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  Security Credentials - *ACTION REQUIRED*
May 27, 2018 5:57:30 AM    View the profile of Kadann 
I recommend everyone update your account passwords as soon as you can.  With the latest server move, which happened in late 2017, we are now running SSL secure pages for every single site.  So updating your password to something more secure will just ensure your account will remain secure.

Enjoy!  And happy rebel hunting! 
Supreme Moff Kadann, Dark Lord
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  RE: Security Credentials - *ACTION REQUIRED*
November 20, 2018 3:05:27 PM    View the profile of Mongrel 
Bitch! I eat people.
-Alucard (abridged)
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  RE: Security Credentials - *ACTION REQUIRED*
May 24, 2019 5:54:15 AM    View the profile of Trick 
How would one change one's password?  It's been a few years since I logged in, and everything's a little fuzzy.
Naval High Command
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  RE: Security Credentials - *ACTION REQUIRED*
May 24, 2019 9:52:20 AM    View the profile of Mox 
First Galactic Bank has password change functionality for the Imperial Network.
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If you're thinking of putting me in a leadership position, for the sake of the entity I would be leading, reconsider.
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  RE: Security Credentials - *ACTION REQUIRED*
May 24, 2019 10:47:09 PM    View the profile of Trick 
Thank you!

I have a lot of Monopoly money.  Wow.
Naval High Command
CNW/Rear Admiral Trick/NHC/VEN/VE

Second Vast Imperial Fleet
SCAP/RADM Zev "Trick" Tikarian/Interdictor-class Star Destroyer Subjugator/TF:A/2Flt/FC/VEN/VE



SM/DWR Trikarian/Dark Jedi/Shades/Raven L-04/DJO/VE [EoP]
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  RE: Security Credentials - *ACTION REQUIRED*
August 7, 2019 7:59:29 PM    View the profile of StOrMz 
I knew I was forgetting to fine someone!

/me scurries off to FGB.
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NCC|Vice Admiral StOrMz|NHC|VEN|VE

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  RE: Security Credentials - *ACTION REQUIRED*
April 18, 2024 10:00:20 PM    View the profile of TX-47 
Trick wrote:Thank you!

I have a lot of Monopoly money.  Wow.
i had a lot of play money, but i went to the ICS with my ¤Credit$¤ & Delusions of Grandeur, now i'm their 9th best customer!
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