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Topic:  Raiders' Squad specialty Stories
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  RE: Raiders' Squad specialty Stories
October 25, 2003 1:07:24 PM    View the profile of Rizzit 
Raiders, post your stories on here for reviews and criticism when you are done. Those of you doing rough drafts, I only want the final version. Oh, at the beginning be sure to post what skill the story is for, and what your specialty is thanks.

So if yur a scout, post:

Wilderness Survival
Scout Training (or something like that)
Sergeant Major Rizzit BlackHeart
Crazy Raiders Squad Leader
Wildcard Platoon Adjutant
Army of the Vast Empire
"Everything expressed truly from your heart and soul is as pure as gold in the minds of anyone who listens!"--Rizzit
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  RE: Raiders' Squad specialty Stories
October 25, 2003 8:39:13 PM    View the profile of D-13 
OOC:w00t first story here! You WILL like it end OOC
Precision Range Shooting
Heavy Weapons Course

    "You are early", said Rizzit, as a man came dressed up in a motion sensor suit and VR helmet.

    The man gave a simple thumbs up and shouldered his virtual weapon. As a shooter, D-13 was no amateur, having been on tours of duty with his squad leader and current instructor. As a heavy weapons specialist, however, he was as green as the academy cadets. A room began rendering right before his eyes, as well as range markers. A strange whooshing sensation came over him and made him feel nauseous, so he closed his eyes.

"The rendering's done, Dee, you can look now."

    The building was....nothing extraordinary, drab even, but it fit the purpose at hand. Range markers stuck out at regular intervals from the floor. Suddenly, 5 rebels appeared at the first range marker, 10 metres. Strangely enough, they were weaponless. The heavy weapons specialist picked them off easily, all between the eyes. The next batch appeared at the 20 m mark and so on. D-13 was feeling pretty confident in himself. The rebels let out virtual screams and bled virtual blood as they were shot down mercilessly. Then came the 100 metre mark.

    They began moving, and so the trooper started to look in his sights although he should have been doing it the entire time. One rebel actually jumped out of the way and the shot went wide. Frowning behind his virtual helmet, he started to spray the morons. Several were wounded from this barrage, but none were killed. A voice rang in his head, "Dee! Concentrate!"
He'd never gotten used to shooting more than the 90 m range as most of his engagements in the past were either close or short range combat. Hell, he thought, time's changed and he had to get used to it. He took a deep breath and aimed.

    Rizzit grinned vaguely. So, he thought, Dee is finally learning something. Good. The instructor/squad leader marked it down.

    The distance began to take their toll on his accuracy. Sweat beaded down his head as he tried to steady his rifle. A few millimetres count the difference between success and failure at this distance. D-13 took careful aim and fired, checked the rebels in the distance and repeated the tedious process. No worries, he thought, I have unlimited ammo. By this time, he'd cleared the 100 m range and moving on to the bigger numbers. Aiming carefully from now on, he'd improved his accuracy dramatically. All the rebels in the 150 m range died in 2 minutes flat.

    Rizzit felt extra evil at just that moment and dialed down the lights to "night" setting. On his headset, he heard a slight growl of annoyance and grinned ear to ear. "Go infra-red, I want to see what you can do."

    So, this is what he's throwing at me now, D-13 thought. He switched to infrared mode and took aim. A reddish-figure in the sights dropped and turned blue a few moments later. Finally, the magical 500 m mark showed up on the objective screen. By then, however, the trooper was staggering about from fatigue. D-13 struggled to steady his firearm even though he had tripods by this time. After a full hour of random hits and misses, he took down the rebels in the allotted time. It was 2100 hours by then.

"Good, Dee. We're done for the day, but be back at 0900 hours for the next drill. Dismissed."

    The electronics for the simulator equipment whined down and D-13 struggled out of his suit. The day's training had drained every ounce of energy out of him. Not even combat was this rough on my body, he thought, as his biological clock beat against his body inside him. Taking out the datapad, he marked down the third day of training and signed out. He passed Rizzit, who didn't look tired at all, on the way out and put up a salute. The trooper managed to get a shower and struggle to the bed before passing out. Tomorrow is another day.


I love this symbol>
"Warfare is the way of deception"-Sun Tzu

[This message has been edited by Cyanus (edited October 25, 2003 8:41:44 PM)]
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  RE: Raiders' Squad specialty Stories
October 29, 2003 11:27:15 PM    View the profile of D-13 
OOC: bah not as good as the first, get posting!
Fire Support Tactics
Heavy Weapons Course

"Welcome back Dee, did you get a good night's sleep? I hope so, because you're starting fire support tactics today, hehe."


    The bloodshot eyes glanced once at the instructor, Rizzit, then closed again. D-13 was getting battered, bruised, and burned out on these training simulations, and this is just the beginning. He strapped on the virtual reality gear and gave Rizzit a thumbs up. By now, he was used to the whooshing sensation of the rendering process and paid it no concern. All his brain could think of was sleep and training. He took a ration out of his pocket and the world looked a bit cheerier with every bite.

"Ok, Dee. I'll guide you through this process but once you get the hang of it, you're on your own. First, look to your left, there should be a stormtrooper squad there. There are also some rebels to the northwest."

    He looked to his left, and saw a ghostly-looking virtual stormtrooper squad pinned down by enemy fire. Looking to where the blaster bolts came from, the trooper saw a great many rebel squads maneuvering, trying to advance. A stormtrooper took a hit to the arm, but was alright.

"I want you to fire straight over their heads, this'll cause them to jump and take cover. If you take out any rebels, well, less to pin down but don't you dare kill them all off; basically, provide suppressive fire", said Rizzit over the comm unit.

    Ok, suppressive fire, I know how to do this, Dee thought. Following orders, he fired several bolts over the virtual rebels' heads. Several dove for cover under anything they could find: rocks, trees, abandoned vehicles. A sly smile creeped into his face when he took a rebel down with a shot to the liver. Another fell to a kneecap shot. After several hours of sporadic shooting, the besieged stormtroopers took the opportunity to advance and kill all of the rebels by themselves, to the delight of D-13. Suddenly, he was in an entirely different area, but the soldier was ready for surprises. Rizzit's voice rang in his earpiece, which really startled him.

"Ok, now the plan is to take out the turrets. Take out only the turrets and troops threatening you and eventually your teammates. Learn this skill and learn it WELL."

    Two seconds was the time between the trooper's briefing and everything going to hell. Blaster bolts zoomed past him. He needed to get into the action quickly. Life of a heavy weapons specialist, he thought, as he loosed a few blaster bolts at the nearest firing autoturret. The turret went up in a conflagration of loose bolts and flaming metal hurtling towards the troops like a meteor shower. It was sadistic, but watching the rebels burn was pretty fun. More fireworks shows soon followed, but there were soon no more rebels to watch the spectacle, since they all posed a threat to himself. He looked over himself proudly, not a scratch...ok, a minor burn in the shoulder. He was ready to get out of this hellhole before something else happened. The two main exercises already weakened him beyond recovery. Then he spotted several hundred mechs coming his way, all dangerous to him, obviously...

    Although Rizzit was tough, he wasn't a slavedriver. He decided that poor Dee had enough to deal with for today and shut off the program for the day. It was time anyway, as he looked at the clock: 2100.

    Before he realized it, D-13 was standing in the middle of a simulator room looking at Rizzit tiredly. Soon enough, he was out of the motion capture gear and headed towards his barracks. It was now routine for the soldier to just plop himself down on the bed and pass out from exhaustion. Well, that wasn't exactly the most graceful way, he thought, slipping into unconciousness, but it works. No time to think about that though. The next session will bring more challenge to the task, and no, it won't be pretty.



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  RE: Raiders' Squad specialty Stories
October 30, 2003 12:08:52 AM    View the profile of Sniping101 
OOC:its not my best peice of work,but it aint gettin much better/OOC

Basic Wiring Sabotage
Combat Engineer Course

Snipes stepped away from the Armored Personnel Carrier he was working on. He took a quick glance around the vehicle for any misplaced tools or parts lying around. He found none, which was no surprise to him; the lance corporal he had been pared up with was no idiot and had obviously spent a lot of time working with tools.
    "We're done" the shorter man said, standing up. He reached around Snipes armpits. "Let's go get it approved, I want lunch"
    "Why would you want something like that" Snipes joked "it's just going to be the usual grease and bolts"
    The lance corporal laughed and the two started off to find the instructor.
    Combat engineer training was a tough business and Snipes was getting sick of all the wiring. Now they had to sabotage an APC, but tomorrow it might be fixing a door or on a bad day, an E-11. Snipes hated wiring, he understood it, but it was still more complicated than things had a right to be.
    The duo found the Instructor and managed to pry him away from grilling a poor private who had accidentally blown out the power converter. The instructor took a quick look at the outside, then went inside and attempted to turn the hunk of durasteel on. Nothing happened; which was exactly what Snipes had intended. The instructor took another half an hour fixing it before giving Snipes and his partner their final grade.
    "83%, now get out of here, I have better things to do than look at your ugly mugs!" He yelled in the only tone Snipes knew drill sergeants had.
    Snipes and his colleague walked from the long hanger where they were working today, taking their time, behind them they could hear the sergeant yelling at some other poor unfortunate who happened to be seen. As soon as they left the room they broke into a run. For several weeks now they had been racing to the barracks, to grab their mail off their bunks.
    Snipes rounded the corner and ran right into Rizzit, his squad leader, who immediately began chewing him out "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING! YOU IDOIT! YOU SPILLED MY COFEE! AND WHEN IS THIS CORSE OVER?!"
    "Nice to see you to" Snipes said, it wasn't normally smart talk that way to your squad leader or any other officer, but Snipes couldn't resist the urge. "Anyway, I'm out in a week, why, getting tired of finding me drunk under my bed?"
    Rizzit laughed, "Well that was funny; a week you say? How are you doing, it had better be good"
    "It is, it is"Snipes assured him. "what are you doing here anyway?"
    Rizzit snorted disgustedly "got a complaint against one of you guys so I came down here for disciplinary reasons. And no, I won't tell you who it is"
    "Ok, I have to go, have another lesson in forty minutes" Snipes said
    "Ok, get out of here then, cya in a week"
    As soon as Snipes was around the corner he started off at a jog, so as not to run into anymore officers; Snipes friend had disappeared as soon as he saw what happened. The barracks wasn't far away and snipes made it in an easy two minutes.

    The next day was worse. They had the same objectives, but in full battle gear and outside with during a rainstorm. Snipes and his partner labored over a gap in the floor of the APC where they had removed a panel.
    "Ok, you know what, I'm getting sick of this, this is what we're doing" Snipes said after several hours of messing with the outdated training model. "Find the power wires to the hard drive, I'm going to work on rigging this energy cell from my glow lamp, then bare the wires on the cables, I'm going to place the +/- ends of the energy cell on the respective ones to the hard drive, the system will overload and everything from waypoints to control calibrations will be lost. It will still turn on, but it wont do anything else"His friend Lance corporal Tomakar only grinned evilly.
    It took the pair half an hour to get that to work and they scored a meager 74%, which was still passing.
    Snipes and Tomakar left to the now usual screaming of the drill sergeant.
    "I hate these things"Tomakar commented about the armor "they're so bulky and obnoxious."
    "Heh. When a grenade blows up in your face or you get shot a dozen times by a rebel you'll be happy for them."
    "I thought they didn't defend against blaster bolts?"
    "They don't stop them; they only take most the blast so you end up with just a burn, compared to a hole in your arm."

Formaly the Perpetual PFC
"Alea Iacta Est"-Julius Ceaser
I call Death to me and laugh in his face
[This message has been edited by Sniping101 (edited October 30, 2003 12:13:07 AM)]
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  RE: Raiders' Squad specialty Stories
November 2, 2003 7:00:06 PM    View the profile of Rizzit 
Wilderness Survival
Scout training assignment one

Rizzit entered a simulation room for a bit of some training. He always believed that you can never be too well-prepared. Strangely enough Jed was already there before him. Even more strangely, they were both headed for the same mission: Wilderness survival. Jed offered to do the mission along with Rizzit, but in the end they both agreed that they need to do their own mission. However, Rizzit did help Jed set up his simulator mission. All Jed had to do was select a planetary system. With Jed strapped in, it was Rizzit's turn to get set up. He sat in the chair, and selected his planetary system: Endor, the forest moon. Rizzit hit the switch to start up the simulator, and a brilliant flash of light could be seen in every direction. Slowly, the light faded, and Rizzit found himself in a private shuttle heading to Endor. The ship took off into hyperspace, and all that could be seen for miles was a bright blue light. The ship came up on Endor and began it's approach. Rizzit's ship began to shake. A Y-Wing was shooting at them. Rizzit went to go check on the pilot to have him avoid the Y-wing, but there was no pilot. The ship was on autopilot. Rizzit went to the controls to attempt to take control of the ship, but it was of no avail. The ship was going down. In an attempt to take the Y-Wing with him, Rizzit fired upon the ship using the rear cannons on the ship. The ship blew up in a few shots. "The ship must've come out of a fight or something." He thought. "Surely not even the New Republic would send out a ship like that without shields." That was beyond his concern at the minute however. He had to get out of his ship or he was a goner. The ship shook more violently,  the ship made it through the planet's atmosphere. Rizzit hit his head hard and it knocked him out. About an hour later he found himself down on the surface. The grass was green and the trees went on forever. Where Rizzit lay, there was a black circle on the ground around him. "Well, I guess the ship crashed. How come I am still alive though if it blew up?" he thought to himself. "Oh well. Looks like I'll have to get out of here and find a way to contact home." With that, he was off. No equiptment, no gun, no ship, only the armor on his back; is what Rizzit had to survive on. Rizzit felt around his armor checking for his comlink. Hoping it hadn't been destroyed. With luck, it had not. Quickly, Rizzit picked it up and tried to contact Fury. "Fury, this is Rizzit. Come in!" Rizzit pleaded over the comlink. There was no answer for a while, and Rizzit began to lose hope. Finally Rizzit got an answer. "Hey Rizz. What's happening?" Came the reply. "Fury! OH GOOD you picked up! Listen: I need some transport home from Endor. My ship was on auto pilot and it got shot down by a Y-wing. I took it out, but it was too late! Come get me!" Rizzit again pleaded. "Well Rizz," Fury started. "I can get there in a day or two at most. You'll have to survive until then." Rizzit shook his head and noticed some muju fruit bushes nearby. He would have to forage for food a bit. After collecting berries, and placing them in his pack: Rizzit found a spot to settle in for the night: it was right by a small pond so he had SOME water to drink and refill his canteen with. There were no materials to build a shelter, but he managed to find a nice patch of trees that would block out just about any weather conditions. Seeing as there was nothing to do but wait, Rizzit opened his pack and ate all the berries he had; figuring that he could get more come morning. Nightfall came, and Rizzit settled down to sleep. The ground was rough, so he used his Stormtrooper helmet to try and cushion his head. It helped some, but not much. Eventually, after tossing, turning, and much discomfort: Rizzit went to sleep. The next morning Rizzit woke up to the sound of Ewoks' mindless noises. They were nearby, but not enough to bother him. Being practically defenseless, he decided to leave them alone for the time being. Seeing as he was hungry, Rizzit went to go look for some more food bushes. After wandering around all morning: he came upon a few bushes. After picking the berries and having some now: he put some more in his pack. The trees seemed to go on forever, which made Endor so nice. If those Ewoks hadn't been around, it might be worth moving in. Rizzit lay down to relax when he heard the Rumbling of repulsorlift engines. A skyhopper was landing on Endor. Rizzit immediately knew that Fury had come. Who else could have been flying the ship he thought. Rizzit cleared out of the way so that the ship could land. Once it had landed: the landing gear came out and the door opened. The ship never turned off, implying that Fury didn't want to dawdle. When the door opened, Rizzit ran up the ramp and the door closed.

"Thought we'd forget about ya eh?" Fury asked.

"Well, ya. 'took ya almost 2 days." Rizzit replied.

"Whatever. Let's just get you back to base."

Rizzit nodded and grabbed a seat. The ship took off, and headed back for Tadath. Fury dropped off Rizzit at the Raider's base and took off again. What a rough experience this was. I learned a lot from it though. Maybe this will come in handy on one of our missions. Rizzit thought as he walked into the base, and everything turned white. When he regained eyesight, Rizzit was back in the simulator room and jed was just coming out.

"So Jed, how was your mission?" Rizzit asked.

"Successful. And you?" Jed replied.

"Torture, it seemed so real. I wanted to kill those Ewoks.!"

"Ah Endor eh? Good choice for our type of training."

Rizzit nodded and left the room. On his way to his office he wondered "Was my mission a success or did I just slip by?" Rizzit just shook his head and said: if it wasn't the sim would have restarted! I Must've made it.

Sergeant Major Rizzit BlackHeart
Crazy Raiders Squad Leader
Wildcard Platoon Adjutant
Army of the Vast Empire
"Everything expressed truly from your heart and soul is as pure as gold in the minds of anyone who listens!"--Rizzit
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  RE: Raiders' Squad specialty Stories
November 11, 2003 8:30:14 PM    View the profile of D-13 
OOC: short, I know
Range Finding/Advanced Vector Calculation
Heavy Weapons Specialist Course

"Hey Dee, how are we feeling today?"

"Lousy, what do you think?"

"I thought you'd be enthusiastic about this job, seeing that you've already finished several weeks of training.", Rizzit said.

"Hmph.", came the short reply.

    Rizzit tossed over a datapad to the trooper. D-13 looked at it in curiousity and then read the title: Range Finding and Vector Calculation.

"So what am I supposed to do with this?"

"Study it, and report back to me when you're finished. You're going in the Box."

    The Box was a nickname applied to the old but reliable simulator machine built to imitate an actual sensor control console -built in a box shape, of course. D-13 simply scrolled through the little computer pad idly and walked near the control room for the Box. The datapad lit and began scrolling slowly, outlining main points. Chapter 1-Range Finding...

    Two hours passed, and D-13 was ready for the box. He entered slowly, deliberately eyeing each control carefully as defined by the datapad. The hatched closed and the lights and screen in front of him went online. It immediately cast him in a dangerous situation, since he had to find the range and vector location a NR convoy before an airspeeder found him out. Countdown moniters read 2 minutes.

    Eyes went on over to the sensors, which showed a cluttered landscape. Somehow, he involuntarily reached for the filter controls and sifted the unnecessary stuff out quickly. There it is, he thought. He looked to his tiny glass screen and pointed an electronic stick towards it, and punched in the coordinates.

"Rizzit, there's a convoy at 553x, 365y, and 1z. It's about 30 clicks from my location."

"Ok, normally, we'd have an air strike heading there about now, but you're mission is finished, Dee.", came the crackled reply.

"Shutting down the moniters."

    Everything powered down, and the hatch opened with a nice little hiss. D-13 exited the box with relief carrying the datapad with him. Signing out, he put up a salute to Rizzit as he passed by on his way to the barracks. This wasn't so bad, he thought.

"Oh Dee, don't forget, we have a sabacc match after all the training is over. Be prepared to lose....!"

    Sweat poured down the trooper's neck and he walked a bit faster to bed.

I love this symbol>
"Warfare is the way of deception"-Sun Tzu

[This message has been edited by Cyanus (edited November 11, 2003 8:44:10 PM)]
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  RE: Raiders' Squad specialty Stories
November 12, 2003 2:03:58 PM    View the profile of Snake 
  Rizzit walked into the section of the Wildcard Barracks that served as the Raiders home on Tadath. There was a big tacky "We're Crazy" sign hanging over the door like someone was about to get a surprise party. Which they were. Only without the party part.

    Rizzit strolled over to the bed of SGM Snake, acting for all the world like it wasn't 3:00 in the morning. He very casually tapped Snake on the shoulder. When Snake rolled over to face him, he tapped him a little harder, this time right on his face. Snake opened his eyes halfway, and then attempted to sit up when he saw who it was.

Before Snake was halfway to sitting Rizzit muttered something about not really needing to wake up. Riz said he was just reminding him to report to Precision Range Shooting training in the sims at noon. Snake nodded groggily, and continued to act half awake while Rizzit was telling him this. When Rizzit turned to leave however, Snake catapulted himself off of his bed and into the back of his SL. Snake immediately retreated to his bed. Before Rizzit could berate him Snake simply said, "Sir, never wake me up for a stupid reason again," and fell asleep.

As Snake left the barracks the sun was just short of straight above him. It was at that really annoying angle, where the beams come in too vertically to be stopped by sunglasses, yet not high enough above you that they're blocked by your head. However, this didn't register with him, as his stormtrooper helmet was completely sealed, and the visor automatically adjusted to allow the perfect level of light through with no glare.

The helmet was gleaming white, or at least as white as something that had seen that many campaigns could be. It matched the armor almost perfectly. Every scuff and scar on that helmet told a story, many of them deadly.
The door to the sim-center was closed. The building looked empty. There were no windows on the exterior, and the whole thing was painted a generic gray. It made you think that every cost that could be trimmed had been sheared completely off. The only break in the exterior's monotony was the number pad with a green and a red light above it indicating the entrance.

Upon keying the correct sequence the doors opened, and he was treated to a completely new view. The inside was all either painted white or shiny metal. It was brightly lit, such that even under the numerous sim pods there was not a shadow to be found. Orderlies were walking between pods, checking the occupants' progress and status. The displays also had a readout of the trooper's vital signs. That had always made Snake a little queasy.

There was a desk in the corner with an NCO sitting behind it, occasionally glancing at his datapad. As Snake approached he said, "Master Sergeant Snake? Your sim is already loaded. Report to pod 12, and we'll have someone right over to strap you in."

Snake gave a polite nod, as if he hadn't heard it all before. Pod 12 happened to be at the very back of the room, as far from the desk as you could get. The pods were designed to look very sleek and comfortable. Unfortunately, they were only designed to look that way. You got in and sat down. You would then get strapped in, which would protect the machine, if not you, were there to be a "malfunction." The orderlies would attach brain wave monitors to your scalp, and would swing the VR projectors into place over your head. Then the door would shut. There would be complete darkness with the door shut.

After a wait that seemed interminable, the sim crackled to life. Snake waggled all of his fingers and toes to make sure that the neural link was strong. His armor was shining, and his E-11M was perfectly new from the factory. A hologram sprang to life explaining all of the work this course entailed. Getting comfortable, Snake hunkered down to listen to the tactics and techniques instruction.

With all of the bookwork out of the way a series of targets appeared down range. Laying down to steady his shot, Snake sighted in the most distant target. He stopped his breathing and squeezed the trigger. The shot missed badly. He repeated the process, and he missed yet again. His technique was rusty, and it was going to take a while to relearn everything that had used to be second nature to him.
Just when he was getting a feel for the gun, and how to stop all his movement, a message displayed and a tone was sounded. It was closing time for the night. He would have to report back at 0800 hours, ready to rock. The sim dropped away and he was returned to complete darkness. As the VR faded away, reality hit him like a brick wall. In the sims, all fatigue is simulated, and for most training exercises, they don't model any at all. The theory is that it reduces stress during training for the new recruits. The actuality is that it makes for a horrible feeling at the end of a long day in training. When the door had opened and everything strapped to him had been removed, Snake attempted to step out. He almost fell as his legs gave way. Adapting to the fatigue was tough under the best circumstances, and he was still out of shape.

At 0800 hours sharp Snake reported to the sims, well rested and ready for a long day of tactical training. Because he was the first person to show up in the morning, he got started right away. Today, when the sim started he was taken to a briefing room. He was to operate in an urban environment, and to hit all targets of opportunity. A position with a good field of view had already been chosen. He would be operating with nothing but his armor and an E-11M.

With that the view changed to the interior of a building. The dawn light was just starting to show through the windows. He moved to the window that had been designated as his and set up a small rest for his gun with debris from the room. As he scanned the landscape for clues as to where people would be coming from he also took in the state of the city. Almost every building had at least partially collapsed, and most were completely burnt out. The civilians in the area had obviously fled from whatever conflict had wrought this destruction.
Two major roadways ran perpendicular the road his building was on, one to either side, each about 100 meters away. Pulling out his macrobinoculars Snake scanned the area for clues as to which way patrols would be more likely to come. Inspecting the road to his east he realized there was a path through the rubble big enough for one good sized vehicle or a few speeder bikes to fit down. That would be his fire lane.
The next step was to figure out a way to not be spotted. That meant he would have to take out the last man in whatever patrols passed him, and then shoot quickly if reinforcements came. Snake found a halfway comfortable position from which he could both use his scope and watch the street. Hunkering down to wait for a target he put himself in a combat state of mind. Everything but the mission was blocked out.

Snake lost track of time, and would only occasionally notice where in the sky the sun was. It was just after one of those checks that his first opportunity showed itself. A squad of infantry began passing by his firing lane. He counted them as they passed. Eight men to a patrol, arranged in 2 columns. Snugging his chin into the stock of the E-11 Snake drew a bead on the last soldier as he came into view. Quickly, but patiently, he tracked him and sighted the shot. The soldier dropped, with a shot just below his ear.

Snake aimed for the person who had been walking next to him. Working quickly so an alarm wouldn't be raised, he aimed a little higher and led the target a little more this time. This shot was right on target, and took the second soldier in the temple. Before he could manage to take out a third member of the patrol they were behind cover. He marked the time in his mind. 1015 hours.

With luck the patrol would be well past the intersection before they noticed the two missing troopers. Unfortunately, they noticed quite quickly. Within 5 minutes they were back at the intersection, digging in. It was obvious which direction the shots had come from, there were large burns on the left side of both men's heads.

Snake knew there was very limited time left before they were in a position to eliminate him. That meant he had to take out the last 6 troopers and make himself scarce before they could pinpoint his position and take down the building.

None of the enemy squad had attempted to cross over to the right side of the intersection yet. He could see the squad leader and 2 soldiers. All three of them were crawling across the road. They were staying low enough that he wasn't being presented with any shots. Glancing towards the corner where the rest of the squad was Snake saw a trooper step out.

The rebel wasn't quick enough to step back in. The snap shot took him right in the chest. That shot had identified his position. Hopefully they hadn't figured out which building he was in, at least. Looking back at the people crossing the road he realized there was a gap in their cover, and they would either have to cross it or not gain the protection the other corner could offer. Sighting in the area through which the men would have to dive Snake waited patiently for them to reach it. The sergeant was in front of his men. He poked his head out for a tenth of a second to make sure he was clear, and then dove across the gap. Snake's reflexes were too quick, and the sergeant was dead before he even hit the ground.

Four to go. The two troopers hanging back had to have seen that shot, as they weren't behind the building anymore. That meant with his next shot they would most likely pinpoint which window he was in. The two troopers out front had decided their best bet was to stay in cover until it was apparent they wouldn't go the way of their leader. That bought Snake enough time to aim for the troopers on the left. They were deep into the rubble, but every once in a while one would pop out to try and see him.

Somehow he had to draw those two out, as there was no way for him ti hit them with the cover they had found. The best way he could think of to do that was to weaken their flank. Looking off to the right again Snake fired a shot just behind the troopers attempting to cross the road. Before taking the shot he had checked to make sure no one was looking. As he had hoped, the soldiers spread out even farther, with one inching towards the gap in cover, while the other one diverted Snake's attention to the left. As the trooper ran across the gap he got taken by a shot to the back of his head. By now it was just time to act fast. Off to the left one of the troopers had popped a pair of macrobinoculars over the top of the rubble and pointed them straight at him.

Snake responded by shooting. The bolt took off half the man's hand and destroyed the binoculars. His buddy popped up to take a shot, and missed by only a few feet. When he came up for a second shot a few seconds later a bolt hit him in the face. Two to go, one injured. The priority now was to finish off the uninjured man. The gap was completely eliminated as an option by now, and he faded back to the left to provide some first aid. When he got in a position to put a dressing on the injured hand his head came a little above the cover. It dropped back down to the injured man's lap almost instantly.

Snake realized there was no way that the injured man would give him a chance to get a shot before reinforcements came. He keyed his comlink and voiced the message to be pulled out of VR. As the world around him fell back into darkness Snake took the time to return to a normal state of mind. Hopping out of the pod, he strolled out of the training facility and realized it was only noon. That gave him half a day to have fun&

SGM Snake
If you can stand to lose, you'll never win.
[This message has been edited by Snake (edited November 12, 2003 2:35:03 PM)]
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  RE: Raiders' Squad specialty Stories
November 12, 2003 6:23:56 PM    View the profile of D-13 
Anti-Armor Tactics
Heavy Weapons Course

Time: 0600
"Hey Rizzit", a voice shouted from the end of the hall.
"You're early, I take it you had some decent sleep last night?", Rizzit replied with a sly twinkle in his eye.
"Sure did. Anything for me today?"
    D-13 walked on over to Rizzit, who tossed him a datapad. The title said 'Anti-Armor Tactics' in bright gold and blue. He scrolled down and scanned a few of the chapters this little pad had. He immediately noticed something peculiar; although the datapad covered the range of New Republic military vehicles, there were no Imperial vehicle diagrams for him to check out. Rizzit noted the look on his face and replied as though Dee had asked a question.
"I see you've noticed that we've had no Imperial armor diagrams in the datapad. Well, the VE doesn't really expect to lose any of our armour, you see, and if the datapad fell into the wrong hands, there'll be hell to pay if there WERE schematics in there. Still, if everything does to hell, we'll let out the imperial schematics. Anyways, study the datapad carefully, since you'll be in the sims at 1300 sharp.", said Rizzit.

    The sergeant saluted and shuffled on over to the empty lounge, where he took a seat and began to read:

Chapter 1: Armour Introduction- Since the advent of modern warfare, generals have acknowledged the use of battle tanks to be invaluable in turning the tide of many a battle. The inception of the Galactic Empire started a fast-track refining process of war machines. More powerful walkers and tanks showed up regularly to crush the Empire's enemies. One example was the Battle of Hoth, where AT-ATs broke through rebel lines. However, now the New Republic has war machinery of its own. The VE needs advanced tactics to deal with this threat. Now, to the point: The enemy has many powerful battle equipment of their own and thus we require individuals with the skills necessary to disable, capture, or destroy the enemy's armour in order to...

D-13 paused for a moment. He was already familiar with some of the battle tactics and scrolled down past the introductory chapters. The sergeant decided that he would look for some critical details, practice exploiting them, and then move on to other vehicles by 1300 hours. He stopped at the first NR armour he found: The Yutrane-Tackata Heavy Attack Tank T3-B. The trooper plugged the little pad into a nearby holoscreen and punched up the schematics for the tank. The hulking piece of scrap metal boasted shield generators and surface-to-surface missiles. Using the controls to move in and around the vehicle, he eyed the intricate machinery with intense concentration, searching for the critical little detail that might be used to put the thing out of
Time: 1300
    Rizzit looked at his clock and back at the hallway. D-13 rounded the corner and met up with his squad leader. Rizzit motioned for the trooper to follow him to the sims. The NCO there let them in without any trouble at all. D-13 put on his VR gear swiftly and listened patiently for instructions. 
    The comlink crackled.
"Ok D, the the situation you're getting into is a war zone and the NR's big guns have shown up. Use the weaknesses you've found to disable them before they destroy the artillery piece. Rizzit out."
    The familiar rush whipped the trooper around his armor but he paid it now mind. His head was now running through each and every NR vehicle in the inventory and their weaknesses and......what the...?!
    The scorched dirt easily gave way under his feet and D-13 wandered over the burning corpses and ruined machinery. The artillery piece boomed merrily away some distance away, collapsing a barracks unit. A deep rumble and hissing sound emitted from the westerly direction, and the HWS whipped his imaginary heavy blaster in that direction to APC.
    Laser fire drenched the area as lone HWS and virtual APC shot it out, with the APC eating D's shots without even choking. The trooper maneuvered around the roving box. D-13 swung his weapon left, then right, searching for that particular weak spot....there's one! He fired a straight burst at a little gun port, killing the gunner and jamming the gun in place. Before the infantry could even think of getting out, D took the thermal detonator from the back of his stormtrooper armor, programmed it for 4 seconds, and stuffed the soda can into the stopped tracks. The door started to open slowly. He dove into the conveniently placed sim foxhole and waited: 3....2....1...BOOM! Flak and flaming metal -and body parts- erupted from the now-smoldering vehicle like the volcanoes in the mountains behind him.
    Rizzit watched on the vidcam with amusement. Dee really learnt his stuff, but let's see how he can handle this, he thought. A simple button was all it took for a swarm of hovertanks to storm Dee's artillery location. D-13 watched with horror as the tanks came into view, moving parallel to the soldier's position. ZOOM, and the tanks spun around with a hard jink back towards his location. His already overloaded brain sparked and the soldier lifted his weapon and aimed carefully at the anti-aircraft missiles. One, two, no three, now four tanks were totally torched in this manner, until the rebels got smart (wow) and withdrew. Phew, now his job was done and now....whoa!!
    Two explosions knocked the HWS to the ground and took out a plate of armor from the artillery piece. A proton torpedo launcher! He rushed to the vehicle shooting like a maniac as soon as it started reloading for another barrage. The lucky bolts managed to punch through the pressure locks and the door flew open, exposing the driver. He looked just long enough to see a frag grenade slide across his floor before being blown into the big torpedo launcher in the sky.
    The squad leader/instructor noted the time. Rizzit's voice startled the trooper as he fended off some minor tanks from the artillery spot.
"That's enough for the day."
And the sims powered down. D-13 now noticed that he has sore legs and arms and just shuffled out of there after signing out and saluting Rizzit, who eyed him strangely. The trooper had forgotten to take off his VR equipment and had to go back when the wires tugged at his clothes. He managed to take out another datapad with the information and went to his barracks to do a final review before going to bed.


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  RE: Raiders' Squad specialty Stories
November 20, 2003 5:51:25 PM    View the profile of D-13 
Small Arms Repair
Heavy Weapons Course

D-13 attached a power pack to a newly repaired blaster. It was starting to get really boring learning to fix blasters, he thought.
He checked the manual again and confirmed the right procedure. He pulled the trigger...and BOOM! That sent dozens of fried metal in all directions.
That little explosion packed enough power to knock the young trooper back a meter.


Oh well, he thought, plenty of damaged blasters to go. The fact that he was using proven battle rifles as repair fodder didn't bother him one bit. D-13 reached into the bin, pulled a rifle, and then checked for the problem. This one seems to have a flash-sealed barrel, probably the result of automatic firing by those gung-ho types, he thought. Referring to the damned manual for the 10th time, Dee disassembled the main E-11 body and searched his utility belt for the right tool. He looked at the cam watching his every move. Picking the little barrel apart was no easy task, as the crystal had to be carefully aligned once finished. D-13 put the new barrel in and reinstalled the crystal as carefully as his magnifying lenses were allowing him to be. Grabbing another power pack for the gun, he inserted it in carefully and pulled the trigger. The bolt shot as normal, but the E-11's body turned red at the first shot and became too hot to handle. Dee dipped the thing in the nearest water pan and watched the rifle sizzle and hiss.

"Anything to report now, Dee?", Rizzit asked, coming in to inspect the job.

"Nothing right now, I just fried this rifle and a couple others. It's the manual that the NCO issued me on the way in.", D-13 replied sternly.

Rizzit took a hard look at the datapad. A few chuckles later, he replied,"Hey Dee, you sure this is the small arms manual? It shows only heavy weapons
diagrams here."

D-13 grabbed the pad and looked at the moniter. How the hell hadn't he noticed THAT? He rubbed his rheumy eyes.
He knew the answer, everyone knew. Shrugging it off, the trooper went back to work and Rizzit left the room. The trooper went back to the lobby and grabbed the nearest small arms datapad and then CHECKED what it was. He grumbled, time to try again.

This time, D-13 pulled a badly damaged blaster carbine. He looked it over and found that the rifle had been submerged in water and shot at the main body. Surprisingly, however, the thing still showed signs of working and that just made the trooper's job a whole lot harder. Dee went to work soon after, replacing wire after wire, barrels, the sight, and even the entire handle-trigger. The work was tedious, and the hours slipped by, wasting his fingers like cogs used year after year. Finally, the thing was actually finished by 2200 hours.
Ever following his little habits, Dee slipped the power pack in roughly, frustrated at past attempts at delicacy. He aimed at the nearest impromptu target and pulled the trigger quickly and cleanly. The barrel flashed, producing a small, coherent blast of energy to hit the target. D-13 smiled.

It was a really odd coincidence that Rizzit happened to walk in just as D-13 pulled the trigger. After practicing several more times, the trooper heard some chuckling behind him and did a quick about-face with his rifle up just to put it down instantly.

"Were you here the entire time?", inquired the trooper, obviously surprised by this intrusion.

All that was needed was a shake of the Squad Leader's head to relax Dee.

"Your training time is over, turn in all your works for grading, and hope for the best.", Rizzit grinned.

After signing out, Dee headed straight for the nearest refresher booth to clear up his eyes of smoke, grit, and metal pieces. He felt like getting a new pair of hands after those repair jobs. Oh well, he thought, I'll feel better tomorrow, and went to sleep in the barracks soon after.


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  RE: Raiders' Squad specialty Stories
November 25, 2003 4:04:45 PM    View the profile of D-13 
Armament Maintenance and Repair
Heavy Weapons Course

A sweating man sat in the armory. His bright cyan eyes go over the circuitry once more. A quick snap, and the power pack was secured into the repeater. Those fierce eyes seated themselves on the top of the newly repaired weapon.
D-13 took aim at the conveniently placed target and pulled the trigger in a crisp motion. The barrel erupted with intense heat and a red coherant bolt came flying out, smashing into the target with devastating force. Then the entire gun barrel melted. The trooper resigned to tossing away the damned thing into the dispersal container, where he recovered valuable blaster energy. D-13 looked at the datapad schematics of the T-21 light repeating blaster. So, the green wire is supposed to go into the red plug, he thought.

    Reaching into the bin resulting in the arrival of a burnt looking blaster. The soldier didn't even bother and dropped it into the dispersal container. Instead, he picked out something that actually looked repairable. A jammed repeater, eh? Not that those were uncommon, but weaponry was getting a lot more reliable. Using a small tool he pried open the casing and found dirt and grit stuck inside the barrel. Also, there was a massive amount of moisture, as if the rifle had been dropped in water, muddy water. And it also seems that the power pack shorted out. He grabbed the nearest swab and stick and added some cleaning fluid. Then he started to push the rod in and out until the final one came out clean. D-13 was always so disgusted at this motion, for a certain reason, but it has to be done. The powerpack went in smoothly with a nice little click. It should be, he thought, wtih all the hell I went through making every nook and cranny was coated with this new lubricant. Making one final round as dictated by the repair manual, he fired the weapon at a nearby drink canister. Success! The blast knocked over the canister, a burn to its side.

    To the trooper's dismay, he next pulled out a small flechette rifle, and went throught the various datapad listings. He'd have to be especially careful of the small grilled holes that fired the trademark fragments. Let's see what the problem with this POS. As he thought, the tiny holes were all stopped up, probably due to rough handling or submersion in liquids. Why can't they learn that you can't use blasters underwater, he thought. So he repeated the cleaning motions that he'd done to the T-21 earlier. Taking a final check and lubing it up, he carefully placed the repaired product into the "repaired" bin.

"Why Rizzit would want me to practice fixing weapons is beyond me.", he mumbled.

Just then, the squad leader appeared and both saluted each other. D-13 noted the look on his face.

"Heya boss, what's going on?", he asked quizzily.

"You are to report to the briefing room, we've got something." was the blank reply.

The trooper saluted and immediately withdrew from the immediate room to take a shower and then report to wherever the hell the briefing room was. D-13 has yet to learn all the rooms of this particular place.

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[This message has been edited by Cyanus (edited November 25, 2003 4:12:39 PM)]
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  RE: Raiders' Squad specialty Stories
November 26, 2003 1:30:38 PM    View the profile of D-13 
OOC: I've written this out of necessity for the HSC :P

Medium Squad Weapons: 500 Squad Repeating Blaster/
Riot Gun
Heavy Weapons Course

"Alright Dee, we'll work with weapons now.", said Rizzit blankly, as he turned on the laser pointer.

He referred to the giant poster detailing the various working parts of the 500 Squad Repeater.  The laser point moved this way and that, highlighting the trigger, the gun body, and the unconventional sighting system. D-13 looked at the poster, then at the gun laying right in front of him.

"You have one hour of practice on the range with this," the sergeant major gestured toward the targets.

The blaster was surprisingly light for its size, and the sight was difficult to master but produced incredible accuracy when used right. D-13 shouldered the repeater and fired a few rounds. The resulting kick nearly knocked the trooper back. Rizzit laughingly shook his head.

"You're gonna have to reach back to basic training and figure out the right stances."

Following instruction, Dee shifted into a preset battle stance, ready to fire. This time the bolts hit somewhat close to the mark but were still off the mark. It took a while and quite a few curses to get used to the strange aiming mechanism. It wasn't the usual run-of-the-mill crosshair, but was similar to old rifles of the past, with two marks in the back and a little metal slip in front of the barrel. That, he thought, was alright for rifles, but why the hell did the manufacturer put it on a REPEATER? The thought flooded into his mind as the rifle came up and the targets popped up. It took a while for the sergeant to adjust the sights around, but eventually the gun gave up on tricking him and fired 20 shots straight into the bulls-eye.

All the while, Rizzit watched, silently evaluating his performance. The younger trooper shouldered his rifle yet again and popped a few rounds into the metal targets, each bolt placing a medium-sized hole into the man-sized plates. All the squad leader had to do was nod.

"Oh, D, remember to report back here for more range training, I wanna see all of those blaster holes in the inner circles. You got that?", Rizzit called after D-13.

"Yeah, I got it boss, be back here later," replied the sergeant with a small nod.

At the present, he still had to get used to the damn recoil and battle sights, but in his book, it was just another challenge to overcome.


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  RE: Raiders' Squad specialty Stories
January 5, 2004 6:38:31 PM    View the profile of D-13 
OOC: Since the competition's nearly over I suppose we better dust off this old topic eh?

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  RE: Raiders' Squad specialty Stories
January 15, 2004 4:40:12 PM    View the profile of D-13 
Squad Support Weapons: Non-Blaster:
Tenloss Syndicate DXR-6 Disruptor Rifle
Heavy Weapons Training

The small metal door beeped quietly in the forbidding hall, silent and oblivious to the night passing by. Footsteps rang, light and quick. As if it was reluctant, the hissing door slowly
gave way to the figure passing through. Brushing off some dust from his brand-new patch, D-13 stepped into the training center, where shapes flitted hither and thither. The non-com at guard saluted the trooper, and got a salute in return. Angel was by the corner checking out the latest in weaponry. Rizzit, whose eyes roamed the holoscreens, rose up to meet D-13.

"Dee, welcome back, are you ready?" A nod answered his question.

The squad leader's hands merely pointed the way to the door, where the bright sign warned everyone to don protective gear. However, the trooper was already in his stormtrooper outfit, somewhat.

On the counter was a junky looking rifle, beat-up but still deadly-looking. Next to the gun was a small datapad identifying the model, a disruptor, it seems. Rizzit came over the intercom.

"Okay, you know the drill, Dee. Since this thing has a scope, we'll just adjust the maximum target range to 2 kilometres." The intercom ended abruptly.

Some metal figures popped up from slits on the durasteel floor. They were so close that the scope wasn't even needed. A few seconds and beams later, the targets lay in dust piles, disintigrated by the rifle.

"You know, Rizz, I could get used to this," said D-13 as he plugged another target.


In the command module, the squad leader held a thumbs-down to the controller, who pushed a nice little green button.

At the range, the trooper seemed to have a bit more difficulty. Moving figures now appeared, and if that wasn't enough(it never is), they appeared at a height too. It was then that Dee grudgingly turned on the scope and  adjusted the sights. The crosshairs steadied, a bar spun aruond indicating the charge of the weapon, and then a metal man disappeared in an instant. More targets showed up, each at a larger range, and with each, Dee began to love the scope more and more. Finally, when the last of the pop-ups was a pile of ash, the range door popped open and D-13 walked out to the inevitable debriefing. He sighed and thought the day just another successful day at the range.


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  RE: Raiders' Squad specialty Stories
January 23, 2004 4:44:57 PM    View the profile of D-13 
Weapons Emplacement
Heavy Weapons Specialist Training

  Sweat poured down D-13's face as he concentrated on the large black mechanical box in front of him. His duty today was to successfully set up a weapons emplacement at a virtual spaceport to keep away rebels. The trooper looked down from the roof of the high building overlooking dock 34. The busiest one in the entire spaceport, I'll warrant, he thought. People wandered here and there, servicing and boarding the variety of craft here. His attention then shifted back to the box and nest and started for the tools. Picking up a tripod, the senior sergeant flipped the rods off the roof, taking instead a single ball-bearing turret mount. A few screws here and there, and quite a bit of welding and then he looked over his work. The black gloved hand moved the mount around the turret hole. Then a large, imposing gun came down on the mount with a distinct clack. A final inspection assured quality for the turret and D-13 made a call.
"Yeah, is the turret in place, D?" said Rizzit.

"I've checked it over and over, it's as solid as anything can be," came the reply.

"In your case, not very solid," said Rizzit, teasing the soldier a bit. "Anyways, there should be one more emplacement to go, and then we'll give you a little run-through to make sure of the procedures."


  The lens in the stormtrooper helmet don't lie, and they reveal a reddish triangle where the turret was to be put in place. The durasteel roof made hardly a sound as the boots slowly trampled them beneath their soles. D-13 looked at the hole that was to be another heavy defense turret. Some building materials magically popped up next to the soldier, telling him to work. Dee grabbed a welder from his utility belt and began the laborous process of welding a seat in the stupid pit. The chatter in the background came to his auditory sensors louder than ever. However, these were not cries of happiness, rather, they were screams of terror. Out of the sky several shapes emerged and launched missiles at the station. Three freighters went up in a burst of fire and, as it appeared, several civilians were killed. Rizzit appeared on the comm again.
"Dee, a little something to make you work a little faster? Take down those craft and you pass the course."

  D-13 went through all the procedures in the book doubly fast. He attached the mount onto the railed rim and slapped the blaster on with a heavy click. The senior sergeant shook the gun a few times to make sure that they don't fall apart and then grabbed the handlebars. Since there was no time to install macroreticles, he would have to do with plain metal sights.

  The blaster spat out laser bolts that ripped holes in one spacecraft but knocked the trooper back. This puppy roars! he thought. Just as the doomed fighter spiraled to the ground with a high pitched whistle, more came to avenge their loss. The huge muzzle moved this way and that, occasionally burping out heavy bolts at the fast-moving craft. One made the mistake of approaching head-on at the turret and took several blaster bolts to the cockpit. The pilot lunged back with a scream and lost control of his ship.

"Keep it up, Dee. You just might even get bonus points if you can rip them all apart!" said Rizzit, comfortable in his command center watching the spectacle.

  Barrages of bolts now erupted from the heavy gun, compliments of D-13. The stormtrooper downed 3 in a row by shooting one fighter's wing off and watching it fly into its brethren, with fiery results. The lone survivor wheeled around and tried to approach the spaceport from behind, unaware of D-13's swiveling mount. The fighter's hull suddenly burned as holes were shot into the ship and wings and machine parts flew all over the place. D-13 surveyed his handywork and made the sign to stop simulation. Fallen Angel helped the young man out of the pod.

"Wow, Dee, you really blasted their brains out." said Angel.

  D-13 saluted him and then Rizzit on the way to the bunks. He needed a shower and a rest, after another typical day in hell.


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  RE: Raiders' Squad specialty Stories
January 29, 2004 6:31:35 PM    View the profile of FlyingKnight 
[OOC: This is my first story for the VE so if anybody has constructive comments on it I would appreciate it /OOC]

Antenna Theory
Communication Technician Training

FlyingKnight was sitting in a desk with a bunch of other recruits around him. Flying thought that it felt kind of good because then he wouldn't have to get through this class alone and he can always get help from others, if he needs it.

As the instructor walked in the whole class quieted down.

The instructor started out, "Welcome to Antenna Theory 101 I am going to be teaching you the basic ideas about the Antenna Theory. I'll start out by showing you a basic transmission tower with a basic transceiver and receiver." The instructor continued by showing a tower, transceiver, receiver, and basic diagrams on how the items work. He continued, "In the military we use a tight beam of energy to send a private message. In general communication and when using beacons the energy is sent out in bursts to get picked up by anything with a receiver hooked up to it. We don't use that in the military because it can be picked up by anyone."

The instructor then took us into a simulator to quiz us and to see what the class knew, on how to encode and send basic military transmissions. The instructor called Flying to step in and send a basic transmission using a tower and basic transceiver. When Flying set up the transceiver and hooked it up to the tower he got a good grade from the instructor for making the transmission coded by using a datapad to make an encryption. Then the instructor went on and on about how others could intercept the signal and some tips on how to encrypt a transmission to avoid someone doing a thing like that.

The instructor was also talking about the how the weather could effect a transmission on some planets and how weather usually effects many transmissions. He also taught about how the different spacial anomalies and masses could affect space communication.

He also explained to the class about the different Imperial procedures that general military communications had to deal with at most of the Relay Stations and how to get through to your destination without any trouble. Then the class had to take a review test on all the information just learned.

As FlyingKnight was sitting there he was thinking about what could happen in the squad he just joined and what was in store for him. Then as the instructor got done correcting the test he dismissed the class by calling their names and giving them their score on the way out.

As Flying's name was called he thought to himself and doubting whether or not all the answers he put down were right or not. As he got up there he took the score from the instructor and saluted. Then he walked out and checked his score. He got an 80% on the test. Flying sighed, as it wasn't the best, but it was good enough for him.

Then all Flying could think about on his way back to the Raider's Barracks was to get his bunk cleaned and ready for inspection. After that he thought about how good it felt to get to sleep.

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  RE: Raiders' Squad specialty Stories
January 30, 2004 4:47:44 PM    View the profile of D-13 
OOC: Try to use quotation marks, so we'll know who is talking, and don't change tense like "was" and "-ing" in the same work unless it is for dialogue. Please do not switch between first-person and third-person. It is one or the other, though I think we mostly use third-person. Other than that, good work.

Military Electronics Repair
Heavy Weapons Specialist Course

Sparks from loosed circuitry flew to the floor in a hail of fury as the training instructor ripped out wire after wire in front of a single trooper's helmet. D-13 looked intently, ignoring the flak bursts on his helmet and the light flashes. The instructor grinned evilly at the young soldier. The grizzled teacher had watched this one for the past few weeks. Yelling, cursing, and sometimes beating the hell out of D-13, but the senior sergeant never faltered. For this, D-13 had earned his respect but it was time to put on a game face and get to work.

"Fix this up, maggot, and remember all the crap that you went through yesterday. Hope you weren't sleeping," sneered the trainer.

D-13 managed a simple nod and pulled out a tool box. One eye went toward the objective: the fried control console, of an artillery piece, he guessed. The wires on the floor crackled and wriggled, like tangled masses of red, blue, green, and yellow electric snakes. Good thing that the trooper managed to load up on spare wires before going to the training module. Pulling first a red wire, he began to survey the damage. It seemed that all the wires were in need of replacement, and maybe a little jolt of power. Careful to pull only with the rubber gloved hand, he plucked the remains of a red wire and soldered the new one on.

The instructor glared at the heavy weapons specialist intently, his roving eyes searching Dee's hands for any signs of a mistake. That usually signalled time for yelling, but no such luck today, for the senior sergeant worked both carefully and swiftly.

D-13 liked working with electronics, not that much, since he never did like the commtech job description. Cyan eyes stared from behind polarized goggles at the current repair work. So far so good, he thought, a little too good. Moisture showed up on the man's face, and he wiped the sweat with gloved hands. Easy does it...

Suddenly, without a warning, the console shot to life like a zombie, and fired a laser blast straight at the roof. A metal beam fell, red hot and twisted. The trainer never missed an opportunity to punish anyone. D-13 felt a sharp conk on his helmet.

"Ok, damn it! I get the message!" He cried.

Immediately afterwards, the trooper searched the still buzzing console for any signs of a misplaced wire. There! He thought, the trainer must have planted it, since the green wire didn't belong there at all. He pulled out a vibrocutter and chopped the vile cable, leaving only a stump behind. The metal console beeped its approval, or so it seemed.

Wire replaced wire, and before long the trooper was finished replacing and repairing wires. The trainer grunted and gave the old metal plates a good run through. A grunt, D-13 thought, that was always a good sign. He studied the instructor carefully.

"A minus!" Said the trainer, and he threw an oily cloth at the trooper, "Now get out of my sight."

D-13 only grinned.


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  RE: Raiders' Squad specialty Stories
January 30, 2004 6:23:00 PM    View the profile of FlyingKnight 
[OOC: Thanks for the comments and here is another story hope you enjoy. /OOC]

Battlefield Analysis Training
Comm. Tech Training

This time FlyingKnight was alone in simulator training with Otto Vox his C.O.

Flying was training to disable, repair and enhance Battlefield Analysis systems.

Flying started out by being inserted near an enemy radar detection facility with a squad of stormtroopers to protect him. Flying checked his datapad and his objective was to disable the detection facility without destroying it. The squad started out toward the facility.

When they got there Flying started by opening his kit and unscrewing the panel that he thought was poorly hidden behind a bush and half buried. After he got the panel cover off he checked it with an Infrared detector to make sure that it didn't have heat or laser tripwires. The panel had a heat sensor so Flying took his vibrocutter and jabbed it into the sensor it sparked then flicked off. He then used the cutter to cut through the under panel to reveal the primary systems underneath. He then took the datapad and hooked it into the system. As he did that, a few bolts hit the bunker wall near him. The whole squad ducked as the lone sniper shot at them.

Flying was trying to stay hidden as the squad was pinned down and he couldn't find the right circuit. Then the datapad beeped and he spotted the circuit and took it out and replaced it with a special circuit that would shut down the primary and secondary systems for the time being. Just as he did it one of the squad members hit the sniper. Flying replaced the panel cover and the squad headed back toward the L.Z.

As they were heading back Flying got a new objective to head toward a mobile command base to repair the sensors. When the squad arrived Flying got right to work on the sensors as his squad reloaded the energy in their weapons. As Flying had ordered, the crew for the mobile base had removed the panels so he could assess and repair the sensors quickly.

Flying found the problem, it was just an overloaded power control circuit. He shut off the system and removed the panel and replaced it with one of his special circuits that made the sensor move faster and boost the system.

The simulator shut down as Otto helped him out of his simsuit and congratulated him on a job well done.

Private First Class
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  RE: Raiders' Squad specialty Stories
February 2, 2004 6:41:34 PM    View the profile of FlyingKnight 
[OOC: Here is another story from the author FlyingKnight. I always love the comments. /OOC]

Communications Operations, Procedures, and Techniques
Comm. Tech. Training

FlyingKnight was at one of the VE Communication Relay stations to learn more about communication ops. He was talking with the officer in charge at the time.

"Our facility is the best in the VE" the Officer bragged.

"I can see that your facility is in a good working order with all the crews working at top condition" Flying complemented. "I would like to know if you could tell me more about the comm. systems and the procedures that go with them" Flying said. He pulled out a datapad to jot down some notes.

"Okay we can start out at the main control and comm. area," the officer said.
Flying and the officer take the turbolift to the main control room.

"Our control systems consist of a mass amount of blocking systems that include: Firewalls, computer protection equipment and much more." the officer explained. The officer told Flying to sit down at a comm. station.

Flying started up the console and logged into his Comm. tech database.

The officer told him to go into a training program that the he set up for Flying.

Flying logged in and right as he did a window popped up and it said that he was to send a message to a covert scout ship that was not to be on the Comm. records.

"Come to my office after your done." the officer said as he walked off.

Flying started out by locating the area that the ship was in and finding the frequency also. He then erased all the data that he looked up and remembered it in his mind. He then remembered that he could use his datapad to help him out. As he thought of that he plugged the datapad into the console and opened a program that would delete the memory files that pertained to what he was doing. He then encoded the transmission that the officer already had recorded to send. He sent it and as he was going to get up another window popped up that he had to send another message to a comm. station through regular channels. Flying sighed as he sat back down and started to type again. He started to go through the first channels and he got snagged up here and there about if he had permission and who he was but then he got through and sent the message. Flying disconnected his datapad and logged off his database then got up and walked to the officer's office.

"Well done good thinking on using your datapad to help you cover up your tracks." the officer complemented.

Flying then walked off and was ready to get an exercise of the wrists and then get a good night sleep.

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  RE: Raiders' Squad specialty Stories
February 6, 2004 9:14:14 PM    View the profile of Sniping101 
Field Fortifacations
Combat Engineer Training

The breakfast bell rang in the Stormtrooper Academy Barracks, Building B. Sniping101 opened one eye to peer around the room, making sure everyone was on their way out before he stood up and walked over towards the door, which was crowded by other stormtroopers trying to rush out and grab all the food before it got cold, grease and bolts were bad enough hot. Snipes didn't care, since he never ate in the commons, or even touch the food they served, he had brought ration packs hidden all over. He had experience with Academy food, and he didn't feel like eating with all the men in basic training anyway, most of them he would describe as over anxious and bored. And loud. Snipes was only there for a few classes anyway, which was why he was in an A-D building and not an E-Z6 building. A-D were for the people who had already passed Basic and where here for specialty classes.
    Snipes finally made his way out of the building and across the parade grounds to his classroom. A long room of pure gray, with uncomfortable benches in a rising half circle around a stage and holoprogecter. Snipes took a seat in the third row back. Snipes sat on that bench for twenty minutes, waiting for everyone to file in and for the class to begin.
    "Alright, today we're beginning the second phase of construction training, Combat Defensive Construction or CDC, Today we are going to go over what to do and how to use the resources your given." The Instructor said from a corner, behind a desk. Summoning silence "now let's start with corridor defense. You have only you standard. . . " The sermon went on for excruciating hours until Snipes entire lower portion fell asleep and many troopers around him were asleep, scraping the important stuff off the first 20 minutes.  ". . . Dismissed"
    Snipes filed out of the room with all the other delinquents, who had already began talking about other things ranging from what they where doing this week end to the advantages of a certain speeder; Snipes carefully went over everything he had just been told and carefully filed it away in his head for later use.
    The next morning when Snipes checked the bulletins to see who he was pared up with he got a pleasant surprise; he was with a friend here called Tomakar. The bulletin also told him to the class started at the breakfast bell and to arrive in full Battle Gear.
    When he arrived Tomakar approached him. "looks like its us again" The shorter man said.
    "Good to see you," Snipes greeted "this should be more interesting than wiring."
     "Nothings more interesting than wiring" Tomakar said in mock hurt
    Snipes burst out laughing, neither trooper cared much for doing wiring. They walked over to the assembly area to see what was going on. Just in time to catch the beginning of the Instructors instructions
    ". . .you will be given a hall way and thirty minutes to prepare, after thirty minutes you will have to defend your hallway against waves of droids designed to act like rebels and carry out their tactics. You must be able to hold against at least three waves, there will be five minutes between the first six waves; after that it's random. When I call off your name, go stand by your hallway. Abrevin and Fc' Tar, Hall A . . ."The list went on for eons ". . . Snipes and Tomakar, Hall A1."Snipes and Tomakar jogged to their hall.
    "So, do ya think we can do it?" Tomakar asked
    Snipes smile "You forget, I'm a Crazy RAIDER, we're like super heroes"
    Tomakars laugh was interrupted by the Instructor in their comm Units "Alright, 5, 4, screw it, just GO!"
    Snipes and Tomakar jogged into their hall way, the door of which closed behind them. "Alright let's scout this place out"
    "Good idea" Snipes said

    The scouted the hallway, finding it to only be two right turns then another door. "Ok, this is what we do, we make three lines of defense, the first is near the end of this hall" Snipes gestured to show the hall they where in, the one with the door they hadn't come in "Then another one about halfway down that middle hall and another one at the far end on the middle hall, sound good to you?"
    "I think we should have another one near the end of the hall we came in"
    "We don't have time for that one, I was thinking of that, but no time"
    As though summoned by that comment a voice sounded in their helmets "twenty minutes remaining!"
    "Lets go" Snipes yelled with excitement.
    Snipes took the first LoD and began by cutting pieces of durasteel out of the walls with his torch and welding them together to form cover, one on each side of the hallway on the floor, about waist high, with a path down the middle big enough for a man to walk threw, then another on the wall wide enough for a man to stand behind. Tomakar did something similar for the one in the middle. On the last Line of Defense Tomakar and Snipes worked out a barricade similar to the other ones, but placed two land mines in front of it, but in a place they would remember.
    "Five Minutes" the bodiless voice said telling them the deadline.
    "Let's set up!" Tomakar yelled in excitement as they ran back to the first line of defense.
    Snipes took an extra clip from his belt and placed it on the barricade in front of him for quick access and did the same with an ion grenade and a fragmentation grenade.
    Tomakar took an extra clip out and three fragmentation grenades. He stood behind his cover and made a quick check of his line of sight.
    Snipes continued to kneel down behind the durasteel checking his sights again until he heard the door slide open. His head jerked up just in time to see a spray of blaster bolts go past them. Tomakar let off a reply spray that hit one of five rusty battle droids knocking it over. Snipes sighted carefully, at this range that took less than a second, and headshot the droid closest, then another towards the back. He ducked then to avoid a spray released by the two remaining droids; after it passed Snipes shot the other where a mans brain would be and Tomakar hit the other with a three round burst. Snipes and Tomakar held out until the third wave at that line of defense, after which they retreated to the middle corridor, where they held out for another two waves before Tomakar was hit. The droid where only firing stunbolts, but it knocked him out clean.
Snipes took careful aim on the closest of the remaining three droids and blasted it over. He looked at his ammo readout, he was low. Snipes grabbed a thermal detonator from his belt and tossed it at the droids, he heard it hit, then the pleasant sound of explosion and droid pieces hitting the ground, but when he popped his head up again all he saw was a blue flash before he found himself struggling for his wits. Finally he felt then being renched away as he was hit with another blast
    He didn't know how long he had been out, but when he came-to he found himself lying in the dirt with about 32 other people at various states of consciousness. He found Tomakar, who was very near being fully conscious.
    "Where are we?" Snipes asked groggily
    "Dose it matter, uruurrrggg my head." Tomakar replied
    "This way you miserable flesh worms get out of here, don't think I like staring at your face do you?" a suitingly annoyed voice said.
    Snipes turned around to see the source of the voice to be a short graying sergeant who grumbling something under his voice about "baby-sitting" and motioning them out a door behind him.
    "Lets not go to that party again" Tomakar said holding his head and sounding far from the complete consciousness he looked.

OOC: well well well the new guy has more of these down than me. i know this is a bit out of order, that was an accidnt, but heres myt second one, damn it takes me awhile to turn these things in, i think we need another full squad story *hint**hint*
Formaly the Perpetual PFC
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  RE: Raiders' Squad specialty Stories
February 7, 2004 3:29:17 PM    View the profile of D-13 
OOC: Good idea on the squad story. When are we gonna do one? Oh well, when Otto says we do one, then we do one.

Indirect Fire Operations
Heavy Weapons Training

    D-13 stood in front of a massive...thing, it seemed like. And it really was a thing, a looming shadowy yet ominous thing. The trooper glanced down at the computerized rendering of the object in front of him. It was an artillery piece...a really big one, he thought. At once his heart rate beat faster and faster, sending the adrenaline flooding down the soldier's arteries. To fire this thing! he thought. At the corner of his eye, he spotted a grey-clad figure approaching and turned to face it.
    The senior artillery instructor walked up, and D-13 snapped a salute. He nodded and began to speak while D-13 sat down.
    "Today we will begin indirect fire operations. As you know(and you better know), this entails utilizing artillery pieces to assist our troops in the field. You'll be able to knock out bases, fortifications, infantry formations, and even vehicles by the time I get finished with you. Let's begin," the officer pulled out a remote control pad, " All artillery pieces are operated by remote control to prevent any unfortunate accidents. "
    D-13 nodded.
    "This here is a heavy artillery platform, dated but still effective and powerful," said the instructor. He handed the remote to the trooper, who then stood up. "Follow me."
    D-13 obediently followed a meter behind the instructor as the artillery piece began moving out of the hangar. It was yet another cloudy day, but the trooper was focused on the plains in front of him. There stood many metal plates and concrete bunkers aligned irregularly among the ridges, targets for explosive destruction.
    The instructor tapped the trooper on the shoulder. "Now, here is how you operate the directional system." He showed D-13 how to use the tiny pressure-sensitive directional pad to make fine or coarse adjustments and also use the camera to orient himself along the reticules. "One more thing, there is a property of artillery pieces, I'm sure you are familiar with superelevation?"
    D-13 replied honestly, "Only a little, in the ancient tanks."
    "Really?" said the officer. A nod prompted him to show D-13 where the a little purple knob turned the big cannon upward far beyond the directional pad could move it, "This is to hit targets that are otherwise out of range, or you could try to hit aerial vessels with the shots." He allowed D-13 to work the controls and get used to them before the next stage.
    It was strange, using a small pad to move this behemoth of an artillery piece; especially since the same buttons were used for steering the thing and moving the cannons, D-13 thought. His gloved hands fingered the pad uneasily and pushed a button down hard. The vehicle jerked to the right, nearly knocking the two over. This got the trooper a chuckle.
    "Remember, this pad is pressure sensitive," reminded the officer calmly.
    After an hour of more newbie mistakes, D-13 finally learned to manipulate the pad like a pro.

      "Now," said the officer, "I'll show you how to fire the cannon precisely." The instructor showed Dee how to work the range calculator and then use the pad method to shoot. BOOM! went the cannon...straight into one of the metal plates too.

    D-13 dropped to the ground at the massive blast. If it weren't for my helmet, I'd have gone deaf, he thought. The officer picked at his ear plugs.

    "Get up," he said, "now blow all those targets away and you will pass the course."

    D-13 looked through the optical unit at the far-away targets and calculated their ranges. He twisted several knobs to get the elevation and shot arc as correct as he could get it. Finally, D-13 pushed the button and a huge blast erupted from the big cannon. Sparks dropped from the barrel, showering the ground underneath with flaming stars.

    The instructor observed the lighted fireball, then shook his head. The shot whistled through the air, and then landed in a ridge just before a bunker, sending rock and debris in all directions with its explosion.

    "Try again," said the instructor.

    D-13 went through the entire process again, this time moving the reticle right on top of a target and superelevating his cannon. The barrel erupted like a furious volcano sending a lava bomb to its helpless victim. The concrete bunker lit up in a conflagration of glory.

    "Good!" laughed the instructor, "you've learned well. Finish off the rest of them, and that's an order."

    A metal plate, now two, now five metal plates blew up and threw their debris into the air. The bunkers weren't better off. They burst into flame and collapsed. Within hours, all the plain was in flame. The officer put his hand on D-13's sweaty armor.
"Excellent job, trooper," said the instructor as he handed the trooper a slip of paper.

    D-13 had passed the course.

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"Being unconquerable lies with yourself; being conquerable lies with the enemy."-Sun Tzu

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  RE: Raiders' Squad specialty Stories
February 7, 2004 7:48:17 PM    View the profile of Sniping101 
OOC:Far from my best, but i want to get these things done, and now i must change it to bridging and rigging /OOC

Bridging and Rigging
Combat Engineer Training

The sweat ran down Snipes face in rivers and collected in the top of his helmet. They had to pick the bloody hottest day of the year for the most grueling work.
    "NOT LIKE THAT YOU IDIOT!" The Drill Instructor yelled from far away at somebody Snipes didn't care to look at.
    "Damn I hate that Bastard" Tomakar said from behind Snipes
    "I don't care about him; is it working now?"
    "No, No and Hell No"
    "What about Now"
    "No, it's still as loose as a twi'lek dancer on Mos Eisly"
Snipes swore under his breath. He was trying to build a bridge, a large bridge in fact. One that would let an AT-ST across easily. Snipes was having trouble adjusting the tension ropes to hold tight enough. And Tomakar was about useless at this. It would've helped if Snipes body hadn't suddenly decided it could get hung over, he had never had a hang over before and had drunk more than most life long drinkers; He took out another odd looking piece of equipment and hooked it onto a hook in the bridge and the other side onto the tension wire. He messed with a few buttons and then hit the switch on the motor. The cable began to wirrr as it sped onto the spool. The wire kept spinning in for what seemed like ever, Snipes could feel the bridge tightening under him.
    "STOP!" Tomakar yelled; but it was too late
    The line tightened too tight and began a screeching sound ending in the line snapping just above the top support, about 6 meters up, and much of the nearly finished bridge fell into the river.
    "SithSpit!" Snipes yelled, but the dilemma wasn't over yet, more of the 63 foot bridge began falling in."Get that tensi. . ." Snipes trailed off as Tomakar fell in the river
    Snipes himself dove to the other side and landed on a lower support and clung on for dear life. He waited several minutes until the bridge had stopped crashing, then he climbed the rest of the way up onto the support and looked around. The lower support on the other side had slid down into the river; the only way to fix it would be to climb to the top of it and find the tension wire, reconnect it to its other broken half and re tighten it.
    Snipes walked over to where his wire tightener lay in the mud. He loosed the wire in it and pulled in the half of the wire on his side. He then hooked that to his belt in an unofficial and probably illegal way, simply welding it to a piece of metal used for carrying some kinds of tools. Snipes then picked up his wire tightener and hooked it to his belt as well. The only tools that hadn't fallen into the river were his cutting torch and welding torch and wire tightener. The climb out to the top support would've been bad enough not in full BDU, but he was in his full Combat Engineer Stormtrooper Armor. Then the climb up would be worse.
    Snipes struggled out to the support falling in only a few times. As he reached the middle support he stopped and thought for a second on how to get to the top. Out this far the water was flowing over his heels and he didn't think his wet boot would work very well for climbing. Then a thought, partially forgotten returned to him, a remembrance from his first real mission on ord durall wher the RAIDERS had used their standard issue grappling hooks to get across a pit, Snipes had forgotten about the grappling hook. He reached over to where it was located on his belt and began pulling out a lot of slack, he spun the  hook and tossed it up at the support, but the throw over balanced him and sent him falling into the river, luckily the hook had found purchase and was lodged in a crevice near the top; Snipes was able to pull himself along a little ways but pulling against the rivers current was near impossible, even for Snipes, who had once had a wookiee call him strong, although that just meant he was stronger than most humans, and then again StormTroopers weren't most humans. Just then Snipes had yet another epiphany; he would hook the wire tensioner up to his grappling hook and pull himself up.
    Unfortunately this proved harder in practice since the water kept rushing against him keeping his hands from doing the intricate work that fastening the wire would require. He continued to fight with it until finaly he was able to get the wire into the catch that held it securely. Pressing the button he began speeding twards the top, what he hadn't realized was that he would be sliding against the support the whole time, but the tesioner finaly was put to a stop and Snipes was able to cut the wire from his belt and connect it with its other half wich was stuck on the pole about halfway down. Snipes did what he would describe as a "controlled fall" down onto the support (wich was by now far above the water.) He quickly rushed around rewelding down the slats that had composed the actual surface. Snipes finished quickly but some of the metal slats had fallen into the river and wher damn near unrecoverable. Snipes thoguth for awhile until he came upon yet another trademark idea; he would rip apart the utitlity sled used to bring the supplys to the sight and use them as slats, as he did this he began to find falws in this plan, such as only a few of the new durasteel slats could hold an AT-ST, to counter that he took unused supports that layed in a pile on the far bank and welded them on underneath for extra support.
    By the time Snipes had finished and rode back to base in his torn down sled most the base was in bed for the night and Snipes felt semi tired, he went in, but by the time he passed out on his bed he smelled strongly of Corellian Ale.

The next morning Snipes filed out onto the feild like every one else; He saw a Bedraggled Tomakar stubling twards him.

"We gotta stop partyin together, your gonna kill me"Tomakar said, clearly exhausted"What are we doing today?"

"Blowing up our bridges"

  "You gotta be kidden me"
  "Nope, that was a pain in the but to buld and now we gotta blow it up"

"SHUT UP YOU INSIGNIFEGANT ROT!"yelled a new voice, obviously the instructor"YOU KNOW WHAT YOU HAVETO DO, GET TO IT"

Snipes and Tomakar jogged off too a random bridge, they whernt allowed to use their own bridge.


"Lets get goin!" Snipes said tossing his pack to Tomakar" I'll keep the enemy from advancing, you blow the Bridge"

"I slept thought this class"Tomakar said as they ran closer to the bridge, enemy supressive fire had started, but it was nothing serious enough to worry about" You blow the bridge; you jusmp in the sled"Tomakar motioned to the sled Snipes had arived in

Snipes grudenly agreed and rann back to the sled, it had the majority of his equipment on it and it would be much faster and harder to hit. Snipes arrived at the Sled quikly, but he wasnt sure how long Tomakar would last, he was no marksmen that man. Snipes started her up and took off teards then onto the bridge, he pulled reign about halfway accross; the person biulding this brid had simply made a strong platform for a bridge, no cover.  Snipes Jumped out and grabbed a thermite grenade; he grabbed some wire from a pouch at his side tied that to his sled, then did the same on the other side, securing the grenades down with a RAIDER favorite, duct tape. he then went about placing pound after pound of plastic explosive around the grenades. he hooked radio detonators into both sides just incase the grendaes wher duds; by ths time Snipes was having to dodge the occasional stun bolt that came too close, he was begining to sweat. Around that time a stun bolt wizzed right past his face, he decided it was time to get out. Snipes jumped bak into the sled and drove off, the wires connecting him to the grenades pulled off and a few seconds later as he struggled to get off the bridge he felt and explosion push his sled further alond and could feel the heat from the C4. He had succeded.

Formaly the Perpetual PFC
"Ther is Nothing so Exilerating as being Shot at without Result" - Winston Churchill
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  RE: Raiders' Squad specialty Stories
February 7, 2004 7:48:18 PM    View the profile of FlyingKnight 
[OOC: Here is another and I really like these stories you guys are writing. /OOC]

Diagrams, Blueprints, Wiring Maps Recognition
Comm. Tech Training

FlyingKnight thought to himself that here is more information to cram into his head. He was waiting outside the training facility for Comm. Technicians & Slicers. Then Otto Vox arrived to look over and evaluate his work. Flying saluted and they both walked inside.

"Today I am going to be evaluating you on your Recognition of diagrams, blueprints, and wiring maps that you might see in the field." Otto explained.

"Okay then I will get ready and I will sit at the first electronic training table." Flying said.

Flying sat at the table, then Otto typed in a command to start the first exercise. A screen popped up in front of Flying and it showed a basic wiring map for him to complete. He took out his vibrocutter and started to strip the ends of the wires so he could connect them faster. After he did that he studied the map and started touching the wire ends to each other and securing them. Flying figured the map was for an alarm system. Just as he thought it he saw that a timer started to count down and he resented the thought. As he saw the timer he also saw under it some explosive that he didn't ever remember seeing before.

"Try to fix that." Otto smirked.

Flying sighed and got back to work to try and complete the wiring before the timer counted down. As he connected another wire he was the counter skip down to 15 seconds. Just then he thought that he could disconnect the charge. He tore the charge and timer away from the panel and tossed it down a garbage shoot near him. He heard the charge hiss, as it was only a training explosive. Then he fixed in the last few wires and was done with his first exercise. "How did I do?" Flying asked.

"Well your time was good, but in the field you can't do that with an explosive." Otto said.

Flying sat at the next table for his training exercise. A screen flashed on near him showing a blueprint of a Rebel building. His objective for this exercise was to help a squad of Stormtroopers get to the main control room while shutting off all alarms enroute and trying to prevent firefights by locking out enemy units. Flying could see between security cams and sensors that there were already some enemy troops in the halls so he tried to override the system to perform a kind of emergency lockdown that he could manipulate. Flying was placed in the complex's security control room from the beginning of the exercise so he had total control of security systems. He closed many of the blast and security doors so that at most only a Jedi could get though. He also jammed all communications and sensors so the rebels would have a hard time to pinpoint the squad's position & route.
Just then a rebel opened the door and began to open fire. Flying dove to the floor and fired three shots at the soldier and got him twice in the chest. Flying could see that a bolt hit his left arm and that he couldn't move it. He radioed to the squad and said that he was injured and that he was going to leave after he got them to their destination. As Flying said that he looked at the controls and saw that a few bolts hit the panel and destroyed the keyboard. Flying then took his wrist datapad and made a link between it and the system. He over rid all the codes and made it so that only the squad could open the doors. After he did that he radioed the code to the squad and the exercise ended. "How did I do that time?" Flying asked.

"Good but you could have done better by overriding the codes from the beginning so that the rebel couldn't have gotten in, but overall you did well." Otto said.

Flying saluted Otto and walked back to the barracks for another restful sleep.

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  RE: Raiders' Squad specialty Stories
February 8, 2004 5:03:56 PM    View the profile of Sniping101 
OOC: ya, im out of order, it works better for me. /OOC

Target Assement
Combat Engineer Training   

  Snipes stepped out onto the dirt of his homeworld, Corellia. In a glance around he picked up familiar hills, trees and valleys, he knew exactly where he was.
    "Alright Snipes, I pulled this outa your own head" Otto's voice rang in Snipes helmet "Now, lets see, ah lets put the VE camp right here"
    Snipes all of a sudden was surrounded by Imperial regulars, Stormtroopers and the other mish mash of people that fallowed an army around, mechanics, cooks and supply officers.
    "Now let's change the terrain a little"
    Trees moved and mountains rose, several valleys formed"
    "Now; your mission is to find the enemy, evaluate their strength and return to base with that information. We have rough intelligence that points them to the west" Otto almost sounded like he was having fun with Snipes.
    Snipes began jogging to the supply bunker, only to find he suddenly had all his equipment on. Snipes muttered irritably under his breath and took off for a valley to the west; you could see better from a hill top. But a man stood out pretty well against the horizon. Snipes jogged carefully though it for twenty minutes, jumping over logs, diving through brush, all silently, Snipes knew how to be silent on Corellia, and how not to be noticed. Snipes climbed to the edge of the valley to see if there was anything to see; he sat there for several minutes, completely motionless, when he started getting ready to leave he noticed movement, somebody had seen him, Snipes was sure of that, he was also sure they hadn't radioed in because he would've heard that. Snipes quickly unslung his silenced Slugthrower and shouldered it, he put is eye to the scope, a scope Snipes had modified so that anyone that wasn't him trying to use it would be screwed, he had put calculations and odd diagrams all over the read out, but to him using it was second nature; he quickly lined up the rebels head and blew it off; a second one started out of the brush running away from him, Snipes shot the man in the back.
    Snipes carried three rifles on average, one silenced slugthrower that was slightly devoid of stopping power, a Deathwind slugthrower which had been a gift from Snipes former SL, Rizzit, and a modified E-11/M that was in his hip holster. His belt held many things from a grappling hook, to cutting torches to food, Snipes had damn near everything on his belt. In Snipes pack where larger items such as demolitions equipment, two life support pack some extra ammo and grenades, and fourth rifle for extremely long ranges that was in a special case and broken down to its smallest components. Snipes had a 8oz hip flask hidden under his right leg armor and had two knifes and a small blaster pistol strapped under his armor across his back, one knife had been a gift from his father and he cherished it dearly, and the other he had stolen off the first man he had killed. Snipes was always ready.
    Snipes climbed out into the bushes the men had been hiding in and looked around, from the looks of it they where an observation point of some sort, which meant the army had stopped, from the looks of things the place had been used for several days. There was a speeder bike hidden in the brush several feet from the first dead man. Snipes checked it for Nav-Points, it had been cleared. Snipes looked around some more until he found a trail that must've been made by the bike. Snipes rigged up some explosives to the bike and began to shadow the trail from several feet to the side, so that anyone coming down the trail would miss him until it was too late. The trail branched several places, and Snipes counted each branch, as he went the trail became more and more beaten. Soon Snipes heard voices coming down the path in front of him, loud obviously happy and unexpecting voices, Snipes figured they where a relieve group for some guards.
    Snipes waited until the voices drew nearer, he figured there had to be at least 5. They could prove a challenge. As the first trooper drew nearer Snipes quietly dropped his pack and rifles, then took the knifes from his back and waited; if they spotted him Snipes could kill them all quietly before they could get a blast off. But the group passed Snipes by and continued down the path. Snipes now knew the enemy felt secure; a bad mistake on their part. Long after the group had left Snipes picked his stuff back up and continued down the trail. Snipes fallowed the trail for a long time, when he began to hear a low roar he stopped; that would be the rebel base. Snipes left his pack and the silenced rifle down in some bushes, the pack was rigged so that all snipes had to do was push a button on a detonator on his belt and the pack would blow.
    Snipes crept up a nearby hill on his belly in some brush until he was at a perfect spot to see without being seen. He was covered in brush and it took a few swift cuts with his knife to make a small opening he could see through.
    The rebel base was laid out in an orderly fashion, with guard towers around the edge of the camp. In the middle was a large parade ground where troops where forming. Snipes took out a pair of electro Binoculars and set them to record, Snipes then made a quick sweep of the entire base, they could slow it down and zoom in if they so wanted. Snipes then made a quick assessment of the area, the tactical advantages and disadvantages. Then made a quick crawl back to his gear. When he got to where his gear had been, it was gone, he made a quick search of the area. His gear was gone. Snipes dove further into the brush and made a check of his compass, he could make it back to the VE camp before night fall. He could safely radio back in in ten minutes.  Snipes jogged stealthily, something Snipes could do in a forest. Snipes reached a few fallen logs and climbed into the middle of them, completely hidden, and made his report

Formaly the Perpetual PFC
"Ther is Nothing so Exilerating as being Shot at without Result" - Winston Churchill
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  RE: Raiders' Squad specialty Stories
February 10, 2004 6:58:19 PM    View the profile of D-13 
OOC: Arguably my finest piece of work yet
Keep those posts coming!

Integrated Combined Arms Fire Control Placement
Heavy Weapons Training

    The morning run was cut off at 0900 hours sharp. The individual Imperial troops each walked away to the barracks, leaving a lone stormtrooper behind. D-13 continued to jog along the pathway until a military landspeeder caught up to the trooper. A gray-clad officer stepped out of the repulsorlift craft, his boots crunching the dirt beneath him. D-13 snapped a salute, "Anything for me, sir?"
    The officer forked over a datapad. "You're to report to the live-fire exercise field. Your mock squads are waiting, sergeant." He saluted back and got back into the speeder. A cloud of dust flew up from the vehicle as it zoomed out of the area.
    The senior sergeant muttered a few random things as he looked the datascreen over on the way to the field. Combined arms training, what was it? He soon passed into what looked like a nuclear desert. All around was a desolate wasteland of burnt metal. Innumerable cracks of thunder rocked the earth as chunks of the ground blew up, sending bits of dirt into the environment. Several stormtroopers marched up and saluted.
    "We've been expecting you, sergeant. Please follow us." They motioned to the large gray bunker up ahead. It was a relatively new building, having been placed last year. The field, however, looked like a centuries-old battlesite, with all its craters and foxholes. Smoke leaked from the nearest exposed pipe, which surprised D-13. It didn't look like the others were as spooked as he.
    The steel door opened with a distinctive hiss; the training instructor looked up from the control console and took a glance at the newcomer. "Welcome Sergeant, to our personal hellhole." He gestured towards the armory. "Your supplies are ready and waiting. We'll send you your objectives when you exit." D-13 took a low nod and backed into the weapons room.
    Damn. Weapons bristled from the walls: rocket launchers, heavy repeaters, the works. This truly was a heavy weapons specialist's heaven. Outside, the trooper could hear tanks roaring as they passed the bunker. He picked out a heavy repeater that looked like a copy of a 500 repeater, only with a digital scope and a larger magazine capacity. The thing must have weighed 10 kilograms just slung to his arm. D-13, the Crazy Raider, was ready for war.
    The wasteland didn't seem that bad when he eyed the place from a distance. Up close, however, it looked like the closest thing to hell this side of Kessel. The air reeked of metal. D-13 dived out of the way just as the blast doors closed and a huge fireball came slamming dangerously near him. The instructor's voice carried loud and clear through the comm unit.
    "Get used to it, trooper; you're going to be here for a very long time." The officer snickered sinisterly. "You can find your team pinned down by battle droids in the north perimeter. Be careful, this is a live-fire exercise; so check your fire. That is all."
    Even the standard positive-grip boots of the stormtroopers failed to hold back the spiked rocks. The accursed stones happily pricked away at D-13's feet, and the rest of his body wasn't much better off either. Smoke seemed to rise straight out of the dirt, which nearly ruined the environmental controls on the armor. I want to get out of here, he thought.
    There he was, in the middle of a desert holding a gun, searching for some unknown comrades. Though he did feel some resentment, D-13 was determined to go on. The air occasionally whistled here, to mark the location of any artillery pieces, opposition or Empire. Suddenly, the senior sergeant came upon the remains of battle droids and his spirits rose. I must be getting closer, he thought. There!
    Stormtroopers crouched behind rocks and trees and engaged the battle droids. They were quickly joined by various small walkers from the local armored platoon. Battle droids flew here and there, blasting and being blasted. One AT-PT went up in flames due to a hit on its engine. Luckily, the pilot opened the hatch and bailed out before the fire engulfed the vehicle.
    Going as fast as his heavily laid boots could carry him, D-13 rushed the opposition. Some stormtroopers motioned him to come over, and subsequently returned to their shooting. The droids also noted the senior sergeant's arrival and sent a hailstorm of blaster bolts his way. D-13 dove straight into the foxhole, crash-landing in a box of ammo.
    "I'm senior sergeant D-13 from Raiders. Who's in charge here?" asked the trooper as he picked himself out of the shards. One stormtrooper came up, a yellow pauldron on his shoulder, and simply said, "I am."
    There being no time for niceties, the storm officer simply told D-13 where to go and who to take out. "Go over to the ridge over there and blow up the west droid power station. That should neutralize the resistance on our western flank. And come back alive, since I have to grade you on your performance."
    "Yes, sir." came the somewhat-enthusiastic reply.
    As it turned out, the officer was more benevolent than he seemed. He ordered his troopers to provide cover fire for D-13 as the latter jogged across the blazing field. Some troopers even took the liberty to actually draw fire away from D-13's general direction. Naturally enough, they were shot in the leg for their zealousness; but they provided the critical seconds needed to cross the perilous field.
    What the officer didn't tell me was that the stupid station was more heavily guarded than the Raiders' barracks, he thought. Damn it all. D-13 laid himself on his back on a ridge just before the large power building. Well, it was more like a shack really, but hordes of droids patrolled tirelessly for intruders. He suddenly remembered his comm, which had been turned off until now.
    "D-13 here, I'm going to need some backup. The power station's just a little bit more guarded than your initial estimations, sir." No response. A few tense moments later, the comm crackled, "Acknowledged." Nothing tasted sweeter to his ears than that word. Acknowledge, he thought. Remarkably, the ground then rumbled with rhythmic shakes. The walkers were coming!
    The first to appear looked like an AT-ST by the square box shape of its cockpit. Next came several AT-PTs in their little packs ready to wreak havoc. Last of all, the mighty Espo walker padded majestically through the barren plains towards its victim.
    The battle droids opened fire with all the guns they had, turrets and all. The Imperial pilots seemed to handle themselves extraordinarily well; not a single one among their lot was killed, or wounded, or even touched. One of the pilots yelled at D-13, "Get on with it!"
    D-13 gleefully shouted back. "Roger!"
    He sprinted with all his strength to the station while the stupid robots were firing in vain at the incredibly maneuverable vehicles. A single droid who was out of the fight spotted the sergeant and began blasting the soil before the soldier. He shot that one down easily enough by putting literally a dozen blaster bolts up and down its skinny body. He slipped through the door without anyone noticing.
    The elaborate displays and gauges monitered each battle droid and its status. D-13 saw no point in trying to disable the hardware and pointed his repeater at it. With a pull of a trigger, the entire console lit up like fireworks. One could see that the droids were individually powering down and being crushed by the walkers' feet. Then all the screens and lights, with a final flicker, closed their eyes to die. The computers were not yet about to give up and the backup generator booted up.
    D-13 paced himself, checking every crack for signs of recovery software. At one point, he came upon a beeping light, and instantly knew what it was. A bomb! he thought, what will they think of next?! Having no time to think, the trooper turned and fled at his top speed. D-13 just reached passed the doorway when the internal timer clicked and the building lit up in a ball of fire.
    The senior sergeant opened his eyes to find his body aching. Aside from that, he eyed the smoldering ruins of the power station. Near them stood several dozen deactivated droids being moved by VE personnel. The storm officer was looking down at him.
    "Get up, soldier." He looked at the ruins. "It looks like you've just obtained an 'A' rating for this training mission."
    But D-13 just lay there, blankly staring at the sky in his charred armor. Inside his mind, he was spiraling down and down an abyss, and finally fell into a well-deserved nap. What a day.

I love this symbol>
"Being unconquerable lies with yourself; being conquerable lies with the enemy."-Sun Tzu

Hashi Shiyun
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  RE: Raiders' Squad specialty Stories
February 11, 2004 4:30:25 AM    View the profile of Hashi Shiyun 
Dee, I have to agree, that's a fine piece of work.
+ Advance Recon Commandos {ARC} +
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  RE: Raiders' Squad specialty Stories
February 11, 2004 6:59:33 PM    View the profile of D-13 
OOC: I modified this one to be very much different from the norm. However, I think its not as good as the last one. Enjoy.

Imperial, NR, CSA Weapons Systems
Heavy Weapons Specialist Course

    "All right! Get up you maggots, it's time to go to work!" Otto shouted. "Double-time! Let's move!"
    Every Raider practically jumped out of bed at the sudden call to duty. Snipes, in particular, bumped his head on the ceiling, though not hard. Within minutes, the troopers were ready for the morning inspection and duty roster. This was just another routine day in the Raiders, or so it seemed.
    One by one, each man received his duties, and each left the barracks in an orderly manner. First Angel stepped up, then Snipes, then Knight, and then D-13 was called out of the pack. Otto wisely kept a straight face while doling out the daily duties.
    D-13 received his datapad and, to his dismay, saw it replete with patrol orders. Evidently, the top brass thought it prudent to use his training session as a personal mission to dig up information fromthe streets. A spy mission! he thought, this is gonna be interesting.
    It was an unusually calm day, nothing particularly interesting the trooper as he walked along the sturdy street to the operations room. Calm, in this case, meant that there were neither gunshots nor artillery roars at the current location. Thoughts flitted here and there in his mind, ever eluding his mental grasp. He passed a group of off-duty stormtroopers, who raised their whiskey glasses in greeting. With a return nod, D-13 continued on, leaving the troopers to discuss kills, weapons, or whatever the hell regular stormtroopers talked about when not on duty; he had better things to do.
    Crowded, D-13 thought. All around the area, civilians of all races piled into a narrow pathway. Eh, what the hell. With a quick-paced stride, he moved towards the gathering group. As the situation turned out, two Rodians and an Ithorian were arguing over something unintelligible. There they stood in their blue jumpsuits, hands slowly floating towards their holstered blasters. That was far enough...
    "Get out. Out of my way. Move it, scum!" exclaimed D-13 as he elbowed and shouldered his way through the crowd. A single blaster shot into the air finished the rest of the job. Every scum bag hightailed it out of there in a hurry. The three criminals glared at the newly arrived trooper, obviously miffed that he was butting into their business. They drew their blasters.
    Too slow, you morons. D-13 dropped to a knee and drew his dual DL-44s. The soldier fired off three shots just as they pointed their muzzles at him. One Rodian flung himself to the ground in surrender. The others fell down too, but they were dead. Rubbing his nose in an attempt to repel the smell of burnt flesh, D-13 heaved the lone survivor up by his ear.
    "You will tell me what that was all about."
    The Rodian stared blankly at his cyan eyes and knew what fate awaited him should he refuse. Miserably, the alien held up a small box with what looked like schematics inside.
    Yes, they were schematics, the senior sergeant saw. They looked like plans for a prototype turret that the Empire was planning to test out in the next 5 years. How did they get past the security? No matter. D-13 hauled the alien all the way to the Imperial center and let him be carried off by the proper security personnel.
    An Imperial officer showed up as the trooper waited in the white-walled lobby. After an exchange of salutes, the officer showed D-13 to the briefing room.
    "Sorry for the delay, I had to break up a fight in the street." Said D-13 as he walked into the secured room. "And I found this." He handed the schematics over to the commanding officer.
    A pause. "Where did you get this?!" He demanded.
    Obviously, the officer was suspicious of the soldier, so D-13 sat him down and spelled out the entire story.
    "I should have known. Damn those rebel scum! D-13, I have a job for you, something to replace your training session. Consider this a CRT(Combat Readiness Training/Exercise) exercise. I want you to infiltrate New Republic and CSA sectors and bring me back any and all weapons systems schematics. Download them into this." He handed D-13 a datapad. "For your training." He added, as he plugged a small chip into the pad, filling the screen with all Imperial Weapons Systems.
    The trooper raised the obvious objection. "Couldn't the Scout Troopers do this? I'm a heavy weapons specialist, not a Storm Commando."
    "Exactly, you are there not only to download plans, but to sabotage enemy equipment by turning it against them. We will send a substitute squad with you to assist you on your mission. Your Raiders won't be helping you, since they're on exercises of their own." replied the Imperial commander. "Your transport leaves in 1500 hours. Good luck Sergeant."
                                                    *    *    *
    They don't seem so bad, thought D-13 as he looked over his new comrades, although I do prefer the Raiders; they're better in every way. Each one marched up into the waiting shuttle without saying so much as a word. He jogged up after them.
    The datapad screen displayed words that filled the screen faster than lying. D-13 scrolled to the page where the weapons were. Pictures of turrets, handheld rocket systems and the like flash-pumped themselves into the trooper's brain.
                                                 *    *    *
    Quietly, the small shuttle touched down on a small landing square not too far from the CSA R&D building. That was the hubbub of weapons research and was soon to be a prime target on the Imperial's list should they defy them. Small shadowed figures rushed the building in the dead of night. And what a wise choice! Security seemed minimal, even by paramilitary standards.
    "What a fine night for guard duty, wouldn't you say so Ero'ou?" commented a guard, brainless as he was.
    "Yeah, it's so calm, no Imperials or Rebels would want to attack us." Said another guard.
    Not quite. D-13 made a fist to the other soldiers, who stacked up behind him. He pulled out his throwing knives, taken especially for this purpose. He'd need to be fast, since there might be more. The sergeant took aim and hurled the knives at the guards. Two shadows dropped down into the ground and the stormtroopers dashed toward the doors.
    Carefully dragging the bodies away so that no blood trails were visible, the squad pointed their weapons at the door. A stormtrooper toyed with the controls and the massive blast door began slid open.
    After a tense moment, of which itchy trigger fingers was the norm, the troopers made their way inside through the dark corridors. The turrets seemed to be off, which was a lucky stroke of fortune. Voices were heard in the room at the very end of the hallway.
    "No Wiad, these schematics should be destroyed immediately. I tell you, the new ESPOs are way too dangerous." Said a scientist.
    "Yes, you're right, it is dangerous. Almost as dangerous as this." Then a gunshot was heard and something fell.
    The door creaked open, a shadow emerged from the now-pitch-black room. It seemed rather pleased with itself since it let out a small chuckle. The madman opened the lights and nearly dropped the schematics upon seeing 10 rifles trained on him. D-13 stepped forward.
    "Hello professor. I see that you are busy. Give us those plans and we'll trouble you no further."
    Before the man could grab his pistol, D-13 knocked him out with the butt of his E-11. Black gloved hands lifted the parcels and opened them to confirm their contents. The sergeant nodded to one of the training stormtroopers, who planted the man's own gun on his inert form.
    "Let's get out of here." Said D-13 disgustedly.
                                                  *      *      *
     Sounds of large papers dominated the room, as the Imperial commander leafed through the various schematics showing turrets, missile systems, emplacement weapons, and a heavy weapons squad layout. Agonizing minutes of silence soon followed.
    "I must get this to the general. Sergeant, you are hereby dismissed from the rest of the assignment. The Republic has boosted their defenses in reaction to these "pirate attacks" of yours. It's too dangerous for any squad to go against them now, not even your 'Crazy Raiders'."
    Well well well, looks like I don't have to kill any more rebel scum after all. Good. Dee snapped a salute and left the commander to discuss the plans with his aides. He went to the simulator to cool off and to practice sabotaging equipment. Sure beats sabotaging real equipment and risking getting killed, he didn't have to add. Overall, a successful day, though Otto would yell at him for not reporting in enough.



I love this symbol>
"Being unconquerable lies with yourself; being conquerable lies with the enemy."-Sun Tzu

[This message has been edited by Cyanus (edited February 12, 2004 9:14:56 PM)]
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  RE: Raiders' Squad specialty Stories
February 14, 2004 10:16:36 AM    View the profile of D-13 
OOC: This is the REAL start of my weapons training series. Don't forget: keep posting your stories.

Squad Support Weapons: Light
E-11 H/M

Heavy Weapons Specialist Training

    Snow's starting to fall, D-13 saw as he navigated through the chilly terrain, all the better to test my weapons' weather resistance. It'd been at freezing temperatures over the past few days at the trooper's location, so he thought it prudent to wear snowtrooper armor. That decision apparently paid off as the sky unleashed a snowstorm on the location. What's weird is, he thought, the snow is only falling in my location. Perhaps it was a sign of things to come?
    The snowtrooper paced himself, listening for any signs of activity, but heard only the crunches of his snow boots. He couldn't go on forever, since the snow started to pile up rapidly.
In the cold gloom, a huge black shadow loomed in the distance. Staring through polarized goggles, D-13 could see that it was the firing range. So he continued to trudge along, hoping to avoid any unnecessary encounters along the way. No problem, since there's nobody out here in this icy mist.
    Wrapping his cloak about him further, an on-duty imperial officer saw a dark figure moving about in the snow and signaled to the stormtroopers. The troopers, obviously eager for some action, confronted the shadow.
    "Halt! Identify yourself, stranger!" shouted one trooper, his filtered voice nearly lost in the howling winds.
    But D-13 didn't listen, and moved ever closer to the imposing complex. By this time, the visibility went down to about 3 meters, so he couldn't see the troopers either. One of the imperials raised his weapon, only to lower it as he saw a snowtrooper emerge from the thick, icy soup. The officer glanced at the insignia on D-13's shoulder and waved him through.
    As usual, computers and lights blinked and flashed almost as if they greeted anyone passing by. Freaky, D-13 thought. Droids shuffled here and there, trying to fulfill their tasks lest their masters return and deactivate them. One of the protocols bumped into the trooper as he was brushing off the accumulated snow onto the clean floor.
    "Oh, my apologies, sir. What can I do for you?" it inquired in its mechanical-type voice.
    "I need to see the rangemaster." came the unemotional reply.
    "Very well, sir, I shall fetch him for you." said the droid as it left the general area.
    D-13 stood at attention while the station buzzed with activity around him. A glance from the edge of his goggles showed a small display screen showing the trainees arriving today. The trooper scanned the list until he came down to his name and mission objectives: SSGT D-13, E-11 H/M, marksmanship training. Yep, he thought, that's what Otto told me this morning as he kicked me out of bed. He got a little chuckle out of that just as the rangemaster appeared. They exchanged salutes.
    "Senior sergeant D-13?"
    "Yes, sir, that would be me." replied the trooper.
    "I'm overseeing your progress, and will send your squad leader the results."
    D-13 merely nodded and saluted.
    The rangemaster motioned for the snowtrooper to follow him, not minding the little puddles of water collecting on the shiny floor where the snowboots touched them. Just as they left, the local sanitation droid showed up, toiling away to keep the water off the ground, lest it be vaporized for letting an officer trip.
    Wait a minute, you're telling me that we have to work in the open? D-13 thought as they stepped outside into the snow to the outdoors shooting range. As usual, the air threatened to go below zero degrees Celcius. Surprisingly, the rangemaster thought nothing of the temperature. All he did was pick up a blaster rifle and hand it to the trooper.
    "This is a BlasTech E-11/H, by which the H stands for 'heavy.' This little gun here can penetrate some, but not all vehicular armor and take it out of commission. Therefore, this should be your primary standard-issue antivehicle blaster." said the rangemaster as he picked up another rifle and showed it to the snowtrooper. "This is another type of BlasTech, the E-11/M. The rifle is specifically designed for marksman purposes, making it a prime choice for short to medium distance sniping." He concluded his impromptu lecture by handing the E-11/M to the trooper.
    D-13 took both weapons and carefully hefted them in his arm. Not exactly lightweight, but similar to the regulation E-11. He didn't have long before the rangemaster snapped his fingers to turn on the popping targets.
    "Choose your weapon wisely; because if you fail in the real world, you're dead." The rangemaster sneered.
    Taking one last notice at the weapons, the trooper decided to forego the E-11/H in favor of the sharpshooter model. He slid out the stock and went through the motions of extending the stock for use. With a satisfactory click, he was ready.
    Snap went the officer's fingers and the entire range came to life. From perceivably out of nowhere, small man-sized figures rose from the ranged slits. Up went the trooper's rifle and down went a target, a visible black hole smoking in the "head." D-13 had gotten his first kill of the day.
    However, the rangemaster thought it too easy to just line them up and watch the snowtrooper go at it. He nodded to something in the distance and the metal targets started shuffling periodically from time to time.
    I hate you already, thought D-13, referring to the rangemaster. With the moving figures, the flurry of snow obstructing his vision, and the cold slightly affecting the blaster's performance, this was hell.
    The snowtrooper squinted through his polarized goggles to get on target using the measly metal sights. Flakes of snow caught onto the lens, obstructing the senior sergeant's vision and causing his shot to go wide.
    "Gah!" He shouted.
    Smiling sadistically as he watched the trooper's attempt after attempt to focus, the rangemaster nodded to the apparent controllers again.
    I'm not going to give up and lose, not to this bastard, D-13 determined. He threw a bit of his cloak over the rifle, aiming from underneath its cover. The rangemaster, naturally, raised his eyebrows at this odd gesture. The rest was now just leading shots.
    One of the metal targets moved back and forth, seemingly unable to decide its course of action. Well, it doesn't need to decide anymore, D-13 grinned as the target dropped from sight with a clang. There goes another. And another. And yet another.  Finally, the last target fell from sight, a black scar forever marking its fate. With that, the soldier lowered his weapon.
    The rangemaster appeared calm, but inside, he was boiling mad. He reached over and threw the E-11/H at D-13.
    "You aren't finished yet." He cackled.
     From behind a ridge, several small tanks rolled onto the range. Clever, D-13 thought, as the vehicles wheeled to face D-13. They were smart, since tanks sometimes put their heaviest armor in the front for frontal engagements. What's worse, they appeared to be readying their guns to shoot at the trooper. D-13 cocked his rifle in response.
    The automated tanks made the first move by sending a small volley over the range markers to the trooper. D-13 motioned to the rangemaster, only to find no rangemaster there.
    "Damn it." he hissed under his breath. "He slipped away."
    The fiery bolts made their way across the snowy sky, melting any nearby snow particles. Several actually fizzled out in midair. D-13 strafed left, crouching slightly to avoid any shots going for his head. One hit the ground close to where he strafed from and kicked up several chunks of snow. All that marked the impact was a hole and a small puddle of heated water. The rangemaster came on over the comm unit.
    "This is your final test. Finish this and I'll pass you. Fail, and you die."
    D-13 sprinted over to the left side of the tank formation, trying to find a weak spot. The enemy turrets rotated to compensate. One shot punched a hole in his cloak.
    That was too close. The soldier dove into the snow, his body making a small pit with its weight. Snow flew into the air and showered him with hot water. D-13 pointed his rifle over the ridge and fired his first burst of the engagement.
    Hit! The bolts all charged toward their tank, no, their victim. They impacted straight onto the sides, starting a chain reaction. Sparks and lines of electricity ran around the tan vehicle, engulfing it in a blinding light. One electric line reached the main reactor. And then the whole tank blew to pieces of superheated metal.
    Upon hearing the explosion and seeing flak bursts upon the other tanks, the trooper rose from his pit like a vengeful spirit from the grave and charge the tanks in wrath.
    Dodging and weaving became the order of the day, as D-13 sidestepped to the left to avoid another blast. Automated or not, these things must die. He jumped on top of a turret and pointed his blaster straight down the barrel just as the tank was charging another shot. The E-11/H's barrel flashed and the turret caught fire. D-13 jumped off and hit the ground just before the turret exploded, leaving an empty, burning, and deactivated body behind it.
    Using the most of his time, the snowtrooper took cover just underneath the barrel of another tank. He saw the other tank rotating its barrel to face him. It fired, and D-13 ran away. As a consequence, the tank that he was hiding behind burst into subatomic particles. Dee took aim and fired in vengeance. He managed to punch through the turret's armor into its reactor.
    At first, the final tank stopped rotating its turrets and started to vibrate. Its turret went wild and starting spinning its barrel at an unusually quick rate. The snowtrooper's audio detectors picked up a steadily rising wind-up type noise. Then the entire thing reached a very high pitch and D-13 had to cover his ears. The vehicle then flashed three times on its barrel and erupted into a gigantic fireworks display.
    D-13 opened his eyes to discover the rangemaster standing over him, holding a piece of paper with the words, "PASSED" stamped on them. The trooper smiled as he saluted the officer and left for the barracks. Along the way, the sky started to clear up and the sun shined down upon the Imperial world of Tadath.

I love this symbol>
"Being unconquerable lies with yourself; being conquerable lies with the enemy."-Sun Tzu

[This message has been edited by Cyanus (edited February 15, 2004 9:45:54 AM)]
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  RE: Raiders' Squad specialty Stories
February 15, 2004 12:40:10 AM    View the profile of D-13 
Squad Support Weapons: Light
BlasTech A280 Armor-Piercing Rifle

Heavy Weapons Course

    He was a dark jedi. Bringing his lightsaber up into an offensive stance, he struck his blade against a shadow knight of the jedi order. The initial parry knocked D-13's hand away for a bit, the searing pain of a hard jerk running through his right arm. Again, they struck. This time, their blades sparked furiously while they struggled to overcome each other. D-13 pushed with all his might the aqua energy blade against the other's green saber. Finally, gathering enough of the power of the dark side to his aid, the soldier knocked the latter's lightsaber away and sent his glowing blade through the traitor's chest in an instant. The old man opened his mouth in surprise, his bloodshot eyes wide open in shock. It was a terrific sight to behold: the spirit dropping to the ground, trembling before death's door again and then fading away.
    At least, it was satisfying, before a hard jolt sent the trooper off his bunk and onto the floor. Otto Vox, squad leader of the Raiders, grabbed hold of the sergeant's ear and yelled into it as loud as he could.
    "Get up, Dee! I don't care how sweet your dreams were, we've got work to do!"
     That shook him up quite a bit, the squad leader thought. No matter, he went on to the next unsuspecting Raider and kicked him out of bed too.
    Soon enough, all of the Raiders were up and in line, each one holding a painful red ear. Otto issued the day's orders to everyone. The troopers later filed out in full body armor to their individual assignments.
    D-13 strolled by a window and took a little peek outside. Huh, he thought, it already stopped snowing, and it's only been one day. This is some pretty odd weather. So the trooper continued, watching the traffic of the Imperial building carefully. The trooper nodded, likening the entire organization to a living being. He was a white blood cell, coming from the heart of the Vast Empire Army and traveling through the arteries, ever preparing to repulse the parasite known as the New Republic. Well, that's why I signed up for this job, isn't it?
    The senior sergeant looked down at his datapad and scrolled down to his training objectives. The A280, he thought, I've got one of those, now I have to get certified for them. Good thing too, I've never fired one of these things before. He chuckled at that and kept on walking at his brisk pace.
    So, they cleared the snow off the training center too. Good. D-13 hated the flurry of snow that had fallen yesterday. Those monstrous little ice flakes did their best to affect his markmanship and nearly succeeded. Fortunately, with a stroke of common sense, the trooper did well on that particular session.
    I wonder if that sadistic rangemaster teaches here too. The sergeant managed a small shudder as he listened to the metallic clatter of his boots on tiles. A protocol noticed his arrival and walked up to the senior sergeant.
    "Welcome to the Vast Empire Army training center, sir, what can I do for you?" the droid asked.
    D-13 identified his rank and purpose and then waved the droid away. Good riddance, he thought. Sitting down and trying to relax as best he could, the soldier stared at the passing imperials. They gave him a quick salute and he returned it, at the same speed. Once again, the trooper looked at the nearby trainee list, always trying to confirm his presence here.
    Boots clattered on the floor nearby, coming closer to his location. Military boots, if my hearing hasn't failed me, the young man thought.
    The officer stared at the stormtrooper in front of him. He was relatively young for an officer, but his face was twisted to that of a grizzled veteran. This stormtrooper, by the looks of him, probably is the same way. Captain Tur'an spoke first.
    "Are you senior sergeant D-13?" he asked, and received a silent nod.
    "Very well, the rangemaster you were scheduled with is on leave, so I'll take over his duties."
    Internally, D-13 was delighted. That sadistic old man nearly got me killed, and he slipped away at the last moment, he reminisced. Receiving the signal of the officer, they stepped outside to the outdoor range.
    "It's quiet." D-13 mumbled quietly, though not quiet enough for the officer to not hear.
    "Yes, that winter storm yesterday probably cleared all the wildlife out of this place." came the response. "No matter, we continue on schedule."
    At first, the officer lifted a rifle out of a nearby case. He presented it to D-13. Yes, he thought, it's same as my own A280. Captain Tur'an let the trooper handle the rifle for a while, assuming that all trainees had to get used to the weight and balance of the weapon.
    "This weapon, which you know as the BlasTech A280, is one of the mainstay blasters of the heavy weapon specialists. For good reason too, as this gun reliably punches through most light vehicular armor like paper. You would be wise to use it in the battlefield."
    To demonstrate his claims, the captain lifted his own A280 and fired a few shots at a thick armor plate not too far away. The two imperials examined the burnt metal. Sure enough, there were quite a few burns and holes in the plate, probably would've been lethal to the crews. Tur'an turned to D-13.
    "You know the usual drill, we do range and then a live-fire exercise will round out this session. Are you ready?"
    "Yes, captain." D-13 replied.
    The sergeant didn't help but notice that the instructor's tone was now different. It was almost as if he was planning something malicious, and put up a gentle facade to lull his victim to trust him; the usual mark of a master murderer.
    Well, D-13 thought, we'll see about that. He shouldered the rifle and pointed it in the usual direction of the targets.
    One of the metal targets did show up and D-13 burned its head off, even though the target was encased in armor plating. Suddenly, to the trooper's right, many armored target drones came up, blasters at the ready.
    The instructor grinned menacingly. "You see, senior sergeant, I've decided to integrate your range and your live-fire exercise into one objective: survival." Then he leaped behind a small wall, leaving only D-13 out in the open.
    One laser bolt glanced off the trooper's helmet, leaving a black streak. All round him, blaster shots filled the air with pulsating calls of the Reaper. D-13 struggled to steady his heavy weapon and fired off one shot which destroyed a drone's leg. The robotic enemy fell to its right and hit the ground sparking.
    The stormtrooper checked his ammunition counter: 98 shots left. More than enough to take out these scumbags, he didn't have to add. According to the holographic monitor inside his helmet, there were only about thirty drones.
    Thanks to the holographic targeting mechanism on the rifle, the trooper found it less than difficult to acquire his targets. What really threw his aim off was the constant dodging that he and the drones had to do to avoid fire. 
    There! the sergeant thought. A small ridge just by the battle line was the perfect place for pot shots. He sprinted to cover, taking a route which let him grab some spare blaster packs along the way. The trooper set himself on his back, his rifle slung across his chest.
    A quick peek showed that the drones were turning their lines toward his direction and were getting ready to open fire. He'd have to move fast. So, he lifted his rifle and leaped up from cover, gun blazing. Some would call this bravery, others stupidity, but it worked. The sudden aggressiveness surprised the drones, or what they would call surprise. Six fell to the onslaught of D-13's rapid trigger-work. 
    The others got lucky. They took cover while Tur'an peeked his head over the protective wall.
    "You did well, soldier, but I don't think that you will make it out of this course! I don't give high grades for free!" he shouted, pointing to a massive tank rumbling across the battle lines.
    Still, there was the problem of the remaining drones providing suppressive fire while the massive vehicle counted down to D-13's doom.
    D-13 fired a few bolts at the tank, testing its resistance. None of them got through the tough hull. His fingers ached from the rapid-triggering earlier. This ends now, he thought. Angry thoughts already boosted his heart rate. Adrenaline flooded down the trooper's arteries, filling him with a new strength, if only temporarily. The soldier within took control and rushed the stormtrooper over the ridge into the coming storm.
    Anger now guided his actions. In his fury, the trooper struck down nearly every droid in cold blood. No, he thought, this isn't anger, it's something else. Something darker, but what? Hatred? Dedication? Lost in his thoughts, D-13 didn't notice the shot hitting his stomach: a direct hit. The trooper fell back, but snarled and pointed his A280 at the target. The drone fell from three straight shots to the head region. Pain did not matter now.
    The officer watched D-13 destroy the drones with intense fascination. Something was driving him to this madness. He noted it down in his report.
    Meanwhile, D-13 stared down the barrel of the massive tank, his red-hot rifle still in his abused hands. Groans of gears grinding against each other dominated the landscape, and so the tank took its first shot of the day.
    The stormtrooper barely flinched as dirt showered him and the landscape after the mighty blast. His cyan eyes glared straight at the vehicle. If I can't destroy it outright, I have to disable it somehow.
    The tank tracks seemed to be an excellent target. This vehicle was so old, it probably didn't have a repulsorlift unit anyway. D-13 charged the tank, shooting at its rusty tracks. They broke apart like swords on strings. He then moved toward the cockpit, where the droid pilot put its hands up in surrender. Say good night, sucker. The A280's barrel flashed for the last time, melting with these final death shots and taking the droids inside the tank with it.
    D-13 threw away the now-ruined A280. The instructor came up to him and congratulated the sergeant on a job well done.
    "You might want to have that wound looked at, trooper. It is looking pretty bad, from my viewpoint." he said, handing over the slip of paper.
    D-13 managed to salute the officer and the arriving medics before collapsing from his returning pain. How had I managed to go on? he thought. Just as the trooper fell unconscious, his mind scrounged up the old motto: No matter what may lay around the bend, a true Raider will always remain faithful to the end.
    "To the end." D-13 grinned.

I love this symbol>
"Being unconquerable lies with yourself; being conquerable lies with the enemy."-Sun Tzu

[This message has been edited by Cyanus (edited July 7, 2004 4:56:06 AM)]
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  RE: Raiders' Squad specialty Stories
February 18, 2004 8:02:43 PM    View the profile of FlyingKnight 
[OCC: I had this story in the works I just wanted to get it in before the mission got to full force and before I forgot. /OCC]

Computer Operation
Comm. Tech Training

FlyingKnight was sitting in his bunk surfing around on his field laptop. Suddenly a window popped up giving him a message that he would be furthering his Knowledge in computer operation. The message told him that he was to stay logged on at his current location. He grinned as he read that he was going to learn laying in his bunk through his computer. The message also told him to connect his image caster to his laptop to have a comm. link to his instructor.

A small head popped up on the image caster and in a directing voice the instructor said, "Good morning I will be your instructor for today. This is a new system to help the comm techs get furthered in computer operation with hands on experience. I think this will help the techs some but I also think that it is another way to help the techs not get out of bed and move around." the face smiled.

Flying smiled back and opened a program that was sent to him by his instructor. Another welcome message popped up and he logged into the training program. The program started to go through basic computer operation like the main systems and typing routines.

The small head on the caster smirked as he saw the results of Flying's typing speed that was 256 words per minute. "Yeah I have learned to type fast from early exposure to computers." Flying said.

"Computers are really complex if you don't know how to use them. But most comm techs are usually used to computers from the beginning because no one would really know why they chose to do that unless they just wanted to learn. Sometimes the instructors get a few that show up for the first class and don't know anything." the instructor explained.

"There are some also other techniques that I could teach you that aren't in normal Imperial teaching procedures. Usually I teach these techniques to advanced slicers but I can teach them to you because you type fast enough. They are useful when you need to penetrate an advanced programs that have timing orgarithyms. You can start by opening up another program that you can add to the hacking programs that you have on your PC." the instructor directed.

Flying opened the program and his eyes widened. He thought to himself that he has never seen a program that advanced before. "This looks like a good cracking program if you know how to use it. This might take me a while but I really like it." Flying smiled.

"Yes it is a very big program but it has helped me a few times on missions as a slicer. I works great at rewriting any other program to make it accept controls from you the operator. It takes the passwords and searches for traces to find the backdoor to the program that usually every programmer installs into the program. It can also act like a portable droid by turning the program over to your system. The only drawback is that it isn't very stealthy because of its rewriting procedures." the instructor explained.

The intructor and student went on and on for hours because they had a lot in common. It wasn't really a good idea because he would have to get up early because of Otto's orders. The instructor passed Flying and gave him his email so they would keep in contact to trade secrets sometime. Flying logged off and stuffed his laptop under his bunk and fell back. He thought to himself about all the new things that he learned and how he kind of got a new online tech friend. Then after that he fell to a comfortable nights sleep.

Private First Class
Frank "FlyingKnight" Carter
Raiders Squad
"In war there is no prize for runner-up." -- Omar N. Bradley
[This message has been edited by Virius (edited February 18, 2004 8:54:23 PM)]
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  RE: Raiders' Squad specialty Stories
March 9, 2004 8:39:57 PM    View the profile of FlyingKnight 
OOC: Here is another one right after the other anyway it is longer than my other stories but it was getting late near the end so hope its good. /OOC

Basic Electronics
Comm. Tech. Training

Flying was out for his morning jog when his communicator started to beep. He took it off his belt and answered.
"Report to the training facility immediatly after you are done with your morning exercises," Otto said.
He thought to himself, Man I can still taste the ham and cheese omlet MRE that he threw up in the last mission. He ran a little faster to get back to the barracks to take a shower. After he got back to the barracks he went into the Raiders locker room and took a shower and went over to his quarters. He opened the door and when he looked in the darkened room he saw a red glowing receptor followed by a few beeps and whistles. Flying flipped on the switch and he saw a brand new green colored R2 unit sitting in the middle of his quarters. He walked up to it and tapped it on the head and said, "Whats your name?" Then the R2 beeped and a hologram popped up on his imagecaster that was sitting on his desk. "Hey son thought I would buy you a droid for completing your first mission, hope you like him his name is R2-Z7 he is very good at making computer spikes and other hacking programs. I made it specially for you, he can also help you with your gunsmithing. Well I have to go hope to email you later Bye." Flying thought to himself, He shouldn't have but I will thank him later I need to get to the training facility. He got up and put on his Tech uniform and loaded up his gear and headed for his destination. It took him a good ten minutes to get to the facility and he walked inside to the main desk.
"I am here for a lesson on Basic Electronics," Flying stated.
"Yes you will have to go right through there," The receptionist pointed to an area near the end of a hall where obviously the training area was. He walked that way and looked at his datapad for the room number it was labled Electronics Workshop room number 243. He walked to it opened the door and walked through. He looked around and saw a few other technicians, also there was an instructor standing near a work table waiting for him.
"Hello FlyingKnight I am here to teach you about Basic Electronics but what from I was told you know most electronics pretty well."
"Well I am here to show you what I know and I am ready to learn some new things that I might not know." Flying said happily.
"Lets get you started on an basic level to see what you can do."
The instructor stepped behind a console next to the work table and typed in a command. Then an electronic panel was pushed out by a mechanical arm and another with wires and and with an electric current going through it. Flying pulled out his vibro cutter, extra wires and his datapad.
"Your first objective is to connect the two panels and complete the circuit," he said.
He started out by cutting his wires and using his modified vibro cutter to sodder the wires to the other panel, he finished up the soddering and activated it with his datapad and he was done with the first exercise.
"Your next exercise will have a first panel with an electronic lock to get to the next panel to plug your datapad into to complete the circuit and finish up the exercise."
Another mechanical arm cleared the table and set out another two panels, one with a lock and the other with a compartment that was controlled by the lock. He started by working on the lock and cutting all the wires except for the power supply, then rewiring it so that the lock would think that it has been already given the cobination so that it would need to open.  He soddered the last wire and plugged his datapad into the port and finished the exercise. This continued for the rest of the day and he got good grades for most of the exercises that he completed. He gave a good bye salute and walked back to his barracks to check out his new droid. It took longer to walk back to his barracks because he was tired from the days training. He entered the Raiders barracks and walked towards his quarters slowly. He walked into his room and greeted his new droid and had his droid transmitt his conversations to his datapad until Flying was able to learn his R2s language. He told R2-Z7 that he was going to get to know him better and that he was going to install a power cord outlet so he could charge up when he needed to with his appendages. R2-Z7 powered down and Flying put away his uniform and got into his bed for a restful nights sleep.
Lance Corporal
Frank "FlyingKnight" Carter
Raider Squad

"In war there is no prize for runner-up." -- Omar N. Bradley
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