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RE: VEN: Heart of the Second discussion
June 17, 2013
9:15:01 AM
Woot: New toy. Grent now has a wonderful weapon/s that can be one sword, two swords or a double blade. I have a strong suspicion that I'm going to end up with a 'Deadpool' look. Anyway ...
Yay for close quarters fighting!
Petty Officer 2nd Class Grent "Gurlanin" Notimo, 58th (Strill) Squadron FL | PO2 Gurlanin | Iron 8 | S:58 " Strill" | W:101 "Blade" | ISD II "Adjudicator" | TF: Aurek | 2nd Fleet | SC | VEN | VE (=^TG^=) {GrAt}{AFM}{Infl}{SFT}{Gunn}{Shut}{Slice}{0Gee}
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RE: VEN: Heart of the Second discussion
June 18, 2013
10:21:33 AM
Another post up. Brain grafts aren't pleasant. Going to make an account of the surgery in my cert post.
Next few posts might get a bit confusing regarding placement and such, but I'll try to line all of it up properly.
[This message has been edited by
(edited June 18, 2013
10:21:52 AM)]
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RE: VEN: Heart of the Second discussion
June 18, 2013
3:24:42 PM
Great to see some life, folks. Let's keep it up
Remember, HotSec is designed to be an easy way to keep active: word count minimums are relaxed, and it's pretty free form. Prove we can stay active with such an easy story, by posting this week! If we all can post at least once - and they don't have to be works of art - then we'll have some momentum back, and it'll be enough to justify rolling out Chapter 9! 
CNW /VCOM Wyl "Trick" Trykon/ISD Adjudicator/TF:A /2Flt /FC /VEN /VE [SoA][SoV][BWC][NSM][E][NAR][HNS][DSM][SWC][1NS][VC:B][LoM][VC:S][NC][GWC][VC:G][CoB][CC:4][2NS][LSM][VC:E][MSM][CNQST][IGC][IG](=*AE* =)(=*SAE* =)(=*TG* =)(=*SCFE* =)(=*FOCE* =)SM/DWR Trykon/Dark Jedi/Shades/Raven L-04/DJO/VE [EoP]
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RE: VEN: Heart of the Second discussion
June 18, 2013
3:46:13 PM
No pressure Jexxel. You just need to post... all of you.
I have a skill post started but I have some stuff going on this week so it'll be a couple days. It'll be posted here and on the other board as well. My post doesn't affect anyone in Jexxel though so no waiting on me.
SCO | CPO Avalar | Silver 1 | S:46 Jexxel | W:101 Blade | ISD Adjudicator | TF:A | 2Flt | VEN | VE [SoA] [MC1] [CC: W] [DSM] [CBV] [CC: D] [CNQST]
TRN | INI Zarya | VEDJ | VE
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RE: VEN: Heart of the Second discussion
June 26, 2013
5:12:51 AM
Before Chapter 9 begins I am going to conclude the Droid Hunt subplot! Thanks to all that wrote and participated, even if only using it as a backdrop to your own stories! I have just made my latest HotF post and I have decided to go with Gurlanin finding the pesky peeping machine.
Gur, its up to you how we proceed. If you want to post about your discovery and what your character does next, be my guest. If not, let me know and I shall post again to conclude the story. All depends on if you have anything to add or whether you are focusing on Chapter 9 already!
"It isn't the killing, you know. It's the beauty of battles that I love - the choreography and the challenge of executing everything just right - and the challenge of matching your wits against a capable opponent." - Gilad Pellaeon
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RE: VEN: Heart of the Second discussion
June 26, 2013
7:34:41 AM
Ooo! New post!
I don't think I have enough to write with that would qualify for a good enough post, in my opinion, but if you want a bit of collab, I can do that. Otherwise, I have nothing more to add.
Petty Officer 2nd Class Grent "Gurlanin" Notimo, 58th (Strill) Squadron SXO | PO2 Gurlanin | Iron Eight | S:58 " Strill" | W:101 "Blade" | ISD II "Adjudicator" | TF: Aurek | 2nd Fleet | SC | VEN | VE (=^TG^=) {GrAt}{AFM}{Infl}{SFT}{Gunn}{Shut}{Slice}{0Gee}
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RE: VEN: Heart of the Second discussion
June 28, 2013
9:08:35 PM
I appreciate you letting Trick find out about the episode, Serpent.  I was a little pulled in other directions lately, so I didn't have time to post myself, but it's nice that Trick still gets to look competent, even without a post from me. Hehe.
CNO /COM Wyl "Trick" Trykon/ISD Adjudicator/TF:A /2Flt /FC /VEN /VE [SoA][SoV][BWC][NSM][E][NAR][HNS][DSM][SWC][1NS][VC:B][LoM][VC:S][NC][GWC][VC:G][CoB][CC:4][2NS][LSM][VC:E][MSM][CNQST][IGC][IG](=*AE* =)(=*SAE* =)(=*TG* =)(=*SCFE* =)(=*FOCE* =)SM/DWR Trykon/Dark Jedi/Shades/Raven L-04/DJO/VE [EoP]
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RE: VEN: Heart of the Second discussion
June 30, 2013
5:17:47 PM
I would never embarrass another player, and certainly not on their own ship! It was always my intention to have Serpent 'found out'. Glad you liked it!
"It isn't the killing, you know. It's the beauty of battles that I love - the choreography and the challenge of executing everything just right - and the challenge of matching your wits against a capable opponent." - Gilad Pellaeon
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RE: VEN: Heart of the Second discussion
June 30, 2013
5:44:17 PM
I don't mind a good embarrassment every now and then. I think Trick needs to be taken down a peg quite often, after all his accolades and successes. I just generally want a hand in sculpting those moments of humiliation.
Anyway, the point is you're a classy guy. 
CNO /COM Wyl "Trick" Trykon/ISD Adjudicator/TF:A /2Flt /FC /VEN /VE [SoA][SoV][BWC][NSM][E][NAR][HNS][DSM][SWC][1NS][VC:B][LoM][VC:S][NC][GWC][VC:G][CoB][CC:4][2NS][LSM][VC:E][MSM][CNQST][IGC][IG](=*AE* =)(=*SAE* =)(=*TG* =)(=*SCFE* =)(=*FOCE* =)SM/DWR Trykon/Dark Jedi/Shades/Raven L-04/DJO/VE [EoP]
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RE: VEN: Heart of the Second discussion
June 30, 2013
5:52:25 PM
Thisjust hit me...but Heart of the second story technically is HotSecs....
I now see what you did there, Tryk.
Naval High Command NCC|Vice Admiral StOrMz|NHC|VEN|VE
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[NSM][IG][SWC][SRC][BI][IGC][MoH][MC2] (=A=)(=^SA^=)(=ME=)(=*MAE*=)(=FOCE=)(=*TG*=)(=*ENG*=)(=*BO*=)(=AFM=)(=VM=)(=COM=)  Imperial Baronet of Kashyyyk
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RE: VEN: Heart of the Second discussion
June 30, 2013
5:55:30 PM
Petty Officer 2nd Class Grent "Gurlanin" Notimo, 58th (Strill) Squadron SXO | PO2 Gurlanin | Iron Eight | S:58 " Strill" | W:101 "Blade" | ISD II "Adjudicator" | TF: Aurek | 2nd Fleet | SC | VEN | VE (=^TG^=) {GrAt}{AFM}{Infl}{SFT}{Gunn}{Shut}{Slice}{0Gee}
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RE: VEN: Heart of the Second discussion
June 30, 2013
5:58:05 PM
Lol. I love a good slow-fuse punchline.
Yup, boss. I chose HotF for the first ongoing run-on thread acronym, and then made it even more explicit with HotSec.
I'm a bit of a scamp. 
CNO /COM Wyl "Trick" Trykon/ISD Adjudicator/TF:A /2Flt /FC /VEN /VE [SoA][SoV][BWC][NSM][E][NAR][HNS][DSM][SWC][1NS][VC:B][LoM][VC:S][NC][GWC][VC:G][CoB][CC:4][2NS][LSM][VC:E][MSM][CNQST][IGC][IG](=*AE* =)(=*SAE* =)(=*TG* =)(=*SCFE* =)(=*FOCE* =)SM/DWR Trykon/Dark Jedi/Shades/Raven L-04/DJO/VE [EoP]
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RE: VEN: Heart of the Second discussion
June 30, 2013
8:01:59 PM
I even had a post somewhere in this discussion about HotSec being the name. >.>
And I had a post in story that made fun of the name <.<
Oh well, we all love Stormzie. 
SCO | CPO Avalar | Silver 1 | S:46 Jexxel | W:101 Blade | ISD Adjudicator | TF:A | 2Flt | VEN | VE [SoA] [MC1] [CC: W] [DSM] [CBV] [CC: D] [CNQST]
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RE: VEN: Heart of the Second discussion
October 15, 2013
7:01:11 PM
Okay folks, I just made a post to Heart of the Second! For those who are new, this is our run-on story, for use whenever you want to post but there is no 'official' story going on (such as now) and you don't have any clear ideas for a Skill or Cert. The setting of HotS is the flagship of the Second Fleet, which has now changed! With my becoming CNW and commander of the Second Fleet, I have got a new ship, the ISD Paragon. Pilots, you are now based on the Paragon, and Fleet Command people without a ship of your own will also be transferred to my new vessel. Feel free to use the run-on as a way to tell Character Development stories, either general ones, or maybe talk about how your character feels about moving to a new ship. As ever, any questions just drop me a PM. In the meantime I need to get cracking on the new part of Chapter 9!
Naval High Command CNW|Commander Zail|NHC|VEN|VE SCAP/CDR Pherik “Serpent” Zail / ISD Paragon /TF:Aurek/2Flt/FC/VEN/VE [SoA][LoM][NAR][E][SoV][MiD][MC1][VC:E][CAR][CoB.][NC][CC:3][CNQST][PWC][2NS][LSM][WM0][AOx4][DSM](=*Eng*=)(=*BO*=)(=SWC=)
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RE: VEN: Heart of the Second discussion
October 16, 2013
1:08:09 AM
Thank you for the suggestion to the storyline. That will be helpful to keep us busy until then, as well the ship change will be more improvement towards our character development. Appreciate the heads up 
FM | SCRW Tzism | Silver 2 | S:46 Jexxel | W:101 Blade | ISD Adjudicator | TF:A | 2Flt | VEN | VE [MC2][SoA]
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RE: VEN: Heart of the Second discussion
October 16, 2013
1:39:44 AM
Which means ID line change from Adj to Par yes?
SCO | SCPO Avalar | Silver 1 | S:46 Jexxel | W:101 Blade | ISD Paragon | TF:A | 2Flt | VEN | VE [SoA] [MC1] [CC: W] [DSM] x2 [CBV] [CC: D] [CNQST] [WM0]
TRN | INI Zarya | VEDJ | VE
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RE: VEN: Heart of the Second discussion
October 16, 2013
2:40:16 AM
It does indeed Avie! ISD Paragon in the ID Lines, 2nd Fleet and Taskforce Aurek remain unchanged.
Naval High Command CNW|Commander Zail|NHC|VEN|VE SCAP/CDR Pherik “Serpent” Zail / ISD Paragon /TF:Aurek/2Flt/FC/VEN/VE [SoA][LoM][NAR][E][SoV][MiD][MC1][VC:E][CAR][CoB.][NC][CC:3][CNQST][PWC][2NS][LSM][WM0][AOx4][DSM](=*Eng*=)(=*BO*=)(=SWC=)
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RE: VEN: Heart of the Second discussion
October 16, 2013
4:34:42 AM
Paragon, eh? We'll have to watch her....
Well, time to move everything over from the Adj!
SXO | CPO Gurlanin | Iron Eight | S:58 "Strill" | W:101 "Blade" | ISD II "Paragon" | TF: Aurek | 2nd Fleet | SC | VEN | VE (=^TG^=) {GrAt}{AFM}{Infl}{SFT}{Gunn}{Shut}{Slice}{0Gee}{XenMA}
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RE: VEN: Heart of the Second discussion
October 16, 2013
12:21:49 AM
Wow ... you really know when you're getting into character when you write a post and speech that makes you want to cry.
I'm kinda depressed now .....
SXO | CPO Gurlanin | Iron Eight | S:58 "Strill" | W:101 "Blade" | ISD II "Paragon" | TF: Aurek | 2nd Fleet | SC | VEN | VE (=^TG^=) {GrAt}{AFM}{Infl}{SFT}{Gunn}{Shut}{Slice}{0Gee}{XenMA}
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RE: VEN: Heart of the Second discussion
October 16, 2013
3:31:17 PM
Damn. That was a moving little toast. /me disappears back into Leave.
Naval High CommandCNO /Rear Admiral Trykon /NHC /VEN /VE Second Vast Imperial FleetSCAP /RADM Wyl "Trick" Trykon/ISD Adjudicator/TF:A /3Flt /FC /VEN /VE Decorations[*IG*][*AO*][WM0][HNS][1NS][2NS][LSM][BWC][SWC][GWC][CC:4][CNQST] [NSM][E][NAR][NDM][MSMx2][SoA][CoB.][VC:B][VC:S][VC:G][VC:E][SoV][LoM][DSM][NC][IGC](=*AE* =)(=*SAE* =)(=*TG* =)(=*SCFE* =)(=*FOCE* =) SM/DWR Trykon/Dark Jedi/Shades/Raven L-04/DJO/VE [EoP]
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RE: VEN: Heart of the Second discussion
October 16, 2013
4:32:14 PM
I know! I surprised myself with that.
But Grent is a Mandalorian, and Mandalorians respect certain quality, like loyalty, even in their enemies. Just harder when that enemy was once your friend ....
SXO | CPO Gurlanin | Iron Eight | S:58 "Strill" | W:101 "Blade" | ISD II "Paragon" | TF: Aurek | 2nd Fleet | SC | VEN | VE (=^TG^=) {GrAt}{AFM}{Infl}{SFT}{Gunn}{Shut}{Slice}{0Gee}{XenMA}
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RE: VEN: Heart of the Second discussion
October 16, 2013
5:09:35 PM
Great post Gur! I loved the speech, and also the interplay between you and Joamer!
Anyone else? Remember, HotS is usually kept deliberately vague on timing. Both Gur and I have made use of it to update events immediately after the last story, but that need not be the case at all! If you just want to have your character in some other scenario (that in some way in incompatable with the 'current' time frame) then have at it!
Naval High Command CNW|Commander Zail|NHC|VEN|VE SCAP/CDR Pherik “Serpent” Zail / ISD Paragon /TF:Aurek/2Flt/FC/VEN/VE [SoA][LoM][NAR][E][SoV][MiD][MC1][VC:E][CAR][CoB.][NC][CC:3][CNQST][PWC][2NS][LSM][WM0][AOx4][DSM](=*Eng*=)(=*BO*=)(=SWC=)
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RE: VEN: Heart of the Second discussion
October 16, 2013
6:10:17 PM
Something that might be interesting to do, if people are struggling for ideas, is to write about the change over from the Adj to the Paragon. My next post is, most likely, going to be all about moving stuff from one ship to the next.
SXO | CPO Gurlanin | Iron Eight | S:58 "Strill" | W:101 "Blade" | ISD II "Paragon" | TF: Aurek | 2nd Fleet | SC | VEN | VE (=^TG^=) {GrAt}{AFM}{Infl}{SFT}{Gunn}{Shut}{Slice}{0Gee}{XenMA}
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RE: VEN: Heart of the Second discussion
October 16, 2013
10:17:52 PM
Since this week's game is Homecoming, kickoff is at 3pm which means I'll be home much earlier. Assuming I don't get more projects thrown at me, I'll see if I can at least write something for this >.<
SCO | SCPO Avalar | Silver 1 | S:46 Jexxel | W:101 Blade | ISD Paragon | TF:A | 2Flt | VEN | VE [SoA] [MC1] [CC: W] [DSM] x2 [CBV] [CC: D] [CNQST] [WM0]
TRN | INI Zarya | VEDJ | VE
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RE: VEN: Heart of the Second discussion
October 17, 2013
9:34:20 PM
Have changed my ID Line to reflect the new ship assignment. As well am reading up on the side story before i post and to reflect from the previous mission to help with character development in the upcoming mission.
FM | SCRW Tzism | Silver 2 | S:46 Jexxel | W:101 Blade | ISD Paragon | TF:A | 2Flt | VEN | VE [MC2][SoA]
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RE: VEN: Heart of the Second discussion
October 18, 2013
3:15:54 AM
Sounds great Tzism! Can't wait to see your post!
Naval High Command CNW|Commander Zail|NHC|VEN|VE SCAP/CDR Pherik “Serpent” Zail / ISD Paragon /TF:Aurek/2Flt/FC/VEN/VE [SoA][LoM][NAR][E][SoV][MiD][MC1][VC:E][CAR][CoB.][NC][CC:3][CNQST][PWC][2NS][LSM][WM0][AOx4][DSM](=*Eng*=)(=*BO*=)(=SWC=)
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RE: VEN: Heart of the Second discussion
October 21, 2013
7:36:20 PM
No points for guessing what just got activated.
And before anyone asks: I saved up and bought it legitimately through Imperial Stores. IC, Tinker and Gur spent a lot of time and credits finding all the parts and putting it together.
Next stop: Basilisk War Droid! XD
SCO | CPO Gurlanin | Iron One | S:58 "Strill" | W:101 "Blade" | ISD II "Paragon" | TF: Aurek | 2nd Fleet | SC | VEN | VE (=^TG^=) {GrAt}{AFM}{Infl}{SFT}{Gunn}{Shut}{Slice}{0Gee}{XenMA}
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RE: VEN: Heart of the Second discussion
October 22, 2013
3:04:21 AM
Love the post Gur, and yay, get a Basilisk! They rock!
Naval High Command CNW|Commander Zail|NHC|VEN|VE SCAP/CDR Pherik “Serpent” Zail / ISD Paragon /TF:Aurek/2Flt/FC/VEN/VE [SoA][LoM][NAR][E][SoV][MiD][MC1][VC:E][CAR][CoB.][NC][CC:3][CNQST][PWC][2NS][LSM][WM0][AOx4][DSM](=*Eng*=)(=*BO*=)(=SWC=)
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RE: VEN: Heart of the Second discussion
October 22, 2013
4:59:06 AM
Wait .... I've actually got permission to get a Basilisk?
Best. Day. Ever.
SCO | CPO Gurlanin | Iron One | S:58 "Strill" | W:101 "Blade" | ISD II "Paragon" | TF: Aurek | 2nd Fleet | SC | VEN | VE (=^TG^=) {GrAt}{AFM}{Infl}{SFT}{Gunn}{Shut}{Slice}{0Gee}{XenMA}
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RE: VEN: Heart of the Second discussion
October 22, 2013
5:13:04 AM
No! Wait! That's not what I meant....
/me watches Gurlanin run off celebrating.
Eh, okay then. Go for it. (in a Personal Story of course!)
Naval High Command CNW|Commander Zail|NHC|VEN|VE SCAP/CDR Pherik “Serpent” Zail / ISD Paragon /TF:Aurek/2Flt/FC/VEN/VE [SoA][LoM][NAR][E][SoV][MiD][MC1][VC:E][CAR][CoB.][NC][CC:3][CNQST][PWC][2NS][LSM][WM0][AOx4][DSM](=*Eng*=)(=*BO*=)(=SWC=)