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Topic:  To get back in gear
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  To get back in gear
December 13, 2015 6:03:19 PM    View the profile of Slasher 
Ok, so if we are planning to get back in gear here, we'll need to reform some sort of core of personnel, and figure out who is going to be doing what.
RET/CDR Rorran "Slasher" Gorma/VEN/VE
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  RE: To get back in gear
December 15, 2015 2:30:32 PM    View the profile of Fury 
I like the combined arms unit thing Snipes had brought up. We don't have to keep a huge system and mostly empty roster. We need something we can start off with grow into it if need be.

Mostly, let's archive what we can for reference, and go forward with a relatively clean start.
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  RE: To get back in gear
December 15, 2015 3:01:27 PM    View the profile of Amacuse 
I'm in the process of cleaning up the old squadron pages on the wiki, and getting some stuff organized and set up for Aurora Squadron.  But if anyone needs me to do something on the forum itself, I'm completely game to lend a hand!
Cayden Tavers | Warrant Officer 1st Class | Squadron Commander | Vast Empire Navy

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  RE: To get back in gear
December 15, 2015 5:47:14 PM    View the profile of Havock 
I totally agree with the combining. Especially since it's clear the Army is quite lacking in numbers compared to the Navy atm. And a clean slate is always a good plan.
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  RE: To get back in gear
December 15, 2015 6:01:06 PM    View the profile of Slasher 
Yes Havock, for once in our history I think we are the more numerous arm.
CNT/LtCDR Rorran "Slasher" Gorma/VEN/VE
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  RE: To get back in gear
December 16, 2015 10:05:41 AM    View the profile of Trykon 
Sounds like almost everyone is in agreement about archiving and rebooting, from what I'm reading on the ComNet and the Facebook message thread.

And I'm with everyone here, as far as a smaller, combined-arms unit: I say heck yeah, let's do it!  The reasons we had the conversation years ago are still valid.

But saying that brings me back to Slasher's original point, though: how do we decide what that looks like?  I'm already finding myself starting to tune out the various debates that are popping up everywhere (when should we start the new timeline, should we jettison the old club lore about specific planets, and if so, which ones, etc.), because after the experience with the EE, I'm wary of everyone in a group of more than a dozen having an equal say, when it comes time to make every decision.  Every little thing gets dragged out, and then most people aren't satisfied with the inevitable compromise.

As full of weird stuff as the old VE's history and lore was, at least everyone signing up knew they were committing to it, warts and all.

Am I making sense?  It's early; I check the ComNet over caffeine.
Naval High Command
CNO/Rear Admiral Trykon/NHC/VEN/VE

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  RE: To get back in gear
December 16, 2015 10:33:44 AM    View the profile of Drac 
I feel the same way, Trick. After all the issues that the design-by-committee approach brought to EE and the negative results we got from that, I don't really want to see that here. I'd much rather have two to three folks who are just flat-out In Charge at the highest level who make the big decisions guiding the club. And preferably all of them should have high enough access to update the site as well as govern the forums.

If I were picking the three, I'd go with the obvious: Kadann, Fury, and Stormz.

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  RE: To get back in gear
December 16, 2015 3:31:31 PM    View the profile of Trykon 
I agree about everything you just said, Drac, with a big fat caveat: the two-three people who are in Charge (with a capital C) have to be active/responsive, or else we're right back where we started when the club died and the active folks decided to start the EE to try to keep things going.

Still full of respect for all three people you named, and I've seen all three of them chime in, in the past week.  But we need more than chiming in, from the people in the role you/I are talking about.  I mean, right?  I don't mean to speak for you.  That just seems like a given, considering what the past 5 years of VE (slash, EE) history have looked like.
Naval High Command
CNO/Rear Admiral Trykon/NHC/VEN/VE

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SCAP/RADM Wyl "Trick" Trykon/ISD Adjudicator/TF:A/3Flt/FC/VEN/VE



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  RE: To get back in gear
December 16, 2015 3:43:51 PM    View the profile of Aeos 
Who of the senior personal of the Army is present currently?
Just Havock and Fury by my count that I can see.

/me dumps all the admin and runs away with Snipes

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Sandwich Sam
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  RE: To get back in gear
December 16, 2015 3:50:19 PM    View the profile of Sandwich Sam 
I'm around. Although, I can't say I would be senior.

Is there a chat space outside of the fb one?

- Sam
TRP/1LT Sandwich Sam/Wraith/Wildcard/Phoenix/Dragon/Osiris/VEA/VE

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  RE: To get back in gear
December 16, 2015 3:54:40 PM    View the profile of Maroy 
A lot of us are on Slack! Signup is on this page.
XO/CWO/Maroy/Silver 5/S:46 Jexxel/W:101 Blade/ISD Paragon/TF:A|2FL|SC|VEN|VE (=*A*=) [GCM] [CBV] [IG]x2 [MC2] [MC1] [VC:B] [LoM] [CC: P] [CC: W] [CC: D] [LC] [SoV]
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  RE: To get back in gear
December 16, 2015 3:55:08 PM    View the profile of Trykon 
It's shiny!  Get on!
Naval High Command
CNO/Rear Admiral Trykon/NHC/VEN/VE

Second Vast Imperial Fleet
SCAP/RADM Wyl "Trick" Trykon/ISD Adjudicator/TF:A/3Flt/FC/VEN/VE



SM/DWR Trykon/Dark Jedi/Shades/Raven L-04/DJO/VE [EoP]
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