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Topic:  Imperitrade Financial
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  RE: Imperitrade Financial
February 22, 2005 11:58:49 PM    View the profile of Kadann 
I also own over a million shares of DJBND. 
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  RE: Imperitrade Financial
February 23, 2005 12:57:09 AM    View the profile of Willtconq 
that's because you were in the beta version, if we all were, then we'd all have at least 300k shares.
-(William the Conquerer)-
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FL/SCRW Willtconq/Kaph 2-1/Wing I/mSSD Atrus/DEF/VEN/VE (=A=)
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  RE: Imperitrade Financial
February 23, 2005 9:41:42 AM    View the profile of Kadann 
I doubt that Will.  Not many people have over 5 million IC's.

Keep in mind that in the RL market, those who have a lot of money are usually offered first choice at purchasing stocks or to invest in certain opportunities.  I mearly extended that offer to the HC command staff.

Also, by being in beta, that didn't entitle those that were offered that opportunity super cheap stocks.  They were a bit lower than they are now, but they purchased them using the same scripting rules that are running today. 

If fact, before solidifying the rules and extending the 'beta' to the division HC members, I ended up having to rebate money to the HC members since it was charging them too much.  I doubt any of you would have wanted to go through that, and there was no way I would have done that if there were more than just a few members since I had to do it manually.

With that said, just be aware that there are reasons I only opened it up to just a few members at a time.  I only opened it up to the public when I was sure that the scripting was sound and working properly.
Grand Moff Kadann, Dark Lord
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  RE: Imperitrade Financial
February 23, 2005 9:50:44 AM    View the profile of chipmunk man 
Also, as our fearless leader, Kad has more money than God.
XO/FL/WO2 Chipmunk Man/Kaph 9/Phoenix/mSSD Atrus/DEF/VEN/VE/(=A=)(=SA=)[LoC][MC:1][LSM][MC:1]

"Well ask anybody, I'm a pretty good guy,
And the 'looks-decent' wagon didn't pass me by.
There ain't nothing in my past that I'm tryin' hard to hide.
And I don't understand why I gotta wonder why:
What's a guy gotta do to get a girl in this town?"
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  RE: Imperitrade Financial
February 23, 2005 10:23:36 AM    View the profile of Darkhawk 
Yeah, willt. I don't know how you'd expect everyone to have that kind of money... have you looked at the average salary yet?
NTAC/COM Darkhawk/Raptor 9/mSSD Atrus/DEF/VEN/VE/(=MA=)(=SCPA=)(=FCO=)[LoC][BRC][CBV*][MC:1][VC:Ebony][KC:OC]

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  RE: Imperitrade Financial
February 23, 2005 11:00:21 AM    View the profile of Angel 
I can't stand my meager paycheck.
Dark Jedi Knight Sergeant Jikkyo "Angel" Nimiichi
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  RE: Imperitrade Financial
February 23, 2005 11:04:11 AM    View the profile of chipmunk man 
I get more from Pay-Per-Click than from my paycheck
XO/FL/WO2 Chipmunk Man/Kaph 9/Phoenix/mSSD Atrus/DEF/VEN/VE/(=A=)(=SA=)[LoC][MC:1][LSM][MC:1]

"Well ask anybody, I'm a pretty good guy,
And the 'looks-decent' wagon didn't pass me by.
There ain't nothing in my past that I'm tryin' hard to hide.
And I don't understand why I gotta wonder why:
What's a guy gotta do to get a girl in this town?"
                     -Joe Nichols
Jack Nebulax
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  RE: Imperitrade Financial
February 23, 2005 2:54:02 PM    View the profile of Jack Nebulax 
Well, I get hardly anything from both, because it all ends up in the Imperial Center Store... Hahaha...
Revenge is what holds this galaxy together. Without it, the universe would be a boring place.
Jack Nebulax, Vast Empire Imperial Navy.
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  RE: Imperitrade Financial
February 24, 2005 1:30:53 AM    View the profile of Willtconq 
Dk, i've looked at the salaries when i joined, so i know that the HC members get quiet s paycheck. and i think Tal either had or gets 132k each month.
-(William the Conquerer)-
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  RE: Imperitrade Financial
February 24, 2005 10:54:53 AM    View the profile of Japheth 
Its more than that, considering that I make over a million a month.
Admiral Japheth Cappadocious, Krath Templar
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  RE: Imperitrade Financial
February 24, 2005 11:28:30 AM    View the profile of Willtconq 
oops, i meant 132 million.
-(William the Conquerer)-
We are still here because we conquered our enemies, and we will do it again!
FL/SCRW Willtconq/Kaph 2-1/Wing I/mSSD Atrus/DEF/VEN/VE (=A=)
Jack Nebulax
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  RE: Imperitrade Financial
February 24, 2005 1:06:49 PM    View the profile of Jack Nebulax 
I think I need a bigger paycheck... /me plays music from "Jaws"
Revenge is what holds this galaxy together. Without it, the universe would be a boring place.
Jack Nebulax, Vast Empire Imperial Navy.
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  RE: Imperitrade Financial
February 25, 2005 12:36:49 AM    View the profile of Willtconq 
You dont need a bigger paycheck, but you do want and hope to get a bigger paycheck. the thing is, who doesn't? I bet even Kad, Tal, Fury, and Japheth all want higher paychecks. But this is not the way things work. We get promoted as we become more and more into the VE, with more activites, and such. that is how we get higher paychecks. and if you want more money, you should try to catch every chance that comes across your way.

I think this is the thrid or forth time that i've said such things about money to non-recruits, since i joined.
-(William the Conquerer)-
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FL/SCRW Willtconq/Kaph 2-1/Wing I/mSSD Atrus/DEF/VEN/VE (=A=)
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  RE: Imperitrade Financial
February 25, 2005 12:39:51 AM    View the profile of Cosmic 
Actually, once you hit Major... IC's don't really mean a thing to you anymore. The Corps provides for amazing benefits (dental, health - ImperiCare, etc.) So Officers are are a lot less dependant/interested in ICs.
Cleric "Cosmic" Vor'soth
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  RE: Imperitrade Financial
February 25, 2005 3:06:09 AM    View the profile of Angel 
You get dental? Hell we sergeants may have to strike soon.

Damn unions.
Dark Jedi Knight Sergeant Jikkyo "Angel" Nimiichi
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CM/DJK Jikkyo "Angel" Nimiichi/Eagle 1-1/Sith/VEDJ/VE/Lopen [VP:1]

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  RE: Imperitrade Financial
February 25, 2005 3:07:11 AM    View the profile of Willtconq 
well, im not in the army
-(William the Conquerer)-
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  RE: Imperitrade Financial
February 25, 2005 3:20:39 AM    View the profile of Angel 
Thank the Sith.
Dark Jedi Knight Sergeant Jikkyo "Angel" Nimiichi
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CM/DJK Jikkyo "Angel" Nimiichi/Eagle 1-1/Sith/VEDJ/VE/Lopen [VP:1]

Jack Nebulax
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  RE: Imperitrade Financial
February 25, 2005 7:17:05 AM    View the profile of Jack Nebulax 
So what the Navy get?
Revenge is what holds this galaxy together. Without it, the universe would be a boring place.
Jack Nebulax, Vast Empire Imperial Navy.
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  RE: Imperitrade Financial
February 25, 2005 9:24:37 AM    View the profile of Darkhawk 
NTAC/COM Darkhawk/Raptor 9/mSSD Atrus/DEF/VEN/VE/(=MA=)(=SCPA=)(=FCO=)[LoC][BRC][CBV*][MC:1][VC:Ebony][KC:OC]

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  RE: Imperitrade Financial
February 25, 2005 10:39:43 AM    View the profile of JMac 
I think they gave me a fruit basket when I joined Naval High Command.  It had a very nice note on it.
LCM_ JMac/Lusthawk 8(=A=)(=SA=)(=MA)(=FOCE=)(MC1)(VC)

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  RE: Imperitrade Financial
February 25, 2005 10:51:40 AM    View the profile of Willtconq 
was the fruit in a infinity-picnic basket?
-(William the Conquerer)-
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  RE: Imperitrade Financial
February 25, 2005 2:58:47 PM    View the profile of Laguna 
All i got when i joined was a cheesy pair of boxers that Shazam had used an gave to me.  They were very unsanitary, not a very clean man there....

Laguna Loire
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  RE: Imperitrade Financial
February 25, 2005 4:39:11 PM    View the profile of Jack Nebulax 
Lucky you, I got nothing!
Revenge is what holds this galaxy together. Without it, the universe would be a boring place.
Jack Nebulax, Vast Empire Imperial Navy.
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  RE: Imperitrade Financial
February 25, 2005 7:21:18 PM    View the profile of Willtconq 
neither did i. except i participated in lots of things that people gave me stuff often.
-(William the Conquerer)-
We are still here because we conquered our enemies, and we will do it again!
FL/SCRW Willtconq/Kaph 2-1/Wing I/mSSD Atrus/DEF/VEN/VE (=A=)
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  RE: Imperitrade Financial
February 26, 2005 8:37:36 AM    View the profile of Jack Nebulax 
Well, JMac gave me a Suction Cup Ewok! Thanks, man, you rock! Go JMac!, go JMac!, etc.
Revenge is what holds this galaxy together. Without it, the universe would be a boring place.
Jack Nebulax, Vast Empire Imperial Navy.
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  RE: Imperitrade Financial
February 26, 2005 12:10:05 AM    View the profile of Laguna 
How come we aren't allowed to have stocks in the Imperitrade Stock Exchange itself, it seems to be running pretty good, and I would like to invest....
Laguna Loire
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  RE: Imperitrade Financial
February 26, 2005 12:25:50 AM    View the profile of Darkhawk 
The Imperial Stock Exchange is the grand total of the five stocks within it: DJBND, VEBOND, ICS, NAVALB, and STORMB. It reflects how all of those bonds are doing as a whole.

Basically, like how the NYSE includes all of the stocks in the American stock market.
NTAC/COM Darkhawk/Raptor 9/mSSD Atrus/DEF/VEN/VE/(=MA=)(=SCPA=)(=FCO=)[LoC][BRC][CBV*][MC:1][VC:Ebony][KC:OC]

DLotS/SW Darkhawk/Sith/VEDJ/VE/[VP:1][SoY][EoP][CR]
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  RE: Imperitrade Financial
February 26, 2005 1:06:34 PM    View the profile of Jack Nebulax 
Yeah, they both go up and down... Hahaha...
Revenge is what holds this galaxy together. Without it, the universe would be a boring place.
Jack Nebulax, Vast Empire Imperial Navy.
XO/FL/SCRW Jack Nebulax/Nazgul 5 (2-1)/Wing 1/mSSD Atrus/Defensive Fleet/VEN/VE (=A=)
Jack Nebulax, Planetary Governor of Ullyr, Directorate Network (
PG/MAG Jack Nebulax/Ullyr/Phare/Empyrean
Jack "Zax" Nebulax, Commander of Nemesis Wing
[This message has been edited by Jack Nebulax (edited February 26, 2005 1:06:52 PM)]
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  RE: Imperitrade Financial
March 13, 2005 9:30:09 PM    View the profile of Cosmic 
After years of being privately traded, the Imperial Center Store has decided to go
public.  The decision to make the stock publicly traded was as a result of many
investor meetings that lasted many hours.

The investors decided to make a 1:2 stock split just before announcing the stock is
to be publicly traded.  This decision will allow more shares to be available at a
cheaper price for the public. 

The Imperial Center has also decided to slowly make shares available to the public
by releasing them in small chunks as the demand for the stock increases.  This will
help ease the transition from being a privately traded company to a publicly traded

You can purchase the ICS shares from your local Imperitrade Financial Corporation.
Cleric "Cosmic" Vor'soth
Cleric "Cosmic" Vor'soth
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  RE: Imperitrade Financial
March 14, 2005 2:25:25 PM    View the profile of Jack Nebulax 
Awesome! The Imperial Center Store's stock is always on the plus side! Finally!!
Revenge is what holds this galaxy together. Without it, the universe would be a boring place.
Jack Nebulax, Imperial Navy, Vast Empire.
XO/FL/PO2 Jack Nebulax/Nazgul 5 (2-1)/Wing 1/mSSD Atrus/Defensive Fleet/VEN/VE (=A=) (=*SA*=) [VC:B]
Jack Nebulax, Planetary Governor of Ullyr, Directorate Network (
PG/MAG Jack Nebulax/Ullyr/Phare/Empyrean
Jack "Zax" Nebulax, Commander of Nemesis Wing
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