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ComNet > Neutral Messages > The Lounge > Return of the silliest competition ever
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  Return of the silliest competition ever
November 18, 2016 1:01:21 PM    View the profile of Casca 
Yuuuup.  A lot of us may not remember how this works and I can't find any record of it on the cornet so here we go. I'll start a thread on the lounge titled Reply Wars with a one sentance start off.  That's at least a noun, a verb, and an object people. Should be between 7-15 words and continue the story.  YOU CANNOT REPLY TO YOURSELF. We'll be going to 300 posts not including the topic posts and the winners will recieve the following
1st Place : 500,000 ICs
2nd Place : 250,000 ICs
3rd Place : 100,000 ICs
4th - 8th place: 10,000 ICs

Best Reply: 100,000 ICs

And whatever rewards anyone else wants to toss in. So Here we go!
CBO|CPO Casca|VSD Dead Gun|W:1 "Javelin"|TF:R|2Flt|VEN|VE (=*A*=)(=*SA*=)[VC:B][SWC][BRC][NS-2]
ComNet n00b
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  RE: Return of the silliest competition ever
December 6, 2016 2:36:06 PM    View the profile of Shadowboxer 
Stormtrooper number 17238 sat at his desk frantically trying to get tickets to Rogue One.javascript:smilie('')
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  RE: Return of the silliest competition ever
December 10, 2016 1:14:06 AM    View the profile of Raigen 
post in the phantom mentos thread for it to count
SCRW Raigen Tei-Yehn/FM 12/Cresh Flight/118th Wildfire Squadron/25th Desolation Wing/VSD-II Dead Gun/2nd Fleet Detached Force Alpha/2nd DEP Naval Warfare/VEN/VE (=*A*=)(=*SA*=)(=*BO*=)[VC:B][SWC][BRC][NS-2]
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