
5. General Grievous- 50%
6. Obi-Wan Kenobi- 50%
7. Darth Maul- 50%
8. R2-D2- 50%
9. Darth Vader- 60%
10. Mace Windu- 25%
ComNet Expert Imperial Duke

[VE-ARMY] Sergeant Major
Post Number: 1802
Total Posts: 2089
Joined: Dec 2005
Status: Offline

RE: Slay or Save
January 18, 2010
6:20:23 PM
Yoda walks into a bar, get it?
1. Luke Skywalker- 00% (Dead)
2. Count Dooku- 5%
3. Yoda- 25%
4. Darth Sidious- 40%
5. General Grievous- 50%
6. Obi-Wan Kenobi- 50%
7. Darth Maul- 50%
8. R2-D2- 50%
9. Darth Vader- 60%
10. Mace Windu- 25%
Heavy Weapons Specialist
He will give them death, and they will love him for it -Gladiator
Eat a hearty breakfast men, for tonight we dine in hell -300
A man, can be an artist, at anything food, whatever... it just depends on how good they are at it. Creases art is death... he's about to paint his masterpiece -Man on Fire
TRP/FSGT_Rogueboy/3SQD/1PLT/1COM/1BAT/1RGT/VEA/VE [LoR][ES1][CDS][CoR][EW2][IH][GRP][CCA][SC][DoH-P][SoHe][GS][AoT][ESC09]
Clearly Canadian!
ComNet Member

[VE-ARMY] Gunnery Sergeant [VE-NAVY] Crewman
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Status: Offline

RE: Slay or Save
January 18, 2010
7:02:42 PM
I find count dooku and we do stuff. . . o.O
1. Luke Skywalker- 00% (Dead)
2. Count Dooku- 0% (dead)
3. Yoda- 25%
4. Darth Sidious- 40%
5. General Grievous- 50%
6. Obi-Wan Kenobi- 50%
7. Darth Maul- 50%
8. R2-D2- 50%
9. Darth Vader- 60%
10. Mace Windu- 25%
ComNet Member

[VE-ARMY] Lance Corporal
Post Number: 566
Total Posts: 621
Joined: Jan 2008
Status: Offline

RE: Slay or Save
January 19, 2010
6:41:06 PM
Dazed confused and all ********* ******** ******-'d up, Mace Windu staggers and stumbles into a minefield of plasma mines that make claymores look like sparklers...
1. Luke Skywalker- 00% (Dead)
2. Count Dooku- 0% (dead)
3. Yoda- 25%
4. Darth Sidious- 40%
5. General Grievous- 50%
6. Obi-Wan Kenobi- 50%
7. Darth Maul- 50%
8. R2-D2- 50%
9. Darth Vader- 60%
10. Mace Windu- 20%

ComNet Veteran
[VE-ARMY] First Sergeant [VE-NAVY] 2nd Lieutenant [VE-VEEC] Essayist
Post Number: 1426
Total Posts: 1594
Joined: Apr 2008
Status: Offline

RE: Slay or Save
January 19, 2010
6:53:25 PM
Mace Windu grabs his lightsaber and cuts off the top of a coconut, drinking the insides. Mmmmmmm!
1. Luke Skywalker- 00% (Dead)
2. Count Dooku- 0% (dead)
3. Yoda- 25%
4. Darth Sidious- 40%
5. General Grievous- 50%
6. Obi-Wan Kenobi- 50%
7. Darth Maul- 50%
8. R2-D2- 50%
9. Darth Vader- 60%
10. Mace Windu- 25%
ComNet Expert Imperial Duke

[VE-ARMY] Sergeant Major
Post Number: 1804
Total Posts: 2089
Joined: Dec 2005
Status: Offline

RE: Slay or Save
January 19, 2010
7:04:30 PM
Mace Windu drives into a wall.
1. Luke Skywalker- 00% (Dead)
2. Count Dooku- 0% (dead)
3. Yoda- 25%
4. Darth Sidious- 40%
5. General Grievous- 50%
6. Obi-Wan Kenobi- 50%
7. Darth Maul- 50%
8. R2-D2- 50%
9. Darth Vader- 60%
10. Mace Windu- 20%
Heavy Weapons Specialist
He will give them death, and they will love him for it -Gladiator
Eat a hearty breakfast men, for tonight we dine in hell -300
A man, can be an artist, at anything food, whatever... it just depends on how good they are at it. Creases art is death... he's about to paint his masterpiece -Man on Fire
TRP/FSGT_Rogueboy/3SQD/1PLT/1COM/1BAT/1RGT/VEA/VE [LoR][ES1][CDS][CoR][EW2][IH][GRP][CCA][SC][DoH-P][SoHe][GS][AoT][ESC09]
Clearly Canadian!
ComNet Member

[VE-ARMY] Sergeant First Class
Post Number: 828
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Status: Offline

RE: Slay or Save
January 19, 2010
9:34:10 PM
Yoda buys a toupee and raises his self-esteem.
1. Luke Skywalker- 0% (Dead)
2. Count Dooku- 0% (Dead)
3. Yoda- 30%
4. Darth Sidious- 40%
5. General Grievous- 50%
6. Obi-Wan Kenobi- 50%
7. Darth Maul- 50%
8. R2-D2- 50%
9. Darth Vader- 60%
10. Mace Windu- 20%
Sergeant First Class Ron Squad Leader, Wraith Squad Development Staff ARC Squad
ComNet Member

[VE-ARMY] Lance Corporal
Post Number: 567
Total Posts: 621
Joined: Jan 2008
Status: Offline

RE: Slay or Save
January 20, 2010
5:21:19 PM
Mace Windu tries taking Yoda's toupee to wipe the egg off his face, but Master Yoda smacks the pitiful fool down.
1. Luke Skywalker- 0% (Dead)
2. Count Dooku- 0% (Dead)
3. Yoda- 30%
4. Darth Sidious- 40%
5. General Grievous- 50%
6. Obi-Wan Kenobi- 50%
7. Darth Maul- 50%
8. R2-D2- 50%
9. Darth Vader- 60%
10. Mace Windu- 15%

ComNet Expert Imperial Duke

[VE-ARMY] Sergeant Major
Post Number: 1805
Total Posts: 2089
Joined: Dec 2005
Status: Offline

RE: Slay or Save
January 20, 2010
5:41:22 PM
Yoda's toupee is long dreads, unable to see Yoda walks into a swamp,
1. Luke Skywalker- 0% (Dead)
2. Count Dooku- 0% (Dead)
3. Yoda- 25%
4. Darth Sidious- 40%
5. General Grievous- 50%
6. Obi-Wan Kenobi- 50%
7. Darth Maul- 50%
8. R2-D2- 50%
9. Darth Vader- 60%
10. Mace Windu- 15%
Heavy Weapons Specialist
He will give them death, and they will love him for it -Gladiator
Eat a hearty breakfast men, for tonight we dine in hell -300
A man, can be an artist, at anything food, whatever... it just depends on how good they are at it. Creases art is death... he's about to paint his masterpiece -Man on Fire
TRP/FSGT_Rogueboy/3SQD/1PLT/1COM/1BAT/1RGT/VEA/VE [LoR][ES1][CDS][CoR][EW2][IH][GRP][CCA][SC][DoH-P][SoHe][GS][AoT][ESC09]
Clearly Canadian!
ComNet Member

[VE-ARMY] Lance Corporal
Post Number: 568
Total Posts: 621
Joined: Jan 2008
Status: Offline

RE: Slay or Save
January 21, 2010
5:01:55 PM
Darth Vader decides to use Mace Windu as a weapon against General Grievous with unbelievable results as Grievous goes Ginsu-on-steroids...
1. Luke Skywalker- 0% (Dead)
2. Count Dooku- 0% (Dead)
3. Yoda- 25%
4. Darth Sidious- 40%
5. General Grievous- 50%
6. Obi-Wan Kenobi- 50%
7. Darth Maul- 50%
8. R2-D2- 50%
9. Darth Vader- 60%
10. Mace Windu- 10%

ComNet Novice

[VE-NAVY] Crewman
Post Number: 39
Total Posts: 44
Joined: Jun 2008
Status: Offline

RE: Slay or Save
January 21, 2010
5:46:45 PM
Obi-Wan Kenobi walks up to Darth Sidious with Grievous' Blaster to shoot the Dark Lord point-blank in the face. Keenobi pwns!
1. Luke Skywalker- 0% (Dead)
2. Count Dooku- 0% (Dead)
3. Yoda- 25%
4. Darth Sidious- 35%
5. General Grievous- 50%
6. Obi-Wan Kenobi- 50%
7. Darth Maul- 50%
8. R2-D2- 50%
9. Darth Vader- 60%
10. Mace Windu- 10%
Imperial Navy TRN/CRW Starbukk/Sting 4/Platform Saratoga/VENA/VEN/VE "Frag from Above"Cadet/Cadet Starbukk/Cadet/Vast Empire Naval Academy/Abrae/VEN/VE
[This message has been edited by
(edited January 21, 2010
5:47:53 PM)]