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Topic:  One Fine Day (Storm Platoon Invite)
ComNet Marshal
[VE-ARMY] First Sergeant
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  One Fine Day (Storm Platoon Invite)
May 18, 2007 4:36:46 PM    View the profile of Kairo 
  The room's lights were dimmed to a low setting, casting odd shadows across the desk in the center of the room due to the sheets of paper and date files stacked and strewn across it. In one corner of the room sat a large file cabinet with a few drawers pulled open and papers sticking out of it. A fake plant rested in another corner. The room had played host to a living one, but its occupant had always failed to water it, resulting in an early demise. Now a green one rested in the darkness, a gift from some trooper thinking the room needed a bit of color.

  The desk was like any other. No special wood or material had been used to create its form. Solid metal with a sheet of tinted glass resting on its top were its only features. Two short chairs sat resting in front of it, sharing the characteristic gray metal of the room. They were only slightly cushioned, but the room had so few guests that it did not matter. On the main side of the desk, a solid black leather chair, comfortably padded with armrests and high back, rested the only piece of luxury in the entire room. Anyone who entered the room would never assume its owner to be a platoon leader, let alone to have won a small fortune from a lottery, but this was the way he liked it.

  Feet propped on a corner of the desk, hands folded behind his head, Kairo dozed with his eyes half shut, trying to take a small break from the monotonous work he dealt with every day. When he had received the position as a platoon leader, he had never dreamed he would be bogged down with so much paper work and annoying trifles of work other people felt fit to deposit at his doorstep. He had almost slipped off into a comfortable state of unconsciousness when the door signal chimed.

  "Come in," Kairo hollered but did not move from his position. It was bound to be another technician with a pile of papers for Kairo to sort and sign. As the door slid open, light from the hall cascaded into the room, causing Kairo to squint a little with his eyes closed.

  "I love what you've done with the place," Rizzit's voice stated. Kairo could hear him entering the room and closing the door. The lights in the room slowly increased in intensity.

  "Can't see in the dark?" Kairo asked, still resting in his chair.

  "I prefer not to trip over this mess you call of organization," Rizzit returned. "I am your superior officer you know."

  "I know, but we both know you aren't going to remove me from my position for two reasons. First, you don't have anyone you want to replace me with at the moment. Second, you know I would prefer not to have this job." Kairo popped open one eye to look at Rizzit. He was standing in the middle of the room, uniform perfectly positioned on his body. A clam demeanor suited him, though Kairo knew it was usually just an act for the troopers who saw him wandering the Army headquarters' halls. "Therefore, you won't begrudge me a little rest with the lights off in my office. Only thing you would do is give me more paperwork to do, but as you can see, I have enough of that to keep me busy. A little more won't matter."

  Rizzit dropped into one of the two chairs across from Kairo and grunted. "You really need to get these cushioned better." Kairo shrugged and closed his eye again. "You're wrong though. That isn't the only thing I can do to you."

  "Oh?" Kairo murmured.

  "I could just give this mission to another platoon and leave you to play in this mess some more."

  Kairo opened his eyes and cocked his head to stare at Rizzit. "You wouldn't be playing with me now would you?" Rizzit had a way of being sarcastic to Kairo too often, and Kairo usually believed him too often.

  "I'm not that cruel." Rizzit kept his face as innocent as he could. "Well maybe I am, but not this time. I really do have a mission for you." Kairo kept staring at Rizzit, not moving a muscle. "Fine, I see you won't believe me until I explain." Rizzit pulled a datapad from one of his pockets and tossed it onto the desk. Kairo reached over and picked it up. As he read it, Rizzit continued, "As you can see, I'm not joking. One of the army's biggest financial supporters has been receiving some threats to his business and life. He's called in a favor we can't afford to refuse. He wants a squad of trained soldiers to come to his chateau on Lotaith and guard him over the next few days around the clock. Unfortunately, we can't very well send anything larger or any body with 'known' identities. Since most of the people in your platoon are relatively new, we want to send you along with a chosen few of them."

  "I'm pretty sure my face is known to a few people Rizzit," Kairo stated.

  "This is true, but we need at least two experienced people going with them. That's also why Garet is going along with you." Kairo nodded along, only half paying attention to Rizzit. "You have the list of names on that datapad. You leave in six hours. I doubt you have any questions." Rizzit sat there for a few minutes waiting for a reply, but it never came. Giving an overly dramatic sigh, he heaved himself up from his seat and dragged himself out of the room. Kairo wasn't the only one burdened with a never ending amount of paperwork. At least Kairo escaped from his office once and while. Kairo didn't know when the last time Rizzit had ever been allowed to go on a mission himself.

  Turning to say something to Rizzit, Kairo noticed he had left. "Oops. I really should pay more attention when he's here." Dropping his feat to the floor, Kairo stood up and hit a button on his desk which activated a feed to the communication center. "I'm sending you a list of people. Inform them to meet me in briefing room twenty-three in an hour."

  A moment of silence passed before a voice replied, "Comfirmed."

    Releasing his finger from the button to close the feed, Kairo moved around the desk, carefully trying to avoid a few stacks of paper, then walked to the door. "I really do need to straighten this place out."

____________________________ Briefing Room 23 ____________________________

  Looking around the room, Kairo checked off his mental list to make sure everyone was there. Tanus, Finch, Kantar, Lain, Lucky, Riqimo, Wicket, Jelly, and Garet. That's all of them. "I'm glad you could all make it. I hope you've recovered from your bumps and bruises from the last mission, because we're heading right out again. Nothing too fancy this time. It's just a baby sitting mission. We hopefully won't see too much trouble. You've each been given a datapad with the information you need. Since you will probably just skim the information, let me say this here. Your equipment is up to you. That's right, bring what you want, but know this. We are going in undercover. We will arrive directly at his chateau but not in armor or anything. We are supposedly a group of government inspectors to make sure the building is up to planetary code. This will explain why we have some large bags and crates of equipment. Realize though, we can't back everything you want, so limit yourself please. Now, I want you to place all your weapons and extra stuff into your own bag, so you can carry it. For your armor, just bring it to the shuttle. We'll then place it into the crates that have been provided. Also, wear something casual. We don't want to look like troopers. If you have any questions, let me know. We leave in five hours. Be on the landing pad then or we leave you behind. You should all know by now that I'm serious about that too." Kairo grinned wickedly "Dismissed." The group broke apart and started to file from the room.

  Garet walked over and asked quietly, "You really think there won't be any trouble?"

  "There is always trouble Garet. It just depends on how much trouble."

(OOC You should have received a comnet message from me. That message contains the information you received on the datapad in the story. If you didn't get it, let me know. Feel free to post as much as you want until tomorrow afternoon. Remeber, don't go past take off. )

First Sergeant Kairo
Platoon Commander

PC/1SGT Kairo/2PLT/1COMP/1BAT/1RGT/Tadath/VEA/VE [CDS][BoA][CoR][BC][SC][CoV][IH]

Know your enemy and know yourself, and you will be victorious in ten thousand battles.
You may forget the past, but it will always haunt your future.
Men can die, but a symbol is eternal.
[This message has been edited by Kairo (edited May 18, 2007 8:43:53 PM)]
[This message has been edited by Kairo (edited May 19, 2007 11:28:11 AM)]
ComNet n00b
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  RE: One Fine Day (Storm Platoon Invite)
May 18, 2007 9:40:02 PM    View the profile of Finch 
    Finch rummaged through her drawer, sifting through the mess that it contained. Nail clippers, or a file at least, was the subject of her search. Fingernails, oh the woe of fingernails. If she didn't keep them clipped short they got in her way, especially during training or combat.

    Finally finding a file, she flopped into her chair and began touching up her nails. Even though she was in the army, she could still retain her femininity. Whereas most of the other troopers would just bite down their nails if they grew too long, the female corporal liked to keep hers neat. They were clean, trim, and kept up. One would wonder when she had the time to do so.

    The job only took about ten minutes. Admiring her newly trimmed nails, Finch tossed the file back into the drawer and drew out a small bottle. Nail hardener, a girl's best friend. Prevented painful breaking while performing her military duties. She shook the bottle, unscrewed the cap, and started to put a coat on.

    Just as the brush touched her nail, she heard a beeping from her datapad. Sighing, she glanced over at the device and read the message. So, she had an hour before she had to show up for briefing. Plenty of time to finish the task at hand, no pun intended.


    Surveying the room as her platoon leader spoke, the female trooper took note of all those in the room. In all, seven other troopers were listening to the briefing: Garet Daimun, the squad leader of Eclipse, three of his squadmates, Lain, Doc, and Jelly, and three Paladin members, Tanus, Luckystar, and Kantar. Turning her attention back to her squad leader, Finch barely caught the last word he said.


    As the rest of the group stood and filed out, Finch followed. She had retained most of the information and the rest she could get from the datapad. Five hours would be plenty of time to prepare herself for such a mission, easy peasy, piece of cake, no problem.

    Finch made her way back to her small apartment, taking notes on her datapad to ensure she wouldn't forget anything. "Lets see&" she muttered to herself, reviewing in her head what she had been told, "Whatever we want to bring, but limit yourself... undercover mission, so we won't be arriving in armor, but in casual clothes... take of in 5 hours, be there or be left..."

Arriving at her apartment door, Finch opened it and set to work preparing herself to leave. After placing the bare essentials into her bag, she trotted over to her weaponry safe to choose which lovely piece of deadly machinery would accompany her on this mission. The choice wasn't hard; she elected her M-343 DeathHammer Blaster Pistol and Bi-Polar Blaster BMC-150 Carbine. She grabbed two daggers, setting them aside. She planned to carry those concealed on her person in case of an emergency where she couldn't get to her guns. Surveying her equipment, she nodded approvingly. Checking the time, she noted she still had plenty of time to eat, shower, and pick up the place a little before she had to get down to the launching pad.


Finch shuffled down the hallway to the launching pad, toting her bag and armor along with her. She had heeded Kairo's orders about casual clothing, wearing a pair of baggy khaki pants synched at the waist by a belt, a pair of black boots, and a fitted black short-sleeved t-shirt. She shifted her bag on her shoulder, delivering her armor to the people packing them away into the crates, and trudged off to find a place to wait for further instructions.


TRP/CPL Finch/1SQD/2PLT/1CMP/1RGT/1BAT/Tadath/VEA [ES-1C][EW-1C]
[This message has been edited by Kairo (edited May 19, 2007 11:28:42 AM)]
Tanus Solvona
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  RE: One Fine Day (Storm Platoon Invite)
May 19, 2007 11:57:06 AM    View the profile of Tanus Solvona 
Tanus sat down in the meeting room, normally a very quiet and calm person. But today was different. Since he had completed his mission with the ARCs on Mrlsst, and he had had quite a while to train his skills with weapons and his Neija combat style since he had gotten back. He was absolutely electric with anticipation for the mission. His golden eyes burned with an intensity that he had not had for quite some time. When Kairo said dismissed, he was the first one out of the room and bolted down the hallway to his room.


Tanus hit the button combo to open his door. When he walked in, his R6 astromech, R6-F1, rolled in to greet him, twittering away in Droidspeak. Tanus smiled at R6-F1; he hadn't owned the droid for long, but he already considered him a valued friend. He walked into his room and sat down, putting his head in his hands. He had to gather his thoughts; there was a lot on his mind right now. He got up after twenty minutes or so and walked over to his closet and opened it up.

"Well, Kairo said dress casual. I can't give away anything."

Tanus grabbed a normal black muscle shirt and put it on, along with a pair of dark green cargoes. He put on his black running shoes and walked over to his weapons chest. He grabbed a duffle from one of the various spots in his room, which was cluttered with papers and other things of that type. He opened up his weapons chest, and grabbed his Controller Force Pike; he was lucky to have trained with them on Onderon during his years in the dojo. He broke it down into three segments, removing the vibration cell and the electric power cell and placing them in a secure compartment: his pockets. He then went through his pistols, and grabbed his very powerful DT-57; it had saved him on many an occasion, and he wasn't about to leave without it. He then went to his rifle's compartment. He saw his lovely DC-15, which he took out. He broke it down, piece by piece, and placed each part of it in his duffle.

He went back to his closet and hit a button to the side. When he did, the normal clothes moved aside and the armor popped out. He grabbed his vintage ARC trooper armor and put it in another case. He then left his apartment, leaving R6-F1 in charge; he then grabbed everything and headed out the door.


Tanus walked into the hangar just behind Finch. He handed his armor to the dockworkers packing everything aboard, and went to the shuttle, waiting for the others to arrive. After about five minutes, Tanus started to get bored. He then brought out three balls, blue in color and about the size of a tennis ball. He then started to juggle. Heh, At least I have something to do now, Tanus thought.


CPL Tanus Solvona/1SQD/2PLT/1CMP/1RGT/1BAT//VEA/VE

+ Advance Recon Commandos {ARC} +

[This message has been edited by Tanus Solvona (edited May 19, 2007 12:05:00 AM)]
[This message has been edited by Tanus Solvona (edited May 19, 2007 9:43:46 PM)]
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  RE: One Fine Day (Storm Platoon Invite)
May 19, 2007 12:06:48 AM    View the profile of Luckystar 
Lucky headed to Briefing Room 23, not knowing what to expect.
She walked into the room and saw everyone sitting around and waiting for the briefing to start. She quickly took a seat near Tanus and Finch and listened carefully to what Kairo had to say.

A few minutes later when the debrief was over, Lucky couldn't wait to get started. She headed to her quarters and took out a large duffel bag and her armour.  She carefulklky put the pieces in her duffel and made sure all components were in mint condition before heading towards her weapons locker. She took out her DC-15 and DC-17. She alos took out a Blaster Rifle, a few scopes and a few grenades just in case .

She then went to a drawer, and took out her datapad which was lying amongsta a few other pieces of equipment she sometimes used. She looked up the information Kairo talked about and read it carefully.

Five minutes later, she left her quarters and headed to the launching pad where she assumed some would already be here waiting for the rest to join them.
TRP/CPL Luckystar/1SQD/2PLT/1COMP/1BAT/1RGT/ Tadath/VEAVE [ES1]

To Embrace the Darkness is to bring about the Light

Jelly Bean
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  RE: One Fine Day (Storm Platoon Invite)
May 19, 2007 2:12:13 PM    View the profile of Jelly Bean 
The light was dim in Jelly's apartment as he searched through different bags looking for the ammo he would need. Behind him sat his most prized possession a Deathwind Slugthrower rifle that was the only thing left from his Father.

Jelly picked the rifle up the rifle staring down its gleaming black metal surface. Jelly slide a clip into home hearing the positive clack. He put the safety on and then dropped it into his bag along with the rest of his weapons which consisted of his BlackJack Riot Suppression Rifle and his vibroblade.

Jelly looked around the small apartment which he hoped to upgrade to a bigger space soon. He had thought about one of those orbital platform homes or a House with a hanger for his E-wing and his Gunship , but that was something he'd do when he had a better salary like that of a Sergeant. Though he didn't complain to much he had just recently been awarded a medal and rank of Corporal for all of his hard work.

----------------In the Hanger------------------
Jelly quickly packed his modified black Coursant Guard armor into a crate that he could transport without suspicion from locals. He ran quickly to meet the rest of the squad.

{ComNet Nazi}

Eclipse Squad not for the Faint of Heart

Jayne: You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with 'til you understand who's in ruttin' command here.

Garet Daimun
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  RE: One Fine Day (Storm Platoon Invite)
May 19, 2007 2:30:08 PM    View the profile of Garet Daimun 
Garet dropped his hand on his commander's shoulder and smiled. "See you in five hours, then."

He exited Briefing Room 23, already adjusting his schedule to fit their departure time. He was ready. As Kairo had hoped, Garet had recovered from his bumps and bruises from the latest Eclipsian escapade. In fact, he was looking forward to doing his job once again in such a small amount of time; three days after coming back from a mission, he was being deployed again. He was earning his money, no doubt.

The same scene greeted the Squad Leader as he entered his living space. The same bed with the same messy bed sheets, the same closet with all his uniforms hung, the same desk with datapads upon papers upon spare parts, the same gray walls waiting to say "farewell" as he leaves for war. He entered with a sigh, picking up an empty bottle that had fallen on the floor and placing it upright on his desk. Garet wasn't usually one to drink, in fact, he didn't start until recently, but his time in the Army had turned him into something different.

Optimism was drowned out by cold programming, his head filled with nothing but the duty of leadership and the fulfillment of his mission. Compassion had faded for all but his comrades, the drive to keep his fellows alive was the drive he needed to keep himself alive. Lost was the bond between him and his martial weapons, and forged new was the bond between him and hot steel. Garet was a chiseled man, his comparatively soft upbringings shed away.

Garet paused at his desk as he put the bottle down. The thought of his disguise came up. He shoved a pile of papers off a new, polished, black briefcase. "Fit the part," was his mantra as a scout. He propped open the top and slid his hands down the side. "Pretty," he said, admiring the official look about it. The case had a secret though: it was specially designed for infiltration purpose. It held a secret compartment that deflected scanner readings. Garet lifted the false bottom to reveal the special metal frame. It was begging to be used.

"Hey Mac," Garet called over his personal Comm. System, "You done with my girls, yet?"

Mac was the resident weapon specialist. Garet had used his Annihilators so much, they busted. Mac was a friend of Garet's. The two had gotten to know each other from the frequent visits Garet made.

"Bad news, Sergeant. They're out of my ability." Mac rattled the guns up to the microphone. "Nothin' I can do for ya."


"But, I did get a new shipment in to play with. They aren't Annihilators, but I think you'll like 'em. Why don'cha come on down and take a looksie?"

"You at the Navy yard today?"

"'s my new home. These guys are suckers for Army gear."

"Alright, be there in fifteen minutes."

An old OrbitBlade had become Garet's choice of transportation across Tadath. It was easy to move from the Army Base to the Naval Outpost with personal transportation. He dropped out of flight right in front of Mac's warehouse, which wasn't more than an empty apartment before he took up residence. Garet entered in his casual garb, skin tight black shirt (that showed off his intimidating frame) and green fatigued cargo pants. He slid off his sunglasses to reveal his bloodshot eyes, the effect of the bottle of alcohol the night before.

"Geez, Daimun, you like like hell." Mac pointed out as he glanced up, wearing some complicated goggle contraption.

"'s good to see you too, Mac."

"Yeah, well, business is business, y'know?" Mac said with a chuckle as he took of his goggles.

"I still owe you that drink, maybe we'll catch up later after I get back."

"You know, you were a lot more serene before you took up the juice, Sarge. But I can't blame ya. I would drink if they had me goin' out after only three days of down time. Why don'cha come with me?"
Mac motioned with his arm for Garet to follow him into a back room. He propped open a crate and took at a shiny new pistol.

"They call it the 'intimidator'," Mac said with a sarcastic cinematic voice. "It's a repeating pistol. Drains kinda easily, but you carry a pantsload of guns anyways. Go ahead, take it." Mac held out the pistol by it's nozzle. Garet grabbed the handle and bounced it in his hand.

"Feels good."

"Yeah it does!" Mac screamed like anything but a stoic. "Take however many you need, just grab me a souvenir from the field."

Garet opened up a burlap bag he had been carrying and dropped six of the guns in. "Thanks Mac. I'll try to find you somethin' exotic." He nodded and left back to his OrbitBlade.


The hangar was almost empty when as Garet watched from a balcony overlooking their transportation. There weren't many Army missions being commissioned today, apparently. Just the lone Storm Platoon soldiers gathering for a surprise operation.

He checked his watch, and took the lift down to the ship. Riqimo was waiting at the bottom. "We seem to be getting a lot of extra work together," the ASL commented as he walked towards the ship with his Leader. "Do I even have to ask this time?"

"The boys can handle themselves, Riqimo. Your precious gaming lounge won't be destroyed when we come back."
Eclipse Squad
Eclipse Website
Eclipse Report Tool

SL/GSG Garet Daimun/2SQD/2PLT/1COM/1RGT/1BAT/Tadath/VEA [ES2C] [ES1C] [IH]

+ Advance Recon Commandos {ARC} +

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  RE: One Fine Day (Storm Platoon Invite)
May 19, 2007 2:36:39 PM    View the profile of Kairo 
  It had taken Kairo longer than he had thought to find a suitable set of clothes. He had finally chosen to wear black work boots with black cargo pants. For a shirt, he had decided upon tan, long sleeved work shirt with a black vest over it. The vest had many pockets in it. After he had finally changed, he still had to get his equipment together.

  Moving over to his closet, he opened it and peered inside. Hmm. Groping into the darkness, he pulled out a set of modified storm commando armor. The blackness of it would help to remain hidden during the night. Plus, it was able to hold more knives than any other set of armor that he owned. Throwing that onto his bed, he squatted down and reached into the bottom of his closet. Dragging out a large chest, he popped the locks and flipped it open.

  Inside rested his large amount of weapons which he accumulated through out his life. Lifting out four small boxes, he placed them to the side. His Kylon-3 rested next to his bed along with holster and extra ammo. He never put the gun away. Moving some other fire arms out of the way, he grabbed a case from the bottom of the chest and tried to lift it. "This always sticks," He grunted has he tugged harder. With a slight pop, it dislodged and sent Kairo sprawling backwards with the sudden change in force.

  "Graceful," he chided himself, placing the case on the floor. The locking mechanism was complicated to open the chest. It didn't even appear to have a locking mechanism. In actuality, any person would think it was a natural solid black box, unless they knew otherwise. After a minute, Kairo lifted the lid slowly to reveal his favorite gun, his Dragon's Bane. It was a cross between a pistol and a rifle, but a bit longer than a carbine. It had three different firing capabilities, with a few added surprised.

  Memories started to flood into Kairo's mind, before he could stop them. This gun had not been easy to obtain. Kairo had paid a large price for it, not all of which was money. Pulling out three ammo cartridges for it along with its special back holster, Kairo closed the case and put it back into the chest. Picking up the four boxes from earlier, he deposited everything onto his bed.

  Lifting the lid on one of the boxes, he flipped it upside down and let the five daggers inside to drop onto the bed. Picking each one up delicately, he started to slide them into the concealed grooves in the armor. He repeated the process for the other three boxes as well. Nodding, he picked the empty boxes up and tossed them back into the chest. Kairo was not known for his tidiness. After gathering a few other pieces of equipment, Kairo packed all the weapons into a black duffle bag, slung it over his shoulder, and picked up his armor. He then left the room and locked it behind him.

  He arrived at the shuttle first and handed his armor to the shuttle crew. He then walked into the shuttle and deposited his duffle bag into the far corner. As he exited, he saw Finch and Tanus entering from the adjacent building. Figuring they knew who to give their armor too, Kairo went to making sure the extra squad equipment was being packed. Trublood did not want any chances, so he had requested the army not only send him a squad but a well equipped squad. They were even bringing an e-web to be positioned somewhere in the castle, along with extra surveillance equipment, explosives, and traps. "This dude is definitely paranoid. Either that, or he has made some serious enemies."

  Once everyone had arrived, Kairo motioned for them all to enter the shuttle. Everything had already been packed away, and the pilot was waiting for the order. They were soon into the air and on their way to the capital planet. "Alright folks, this will be a short trip. It isn't that far to Lotaith, so get your rest. As soon as we arrive, we have a lot of unloading to do. We'll break into three groups. Each one will be responsible for a different section of the chateau. Tanus, Finch, and Kantar, you will take the east side. Lucky, Garet, and Jelly, you will take the west side. Wicket, Lain, and Riqimo, you will take the south side. I will be speaking with Trublood and learning the layout of the building along with setting up extra surveillance and other things. Hopefully nothing will happen the first day, so that should give us plenty of time to get everything rigged before night fall. After you are finished getting familiar with your area, you will report to the main foyer of the building and wait for me. I'll give you extra instructions, and then you will return to your area. We then just settle in for the next couple of days. Any questions?"

  "What about the north side?" Wicket asked.

  "That side is covered by the mountain. I realize that if these people are desperate, they may come down the mountain. Don't worry though, I have that side covered. Anything else?" Kairo waited. "Good. If anyone needs me, I'll be taking a nap." With that, he settled back against the wall and extended his legs. Closing his eyes a little, he started to doze.

First Sergeant Kairo
Platoon Commander

PC/1SGT Kairo/2PLT/1COMP/1BAT/1RGT/Tadath/VEA/VE [CDS][BoA][CoR][BC][SC][CoV][IH]

Know your enemy and know yourself, and you will be victorious in ten thousand battles.
You may forget the past, but it will always haunt your future.
Men can die, but a symbol is eternal.
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Imperial Baronet

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  RE: One Fine Day (Storm Platoon Invite)
May 19, 2007 3:17:10 PM    View the profile of Riqimo 
Southside, it wasn't quiet with the roar of the river breaking against the rocks and sweeping away whatever poor branch that fell from the trees on the opposite bank.  It was going to be hard to hear anyone approaching, the river would hopefully cause any approaching hostile to pick a different path.  Not that there had to be hostiles, Trublood was paranoid after all.

The river had motion sensors on the opposite bank, Riq just noticed them on the treeline, And I thought Kelsek was paranoid.  The Chateau stood on the rise about two kilometers away from river, perfect for spotting Kai if he would decide to come out and check on them.

Wicket was staring at the river, apparently becoming entranced by the rapid water dancing across the rocks.  Lain was starting a patrol to the west.  They were going to watch this river for a couple days, and the Sergeant was going to love it.

Doc pulled off his tunic and rubbed some sunscreen on his chest and back, Wicket had turned and stared, "Doc, you hurt yourself already?"

Riq chuckled the Sullestan never had to worry about sunburn with his fur, "No, Wick I just don't want to turn red, the sun does that to us humans when we are in it too long."

Wicket nodded his head, pretending to understand.  Grinning as he poured a large amount of the white lotion into his hand, Doc finished up his arms and pulled a towel out of the duffel bag laying in the grass.

I could never ask for a better vacation... err... mission
Riqimo "Doc" Pershaw

Eclipse Squad

ASL/SGT Riqimo/2SQD/2PLT/1COM/1RGT/1BAT/Tadath/VEA [EW1][ES2]

+ Advance Recon Commandos {ARC} +

Far From Perfect, the story of a VEA Combat Medic
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  RE: One Fine Day (Storm Platoon Invite)
May 19, 2007 3:51:40 PM    View the profile of Luckystar 
The West side...A forest. How nice Thought Lucky. She hated forests, she was vulnerable in that sort of environment. She hurt herself alot in them.

She did not say anything out loud, she decided she would refrain from complaining, besides it couldn't be that bad. Right?

She and her group started walking towards the forest to a spot near the castle. The spot chosen for them turned out to be a clearing surrounded by trees. They could watch the castle and remain in hiding, because the castle was on the top of a hill from their point of view. She assumed that it was, because there was a slope coming down to the clearing itself.

She walked around and checked for any bugs that could've been planted there to spy or listen in on their plans. You can never be too careful.  She thought as she looked at the ground and tree roots carefully.

Satisfied that they were fine she looked out,  in the direction of the Château , and realised that if they moved around a little, they had a chance to spot Kairo, if they were needed and vice-versa.

She sat down, not worried about anything in particular, and put a little sunsceen on her upper arms. Even though they were sheltered by bushes, light still pierced through by gaps made by the leaves and she had no intention to burn, even though the sun wasn't really on their side.

A few hours later' when she awok from her doze a small fire was crackling in the center of the clearing. She slowly approached it and sat down. Nearby, she spotted Jelly Bean and Garet. Both were good friends of hers even though  they were not in her squad.

She got up and took  a few steps back before unpacking her armor and body suit. She turned back from the men and went to chnge into her bodysuit behind nearby bushes. She didn't like wearing clothes under her armor ther than the bodysuit.

A minute later she came back out and started  silently piecing  the light, flexible, shiny armor together .

TRP/CPL Luckystar/1SQD/2PLT/1COMP/1BAT/1RGT/ Tadath/VEAVE [ES1]

To Embrace the Darkness is to bring about the Light

[This message has been edited by Luckystar (edited May 19, 2007 6:49:47 PM)]
[This message has been edited by Luckystar (edited May 19, 2007 6:50:38 PM)]
Tanus Solvona
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  RE: One Fine Day (Storm Platoon Invite)
May 19, 2007 6:09:01 PM    View the profile of Tanus Solvona 
The Eastern side. Tanus looked out over from his perch, which was a massive stone turret spiraling 40 meters into the air. he looked out over the green trees extending for miles around in all directions. Tanus stared out the window, his armor on and his weapons in their places: his DT-57 was in a holster at his side, while his Controller Force Pike lay against the wall about one meter away. Finally, his DC-15 was cradled in his arms.

Tanus looked down his scope at the entrance road to the chateau: an old black granite snake, slithering its way up to the chateau's main gates. Further to the left, he saw the landing pad, which they hadn't touched down on but an hour before.

Tanus let his rifle down on the table in front of him, lettings bipod support the rifle weight. He took off his helmet and placed it on the table as well. He got up and stretched and moved to the center of the room; luckily for Tanus, the room was quite large, and his armor was flexible. He then assumed a Neija combat stance and began to practice. If I knew the mission was going to be this slow, I would've brought along a book to read, Tanus thought to himself. He chuckled at the sentiment, and continued his routine until the twilight washed over the land and bathed it in the silver shade of moonlight.

CPL Tanus Solvona/1SQD/2PLT/1CMP/1RGT/1BAT//VEA/VE

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Jelly Bean
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  RE: One Fine Day (Storm Platoon Invite)
May 26, 2007 9:09:26 AM    View the profile of Jelly Bean 
The light was dim around the Chateau as darkness had fallen and the lights around the compound had come on. Jelly sat perched on a hidden post area where he had used a simple hunting tree rig to seat himself on the side of the chateau.

Jelly had taken care to paint it so it blended properly into the texture of the house. From this vantage point he could over see the squad that he was assigned to and keep Garet and Lucky apprised of anything suspicious.

The night vision scope coupled with the thermal tracking that Jelly's bionic eye had allowed him to see any heat signature from the larger animals that occupied the area to the smaller variety that scurried on the floor. Though after a while Jelly re-calibrated the eye to pick up humanoid signatures as well as power cells from any sort of weapon.

Jelly wasn't to worried though he had managed to set up some detection gear on the small platform as well as the room that was nearby which he set up for surveillance on this side of the house.

As he wasn't patient Jelly didn't like sitting here with nothing happening but he was glad to be able to test the sniper skills his Father had taught him. It gave Jelly a chance to keep them in the area of deadly efficiency.
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Jayne: You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with 'til you understand who's in ruttin' command here.

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