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Topic:  8 Years this month? :)
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  8 Years this month? :)
May 20, 2013 12:02:10 AM    View the profile of Aeos 
Dropping in seeing what's going on Raziel dropped me a PM on Facebook XD
I see I've even lost DJO access, not surprise there XD

Quick update for some of the older members. Life is going well on this side of the dark planet. I'm in my last year gf graphic design, doing a study of visual communication in constitutional rights, bla bla.

I've always been wanting to come back here and write  and I even have half written pages all over my computer, but honestly...I dunno it's been a struggle to write.

Agh jaa, so how are people doing here?

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  RE: 8 Years this month? :)
May 20, 2013 12:13:09 AM    View the profile of Raziel 
Good to see you around!
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  RE: 8 Years this month? :)
May 20, 2013 2:30:13 PM    View the profile of Bloodhound 
Bah! You!

*furious poking*

Glad everything is good over there. I've been out of the military for a few months now and bumming around on my friends couch writing in a constant attempt to get published. I'll be starting school this fall for, uh, stuff. Don't be a stranger, Hell.

P.S. My roommates won't let me watch anime in the living room, so I don't get to have my anime nights anymore
I would hurl words into this darkness and wait for an echo, and if an echo sounded, no matter how faintly, I would send other words to tell, to march, to fight, to create a sense of hunger for life that gnaws in us all. 
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[This message has been edited by Traveler (edited May 20, 2013 2:32:37 PM)]
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  RE: 8 Years this month? :)
May 20, 2013 7:45:35 PM    View the profile of Havock 

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  RE: 8 Years this month? :)
May 20, 2013 8:16:16 PM    View the profile of Trykon 
Great to hear from you, Ae!

We're still pluggin' along, here.  But of course we miss you

Glad to hear you're doin' well, and almost done with school!  And I'm sorry to hear about the writers block... it'll clear up, eventually, I'm sure.  And when it does, you'll always have a place here, of course! 
CNW/VCOM Wyl "Trick" Trykon/ISD Adjudicator/TF:A/2Flt/FC/VEN/VE


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  RE: 8 Years this month? :)
May 21, 2013 9:51:44 AM    View the profile of Kami 
Havvie and I have been inconsolable since you left. We started drinking vast amounts of alcohol and ranting about seemingly inconsequential things.


But seriously good to see you back on the boards sweetie. You (and your writing) are sorely missed xx
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  RE: 8 Years this month? :)
May 21, 2013 6:09:19 PM    View the profile of Havock 
You told me that was part of the Krath process, a Path of Inscrutableness sounded legit.

Its true though, nothing but drunken debauchery from Havock since she lost track of her sister
Prefect of the Army
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